The Terrifying World of Chainsaw Man

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foreign [Music] [Music] part two right around the corner literally tomorrow as the day I'm recording this I took it upon myself to reread part one for brevity's sake and just to get a refresher but upon this reread I kind of realized something among the antics of Aki power and Genji I kind of realized something that I didn't realize previously within my first read of the series The World of Chainsaw man is horrific taking a closer look at the World building that Fujimoto builds within chainsaw man gives you kind of a morbid thought process on how this world actually works within the first chapter of Chainsaw man we are introduced to devils beings birthed by human fears stated by makima a little bit later on in the beginning of Chainsaw man all devils are born with a name the more that name is feared the stronger the devil pretty easy to understand basically go to Wikipedia look up a phobia and it basically has a devil but there are smaller fears that do exist within chainsaw man so it's not that basic devils in their entirety do not like humans whatsoever they like humans to be in agony and pain and fear and truly any negative emotion in a way you can kind of view it like this devils are kind of like the apex predator on Earth two humans and it takes a kind of special human to defeat a devil depending on the devil they can be insanely powerful some having the ability to destroy whole buildings with their voices and can probably be at scaled most City Block Level to a large building level practically at the start of the series but of course it depends on how much fear they have surrounding them while devils in themselves can be extremely unique and independent on their own there is a bit of commonality between all of them if a devil is weakened or damaged by giving them a drop of really any blood it's actually not really stated well if it can be human blood animal blood or even devil blood they can automatically regenerate and heal their body and in some cases can just come back from literally being a flesh pile not joking by the way and even if you do manage to kill one they technically actually never die it's kind of weird to say this but they're like a concept you just can't kill the concept around that fear you might be able to destroy the physical body but not the idea they will literally respawn in Hell fight another devil possibly die then get respawned back onto Earth to cause more Havoc but there is a bit of Grace in that sea of Despair a devil if killed will actually lose its memory so you can have a sigh of relief for now but there is a slight catch to that some devils are semi-immordal and Immortal so basically if they are defeated in battle and given blood they will literally just come right back up so to give a tldr you're basically dealing with semi-immortal beings that cannot die whatsoever have the ability in some cases to destroy and level entire buildings if they so choose and cause Havoc to the population of Earth and if defeated we'll just come back eventually I hope you're starting to realize why I had an existential crisis while reading this manga again if I lived in the world of Chainsaw man and had to deal with the ever constant idea that a literally near nigh Immortal being that has the ability in some cases to destroy and level entire buildings just walking around that can't be truly killed yeah I would be uh I would be a bit scared a little bit frightened in my opinion and since devils are wholly unique they come in all different shapes and sizes there are technically three classifications of a double maybe a fourth but we'll get to that one first the foreign people perceive them as example here would be the bat devil a large winged creature of the night within the universe's chainsaw man I guess people apparently perceive bats to be very large and scary so of course that devil is going to perceive to look like that it's the fears that surround them that kind of make up their look next of course would be the the devil fiends now these seem to be the most common at least on panel since there is a lot of them these Devils usually take over the bodies of dead humans and proceed to use their corpse as a vessel it said they might not be as physically strong as their actual form before taking this corpse but they are still devils and can still you know do a lot of damage so they are not trustworthy at all it might look like a human but they're not human they are not to be trusted now the third classification of a devil doesn't technically have a name in verse but the fans like me myself have given the name hybrid Devils I'll explain why they don't have names later in the video so just stick with me these Devils seem to be the strongest being the fusion of the human and a devil an example here would be denji impuchino adding the Ferocious and Powerful abilities a devil has on top of a human's intelligence and overall creativity makes a terrifying hybrid being but luckily this hybrid devil form isn't very common and isn't probably publicly known still doesn't make it better you still have to deal with devil fiends and regular other Devil's probably on a near day to day basis just an FYI on that it doesn't make it any better now coming up on the fourth classification of a devil Primal fears now this is a weird one to explain but basically in a real life case all humans are hardwired and coded from birth to have certain fears for certain things the darkness being one of them the darkness devil is such a powerful creature within chainsaw man its sheer presence alone makes other Devils Shake in fear alone it is a being that has never once experienced the infinite death Loop of a common devil now care to imagine a being like that just treading upon the Earth if it ever were to happen in chainsaw man yeah I I don't want you to think about that because it'd basically be a landslide victory for him since well even hybrid devils like denji himself and Quan Chi and we'll talk about her very soon basically got completely Washed by this thing it is truly a cosmic horror type of entity within chainsaw man itself almost forgot to mention this by the way if another devil were to proceed to eat a stronger devil they actually get a power boost and within the actual series Once eating the darkness Devil's flesh you gain a massive increase in fear and power so yeah uh it gets worse so yeah devils are pretty damn scary and very monstrous being nigh Immortal killing machines so basically if you were a regular civilian uh I would fear for my life every single day Noah fans or buts this is this is not a good world to live in whatsoever and you know what it would totally suck if Fujimoto wrote in Social commentaries about world governments and how power Works in actual real life and Implement them in the story somehow enter China the USSR and the USA within the world of Chainsaw man you can actually make a contract with the devil depending on the terms and conditions of this contract if you give a lot to this devil or give it very little you can actually obtain a large amount of power or very little from this devil there are a plethora of examples within the franchise in the series in general of people literally giving up a large portion of their lifespan or body parts to obtain some type of power hell even technically some Nations just straight up higher devils like they're on the payroll or something for that week and this totally makes sense within the world of Chainsaw man World War II in a further extension of that nuclear weapons have been completely forgotten about in this world thanks to a certain individual devil this now means there is a power vacuum to be filled and since devil contracts are probably a lot easier to make than nukes this clearly fills in that spot of power but a caveat to this is technically Any Nation can do it it's actually kind of at least verbally stated and kind of mentioned that really truly Any Nation can actually have a squad of levels underneath their commands so basically meaning that the Cold War in this universe is a lot more complicated and a lot bigger and probably has lasted a lot longer since technically the Soviet Union was disbanded in 1991 but this timeline is clearly taking place in 1997 meaning that Devils have completely altered this timeline I know a lot of my younger viewers might not realize this as I'm clearly a history buff and I like to know about these things but the cold war was a very important point in human history two very powerful nuclear Nations going at it and very small strategical Wars all across the world and at any time can throw nuclear bombs at each other that could possibly send their civilizations back to the Stone Age and affect everybody around them now imagine that but with Nai Immortal devils and more than two powerful Nations at any given time heck it doesn't even stop at Global Nations Yakuza in Japan are actually using devils in their you know rings and stuff within the world of Chainsaw man so it actually just goes a lot more deeper and apparently anybody with any sense of power will actually use devil powers to gain something an example of that would be Japan's Hunter HQ and how they actually try to use devil powers to you know control the devil population within Japan it can be assumed other nations and Chainsaw Men actually have their own Hunter hqs but that's just up to speculation for now now coming to some of the major players within chainsaw man there is quite a bit for each Nation but I'll kind of give like a tldr and kind of the more notable ones within each one starting off with Japan we have denji makima kishubei and even Aki to a certain degree with the future devil in China we have kwanchi and her devil fiends now of course Quan Chi herself is a devil hybrid that we actually don't know the name of it is assumed to be probably either the crossbow devil the Aero devil or the bow Devil with an extremely powerful devil Fiend The Cosmos devil who has the ability to give literal infinite amounts of information to a person basically turning them brain dead in the USSR we have lady Rize who has the bomb devil a devil hybrid who has the ability to mimic bomb unlike abilities and more or less explosions she was strong enough to take on a large majority of Japan's you know senior devil hunters and most likely has more allies thanks to her time in the secret room in the USSR in Germany we have Santa Claus they're being so renowned and known among across apparently World Nations and even makima and kishubei even take notice that he's actually going to show up and good thing they did because he proceeded to wreck all of their [ __ ] and effortlessly beat them because he planned ahead and lastly the USA from what we know the USA doesn't really have anything they have bounty hunters and stuff within their borders but nothing crazy as of yet but we do know they will pull the gun Devil Trigger if need be and since we're on topic about the gun devil we know that inverse the gun devil is probably one of the more powerful Devils on planet Earth right now in the series it's able to effortlessly destroy buildings within seconds of it literally just showing up in a single place and several nations want its ability giving credence to a cold war scenario with Devils within this universe first and trying to secretly Power It Up behind public eye so add that upon everything else I've said in this video and you basically come to understand this universe is [ __ ] so how could it get any worse being the control devil she wants to control everything and kind of get the self-satisfaction of being an equal to the chainsaw man with this idea she proceeds to you know conquer the entire world basically playing 5D chess against multiple opponents at the same damn time in the pursuit to make a world without certain fears to make it perfect quote unquote and she's probably one of the strongest devils in the series she actually makes a contract with the Prime Minister basically making her nigh Immortal because if she were to get hurt or get sick she basically swaps that you know damage With a Civilian of Japan and in 1997 there is over 127 million Japanese citizens she has a hundred and twenty seven million lives to burn through on top of the fact she is able to control multiple people with her own contracts with Devils making her very very powerful basically by the end of the series all major Nations accept the USA basically give up and the USA is able to draw their final card the gun devil and it's technically assumed that she loses but it's probably part of her greater plan to lose she basically causes an SCP end of the world-class scenario against all major nations in the world by herself basically within a numerous mounted Devils on her side that are all extremely powerful she basically has a devil hybrid task force come full circle with this video I explained in the beginning that devils are some of the strongest things in this world and kind of almost dominated in a certain way and coming to makima she literally straight up conquers it for a little bit mind you and it probably was unknown for a majority of the population of Earth thanks to Genji and poochina as their combined forces make the chainsaw man a mythical folk here hero in Devil Society who has the unique ability once consuming a devil will literally erase them from humans Minds completely basically making denji the only person to actually kill a devil permanently on top of the fact that it erases the concept that came with that fear if he actually used it right because well you know makima still came back maybe it has to be the actual big version of him to you know destroy something and not the human version of him to be honest I'm not trusting a 16 year old with this kind of power but it's still nice to know that there's a person like denji within the universe of Chainsaw man to be at least some kind of protector because in its entirety denji is a very small glimpse of Hope in a absolute sea of Despair well I hope you like that chainsaw man content I have brought to you today I would like to actually do more and I would love to see your guys reaction in the comment section down below I genuinely do like this series a lot and I would like to cover it a lot more since a lot of these characters are pretty in-depth and pretty powerful so I would like to power scale of them in the future regardless like comment share subscribe so you're hydrated see in the next one ladies and gentlemen
Channel: METAs
Views: 135,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, chainsaw man, chainsaw man part 2, chainsaw man manga, chainsaw man part 2 chapter 1, chainsaw man chapter 98, chainsaw man anime, manga, chainsaw man explained, denij, makima, power, devils, chapter 99, war devil, power scaling, chainsaw man anime explained, chainsaw anime, Aki Hayakawa, the entire chainsaw man story explained, chainsaw man story, csm explained, world, The Terrifying World of Chainsaw Man
Id: Blv27I4NO2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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