How I Would Change The Tailed Beasts

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decisions in anime sometimes we wish we could change them and sometimes they're perfect but regardless of whether or not we like the decisions made by some of the most important characters in some of our favorite animes they have consequences and there's no place that's more true than animes with expansive universes a decision made by a character 400 years prior to the timeline of the anime where watching can have massive repercussions in the anime Goldie Roger Conquering the grand line and finding the one piece and then dying of a sickness is what spurred on the era of pirates Austin's mom deciding to adopt a devil she randomly found is what spurred the creation of the strongest person in the Black Clover universe but to me at least it feels as though there is no other anime or Manga out there that has as many important decisions made prior to the timeline than Naruto see the Naruto universe as universe is one of the oldest inanimate Fanning over the course of thousands of years we had the decision by cocky at the descend down to the Earth and jumpy chic one to eat the chakra fruit for herself her decision to get Knocked Up by a man and by the name of tenza and have two children hawkeromo and hamura hagaromo and hamara's decision to battle against kagi and seal her away hagaromo's decision to have two children Indra and ashra who would reincarnate every single generation so you could continue to battle against each other and one of those reincarnations of Ashraf hashirama had a lot of very important decisions to make in his lifetime maybe the most important of which being what do we do with these tailed beasts see if you followed this page for any amount of time or have simply just watched and or read Naruto you'll know that hashirama collected eight out of the nine-tailed beasts and decided to give them away to the other Villages he did this because matara bumped into Karama while pouting in the woods and decided to use Karma to battle against toshiram which introduced hashirama to the concept of tailed beasts who up until this moment were kind of just ignored or simply not known about sihakaroma purposely created all of the tailed beasts and placed them in areas where they were Well Suited isobu a turtle was placed in a swamp shukaku a uh tanoki that is made out of sand was placed in the desert and so on and so forth however hashrama like the big game Nut Hunter but collector that he is decided to Wrangle up all of these tailed beasts and get them all Under One Roof that his hotel of course he decided to sell all of these tailed beasts to the other four Ninja villages in order to make sure that everybody had weapons so hopefully we don't use them against each other it didn't work but what if hashirama had chosen differently see the placement of all of these tailed beasts has always felt somewhat arbitrary to me some are arguably the correct decision While others are weird What If ashrama instead of simply wanting to sell off the tailed beast of the other villages in order to acquire peace actually sat down and thought about what tailed beasts work with what Clan or what person what I'm driving at here is what if instead of the actual tail beast layout that we got in Naruto it was switched up to be its most efficient kind of like the saying that a dog always matches its owner what if the tail beasts matched theirs see this is an interesting topic because obviously the tale of beasts were modeled after the certain areas they replaced it however some of those tailed beasts got displaced meaning they ended up in villages or Clans that they weren't well suited to which is what we're gonna try and fix today because today we're talking who should have what tailed beast before we get to talking about any beasts be they tailed or not guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell if you've been following the page for a while you'll know that I'm kind of a beast myself at least when it comes to making content because I have another Channel called the weeb commander where I talk about all anime that aren't Naruto or boruto you should follow however the content train doesn't stop there because I also have an anime podcast known as a talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Mata break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so diplomacy it's tough It's an uphill battle it's really hard to be diplomatic when everybody else wants War which is why I think we can give hashirama a pass here he wasn't sitting down with a vision board and visioning what tail beast will be best for who he was trying to make sure that every single Village had equal power so if you give the eight tails which is the second strongest tailed beast of the land of lightning we have to give them a second-tailed beast that's weaker which is why they got the two tails matatabi but if we're gonna keep the strongest tail beasts we probably shouldn't give ourselves a second one and so on and so forth he wanted to make sure that all of the Hidden Villages were as comfortable with each other as possible mutually assured destruction and all that today you and me don't have to worry about peace I mean like in a grand Global sense we probably have to worry about peace but not within the Naruto universe but regardless as a premise this video is kind of tough to tap because while I could absolutely find an individual person that works perfectly for every tailed beasts not all of those people were alive during hashirama's era so when I tackle this video as a hypothetical about what hashirama could have done better or just as a hypothetical of where the tailed beast should be what decided I'm actually going to take it Case by case and in worst case scenario I'll tell you what I believe hashirama should have done and who I believe the tailed beasts would be best suited with in any time point in the Naruto Universe got it good the best part about talking about the tale of beasts is they're in order so obviously we're going to be starting with the one-tailed shukaku shishukaku was kind of an anomaly on this list because shukaku's placement wasn't up to hashirama like I stated in the beginning of the video hashirama caught eight out of nine tailed beasts now the reason the hashirama only caught eight out of the nine-tailed beasts is because the first kazakage redo actually caught shukaku now we're not entirely sure whether or not redo katsukaku by himself or if he had help but that doesn't really matter all that matters is that by the time that the first five kage Summit came around the hidden sand already owned a tail beast and because of this redo actually wanted 30 of all of the sales that hashirama was gonna make up selling the tailed beasts now he doesn't end up getting this because he caught the weakest tailed beast and that's not really a great bargaining chip when the person's selling tailed beast has eight tailed beasts all of which are stronger than yours that is of course if you're operating on the assumption that tailed beasts gets stronger by the amount of Tails they have which is slightly cooperated by the fact that the Ninetales is the strongest in the eight tails is the second strongest but that's basically all we have for evidence but because of the fact that shukaku wasn't caught by hashirama he kind of falls into the category of he's right where he belongs see shukaku was placed in the desert where the hidden Sand Village was created by hagram because shukaku was made out of sand in fact he's the only tailed beast who isn't made out of like flesh and blood he's made out of an element which makes him absolutely perfect for the hidden sand especially if we consider the fact that magnet release might hail from the hidden sand so we know for a fact that Shimon and the third kazakage both studied chukaku in order to correct the code of his magnet release that is to say shukaku's ability to control Sam and obviously the third kazukage who had magnet release and was able to control iron sand cracked the code that leaves us with the somewhat logical question did the hidden sand have magnet release before shukaku because obviously one of the biggest talking points in saying that shukaku belongs to the hidden sand is that in magnet release is there already and therefore the magnet release tail B should be with the magnet release people however a good amount of evidence Stacks up that magnet release didn't exist in the hidden stand until shoot [ __ ] except for the fact that redo caught Shuka see we don't know reddit's abilities at all but what we do know are Ross's abilities and we know that Ross that had a magnet release that allowed him to control Gold Dust which is heavier than sand and therefore by incorporating his Gold Dust into shukaku's body he could weigh him down and seal him now if we're working on the Tails model once again shukaku is the weakest tail beast therefore there could be a myriad of ways that redo who is the strongest person in the region was able to bring all of the nomadic tribes of the Hidden sand area Under One Roof and create the hidden Sand Village could have possibly defeated chukaku and sealed him away however the most likely way that he did seal away shukaku was magnet release but also at the same time he could have something to do with the pot that we see shukaku sealed in when he was sealed in there with his first gin Cherokee bunpuku but regardless of all of this whether or not shukaku was the thing that taught Magna at least to the hidden Sand Village or if it existed there already matters is that shukaku was able to teach Gara at least how to control Saiyan something that had never been done before and being able to control sand in the desert and being able to teach other people how to control sand in the desert is important and it's not something thing that shukaku could have done anywhere else so shukaku belongs exactly where he is now there is technically going to be other tailed beasts on this list that do kind of belong where they currently are but not nearly as well as shukaku belongs in the hidden sand but coming up at our number two spot we have a tailed beast matatabi who absolutely does not belong where they are see matatabi for those of you who don't know is a fire cat I guess I lied earlier when I said chukaku was the only tailed beast and that made it to Flesh and Blood Mount the topic is quite literally made out of fire the matutabi is only known jinchuriki is yukito who hailed from the hidden lightning and obviously yukito played a massive role in killer bee's life and allowed him to foster a relationship with gyuki the fire cat being in the land of lightning makes zero sense whatsoever once again I understand the logic here you have to send two-tailed beasts to all of the other Villages and for some reason one to the hidden waterfall and if you're gonna send the hidden lightning the eight tails which is the second strongest tailed beast besides the one the Kona was keeping for themselves you gotta send the weakest one that we have in our deck the two tails but I would argue that matsutopic shouldn't have gone anywhere matutabi is a fire cat Mother's hobby should have absolutely stayed in the land of fire and more specifically than that we shouldn't have only just stayed in the land of fire AKA konoha she should have gone to the Uchiha do a one could make an argument that matutabi should have gone to the sarutobi a much more trustworthy fire-based clan in Kona I have the sarutobi later on this list in for better reason not only are the Uchiha known across the globe for their Fire release which complement perfectly with matatabi's Fireballs uchihas themselves have been often compared to cats being stealthy perfect assassins I mean the show went so far as to give Itachi cat ears are one of the cutest moments in anime history in fact if you want to see the Uchiha lineage one step further we talk about the ark where Itachi had to put the cat ears on where Itachi had to go to a store run by a woman by the name of nekoba who ran a supply store that the Uchiha Clan used frequently and Itachi was involved in getting a paw print of matatabi in the pan encyclopedia run by nekoba what a completely insane filler you know what's funny the Naruto showrunners realize the same thing that I realized and it's just if you put Hitachi in it people will watch it but if you don't like the connection between the uchihas flames and matatabi's flames and the cat-like appearances of Itachi and the rest of the Uchiha matatabi if not with the Uchiha still should have definitely stayed in konoha why do I say this there is an entire ninja cat clan in konowa in fact that abandoned city where nekuba lives at the Uchiha used to go to for supplies actually exist in Canon konawahide and in that City there's various nineko or ninja cats that protect the entire city some of which wear forehead protectors with the kanji for truth or sincerity on it and there's a clan in Kono with a connection to these ninja cats the ezino and we learned about through a character in boruto wasabi easy Wasabi is the ability to manifest chakra ears claws entail that give her Catholic appearance and abilities but to go even further Beyond this wasabi he has the ability to summon a cat Susana I wish I was kidding and this is an ability that's been passed down through her family for Generations so if you don't want to give matutabi to the Uchiha give it to the izano I just figured you would like the Uchiha answer more because what's the rule ladies and gentlemen if you put Hitachi in it they'll watch it coming up at number three we have the three tails isobu isobo is another case of kind of in the right place isopu is modeled after a snapping turtle he has the ability to cover whatever he touches in Barnacles and he's incredibly proficient in water release him ending up in the Hidden Mist Village just makes sense and that's where hagarama put him in the first place so good job how ever if I'm ashiraman I'm not concerned about peace whatsoever I'm looking to the person right beside me see by far the most if not one of the most talented water Ninjutsu users of all time was hashirama's brother Toby Rama he was able to use the water dragon Jutsu with one hand sign something that took the likes of zabazat and Kakashi 44. his water release was so powerful he was said to be able to cover entire battlefields with water he could control and he was able to generate water Ninjutsu where there was no clear and obvious source of water around him when it comes to water Ninjutsu he is top one if not top two if we're gonna give the snapping turtle with insane water Ninjutsu prowess to anybody probably should have been our brother would Toby Rama's intellect he probably would have been able to pull off more with the gingeriki cloak than any other chinchuriki in history I mean the Man created three jutsus that are still very much used at a high level today if you had given him an entirely different avenue to study different kinds of Power who knows what he would have accomplished outside of that if he had his own Ginger Ricky cloak you better believe he would have mopped up kinkaku and genkaku and as a Sanju who created two of the most complicated sealing jutsus in history because flying Rising is technically kind of a ceiling Jutsu and annotensei definitely is I have no hesitation in my mind that tobirama could have very easily sealed isobu inside of himself tie that into the fact that his sister-in-law was in Uzumaki you could have taught him the eight trigram seal and that feels like a relatively obvious choice however if you do want to send esobu to the Hidden Mist then I have a better answer than just the likes of yogurt I mean obviously yogurt was incredibly talented and therefore he became one of the deadliest jinchuriki in history a perfect in Cherokee that almost killed Itachi and killed Itachi's partner juzo but I think there's a clan outside of yakura that's actually more important to bolster in the history of the Hidden Mist that would be the hosuki clan we know of three hosikis mongetsu kengetsu and sway gets it with mangatsu being the two brothers who wanted to use all seven of the Seven Swords of the Mist and gen getsuhozuki being the Second Hokage who was brought back during the fourth grade Shinobi World War and the hosuki clan are kind of like royalty in the Hidden Mist because they have one of the most powerful water release jutsus of all time hydrification which is a hidden Jutsu would you too passed down specifically through the hosuki clan that allows them to liquidate parts of their body to make sure any physical harm doesn't actually come their way it's come away without the blindness now if you combined the chakra pool of yusobu some of the innate abilities that the hosuki clan members like swagetsu and mangetsu's kenjutsu ability or gen getsu's ability to summon a giant clam that disperses Mist that puts everybody who inhales it under genjutsu you would have some of the most terrifying ninjas well in Naruto history period And while I don't believe that either sway Getsu or mangetsu would have lived up to the hype of yakura I definitely believe that genghetsu would have surpassed him which is why if not Toby Rama the hosuki moving on to our number four spot we have the Four Tails Sun Goku known as the king of the sage Apes the wielder of lava release now sangoku's placement kind of makes sense see Son Goku is placed in a place with a lot of water falls by hagaromo to keep an eye over all the Apes it's more of a Forest the vibe and therefore him ending up in the land of stone is kind of inaccurate however when you take into consideration the fact that he had lava release which obviously requires a lot of rocks it's not the worst placement for him better than him being somewhere like the Hidden Mist but remember how I said I had the sower Toby somewhere else on this list with better reasoning yeah that's here see if you're going to use the rationale that lava requires rocks you could also use the rationale that lava requires fire and in fact I would argue that lava needs more fire than rocks but it's probably 50 50. but here's the thing some Goku is by far one of the community's favorite tailed beasts however he has one of the more forgettable jinchuriki she sungoku was in roshi from the hidden stone whose entire life accomplishments pretty much sum up to slightly burning Naruto's four and that's that's kind of it so I can't help but think that there's a clan out there specifically a clan in the land of fire that's better suited for Son Goku and since we've already used the uchihas that Clan would obviously be the sarutobi who just like the uchihas are known around the world for their incredibly powerful Fire release in fact it was a sarutobi clan in the fourth grade Shinobi world war that was responsible for drawing the quick lime that was holding the ten tails the sartobe clan are one of the oldest and most trusted Clans in Kono being the first clan to join konoha after the merging of the senju in the Uchiha but outside of being incredibly proficient in Fire release there's also another connection to Son Goku from the sarutobi the standing connection they already have with monkeys Son Goku is referred to as the handsome monkey King and obviously he's based off of Sun Wukong who was the King of the monkeys but you know who else was based off of Sun Wukong Monkey King and whose here is in summon and prove that the sarutobiz had a long-standing connection with summonable monkeys who may or may not be related to Son Goku in the first place I mean they're probably not related concerning the fact that Son Goku is a shock or construct created by hagaromo and that these monkeys that are submerable by the sarutobi have probably been around for as long as Earth has but they probably know each other is that species anyways if we have a clan well known for their Fire release and their connection to monkeys why wouldn't we give them the king of the sage monkeys pass down Son Goku through the generations of the seratobies and eventually he'll end up in the hands of Heroes who with his intellect and massive roster of ninjutsu taijutsu and genjutsu super boosted by the chakra connection to being a jinchurkey to Son Goku and adding lava release in there absolutely would have killed Orochimaru tie that into the fact that we could get Monkey King enma and Son Goku bantering about who's the real king of the monkeys it's perfect not as perfect as our number five entry because coming up at number five we have the five tails appearance is confusing Tokyo's supposed to be the combination of a horse and a dolphin but honestly when it comes down to the biggest similarity that I see between kukio and any real world animal is a deer four legs like a force a body like a horse and horns usually a deer this is kind of backed up by the fact that how gromo decided to place kukio in a foresty area aware that foresty area is we don't really know however we can't speculate based on the fact that kukio has boil release which Han her Jin Cherokee who hails from the hidden stone is able to use sihan uses the Boyle release of kukiyo to supercharge his muscles essentially he uses the boy who released to superheat his chakra and make himself the fastest practitioner of taijutsu on Earth on the same Earth in the same timeline as might guy mind you on top of this he's also able to use this theme generated from this boy released to burn people but once again kukio ending up in the land of stone doesn't make any sense to me especially when you consider the two components required to make boy release Fire and Water why would she end up in the land of stone now obviously Han is very powerful and makes very good use of her power but I have a couple of better options for kukio and honestly she is the one I'm really sure of so I'll let you choose what's best if Kokyo is in fact believed to be a deer she should be with the Nara to the Nara and Naruto are actually named after a region in Japan about 30 or 40 minutes north of Kyoto there is a park known as Nara Park where deer kind of coexists with humans and these deer are fed and learn how to Bow and are actually viewed as holy animals kind of like how Hinduism views Cows as holy animals and therefore the narclan and Naruto watch over a forest known as Nara Forest where the deer in the land of fire live specifically because they take the horns of these deers to use in medicine and Japanese homeopathic medicine the antlers of deers are said to have healing properties and it's actually why and this is actually why the Nara Clan created the shadow release due to in the first place so they could stop the deers and take their horns outside of the Nara because obviously kukio may or may not be a deer I think the kukio should have been placed in the land of hot water the land of hot water is kind of a Taurus trap it's an area with a ton of hot springs that a lot of people from all across the Naruto continent go to to relax it had a hidden village for a couple of decades however decided to get rid of it when they realized they didn't need ninjas which is what made Hidan really mad and kind of sent him on his murderous little streak not only when kukio being in the land of hot water bolster the land of hot Waters military might but also geographically would just make the most sense for her and then outside of the land of hot water there's also just giving her to any user a boy release like May the fifth mizukage however she wasn't alive during hasharama's time obviously if she was able to superpower her own boy or release by combining it with kukios it would be absolutely insane especially when consider the fact that without this super boosting she was able to melt Sasuke's susano rib cake after the five tails we have the six tails the most forgotten tailed beast out of all of them psychics see psychon is actually kind of why I rally against the idea that shukaku is the weakest tailed beast the saikin is just genuinely unimpressive psychon also falls into the categorization of kind of in the right place see second's abilities allow her to create bubbles toxic bubbles or toxic sludge that melts anything she touches on top of the cycle is incredibly well versed in water release and therefore since she is a slug and all of her abilities are either based off bubbles oohs or water release her being in the Hidden Mist kind of makes sense you could also argue that she would be a really good match for the hosuki clan whose hydrification technique also kind of makes them ooze based but we already use the hose key so we'll just say that somebody in the Hidden Mist gets outside of the Hidden Mist there's also the fact that she is a slug and there's a sage area in Naruto known as shikatsu Forest where Sage slugs live which is where lady Casio lives therefore I would argue if you were going to take saikin out of the Hidden Mist you should pair her with anybody with a connection to shikatsu Forest which would be people like Tsunade or Sakura or even possibly hashirama I believe hashirama was a slug's age and therefore for a reason very similar to the reason the sarutobes would get Son Goku he could have a connection between the tailed beast and the sub animal of the person with the connection to shikatsu Forest but enough about psychic I don't want to talk about her she's boring you know who I do want to talk about however the seven Tales probably the most slept on out of all of the tailed beasts the only tailed beast that can fly yes that's right at number seven we have chioma whose placement in the land of waterfalls is perplexing for a myriad of reasons I mean it's not that perplexing the hidden sand pretty much all but denied all tailed beasts and therefore they had to find somewhere to send the odd tailed beast because it wasn't like hasharumbo was going to send three-tailed beasts to one of the other three ninja Villages that was willing to pay for tailed beasts and also I have a theory that hashirama respected the strength of the Hidden waterfall after fighting against kakuzu and therefore decided to bring them to the table by selling chomei to them but regardless of how it happened xiaomi being at the hidden waterfall is weird well he's based off of a rhino beetle as to why he would end up in the land of waterfalls it just doesn't make sense to me could I see Yuki there sure could I see you sobu there sure could I see kukio there because apparently she's part dolphin sure but the rhino beetle why you know where I could see the rhino beetle however once again in Koto Hall the operame are an incredibly old Clan and a bin with konoa probably as long as Kono has been around the reason I'm making sure that point is clear is because hashirama probably knew some abarabe and he wasn't like oh yeah let's not give the bug-tailed Beast people who control bugs as to whether or not their techniques actually line up at all it just makes sense aesthetically sure one can make the argument what does an opera may need a tail beast cloak for they're technically all assassins and we've never really seen any of them run out of chakra because their chakra is correlated to how many bugs they have but therefore why would we need a super boosted chakra version of an assassin who uses bugs to attack from a mile away sure yeah that's a great line of logic it's absolutely Flawless except for the fact that if there's a bug tail piece it's got to be with the bug people come on you tell me you don't want to see Shino with Foos Wings just flapping around shooting bugs at people like he's Iron Man sure it's not conducive to how abrames fight at all but she knows never lost the battle imagine if he had one of the strongest tailed beasts backing him up Foo is technically the least perfect jinchuriki we've ever seen and yet all of her Fates are still relatively impressive I know the fighting styles don't match up but I still want it I'm a simple man but let's get back to logic here because coming in at our number eight spot we have giyuki how did the octopus end up in the land of lightning Yuki like the rest of the tail beast is a loose amalgamation of a bunch of different types of animals he is half octopus half bull however outside of tailed beast bombs and just being strong as hell and also having horns kiyuki uses ink whether that be an ink clone using ink to cover his opponent's eyes using ink to escape a battle he uses ink like a regular octopus which falls into the categorization of water release so why is he in the land of lightning I don't know the real line of logic would tell you that the land of lightning is the second strongest Village outside of konah and therefore they should have the second strongest tail beast bukiyuki is more agile in water he's an incredibly fast swimmer he has eight tentacles mind you why would we place him someplace so far from water the hidden cloud is hidden in the clouds it's on a Mountaintop why wouldn't we send him to to mist you know what you're saying Nick is hitting so many kill bees to the hood it's not my fault it's the only Village associated with water but Nick there's already psychon chilling in the Hidden Mist the hosaki already have their tail beast and hisoboo who in the Hidden Mist would you give kiyuki too well gyuki is canonically the most unyielding of all of the tailed beasts the hardest to control nobody outside of killer bee could ever become a jinchurkey for him in a lasting fashion who do I think would be able to handle kiyuki in the first place oh I don't know maybe the hoshigaki now listen technically we're not even entirely sure if the hoshigaki have always existed as a clan in the Hidden Mist we only know about Kisame and then the other one that came in boruto but what we do know about both of these members of the hoshikaki clan is that they both have shark look appearances and are both very powerful as both of them were selected to be wielders of samihara something that is not easy to do that's mostly due to the fact that they have massive chakra Reserves at the degree that Kisame himself was referred to as a tailless tailed beast and mind you Kisame is the fourth strongest person in the Akatsuki which is no small feat and as Kisame is basically part shark or full shark towards the end there he is also much more agile in the water so if he was able to combine the powers of a shark and an octopus and make a shark to puss which is an actual movie you should watch it it's horrific he would have been probably the strongest person in the universe I mean Kisame getting gyuki is is basically Naruto insane chakra pool meets incredibly powerful tail beasts like he would give Naruto a legitimate run for his money once again kyuki being around water as an octopus makes way more sense not to mention we already know that samihada is incredibly fond of gyuki's chakra as killer bee was the wielder of samihada for a couple of months and therefore if Kisame was the jinchurkey of gyuki he would have been even more proficient with samihara but enough about the Sharktopus guys we gotta talk about our number nine spot because coming in at number nine we have Karama you saw coming see Karama was obviously placed in the land of Fire by hagaroma that's how Madara bumped into him crom is pretty much the only one out of all of the tailed beasts who is in an amalgamation of a bunch of different creatures Brahma is modeled after rakitsune a nine-tailed fox now Kitsune or Yokai which are Supernatural entities from Japanese mythology Supernatural entities that have god-like powers but Akita doesn't start with nine tails the older Kitsune gets the more Tails they get with the maximum of nine in the older they get the stronger they get so Karama is a nine-tailed fox would represent the strongest of the kits in it but foxes have also been connected to the goddess Inari in Japanese mythology for almost ever and Inari is the goddess of fertility in rice kind of like the goddess of good harvest so the idea of foxes and temples is rather ingrained in Japanese ideology in fact one of the most famous temples in Japan if not the most famous temple in Japan the Inari temple in Kyoto is adorned with foxes everywhere now if you know anything about the Inari Temple you know that it's the temple with thousands of gates that lead you all the way up a mountains actually quite the hike now these Japanese gates are known as Tori and they usually exist at the entrance of a temple for those of you who are ever hoping to travel to Japan it's actually polite to never walk through the middle of these tours because it said that the gods travel through the middle of the Tory supposed to walk to the side and then bow once you enter and or leave but these Tori are also what hasharama is able to drop on people or tailed beasts with his God deity Gates and as hashirama was referred to as the god of Shinobi him being able to use these Godly Tory kind of bolsters that claim what am I driving out here well within the connection between Karama and Kitsune into nari and Tori means that hashirama actually should have been the jinchuriki for Karam see here's the thing Karama is not regarded as the hardest tailed beast of [ __ ] in Turkey of because the fu and Jutsu and konowa has been incredible forever see the Uzumaki being chosen to be the gingeriki of Karama makes a lot of sense chroma is by far and away the strongest out of all the tale beasts and therefore the strongest Foon jutsues on Earth the Uzumaki are a logical Choice tie that into the fact that they have insane chakra pools that would be able to counteract the chakra of Karama and they're the perfect choice in fact the Uzumaki clan members were referred to as the perfect chinchuriki therefore Karama does definitely fall into the camp of was in the right place however instead of Mito Uzumaki hashrama's wife I would have just chosen hashirama the healing Factor he would have gained from having Krum as his tailed beast on top of his own healing factor and the doubling of his chakra pool would have been disgusting the only real issue would have been whether or not his wood release would have dampened his own tailed beast chakra and if it did well then obviously the uzumakis were the correct choice and that's all of the tale of Beast guys but what do you guys think where do you think the tailed beast should have ended up tell me in the comments below why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that naughty Bell listen it's not that I think all the monkeys in Naruto know each other just because they're monkeys it's just Monkey King enma is known as a king in some was known as the king of the monkeys so there's gotta be some overlap there [Music] I remember
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 182,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: jYm_UGZz0s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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