The Coming Temple - Full Documentary

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[Music] another day dawns over the old city of Jerusalem for countless millions throughout the ages this has been the spiritual navel of the world so much history has happened here within these ancient walls each day the streets and plazas of Jerusalem's Old City fill up with religious pilgrims and tourists coming to visit some of the most revered and sacred historical sites on earth [Music] within this ancient city once stood the first and second Jewish temples making Jerusalem the focus of the spiritual longing of all Orthodox Jews from the Dome of the rock Muslims believed that Muhammad ascended up to heaven on a celestial steed which made Jerusalem forever sacred in the sight of Muslims and since many of the events in the life of Jesus happened in Jerusalem it is hallowed ground for Christians as the birthplace of Christianity when you consider how important the Old City of Jerusalem has been to Jews Christians Muslims for thousands of years the visitor to the city may be surprised to find just how small the old city is in fact Mark Twain who came through these gates in 1869 claimed that you can walk entirely around the circumference of the city in one hour if he walked briskly but these walls are less than 500 years old built by the Turkish ruler Suleiman the Magnificent during its long history Jerusalem has been completely destroyed twice and captured 44 times the walls gates and buildings have been destroyed and rebuilt many times this is the mosque estate one of Jerusalem's busiest and most ornate ly decorated gate there are six other gates into Jerusalem making seven entrances in all an 8th gate known as the golden gate was sealed off by Suleiman in 1541 according to Jewish prophecy this is the gate through which the Messiah will answer Jerusalem so Suleiman sealed it off hoping to prevent the Messiah from doing so just a little south of where I'm standing here by the golden gate is an area known as the awful the awful means a fortified hill or a risen area and just immediately south of the awful is another hill where the city of jay-bez once stood these ruins are all that remain of the Jebusites city before King David besieged and captured Jabba's in 1003 BC and renamed it Jerusalem David brought the sacred Ark of the Covenant into the city establishing Jerusalem as the center of Judaism David long to build a house for God when he could place the holy ark so he bought a farmer's threshing floor from a Gebbie site named of Verna for 50 shekels of silver and this was to be the site of the splendid new temple but God told David that he was not to be the one to build the temple instead his son Solomon would be given the task this is what Solomon's Temple may have looked like in his day Solomon's beautiful temple stood for nearly 400 years until in 586 BC the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered and plundered Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple was burned in approximately 700 BC 100 years before Cyrus was born the prophet Isaiah prophesied that a king named Cyrus would allow the temple to be rebuilt after Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed it Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled in 536 BC when the Persian king Cyrus allowed the Jews in captivity to return to Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah and after the walls were rebuilt a second Jewish temple was built on the foundation of Solomon's Temple by the Jewish leader zerubabbel a full 500 years passed before Herod the Great ordered a massive reconstruction and embellishment of the temple this is a detailed model of Jerusalem and Herod's temple constructed in 1973 by the famous historian Michael Xavier ra on display in the gardens of the Israeli Museum in 69 AD Titus the son of Roman Emperor Vespasian marched on Jerusalem to suppress a Jewish rebellion and in 70 AD Titus torched the entire city and the second Jewish temple went up in flames since then for nearly 2,000 years there's been no Jewish temple standing in Jerusalem but still thousands of people every day make their way to the Western Wall widely believed to have once been part of the actual temple complex here the Jewish people come to mourn the destruction of their temple here they can contemplate the many hardships they've endured throughout their history and pray for the return of the glory of their ancient past no trees can be planted in the courtyard as long as the third and final temple remains unbuilt after the destruction of the jewish temple in 70 a.d the jews never rebuilt a third temple during all those years but why I'm joined by Robert Manuel bomb who's an eschatology Bible researcher Robert why was this why of the Jews never rebuilt their temple well thanks for having me Chris it's great to be here after 70 AD the Jews were scattered throughout all of the world and there came a time when Jews were not even allowed to live or visits Jerusalem they've wanted of course to rebuild their temple and thanks to the temple Institute which is just behind us all the plans are already made the sacrificial altar has been recently constructed the priests robes have been made pretty much everything is ready to go Rohit help us understand why is it so important to the Jewish religion to rebuild their temple what is the significance of the temple to them well Chris there's many important reasons but the primary reason the number one reason is that Jewish people do not believe their Messiah will arrive and tell that temple rebuilt so what's the problem with everything sat and ready to go what's to stop the third temple being built well the problem is that building you see over there above the Western War it's called the Dome of the rock the Dome of the rock was built by the Arab caliphs Abdal Malik in 691 ad it stands on what is known as the Temple Mount on the harem al-sharif the Haram al-sharif is currently the site of the al-aqsa mosque which has a silver dome and the Dome of the rock which has a golden dome and it has a tradition from the 12th century of being the place where Muhammad's stepped off of the earth and onto his horse and then the horse was taken up into heaven and so was Muhammad that's a very late source it is not from the Quran and but it's a traditional Muslim source it's a harem that a lot of people call it the Temple Mount Dome of the rock Alaska mosque it's this this incorporated area that I call the Temple Mount platform that is 36 acres that's up on that Temple Mount area and it's controlled and managed by the Muslims and the Jews desperately would love to build their temple there they believe it somewhere up on that platform a lot of people say it's the south or the north or they're they're all they're all they're not really sure to where the temple was but most people most people will say that is the area of where Solomon's and Herod's temples once rested but what if the Jewish temples never stood on the Temple Mount where the Dome of the rock now stands Robert is one of a number leading Bible experts and researchers that believe that this is indeed the case well Chris if you look at second Samuel chapter 24 and second chronicles chapter 3 they will show you the exact location of where Solomon's Temple was built the thing that's important to understand is the place that David bought from our vana the gemu site was a threshing floor the rock under the Dome of the rock in no way resembles a threshing floor it's a rough hewn rock full of holes and just very uneven and no farmer would ever use that as a threshing floor what we're really talking about here is the Bible specifically telling us where the temple was built and scriptures telling us that the temple was built in the City of David more specifically in the Jebusite fortress on the threshing floor of Ornan which is I would assume would be very close to the Gion springs in some respects so Robert if the Jewish temples never stood where the Dome of the rock now stands then where were they built well they were built several hundred feet south of the Dome of the rock in an area called the awful and all you have to do is study some verses out of Nehemiah chapter 2 and Nehemiah chapter 3 and again it pinpoints and gives a very clear description of where the temple was built the key word in that verse Nehemiah 215 is Brooke I went up by the brook and if you look at me Amaya 37 it uses the word River there's only one brook one river one stream within five square miles of Jerusalem there is no River no brook no running water on the Haram al-sharif the only place in all of Jerusalem where there is running water is the Gihon spring and where is the kihon spring in relation to where we are sitting now well the Gihon spring is just a few hundred feet south of where we are presently sitting I want to take us down there yeah let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] we come now down she's the homescreen this close out of a surprise hello this will tell us about his acquaintances summit well Hezekiah Stunna was a court dealt during the reign of King Hezekiah when Jerusalem was under imminent attack from the Assyrians Hezekiah took the Gihon spring built this tunnel and channeled the waters of the key hunt who is a tunnel that you've seen me for us and what is the relevance of de gijรณn Springs in relation to where the temple once stood well when the ark was in Shiloh and David brought the ark from Shiloh he placed it at the Gihon spring King Solomon was anointed king at the v-hawks spring and when King Solomon of course became king he built his temple King Solomon's Temple which was built up the hill from where we're standing on the offer so the waters of the Huntsman would refuel well they were at one time but in 1067 there was a major earthquake in which 25,000 people were actually killed the topography of the area was changed and the waters of the Jihan became bitter so the gang I mean it's it's amazing a syphon spring one of only maybe a dozen in the whole world that work that way so it's an amazing water system that you have there jihad means gusher because what would happen several times a day this water would be gushing out of there and like I said if you look in any ancient tell a tell isn't our archaeological you know artificial mound you need four things to make a city you have to have food water road and defense any ancient city had to have that in Jerusalem there's only one water source one there's not two there's not five there's not three there's one water source and not a small source one major water source the ghee hunt the gusher the Gihon spring was very unique in structure it is literally a siphon spring and well known to geologists and hydrologists of being something that can literally pump something a great height the Gihon spring is similar to geysers like Old Faithful but without the heat that it could pump water 40 stories 400 feet from the bottom of the gijรณn up into the temple and there are five historical sources that tell us that it actually happened that there was a fountain inside the temple besides the biblical information the biblical sources from Joel Ezekiel and from the Psalms several Psalms put it all together and there was a fountain in the temple at the top of the City of David on the top of Mount Zion at that at that temple and it also existed in this in the country construction by King Aaron well the Gion Spring has been an is an ancient water source that's been talked about going way back to the time of Solomon the the springs are still running today they're not of the force of water that they were a long time ago a lot of the lot of you know Jerusalem has been dug up and the rock might have threw fracturing and modern construction have precipitated that but the Gion Springs has been this this ribbon of water that's the lifeblood of the city of David it's like water pumping through the veins of a heavy human the City of David has this water pumping through it which gives his life and gave it the reason that David even took it was probably that water source but it's a but you need to have flowing water in this ceremonial of the cleansing of several things the priest going in the temple of worship you need spring water to add to the ashes of the red heifer for purification so water is essential and there's no water on the Temple Mount to treat it the traditional Temple Mount up above they've uncovered the real pool of Siloam they just did this in the last couple of years it's an amazing story how they found it but what was interesting I was down there with the archaeologist who actually found it and he told me that that area was an acre big and his words not mine he said it's the world largest mikvah it went off in my head of course 10,000 people would be make furring there so the fact if your migth ringing you're you're getting ceremonially clean down there does it make any sense that you're going to walk a third of a mile and maybe be unclean again so the temple would have to be close to the mikveh particularly that it's the biggest mikvah in the world a 10,000 person acre mikvah where the pool of siloam is and yet they found the stairs now the original stairs from the Herodian period that go back up toward the city of david where the temple would have been so if the temple stood over the Palm Springs then how do the building's up on the harem o Suri's how do they get their water well there's 37 cisterns up there they're very big it's not fresh running water but it's where the collective fresh water that could be used Forks Titus's not 10th leader and the Gihon spring actually represents the water flowing from the throne of God in Revelations 22 it flows from under the Holy of Holies the Ark of the Covenant and of course the Shekinah glory was between the wings of the cherubim which was on the mercy seat [Music] we're here in the city of David's where so many things happened in the Bible and very interesting that do you know just 100 years ago nobody knew this was Mount Zion most people thought up to the north of here was Mount Zion and it was actually by an accident that they even found out that this was Mount Zion by finding the tunnel that goes into where Hezekiah Hezekiah is tunnel is so if they could get Mount Zion wrong for all these years the most important mountain in the Bible could it be possible that they could possibly get wrong the location of the temple the historian Josephus actually proves this many people will say Oh Josephus exaggerated Josephus wasn't true and what he was saying but when you realize that where we're standing here in the City of David was really where the temple was and just to the north of me where the harem is was actually the Fort Antonia Josephus writings not only become reliable but they become most accurate Josephus told us that the ridge were standing on which would have been the northern Tower of the temple was exactly six hundred feet from Valley to Valley here we are standing here this area we're standing here from Valley to Valley is exactly six under feet not 610 or 620 or 580 but exactly 600 feet exactly like Josephus said but most importantly in the last eighteen years they've been doing digs here and those digs at least in my estimation have proved with dr. martens theory was and what many other people are coming to the conclusion that the area we're standing in right now in the upper part of the city of David the awful area was indeed where the temple was [Music] well I wanted to film this part of the interview on the Haram al-sharif of course you're not allowed to film there so at a scenic spot by the old city walls but Robert I want to ask you what is the Haram al-sharif what does it actually mean Haram al-sharif means noble sanctuary it's where the Dome of the rock is located as well as the Alaska Mosque it's a third most holy place in the Islamic religion it's quite a wide areas so back before the Dome of the rock and I like the mosque were built back in the time of Jesus and the time of the temples if the temples weren't standing there then what was up there in that large area well that was Fort Antonia and that's where Titus housed the 10th Legion which consisted of 6,000 soldiers and approximately 4,000 support staff and dr. Ernest L Martin in his book the temples at Jerusalem for God it goes at this from every single angle and leaves absolutely no doubt whatsoever that that was not the temple area but Fort Antonia and David sit in this illustration from David C allows website will show you the relationship between the the temple and the fort in fact there was a causeway connecting the fort to the temple well Robert what about little Wailing Wall or the western wall as it's more correctly known I mean the western wall is venerated by Jews and millions worldwide are you telling me that the western wall has nothing to do with the Jewish temple that's correct Chris it has absolutely nothing to do with a Jewish temple the western wall is the western wall of Fort Antonia actually it's part of the retaining wall with additional stones above the and the larger much larger foundational stones up to about six levels 8 levels it depends where along the structure this is all established and these stones of the Wailing Wall are actually used and presumed to be the western wall of the temple but it's not the Western Wall today a very interesting thing happened there recently is a man by the name of Li Shu Quran who's the director of archeology found a coin underneath the very lowest stone where the stones reach bedrock under the Western Wailing Wall and a lot of people have been arguing how old this was well kind of it was settled because Li Shu grande dug underneath and found underneath the lowest stone Mitri reaches bedrock he found a coin of Valerius gratis who was the prefect of Rome under Tiberius Caesar the coin dated 220 ad very interesting because Herod died in 4 BC so 24 years after Herod's death we have this wall being built attributed to Herod which poses a lot of very interesting questions as to who really built this wall and why did they build it Oh mah and his family have owned the Old City of Jerusalem most famous antique jewelry shop for nine generations dating back three hundred and eighty-eight years his shop is a dazzling variety of antiques and coins that have been unearthed in numerous excavations in Jerusalem over the years including from the supposed Temple Mount area I asked Alma if any artifacts or other evidence had ever been found that proved the Jewish temples stood there actually regardless to the sky vision our excavation that started after the war from 1967 and we know and everybody knows through the expert that they brought and from all over the world historian and through a pretty much like digging in every spot any result emitters you know they flip everything even each inch was staked you know they couldn't find any evidence that temple bout is is beneath the Haram Sharif or what they call the Temple Mount now and that's that's a fact you know everybody knows that you know I think that all those stones that are up there today that you see on the Haram or from a Roman fortress of course there's been a lot of additions since then of people that have come in and conquered moved around but basically a lot of those I think most of them were generally part of a Roman fort called fortress Antonio named after Marc Anthony it housed the tenth Roman legions which was about six thousand soldiers and about four thousand support personnel it would have been like a city up there Josephus in fact describes it as being the size of several cities but we see the Roman forts we don't see a couple of pup tents and a bunch of people walking around with spears and and shields you it was it was a it was a machine they had roads they had bakeries they had brothels they had court rooms they had barracks they they it was like it was like a city and today we've never found any any remnants of where the Roman fort was and of course the fort would have been quite large and I think archaeology would have revealed something right now it was located somewhere other than on the Temple Mount another reason that harem couldn't be the temple is when we look at the historical records let's go to Josephus Josephus clearly said that the city was so raised that you would never even know a city stood there and we see it when we go in ancient Jerusalem you see that everything was destroyed from that time period in the New Testament issue is said the same thing he said not one stone would be upon another and they're in what they're calling the Temple Mount to Hyrum you have 10,000 Herodian stones 10,000 so not only do you have 10,000 stones that aren't supposed to be there but if that's the temple and not the Fort Antonia the stones should not be Herodian stones of the base they should be so emetic stones so that fact alone that there's no Salomon exponents but they did find the Salomon exponents in the City of David and they did find the tower that Nehemiah built they found it there they have the archaeological evidence of the oil lamps in the pottery from the Persian era from that time clearly shows that the temple had to be in the City of David and not in the air Antonia which we believe is the Haram al-sharif or the Hema Sharif was the remnants of Fort Antonia encompasses an area of 36 acres and basically it is the size of a typical Roman fortress according to schematics and even remnants of other permanent Roman fortresses all over Europe in Germany and other places even in in Africa the fort that was built by King Herod of Israel is typical of a Roman fortification built to their specifications of that time period another thing that most of the historians have neglected is the fact of Josephus tells us the size of the temple the size of the temple was six hundred feet square it was a square it's very very simple when you look at the records now it was enlarged by Herod but certainly not to the point of this that you see the here now the interesting thing when you look at the size of the harem its 96% exactly the size of every ancient Roman fort and remember the Roman fort was the property of the Roman Empire just like today the United States of America has hundreds of bases in different countries those bases are owned by the United States of America even though they're in a foreign country and it was the same thing in this time so when you're looking at that fort it not only this this size of it had to be standard but also remember that in an area where Jews were not intermingling with Romans it had to be big enough that you can house your your at least a legion of soldiers that you beside the soldiers that you had you had to have personnel that was working you had a red-light district you had to have restaurants you had to have probably ten to fifteen thousand people and whenever you look at a model of Jerusalem like you saw in in in Jerusalem by alyona they always make fourteen tonyia this tiny little fort that couldn't probably hold a hundred people the model that we have at the Israeli museum is a beautiful model it's a great piece of art but a poor piece of historical reflection for instance I believe that the roman fort there is ridiculous it's just this little appendage the mighty Roman fortress has been reduced to this small little caricature that they have there in that model so I don't think that the model maker there made an accurate representation but what he did do is he's impregnated into the mind of a lot of visitors a warped concept of the size of the Roman fortress and where the Roman fortress is I'm really surprised that most people don't go up and say this is ridiculous what do we have this year for it this size and this dimensions the Roman fortress was immense and it wasn't just this small little appendage that they have there because we know that they had the 10th Roman legion which was about ten thousand people that that area could have held maybe a couple hundred people that we have it that the model of the at the Israeli Museum and even in the New Testament when you look at the Apostle Paul when Paul now they don't even know who he is they're thinking he's this Egyptian that did this and here it is this no body because there was a plan to kill him on the way to Caesarea they sent 450 soldiers and accompany men with him now if there was only 600 soldiers in that fort is it logical that almost every single person the fort is gonna go with an unknown person that they don't even know is of course not so that alone shows us there were thousands of people I mean Jerusalem was a place where there was a lot of trouble going on particularly at Holy Days and there were thousands of troops that had to be there to quench any kind of trouble that would come and like I said the dimensions of the harem being exactly dimensions of every Roman fort and completely opposite of any dimension of the Temple Mount that's told to us in the historical records is another proof that that just couldn't be the Temple Mount we're on the Mount of Olives overlooking the old city of Jerusalem where we get a very clear view Robert tell us how was the city of Jerusalem different 2,000 years ago than what we see here today well of course Chris the Dome of the rock would not have been there and what you're looking at was never the old city of Jerusalem those walls represent Fort Antonia where tightest housed the 10th Legion which eventually destroyed all of Jerusalem and the temple itself where I'm pointing right here where that clump of trees are which today is called the city of Zion which is on top of a mound called the awful that is actually where the original temple once stood and just to the south of that and I mean just meters south was the City of David also known as a citadel and the entire city of Jerusalem with the temple stood in that area right there the reason we know that it's there is because Josephus the Jewish historian who lived in Jerusalem and he was there and present at the destruction of Jerusalem and he saw it in a destroyed condition afterwards and he was given the Jewish records of King Herod as to the construction of Fort Antonia and he was given the Roman records in regard to the Jewish wars who did what when and who destroyed what and how the war progressed Josephus was a 1st century historian he was Jewish commander that was conscripted to be sort of a historian of sorts his writing is and is impeccably accurate people say oh he's so great of a historian except when he's talking about the temple and then then he just seems to have this weird perception of history no he had a perfect perception of history he knew where the temple was he knew it was destroyed down the very foundations so historians say well he was great up until he talked about the temple but no he was right about the temple we have been wrong so I think we should follow the first century eyewitness as opposed to a 21st century guessing a observant person he's an excellent terrific source for the information that that piece of land is fortress Antonia because nothing suits that description that Josephus gives us he says it was larger than the temple he says it was more massive bulky the greater fortifications than the temple it obscured the temple from the north vantage point if you would approach Jerusalem from the north and everything fits fortress Antonia being that structure of the Haram al-sharif nothing else fits [Music] so if it was the roman fort Antonia that stood on the Temple Mount or the Haram al-sharif and not the Jewish temples what was the rock that is enshrined within the Dome of the rock well there so there's a lot of people that have questioned what what is the rock doing under the Dome of the rock that's the that's pretty much what it was named after I'm really interested in what the Bordeaux pilgrim said in 333 AD when he was at the Church of the South the Holy Sepulchre he looked he said he looked due west and all he could see was the long wall of the Roman fortress it's very interesting because when you go to the church aloy Suffolk and look West all you see is a long long wall of the Temple Mount so according to the Bordeaux pilgrim and what I can understand he is relaying through his words is that he's actually looking at the Roman fortress and he is describing also that that rock was the Praetorian were the where the prisoners would have stood on this rock when they were pronounced guilty I think that's one of the most interesting I you know thought process and what is that Dome of the rock but what can we prove that that rock was some people say it was the rock in the Holy of Holies impossible the Holy of Holies is 30 feet by 30 feet the rock is 52 feet by you know whatever but it's it's certainly not a rock that would be in the Holy of Holies you know this small rock where the Ark of the Covenant went on was was a slab it wasn't a rock like this so what was this rock it's interesting when you look at this rock which you'll find on the top of the rock is you'll find crosses in it you know because it wasn't a rock that was sacred to Judaism and certainly wasn't a rock that was sacred to Islam wasn't even involved back then but it was a rock that the early believers as early as the 3rd century we can prove this from the historical records thought that rock was the rock that was in the predatory so the belief was that that was the rock Yeshua got on top of and gave his defense before Pilate so knowing that and there was a tradition that came after that it looked like there were footprints in that rock and some of those Christians were believing these where the footprints of Yeshua and they built a church around it in the third century the church of saint cyrus and then the Church of the Holy wisdom that came after that but clearly that rock was a Christian that if it's nothing to do with Judaism and nothing else in 70 AD the Romans decided to put a final end to Jewish rebellion and Titus the son of Roman Emperor Vespasian marched on Jerusalem with 65,000 men and torched the entire city and the temple pretty much was eradicated Eliezer in 73 during the who's the general Mossad said ma Masada said that everything and just everything was with utter destruction except for that of the camp of the Romans which is the roman fort so everything was destroyed so I think that when you talk about in 70 AD was destroyed and --get temple was destroyed to the very foundations Josephus said that you wouldn't even know that there was a city there where the temple stood in 70 AD thus fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew 24 who when he said that all the stones every stone utterly completely and totally down to the very foundations would be destroyed so I think we have a fulfillment of prophecy if we correctly identify where the correct location of the temple is located Fort Antonia remained on the Haram al-sharif under different names in other words when did it stop being Fort Antonia after Jerusalem was destroyed it had a different name it was actually the center of Aelia Capitolina which was the renamed terminology for the city of Jerusalem king or Emperor Hadrian decided to eliminate Jerusalem by changing the name and causing the reconstruction of the entire city and it would became to be quite a large city and for a long period of time it was a Roman fortress housing the 10th Legion pratensis until about three hundred years two hundred and fifty years after the destruction of Jerusalem that 10th Legion was based there temple was destroyed in 70 AD and then it really wasn't much of a city until it was rebuilt and renamed alia capital Lea which was which was this new name and it was it was a new city so that then it really took in a very strong resurgence after the time of Constantine when Constantine built the church the Holy Sepulchre then it really started taking off again and then from from then on it had it had a steady growth up until the time of the Crusades in 1099 took another growth spurt there and then it's pretty much stabilized after that after the Muslims had it in the seventh century there's a lot of argument as to when people started believing that the temple was on top of my my my personal belief is that when the in 1099 when the Crusaders conquered the the Temple Mount complex today and they saw that Muslim Dome with the crescent moon on it they ripped it off they put a cross on there called it the temple of dome and I which is Latin for the Lord's temple and from that point on it became very popular throughout Europe that that was the temple area people did argue about it for some extent they didn't know where the real temple was but in time they they just settled on it there was a man named - della Benjamin - della in the 12th century very charismatic man rabbi and he said hey guys let's just settle on this and people have and tradition has sent its taproot down and taken root in both the church and both the Jewish belief systems and from that point on it's become historical fact when I think it's been terribly terribly mangled in history and we have a wrong perception of where the temple is located traditionally because it should be in the City of David well from where we are on the Mount of Olives we can see behind us the graves of thousands of Jews who wanted to be buried here why why do they want to be very right here right up against the Mount of Olives well according to Zechariah the Messiah is going to return to the Mount of Olives the Mount of Olives is going to cleave and a calf is going to go toward the north after in the south and the Jews as well believe this is where the resurrection is going to take place but of course the Jews believe that the Messiah can't come until the temple is rebuilt so if it could be shown that the temple never stood with the Dome of the rock now stands but stood somewhere else then that would solve the problem it would Chris because that temple right there the Dome of the rock is the most contested piece of real estate in the entire world it could be a trigger for World War 3 and if it could be proved and not only proved but accepted that that temple stood on the awful south of Fort Antonia it could bring about some type of a peace covenant what do you mean by a peace covenant the Jewish prophet Daniel in Daniel chapter 9 prophesied that there would be a world leader that would arise and would confirm some type of a coveted that would bring some measure of tranquility to the Middle East even now as wars are raging in Yemen Libya Syria Iraq Saudi Arabia's and this would bring about some measure of peace to this situation and it would then also allow the Jews to rebuild their temple and begin their animal sacrifice once again now I want to underline that the rebuilding of the Jewish temple is a very important milestone in the sequence of endtime events and they can be many interpretations of Bible prophecy who the Antichrist is when he's going to come even where they were living in the end times at all but when the Jewish temple is rebuilt then we know for sure that were in the last seven years and we lock in to a very definite sequence of events as foretold in the books of Daniel revelation and many other prophetic passages in the Bible yes the temples very significant in end time Bible prophecy it's where the Antichrist finally declares that he is God tries to bring about the end of the worship of the true God it's also where he places what is known as the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet and quoted by Jesus in Matthew 24 this abomination of desolation or the image of the Beast as John calls him in the book of Revelation do we know what it is what it's likely to be well there are those who have speculated and rightly so that it could be some type of supercomputer combined with what the transhumanist are now pushing forward as well as changes in the Janome system science is putting it all together never before in world history that we know of has it been possible to track every man woman and child but at the bible does talk in Revelations 13 about the mark of the beast the famous 666 and somehow this abomination of desolation is what is going to be able to put that into practice and try and force people and cause people to take the mark of the beast that no man may be able to buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name it all comes down to economics Chris if you don't have it you can't buy and you can't sell but none of this can happen until the third Jewish temple is built this is an artist's conception of how the temple would look built on the Haram al-sharif already the Jewish Sanhedrin has appointed the high priest and everything has been prepared for the ritual of daily sacrifice to resume after almost two thousand years and if the Jewish people could accept the overwhelming evidence that the temples never stood on the Haram al-sharif or the Temple Mount then construction of the coming temple could begin immediately but will it or is tradition too strong I think traditions are too strong until an event occurs which makes people really look at the facts so until that time I think we're going to have tradition is going to be stronger than historical fact but tradition can't change but it takes a wreckingball event to make that change in paradigm because like I said that spirit of tradition overrides the truth so that's what we're dealing with down there and that's what I say what I say is look there is enough evidence that I could prove to anybody that the temple was in the City of David and it wasn't under here if I'm wrong prove me wrong let's start dialogue you know if somebody can start a dialogue and I've been looking for it for 15 years you know I'm not an argument to person I'll sit down I'll listen to what has to be say prove me wrong you know proof dr. Martin wrong and yet up to this point the problem isn't that they can't prove us wrong the problem is they don't even want to start a dialogue in this film you've heard the opinions of a few of a growing number of archaeologists historians and academics who are convinced that the first and second Jewish temples never stood on the Temple Mount or the Haram al-sharif if they're right then there's nothing to stop the third Jewish temple being built immediately in the City of David on the southeast Ridge of Jay one thing is certain according to Bible prophecy the temple will be rebuilt and both Jews and Christians are looking forward to that day [Music]
Channel: NuBeat Music
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Rating: 4.4818172 out of 5
Keywords: Jeruselem, Jews, Endtime, Temple
Id: oKTO8YYs29c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2016
Reddit Comments

They have already built the altar.

They have already located descendants of Aaron for the priestly class.

They have already put aside robes, garments, and priestly tools.

They are VERY ready to begin constructing the third temple.

Our lifetimes are one of the crossroads of history!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/letsbebuns ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 27 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This documentary proposes an interesting alternative theory that the original site of God's temple is not on the "temple mount" but instead next to the Gihon spring in the ophel area.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/letsbebuns ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 27 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's mapped out and can be physically built next to the dome of the rock too, there is room. I don't think its going to be large at all.

Rumored that Trumps "peace summit" is scheduled for September too. He wants to make "the ultimate deal." I think this time, especially in that month, they will actually succeed.

The 70 nations that came against Israel with the US abstaining their vote a few months ago is huge too.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheCrazyChristian ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 27 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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