How Powerful Is Ultimate life Form Kars

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if you found this video enjoyable please leave a like and hell even subscribe if you want to it only takes two clicks and push that notification bell just to get the messages for my videos that would be greatly appreciated so i'm gonna provide some context before this video starts i talk about stans and hype stands up way too much personally now don't get me wrong i like stanz as much as the next guy but i think we always have to take a look back at the classics and the classic we'll be looking at today is cars and the pillarmen in hindsight of all the power scaling i've done on my channel i've never brought up the pillarman once ever which is really weird cars and a disrespectful pillarman are all freakishly powerful and genuinely do need their own video on them so this is of course that video intro aside let's just jump right into it so to set up cars for the later half of this video i have to talk about the pillar men before because in all honesty all the pillar men are all kind of relativistically kind of almost all the same in terms of base strength excluding santana but this is where we're gonna start his fight with joseph basically shows that all pillar men are definitely stronger than all vampires verbatim like that's not even debatable and if for whatever reason you want to debate it there's the food chain panel which basically says that vampires are literally just prey for pillarmen so there you go santana shows some abilities that all evolved pillarmen share that being hyper intelligence and super body manipulation santana is able to figure out the entire english language within a few sentences and has been shown to manipulate his body in very unique ways to the point where he can just phase through lower life forms effortlessly or passively with this intro fight alone in part two you can basically scale it off of anything part one dio did due to the food chain panel and say that all pillarmen regardless of age are stronger than part one characters so that would put them all in the low ball park of being building level at bare minimum and why i brought up age earlier is because well santana is young he's inexperienced and doesn't actually know how to use his full powers yet quoted from cars himself alluding to the fact that the three pillarmen that we know in part two are stronger than santana by a lot hell even when they actually finally get released onto the world their presence alone and the air pressure they create actually damages caesar so you know there you go hell later in that fight it's actually shown thanks to their body manipulation they can completely destroy stone pillars eat dynamite and just overall just out think their opponents pretty casually hell even wamu was actually kind of caesar and joseph through both of their fights and even when joseph damages wamu wamu just instantly heals yet again showing that their body manipulation is on a completely different level hell even after that they start to play a game with joseph and while that's happening cars is just patiently waiting as he is a warrior like the rest of them but he gets more intelligent and just kind of says yeah i get it you guys like to have fun but we got a job here to do showing that he is kind of more or less the leader of the group and probably is the strongest quote unquote and the only weaknesses they do end up having are natural ultraviolet light and the ripple so yeah the bass killer men are kind of cracked i'm not gonna sugarcoat it at all here they're probably taking out majority of the jojo cast without any of their advanced abilities or modes so yeah they are pretty terrifying and the only thing notable after their awakening instead of their individual modes is that ac dc is able to survive literally just being a brain and taking over bodies and assuming that all pillar men have this ability this would also be assumed for cars and wamu with the basic overview of the pillarman done let's just jump right into cars himself stated in his backstory cars can be assumably one of the smarter pillarmen ever to exist and wanting to overcome the fear of the sun he makes a stone mask unlocking some of his hidden potential eventually becoming an evolved pillarman but his race would see this as disgraceful or just kind of overall taboo and try to kill him but on that same night with the help of ac dc he would slaughter his entire race only leaving two behind wamu and santana now he searches for the stone of aja to become the perfect life form within his own solo chapters karz actually shows a lot of his abilities off one of the more unique ones is karz is actually able to feel out the life signatures of other beings by simply touching a wall he's able to feel out where these creatures are within a room and give their height just by feeling their body heat soon after this stroheim would show up and actually try to challenge cars he would of course show off his machine gun and start waving it about but cars would of course tank the shots soon after that he would display his mode light mode now if you're an avid viewer of the channel this is probably where you're going to assume where i debate that cars is lightspeed and i'm actually not this time around it's actually clearly stated that the blade is moving at possibly near light speed thanks to strongheim overreacting and not cars in it of himself but if you were to believe cars in the blade are one being so regardless that it's its own individual thing that would mean that he is possibly near light speeds but it's kind of a weak argument so i wouldn't use it to debate but there are you know light speed statements and scaling further on in this part so it really doesn't matter in the long run funny enough strawheim eventually uses his laser eye beam the ultraviolet light to attack cars and cars reacts to it and kind of tries to block it but since you know it's super effective against him it clearly goes through him but literally like the next page over he's shown to react to light so of course he is light speed now which is really funny in retrospective but yeah for the rest of that fight cars is literally in control of it mopping the floor with both joseph and stroheim and only being truly beat by joseph because he is a quick thinker and he does have a bit of luck on his side hell you can probably even say with earlier statements of him wanting a challenge but he kind of wants to be serious and try to find the red stone that actually he kind of wanted us to play around with stroheim and joseph so he probably wasn't even going all out in retrospective in the wamu and caesar fight wamo actually kind of states that if it was reversed and wamu and car switched places cars would have fought caesar and ended up more wounded but still would have won and in that fight there was a lot of light being thrown around meaning that there is possibly yet again another light speed statement here proving the point that kars is kind of holding back against joseph and strohan which is weird because later in a wamu flashback karz is shown to be ruthless and not warrior-like at all which is then consistent because when he fights lisa lisa he's playing dirty like i'm gonna be honest here cars within character does not care about being a warrior being prideful he is only here to win he will use underminded tactics to beat his opponent and surprisingly enough within the world of jojo since everything is a one-on-one fight this actually gives him a severe advantage over everybody else cars is a creature that wants to achieve his goals and if the means are dirty so be it heck he even fights joseph when he's weak just to prove a point over him yet again he loses because joseph is a smart ass and actually outsmarts him but you know at least it's still in character for him to just be like yeah i'm gonna try to outsmart you and beat you just because i can so base cars is extremely powerful being stronger than every vampire in the series verbatim probably being one of the strongest pillarmen maybe second or tied with wamu not having a warrior's pride in this overall trying to beat said person that is trying to challenge him in any way possible and that bare minimum being as fast as light and maxing out ap wise at large building level but that possibly could go higher so the part we've all been waiting for ultimate cars so during the ending of part two straham tries to help out joseph but in the process actually ends up helping cars instead by sheer accident cars now has the power to replicate anything in the animal kingdom and is no longer weak into the sun's rays he has now reached the apex of life itself having the power to freely manipulate his body into anything on planet earth going back 900 million years he has now every power in the animal kingdom up to their maximum apex karz has reached such a level at this point that he has no weaknesses whatsoever that are of course on earth he is able to freely control anything that was a part of him that is now off of his body example here when joseph was in the plane the armadillo plates that came off of his body would eventually turn into piranhas that eventually would turn into octopuses and destroy said plane while resembling a bird in air joseph would then try to use a volcano to defeat cars but surprisingly enough thanks to karza's literal 400 iq he would outsmart joseph by making shell armor with air within them giving a moment to survive within lava itself and just to twist the knife further kars now also has the ability to replicate the ripple and magnify it over a hundred times more than joseph's and would only be defeated by luck and instinct and a big ass volcano launching him into space where no creature on the planet could survive except probably for maybe one but you know space and gravity or a so yeah cars loses so how do we scale ultimate cars well first thing i am not a biologist so i'm gonna state that now for the record but having the entire animal kingdom present and passed within your dna is kind of crazy and insane cars now has the entire animal kingdom's abilities within his dna so this basically means he can really truly do anything he wants now he is literally unstoppable an unmovable force he now can replicate an elephant's strength a hundred times over he can survive in the deepest parts of the sea he doesn't even need to breathe realistically now he can now eat through photosynthesis now he can see in different light spectrums now so on and so forth he can even live in any environment thanks to the water bear like cars is a unstoppable like i can't even put into words how strong he is now he's just basically a god now i can't really put it into any other words to describe cars he is literally a god any animal power you can think of cars can do it and replicate it better by definition now thanks to the whole hormone feat is that now he is a literal born prodigy he can now do anything and just do it a hundred times over like it's insane what he can do now dude like there are so many animals that have ever existed on this planet that now he just can do like imagine him i don't know having the strength of a brontosaurus within his fist like dude that's insane now on top of that i totally forgot about this he can now just you know freely control creatures that are not attached to his body he can do mitosis holy he can replicate himself now what the the more i think about it he now has everything his kit is insane now dude he's biologically immortal he has now poison resistances he can now live in the most extreme environments on the planet like antarctica like dude it's it's wild how powerful he is now in retrospective wow dude i'm now this is totally off script but jesus dude and personally the most terrifying ability i think he now has is his 400 iq he has the ability now to combine animal powers to make basically new ones at this point and just now he's just hyper intelligent dude like cars is a god like i said previously there's just he's unimaginably powerful now he's just he's ridiculously powerful thanks to the pillarment abilities and now this he's basically nigh undefeatable the only thing that's going to defeat him now is by literally just instantly destroying him and only a few characters within verse can even do that off the top of my head i think it's the hand d4c um vanilla ice maybe um wonder review and gold experience requiem but like that's what like five out of everybody in the verse dude that's like 99.9 of them like that's wild bro and i totally forgot about the stands with the spin so what uh soft and wet go beyond and tusk act four two but like what seven six stanz can defeat him like it's insane and speaking about stance could he gain one yeah possibly the meteorite that eventually would make stands with the virus contained on top of that meteorite did originate from space but since the virus had to adapt to the earth-like climates there might be a case where cars might not be able to do it but maybe if you got like a blood sample or something like that it's possible but that is pretty head canon on my part so take that with a grain of salt but imagine if he did gain a stand the stand would then eventually reach its apex thanks to karza's abilities so then that what that stand would be a requiem or a heaven made stand like off the bat like maybe hypothetically speaking now kind of speaking it out loud but like holy dude cars is cars is cracked i'm not even it's it's kind of dumb now in retrospect of just kind of analyzing him at this peak because he's basically unstoppable and lost onto fluke so to regain my composure and just kind of talk um cars at this point is one of the strongest characters in the series i'd probably say top five he's only being beat by you know the stands that can literally one shot him so yeah cars is cars is a monster overall ultimate cars is just insane everything in his kit's wild at this point unstoppable undefeatable well that's going to be the end of the video like comment share subscribe follow me on twitter stay hydrated see the next one ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: METAs
Views: 182,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, analysis, joseph joestar, battle tendency, jojo, jjba, jojo bizarre adventure, joestar, ultimate kars, kars, kars jojo, ultimate kars jojo, How Strong Is Ultimate Kars, how strong is, anime, joseph vs kars, part 2, jojo's bizarre adventure, ultimate, how, strong, is, of, bizarre, adventure, battle, tendency, pillar men, whammu, esidisi, acdc, How Powerful Is Ultimate life Form Kars, the red stone of aja, power scaling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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