2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Day a Christian Stops Being a Child (10:30 a.m.)

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mark chapter 10 if your turn with me to it bring out the King James Version I want to preach something really kind of unusual today this morning I guess I'm under usual and everything I do I heard that Carlos had some nice things about me and I appreciate that I refuse I would I will take the criticism of the world to have the the blessing of God in my life I refuse I will I don't care what the world says about me because they're not gonna judge me and it's not easy when you've been when you got born again God gave you a gift called humor that I've never had before if you don't know me before I was saved you would say Oh something happen to that man I mean I said a joke once in a while like anybody else but funny was not a part of my life it was a serious business you do what you have to do and you know it in life because life's not easy life's hard and so I'm being raised that way and God really had to do a marvelous miracle in me I never forget Cathy was so shocked when I was you know how I went into the ministry you know our first time I have a priest in my life the pastor of the church I tell you this real quick the pastor of our church was named brother Syd Syd Rafer right Syd great from big tall men about six six six seven and he looked at me the first day now you gotta understand three years before that I went to church because Cathy asked me to go I was a heathen from Hell I mean I wait I like a hundred and thirty-five pounds of drugs and booze and I had head on the hair and I was trying to be kind and nice and because Cathy and my oldest brother Wayne asked me if I'd go to church and the last time I'd been there was when I got married and it had change so I didn't want to go back [Applause] I never forget telling that presea like they fell out he said do you take this woman I said if you hurry up real quick I will Alba just just crazy as all get-out just as nuts high priest enough oh they almost made the sign of the Cross right there you know well I went in there and this place was called Terrebonne Terrebonne in French means good earth terrible and full gospel temple that's where my brother went so that's where we went to church you know me Kathy got mad right down the street from that we're not downstream maybe two or three or four five miles away called Holy Rosary Catholic Church that's where we we've got married anyway he gave an altar call and he asked everybody stand up and I was very very I mean I was polite so I you know I had my head down like that and I heard this voice say hey you hey you back there with the long hair you want to get saved not the only woman long head in the place you know it's the 70s they were saying no I mean it was just yeah I said that fool talking to me and bothered that he opened up the can of worms I cussed that man Lord and the dog on a Sunday morning used f-bomb on him in the church coming out that name my brother had to grab me and pull me out I didn't see you can't imagine me doing something like Kathy going and she had just got to hold a whole she's just afraid laugh a little I told you could ball you want I mean every cuss word you can think of flying I I cussed that man Lord and a dog Kathy said then nobody ever been persecuted like you persecuted that demand that day and I swore I'd never darken the door of a church again I never forget that you know but the Lord had other things in mind and you know the Lord said he's an idiot but I'm all saving I feared nothing I didn't fear God I didn't fear nothing no I'm not bragging about that it's just ah you know you just get something big enough to handle any situation it's just the way it was as far as I was concerned and but when I got born again guess where I went back to that church I looked and I said listen I'm sorry he said I heard cuz words I didn't know existed he said I thought God was gonna strike you dead I said well if he was better I was very close to striking you dead how to shut that sucker in the head I wouldn't even blinked that's the kind of man I wouldn't even blink in that sad I mean I'm not bragging on it but I mean I became his he asked me if I would take care of the youth is that what it was I said man I ain't no preacher nothing I get I only when save just a few months and didn't know nothing about the gospel didn't know never that I didn't feel qualified I'm saying this for a reason when I get into this message make it long so short he said I'm telling you called a preach I said you don't lost Joe man I and call the fries I said I don't know nothing but hail Mary full of grace and that's it and how father that's about all I didn't know what I was I thought it was tires all right I said how do you have no idea what that was not but he he believed in me he said I mean crying I thought why is he crying all the time look God you know he mushy well the highway it was on a Sunday morning with the church he said bye stand up to be dismissed and tonight we have a special speaker I thought he said tonight Jesse Duplantis would be preaching oh wait they done lost his ever-loving mind and that was the first time that church was jam-packed people jam-packed standing outside the walls and everything they said I gotta kick us like that I got the here breach my jam I mean Jack I sweat actin I mean I said listen you done made a mistake this came out a pen but that's how it started I was put in the ministry people just loved it and that's when I I sorta prick and it came out funny I got so mad cuz people were laughing Kathy said what are you funny I said this is serious business and the Lord gave me a gift and what it was I was so sinful and when I received the joy of the Lord by being born again it went through every cell of my body and it changed everything my thinking everything I did and I believe the most unbelievable impossible and doable things and I refuse to make an excuse for the blessing of God well I mean I've been wrongly attacked by the media you know over my playing over my home and and I have beautiful at the Lord you would be shocked I'm not bragging but it's a I don't care but you people say yeah I don't think you oughta have that I said I don't think I asked you I have one myself don't like your house I said no you love my house you don't like your house that's your problem because if I gave you my house you job but I always say look what the Lord has done in other words the kind of acted like a child and I want to talk about that today title of this message today is the day a Christian stops being a child it's a sad day a day the day the Christian stops being a child in math mark chapter 10 reading of the King James Version verse 13 and they brought young children to him Toma Jesus that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them don't that sound churchy but when Jesus saw it so what saw them rebuking those children he was much displeased and say he was a little aggravate he was much displeased he was angry and said unto them permit the little children to come unto me watch this and forbid them not why for if such is the kingdom of God so when God thinks he thinks children he's a fatherless family he says verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up Jesus was a hugger in his arms I wonder how long that took think about it for a minute put his hands upon them and He blessed them think about that I want to go back up to that that that verse 14 permitting little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God write this down the attribute of Christianity must be the possession of a childlike heart why does God want you to be you see we grow through the fullness of the statute of Christ but you not God's Adler you never will be gods either you're God's child yes you grow to the fullness of the stature correct my daughter is gonna be 45 years old in a couple of months and you know she's still my child will always be even though she's a full-grown woman blow it out and do it wonderful that's not the issue but it doesn't make no difference how old she gets how old I get she will always be my child why it's an attribute that's wonderful you know why God loves children write this down children are born believers their innocence and purity is so perfect that they born believe it you just tell them something go oh okay and with the Jesus had come as a child it is an add up so let me say it again the attribute of Christianity must be the possession of a childlike heart to be childlike has the touch of the divine all over it you see so sometime I say things that it may not sound smart but I'm saying in such innocence and purity and believe it so much that it just happens I'm not afraid of what the world gonna say about me because the world will never judge me they can say what they want I mean I mean I remember that few years ago they were running me morning noon and night I was the top story on all the telephone to Fox 8 in New Orleans Louisiana at me because of the house and all this kind of stuff I just smiled and I don't forget I went out to eat lunch and my god when I walked through that restaurant if the whole restaurant went silent because inquiring minds want to know and I read people say that's that rich preacher that's that rich richer well that's the one he running on here they don't and I didn't say that I sat down me and Kevin and I quite like this so I just stood up said how's everybody doing you know hot baby cheers ago what do you say it I'm said to be childlike has the touch of divine all over it so we artist something then we was eating something like that often I'm son of man come up when he come up when people come up they're all looking he said I saw that stuff they've been running on your preacher I said yeah he said don't clean the money I said now he said he couldn't prove a thing they said I said that's true he said that sure was a beautiful house I said yeah it is it wasn't in front of everybody he says his ten thousand dollar slapped it on the table they said go buy some for that big house he put ten thousand dollars on my table I wanted to call Fox and safe run it again glory that God [Applause] that's the true Stuart and the Lord said you know why I did that I said why Allah he said you didn't make an excuse for the blessing so to be childlike has a touch of divine all over it Walker's children are born believers you see ladies and gentlemen I never got around people to teach me to doubt write that down stay away from people that'll teach you to doubt you can say it like that I didn't know anything about that I just you know when you've been born and bred a Catholic you taught to believe what the priest says that's really before all the scandals came my god made whatever the father says I mean please you don't say so we just believed it and when you read the Bible but we didn't read the Bible my day they told you don't read the Bible you go crazy only the only the priest can interpret the Bible anybody remember that am I telling the truth oh you don't read about whoa you go cray first time I was up in across the woman I said she been reading that rhyme somebody better take that bioweapon that crazy woman good we didn't read them up because they said we couldn't understand it until one day I stole a Gideon Bible I shouldn't have done it but I did I had to ask the Lord forgive me then I found out you can't steal a Gideon Bible they give it to you and I read and I said I can understand this it must think I'm dumb boring I got an insatiable thirst for the Word of God see God's kingdom is composed of childlike natures write that down everything God does its childlike my child ish I'll deal with that after a while everything God's kingdom is composed of childlike natures one because children are born believers right now if I tell my granddaughter I'm taking you to Disney World she'll tell everyone grandfather damn and no evidence to the fact that I'm gonna do it so when God tells me I will do this for you I go I'm gonna tell you people that's arrogance and cockiness no that's confidence I'm its child you don't lie and if you talk to my daughter today she tell you she was taking me tasted my my daddy and my dad ever tell you something you wouldn't take it to the bank he's gonna do what he says see I've learned to never separate myself from my word I keep all my Bible I wear our Bibles like crazy and everything you know to make a long story short mom I still have my first Bible that I preached in and I wrote in the very front in the margin I want my word to be like God's Word that when I speak it when I give it I will do what I said and God is exactly the same way you can't separate him from his word so God's kingdom is composed of childlike nature's so they understand what I'm saying is it you have to understand that that the childlike nature has the divine all over it but yet as we begin to grow we begin to lose that and that's when all the Fighting's thoughts and all kinds of things begin to happen and people wonder why I never heard of a split Church those words were not spoke about in the Catholic Church they didn't use the word split they use schism which was way back a little 1415 so I never hear when someone said gee about that church across not without listen it's split I said did it fall down I'm thinking earthquake I'm not figured they said no people got man left went build a church across town I said why see you can't answer that neither because if they're both of them are going to heaven they can't split in heaven right and if only thing is and somebody's done you're wrong all they gotta do send Jesus but give me a say it with their heart it's over with so I hold a grudge how come you can't worship with people here but you're gonna have to worship with them there now there's some people you pray do leave some of y'all got the revelation of preaching look at this some people not thorns on the flesh they complete bushes they just aggravating just aggravating but so are some children but you don't throw them away do you see what what does it mean to be childlike right there's none to be childlike it's simple it's loving it's trustful and has an obedient attitude what does it do it makes the world young I love it when a baby laughs that's the best sound in the world it turns everybody around in look when I baby let's just innocence coming you go oh and you know I got away with babies babies love me you see that white hair I think they think I'm God they look at me go I mean and I'm not bragging right that just happen I mean children I won't go with nobody they see me they go and I just smile and I don't care if I'm in a race I'll go and they they just smile and some one thing kind of looked put the head and I just enjoy being around children why innocence and if you want to learn something about someone watch a child because they're gonna pick up what's wrong with that person yeah who they could see it and you could be a full grown either don't see it at all but that baby go hmm because that's innocence and purity Wow because being childlike has the touch of the divine all over it it'll pick up spirits that people had that others couldn't no more knowing a man in the moon because they grew past purity they grew pass innocence let me say it again the attribute of Christianity must be the possession of a childlike heart to be childlike has the touch of the divine all over it children are born believers God's kingdom is composed of childlike natures why because to be childlike a simple loving trustful open-air media attitude it makes the world young again you know if I was in politics you know what the first thing I'd do I would ask the Congress to give me some money to build schools around old folks homes I would have an old folks home and a school and I'd have them young kids going to the old folks home because when them kids walk in old people just let you ever notice that children listen to old people more and it just uplifts the elderly prayer because they think they're no longer worthy and all that kinda and they just listen at an in vice-versa have the elderly people come over to the school and it makes the elderly people feel young you put those two together you shut down gangs you'll shut down criminality because elderly person knows how to talk to a child that's why it's better to be a grandparent than a parent why because we swallow we don't care remember my God when you went to arresting you would first had a baby in your baby son cries but now you wouldn't worry about when you're great it's gonna make no difference it's just the child the other day we were at PF Changs this little boy he little black boy cute little fella he must have been about four years old he's there walking out the parents and stuff and I had them what they call them fortune cookies we had finished eating our meal now he looked at me he goes hi I said hello I said would you like a fortune cookie he says I have to I said would you like another no sir there's kids bring it I say are you sure good-looking he said yes he wasn't bragging it was the truth I looked at that man in his wife I said boy your show dude your show did good on him he said yes we did see people love it when you you know give a compliment to your child see he just looked at me you know and I've had such wonderful experiences with children one time I was out of McDonald's and his little kid was playing all over and the grandparent was there sit sit down sit down sit down boy I said and and then he'd sit down for maybe two seconds a mini backup and he running all that stuff in it yeah you know they see all them little toys and yeah so fine grandfather's down boy and the kid just stopped how old it was Cathy went for three something he says and the grandpa jump on those cases grandfather you need a nap [Laughter] see that child life and then he looked at me to watch me and he looked me he went from my feet to my head he just went and he stopped at my hair he says this to me you know when you get old you die [Laughter] so I decided not to get old that's the truth I have such wonderful dialer if I go to a hospital and I bear something do usually what I try to just go over to maternity ward I like to see the babies in there and then you know I never forget what Jodi was born I I beat her when I glass like as if the victory I wanted to get a girl so you did this it was wonderful what and I never lost that childlike spirit because it pleases God he just takes me in his arms and blesses me and you know my daughter is like I said a full-grown woman I just like to take her tomorrow and the other day when Meredith came she's getting big now you don't mean she's cruel she got this spurt we don't like it it's called a growth spurt you know she just grow Anelka and I said come sit on grandfather and let me just hold you man I just feel so great and she just talks to men about all kinds of stuff and I listen because that's innocence in purity you understand what I'm saying write this down to be childlike you must have receptiveness trust and wonder let me say this to be childlike you must have receptiveness trust and wonder how many want all your prayers answered quit trying to be an adult and be a child because God's got a greater heart than a grandparent or a parent and you know how grande fans you never tell your grandchildren though you get them all the sugar they can eat and then you set them home to be childlike you must have receptiveness what does that mean receptiveness means turns experience into intense curiosity children have intense curiosity receptiveness that's what you got to be to be chawla the day a christian starts being a child is when they lose their receptiveness they lose their curiosity of God they lose their curiosity of what is the service gonna be like today hmm trust what is struck trust annex is an exquisite purity in the faith of a child see when you have trust you receive your pure love for knowledge which I want to know something let me say it again to be childlike you must have receptiveness which means turns experience it to intense curiosity you must have Trust which is an exquisite purity in the faith of a child you receive a pure love for knowledge and then wonder children wonder all the time why because it produces wonderment you become a living parable of the Christian spirit nothing is common or unclean to you and I tell you what's amazing I never forget when we did take maybe we were well and I forgot not when we went to Disney World I brought over there and we brought a bunch of people in and I rented I mean I lord I know you know this is the first time I was at Disney World was when he first opened up the day it opened up I was playing in nightclubs I was a senator those days it opened I'm I said let's go check the thing the only thing they had was the the what they call it but it's in the rubble but a castle is didn't have Epcot didn't have any yet well we went back and we were with Meredith I had had Jody and Jay and several other people we so I rented several big Suites I said this is all on me just enjoy yourself and and they put these uh we call these Batman's on you and they said you just can't get in here and get out I said okay so my pilots I had to go preach I was flying back and forth could John Hagee asked me to do this and I said yeah that's a you know he said you got a jet Justin you can fly old and be back in two hours and all I said okay so I'm doing that I'm trying to get back and all that kind of stuff and they said no you can have a hard time going through going through a security but not know you're not a few a child [Laughter] sir I mean I got in 11:30 I'm driving up to the gate Burnett guy comes out and I just did this he went here Jessica flares I said yes he's just going in wouldn't he check you all that I do is give him a childlike smile made you laugh made you feel good see that's receptiveness that's trust that's wonder you see you should have that about God God what we're gonna do today Wow I've talked to my brother yesterday I said how you doing Wayne huh he's my older brother I said you know every day above ground is a good day he said yeah I never thought about like that he said are you smiling through the phone I said yeah yeah it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown you see when you have wonder I get so excited about God even on the small things God sometimes just gives me things and I don't even I don't ask him for I said I said I didn't ask for they said I know I just thought maybe you might like it when I saw that I thought of you how many times I've done that to him you may think we crazy me and Cathy wrap a gift on Christmas and give it to God put it under the tree tell him don't look cuz you know he can't look through the paper that sounds stupid doughnut don't that sound ignorant see you've grown up too much you're not even enjoying Christmas anymore and I get up good we celebrating the birth of Jesus a baby and we know he's full grown to misunderstand me but my point is that it's just just that wonderment of who he is boy I said Lord you just you showed up and showed out the day oh my well isn't that amazing see that wonderment and I do that all the time and he just gives me things I'll give you an example how much he loves me you know I Jerry Savelle is a god his favorite child or whatever even get that wonderful favor and that's true some of you may have heard me say this I like to go to the mall on Christmas Eve that's when I like to shop Christmas Eve they do that in the movies [Laughter] know that now the reason why I like it number one is most people got their stuff and in number two it's not as crowded and I get to look at all the decorative their careers I love that red and green crystal my favorite I just love all that you know and what my house is decorated gee Kathy just does I mean Lord this at me look at Christmas trees and rooms everywhere all different colors and okay now I just enjoy it I hate it when they take it down well anyway she said I said it's Chris we got let's go tomorrow and she said some of you may have heard me say this she said majestic because men don't go I said they said they men don't walk in stores they walk them all you know you know they walked at the end of the mall and then they turn around and they walk the other side the one gonna go in the stores it made me a man ain't interested in this store he doesn't want to walk the mall so she knows how I am you know she says so let's meet me at this store at such-and-such time I said okay and I never forget I'm just going ma my god that was last year I was I would be 67 Saturday sir I was 66 years I go look how beautiful these are oh I'm like a child Wonder Man and I wanted the verb I guess security guards says may you enjoy this don't you sir I said isn't this one for the birth of Jesus and listen look at how beautiful this show decorated this mall pretty and I'm just walking so I said well I'm a walk I started walking toward you don't have Dillard's here okay and it was only on the end of the ball I walk in a man walk at this is my god you just hit the planet I said yes I am I said Merry Christmas he said Christmas to you and he gave me $5,000 wait wait in cash I went no no no sir no no he said man I've been wanting to meet you Oh mala watch you all the time I you said listen ah I knew you were from New Orleans but I never thought I'd run into you today oh let me just bless I said no please he said no I want to uh I said alright by the time I got to Dillard's I had fourteen thousand dollars in cash give to me I'm telling you fourteen thousand dollars in cash in 20s tens hundreds I look like a drug dealer that's a lot of cash I had to get a shopping bag I never forget where cut the shopping bag went in the store I said can I buy my shopping bag he said yesterday three dollars may I pull out hundred legal clothes I said open up that bag I gotta pour all this cash in it so I got to be an acid man I'm gonna walk the other side tomorrow and I found out that the broke side the mall I can get a dime on a book that story last year so I'm walking around with a $40,000 in hundreds and tens and 20s and 50s I mean that's a lot of cash Chuck I'm walking I said look at it wow what happened well with people getting $1,000 $100 five I see said what you gonna do with that money I said I don't know I said you if you finish your up and no I said I'm gonna go back and walk the mall so I took my bag of cash and I thought ease drop children do it all the time you hear everything you say that's why they cuss don't shout me down did any didn't create that word they heard somebody say it then you're gonna put pepper in their mouth or something like that because you don't do that their cage and they go oh that's good so I'm walking and I see this young man and his wife and they standing by this dress shop beautiful dress you know an inner mannequin there and you know and I'm about this far from them now watch this and then wonder she says honey look at that beautiful dress then you can tell were just married maybe a few months is up man oh that's beautiful dress and he says honey we can't afford that but maybe one day I will be able to buy you something like if I could I'd do it today but I can't afford that and now that's when I said excuse me I can and they're turned around to me like yeah I thank God they didn't know me I'm glad they went what I said I bet that dress will look wonderful on you and they didn't know what to say this is going and I'm like a child I said I'm telling ya this would look wonderful on you and I watch the Kathy I think it was a twelve or fourteen hundred dollars something like that I can't remember and she got it was a beautiful dress I said if you don't mind let me pay for it sir and I open up the back I said just take your bunch they look like that happy smile I said get you a couple of handfuls gonna grab you something you said you senior yeah I said get enough Modi you might want some accessories or stuff come on just take a bunch it was a great day see a child will do that I don't see you ain't getting none of my money you ain't touching my mama now you see they don't they don't report that the media at all by the time I finish I gave away the whole $14,000 walking around the mall I went to the broke side of the mall because people needed help on that other side yo hey receptiveness trust wonder Jesus for such as the kingdom of God so never never ever criticize giving it stops coveted in this and God said Jesse yeah you look good man I said thank you lord I appreciate that I said thanks for coming thanks for being picking on flesh thanks for you opening up the door for me to come to who you are thanks for not remembering anything I ever did back then and people say he's always happy I haven't lost my child likeness and I don't get into childishness write this down when childlikeness turns into childlessness you misrepresent Christ and you inflict it wrong on humanity when childlike miss turns into childishness you misrepresent Christ and inflict a wrong on humanity you try to hurt someone the church mafia kicks in I'm gonna make it off you don't refuse you don't think like the stuff go somewhere else selfishness is the root of all sin Jodi Tom one time dad you think you'll ever run out of money never look at ya same thing with a chop shop did they drop they never think that's why dear let's tell you Diggle especially for your grandparent cuz they got that figured out then grandparents got some dollars and they're gonna be a blessing I don't think athletes ever been in a store with Meredith she and bought her something night talk about a few dollars I'm longer hundreds of dollars hundreds and hundreds of dollars - you bought her a bag what kind of baguette thing aveer what fear Bradley I got an eight-year-old kid dragging a 200 and something out not a bag I said Kevin that's a lot of she said yeah but she look good I said I guess she does and what's it she's starting to learn like her grandmother enema she goes Oh in this wallet matches this too I said well let's get that so we took a picture of her in her wake on a bag Bradley bag whatever the thing is me and her just smiling and a man told me say you enjoyed being a grandfather yes sir he saying it wonderful he said I have a grandson I said you do this everyone will have one branch I said I only have one - I said so we got a lot in common he said what are you doing in there he said looking for things to buy for my grandpa I said those two he said you got a nice smile I say God is Jesus it behind the teeth she and our child will say that [Applause] and adder won't he said who's behind et I said David oh so you're religious I said no religious people don't look like me religious people are stoic I said I have joy the hope of glory Christ in me the hope of glory and all I opened up the conversation with was with a smile he saw me acting like a child instead of being childish with this childish does it grows unbelief right it you know child and this grows unbelief I tried that I don't work and when your child is you have no grip on things you actually become known for your immaturity childlessness grows from unbelief you have no grip on things you become known for immaturity now if you think I'm just saying these things to sound funny when Jesus says there at verse 14 he says permit the children the coming to me for such as forbidden enough for such as the kingdom God whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter there in the day a Christian stops being a child that's a dangerous position because they become childish throwing fits and temper tantrums I just don't like the way this truth had lead time I'm leaving this church but leaving this church I said what's your problem mama she said you know love and they say you know love you know look I looked at I said well you got love she said yes I do I said where you going you got what the church needs see when you're childish you don't even realize what you're saying you're just being stupid just throw yourself on the floor didn't fry no chicken at the barbecue or something there's mad about something I don't think that lady should've wore that dress I think I dress is too short well yours are so tight I could strike a match on you oh you picked up on that child is this real quick didn't you a child like William look at that there's thrown temper tantrum let me make an announcement everybody here if you got a pastor God don't care if you like your pastor he could care less if you like him or her why because that's the only place you can grow see sometimes your kids comes I don't like that teacher it don't make no difference shut your little face up you've gone to school so when you go to car with that child is that he says shut your little face up get under the get under the authority that Minister well I don't like it it don't mean no different they don't know what you like em enough that's where you can grow you don't go to church because you like the choir to worship church is a school where you learn do you understand that that's why you learn not memorize say when I went to church I can learn nothing I just memorized hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour out there our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth see that's how you pray D you didn't pray about your heart you prayed affairs I probably never never never Hail Mary for the greater loss with the puzzle go to another and in your praying the rosary Oh hallo mayor Oh hallo Mary full of it oh how father who are never to be that name and you know you think all these people are just so powerful they were just like you did you know Mary lost God for three days would you go a whole day without and not know your child is missing she went a whole day she went a whole day my god man that matters is me out of my sight - well - second what a kid she that's the mother of Christ don't get mad at me Hail Mary you lost gods for three days Oh a sacrilege Oh a sacrilegious you said that in you childish she finds him in the temple when you love to find you kidding Church stood at the bar food my mama used to come find me on Bourbon Street why I like them strippers how old were you 10 they hugged me had a cheap French perfume on me they were full of silicone a fair rounded bounce six foot this was the street life that boy is over there playing that music and him sex clubs yeah cuz it paid the cops off I was a street musician but it would somebody gave you 20 bucks when gas was 18 cents a gallon there's a lot of money that's where I learned to play sneaking out and my mama said told my dad you go beat that boy my dad look at me say boy he never caught me by my name hey boy boy you down ahead that 500 club uh-huh what are you doing in there I sound playing music did they pay you any money I said that I made $300 he said mama the boy made three [Applause] don't beat him send him out there again my dad my daddy was only consenting one thing trouble don't be me no trouble boy I don't care what you doing I shouldn't I said that but I mean in it and we did how many times we've seen fights in the church I Katherine and I would thought they'd do it why would you ever leave a church it's the only thing in the scripture that the gates of hell can't prevail against and you crazy enough to walk away from it the Bible said the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church and you can walk away from because you mad at sisters I want some because they sat in your Pew I know everybody fix their Pew or their chair where they said I'd understand that's not a problem you know kind of stuff but if a visit that didn't know why would you be mad about it why did you be mad at the preacher I just don't like the way the pastor's wife dress well shut your eyes maybe he does there might be something wrong with him cuz he's an ugly man he got too pretty of a wife he must have lust in his life I've heard people say that and I want to say were you so ugly I know there ain't no loss in your life but I didn't say that but I meows the job father but but that would have been childlessness to say that don't that you know what your laugh cos you know that's true you've experienced those kind of things beware of the spirit of the child dying in you your motives become complicated because you've lost your simplicity of faith beware of the spirit of the child dying in you your motives become complicated because you've lost your simplicity of faith you notice children don't complicate faith I love that that's why God said come as a child not childish I like yes you grow to the fullness of the stature cry you need to know the Word of God but what happens if God still sees you as his child remember you're not gods add up and you never will be you God's child no matter how you are see beware of the spirit of the child dying in you because the children believe they born believers I love that they just born believers they're innocent and they're pure yes they need to be taught things I misunderstand me and we all need to be taught don't miss instead up and I believe in that but you know what love in its purest form is actually discipline not beating people Cathy told me when she would go to Mass and and she had four sisters and a brother and they would do something wrong my mom will pull out a baby pin and go now I don't think she's sticking but she just give one time the priest caught me shooting dice on the side of the church I was doing good I want about $40 that Danny was good that's a lot of money come on Jesus that was such a bad kitchen and he said oh you know this is a cheque I said I was gonna put it in the offering I think I'll put it and let me tell you something I love the way Catholics pick up an offering lordy promises need to learn I do then nobody walking around with a bucket they got a pole on that sucker about 30 feet long you only need two Usher's you didn't roll it down the line am I telling the truth how many I remember I remember level and there's somebody way back that no problem like a pole vault whoa boy techne what [Laughter] [Music] Jesus has hugged them there's been times I literally felt the presence of God hugging me I woke up he's I just wanted to be close to you and how many times gather because I didn't know how to express my emotion but when Jody was born how many times I would walk in that cuz I always got in real late 233 4 o'clock in the morning and I and Cathy be sleeping or something like I I'd walk into that little bedroom we had one of those baby beds and I'd look over and she just remember that makes you want to do it don't you then that one of what you see a baby there they were so limber they could be sleeping you could take their leg and stick it behind their head you did that to you today you'd have to call brother Copeland for healing it's so limber it's over and I would look at it God look how pretty she is she looks like a mama look at that and not touch it make sure she's okay and sometimes I wanted to pick her up but I did cause I didn't want to wake her up but I get real close to her see nobody knew this cuz this is behind the wall see I'm saying and boom when she'd wake up she look at me and if you ever seen my dog she got expressive eyes already got some beautiful eyes and she'd look at me and go I said who's daddy baby I remember that like that was yesterday I've had guys said who's dead is baby and I go it's the same reaction it's a father and his family so beware the childishness spirit why it produces rudeness it produces roughness it produces impoliteness when you become childish it's never like childlessness produces rudeness roughness and then politeness but divine intelligence shines a bright light on being childlike that's why Jesus said he was sorely displeased let them kids come to me years and years ago when Mark James that's Jerry and careless of our first grandson that boy it was the most unique little fella I ever seen in my entire life he could remember things like if you went away six months and I come back to Jerry's house he said you wore that tie it was amazing he liked Cathy's gold dress I'm telling it was something now this is my actually I Jerry Savelle what I made realizing it begin to teach me how to be a grandfather forever was I would watch him you know and man like he'd get me in those days I guess he didn't have to have a child in the child restraint thing and so he would be in the front seat and all of a sudden Mark James would just stick tease and hug Jerry and Jerry you know Jerry does this a lot and he'd lean over [Laughter] it made you feel so good and I'd watch him I said you loved your grandfather huh monk Jane yes and he could talk so good it was very very good in English and man he loved everything he knew clothes I'm tired as a child it was just amazing well he's the grandchild of Jerry Savelle he liked the shop knows what the get he as you grew over he liked my jewelry he said let me see that watch Oh Lord and you gotta brace it on there yeah oh he loved all that you know and that was nice it was just so wonderful to see that because there was a love and a camaraderie and then of course they began to have more kids and more kids oh Jesus man they believed in sowing and reaping I'm done in every way so on in riebmann boy I mean they got babies that my way there and it was Jerry Aaron right over there Lord Jesus my god and Jerry would get on the floor I seen this and his grandchildren would attack him and pinch him and punch him playing the boys I knew it was her j-just go instead of going more get your hand off me walk I hate and they just loved it why because the grandfather was childlike and the child could understand even though he was the grandfather didn't give honor to whom on was do and then when they wanted some money they'd go to Kerala and when Jerry wants some money he goes to Kerala - I don't know I think you got your own stash a little bit no you gotta have something about I'll show y'all some I got a little money it's okay it's she money she don't know I got it man got to do what a man got to do every time we go on vacation Kathy looks at me and goes hmm I said what how much cash you brought I said I can take care of anything you need how much cash you got I said how much is in your check but you know you know you know what's in I'll check but I said we'll use how much so don't worry about it forget about it I take care everything however you got this so funny I said Kathy you ought to get that Oh Jesse that's expensive do you want me to have it si si child like I said that's what I live for and salesmen love it they go oh yes we agree with him let me close with this I stay childlike and everything I do not childish now I grow to the fullness of stature Christ I'm now we have to but you have to produce it in that childlike trait like Jesus it because you can't enter into the kingdom but we win at the Louisville tone still in New Orleans at Saks named that place Saks and I so Kathy brought a person yeah I worship Lee Kathy's giving away so many boots on person I mean good got 20 to 30 of them I mean I talked about the knockoffs time time like the real ones and she said the Lord has caused you Jesse to replace those things okay so I replace it I don't know how many III have no idea I said okay so I'm in there and I just I just find a stool or something sit there you know just what cuz they only lookin around cuz you know they got you know they got it put it like this and put it on their arm then he open it up make sure that's a little too big now do you have one small another and they got four or five I'm on a in on all that kinda stuff so there's three girls three Creole girls you don't know what a Creole their mixture of black and so they may be black with blue eyes beautiful people so there's three I'm there they go you just said do planets I said yes I am what are you doing I said paying for everything that that lady wants to do and they just laughed like you did with this I said and so Kathy want to buy a worship leader a purse so now and that's Renee she may be watching today to make a long story short dick going through all kinds of things and I really went out sounding prideful I got a pretty good sense of what a good person looks like why cuz I have bought a bunch of Chanel Escada Christian Dior Louie Vuitton Prada and you know and the devil don't wet Prada know that that belonged to the Christian the Christian wear Prada so I'm just sitting there like this and they have four or five of course of course the salesman and that's I guess they worked by Commission I'm assuming and you know trying to get a divide this and that and I guess but the cheapest person I don't like count is about 1150 $1,200 that's the cheapest one now I don't know the price of him I just I buy what I like and it could be $5 or $5,000 they don't know if I want but I'm signing private don't get mad at me so I'm just sitting she said I so Kathy says well I just can't really make up my mind Renee and Renee says I just can't neither and Kathy turn to me Jesse which one would you buy now there's these three Creole girls I had to talking to them about the Lord no like I said I said be me I'd buy this and right here I pawn it and Renee goes oh oh yeah I saw that but I didn't think miss Cathy wood behind I want to say Cathy everybody she's getting a credit for it I'm going bad they look at it so you don't like guys anything what you say did you see that no no I put money in account that makes no she did anyway turns out to be the most expensive person in the store was a fifty five fifty six hundred dollars I said you want it oh that's just too much money so you see me blink and then Creole girl said like the way that white man shot Hey I sure wish I'd be your daughter I said I got enough thank you well Rene got that beautiful bird my oh Lord oh everybody at the church say who but Jesse pick that versa and it's just a Catholic gave it to me look at it look at it ciao like Kathy my child ish sorry and it was just fun I said Kathy do you want some women finish that's showing off I know people think that's arrogance Akaka did know I said you know the Lord has blessed you today Renae God has blessed me and Kathy to be able to do things and it's just a wonderful time I said you give God glory she said thank you it was one of those Lou Bhutan with the with the red on it I don't I call it what got it got red stuff on a red go look for yourself I walked out of there going thank you Jesus I didn't say I just lost this money thank you Jesus that you allowed me to you bless me to this point that thank you Jesus thank you thank you okay just yeah the law said it pleases me when you give because you get such enjoyment in it I said I learned it from you now when you say that people try to take advantage of that naturally it's common sense you always gonna have something some hustler what they don't know is I used to be a hustle so I know a hustle when I see it but it was just such a blessing it was such an honor to able to be a blessing to someone I don't even have to know you I don't mean that pridefully and I don't walk around and say are you the person that's supposed to bless me that's our religious con artists there it's just it we just just just whatever Warner would just want to be a blessing one more store in our clothes look at the pepper I learned that from Carolyn and Jerry Savelle it's a I don't anybody know what it is is a restaurant is this the most unique thing I've ever seen in my life and so we were in Hawaii I was preaching for our cocoon of Sepulveda at Word of Life wonderful people you ever get a chance to go to Honolulu go to the church put it in a part of your vacation I'm telling you it'll be a blessing they're wonderful people they really are and the church is wonderful well I said Kathy let's go over to that restaurant that Jerry and Carolyn told us about this book with the pepper I don't know where it is cuz we don't rent cars and hallelujah cuz you can't park on this you know place the park so we get cabs you know look someone I said do you know what a book of the pepper they also know the book of the pepper that's okay take me to the book of the pepper we go over their words and then we get us a table we have another couple with us I said now listen at they're very big portions yet so get anything you want you know you can have anything you want but I'm gonna tell you something it's the biggest portions you have seen in your life well so we sit in there and boy I mean here come the food it's an Italian kind of restaurant and it's really is this amazing place I really like and so we are just sitting there and there's a there's two girls and a guy sitting neck next on the on the on the table across from us well I'm not a big dessert eater but we ordered the dessert it's the biggest thing I've seen in my life when he put it on a table you couldn't see me it's that hot ice cream it oh god I thought Jesus and so he said so they gave us four spoons he said just dig into it I mean it's very good that my son's name man and I'm not a big dessert so I took a bite of this and that boy I mean I mean hey everybody well my god man we didn't we didn't eat half of it good guy so I said man look how big this thing is I couldn't get and and the waiter was very nice with these people over there and I thought I said you don't want any more this because I saw them two girls look at it go I'm thinking they're gonna autumn I said well why did I need or anybody I got half of this thing I don't know these people from Adams I just get up I said y'all phase with this I grab it I walk over to the table I said you're lying ice cream the clear girl goes yeah I said how about having this I said get your own spoons and just enjoy yourself they could they said are you serious I said yeah I'll just be a blessing to go I said this stuff is good so they went into it they worried about germs this a German thing go touches this is too good yes I this is childlike well they got up and left you know I didn't realize this they got up left and I don't know what 20 minutes later a waiter comes back and said those people were so shocked that you were so kind to them that they gave you $20 I said they gave me $20 yeah we did just never had anybody ever did that to them and I said what what can you give it back to him we're not they've already gone they just wanted you to have it and I said did you wait on them he said yes I said well let me give you that $20 I said what another hundred help you see a child don't have to worry about because they know their father can handle this he went are you a serious I said yes sir I said go ahead Heather and then when my waiter came I bless them to mom God he said you come back anytime you want to I said well thank you I said we had two friends I was broader said we were just really enjoyed ourselves and I said every time we come to our we're gonna put it always on the list to come lead eat at least what's here because of the atmosphere in the environment that y'all produce so it was such a blessing it was a blessing but the so why said I did run into the people at ten o'clock that night I saw and went hey be good Oh use that white-haired man I said you like that ice cream here I still licking it on my lips I said listen yo I said I didn't need to give me turned on what we never had anybody do that now I said if you know if you didn't mind I'm gonna let y'all made it a twice on see what I said twice on see what you could tell they don't learn about the gospel I said well in the scriptures you know a man gave something Jesus and he sold it twice and I took and I gave it to the waiter and I added to it you did you are such a nice man I said yes I am they said where are you from I said knew all and said well can I run that aggressor why are you so nice I said I'm born again you what I'm born again I know Jesus as Lord Christ in me the hope of glory and you know people go like it I said it's such a pleasure meeting y'all I said how come you always just with one guy to girl y'all can't get dates she said they got a lot of cheap boys in Honolulu I said well maybe they do oh so my god I said what you know I said I hope you'll have a wonderful life and wonderful time maybe we can see you again and if I do I'll buy you an ice cream oh if you ever see me again just come on over to the table to sit down and just enjoy yourself they said we've never met anybody like I said you've never met a Christian [Applause] did you enjoy it today give the Lord a hand clap for that Christian be a blessing that's what it's all about ladies and gentlemen don't ever stop being a child yes grow to the fullness of the statue of Christ but don't stop being a child standing your feet you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 48,900
Rating: 4.8213916 out of 5
Keywords: 5026793105001, beliefs, jesse duplantis, relationships, trust, truth, word of god
Id: TpKE4Afiu7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 51sec (4011 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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