Amir Tsarfati - Revealing Revelation 2023 Davao - Session 1

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well listen while in Davos they are plotting to fix the world in Davao we are studying that God has already prepared new Heaven and new earth so let's remember with sin in this world this world is unfixable and therefore God will make new heavens and new earth amen now we of course are here as agents of men of of righteousness to bring people unto the Lord but by no means we think that we can correct and fix this world or else God would have not made new Heavens in the Earth the whole idea is that we need a new place and there we will be not just the majority but we will be the only ones uh so it's wonderful are you ready for a long and healthy big meal right now buckle your seat belts this is a long journey throughout the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation father I thank you for your word your word is truth and we ask now that you will sanctify Us by this truth and we asked us in the name of the word in the name of Yeshua Jesus we pray and all of God's people say amen amen so the first session of the five is interpreting Revelation meaning the glorified Christ and introduction to the church and the love letters to the bride and we have to make it very clear from the very beginning John made it clear from the beginning that the ultimate author of this book is who Jesus Christ John may have been the one to write it but it these are the words that he was asked to write these are the revelations that he was given from Jesus through that angel that was sent to John therefore this is as the book begins the revelation of Jesus Christ not of John is not of a mankind this is Jesus revealing himself and therefore we have to remember that and that is exactly why the Book of Revelation is a book that we must read and we must study and believe it or not ninety percent of the Churchill worldwide do not teach the Book of Revelation they stay away from it like from fire they don't know how to approach it how to interpret that how to read it how to understand it so they just keep it away from the people but Revelation is a book to read it is in the Bible therefore it is obviously for our edification it is inspired by God God it offers a special blessing to those who read it the only book that offers special blessing to those who read it hear and put into use and of course he tells them a future that God wants us to know this book is a book of Prophecy this is for the most part from chapter four and on is a book that speaks of future events God wants you to know the end from the beginning he declares it as Isaiah says there are seven full blessings that we can see through the Book of Revelation in 1 3 blessed is He who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it Revelation 14 I Heard a Voice saying blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord from now on 16 it says behold I'm coming that thee blessed is he who watches and keeps His Garment lest he walk naked he continues all the way as you can see in Revelation 19 you can see the verse in Revelation 20 you can see the verse in revelation 22 you can see the verse behind me in revelation 22 again in verse 14 you can see all together seven amazing blessings and when we come to interpreting Revelation you must understand there are four major interpreting schools and approaches to the Book of Revelation there are the preterists as you can clearly see the historical the symbolic and the futuristic and they they all interpret differently the different parts of Revelation if I can summon it up for all of you the preterist that comes from the Latin word preter which means it is done it happened everything took place in the past in the 70 A.D everything has been fulfilled The Book of Revelation is in a way not a book of future prophecy it's a something that was prophecy when it was written before they say and then in 78 he was fulfilled that's it and they are teaching that until today even in the Philippines in fact the first time somebody approached me and said Amir everything has been fulfilled everyone is saved you don't have to teach about the Rapture of the church it was actually in Manila of all places this is a prominent teaching people love the burden of sharing the gospel to be off their shoulder therefore they gladly hop on the cart of it's all fulfilled that's it then the historical one believes that the entire Book of Revelation represents the church history from first coming Christ to the second coming of Christ making even the events of the tribulation as part of church history they gladly teach that the church is even in chapter 4 to 18. the symbolic approach is that this seeks the book of sees the Book of Revelation as fictional fictional book they actually believes that this is the description of a battle between good and evil and God and Satan and that's it it's just a nice way to read about it are you kidding me isn't that interesting that the things that happen happen really literally why would you doubt that the things that will happen will not happen literally in Israel is the ultimate ultimate case showcase that God is fulfilling his word literally for two thousand years people thought the Jews are gone from the stage of the world and the church has replaced Israel and anything that is now spoken about Israel and the future of Israel is actually symbolic because it really means the church and then in 1948 we came to pass as a nation and everybody had a punch in their nose but whoa God is indeed fulfilling his word literally and therefore I'm holding the futurist approach which by the way you are holding right now because I'm teaching and the future is believes that the letters to the seven churches were written to seven literal churches that also described the state of the church throughout the ages until the rapture hence things that are the Bible says but also John is describing future events beginning in chapter 4 through the rest of the book hence things to come this is why it's so important to not miss out the prophetic aspect of this book in second Timothy Paul already warned people about made of saying that things have happened already shun profane an idol babbling for they will increase to more ungodliness and their message will spread like cancer human nails and filettos are of these sorts who have strayed concerning the truth saying that the resurrection is already passed and they overthrow the faith of some you see those who believe all has been fulfilled are causing great damage to the body of Christ and it has been already something that happened in the first century and Paul was warning about it and remember if you hold the futuristic approach you will always hold the truth that there are three groups of people in view in the New Testament just like um uh and that's why Revelation is no different the Gentiles the Jews and the church please make sure First Corinthians says it's First Corinthians 10 32 give no offense either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the Church of God they they were mentioned specifically and they were dealt with specifically and they were talked about specifically so the Book of Revelation is no exception it's also speaking speaking of Israel speaking of the Gentiles and speaking of the church and this is why it's important that you understand there are some aspects in the book that speaks about Israel some speaks about the rest of the world that unbelieving world and some are speaking about the church and therefore when in chapter 4 to 19 the word church is not even mentioned that is not for the church and that is not about the church this is important that you understand the word of God is very specific about who he's talking about and what he is saying now part of the reason for the literal interpretation to be criticized widely is because the Book of Revelation is based on a vision that John received however most prophetic scriptures are future events given in a vision or dream that ultimately finds fulfillment literally you see that in Revelation it says I was in the spirit in chapter 4 immediately I was in the spirit chapter 17 he carried me away in the spirit chapter 21 and he carried me away in the spirit again so you understand John was receiving just like Isaiah and just like Jeremiah and just like Hosea and all of them receive visions do you think that the return of the Jews to the land was described to Ezekiel not in a vision it was in a vision the vision of the dry bones if you remember so even here this is a vision but it will be literally fulfilled and this is all about meeting the exalted Christ Jesus Christ is being revealed in this book and he's all over this book there is in chapter 1 Jesus the revealer in chapters 2 and 3 Jesus the Shepherd in chapter four and five Jesus The Lion and the lamb chapters 6 to 18 Jesus the rightful judge yes he can also judge in chapters 19 to 20 Jesus the returning and reigning King and in chapter 20 to 22 Jesus the re-creator it's all about him it is the revelation of him and we need to speak about him and glorify him when we study this book how can we stay away from the book that is the revelation of Jesus and it is all about Jesus he's the revealer in Revelation chapter 1 17 and 18. as you can clearly see he is the Shepherd in Revelation 1 verse 20 regarding walking through the seven golden lampstands which are the Seven Stars which are the seven churches he is the shepherd he is walking through he is speaking he is relevant to the churches he knows what's going on in every church he knows what's going on in the hearts of every believer he knows what every Pastor is teaching he knows what every Pastor is hiding he knows what every worship leader and what every worship team is doing whether they are worshiping him or glorifying themselves he knows he is walking through and he's seeing he is watching nothing can be hidden from him Jesus is also the rightful judge God gave him the task to judge if you remember that and then Jesus is going to do that he's he's in full obedience to the father Jesus is well he came not to judge but to save but he will return to judge Revelation 6 I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard one of the four living creatures saying voice like come and see and of course the witnessing of the Judgment that began all the way until Revelation 19 and then Jesus is the returning and reigning King from chapter 19 all the way and then of course the recreator of new Heaven and new earth in Revelation 21 and we conclude the book in 22. so if the events of Revelation are still future when are they to take place interestingly enough the Greek word is a goose which means near in the Book of Revelation in your English translation near now for example blessed is He who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near again in revelation 22 the time is near in Philippians 4 5 the Lord is near in Matthew 24 know that it is near at your doors second Peter is the key to understand what near means in second Peter chapter 2 verse chapter 3 excuse me verses 5 to 9 it says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own lust and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation for this they willfully forget they forget that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the Earth standing out of water and in the water and by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with water but the heavens and the Earth which are now preserved by the same word are preserved for fire until the day of judgment and Perdition of ungodly men and now is the key to understand the near the egus but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord one day is as thousand years and thousand years as one day God is not working according to our timetable he is not hurrying up because of our requests guess why he is not judging the world yet guess why we're still here the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but what he is long suffering towards us not willing that any should perish but that let's read it together but that all should come to repentance aren't we glad that God is long-suffering Hallelujah we see in the Book of Revelation the Triune godhead in in in in in in in an amazing display that which is attacked even today the fact that godhead is of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit they are one but they are not the same it's not like Jesus is the holy spirit Jesus sent the Holy Spirit God is the father is the father look here in Davao the definition has changed I know I heard that's the Jesus was promoted to be the father and someone else was promoted to be the son but that's not the Bible definitely not the Bible the Triune godhead in Revelation 1 it says John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace to you and peace from one him who is and was and he's to come and from two this is a another way to describe the Holy Spirit the seven different spirits of God that are Before the Throne and then three Jesus Christ the faithful witness normally it's a father son of the Holy Spirit here introduces us the father and the Holy Spirit because about the son he is going to talk the rest of the book you understand that this is how it works and those seven spirits in Revelation 1 4 we hear about them and we hear about in Revelation 3 1 and Revelation 4 and Revelation 5 remember what Isaiah wrote in chapter 11 he says the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and the fear of the Lord Seven spirits that are actually the spirit of God the holy spirit of God that was resting upon the Son of God when he came in order to fulfill his Calling To Die For Us amen so now we understand what it's all about the Bible says that every eye shall see in Revelation 1 7 behold he is coming with clouds now make no mistake every word in the Bible makes a difference and it's important and it's important that we do not mix and confuse all of them in Revelation it says behold he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him in every and even they who pierced him this is a general announcement to the world that the world and the Jews who are those who pierced him what is Zechariah 12 saying they looked at him whom they appears that means the Nations and Israel will see him coming this is not the intimate coming of Jesus for us this is the public coming of Jesus to the rest of the world Daniel is talking about it also when he's coming with the Clouds Of Heaven he's saying that same thing Matthew 24 regarding the second coming the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn we will not mourn when he's coming to take us we will be glad when he's coming to take us but when he returns in his second coming to the world they will all mourn and cry and Israel will mourn and cry as well Matthew 26 Jesus said to him it is as you said nevertheless I say to you Hereafter you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the cloud so it's with the cloud and it's on the clouds which is important because it's different than in the clouds listen to this now who are the recipients of this letter in Revelation 1 11 it says I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last and what you see right in a book and send it to whom to the seven churches which are in Asia the Ephesus and Smyrna and paragamas and tayatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to the laodicea and as we see this we understand that these these are all mentioned in a geographical order beginning with Ephesus which was the closest in location to where John was all the way to the farthest most now it is his promise to return to judge and to rule behold he is coming with clouds and every I will see and the Bible says that in all the tribes of Earth will mourn because of him even so amen he will come and he will rule as we can see that all around and again as I said Zechariah 12 are those who pierced him Israel as well will see him upon his second coming and again the preposition is important he's coming with the clouds and on the clouds at the second coming and this will be a public event but first Thessalonians 4 that speaks about our gathering to be with him look what he says the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord in the air and so thus we shall always be with the Lord he is in the air is in the clouds this is not about the rest of the people no one will see it we will see him it will be intimate it will be for us we will be glad and one of the main things we'll be glad about is we will not be like this we will receive our glorified body and new body and that alone will make you so happy I will Hallelujah so that is a private event and Jesus is the I am remember that that is a declaration of his divinity of his deity we do not worship a man we do not believe that the Son of God is a flesh and blood Only We believe that it is God who became flesh and dwelt among us Emmanuel God is in is with us and therefore in Revelation 1 8 I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end Revelation 11 again Alpha and Omega in Revelation 7 1 17 and 118 and 21 6 and 2213 this is because for John as a Jew he knew exactly what even Isaiah the prophet spoke of the nature of the divine presence which is to be the beginning and to be the end and not to have any time timestamp Jesus is the sharp to edged sword Revelation speaking of he is sharp and two-edged sword and his continence was like the sun shining in strength and you can clearly see the same thing in Revelation 2 12. Hebrews 4 says for the word of God and Jesus is the word of God is living in powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of Soul and Spirit and of joints and mirror and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart now we are about to see throughout the Book of Revelation the exalted Christ this is not the Christ that is any more on the cross this is not the Christ who suffered this is not the Christ who was led to the slaughter this is the exalted Christ the one that is in the throne room of God the one that everyone is bowing down for the one that is worth heavy to open the scroll and Revelation 1 says I join both your brother and companion in the tribulation and Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ and I was in the spirit on the Lord's day and I heard behind me loud voice as of a trumpet saying I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last what you see right in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia and then he gives all those names he is the alpha is the Omega he's the one who is revealing himself to John and he says John write it and send it people need to know people need to have this revelation John would have realized the Divinity of the voice because the words the speaker is used to identify himself would have been familiar to a Jew Isaiah 44 thus says the Lord the king of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last besides me there is no God Isaiah 48 listen to me o Jacob and Israel my call I am he I am the first I'm also the last and in those days it was mostly the Old Testament as the scripture in the hands of the Apostles and the disciples therefore these are the words that John is familiar with and these are the words that now as he hears the Revelation he connects with and he understands we indeed are now listening to the exalted Christ then I turn to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the seven lamps and one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to defeat and girded about the chair chest with a golden band the son of man isn't that amazing this term exists 189 times in the Old Testament half of which are in the Book of Ezekiel is in a way for Ezekiel to describe himself by the way as the one to whom God is speaking the prophet Ezekiel is responsible as I said to almost half of these things but with the next book of the Bible Daniel a shift occurred and what once was either a generic term for Humanity or a moniker for a prophet it became a descriptive name for only one person and Daniel wrote it I was watching in the night vision and behold one like this son of man coming with the clouds of heaven with the clouds in heaven he came to the Ancient of Days to the Lord God father and they brought him near before him then to him was given the father will vanquishes to his son to the son of man to the the one that is all over and will be all over he says he gives him dominion and glory and Kingdom that all peoples Nations and languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away in his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed this is why we have to hold on to the key verse in Revelation 1 19. write the things which you have seen and are you with me write the things that you have seen and the things which are and the things which will take place after this John is very clear he is witnessing what happened he is witnessing what is going on now in the lifetime of the church but he's also given a vision of what will happen after after the church age after we are taken out of here after we are Unite with the Lord God is giving John a way to explain to the rest of the world what the world is going to go through look I have no doubt that the world is not reading the book of Revelation I have no doubt that in in Muslim mosques or in Jewish synagogues or in in any other religion they don't sit and study the Book of Revelation this book was not written for a Buddhist or for a Muslim of course I wish they read it but it was written to the churches it was written to the churches why so every Christian will know what this world is going to go through and every Christian will appreciate what God is exempting him from and every Christian will have that Burning Flame of sharing the gospel because of what he knows that this world is going to go through chapter one is the things which you have seen chapter two and three the things which are chapters 4 to 22 things which will take place after this so we see on this big um chart the exalted Lord Jesus Christ is the focus of the entire book outline is the things which you have seen things which are and everything from chapter four and on things which shall take place after this we see Jesus is everywhere judgments begin only in chapter six and on church is Unearthed in until chapter 3 is in heaven chapter 4 to 18 and back to Earth with Jesus 19 to 22. Israel in chapter one to five the letters to the churches is not speaking much much about Israel but then it's purged by fire through the tribulation and then all Israel will be saved as the Bible said the nations are not mentioned because the letter to the churches are for the churches and then the Nations will experience God's Wrath throughout the tribulation and they are already gone in the new Heaven and new earth because only those written in the Lamb's Book of Life Would dwell in that City Satan is under God's permissive will in the first part and then he is empowering the Antichrist throughout the tribulation and then he's condemned to the lake of fire at the very end this is the most comprehensive revelation of the future of Israel of the Church of the world and of even the satanic realm we better not say we don't know not only does Jesus want you to understand what's already taken place but he wants you to understand today and prepare for tomorrow so let's have an introduction to the church it's important what is the church you know we say that word all the time but in Acts chapter 2 we we get an understanding of what the church is all about Peter said to them repent and that every one of you be baptized in the name of the Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and then you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off as many as in the Lord Our God the Lord Our God will call the church is compromised the church is comprised of people compromising of course it's compromised unfortunately but the church in general is comprised of people who have been born again there is no look the first time I came to Manila never forget it was 25 years ago by the way I celebrate 25 years of ministry and it began here in this country and the first time I walked in the streets of Manila and I talk with someone he's asking me so what are you born again or Catholic and I'm like I didn't know you have options here because in my mind there's own Christian is born again you cannot be a Christian and not be born again there's no such thing no one ever was born a Christian if you are born a Christian omit that from your birth certificate you were born a sinner to be able to call yourself a Christian to begin with you have to be born again and so the church is comprised of people who have been born again and filled with the Holy Spirit Peter in response to the Jerusalem Jews question about what they should do in light of his fiery message answered and said and then the Bible says repent and be baptized and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit one thing we cannot Overlook is that Peter said we kind of Overlook is that Peter said This Promise is perpetual and it is and what it means and it means that what the church was in the beginning is what the church will be in the end a collective body of Spirit-filled Born Again believers are you Spirit failed if you are not that's why you're here to understand that you need to be and by the way that's why we're not raptured yet because of you God is long-suffering now who does the church belong to Matthew 16 says I also say to you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not Prevail against it uh we belong to Peter no we are not there have been a lot of interpretive gymnastics surrounding this comment that Jesus said about on this rock the rock is not Peter Jesus Peter is a Petros it's a little Stone but Upon This Rock The Rock of the Proclamation the confession of Peter that Jesus is the son of the Living God that's the one rock that we are built upon that's the one truth that we belong to Jesus is the lord of the church not Peter excuse me for saying that now covenant theology teaches that the church was in the Old Testament did you know that they say that uh because they you know in the Septuagint which is the Hebrew Bible translated into Greek roughly 200 BC the word Ecclesia which is the word for the church in the New Testament is found there referring to the referring to the assembly of the Jews well you know not every time a word appears in one book it means of the same thing in the second one and the reason is very simple though the same Greek word is translated Church in the New Testament that's not what we need to remember we need to remember that Jesus did not say that he was going to build upon the Old Testament Church but rather Upon This Rock I will build which means it was a future thing the church in Matthew 16 was a future event when Peter was acknowledging that Jesus is the son of the Living God which means Israel of the Old Testament could have not been the church you understand that but the church is not Israel also don't make that mistake as well now the church in the Book of Revelation we see an amazing thing it is of course the bride and he is the bridegroom and there are many parallels between the church and the Jewish wedding and the church is now called betrothal period uh this is when we belong to him but we're not yet married to him but we're fully belong to him legally and spiritually the church will experience the normal ebb and flow of life just as a bride would go with with her life during the betrothedral in an unconsummated relationship with her groom until the time of the ceremony at the groom's father's house and that's up there that means you have to be raptured you have to be taken because we're not guests of the wedding we are the bride you cannot be late you have to be there the end of our seven years in the father's house we will return with Jesus to rule and reign with him on the earth so take a look at this interesting development we live right now in the betrothal period in second Corinthians indeed is speaking about that period and then of course the church is on Earth before the tribulation then he's the Rapture where we are in the presence of God there's the bema seat of Christ we are being rewarded for our uh uh actions as Believers and the intentions of whatever we did and then of course this is while the world on earth goes through the Great Tribulation this is why the word church is not mentioned in those chapters of the Book of Revelation we're up there going through this amazing wedding while the rest of the world go through almost hell and then the Bible says returning and reigning with him the church returns to earth after the tribulation as Revelation says Revelation 19 and he's coming now watch this parallel on the screen the look in first Corinthians 15 look what he says I don't know if you have here but I have a parallel of three verses there you go behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep where we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised and we shall be changed now let's look at first um this was first Corinthians 15. now let's look at what first Thessalonians 4 says for the Lord himself will descend which means he's up in heaven now from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with what the trumpet of God people misinterpret the whole trumpet thing thinking that the trumpet judgments are related to The Rapture no they are related to to punishment they're unrelated to anything that has to do with us that's the trumpet of God that is sounding in heaven that is welcoming us into heaven and watch this the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we we see that there is always the promise for those believers who already perish that they will be risen it has nothing to do with any tribulation with any judgment this has to do with his private promise to his own bride and in Revelation 4 after these things remember after these things after these things after the church as is coming to an end I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first voice which I heard was like what the trumpet that's the trumpet that is blowing that's the trumpet that is inviting us into heaven and look what he says come up here we are to go up remember come up here I will show you things which must say must must take place after this and from this moment on throughout the Book of Revelation he is describing the tribulation he's taking us up and he's telling us those things that are about to happen must happen you watch them from up here amen amen now during the tribulation we will be with the Lord and during the seven years while on Earth uh the 70th week of Daniel is being fulfilled this will be the end of the bethroatal period with the church's marriage to the Lord and while in heaven we will all stand at the Judgment seat of Christ as second Corinthians 5 10 says for we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad look we're not going to hell we're already in heaven it's not like Peter is standing with a list of uh what's your name please and now during the millennium Revelation 5 is speaking about that during the millennial period look look what he says and and and when I heard and when when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the 24 Elders fell down before the lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the Saints and they sang a new song you are worthy to take the scroll we just sang is he worthy yes he is you Lord are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals and for you were slain what makes Jesus worthy he was slain he died for us he took our punishment he took our death he took everything that we deserve upon himself so he is worthy he is worthy for you were slain and have redeemed us to God by what by your blood you shed your blood so I can be redeemed and I can be reconciled to God out of now watch this and you have redeemed us out of every tribe in tongue and people and Nation all of us look at you I'm a Jew from Jerusalem from Israel a gentile from California we have from other places in the United States as well and we have people from every part of Mindanao and other parts of the Philippines we have people watching this thing and we'll watch these things from every part of the world because God has made us from every tribe and every tongue and every people and every nation we are a new nation all of us have now two passports you have your Filipino one but you also have your heavenly one and wait with your heavenly one now you are ambassadors here and the Bible says that we are now a holy nation and we he has made us Kings and Priests to our God and we what word is it shell future tense we shall reign on the earth so yes Amir but we are not running on Earth right now yes we're not running right now because we're not there yet with him we're not yet coming back with him but the minute we go to that marriage and we come back with him what do you think you're coming back like not like this you have your glorified body you are riding a white horse behind Jesus and we come to rule and Reign on Earth and after the millennium first Satan is crushed based on Genesis 3 8 15 that his head will be crushed remember and thrown into the Lake of Fire where the Beast and the false prophets already reside and this is followed by God's removing the old order and creating a new order he removes the old heavens and look on not on the earth is defiled Even Heaven is defiled Satan rebelled first not men not Adam Satan rebelled first Heaven is contaminated and therefore even there is a need for a new Heaven not only a new Earth and therefore he will make all things new and along with the new Heaven and Earth the New Jerusalem descends Out of Heaven on what a spectacular sight to behold in Isaiah 65 and Isaiah 66 and II Peter 3 and Revelation 21 is talking about it in the Book of Revelation was a letter to the seven literal churches that were located in Asia present-day turkey mostly and we learn in chapter uh one that Jesus Walks present tense by the way not past walks he's still walking he walks among his churches evaluating their Doctrine their lifestyle their love for him and for one another and their Outreach to those in need and those who have never heard the gospel God sees everything even in the tiniest small Church in Davao all the way to the mega churches elsewhere around the world he knows exactly what they're all about he knows exactly the intentions behind all of this and the Bible says that he comes he complemented five of the seven and reprimanded all but two and when we turn to Revelation 2 and 3 we encounter seven literal congregations for most of them Jesus have some good news but for some he has some bad news there are those who are convinced by the way that the church will be giving will be going through part of all the tribulation however when we recognize God's purpose for the tribulation putting the church through it is not even one of them God's purpose obviously is for Israel's salvation for judgment upon the Nations that rejected him and for the final Judgment of Satan at the very end of it the church is not part of it he will present his bride wholly and blameless before the Lord it is the work of the Holy Spirit to sanctify the church not the responsibility of the tribulation to sanctify the church so there's so many people we have to go through the tribulation to be Sanctuary we are Sanctified by the Holy Spirit it's almost like beat me up please so I will feel Holier so where is the church now take a look right now we are on Earth First Century all the way to the 21st century obviously we're still here we will be soon go up to heaven according to first Thessalonians 4 and to be there and that is described in four and five and then in Revelation 19 we come back with Jesus to Earth as Zechariah 14 5 thus the Lord my God will come and all the saints with you we're coming with him and then when he makes all things new we go to be in the New Jerusalem Ezra is revelation 21 I saw the holy city and of course who is going to be there only those whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life the church begins its Journey Through Time here on Earth from the first century to the rapture you will spend seven years in the father's house with the Lord returns with Jesus to rule and reign in righteousness at the second coming and lives Eternal perfection in the New Jerusalem after the Millennium but one question that many Bible detectors like to use is if God is love then what is the purpose of the tribulation isn't a time of catastrophe such as the world has never seen which uh to them is inconsistent with a loving God well listen this is not the case to the seven churches he explains everything and while some Scholars like to limit the seven letters to strictly being applicable to each literal church and contain lessons for the very uh uh uh for every um you know one of them we must remember that history makes it clear that there is a chronology to the letters that was not visible in the past this is exactly what Daniel 12 4 says look I'm giving you Daniel something that only in the future people will be able to understand he says where Daniel was told the Visions are received were sealed to him but those alive at the time of of the end could see their meaning with clarity on top of that Revelation 1 3 says in revelation 22 18 both report that this book is prophecy which means future and there is nothing anywhere in the book that indicates the chapter two and three are not prophetic so even though they talk about real churches that existed they have a prophetic component to it regarding the future don't only look at that as past take a look at this chart this is a very heavy chart but you need to understand this is how the Lord is speaking to every one of the churches every one of the letters has a different has a meaning for the church the period that he is representing it's important that you understand that even though he spoke to Ephesus about um all the Affairs and and the compliment and for their faithfulness and concern about losing their first love and correction and encouragement it is also something that described the entire Apostolic first century and second century Smyrna yes Smyrna come from the word mirror it comes from from some fragrance and of course we will go through it in a few seconds but it is talking about also or depicting the persecution in in the third century and then comes thyatira excuse me speaking about marriage pergamon and then he speaks of Constantine in the fourth and the sixth Century that supposedly made the church the uh the state religion of the Roman Empire you know we have Tyra speaking of continual sacrifice speaks of the seventh to the 15th century of the middle and Dark Ages and Sardis speaking of a Remnant and it's speaking about of course foreshadowing the Reformation from the 16th to the 20th century and today and for unfortunately I can tell you in the 21st century and on uh from the 18th to 20th we do speak of the beautiful missionary movement in Philadelphia but as of the 21st Century we live in the last days and we do leave in the days of laodicea and we will see that in a few seconds with that said the letters to the church are in March forward in time as I said Ephesus represent the apostolic age Smyrna represents uh uh the Church of the third Century pergamom we we went through all of that so remember these are Love Letters to the churches Love Letters to the bride and he's saying there what he honors and what he's not honoring so much he honors faithful service to Ephesus in Revelation 2 now he says I know your Works tribulation and poverty you see the word tribulation is ever since the birth of the church he says going through tribulations never ever the church was accepted and was celebrated by the sinful world and and he says I know your Works your tribulation and poverty but you are rich to thyatira in Revelation 2 19 I know your Works Your Love Your Service your faith and your patience and as for your works the last are more than the first remember Smyrna represents the age of great persecution of the early church thyatira is of the Dark Ages of idolatry and sinfulness in the church and the Lord commends and therefore calls all of us to be faithful when persecution of the church is rampant even today and when the majority of the church has defected from truth and become worldly in other words God is saying even to us today you and me be faithful no matter what is going around you we need to remember that faithful service is not the obligation of some people in the church it is the calling of us all and Paul would go as far as to say that it is actually required moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful the Bible says he also speaks of moral Purity to Ephesus he says I know your Works your labor your patience and that you cannot bear those who are evil he also said in 2 6 but this you have that you have you hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate and we'll talk about them in a few seconds see much of the church today seems to think that welcoming sin in the church is being loving and yet the truth is far from it in fact to tell people that they are saved in their unrepented and habitual sinful condition is actually the spirit of the Antichrist if anything as is the heretical teaching of the antinomianism those who have who say there is no moral law there is no moral code anyone can do whatever he wants we are all under grace that's exactly the teaching of the Nicolaitans those who say there is no moral or standards by which the Christians should live because we are all saved by grace do not understand what Grace is in the first place see in Genesis 6 8 Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord the word grace in the Hebrew it's amazing the word means to stoop to an inferior in kindness this is what God did for Noah and it is from this act of God that we get the definition of Grace as unmerited favor but second Corinthians says for all things are for your sakes that Grace having spread through the many may cause Thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God see the Greek word translated as Grace is Harris it is the only word used in the New Testament for grace and it does not mean unmerited favor in many in in any place that it is used the word means divine inspiration in the heart and Its Reflection In The Life in other words Grace is an outward visible tangible reflection of the work of God in your life can adultery or idolatry do that can they be a manifestation of the work of God in you can fornication or sorcery do that can lying cheating or stealing reflect the work of God in your life that means moral Purity matters and it condemned by God so sound Doctrine has to be also addressed because in Ephesus to Ephesus he says you have tested those who say they are Apostles and are not and have found them Liars into Smyrna he said I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not but our synagogue of Satan will address that and to Philadelphia in Revelation 3 19 he says indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not but lie indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you see we live at a time where there is a group who are claiming to be the apostles at the same sense as the original dwell they they claim to be just like first century Apostles and everything they say equals to the word of God that's the New Apostolic Reformation that you better stay away from and in that sense um look all of us are sent all of us in a way have the apostolic um Ministry we're all sent to be an apostolis to be one who is sent but remember there is a difference however between the office of the Apostle like Peter James and John and the rest of the twelve and one who is sent Ephesians says he himself gave to some to be Apostles some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and teachers the same is true of the Prophet there is a difference in the gift of Prophecy and the office of the prophet Jesus appoints Apostles and the Holy Spirit according to First Corinthians 12 11 distribute spiritual gifts as he Wills not as we choose see the Lord commends Ephesus for testing those who claim to be Apostles and finding them Liars God says you're very good an apostle in in the office of apostle says has to be one who was there during Jesus Earthly Ministry from the time he was baptized until he was taken up according to acts 1 21 and 22 and also he must be an eyewitness of the resurrected Lord according to Paul which one by the way he was the only Apostle born out of due time as recorded in First Corinthians 15 8. look these are the letters that Jesus writes to the churches even today these are the same truths the same thing we go through today is the same thing they went through then the Bible says nothing of a new set of Apostles coming at the end of the church age to leave the church to global domination over seven mountains of power and and prepare the world for the return of Christ we are not to prepare though he's preparing a place for us behold I go to my father I am preparing a place for you and if it's not so I would have told you and then I'm coming what to receive you unto myself so where I am you be so you also be so he is preparing a place for us here yes we have to work you know and as workers of righteousness and we have to preach the word we have to be workers of righteousness we have to be preachers of the word we have to be about our father's business but do you think that just like those Endeavors yesterday I saw John Kerry saying we are the Elite we are like coming out of another sphere to fix this world that's what they think that they can fix the world we know that nothing can fix the world but Jesus and for and this world will go so bad that the appointed time he will take us up so he can judge this world in righteousness ladies and gentlemen faithful endurance of persecution to Smyrna in Revelation 2 10. he said do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer indeed the devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested and you will have tribulation 10 days let's understand what 10 days means in a few seconds until death and I will give you the crown of life and to pergamus in Revelation 2 13 I know your works and where you dwell where Satan's Throne is and you hold fast to my name and did not deny my faith even in the days of which Antipas was my faithful martyr who was killed among you were Satan dwells and I've seen photos from pergoma I've seen the place where they called the seat of Satan right there into Sardis in Revelation 3 4 You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy and to Philadelphia he says because you have kept my command to persevere I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test who to test those who dwell on the Earth you see the fact that four churches in four different periods of church history are commended for enduring persecution tells us times of a persecution will make regular visits to the church throughout its history the important thing for us is to remember that persecution is not a lapse in Divine favor it's not God overseeing things God overlooking things God is is out of focus the Bible says that the Lord begins with the church at Smyrna the world which means that word means myrrh this embalming spice had to be crushed to be to release its fragrance and Smyrna was under a heavy crushing time of persecution and when like polycarp who was a disciple of John the Beloved they were releasing the fragrance of Christ during persecution the Lord mentions that they will have tribulation 10 days now as you see Luke 17 as in the days of Noah so it will be also in the days of the son of man see a day is not only uh you know a 24 hour period when Jesus mentioned 10 days it doesn't mean only that it's like Noah's days which speaks of a period of time the church was going to suffer 10 periods of persecution these began with Caesar Nero as you all know who actually burn Rome and blame it on the Christians and lasted until and and it lasted all the way until 313 when Constantine declared the Edict of Toleration and recognizing Christianity as the religion of Rome this is within that time all the way until Constantine 10 periods we're talking about Nero who executed Peter and Paul that was followed by the mission who banished John who was followed by trajan who rode into law that it was illegal to be Christian who killed polycarp the bishop here in Smyrna trajan was followed by Marcus Aurelius who killed Justin Martyr and others then Severus Maximus Deschutes Valerian aurelian and finally the reign of terror concluded with Diocletian from 284 to 305 A.D prophecy future ten days you've got to have 10 periods of severe persecution by that same Roman Empire and a pinch of incense had to be offered while declaring with your mouth Caesar is Lord you couldn't just worship anything you want you had to acknowledge Caesar a certificate would be issued that you that would be read as an archaeological example as uncovered it says we the representatives of the emperor Severus and hermas we have seen your we've seen you sacrificing you could then be free to practice whatever recognized religion you choose to believe you see even Christians we're told it's okay you can be Christians just remember you have to sacrifice for Caesar you have to say that first he is like God see polycarp was taken to the arena and tied to stake they came to him he was the bishop of Smyrna he would not make any compromise and as the Romans guard came to his home on April 29th 1 55 A.D they pleaded with this wonderful and godly man to recant his fate in Christ he refused and they took him all the way to the arena and tied him to a stake with his captures pleading with him to make this one small concession just say that don't worry history tells us they was tied to the stake on the Sabbath even Jewish people helped in this thing and the Bible says that as the fire was lit an overzealous Soldier struck at polycarp with his Javelin hitting him in the shoulder severing an artery and the blood that squirted from his body extinguished the fire so they the Romans thought oh this is a this is from God please look God loves you recant your faith it's like it's an oxymoron but he said 86 years I have served my Lord and not once he has failed me I will not deny him now then the fire was rekindled and polycarp became a martyr rather than deny his Lord and while there have been Martyrs in the church in every century the 20th century saw more martyrs than all previous 2019 combined did you know that and what we need to remember folks is that it takes the same strength to live for Christ as it does to die for Christ and uh we are the Lords and we need to remember that faithfulness to the word of God we need to remember to Philadelphia he said I know your works I have said before you open door and no one can shut it for you have a little strength have kept my word and have not denied my name you cannot just oh I don't deny the name of Jesus but I don't read his word I don't keep Israel you don't do that on the on the plane over here I saw two women I I think it's women and they were holding a little baby Jesus statue and one of them had a mask on the little baby statue's face they brought him from Cebu that's not his word that's not how you keep his word in order to keep his word you have to get rid of Idols not to make new ones taking advantage of open doors to Philadelphia he says these things say he who is Holy he who is true he was the Key of David he opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens I know your work see I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it for you have a little strength and have kept my word take advantage the Philippines is by far the most open country in the world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ I've traveled all around the world all around the world I'm telling you no country is as open to the gospel as this country not no country take advantage of this Open Door now what is it that God rebuked the church was in danger of becoming an organization rather than living and loving organism teeming with life and love to Ephesus in Revelation 2 he says nevertheless I have this against you that you have left your first love remember from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent how can you call yourself a believer when everything else is your first love everything else is the things that you think of and do and and and entertain yourself with he tells the church to get back to the first love relationship which reminds us that Christianity is about a relationship with the Lord not with a church ninety percent of the Philippines is afflicted with a relationship with a church not with the Lord as a Christian we should go to church and be functioning and participating members of the body of Christ in which every part does its share but we always have to keep that primary relationship alive and strong our love relationship with the Lord he also come against immorality to pergamos in Revelation 2 he says I have a few things against you because you have there the they're those who hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality isn't that interesting when when when when Gentiles like you became Believers in the first century Jews Like Me didn't know what to do with you look at you all of you dinaguan drinkers what are we going to do with them and so they met in Jerusalem in Acts 15 and they decided that there are certain things that everyone whether or Gentile or Jew should be staying away from and one of them is sexual immorality and blood and things offered to idols the doctrine of Balaam is twofold it is anti-Semitism as Balaam taught King balak how to lead Israel into bringing curse upon themselves and secondly the doctrine of Balaam is the attitude that one can be fully Cooperative with the world and still serve God and in other words the doctrine of Balaam teaches compromise this is why the next commence a pergamum he next commands programming for exposing false Doctrine thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate repent or else I will come to you you know what the inequality and said you can sin your under grace do whatever you want the Deeds of the decolleteans in the letter of Ephesus had become Doctrine by the time the third Century arrived you first tolerate it then it becomes your Doctrine look at the look at the churches around the world the what they teach now is what they began to tolerate 40 years ago now they teach it and it's all against the word of God this is why we do not allow biblically prohibited practices into the church they will soon become the teaching of the church the Nicolaitans means to conquer the people and it is the hierarchical system within the church born at this time that the church is commended for hating in Ephesus it was being embraced as Doctrine by pergamon in laodicea the Lord rebukes a positive outward reputation but inward spiritual Decay and we see that the churches are building hierarchies and hierarchies and and the clergy becomes further and further and further away from the people and then the clergy becomes higher in in actual Physical Realm and then they have high different gowns and different hats and different things and before you know it that's it leadership and and flock are two different levels they're not even held to the same the same level anymore it is sadly that the age of the church history in which we now live and age where the self-perception delusion that is in the world is the same thing Jesus rebukes the I for example I'm born a male but I can be a female because that's how I see myself this is the perception it's all about what you feel what you see what you think how you view things versus how God did things how did he create us male and female that's it end of story not 50 genders but the Bible says that it it will eventually creep into the church and it will eventually become doctrine of church to see oneself as wealthy and in need of nothing spiritually yet in reality you're being wretched miserable poor blind and naked and thyatira he also rebuked their toleration of sin nevertheless I have a few things against you because you have allowed that woman Jezebel it wasn't her name Jezebel is a title Jezebel calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to Idol and I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent I didn't I indeed I will cast her into a sick bed and Those who commit adultery with her look Jezebel was the daughter of the sidonian king edball she married King Ahab who according to First Kings 16 30 he did more evil than any of the Kings before him and the marriage was one of convenience for it established a trade alliance between sidon and the Northern Kingdom of Israel isn't that interesting thyatira to to whom this letter was written it was a home to many trade guilds or unions if you would say each Union whether it was Weavers cloth diars Carpenters Tanners included a pagan God that was actually was had to be worshiped in order for you to practice your trade everyone and there was a trade alliance with false gods and in that Jezebel woman who taught that the meat offered to idols and sexual immoralities required of pagan deities was a small prac small price to pay look we want to survive in this world do you want money do you want business all you need to do is just allow this little thing you know if their God says someone kiss the feet of that oh I don't do it right now it's okay it's a small price to pay for the right to work and and feed your family you should do so many that it's okay to do all these things as long as you are the breadwinner bring money feed your family that's what matters and this is exactly in contradiction to the church Council in Acts 15. when John excuse me James wrote it seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things look he says you don't have to circumcise you don't have to keep the law you don't have to keep the Sabbath you don't have to become Jews it's okay we're not expecting you to be Jews we ourselves have hard time being Jews but then he said but you have to be to do only this abstain from things offered to Idols from blood from things strangle and from sexual immorality if you keep yourself from these you will do well farewell he wrote this short letter to all the Gentiles that are now members of the church stay away from these four things farewell and what did she tell them it's okay to do two of the four it's okay no no no this is first century ladies and gentlemen it's not okay Jezebel taught that the council in Jerusalem what what they forbid she taught that the church entire Tyra allowed it and was rebuked for it by the head of the church himself Jesus Christ and then he commends the Overcomers to Ephesus to him who overcomes I will give to eat from the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the paradise of God if you overcome if you are his if you are born again Spirit-filled Christian you will reside in Jerusalem the New Jerusalem where the tree of life is once again there to Smyrna in Revelation 2 he who because who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death second death Lake of Fire is not for us how because we are not destined to the wrath of God to pergamos in Revelation to him who overcomes I will give some of the Hidden Manna to eat and I will give him a white stone and on this white new name written which no one knows except him who receives it entire Tyra speaking of the Overcomers as well the Sardis speaking of the Overcomers to Philadelphia speaking of overcoming and even to laodicea today are you born again born of God then you are an overcomer amen have you placed your faith in what Jesus did on the cross for you not adding anything to what he has done then you are an overcomer do you believe that Jesus is the son of God then you are an overcomer so these promises in Revelation 2 and 3 are for you and for me the word Overcomers means to get the victory amen it means that no matter what is going on in the world no matter how corrupt the world or the church has become we can always overcome everything that comes against us simply because greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world first John 4 4. the weapons formed against us will not prosper and every tongue that speaks against us shall be condemned as Isaiah 54 17 says for this is our heritage as a servant of the Lord and our righteousness is from him says the Lord amen father we thank you for your word we thank you for these amazing amazing words of of the author of this letter and now as we enter into the next phase give us Hearts to understand and Open the Eyes of our hearts to behold the beauty of your word in Jesus name we pray amen amen
Channel: Praise Revival Center Davao
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Length: 83min 7sec (4987 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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