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foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Hallelujah once again let's give the Lord a big ger [Applause] Glory let us declare his kingdom O Lord let your kingdom come let your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven let's give the Lord a big class [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for you I'm longer [Music] stores I'm all here [Music] for me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] Joy everything goes [Music] [Music] always [Music] [Music] [Music] put a hands together foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in your kingdom everything is always [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in your game play [Music] [Music] over on the Earth [Music] 's words [Music] to the dishes oh God in your kingdom what's up [Music] [Music] dates [Music] [Music] it's one thing one day that every time and every tribe declares that he is our Lord he is our Master he is our King come on let's give praise to our God let us declare his power his authority his lordship his kingship Hallelujah we bless your God we glorify you God truly you are awesome you are powerful you are wonderful oh God we bless your name oh God [Music] our hearts our desire s to see the nations of worship our crime [Music] is to sing your praise to the ends of dear that we'd want Mighty voice every time rejoicing our hearts our desire to see the nation's worship [Music] will declare see once again [Music] I believe [Music] that my people rejoices [Music] us our desired please [Music] Heavenly Father your Mercies [Music] we break machine [Music] time is [Music] to see your praise [Music] every time [Music] [Applause] [Music] things are free to praise original time [Music] we should see the patience [Music] every time every time [Music] [Music] father give me praise [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] Barry and his wife Terry stagner grew up and reside in Orange County California and I've been married since 1977. Paris the founding and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Tustin California Barry is also the host of the internationally broadcast weekly program the lineup and is the author of the four books to date Barry and Terry frequently speak at conferences and Retreats addressing the topics on marriage Ministry and prophecy they have two children and four beautiful grandchildren [Music] ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome pastor Barry stagner [Music] Jesus is coming soon that's it Jesus is coming soon [Applause] you know there's a lot of people that say the Book of Revelation is a scary book they don't want to look at the content because it's intimidating but to that I would say why would you ever be afraid of something that's never going to happen to you because the Bible says God has not appointed us to Wrath but to obtain salvation through Jesus Christ Our Lord listen if you're a born-again Believer here tonight you will not see one second of the Great Tribulation you won't see half of it you won't see all of it you won't see any of it because there is going to be the sound of a trumpet the dead in Christ are going to rise first then we who are alive and were made are going to be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with the Lord what's to be afraid of and yet the lord gave Visions to the Apostle John with specific details about what's going to happen during a time where we're not even going to be here and yet here we are awaiting that moment where we put on Immortal incorruptibility in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and I don't know about you but I at times feel like how about today Lord come get us today Lord things are getting weirder every day Lord I'm open to the Rapture today Lord even so come quickly Lord Jesus is anybody here tonight and the truth is so many strange things are going on in our world we ask the question in our minds and in our hearts how much further can mankind turn away from God how many more innocent children can be killed in the womb how much can God's how much more can God's moral standards be belittled and set aside how much more before God responds with the removal of his church and the tribulation that follows I think we've all said especially those of you who may have been on this planet for a while have said it one time or another how can things get any worse and then they do today children before they hit puberty who have no concept of what sex is are given puberty blockers by their own parents to keep them from entering into puberty all because a five-year-old girl or a six-year-old boy said that they were the opposite of the biological sex they were born into listen I'm from the state of California if you know anything about the United States California is a mess our governor is not like your Governor here who's smart enough to say let's get together and talk about the word of God our governor in California is against the word of God he does everything he can to fight against the church and the truth of the matter is he is behind much of what's going on in our great state there's 39 million people just in the state of California it's the largest state in the United States and it's leading the charge and following after the devil's agenda and why is all this happening in our world today it's because the God of this world has sold his agenda to much of the planet and Satan's agenda is anti-god it's Antichrist it's anti-church it's anti-truth and we are moving rapidly toward the end of the church age yet we do not need to be afraid because the Lord's coming to get us food prices hit a 40-year high last year and they broke records every month of the year in the British Parliament they are considering rendering a two-year jail sentence for any person who prays outside of an abortion clinic the fertile Valley of Iraq the cradle of civilization is dying authorities estimate that by the year 2040 the Euphrates River could dry up completely which by the way is recorded in Revelation chapter 16. now most of us have heard it said or set ourselves that you know I wish that last person would be saved so the Lord could come get us but listen the truth is the last person getting saved isn't the cause of the timing of the Rapture because people are going to get saved during the tribulation people are going to get saved during the Millennium as well and listen the Rapture happens in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at a predetermined time by the Lord and Matthew 24 36 Jesus said but at that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only and listen while we do not know when that day and hour of the Rapture is we do know it is a day and an hour it is a specific day that God has already determined and God is not counting heads he's watching the clock and however it's clearly stated in Scripture that we can see the day approaching in both Matthew 21 28 and Hebrews 10 25. so what is it that we can see Jesus answered Peter Andrew James and John when they asked about the signs of his coming and he answered and said to them in Matthew 24 take heed that no one deceives you for many will come into my name saying I am the Christ and we'll deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars is that happening today see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation is that happening today Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines pestilences or plagues and earthquakes in various places and then Jesus said all these are the beginning of Sorrows and that freeze beginning of Sorrows can also be translated as the commencement of birth pangs and that means we are headed somewhere because all of us men who are experts on pregnancy that's a joke know that once labor pains begin in Earnest you can't stop what's coming and the fact is we are in that place where the labor pains are advancing and Jesus said in Matthew 24 later in 37-39 that as the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be and what we can see in a birth pain like progression is the increase in the frequency of an intensity of false claims of an anointing from Christ that's the first sign of the last days the wars and and rumors of wars Rising International and ethnic tensions increasing famine and disease abounding geological and Atmospheric events exponentially increasing and add to these things what Jesus said about the days of Noah that there is a indifference to the signs of God's impending judgment and perilous times have come and there's an unwillingness to endure sound Doctrine as Paul wrote of in second Timothy 3 and 4. we have a rather exhaustive list of things that we can see and verify that the day is is approaching that day that nobody knows the day and the hour of however tonight we're going to focus on not only are there some things that we can see but there's also some things we can hear I think we've all heard the sound of a helicopter and looked up in the sky to see exactly where it was or maybe if you have a car or a motorbike it started making a funny noise and you didn't know what was wrong but you could hear it and we've all said at some point what does that sound when we couldn't tell what it was or where it was coming from and listen if you're here tonight and you cannot see the day approaching I strongly suggest to you that you become born again this very evening and give your life to Jesus Christ so you can miss the whole tribulation thing because we're going to talk about the opening segment of the tribulation tonight but we don't have to be afraid because I'm going to share with you things that we're never going to see but we can hear them approaching now we're living in a time where not only can we see the day approaching but we can hear it approaching and the day we see and hear approaching is the day of the Lord It's a day when God finalizes his discipline of Israel it's a day when God fulfills the 70th week of Daniel it's a day when the christ-rejecting world chooses to worship the Antichrist and Satan and completely rejects the person of Jesus Christ and it's a day when the world experiences a direct wrath of God in an unprecedented fierceness and fury now you might be thinking I thought you said it wasn't scary well it's not because we're going to miss it if we've been born again and we could see the day approaching through all the things we mentioned a moment ago but listen what I submit to you tonight via our title is that we can hear the day approaching as well and what we're hearing happening in the world is the sound of the horsemen The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is how they've been labeled who have a riot of Terror that opens up the tribulation period and listen we need to understand that Jesus said the days before the flood and likening them to the time before God's Global wrath tells us that the Bible is giving a syndication of what life is going to be like before God pours out his wrath in the last stage of the church age and the topic of the Olivet discourse where he said the last days and the signs of his coming are to be understood that we can understand that some of the content of the Olivet discourse is talking about the church age and for those who would argue well the Bible teaches we're going to be taken at the mid-tribulation point or before God starts as Wrath the fact is the first writer of the first horse in Revelation is an expression or manifestation of God's Wrath because he is the Antichrist and in first Thessalonians 5 9 we're told that God did not appoint us to Wrath oh wait here for you to say something that needs a bigger amen than that [Applause] but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and in second Thessalonians 2 7-8 Paul said for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains and will do so until he's taken out of the way and then the Lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and Destroy with the brightness of his coming and listen the Holy Spirit no longer restraining the Antichrist rise to power the removal of the restraining and purifying force of the church on the earth is also God's Wrath because God's Wrath is not limited to cataclysmic events like you see in the Book of Revelation the Bible also teaches the consequential wrath of God and in Psalm 95 10 and 11 we're told for 40 years I was grieved with that generation the Lord speaking and said it is a people who go astray in their hearts and they do not know my ways so I swore in my what's the next word in my wrath they shall not enter my rest and there's no cataclysmar or catastrophic event here outside of the fact that God said they won't enter into his rest and that is a manifestation of his Wrath and Mankind has largely rejected Jesus today mankind is denying that God is a Creator mankind is worshiping the creation and they have violated every aspect of God's plan and the world is about to experience the consequences of having done so how do we know we can see the day approaching and we can hear the sound of the horsemen so pray with me please and we'll start a little brief look at Revelation chapter six and father we are so grateful that you gave us these things so we can know what's coming on this world and that you through this would break our hearts for the lost in perishing and Lord I pray there be two results from our time together tonight that any who don't know you would come to know you and that all of us who do know you would have a greater burden for those who don't and we would go tell everyone we meet that Jesus Christ is the son of the true and living God the world's only Savior and they can be saved too bring us to that end through our time in your word we ask in Jesus name and all God's people said amen now listen Revelation 6 1-2 John the Beloved says now I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a loud voice like thunder come and see and I looked and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conqueror and in the last days the first thing Jesus told Peter Andrew James and John about them as there would be false claims of an anointing from Christ there would be wars and rumors of wars International and ethnic tensions and all around us we see these things happening paired with famine and pestilence raging and weather anomalies abounding and we're hearing things today that tell us at the events that are taking place on the earth during the ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are probably or even likely very near and since we can see things that will increase in a birthing-like progression that will reach their fulfillment after we're gone it's not a stretch to say we can also hear things that we will never see even though we see the day approaching now we're hearing a lot of talk today about a global system of governance anybody hear about the great reset anybody here know about that the world economic forum and they're basically trying to take over the world redistribute the wealth of the world and make sure everybody has equal everything and they want to be in control of course they're talking about equality of opportunity equality of outcome and these things in and of themselves are not bad things but when you have a group who denies God as Creator in charge you're in trouble socialism and Marxism today are popular topics on the college campuses and universities and neither of them have room for God they are anti-god and they are Antichrist and we're constantly hearing today about climate change which is actually a charade to hide the actual mode behind it which is the redistribution of global wealth and listen the climate does change we've had ice ages in the past and there was no man-made global warming that brought an end to those ice ages as a matter of fact in Genesis 8 22 God said what I created in the beginning I'm going to sustain until the world ends the hydrologic cycle will continue all the seasons will continue until I say they stop and that doesn't mean we don't take care of the planet we take care of our own house right God told Adam to end the garden and keep it before he fell so it's not about irresponsibility it's fact that the world is trying to replace God they're trying to create a worship of the planet and a bowing to a governmental system and listen we're hearing a lot today about a hunger for change in my own country has changed dramatically in the last half century and I mentioned the world economic Forum a few moments ago that now King Charles is part of this Klaus Schwab is part of this a lot of other high-powered billionaire people are part of this and this is from their web page they've said we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape recovery this initiative will offer insights to help inform all these determining the future state of global relationships the direction of national economies the priorities of societies the nature of business models and the management of Global Commons and of course these guys will be in charge of all that drawing from the vision and vast expertise of leaders engaged across the forums Community the great reset initiative has a set of Dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the Dignity of every human being and talking about this cap and trade this carbon offset carbon offsets occur when a polluting company buys a carbon credit to make up for the greenhouse gas it has emitted the money should be used to fund action somewhere else in the world that remove the same amount of carbon out of the air to prevent carbon emissions in other words the government is going to say how much carbon your particular company or country can Emit and if you exceed that then you have to give money to somebody else it's a redistribution of wealth scheme and detractors say that offsetting is a green watch allowing companies to avoid cutting their emissions while still being able to claim they are or will be supposedly carbon neutral and proponents say offsetting if done properly can help here's the deal can help Channel funds the conservation and sustainable development projects that will reduce emissions giving companies time to work towards zero emissions they're demanding that the whole world bow to this and the countries that are Advanced and exceed their carbon footprint Allowed by the world economic Forum will send money to someone else listen we're hearing the hoof beats of Marxism and socialism in our world today and these systems give the government the power over the day-to-day lives of people in their country as I said they're anti-god they're Antichrist and these systems lure young people in with Promises of government provision and all the other things that they're using to deceive and listen people around the world today are willing to follow foolish leaders no matter how ridiculous their statements are and listen we have a supreme court in the United States and there was a woman who was just appointed to the Supreme Court and when she was being interviewed this woman was asked if she could Define what a woman was and this woman said no I can't so what did they do they approved her for the highest court in the land in the United States I'm sorry but that's just stupid somebody say something out there amen that's just stupid and people around the world are following this kind of thinking and we're hearing the sound of the horsemen and that tells us the writers are on their way and here's how we know and here's one of three things I want you to consider tonight listen four things I should say mankind will tolerate anything but Christian beliefs that's how we know we're close to the tribulation and before that is the rapture of the church because mankind will tolerate anything but Christian believes and in order to follow the man whose very moniker means against Christ the world will have to have that same attitude towards Christ and toward his followers and we've been hearing the hoof beats of hatred from the world towards what we believe our world is willing to accept any belief system categorically and undeniably and even defend the right to practice it unless it's Christianity why because Christianity is exclusive listen Jesus is the creator of all things according to Colossians 1 15 and 16. all things were made through him by him and for him and nothing was made that he did not make and because this is his Planet he has the right to say how this planet ought to run he has the right to tell us how we ought to live our lives in order to be pleasing to him and this writer on a white horse is the ultimate human deceiver he comes with a covenant in his hand and I say that because the word bow in Revelation 6 verse 2 is translated when you translate the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek it's translated as rainbow in the Book of Genesis it's the same Greek word and therefore we have a precedent in the Old Testament that a bow is symbolic of a covenant and that's what the Book of Daniel tells us the Antichrist is going to come into the world and he's going to have a covenant that he makes with the nation of Israel for the duration of seven years and this writer on the White Horse is given a crown symbolizing Authority and he went out to gain Victory that's what it means to conquer conquering and to conquer he's going to act like a good guy and he's going to say I have the world's peace and prosperity in mind even rides a white horse was biblically in ancient times was the Mount of a conqueror yet two things we know about the Antichrist are these in Revelation 13 2 and 4 We're told about the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power who's the dragon in Scripture Satan Satan gave him his power his throne and great Authority and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his excuse me his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed after the Beast so they worshiped The Who is the Dragon Satan they worshiped Satan who gave authority to the Beast and they worshiped the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who is able to make war with him I know I know who's able to make war with them Revelation 19 says Jesus Will and will defeat him soundly and this Beast with a pseudo-resurrection is empowered by the father of all lies and he has marveled over and followed after by all the world and we're told he's like a leopard he has feet like a bear and the mouth of a lion and this tells us from a study of Daniel that he's coming up from the geographic regions once held by the Greek medo-persian and Babylonian Empires and then finally the former Roman Empire is going to be revived in the last days and listen this Covenant that will be spoken of in Daniel 9 27 is the Fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel and in order for the world to follow this man and Revelation 13 says the whole world will follow him there has to be a level of Moro moral depravity unparalleled in human history except for the days of Noah that exists at the time listen is it God's will the babies be killed in the womb come on now if you don't know the answer to that we're going to pray is it God's will the babies be killed in the womb no absolutely not does most of the world see this as a woman's reproductive right yes so most of the world is against the plan of God is it God's will that there be a hundred genders today no God said in the beginning I made them and I made them male and female and that's the end of the gender list but the world says that kind of statement is bigoted hatred no it's just biblical thinking God's will says sexual activity is limited to the male female married couple's relationship the world says no that's archaic and antiquated is the world ready for a lying phony who promotes Satan's agenda and rejects all that is good and is of God you say yes they're already electing such people all over the world and the sound of the Hooves of the first Horseman can clearly be heard and the world is ready for the man of sin to write on the scene like a hero on a white horse and we can spend the rest of our time talking about this writer and the Covenant in his hand but we're going to have to keep moving Revelation 6 3 and 4 says and when he he is Jesus open the second seal I heard the second living creatures saying come and see another fiery red horse went out and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth that people should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword and as Jesus opens a second seal a writer on a fiery horse comes forth and John is told to come and see this guy and this writer comes to take peace from the earth which indicates the first writer is going to bring a time of Peace at least for a Time but remember the very presence of the Antichrist is an act of God's consequential Wrath and while we might think this is an indication of war between nations the fiery red horse actually brings something of a more individual level we're told it was granted to him to take peace from the earth and that people should kill one another it's not talking about military engagement it's not talking about war between nations or International conflicts as a matter of fact the word that is meant here or used here actually means individuals butchering one another hand-to-hand combat type of thing and the truth is the word that we're told is uh brought about the word translated as peace in the Greek it means an exemption from Rage and what we need to think about as Christians today is that the Rapture is going to do two things it's going to deliver people from this Earth and it's going to kill people on this Earth you know a lot of people like to make light of the fact that it's going to be pilotless airplanes and driverless cars and riderless motorbikes and all this other stuff and you know what that's exactly what's going to happen because we are going to be supernaturally translated and taken into the presence of the Lord to forever be with the Lord and things are going to get crazy and wild here on Earth and it's going to be a wonderful time for us and a catastrophic time for people on the Earth and that's why we need to tell people about Jesus all right you guys need to get on the bus here that's why we need to tell people about Jesus [Applause] the Rapture is also going to lead to mass corruption it's going to lead to Global confusion it's going to lead to economic chaos properties and bank accounts and cars and goods are all going to be left left behind by those who've been raptured and the writer on the White Horse is going to conquer the world with a plan that brings peace to the world for a moment but it can't last and the Raging people this peace that people will have for a moment will have been held in check for a Time Millions suddenly are going to realize what has happened and some will come to Faith because of it and others will hate God because of it and in Revelation 13 5-8 we're told about the Antichrist that he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months and then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name is Tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven and it was granted to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and Authority was given him over every tribe tongue and Nation all who dwell on the earth will worship Him whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and after this brief time of peace the man of sin is going to say to a god hating Christ's rejecting world you know who caused all these problems the Christians the reason you're enduring all the pain you're enduring is because of the Christians and now there's new ones now there's new Believers in the Christ the son of the Living God the Christians are the one who left spouses behind the Christians are the one who left bills unpaid the Christians are the ones who left behind this mess and now there's more of them from every tribe tongue and nation of people and listen the fact that the Bible mentions Saints and the tribulation doesn't mean the church has to go through the tribulation there's Old Testament Saints there's New Testament Saints there's tribulation Saints and there's Millennial Saints and they're all Saints because we become that by believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior whether he was coming has come or is ruling and reigning directly on the earth it is still faith in him that gives us that title and in Revelation 13 15 we're told he was granted to give breath to the image of the beast at the image of the Beast should both speak and causes many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be killed are people enamored with images today are people watching things as though they're real on screens today are they looking at things and thinking boy that looks more and more real now there's two I think there's actually four now in Japan robot newscasters who broadcast the news 24 hours a day seven days a week 52 weeks a year and watching them you cannot tell whether or not they are human and there's going to be an image of the Beast that has life breathed into it during the tribulation and the Earth dwellers are going to say yeah that's our guy we're going to worship Him forget this Jesus thing and in Revelation 20 verse 4 John says I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been what's the next word beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the Beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years and listen the writer on the fiery red horse Takes peace from the earth he causes people to butcher one another and the fact is it's the same word that would be used for describing cutting up an animal for sacrifice and the word beheaded in Revelation 20 means to cut off with an ax is going to be a time of brutality on the world and listen nobody has to go through it because as many as will come to Christ he will turn none away he is willing to save he is patient and the only reason he hasn't come to get us yet is because he's still not reach that day in an hour that was pre-appointed but he's still saving right up to the last minute through the tribulation and into the Millennium but I strongly suggest you missed the whole tribulation thing which would you rather have your head cut off with an ax or be taken in a moment in a twinkling of an eye to forever be with the Lord I think that's a pretty easy Choice don't you now we have to ask the question can the people of the world actually become so delusionally vile that they would actually agree on killing people because of what they believe that's nothing new they've been doing that for millennia and think about this they're already killing people who haven't even been born and when you're indoctrinated into killing the most innocent of all human beings it's a short walk to do the same with those you believe to be the source of all problems and listen in the United States hate crimes Rose last year 44 percent and many of the most populous cities in the country experience an uptick in hate crimes last year a trend that began with the start of the pandemic and has continued to grow and obviously the major cities in the states are leading the charge and listen to this story in the United States and that's where I'm from so that's why I'm sharing these stories with you the U.S estimated the number of adults willing to kill to advance their political objective is 2.4 million Americans said I'll kill somebody if they're of the wrong party or if they're against what I believe now obviously there were 188.8 million who said they wouldn't do that but listen I don't think we need 2.4 million people who are willing to kill another American running around the country you wouldn't want that happening here right right now another story there was an Irish teacher who was suspended from school and jailed over a transgender pronoun flat a teacher in Ireland has been Ireland has been suspended from work and jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student a man named Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order borrowing him from teaching at Wilson's Hospital School in westmeath or even being present there judge Michael Quinn found Bert guilty of violating an order made by the high court last week and sent him to Mount Joy prison did you catch What's Happening Here people are being arrested or potentially charged for standing for biblical truth and this is all feeding into what the man of sin is going to do during the tribulation can you hear the sound of the horsemen and listen a couple of things to remember God is still sovereign amen God is still sovereign it was granted to the writer on the red horse to take peace from the Earth and it's at a time where the depravity of man is at its worst and this too is the consequential wrath of God now let me just back up a minute and say something because the first horse of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is white some people say that's Jesus no that's not Jesus we know it's not Jesus because when Jesus brings peace on Earth nobody can take it away nobody can undo what God does and listen today mankind is reaping what they have sown they sow hatred and now they are reaping the results of hatred and this great sword that was given to this writer is indicates a massive number of people are going to be butchering each other and the prophet Hosea said in 8 7 they sow the wind and reap the Whirlwind the stock has no bud it shall never produce meal and if it should produce aliens would swallow it up and listen Hosea was writing to Israel about her apostasy but the truth he presented was Universal I mean we still say it today what goes around comes around that's sowing and reaping and here's the sound of the horsemen that we can hear today listen the majority of the world already supports murder as a means to protect their lifestyle the majority of the world already supports murder as a means to protect their lifestyle now second Thessalonians 2 9-12 Paul said that coming of the Lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie I believe that lie is Antichrist claimed to be God that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but have pleasure and unrighteousness and listen there are only two reasons to believe that anything other than a human child is inside a mother's womb and they are mental incompetence or spiritual delusion for thousands of years everyone understood inside a mother's womb was a human baby anybody hear the term fetus when the abortion discussion comes around you familiar with the term fetus do you know what fetus means it's a Latin word for baby they are refuting their own argument by saying it's a comfort cells it's just a fetus what they're saying is it's just a baby only in Latin and they don't even know what they're talking about and think about what we set up earlier and blaming Christians for all the people that were left behind have had to endure and if you're already willing to kill those who've done nothing to you the most sin of sin of society how easy is to move to killing those you think have harmed you and who align themselves against you and listen we can hear the hoof beats of the four Riders and listen to the next writer in five and six of Revelation 6 when he Jesus opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say come and see so I looked and behold a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand and I Heard a Voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Denarius and three quarts of barley for a Denarius and do not harm the oil and the wine and listen at the opening of the third seal the third living creature again told John come and see and John sees this black horse with a skew with the balance scales in his hands and then he announced the price of grain have we been hearing anything about the price of grain lately we're hearing the sound of the horsemen wheat prices have been surging as Putin continues his attack on Ukraine and listen here's another recent story that comes from a international news source and the headline says the horrific bird flu has wiped out 36 million chickens and turkeys and this virus known as Eurasian h5n1 Avian Influenza began Terry through Europe Asia and Africa late in 2021 and it's still raging and Europe is experiencing the most the worst bird flu outbreak on record 36 million chickens and turkeys driving up the prices of eggs and meat and all these other things and the virus has a near 100 mortality rate and it's affecting poultry it's impacting Food Supplies I don't know if you're hearing about it here but in the U.S we're hearing a lot of talk about inflation and food prices are driving up world hunger in the U.S and around the world inflation is high and getting higher and a quart of wheat for Denarius and three quarts of barley foreign are the equivalent respectively to one meal for one person at the cost of a whole day's pay you can eat one meal a day but you'll have to use your whole day's pay to do that you can't feed the rest of your family it's three meals if you buy the cheaper grain of barley but it's still just for one person and listen these stories would be just that they'd be stories if the Jews weren't back in Jerusalem if many in the church were not putting up with sound Doctrine if the invading nations of the Ezekiel War scenario weren't in Coalition together if there were not wars and rumors of wars International and ethnic tensions pestilence and weather anomalies to say nothing of people being willing to tolerate anything other than Christians and the majority of the world already supporting murder through infanticide we could say these are just stories but they're not just stories they're prophecies that are being fulfilled or the precursors to them are happening right before our eyes runaway inflation is rampant today food and supply shortages are rampant today and listen we have a heavy topic it's kind of heavy right but it's okay you're born again you're going to miss it all right so let me just lighten it up with a bit of a pun for our next Point listen in our day food support food shortages are a growing problem I hope you got the pun there right in my own State of California which supplies all the rice for the whole United States and and has a massive set of rice fields just in California IT Supplies all the rice for sushi I should say and the price is just driving up and up and up and the the rice basket of California has become an agricultural Wasteland and the Wall Street Journal the major U.S paper says a heat wave has hit supermarkets and produce sections and in Revelation 24 7 we're told about the nation Rising against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom they're being famine pestilences are we still going through the tail lamp of pestilence right now say yes so I know you're out there and earthquakes in various places are happening now it's interesting the word earthquakes is the Greek word seismos but science Moss is not limited to geological events a science mosque can also be a gale or a tempest or an atmospheric anomaly strong storms would be what's in mind there where you would see catastrophic flooding and drought the opposite impacting the fluid food supply and that's what we're hearing every year Europe right now record-breaking heat California right now record-breaking rain it's happening all over the country there's floods in one part of the world and extreme heat in another part of the world and there's been a lot of inks filled over the phrase do not harm the oil and the wine portion of the third Horseman's ride and some say well that means the rich are going to still be rich and these are the provisions of the wealthy and therefore there's going to be some type of socialist type environment during the tribulation where the world is divided into the rich and the poor and others say this is an act of God's mercy because olive oil and wine are necessary for food preparation the normal drink for much of the world is wine but there's another interesting possibility in Jeremiah 11 16 the Lord called your name Green Olive Tree lovely and good fruit speaking of Israel and with the noise of grade two multi has kindled fire on it and its branches are broken and then in Isaiah 5 3-4 and now o inhabitants of Jerusalem and the men of Judah judge pleased between me and my Vineyard what more could have been done to my Vineyard that I have not done in it why then did I expect it to bring forth grapes did it bring forth wild Graves Israel is represented by the Olive Tree Israel is represented by the vineyard where grapes are grown and these are the very sources of oil and wine God is going to supernaturally protect one-third of the Jews during the tribulation Zechariah says two-thirds will die in the tribulation and Zechariah 12 10 says the one-third who will survive the tribulation will look upon the one whom they pierced him and mourn for him as One Mourns for an only son it seems possible that that's what the indication is about the oil and the wine but what I want to remind you of is we're not going to be here to find out we're going to be in the presence of the Lord now verse seven and eight you guys hanging in there when he opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come and see so I looked and behold a Pale Horse and the name of him who sent on it was death and Hades followed with him and power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with his sword with Hunger with death and by the Beast of the Earth and his fourth living creature invites John to come and see a horse of a different color so to speak the first is white the second is red the third is black but this one the Greek word is corals and it means a pale and sickly green it would be the word that would be used to describe a corpse in its Advanced states of corruption and this writer on this sickly green horse is named death and Hades the domain of the unbelieving Dead followed with him he has given power from God which again means this is divine wrath to kill a fourth of the inhabitants of the Earth he will kill with the sword meaning violently he will kill with Hunger because of the family he will kill with death and the beasts of the Earth and to kill with death is not redundancy the Greek word thanatosphere means to separate the soul from the body and it implies a full and future Ministry in hell and listen hell is a place it's not a state of mind it's not a concept it is a literal place and the means by which the soul and the body are going to be divided from one another is the sword hunger and death and the Beast of the earth and the motive is to separate their souls from their bodies and send their bodies to Hades and that's why Hades followed with him and the beasts of the Earth have several interpretations as well and the first being the Greek word therion is used 38 times in Revelation in reference to armies and the actions of the Antichrist and some say that's what is in view others see it as a reference to pandemics like covet or avian flu or Ebola sweeping the Earth and personally I think the context is telling us what the word means there'll be a global food shortage and not only will humans have meager supply of food animals will be competing with them for it and humans will become food sources for the animal kingdom and the writer on the fourth horse kills a fourth of the Earth's population in November the Earth's population reached 8 billion and if the Rapture takes a billion which sadly is probably generous and if the Antichrist and people butchering each other kills another billion this leaves six billion people on the planet which means the writer whose name is death is going to kill 1.5 billion people in a short amount of time but one thing we need to remember about the devil listen he's not trying to protect his own people he doesn't just want to kill Christians he wants to kill unbelievers too remember he only comes to steal what kill and destroy and it seems as though this writer with Hades following after him does just that he kills unbelievers father believing Jews are being protected do not harm the oil and the wine and listen believers do not go to Hades Hades the portion of Hades known as Abraham's bosom is empty Jesus went and preached to the spirits in prison there and that's why Paul could write in second Corinthians 5 8 to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord it couldn't be said before Jesus ascended into heaven he had to be the firstborn among many Brethren he had to be the first to resurrect from the dead he had to be the first fruits according to scripture and because the global famine and food shortage Death Rides onto the world scene with Hades in tow and kills as many as 1.5 billion people all of whom go to Hades and listen I want to leave you on a high note if you will and consider this this evening if we can see the day approaching and hear the sound of the horsemen Jesus is coming for us soon [Applause] and that's why he said in the heart of the Olivet discourse therefore you also be ready for the summit son of man is coming in an hour you do not expect and listen let me leave you with this when Jesus is ready there's no time to get ready that's why he said you have to be ready how can you be ready for that moment and twinkling of an eye he told Nicodemus the teacher of Israel you must be born again and listen we live in a label conscious World in society and the church has adopted a lot of those practices but the fact is though there's many labels thrown at Christians there's only one kind of Christian and that's a born-again Christian and it doesn't matter what I what else we want to call it or divide it into denominations and all those things the fact is you must be born again these are the words of Jesus himself who died so you could be and if you're not born again let me just say this and close with this church attendance won't save you being a good moral person can't save you either because the fact is Jesus said I've examined all of humanity and there is none good no not one all need a savior and therefore God sent into the world a savior who would live a perfect life and die a sinner's death so you could be with him where he is in the father's house forever Jesus is the only way to get to heaven and he can say so by right of authority as being the creator of all things and if the one who made this planet said you must be born again then you must be born again and if you're not born again I highly recommend that you get born again right now well how do you do that well you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved and let me just add this as a famous person in John's first epistle John the Beloved that is first John 1 9 says if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness now that word confessed doesn't mean to just say it out loud it doesn't mean to just say I'm a sinner the word confess in the Greek actually means to see as or speak of the sand in other words if you want to be born again you must agree with God's definition of sin not your own not cultures not your fellow students not co-workers you have to agree with God's definitions of sin and then he's faithful and just to forgive you of all sin you can't say you know I'm just going to take a kind of a salad bar approach from the Bible I'll take a little bit of Genesis a sprinkling of Isaiah some of the book of Acts but I'm going to reject all that hard stuff in the Book of Revelation I'm not even going to touch that no that's not the way it works because the fact is that's why the Bible presented Jesus as the word of God you cannot accept Jesus and reject the word of God because he is the word of God so if you want to be born again and you must be if you want to go to heaven and thus by right Jesus can say I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father father but by me and if you haven't made that decision I highly recommend you skip the whole tribulation thing and get born again right here right now somebody say bow your heads with me please father we are grateful [Applause] we are grateful for your matchless word and thank you for telling us of things we'll never see or experience if we know you as Savior and Lord and listen while your heads are bowed and your eyes are closed I want to make that offer to you here tonight to be born again if you don't have a point in time in your life where you say you know what the burden of sin was lifted off my shoulders and when we confess Jesus as Lord and Savior the Bible says the Holy Spirit comes in and takes up residence in our life he's given to us as a guarantee of our future inheritance and if the spirit of the true and living God lives in you you're going to know that and if you can't say you know I know I'm born again I know that my thinking began to change the desires of my heart began to change my life began to look different my value system began to change the word of God became important to me if you can't say that that has happened for you you must be born again and you need to be born again tonight because Jesus could come tonight and you could be left behind to go through the whole tribulation but even above that it's why God sent his son into the world because he loves you and he is unwilling that any should perish and want you to come to repentance a change of mind and heart which reflects itself in your life so if you need to be born again tonight if you want to be born again tonight I'm going to ask you just to stand up right where you are and I want to pray over you stand up Right Where You Are God bless you wow I want to pray a prayer out loud and listen a lot of people say well there's no sinner's prayer in the Bible which is true but prayers are in the Bible and I don't see anything wrong with leading somebody in a prayer of repentance and confession of Christ as Lord so I'm going to pray something out loud and I'm going to ask you to do the same out loud after me Lord Jesus I believe that I am a sinner I believe you are the world's only savior I ask you to forgive my sin and cleanse me for from all unrighteousness I believe in you I believe in your word and I believe I too can be born again and I accept your forgiveness and thank you for welcoming me into your family in Jesus name amen [Applause] you know I'm not here by myself there's some guy named Amir that's going to be out here in a minute so I think we're going to have a worship song Amir is coming are we going to take a break okay God bless you guys foreign [Applause] okay okay thank you Pastor Barry okay uh [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign be prepared because nobody knows alert [Applause] maganda foreign ER alertness level is very important okay so are you ready and conditions [Music] are you ready [Applause] um okay already oh foreign [Music] no one is Left Behind are you ready one two more more [Applause] okay I know you are ready uh thank you very much I want you to welcome an evening of Bible prophecy with Amir charapati and pastor Barry sadner hello you are welcome [Applause] We Are One Church and the Church of Jesus Christ [Applause] I let's enjoy diva okay uh brother Amir is suggesting something you're suggesting something is there anything uh you want a special number now or okay special number uh can I pray for you foreign come on let's pray now I don't know why I am excited this Bible prophecy I found out May May problemacy brother I'm here probably what's happening in your tummy is that just physical I think that's prophetic until it will be released yeah it must be released that's why I'm excited you know every time a speaker is struggling I'm so excited because God will do something gather some special message and God will really am set an ambush to each one of us the question is are you ready for God's Ambush tonight the Readiness you are the ready you are the better the higher your expectation tonight the better okay God will not disappoint you tonight nobody will be disappointed who is expecting too much from God tonight hallelujah amen come on you know winners are very loud people Overcomers are very loud people Victorious People are loud people come on you can do much better than that you are a winner you are an overcomer Hallelujah no way you want an overcomer you are louder than the enemy hallelujah praise God we are here to punish the devil we are here to punish the demons okay we are here to celebrate Jesus to exalt and magnify Jesus Hallelujah praise God now let's welcome the first counselor of San Jose who is an acting mayor right now I have good news she's still single and no boyfriend you are the one okay ladies and gentlemen let me introduce to you the first counselor of San Jose City San Jose City and now they are the largest church in San Jose City okay and for the first time she ran for office she became the first counselor of San Jose City so vans come up here and punish the devil is the Lord and after that we will welcome the man of God okay good evening good evening [Music] I am councilor Benjamin Duke if we can see the day approaching and hear the sound of the horsemen Jesus is coming for us soon amen Ito is that We Shall Behold Him amen Lord [Applause] [Music] Lord foreign [Applause] [Music] Applause [Music] [Music] then face [Music] yes [Music] he is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] to away [Applause] [Music] then the angels just love the Shadows peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they shall be changed foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] be home [Applause] [Music] soon foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Amir sarfati was born in Jerusalem Israel to a Jewish Family he grew up in that region and has lived in Israel all his life while fulfilling his military duty Amir served as the Deputy Governor of Jericho and was part of the unit that negotiated and coordinated with the Palestinians during the Israeli withdrawal from the city following his military service Amir studied at Israel's School of Tourism at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem he worked as a licensed tour guide for SAR L tours and conferences and was eventually promoted to CEO while guiding dozens of church groups from all over the world God convicted him of the great need particularly within Evangelical Christianity played Israel and its role in God's plan [Music] in 2001 Amir founded behold Israel while maintaining his career in tourism but it wasn't until 2014 that it became a registered non-profit allowing Amir to fulfill a greater calling for his life that is when behold Israel became a major provider of worldwide real-time access to reliable sources of news and information about Israel from within the powerful context of Bible History and prophecy over the last two decades amir's message has expanded from tour buses in Israel to large platforms around the globe including conferences Church visitations and an ever-growing online Teaching Ministry Amir is now the author of several books Amir is married to Miriam and together they have four children his home overlooks the valley of megiddo which is a constant reminder of the call that the Lord is placed on him to teach from the Bible what God's plans are for the end of times [Music] and now let us all welcome Amir sarfati [Music] foreign thank you so much listen stay standing as I travel throughout the world um I see a lot of Christians in many countries that they they feel very lonely very lonely there are maybe one percent in their town or Village and I decided as I travel around to send greetings from one city to another so everybody will feel that they're not alone that they have thousands of thousands of brothers and sisters all around and I want now to do something with you if we can turn on the lights of the sanctuary because it's not about me it's about you right now what we're going to do is this together to my count to three you are going to shout the following thing shalom from Tarlac Philippines and then you will go crazy with shouting and clapping until I tell you to stop if you stop before I tell you to stop we'll have to do it all over again we need to make sure that the police will come over here and ask what's going on here are you ready what are you going to say shalom from Tarlac Philippines so listen we're going to turn on the lights as much as we can if if that's it then that's it and uh are you ready one two three [Applause] foreign okay okay somebody blew the shofar here okay this is the right moment where you can do that okay good Shalom everyone please sit down how many of you follow the news from Israel on behold Israel on Telegram not enough listen to me let me teach you something Bible prophecy is not about Nations and their relations between one another it's about what they do with for and it's all about the nation of Israel if you want to understand what God is about to do what he has been doing and what he did long time ago you have to get yourself connected with that Nation with that country and with what is going on there Israel is that which Jesus said to his disciples to look and to understand that the time is near so how many of you are going to download Telegram and join my channel and get daily updates from Israel can I see your hands good we also do it on Instagram one word behold Israel Facebook YouTube and uh also Twitter now listen it's not about promoting a Ministry it's about getting you ready it's about preparing you this is it we are very close to the finish line this world has never been closer and has never been so accurately fitting the description in the Bible of the last days as it is right now so if you are just living your life cruising your life as is as if nothing happened and and you don't have a Biblical understanding of the situation you will be very much um surprised and I'm not even sure if it's in a good way I'd like to start with a prayer and then we'll dive into the word of God the title of the message this evening is the days of Ezekiel the days of Ezekiel father we thank you for your word we thank you for your promises we thank you that you're the same yesterday today and forever we thank you that we can glean so much from not only looking at your word but also watching you in action even today we thank you that through your prophets you have communicated even to us today your plan father your word is truth and we ask that you will sanctify Us by that truth and we ask this in the matchless name of Jesus and everybody say amen amen okay so again the days of Ezekiel you know as I travel all around the world and certainly now with covid as it uh we we thought it's coming to an end but uh things are happening also not too far from here listen I have been witnessing very very depressed angry confused and embarrassed church when I travel this is very alarming and I want to take you back 2 000 years ago everyone show me your index finger press right here and let's reset our brains to 2 000 years ago in order to understand the times and the seasons and that's because only when we look at the broad picture we get it so I want to take you back 2 000 years ago to Jerusalem and that was the day after um Passover it was Sunday morning the tomb is empty and the Bible says in Luke 24 on that first day of the week in Hebrew we don't have the words names for the days in your language you do we don't we call it first day second day Third Day the only Day in Hebrew that has a name is Shabbat and it's from the word to cease from working so on the first day of the week which you call it Sunday very early in the morning women and certain women and other women with them came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb and then they went and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus that women among the disciples early in the morning Sunday morning they waited for Shabbat to be over they prepared everything from John we know it was still dark outside they made it all the way and the tomb was empty and the stone was rolled and if that's not enough two men stood by them in shining garments and said why do you seek the living among the dead he's not here but he's risen and then he told him he said that to you so two you're talking about women that are making their way to the Grave Sunday morning it's dark outside they brought all the things to take care of a dead body but they don't find a dead body the tomb is empty and two angels are telling them he's not even dead he has risen now what would be your reaction to the good news that Jesus is Alive what would be your reaction you would probably start clapping and singing and dancing and you'll do something like a a move something well that's not what happened the woman went back to the men and told them while they were crying the man said what kind of nonsense is this they ran all the way to the tomb and the Bible says they found it just as the women had said empty now you would say yeah maybe women are not into dancing and they're not into clapping and they're not into cheering the men must be doing that yeah no the tomb was empty the Angels told him that Jesus is Alive and the men the Bible says went home perplexed wondering what's going on here the church was merely born a band of disciples were in the upper room in Jerusalem and they are lamenting and crying because their Messiah their King was hanged on a tree and according to the Book of Leviticus this is the terrible death that is reserved only for criminals and the good news about the resurrection of the Lord was not good news for them it added to their confusion it added to their sadness it added to their embarrassment because now God forbid people will even say that we kidnap the body you see not for a second they took a step backwards and said to themselves wait a minute you remember incestory of Philippi that he took Peter aside and he said that the son of that he told all of us that he has to be handed over he will suffer he will die and he will resurrect and and we even remember how Peter rebuked Jesus no no at that moment the Bible is the last thing they were thinking about at that moment the word of Christ the word of God were the last thing at that moment all they care about is what circumstances reality what will others say about us which is the state of the church today all we care about is what will people say about us we're angry we're upset we're you know how do I know that they were sad the Bible says no behold two of the disciples were traveling that same day to a village called Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem and they talked together of all these things which has happened all the things I mean the triumphal entrance of Jesus the the trial that he had gone through the the swing of from well you know to crucify him everything they were trying to reason what have we done wrong how come we've missed that what just happened why have we wasted three years of Our Lives we've left businesses we've left our wives and children we've made mockery of ourselves the world moves on goes on as if nothing happened everything the religious Jews said about him happened he's dead and now this story that he's alive and the tomb is empty what are we going to do with this piece of information the Disciples of Jesus are embarrassed with the words of Jesus because it did not match the reality they saw before them so covet comes to the world and instead of uniting the churches it just shatters them to pieces instead of uniting Nations it shatters them to Pieces instead of uniting families it Chatters them to Pieces instead of uniting friends he Chatters friendships for to pieces and not not the only thing do you think that covet is the last it's the first and the last thing that the globalist agenda is going to do kiss that thought goodbye in the name of climate change in the name of global warming in the name of of fluidity in the name of of of you know everyone can be God in the name of all of these things they are going to adopt laws and rules and traditions and textbooks that are absolutely contradicting every single word that is in the Bible what we've seen so far is just a dress rehearsal of a world that is on a race to be judged now you have two options two options see these two disciples the Bible says when they while they Converse and reasoned the word in Hebrew to reason means that they they try to find some explanation while that happen Jesus himself why is the Bible saying that it's not someone who looks like Jesus it's not an image of him an angel that looks at Jesus himself we see the exact same thing during the the Rapture of the church for the Lord himself will come down and Jesus himself Drew near and went with them here they are trashing Jesus why have we listened to him what have he done what is going on and he's walking right next to them when was the last time you went to somebody's funeral and he was next to you on the plane on the way back home and the Bible says Their Eyes Were restrained so that they did not know him and he said to them what kind of conversation is that you have with one another as you walk and are sad the resurrected Lord is telling his own disciples here I am alive so why are you so what sad what are those things do you think that they got it they said they said what are those things and he says the things what things the things concerning now they're telling Jesus about Jesus concerning Jesus of Nazareth he was a prophet take a look the Bible said they said he was a prophet you go he was a prophet Mighty indeed and word before God isn't that amazing and how the chief Priests of our rulers delivered him to be condemned and and then they continue we were hoping that he was going to redeem Israel these are the Disciples of Jesus they already canceled him they already said we thought this is the right guy we were hoping and they're telling that to Jesus you know how many Christians behave like that today when they don't understand that Jesus is Alive that he wants to save you that we don't worship a dead or a crucifix he's not a baby anymore and he's not on the cross anymore he's already alive it's amazing this is exactly and look what he said to them and then he said to them Jesus God In the Flesh he's telling his two beloved disciples foolish ones foolish ones and slow over heart what to believe in all that what their Prophets have spoken ought not the Christ the mashiach the Messiah to have suffered these things and then enter into his glory and look what he did Jesus didn't have the Bible with him no one owned the Bible in those days Bibles in those days were not a a covered book like that they were Scrolls individual Scrolls only copies of that Bible could be found only in synagogues or in the temple because he's the word of God look what the Bible says beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in say all the scripture oh all the scriptures now did he include the New Testament here because the New Testament was not written yet in other words the Old Testament is what Jesus explained himself through you know how many Christians are coming to me says I know the New Testament John 3 16. and I said okay what else do you know about how do you prove that Jesus is God how do you pray and he says do you know the Old Testament no we are Christians we need the New Testament only no you're not if you only have the New Testament I hope you paid half price because it's half the Bible Jesus to his own disciples proved his messiahship his lordship his deity through the Old Testament and they drew near to the Village he indicated that he would have gone further but the constrained him please abide with us but it is towards evening and the day is far spent and and he went in and stayed with him and it came to pass as he sat on the table with them that he took bread blessed and broke it broke it and he gave it to them and that is the moment their eyes were open and they saw this is Jesus you see what happened is this remember Jesus told the disciple to stay in Jerusalem what did they do they left Jerusalem the minute it's it's it reminds me when I was with Manny Pacquiao during his fight in Vegas and I was teaching whole the whole team there for a whole week and some people friends came the minute he lost they left it instantly nobody stayed there to teach or to listen on Sunday Morning After now I'm not trying to what I'm what I'm trying to say is that Jesus was dead on the cross they don't know that he's alive they think he's in the grave they think it's over maybe somebody took his body but it's over for us and they what they left Jerusalem the Walk of Shame the Walk of guilt the Walk of embarrassment the walks of sadness and the minute they found out that he's alive the Bible says they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven of those who were with them together saying the Lord is risen indeed and even has appeared to Simon he rebuked his disciples for not believing the prophets and prophecy Bible prophecies almost a third of the book Bible prophecy unfortunately is not taught in most churches all over the world Bible prophecy is a third of the Bible is ignored it's the third that if you know then you understand everything it's the third that he said if you don't study you're foolish the Bible says in Isaiah 46 9-11 remember the former things of old I am God there is no other I am God there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done God is not hiding he's declaring the end he wants every one of you to know the end he wants every one of you to be interested in the end he wants you not to fall asleep as others do the Bible says I will call I will also bring it to pass I have purpose it and I also I will do it II Peter chapter 1 20 21 knowing this verse no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation in other words Jeremiah Isaiah Hosea Ezekiel none of them wrote what he wrote because he thought you know this is my take on things the Bible says prophecy never came by the will of men but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit God carefully hand-picked certain people from among Israel to be those who will deliver not just to Israel but to the whole world the future God wants you to know the end from the beginning he declares it so what are the days of Ezekiel see I am a Jew from the tribe of Judah born in Jerusalem to Jewish Family who came to the land um and I was the first generation of my family to be born after 2000 years in Jerusalem in the land when the Jews began to return to the land of Israel in the late 1800s take a look at what the land looked like it was dead God called the some people just come over I want you to come over and it was dead Mark Twain showed up in the 1800 he he wrote that even the cactus that is the greatest friend of the desert refused to grow there it was so bad and yet in the Book of Ezekiel in chapter 36 God declared the following thing I speak to you o mountains of Israel shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit for My People Israel for they are about to come take a look at this this is not man-made Yes Men plowed and worked that this is God in preparation for the return of his people to their promised land god restored the land back to what it should be but the problem is that most of the Jews were away from the land in the Book of Ezekiel in chapter 36 God said that one of the things that offended him the most is because he punished the Jews and took them out of their land not everybody is saying aren't these God's people and if they're God's people why are they not in their land because they were disobedient but then it's an offense to God that his people were not in his land and God had to rescue the remnant from the graveyard of mostly Europe of that time and I want to share to tell you something following Ezekiel 36 came Ezekiel 37 and in Ezekiel 37 the Lord brought Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and he says Ezekiel look and he see and he said what is this he says this is the entire house of Israel they say they say our bones are dry our hope is lost and we have been cut off tell them Ezekiel you're my people I'm about to do something great I will bring you out of that graveyard and I will place you but before he placed them he needed to bring them out he needed to find those people that had no hope I was thinking what would the dry bones look like and then I I saw this photo that was pictured in the Nazi death camps that were liberated by the Allied Forces in 1945. and you see Jewish people without flesh almost just bones and skin you see no no hope in their eyes they truly thought that God forgot all about them that they have been cut off and God said no you may say that can a woman forget her own child of course not and the Lord in chapter 37 said not only that I will bring you out he will do it my way and take a look the Jews began to return by foot by sea by air a flood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and all of you minded your own business did your own thing went to your own churches and God currently in the middle of the most prophetic act since the time of Jesus Christ he is telling the whole world told Israel look at Israel he look what I'm about to do with them and so chapter 37 after 36 is when he he began to bring them back to their land and the land was born in May 14 1948 a land and a country that was subjected to Wars from day one is today the eighth most powerful Nation on planet Earth the preparation of the land filled the rescue of the remnant fulfilled the return to the land fulfilled Israel today is a country that is safe secure and prosperous you I've heard about some Rockets So What we've got some Knuckleheads behind the Border they're trying their best all the time they try and try and try and nothing happen look at the water one of the major things that in the middle of a desert is how do you get water we became a superpower in in water Israel is a regional water superpower 2017 as well as 2020 it's the world's leader in Water Reclamation with 87 of its Wastewater undergoing purification folks the other day I was in a farm in Northern Israel in Galilee and the lady said to a look at this beautiful Pond beautiful pool it was perfect Clear Water she said guess how deep it is I said probably one meter she said 10 meter it's so clear that it deceives you you think it's just now watch this she says try it try the water brought my hand and I tried it it's wonderful and I said what's the catch here she said well I just flashed my toilet I said you did what she said just relax we have invented here something new we flush the water all the Wastewater comes to a pool in the pool we put water plants you know that are floating on the water with flowers sometimes they start cleaning and filtering then we move the water to a lower pool with different plants phase two then to a lower one phase three by the time it's done with phase three you can drink it wow she said you can try more I said no no thank you I'm fine what about energy ladies and gentlemen I believe that when Ezekiel says that a war will come when a hook will be put in the jaw of the one that will lead it I believe it's all about energy over the last few years take a look at what Israel found off the shores of the Mediterranean all of these are fields of natural gas trillions of cubic feet of natural gas were found all the globalists all the progressive left the liberal they said don't touch Earth don't take the gas no now they thank God that we did because gas cost 50 times more than when we first extracted it the Israeli customer pays 10 percent of what the European does because we got it for cheap that's our guess look and we find more and more 350 days in a year we have sunshine look what we did in the southern part of the of Israel created the world's highest solar tower that looks to the Future every home in Israel by law must have a solar panel on his roof so we can serve energy the sun is there anyway so that's not enough Israel generating about eight percent of its electricity from solar power by the way solar power cannot give you more than eight percent eight to ten percent that's it the what the what the um industry needs is much more than that that's why when Europe started moving to Green energy they relied on gas the Russians stopped the gas their prices went up 10 times they abandoned all the traditional ways in order to be more green that's what happens what about food 3.7 percent of the workforce in Israel is producing 95 percent of our food requirement I admire Agricultural Society Israel is not only leading in agriculture we're leading in agricultural technology and we send our teams all over the world to teach people how to yield from one plant ten times more than what they you know who is always inviting the Israeli Engineers Egypt and Jordan and all the Arab countries all around because the Egyptians they have limited agricultural land along the Nile what if they can make ten times more from the same land you don't pay taxes if you're a a a farmer in Egypt now you make ten times more and still not pay taxes good deal ladies and gentlemen 10 Israeli companies listed among the top 50 Global agric Tech food Tech firms in 2020. in military we are number one in in the region superpower with the best technology you can think of we have technological advantages cyber superpower we are helping the world protecting the web and all of that is happening according to the word of God see God may not necessarily speak about the Philippines but God necessarily speaks to the Filipinos about Israel Israel is a timepiece which through which God wants the attention of the residents of Tarlac City do you understand that every one of you why do you think we started behold Israel people need to know God wants you to know he declares the end from the beginning this is why we have a war now Russia in the Book of Ezekiel is known as rosh Iran is now supplying to Russia all the weapons and suicide drones in the Book of Ezekiel Persia turkey that is now allying having an alliance with Iran and Russia and it's called Gomer in the house of togarma and two countries in Africa Sudan and Libya are currently not in a state of war with Israel but they might be so according to Ezekiel very soon and on the other hand the same Ezekiel in the same chapter 38 that is described in Coalition that would come against Israel is saying that Saudi Arabia in its Biblical name Sheba and didan Saudi Arabia we can move I I already did Russia and all of that you can move all the way to the Saudi Arabia one Saudi Arabia known as Shiba in dedan will criticize the Muslim countries that are coming against Israel and today if you listen carefully to prime minister netanyahu's election campaign he said I am going to bring another deal with another Muslim country in this time it will be Saudi Arabia the U.S is losing power the U.S is becoming crippled by the globalist by the Liberals by the progressive the the borders there are open the crime is surging the economy is is on the floor they print money like crazy it's only a matter of time until China will overtake America as a world economic superpower in other countries is the world military superpower you can all you can all go to one of my messages on YouTube called the decline of an Empire all the boxes are checked to how an Empire is declining all of them is with what is going on in America an interesting thing is one of the staunch enemies of Israel for the longest time was always Syria and Syria is not mentioned in Ezekiel War because Damascus will probably be gone in the last couple years the Abraham Accords take a look Israel has peace with these countries right now not thanks to this U.S president but thanks to the one before him Orange haired guy but it doesn't matter who the president is in America from one Administration to the other the person in the White House affects the Middle East president Trump brought peace with four new countries at least three others have either formally recognized Israel or even open embassies there Arabs and Jews are cooperating on a level we've never seen before and some of you that are sitting right here in this row can testify of the growing collaborations in Israel and the Arab world right now in this role not this one a White House that holds the Middle East accountable results in less violence a White House that decides to cut off the head of the snake and kill General qasim suleimani the perpetrator of most of the terror attacks in the Middle East in the last 20 years brings peace eventually in just a matter of months following into the the departure of of the 45th president Israel knows and knows it's no longer has reliable support from the White House and now we have a precedent that is apathy and himself along allowing for the hostility that is needed for the coming invasion Russia did not attack anyone during Trump's era Russia attacked during Obama during Clinton and of course during Biden when there is something strong someone strong that holds the bad guys accountable the bad guys are afraid to do what they want to do so you're saying wait a minute so you say that it's a mistake that Biden is but no I did not say that God has allowed it which means it's part of the plan which means I am not for this president or for that President I am for the word of God to be fulfilled so what is next there is a great confusion Christians are Masters in taking things out of context why because they listen to YouTube more than they read their Bible this is an epitome and lately they fell in love with YouTubes that have bombastic um a sensational click bait titles shocking Revelation whenever you see on the video shocking run away it's a click bait this is what happened next and they won't tell you on the on the on the title anything because they want your click because they could care less about your knowledge they care about the views so YouTube will pay them do you know they get paid for every YouTube View and you give it to them and then someone like me travels the world and people attack me for teaching the Bible because it contradicts the YouTube that they saw that made someone rich but it's completely unbiblical the Bible says there will be or there have been some wars in the Middle East Psalm 83 for example I received today a text message a lady said me and my husband wants to go to Israel in June but we were told by some Ministry not to go because Psalm 83 is coming to pass and I'm like what I know psalm 83. Psalm 83 speaks of a war that Israel already had with all of its neighbors 1948 we were attacked by Lebanon Syria Jordan Egypt and Iraq it's a this is something that has happened today Jordan and Egypt rely on Israeli gas do you think they're going to attack us they cannot survive without us ladies and gentlemen Psalm 83 has been fulfilled Isaiah 17 that speaks of the soon coming destruction of Damascus of course it's future because Damascus is still standing today use your brains they burn against Damascus behold the masses will cease from being a city and it will be a ruinous heap if you follow me on Telegram and you get news you will see how many times Israel has been attacking Damascus over the last few years phenomenal Ezekiel 38 and 39 whole world is waiting for including you Russia Iran turkey Libya Sudan will come together and the Bible doesn't say that they want to destroy Israel because Israel is called Israel no it's not a political war it's not even a religious War per se it's an economic War they come to plunder to steal to take booty that's what Ezekiel is all about ever since we found Natural Gas that Alliance has been formed Zechariah 14. the war that will end the the tribulation and Usher the millennial Kingdom it's not for us and of course Revelation 16 speaking of another Gorgon Magog which will be at the end of the millennial Kingdom ladies and gentlemen we are living in the transition from Psalm 83 when Israel was attacked just for changing its name to Israel to Ezekiel 38 when we're super power that those countries want to come and take from us you can read at home Psalm 83 you can read at home Ezekiel 38 but see behold I am against you God says God is telling rush and may Sheikh he said I'm against you o God the prince of Magog rosh measure control he says I will turn you around put hook in your jaws and lead you out with all your army God is saying that look at the war that Russia has with Ukraine again you can be mistaken by saying well the war in Ukraine is in the Bible no it's not however the outcome of the war in Ukraine and let's move to the war in Ukraine you can see it Russia invade Ukraine you could see it what happened because of the war in Ukraine Russia started buying weapons from Iran and they become friends Jews are leaving Russia and Ukraine coming back to Israel in record numbers and gas the Israeli gas is now becoming hot commodity because Europe doesn't want to buy gas from Russia anymore so this war may fill up your TVs or your laptops or your iPads or your phones but you as a smart student of the word of God always have to ask yourself okay what is this and Bible I just gave you three things that are biblical and they are to happen so I want to conclude with two verses from Luke 21 Jesus warned his disciples he said look there is going to be a lot of things happening as a sign of the end and when these things begin say begin to happen you're not there to go through the tribulation when you see things begin to happen lift up your eyes and look up for your Redemption is Drawing Near now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I thought I'm redeemed already how come my Redemption is growing near I'm asking you right now what is it that is still not redeemed in you you have a new heart you have a new spirit you are a new creation in Jesus Christ you have new life right now but the only thing that you're still stuck with is your old body look at you punch yourself or pinch yourself even better you are dying unless you're not 18 yet that's it you're on a free fall right now this body is not going to enter into the kingdom of God what minute so how am I going to go the Bible says in First Corinthians chapter 15 behold I tell you a mystery not all of us are going to sleep which means we're not all going to die but all of us are going to change change this body must wear incorruption and immortality this is a tent what you have now you need to get a building so the Redemption is the Redemption of our body plucked out of this terrible world being united with Jesus in the clouds and only when all these things happening already and the tribulation is already undergoing and those seven years will be something that the world has never seen before all the islands will be gone don't volunteer to stay here you know what it means to the Philippines ladies and gentlemen you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of God is near even in in heaven know that when it's over you come back with Jesus and Reign and Rule with him for a thousand years and I want to remind you all these last verses from Romans 13. do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now say now now our Salvation is nearer what salvation the salvation of your body our Salvation our Rapture our removal is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent the day is at hand therefore he said let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light and walk properly as in the day I want to encourage all of you this evening look I don't know what what's going on in your life I really don't guess what God knows whether it's the good things or the bad things you're trying to hide from him hide it from people you cannot hide it for him and if you seriously want to play with your future and your soul and take the risk of you know I was in Romania a couple years ago and somebody came to me at the end of the message a young man he said so will people be saved in the tribulation I said well yes biblically yes good I'm like why are you asking should all good saved and tribulation I said you want to tell me that you know that you can get saved now and you choose to stay and go through the tribulation now it doesn't cost you then your head will be chopped off if you cannot live for Christ today what makes you want think that you can die for him during the tribulation listen to me today is the day of salvation and I I saw what pastor Barry did and it was amazing to see so many of you rededicating or for the first time coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ I pray that what you did today by standing up is not an act of show but it's a sincere beginning towards repentance that tonight will be completed with your knees on your floor crying out for him to be the Lord of your life don't let this day end without giving your life to Jesus and I will finish with this world events and our life are two parallels world events will happen no matter what it will happen the masses will be destroyed Ezekiel war will come to pass but your life in your life's decision will determine where you will be doing those world events are you going to be here or are you going to be there with him and that is why I hope that you take to heart the message tonight you can hear the sound of the Four Horsemen which means they're very close and you know that we live in the days of Ezekiel father we thank you for your word promises we thank you for who you are we thank you that you love your children so much that you brought people even all the way from Israel or for America and you had them drive two and a half to three hours from Manila to Tarlac because you care and you love so much your children that showed up today and father let this opportunity not go to waste I pray that everyone that stood up and showed his of intention to follow you will not wake up tomorrow morning to his old life but to a new one we thank you and we bless you and we ask this in the matchless name of the Holy One of Israel the lion of the tribe of Judah the Lamb of God Emmanuel the Prince of Peace in the name of Yeshua who is the Salvation of the world we pray and all of God's people say amen thank you [Applause] okay listen I don't know what's the time right now but we do have time for questions if you have we we don't want to leave here without answering your question it's a little hard to answer 3 000 questions so Pastor how do you want that to work with questions do you want people to come forward and ask um or do you want them to raise their hands and somebody will run with a microphone do you have a microphone that can be handed over to the people yes okay we have lots of microphones praise the Lord so Pastor Barry come over here uh would you like to while they are thinking about their questions okay we will have some offerings first oh okay okay uh foreign [Music] amen somebody hand me Armani from the guy love gift for the event God bless Tia busy because I will put it in the offering all the offering goes to behold Israel Ministry okay the word of God says I will bless those who bless you always look to Israel get connected since we were connected in Israel the Lord started to bless our church we send uh for one month eight of them see Alex that's a lot of money but today tonight all of you can connect to Israel you are grafted and connected and the best one of the best connection is but if you want you and your church let's get connected to Israel let's bless okay uh things are giving everyone is excited everyone is excited and when we do offerings that the way we do offering now everyone will come forward to give their offerings at the APC with gladness so due to time constraint Corona offering and then big Lane and everything goes to behold Israel aside from this our church will give all the remaining dollars we have we will give it to behold Israel that's how much committed we are to Israel so Lord we love you and we love your People Israel we pray every day for the Peace of Israel and you said I will bless those who bless you who bless them and I will curse them who who curse them we want blessing Lord that's why we bless Israel thank you for your servant who have feared our faith and our excitement for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to be ready and prepared every minute every hour every day we are excited for the Blessed hope with the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Hallelujah now Lord we want to succeed for Israel we love you and we love Israel in Jesus name amen and amen come on let's give and let's welcome back we'll welcome back uh the singer they like to sing yeah come on first counselor in San Jose City oh this guy is also made an offering for his church last Sunday and want to give to bless bro foreign foreign [Music] foreign Jesus Revival Church the biggest church in San Jose City first counselor acting mayor right now and posi Dona Vance Evancho actually Evancho like to acknowledge our Pokemon board member in our second district nantarla I'm comparing a SI Dan is your wife with you okay of course uh she poking poking congressman and second district Christian hey of course uh pastors foreign okay uh you're welcome with escort uh Province provincial director escort for our guests so at Independence uh praise God for that uh Bob please come up here and please please please so ladies and gentlemen I am so proud uh to introduce to you welcome um no and he always asks me to come up of course I'm overwhelmed with the sharing of our dear friend and visitor from Israel Mr charfati I would also like to welcome Pastor Barry stagner I met you the other day correct was it Barry that I met um the other day when I visited um to my auntie and the prayer Warrior Auntie Edith to all the our visitors from the different provinces I believe there are people who came from Nueva ecija Pangasinan oh there you go uh where is Tarlac [Applause] and all the neighboring towns I'm so blessed to be with you tonight I hope were there any questions for Mr chairpati today um just to share Mr chairfati that we have closed very close ties with the Israeli government we've been sending a lot of our students to study agriculture in your country we've sent more than 3 000 students already for their fourth year program so in Central Luzon we've become one of the strongest agricultural provinces here and this is thank we thank the Israeli government for their close cooperation and support in fact um your Ambassador Ambassador plus has been to our Province several times we've had the pleasure of having dinner in his house too with my son Christian and um for this coming 2023 we've even um strengthened that bond for agriculture of course as the leader Israel is the leader in agriculture and we'd like to thank you and for sharing everything all the prophecies you've had for tonight and I know it's already January 11 but Happy New Year to everyone tomorrow is another um momentous day it will be the first um celebration of the National Baptist day so how timely and it's really a Divine Providence that we've had the pleasure of great speakers tonight to commemorate also to celebrate tomorrow's national Baptist day [Applause] okay so wow so we will request our guests we will entertain only one question each Province okay we have Pampanga we have zambales we have never see her we have pakistanan we have now called Delia we have ifugao uh led by Colonel uh uh ragus we have Isabella we have kelino said Aurora and many many provinces no so my sisters from Las Pinas are here no uh Amir because of them okay make it short uh and then they're more than willing to answer your questions okay so yeah is is it okay to go upstairs so that or is it okay yeah CNC it's we have a we have a camera so the first question sir my question before I will ask my question to Bishop Amir Bishop Barry I have to introduce myself also I am from Pennsylvania in ilocano with Pastor Daniel we ride on the bus we are about 70 coming from bayambang so this evening I want to greet you the very joyful and pleasant good evening to everyone you know okay now this is my ask you to sit down no question and answer them okay my question I have here listed around 20 but only one so Pastor uh Beverly discuss about the tribulation period chapter 6 my question is this why is it that John uh when he wrote revelation the number of seals is seven why is it number seven and not other number like 12 like 30 or some other numbers what seven what's your reason Why seven number seven seals seven trumpets and seven by us chapter 2 3 in Revelation well seven is the number of completion and when you take the first Seven Seals the seventh seal opens up the seven trumpets when you take the seventh trumpet the seventh trumpet opens up to seven bowls in which is the complete and undiluted wrath of God so while one feeds into another the particular reason that there are seven is because of the symbolic nature of seven there's letters to the seven churches which records the complete history of the church you see the seals trumpets and Bulls give the complete wrath of God and in that it is all completed and his wrath is satisfied on a Christ's projecting World his discipline is finished on the nation of Israel and when he when Jesus returns um the one-third surviving Jews look upon Him whom they pierced and mourned for him as One Mourns for an only son so that's the reason there are seven series of sevens uh in the Book of Revelation um brother Amir I just wanted to ask if you have some books for sale uh did you bring some because I have a hard time looking here in the Philippines um that is an excellent question I I have good news and bad news the bad news is that I don't have it with me the good news we found a philippine-based publisher that will start selling these books in a very cheap price all over the Philippines so his debut is going to be this Friday night in Alabang with a revealing Revelation but they're about to print all my books and there's a book that Barry and I wrote that just came out two weeks ago and it's actually called Bible prophecy the essentials answers to the 70 most essential questions that people have and so all of these will come out in the coming few weeks here in the Philippines by a Filipino publisher way cheaper than you can find it online so don't in the Philippines I said don't buy it online wait and you will hear now if you follow me on Telegram Instagram Facebook I will announce when it's out and I will send there a link also so stay tuned how many of you want to follow behold Israel on Telegram please we listen to me social media is about to cancel anyone that teaches the word of God it's not a matter of when it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when this is why we are creating right now our own channels in an independent um app that can provide these things without being Shadow banned or restricted pastor Barry yet today announced that he has a new Facebook page why because Facebook has been Shadow Banning and restricting everything he said so he needed to find you know start a new my this is what telegram is all about so follow me on Telegram and you'll even see yourself because I just posted the video of you saying Shalom from Tarlac on telegram you'll find it it's 380 000 subscribers so don't follow any other Channel with my name because these are fake channels that are asking for money that's not us follow the right one with a lot with the number of followers and again I promise you that I will put the link of the books and where you can buy it and when and I will also tell you another thing watch this I will be back here no listen remember I I told you about Old Testament I rebuked you to study the Old Testament I'm gonna hold here next time a quiz and the winner will receive a free tour to Israel [Applause] you will have to know your Old Testament okay and I will bring you to Israel so that's another reason why you want to follow us on social media because we will make those announcements there we will announce the winner we will announce the the time we will be here and we might even need a bigger venue for a conference that we want to hold here in Central Luzon but but this is amazing middle of the week three thousand people unheard of way to go Tarlac yeah probably by then Sports Complex nothing the five thousand sitting capacities a trp okay so another question said sir Amir and pastor Barry I'm Bishop Michael mahore from vegan City hello and this is my question when we Face covet 19. the Filipinos the Philippines was a caught in into unprepared unpreparedness I am raising a practical question because it is also alarming I am a school president and we compete in prescon in depth and it's my big surprise that the theme is all about food short dates my question is very simple how can we prepare for this possibility of Global Food shortage that will surely affect the country thank you well I think the first thing to remember is what we said in the message when it gets really bad we're going to be already gone and what we're seeing is the precursors to the things that will be fulfilled during the tribulation we talked about the fact that the mental attitude of humanity has to be in a delusional state to believe the lie of the Antichrist before the tribulation even begins and what we're talking about about these food shortages are the sound of the horsemen we're starting to see things develop in an unprecedented level and manner that we've never seen before but when things get you know just like anything you know I live in California they tell you to always be earthquake credit you guys know a little about earthquakes so we just have some emergency supplies emergency water we just do basic preparations but when when things get to the cataclysmic State we're going to be in the father's house already celebrating for seven years so we won't see the worst of it so I think the the answer to the question is we shouldn't do anything beyond what we're already doing as far as preparation goes keep some food on hand all those other things you know we're going to see this increase in prices and all those things but remember the things the The Four Horsemen in the apocalypse are elements of God's Wrath first Thessalonians 5 9 we don't have an appointment with God's Wrath we have an appointment with the Deliverance of these bodies into the realm of the supernatural to forever be with the Lord so just be wise you know when they we watch the economy you know when things they say you know things are some of the financial advisors are saying not a good time to buy a car not a good time to make an investment in something that could go up or down so just sit on it for now that's just basic wisdom God's given us all minds and the wisdom that comes from above is first pure so let's ask the Lord you know what would you have me to do but I think just basic practical Preparatory steps as you would at any other time but uh I think most of all we should praise the Lord that he's going to come get us one day I believe very soon [Applause] hello good evening my name is Rachelle I am from Baguio City and also from Canada I now reside in Canada my question is for Mr sarpati I have two questions uh first I believe you are missing Jew is that correct uh I am a Jew who believes in Jesus all right you call it whatever you want okay second I'm just uh curious why is it that a lot of your fellow Jews still refuses to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah okay this is a very good question interesting one and prophetic one Paul has addressed this question quite a few times in the epistle to the Romans Paul and also to the Corinthians second Corinthians he also said he said blindness in part has happened to Israel he also said through their fall in order to provoke them to jealousy salvation was given to the Gentiles every single day you need to do two things thank God that he opened the door for you and now thank God that he can use you to provoke them to jealousy and now I'm going to say something that is very disturbing and I want to apologize in advance if I am going to offend you but I don't care in the Philippines I've been coming to this country for the last 25 years I almost got killed here in a severe car accident I was flown to Manila I got back home in a wheelchair this country is very important to me but I'm watching a trend that is very unbiblical a trend that causes Christians to feel insecure in their Christianity and cause them to want to be Jews listen to me we are called to provoke them to jealousy not to be provoked by them to jealousy now listen God in Christ say that in Christ in Christ there is no more Jew or Greek nothing however apart from Christ in the outside world God is doing with Israel things that the world has no way to understand they can't figure it out because there is a special plan for God for Israel but in Christ there is no Jew nor Greek so acknowledge God's special plan for Israel and also embrace your status as sons and daughters that can call him Abba Father the Jewish people today have a spiritual blindness that has been something that God caused the Bible says God is the one who gave them Spirit of stupid ears that they cannot hear and eyes that they cannot see and I want to conclude my answer with I'm concluding the message concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers and then watch this for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable and then he goes on and says for as you were once disobedient to God yet have now obtained Mercy through their Disobedience even on these also have now been disobedient they have been disobedient that through the mercy shown you they also May obtain Mercy for God has committed them all to Disobedience that he might have mercy on all all the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments in his ways past finding out God is in control he wants you to do two things don't become a Jew and share with the Jews you see if you don't give them Jesus they will not be saved Jesus said to a Jew unless you are born again you will not be able to enter into the king so a Jew he said that the Jews don't have any other way to heaven and if you don't share with with them the Lord you steal with from them you take from them their only way to heaven the Jewish people are now the largest Harvest Phil for you who are in Christ to share with and and if they reject share again and reject share again God is not done with them but I will conclude with Zechariah Chapter 13. you know the Antichrist is going to come hard against the Jewish people because a third of the Jews will not accept him they will not take the mark neither on their forehead or their arms they will flee to a place that the Lord has prepared for them in the desert for 1260 days for the latter of three and a half years of the tribulation but two-thirds of Israel will perish I didn't say that Zechariah chapter 13 says that only the last third he will bring through the fire and he will refine it so I want you to understand two out of three Jewish people will be dead during the tribulation because of the horrors of the Antichrist how about knowing these figures how about now sharing the gospel with them because they were blinded so you can open your eyes thank you for giving me the time uh pastor Amir I am following you in behold Israel and your messages in YouTube also I heard you one time that you are really persuaded that Jesus is coming soon especially with reference to Matthew 24 on the fig tree you have some messages on that here is my question are you convinced and persuaded that Jesus is really coming soon and will the temple the Third Temple is a prior or will it be started before comes before Jesus comes for the awareness of all people of God thank you first of all I believe Jesus can come tomorrow or today actually he might even why if two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote the dead in Christ will rise first and we that are alive and well will be caught up together with them in the Clouds of me the Lord in the air that means he also thought it's going to happen in his lifetime if the Apostle Paul saw the imminency of the Rapture as a critical Doctrine who am I today to say the Lord will come but at least at least in three years from now there is no such verse in the Bible Jesus says behold I'm coming quickly he says today's the day of salvation not in three years regarding the temple everything is ready when it comes to the blueprints and the vessels but there is one major thing that is lacking you want to know what it is no there is a place the the place will be in or right next to the Dome of the Rock north of it the problem is the world is not ready yet for a political leader that will allow the Jews to build a temple on the Temple Mount there has to be something catastrophic that will bring about such a war into the Middle East which is exactly the War I described in Ezekiel that will finally the victory of God in that war will cause the Jewish people Messianic aspiration but they will follow the wrong person the Antichrist will rise in Daniel chapter 9 says that he will cut a covenant with Israel in that Covenant in that Covenant what makes him different and all the other covenants all the other peace deals and peace treaties that were ever offered in the he will offer them a temple why because that Temple he believes will be built by them later on to be owned by him remember Paul said to the Thessalonians that that Antichrist is going to walk into the temple of God and declare himself as God so he will allow that Temple to be built in order to later on Cut the sacrificial ceremony and walk himself in and establish the abomination of desolation that Jesus said to Israel run from so we the church will not see the standing Third Temple why because we are not to see the Antichrist why because the Bible says in second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 the rest the one that restrains must be taken out of the way and then the Son of Perdition the man of lawlessness will show his face so don't try to guess who the Antichrist is try to follow Jesus Christ that's my and and and yes Jewish people will go for a third Temple because they're blind they truly believe that it will bring about salvation and restore their relations with God but then when they will see that man walking in and declaring himself of God a third of them is going to run I say no you're not God and God will prepare a place for them few years ago one of the elders in our congregation told me that in the 1960s he met a group of Dutch Believers from the Netherlands who came to Israel got Hebrew Bibles of all the New Testament and smuggled them to Petra and Jordan to hide them in the caves so when the Jews in the future will be hiding in the desert they will also find their Messiah for reading the word of God because make no mistake the Antichrist will not allow you to have the word of God make no mistake he will not everything that you see today in this world regarding the word of God and the things of God will vanish you understand morality will be subjected to your interpretation and his dictating of things everything you know this world is going to the wrong direction in on steroids right now and this is another indication why I believe Jesus is coming soon okay [Applause] no next time in two days okay uh behold Israel okay so wow uh I don't know so praise God foreign Lord huh okay so get excited uh for the coming of the Lord uh we'll sing a song after after that we'll we'll pray Muna Lord everyone foreign not because of Amir not because of battery but because of the Living Word that we heard that excites us for the coming of our our glorious Savior Jesus Christ we are excited Lord pero a greater greater sufferings but we are excited we are ready and prepared Lord tonight as we go to our respective homes must on fire are steered and activated [Music] in Jesus name we pray amen amen let's sing this song and let's go home okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we are everything in the world Shining [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] your voice [Music] God is to God [Music] bless you everyone have a safe trip [Music]
Channel: Tarlac First Baptist Church
Views: 76,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFBC, Bishop Frank, TFBC Worship Center, Tarlac
Id: D8--82a1nmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 25sec (12145 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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