Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling Signs of the End Times in the Old Testament (Full Episode) | Praise on TBN

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another sign that this harbingers have not stopped and that is there's a sign called the arch of Baal this is a sign of Baal it has appeared in America now it's appeared in New York City um when they had the Kavanaugh hearings you know uh with a lot of focus was life and abortion well it appeared in New in in Washington the the right on the mall in front of the Capitol building just when they have the hearings that's a sign of a nation that has known God but has been turning away so we have to pray for Revival I have one of my best friends here I love this guy he's been at Gateway Church we've been in conferences together uh you know him you've read his books Rabbi Jonathan Khan is here with us today let's welcome thank you good to have you man great to see you again oh I'm so glad you're here okay so the first thing uh when I came in today and we you know saw each other hadn't seen each other in a few months but you the first thing this is what's phenomenal I mean all God's doing and but you did exactly what a new daddy would do you know told me about a new blessing that you have so tell us yeah I uh we have a new baby boy a new baby boy my wife ran out of here that's my wife Renata that's the beginning and his name is Michelle those are my three boys right now that's Ellie El daiel and then the little one Michelle I think that one more picture um and it means it's from you know in Shadrach Meshach in a bed you know meshach's real name was Michelle which means who is what God is so uh we always have to have the L at the end you know so so uh yeah so there's no sleep so if I if I'm a little tipsy and I'm not quite as prophetic you'll understand why okay so I also you went kind of quickly through your other two sons their names again the oldest one is eliel which means God is my God okay and the the middle one dial who's looking in the back there it means the knowledge of god wow so one is nine one is six and one is you know it was two weeks yeah two weeks so Michelle would we get our word Michael Michael is very familiar I'm very very close to it Mikhail is Michael which means who is like God mishael is who is what God is very similar but slightly different not a lot of Michelle's we was trying to look for something that's you know not the regular thing but that's easy to pronounce so but but it's a blessing I'm you know but this is it we're finished we're fine three is good three is a good number you're quiver as well my quiver is quivering I'm quivering yeah yeah whatever yes yeah that's great okay so I I remember the first time that I ever heard of you was because of the harbinger yeah I mean that was a book that God put his hand down and it was just yeah and it went all over the body of Christ around the world um and now obviously you're several books in you've got a new book the book of mysteries tell me because you're writing God's put a touch on you tell me about the new book tell me about any any of the books if you want to start at the harbinger and go through some of them yeah well The Harbinger was first then the mystery of the shemitah then in the book of mysteries which now TBN is there's a there's a program on that too um that's still going out I mean you're on TV and right here yeah 4 30 Eastern a few different times yeah are actually changing but they did a great job so yeah that that's the mysteries of God I mean there's so many Mysteries there's no end to it um so the book of mysteries and I believe we'll touch on it because it's linked to also the Jewish roots that are often missing you know the Paradigm is the last one that's kind of like the harbinger you know Harbinger is the signs that were given in the fall of Israel and that we are watching in America this sign warning sounds amazing the Paradigm is that the events that are happening are also we're replaying this thing that happened at the fall of Israel and even that our leaders be be actually behind every leader there's an ancient prototype and they're following it it even gives how long they're going to have on the national stage I mean each one that's crazy but the thing is and then the last one there is well with the leader is jehu God raises up a man who was kind of wild he's not politician he comes out of the blue people kind of think he's crazy and yet he's used by God to open a window to keep a window of time you know there's a fall going on but he ends up being this unlikely man who keeps wearing this window right now right now where we are in America we are in a window of time um and it's not about Donald Trump it's not about agreeing or not it's simply that that's where we are and we have religious freedom but things are going fast things are happening very fast and the point of the window is that we have Revival if we don't have Revival America goes you know and so that's where we are and right now we haven't seen it yet I mean as far as what we need to see and we're watching kind of the dark getting worse we're watching laws pass we could never have imagined before I mean it's not about just tolerating what is wrong it's about stamping out what is right that's where we are right now you know I won't go into detail but New York what they just did there and lit up the World Trade Center you know it's celebrating that's one the World trades into one of the nine harbingers you know um another sign I'll just because I know this we're not going to get so prophetic right now but another sign that this harbingers have not stopped and that is there's a sign called the arch of Baal this is a sign of Baal it has appeared in America now it's appeared in New York City um when they had the Kavanaugh hearings you know uh with a lot of focus was life and abortion well it appeared in New in in Washington the the right on the mall in front of the Capitol building just when they have the hearings that's a sign of a nation that has known God but has been turning away so we have to pray for Revival and so what specifically is the arch of baby the arch of Baal is the actual Recreation of the arch from the Middle East which they walked through to worship Baal and that was that in the election the presidential election of uh Trump and Hillary Clinton in New York City it appeared at the as it headed to its climax then when the Kavanaugh hearing happened it appeared on the Washington Mall I mean the arch of Bale you know interesting thing I'll just show you this is the Paradigm and just a quick thing when jehu rose up and he went to the capital city he he basically destroyed the Temple of Baal that was used to kill babies basically you know he destroyed it when when so now Donald Trump is a jehu to America and so as soon as he began his rise this is two months after he announced his presidency his his candidacy there's a one Ancient Temple of Baal that still exists in the world pretty much it's of the Middle East two months after he did the Temple of Baal collapsed collapsed when when Jay arises the temple veil collapses but not but there's a war going on here you know about life in America we're on the we're we're in the balance you know and if you turn away from God what happens when a nation turns away from God in some way they're going to follow the spirit of Baal that's that is this that is the life of babies it is also sexual immorality it is also materialism we're watching it all you know so this is a crucial time and if we are living in those days then we the people of God have to rise up in the spirit of Elijah this is the time for Elijah God is looking for Elijah the dark's getting darker the lights have to get brighter we cannot be intimidated we cannot we cannot be in fear this is our moment but are we going to rise are we going to be that person well listen I want to go for greatness I mean we want you know we're you know God is great but but we need to become that that people of God that God has called put us in our mother's womb for this time and it's not that we should fear the end times you know if God if God didn't want us in the end times he would have put us in the Middle Ages he chose for us to be here now for such a time as this this we have to rise to the calling tell me the name of the latest book again the Paradigm the paradise and I just want to encourage you if you're watching Jonathan Khan if you never read one of his books or if you've read one before you need to get it because your books help me Spellbound because there's an anointing on you to write books there's just an anointing and there's an anointing on you to see um it's for me and I hope I'm pronouncing this correctly as a gentile the sons of issachar but it says that they knew the times and they knew what Israel should do yes and uh Israel obviously there's the nation of Israel and we're grafted in so I don't believe in replacement theology but I do believe it could be a type of the church or a type of God's people so so what what the sons of issachar did was they understood the times and they understood what the people of God should do during those times and I think that that anointing is on you I've not seen that anointing On Any Man uh in our day as I've seen it on you and I'm not comparing you to others I'm commending you okay God's grace so I would encourage that but I got I have a question for you uh so you're Jewish obviously you're Jewish I think so yeah so you you're Jewish yes yet you believe in yes Jesus is Gentile but it would be the Greek pronunciation but Yeshua yes who was also Jewish yes and a lot of Jewish people don't even know he was Jewish that's right I mean so how did a good Jewish boy become a believer in Yeshua yeah I know if I was a good Jewish boy but I was a Jewish boy okay but yeah well that yeah well first of all when I you know I was raised in a Jewish Home went to synagogue you know was was ready for Bar Mitzvah my father escaped Hitler you know um came in there they my parents were both scientists you know I wasn't very religious but enough to celebrate all those things but when I was eight years old I was in the synagogue and um I'm hearing about I'm reading about the God of the Bible who moved and said go and this and showed himself but look in the synagogue I didn't see his presence there I didn't see the god of David or Isaiah I didn't say so I said you know what there's no God so I became an atheist so this I was eight years old I became an atheist so so eight years old and and so that that last student but after a while you know I said wait a minute atheism doesn't work I started losing faith in atheism because there's got to be a reason there's got to be something so I started seeking what the truth is so I started reading every book I could on everything from from Nostradamus you know uh religion science you know UFOs you know charity also and one one day I picked I'm at 12 years old 13. I pick up a book I thought it was a UFO book I thought it was because but it looked like it they made that book that year look like it and God fooled me because it was the late great planet Earth by Hal Lindsay oh all God tricked me you know and so I said wow wow you know I'm reading about Jesus I said I read about Jesus in the UFO books I mean he's everywhere you know so so it's like God got me through the back door and saying wow I didn't know the Bible but it said everything it said is coming true Israel is back all these I had no idea of it so I'm telling my friends about it I'm preaching now I'm not I'm not a believer I'm I'm not saved but I'm telling I'm in I'm now I'm in high school and we have preach uh speak speech class and I'm preaching the gospel to them I'm preaching the end times but I'm not I'm not following it I had a rock band I had I did what you know what teenagers do um and I didn't want to live it because I I said you know what I figure if I live it I have to give up everything good I have to join a monastery and that's the end of my life so so I made I made a deal with God I said God if you give me a long life I'll accept you when I'm on my desk bed that was the thing so so you see you know it's Jewish to make deals but but God's better at it than we are you know yeah so so really good he's really good so right after I I said that I almost got killed twice and the first time was a car accident a miracle and second time I'm in a Ford Pinto which used to blow up you touch them they blew up and so I'm I'm heading I'm heading to a train track it's at night and the lights going on like the train you know but there's but the cars are crossing so well maybe it's broken or maybe they passed I said let me check so I go up I look and I see a light it's the train you know but I don't realize there's no protection and it's on an angle it's a bumpy road I don't know where I was I was in the path of the train wow so I'm waiting for that I said you know what maybe I'm too close let me just try back but now there's headlights in back of me I said okay well just back so I back up just about a foot but I thought I'm just being safe I'm still in the path of the train I'm waiting for the train to come the train comes plows into the fort Pinto the only thing I could do at that moment was call out to God the car was destroyed totally I didn't get a scratch I said Lord can we renegotiate and so I said I said here's a new deal I said I'll accept you when I turn 20. just just I wanted anything more years I said just don't kill me until then okay so so so on my 20th birthday which is about eight months away my 20th birthday I didn't know how to get saved I didn't know I mean I was listening to Christian television Christian radio I I went up I remember God met Moses on a mountain Elijah so I found a mountain went up to the top of the mountain kneeled down on the Rock and gave my life to the Lord that's how I came to Lord only because of a train you know it says that Jews demand signs I needed a train that's how stubborn I was but but that's why I got saved from that yeah that's incredible I'm the least likely person Robert I mean for anybody who knew me back then I'm the least likely person that's incredible that's absolutely incredible okay so now here you are uh uh author uh the um I started remember the name of the hope of the hope of the world hope of the world is the Outreach Ministry outrage Ministry yeah and then Beth Israel if Israel is the is the congregation at the Jerusalem Center in uh anybody guys are ever in Wayne New Jersey right outside New York City we're there Friday night Sunday morning so it's Jew and Gentile we're talking about today Jew and Gentile one in Messiah you know and it's and we celebrate the holidays you know but but celebrate Jesus Yeshua so that's what I was going to ask you about so um it seems like no other time in history yeah have Jews and Gentiles come together yes like they are now like you talk about living in biblical times yes I mean in the last 20 years 40 years it's more than ever what do you think about it that's right that's right total totally I mean I mean we we are seeing things that generations of Christians prayed for I mean and it's all part it's a it's a prophetic thing because see for two you know 2000 years ago if we were back in Bible times those those Bible times yeah it would have it would have been together it was all you know all the first Believers were Jewish and then it was Jew and Gentile and they call them Yeshua and the biggest the biggest uh controversies do you have to be circumcised to believe in Jesus and that's how Jewish it was I mean you know you know it's the opposite of the world you know I grew up saying the one thing you can't believe in is Jesus you know you can be you can be into uh yoga you could be into atheism you can be into any you want but the one thing you can't believe in as a Jewish the one person you can't believe yeah is is is this rabbi it means great Rabbi this one who because if you do he won't be Jewish I said well wow he must be very powerful if you can turn a Jewish person who into a non-jew that he must be the Messiah just to be able to do that yeah I said but but it's the most Jewish thing in the world I didn't realize this when I started when I started opening up you know uh the Bible we had a we had a only the Hebrew scriptures I said it says it says messiah's gonna be born in Bethlehem I said that that's Catholic how do they get into our thing Bethlehem he's going to come on a donkey he's going to die for our sins Isaiah 3. that's how did they get into our Bible and so I said what this is Jewish those Jewish thing I ever did in my life so so the thing is that the thing is that 2000 years ago was all together but then it split then it split and that's the problem Jewish people most Jewish people didn't receive even though all the first Believers were they they went this way but the church also lost it wasn't just the Israel that lost the church lost its roots the church lost its its its Heritage it lost the destiny lost its identity as you know listen you know if you're if you're born again today I've been talking to everybody you're born you are Jewish you are Spirit spiritually Jewish that's not just that's not hype the Bible says you are a citizen of Israel more than you're anything else I mean on the outside you may look one way but you are a child of Abraham that it's the most Jewish thing in the world I mean this thing called Christianity it means the faith of Messiah that's what Christianity means so what's happened is what was separated is be is coming back together you know and it started with you know the end times are days of return and so you got the so we get first thing it said the Bible says the Jewish people are going to return to Israel so they've returned to Israel just like it says it says they're going to return to Jerusalem so they they return to Jerusalem it says they're going to return to him Jesus said I'm not coming again guys you know until you Jewish people say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord well all that's happening so it's not just the the physical return it's a spiritual return and if the Jewish people are returning that means the church has to return that's why we are seeing things that have not been seen for 2000 years the fact is I mean you can go to churches now and you see the shofar is blown what is that that never happened before they call him Yeshua they have passovers never before has this since the book of Acts have not only Jewish people coming but have Christians been so joined to Israel so loving Israel your gateway is a is a perfect example of it blessing Israel you and and this has been an inspiration to many churches to bless Israel Messianic service right first service we have every month yeah is a Messianic Jewish service yeah first serve it's the first service because one of the reasons Romans 1 16 yeah not ashamed of the Gospel power of God to Salvation everyone who believes to the Jew first and it's even our mission statement yeah let's do the Jew first so okay so I want to bring out someone I want you to stay so you're Jonathan's going to be here for the rest of the program but I want to show you a little clip about Rabbi Jonathan but also about my next guest because what she's doing and what she and her husband and what God put on their heart you talk about Jew and Gentile coming together this is press it in I want you to see this watch this Jerusalem spriel in Wayne New Jersey he's widely known as a prophetic Voice who unveils deep Mysteries of the word and restores the New Covenant message to which Jewish Origins Jonathan is a New York Times best-selling author whose books have received International Acclaim his teachings are broadcast daily over several television and radio stations worldwide he's passionate about sharing the message of the Messiah to Jews Gentiles Israel and the Nations his colleague Dania Greenberg shares a similar passion she was a wayward Catholic with Jewish ancestry who came to Faith after a visit to a Baptist Church Dania later married a Jewish Man spent 14 years in Congressional Ministry and discovered the need for a Messianic Family Bible that focuses on the Jewish roots of Christianity and interprets Hebrew language in the way it was originally meant to be understood she gathered leaders from the Messianic Jewish and Christian communities to develop a new version of the Bible called the Tree of Life Dania is now founder and president of the Tree of Life Bible Society whose mission is to see God's kingdom grow through a unique hebraic perspective Dania Greenberg and Jonathan Khan well welcome back to praise and we've been visiting with Rabbi Jonathan Khan and it's amazing but I want you to meet someone you may have never met her before but Donya Greenberg she and her husband Mark I met him a few years ago and I just have to say Obviously immediately we fell in love with him we fell in love with the project that God put on their heart this is and just to give you a little bit and I'll tell you about it later because we're going to make it available for you but it's the tree of life version of the Bible it's a brand new version of the Bible but I'm going to let her tell you about it you're going to be blown away will you please welcome Donya Greenberg thank you glad to be here thank you so okay so I told them a little bit about this the tree of life version it's already become a bestseller of a new version of the Bible which is amazing in just a few years uh and I'll tell the story about how I heard about it and how Gateway Church got involved in the king's University but you you tell I mean how did this come about what what what happened I just wanted my kids to love the Bible the way that I did I met the Lord and and in my college Years believe it or not in a jail cell is where I finally gave my life to God and I had a stolen Bible that I first started to learn about the Lord with and it really did and I um I read the words that said that Jesus Christ did the same yesterday today and forever and I felt like if if he could save people all those years that that he had a plan for my life so I came to Faith in college but then I turned right around and married a Jewish guy and this Jewish guy and I wanted to get married and we found Jonathan burnis a friend of ours right a mutual friend and when we began to really look at the Jewish roots of our faith and my husband is a Messianic Rabbi I began to learn about how to study the Bible but then when my child came home from school and said mom why do the Jews hate Jesus I said I stopped like in my stracks and I was like okay we have a problem and what I realized is that what my children were hearing their dad preached Messiah Yeshua like Messianic rabbis do right on the pulpit was not what he was reading on the page and children if they read it on the page they think it in their mind so we were creating a disparity so I got my little Tin Cup out and I went to all my Messianic friends one by one and said would you please help us create a Bible for children and now 10 years later there's a Messianic Jewish translation of the Bible with Jews and Christians that's that's the that's the key thing I mean you start out for children but it was so for Jewish people to be able to read the scriptures translated by Jewish people that's right Jewish Believers in Messiah translated as the word because we believe the Bible is inherent we believe the Bible is inspired that's incredible but what we mean by that is the original language was the the original versions the original was inspired that's why we have different versions I've had people say before well Pastor Robert why do you read from different versions because they are translations and so there was no translation there wasn't by Jewish scholars in other words Jesus it was called Jesus because King James and because the Greeks call that was that name even James the disciple which I named one of my sons James and then found out later that he was actually Jacob that's right but yeah and it really disappointed my son that his name went really in the Bible that King James just put his wanted and wanted his own name in the Bible okay but so for your children reading the Bible they were reading about Mary not Miriam that's what I read about James not Jacob and so this is kind of what happened and you've got all these Jewish Scholars together the 32 believe it or not yeah Jewish Scholars to translate the scripture from a Jewish standpoint yet it is a translation of the scripture it's from the it is the from the original document the mesoretic text yeah and the 27 Nestle alarm of the Greek and so when we went back and did this Bible so my dream was just I mean all I wanted to do was let's just let's just use Messiah Yeshua instead of the words Jesus Christ that my kids would understand sure but then as we started the journey I found out that Christian Bibles have a different order to the books and the original Jewish order actually ends in Chronicles not in Malachi and when I realized that it that when you end in Malachi the it ends with the words or utter destruction which is like a hard way to get Jewish people to read the Bible just for the record but when you restore the Jewish order of the books to the end of second chronicles the promise of God is amazing because it's actually King Cyrus that welcomes the Jews right to rebuild their Temple and to let them go up and worship God and that's the miracle of this translation is this is the first time in 2 000 years that Jewish Believers in Messiah Yeshua got to the place of theological advancement alongside their Christian Brothers to create a Biblical text together unified as one voice and that's really a miraculous answer to the things that Jonathan's been bringing up the whole show yeah it's fantastic and the way I heard about it was I was serving on the board of the king's university university at Dr Jack Hayford founded and I just spent a day with Pastor Jack just a few weeks ago and anyway he heard about it and one of the things I think that the way he heard about it was that you y'all were asking the king's University to be like an endorsing University for the version right but in the process somewhere along the line it came that you still needed about 250 thousand dollars to complete the the manuscript and so he felt strong Pastor Jack has just done this long time I just want to try to go to my friends now take my 10 cup like you did and see if we can do that so he came to the board and he said I'd like for the Kings University to do it but I don't want anyone here you don't have to do it we don't have to do a money project I just feel like I could call some people well when he said that I thought well we want to be a part a Gateway Church you know praise God so I went back to the elders and here's the elders and we're all Gentiles but the Elder well we're by through faith we craft it in we got drafted in that's right by birth Gentile by by second birth uh Jewish yes so but our elders said well man what a blessing to be able to get involved this let's just do the whole thing that was amazing so Gateway Church yeah we just donated the the last quarter of a million dollars that you needed to be able to get involved in this and I can remember when I got a copy and you gave it to me personally when I got a copy of it I started reading and I couldn't put it down it's like you know I've read this before right I recognize this right but I didn't think about it in that way that's right so it's phenomenal it's a great way to say it it's a great way to say it when you guys invited um you know when Pastor Jack invited me to share with him my heart it was because I I knew I had one of those Esther moments I can remember it like it was yesterday I had been I've been asking the Lord what do I do we got the New Testament done but we had no money to do the Old Testament and by now I've got the whole communities excited and every conference I went to So Daniel when are you going to finish the Bible so when's the Bible going to get done and I'm smiling and there's there's like a lot left to do and I I wasn't sure what to do so I prayed about it I went to see Rabbi Dan juster a friend of yours friend of mine and I said Rabbi Dan I said I believe I I really need to reach out and I said he said well you might want to you might want to talk to Pastor Jack and I'd never you know gotten to know Pastor Jack so when I went so he got me an appointment that's all he did was crack the door open get me an appointment I had a 15 minute a 15-minute slot with Pastor Jack I brought him the New Covenant I sat across him in his desk at his desk in his office and he began to unpack for me his love for the Jewish people and his walk with Israel for decades of Faith the stuff that that Gateway has been brought up on is because of Pastor Jack's personal walk with Jewish people in Israel that love God and as he began to share his heart with me about it um I I had a straight up word from God I never delivered a word from God to somebody important like that before but he and I had we sat for almost three hours talking about the way that God loved the Jewish people and how much they needed to know the message of Messiah and it ministered to my spirit in a way that I was I had not ever I'd never had he has such a heart for for Women of Faith believing God for miracles and that's what we have to be able to tell moms today the people watching today is that we're believing God for a miracle in this country we need a miraculous return to the Bible in our generation we need Revival that starts in the hearts of the mothers who are concerned about their children and that's the whole reason the Bible Society started but now a decade in we have important messages to tell our children that are getting that are getting drowned out by by virtual reality when there's a real reality a real Kingdom that's taking place and we need to alert our children about that today and that's why this is such a miraculous and that's and it's the Bible does it I I started exactly raise last spring um called More Than Words yeah and went into the Bible and how important the Bible is and I actually said the next attack you're going to see in our country will be against the Bible That's Right reason is because we don't have to discuss issues anymore if they can just discredit this as just a book A book of literature instead of God's word that's right just a few weeks after I said that GQ Magazine comes out and lists the top 20 books best-selling books of all time you don't need to read and they put the Bible on the list I think about it of course to me I thought it was kind of a joke if you're trying to figure out which book to read why would you read a fashion magazine I mean what made them experts yeah really exactly I mean it was crazy but it's an attacking as well so here um Jonathan you're sitting here you're a Messianic Rabbi you're an author you're you're I'm going to say this and you'll understand how I'm saying it you're known really as a leader around the world and that's something God does that's not something you you or I feel proud about we just know God gives us a platform to use it so from the platform God's given you I mean what do you think about the tree of life version of the Bible and this process of you know Jewish translation well it's crucial um the as you said I mean rightfully the Bible's under attack I don't one and the other thing we're talking about is what has been separated what's been lost you know every believer I mean True Believer loves Jesus loves Yeshua so the more when you bring back these things you're bringing back this is part of him you know so so I mean we have people come out on Friday nights anymore it's because they love it's not just because they they want everything they can about the Lord so these These are it's like putting back what has been lost so it's part of what has to be I mean these are days of while while in the world things are going crazy you know the end times are you have dark but you have light too you know it's polarization so on the same time God is restoring this he's restoring Israel he's restoring the par aspects of the church and he is restoring his word so it's bringing back these things I mean to me I'm blessed to open up a Bible I mean listen Jesus the name is fine but his real name was Yeshua I mean that's not we didn't make it up so it brings the riches of these things so it's part of the restoration like we're talking about everything coming back together that's part of it too so so it's a tremendous thing and and for everybody who loves the Lord this this is this is you want everything about him you know so you can't have Jesus and and divorce everything about Jesus which is his family which is his roots and it's your heritage too you know yeah so okay so we're going to keep and I'm going to come back down in just a minute but I want to give you an opportunity to get the Bible and the tree of life version here here's the reason why um think about uh when when I was growing up we had the Old King James version we you know and Jacob yeah yeah that's right and um I can remember when the new King James came out I Came In The New American Standard came out uh I remember when the New Living Translation and the living Bible was almost the same uh burden that you had he wanted to be able to read his Bible to the children that's right his children so he never even thought it would you know be produced as a Bible he just wanted his children to learn the Bible just right and so you had the living Bible and then the new living but when the living Bible is a paraphrase but the new living then became a translation right which means we go back to the original okay but I remember when that came out I remember when the message came out and but it was what's exciting is to read a new version of the Bible because here's what I think we do sometimes when we open up our bible to read and we start reading something our mind says I've read this before fills in the blanks and if we're not careful we start thinking about you know I need to pick up those clothes from the dry cleaners because they've been there seven weeks now and I keep forgetting and I need to get the oil changed it's been 27 000 miles not 5 000 miles and we and our mind wanders but we're still reading and we close our Bible go to sleep and don't have the slightest idea what we just read but when we get a new version to me yeah it just it captivates me that's what the tree of life version did for me I was just thinking about how we talk about how God uses people Jonathan you talked about jehu Don you talked about Cyrus I even thought about Cyrus how 150 years before 4. Isaiah prophesies about Cyrus and says my shepherd and something that a lot of people don't don't know is Cyrus when he was born there was a prophecy that he would overthrow his grandfather and so his grandfather actually ordered for him to be killed so his parents take him out and they meet a shepherd and his wife who had a stillborn baby they actually switched babies they take this stillborn baby back and say look this is Cyrus you know he's dead and Cyrus was raised by a shepherd and his wife for the first 10 years of his life the grandfather felt so bad about it that when he's he just Mourns for 10 years that on his 10th birthday they said listen he's still alive so they bring him back and so then Cyrus does become the king then Persia he then takes over Babylon where the children of Israel are held captive but they literally opened the scriptures and show him his name in Isaiah that was written 150 years before what he would do for the Jewish people but here's what's amazing and God says Cyrus my shepherd wow and that's what got him because he realized God knew him God knew that he had been raised by Shepherds the first 10 years of his life that's right and he then comes back and and what I wanted to say about this is that even though here Israel was going through a time of Exile really disciplined from the Lord for seven years yeah yet God was working behind the scenes with jehu one time with Cyrus another time many many times he's still working behind scenes what I want to say to you is no matter what you're going through right now and even if you think you're going through a time of discipline or that you dug a hole for yourself God's still working he's still got a plan and that's why I want you to get the tree of life version and that's why I want you to get in scripture so Donya to tell us some more amen well I'm I'm amazed that that this is a wonderful connection to what you just said I just want to read the end of second chronicles to you because it's so inspiring it says now in the first year of King Cyrus of Persia fulfilling the word of Adonai by the mouth of Jeremiah Jeremiah was the last prophet spoken of in the Old Testament that's the part I love to remember Adonai stirred up the spirit of King Cyrus of Persia so that he sent a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing saying thus says King Cyrus of Persia Adonai the god of Heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth he's appointed me to build him a house in Jerusalem which is in Judah whoever among you of all his people may go up and may Adonai his God be with him so the children of Israel returning to be able to go and worship God again is amazing but when you realize that the promise of the New Covenant was given to Jeremiah the last prophet spoken of when you return the Jewish order to the Canon of scripture you're returning the New Covenant promise to the last thing the Jews remember and so they're looking for messiah to come because that's where it says they will all come to know me in Jeremiah 31. absolutely fantastic this is news I just want to tell you again I love your Zeal for the Lord and I love your Zeal for the word of God and your Zeal for the Next Generation we have to teach our children the Bible it's the only thing that's going to last that's the only thing that changes lives I mean I I want to pre when I preach I like to use humor I want because I want people to listen to me right you know our our motto and our children's ministry is have fun and learn about God and some because if they're not having fun they're not learning about God yeah and someone asked me a while back so what's your motto for you know Big Church adult church I said it's the same thing have fun and learn about God tells us children because they're yeah because if they're not everyone's father not learned by God so so I yes I like to present messages in humorous way but if I don't feel my messages with the word of God nothing's going to happen that's right no change is going to come about that's exactly right exactly right so Jonathan talks about you what I mean what signs are we seeing right now that you know when you talk about the the book of mysteries we can talk about your latest book what what's going on right now in our nation in the world well well we're in trouble you know you know we're we're in the balance you know but this this is it's good and bad I mean the the you see the bad increase but that's God will always bring Revival God's never finished you know God's never out of ideas you know with jehu whether it's Cyrus never never finished um and so we have to be stronger than ever and we have to get back to the way they were in the New Testament you know you know we you know in those days it was it was an ungodly things all around them you know days of Paul days of Jeremiah that's that's what we're in now so so we have to be more like that that's what this is part of the restoration of this this we're saying I thought it'd be good I'm gonna just share some things that that you would only you'd Miss if you only had the Bible in English and I'm not saying of course that's great but the original is Hebrew in Greek um I'm going to kind of take some things from the book of mystery but just say why this is so important to to discover for instance I'll give an example in Hebrew okay you read things in English you'd never see this but in Hebrew in the Bible there is no such thing as Mercy let me explain there's no there in Hebrew you cannot say Mercy I'll tell you the word is rahamim and the word is not Mercy it's mercies you cannot say Mercy just Mercy you can't say it in the Bible it it's translated that way but it's mercies why because what it's saying is God's mercy there is no end to it and no matter the word for sin is singular the word for Mercy is plural so however much sin you have God has far more Mercy than you'll ever have a saying that that's one one example so is this is this like the famous scripture Lamentations but the mercies of the Lord are new every morning yes yes I mean that's that's right yes and that's why it's some of your Bibles occasionally say I've needed plural in my own life I needed more than one a little secret I've needed that too you know and another another example here the word Jerusalem now Jerusalem but in Hebrew it's yerushalaya now yerushalayim is in Jerusalem what it means is literally it means jerusalems literally you cannot say Jerusalem you're saying in fact the the ending yushalayim means to jerusalems every time you say Jerusalem you're saying the two jerusalems why there's the Jerusalem you see and then there's a Jerusalem you don't see Jerusalem that is Jerusalem that's coming the Jerusalem that that you know that that is always that's why when you go to Jerusalem I said there's something more there's something behind this thing we're all going to be in Jerusalem forever but also here's here's another one I mean you and most Believers know but you don't think Elohim you know God that's not God it's plural God plural what does that mean there's only one God it means no matter how much we think we know about God doesn't matter how long we there's always more there's always more you can never there's there's always more than you could ever put when the Bible when the Hebrew does it it's saying that the reality behind that word is so big that no matter what you say it's not it's not big enough so that that's why we have that's why that's why Heaven is forever because forever offers the time that you need to get to know God to know God that's it I'll show I'll give you one more and there's other other things but one more about this kind of mystery and that that that that kind of these this is what it's bringing out when you read Isaiah 53 it says it says with a rich man in his death we all right he died right doesn't say that in the Hebrew what it says is with a rich man in his deaths why that well one is is the Hebrew saying that what he went through for us what Jesus Messiah went through for us you cannot put it in a word it was beyond death beyond death but secondly it means that he didn't just die his death he died our death our death is in the Hebrew your death is in the Hebrew that how great that is absolutely fantastic so Donya uh when we talk again tree of life version things that God uh showed and these Jewish Scholars and then even things that you learned through this in your own Quest I know you went on a pretty strong Bible quest yourself so to tell me something about that God spoke to you about this I think one of the most important things to do is to remember that we want to make an impact with our families and our children and so the Covenant of God right that this Bible represents is the blood Covenant that we believe happened when Messiah gave his life for us but that blood Covenant started with a promise in a garden to a couple right there was a promise that God would defeat sin and death and in doing so um it went from a couple in a garden to that same to the blood Covenant going to Noah which was to a family then between generations with Abraham and Sarah and then from there to Moses at Mount Sinai to Yeshua which is an Outreach to the world the five steps of that Covenant is an expanding message of Salvation to the whole world and to be able to teach that to our children that our Salvation is found in Yeshua is is critical path for us but teaching our children about morals and values and things that we learn in the Bible is a daily walk with our children and our children's children and I think that there's mothers out there that want to know how do I reach my kids and how do I how do I make the I can't just hand them a Bible how are they going to get it well the answer is that there's a journey that we go on in Judaism I mean you add the Journey of Israel to the revelation of Messiah that bipedal motion propels us forward with the love of God and that's what I want to see for my kids that's great I just got to go back to Jonathan for a moment and I got to hear some more Mysteries the reason is is I'm getting some sermon material here okay so I'm gonna I'll be I'll be preaching this and the first time I preach it I'm gonna give you credit for it the second time I'll say the Lord showed me this if you don't mind and the third time I'll just say you know I figured this out you know follow me so so tell me tell me some more okay and that links that some of the things that have been lost when you put it back together this is from in the book of mysteries but this is something another thing about Hebrew number one is that people don't realize in Hebrew you know in English we have past present future in Hebrew you actually don't it actually is timeless in the original there are things that are used to make it but it really there's only two tenses perfect and imperfect perfect imperfect means it's not finished perfect means it's finished but here's the thing in the Bible throughout the Bible God speaks of future events as if they are past and done and finished when messiah in Isaiah 53 it's it's it's past tense as well as as everything it's saying what why there's a secret in Hebrew is you live your life from the perfect that means you live from the Finish you're not I'm not trying to become that person I live from the person I become you know I live from the end I don't live from Earth to Heaven I live from Heaven to Earth I live from the secret of living I fight my my battle it is already won everything is from the Finish it's all perfect but one thing I want to share also that is that you know people don't realize in the the Bible God gives these holy days and the holy days are not just for Israel because they speak about Messiah but I'm going to tell you one and that's that is this there's one day in the Hebrew Bible uh in in what God established and that is that it's the day that ended the winter it says spring has come new life has come the winter is over the day was called it was called The Day of the resheet or the first fruit and it happened at a certain time in the middle of Passover and on that so on that day it's saying the the first fruit is lifted up it's a new life the the winter is over that it people don't realize that that is the exact day that Messiah Rose as the first fruit the Resurrection on the Hebrew Messiah did Jesus did everything on Hebrew days but he rose saying the winter is over in your life that all that's over but something more the word resheet which means first fruit he's the fruit the first word of the Bible is verashit in the beginning it also means beginning and so when they when they translate the rabbis translated Rasheed into Greek they they came up with the word Genesis so what that means is Jesus the day he rose he chose to rise was called the day of Genesis it's the new genesis it's the new beginning so it means that no matter what has been it's the power that everything is new he is our Genesis he's our Rasheed he's our first fruit all things are new at TBN our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it God bless you
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 527,149
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Keywords: jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn latest sermons, jonathan cahn the mysteries of god, jonathan cahn end times, end time prophecy, revelations explained, signs of the day of judgement, hope of the world jonathan cahn, israel and the end times, old testament, end times headlines, the harbinger book, praise on tbn, fall of israel in the bible, signs preceding the end of the world, signs of the end of the world, Donald Trump, Is Donald Trump Jehu to America, tbn, the paradigm book, god
Id: _uAk6u4vI6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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