What Generation Of Kage Were The STRONGEST?!?

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recently I was thinking as I tend to do sometimes about Naruto characters in who's the strongest and while we obviously know who the strongest characters in Naruto are the majority of their last names wrote zutsuki or they have a show named after them what if we took a step away from looking at Naruto characters as individuals What If instead of ranking individual characters in their individual Feats against each other we decided to start to look at characters as groups and while there are a lot of notorious groups in the Naruto Universe like the Akatsuki or the seven Swordsmen of the Mist I don't even want to look at formally created groups no I want to look at groups that you join somewhat accidentally and even though you do join this group somewhat accidentally they are the strongest groups in Naruto history see because today I don't want to talk about the Ambu or the roots no today I want to talk about the kage but I want to go even one step further than talking about just the kage no today I want to talk about the generation of the kage see every single one of the Hidden Villages has had at least least for kage while some Villages like konwa have had up to seven but as I was putting around this morning looking for a video to make I thought what was the strongest generation of Kake if you lined up every first car game against every second kage or third kage or fourth kage who's coming out on top and a battle royale and honestly this is the most excited to make a video I've been in a while because this video combines two of my favorite things nuanced characters and ranking and explaining things which is why I'm excited to say that today we're gonna be ranking and explaining every generation of kage and thus answering the question what was the strongest generation of kage that ever ruled over the Naruto world but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you love the idea of me ranking and explaining things you're gonna love my other channel the weeb commander or instead of talking about Naruto or boruto well I reckon explain things from all different kinds of anime and if you just like the idea of me talking by anime you're gonna love my anime podcast to talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Mata break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so the kage hailed as the strongest Shinobi of their time from whatever respective Village they're from some are elected for being war heroes some are elected for being taught by previous Hokage and others are a family lineage but regardless of how okage assumes their position their power is without question as akake operates more like the leader of the military than the leader of the village since all Hokage technically answered to the daimio of their land which means long before somebody can become a kage it doesn't matter who they know or who they're related to they have to be a great warrior so there is a fair amount of nepotism now as time has progressed people specifically Naruto fans have claimed that the kage class is getting weaker and weaker people claiming that the current kage class we have in boruto being the weakest kage class yet and quite honestly that statement has some Merit but at the same time wildly enough it also has very little Merit see if you look at the current kage class based off what we saw in Naruto Shippuden then yes they are the weakest however we have seen this current kage class all five of them mind you throw hands with otsutsuki something that no kage class prior to them would have been able to do or ever even had to think of doing so it puts the scale of how strong this current kage class is and kind of well constant flux and while it could sit down and make an entire video about whether or not this current kage class is the weakest or the strongest unfortunately that's not how we're approaching today's video see like we've already touched on some Villages like the hidden stone have only had four such a kage and that's mostly to blame on Enoki who led as the third to Chicago for like 65 years while other Villages like konawa have had seven Hokage mostly because a lot of their Hokage rule for about 10 years and then either die or dip out so when you're sitting down and making a video ranking and explaining the generations of Hokage how do you do it well if I were to take the current boruto generation as one generation what do I consider the last generation the generation that fought in the fifth grade Shinobi World War there's a lot of overlap there what do I consider the generation prior to the fourth grade Shinobi world's War when Rossa switched out with Gara going about it that way is sloppy at best so I figure that the best way to approach a riking and explaining video when talking about the generation of kage is to take them as the number they served that is to say consider all of the first kage and the second kage in the third kage and the fourth kages now for the first four generations this makes a lot of sense because four is our limiting number of kages God damn you anoki Generations five through seven pose kind of a small logistical problem as there's only four fifth kages two sixth kages in one seventh kage but I still think this is the best way to go about it so it's how we're doing it however it is truly unfortunate for our seventh seed in this list the sixth generation of kage they are sixth generation of kages only has two kages that would be chojiro and Kakashi fortunately for Kakashi in this circumstance the Hidden Mist also absolutely tears through misokage because the Hidden Mist lost a lot of mizukage in war they elected a psychotic child who's being controlled by Obito and was a perfect gin Cherokee to be their fourth mizokage the third mizokage initiated the blood Mist Village there's been two or three coups in the Hidden Mist it's been a bumpy road now unfortunately for Kakashi JoJo might be the weakest kage ever at least the weakest kage who we have Feats and abilities for sichotro is a former seven swordsman of the Hidden Mist and he wields the second hardest to wield sword out of the Seven Swords of the Mist the split sword and he wields this sword with absolute Mastery being able to turn it into a hammer or an ax or extend its range by feeding chakra into it when it comes down to being a kenjutsu practitioner JoJo is truly one of the best and as a wielder of the second hardest sword out of the Seven Swords to wield it's implied that shojrow could probably wheel build every sword outside of samihada as we've seen him easily hold up The Executioner's sword with one hand in fact we learned the borto episode 24 that when children has the split sword there's no equal for him in kenjutsu meaning as the kenjutsu practitioner he might be the greatest on Earth so long as he has his blade and in boruto we saw chojro defeat the new seven Swordsmen of the Mist with a broken Katana while they were all wielding the Seven Swords of the Mist and not to mention it in the versus momoshiki Arc that shodro did go toe-to-toe with kinshiki and was with the help of korosuchi able to seal him all but temporarily but outside of kenjutsu the only Elemental release that chojiro has is water release and listen well I personally wouldn't want to fight children amongst all of the Kake he's not that special and unfortunately for children Kakashi as Hokage is far from his prime see we're not talking about DMS Kakashi here or even War Arc Akashi and while it is vaguely implied that Kakashi got stronger after losing his shower and gone especially as Hokage because he no longer has to Chuck or drain of using his sharing gun constantly which allows him to use the thousands of jutsus he's already stolen using the Char and gone at a much higher frequency and in one of Kakashi's light novels during the blank period he created a mimic for his raikiri known as Purple lightning based off of matara's purple lightning to say that Hokage Kakashi is anywhere near his Peak his Peak being DMS Kakashi is a stretch and well technically yes Kakashi does now have access to more Chalker because he doesn't have the chalk or drain of using his Sharingan as a Hokage losing the extra sensory perception the comboee the ability to copy new jutsus is a big blow to his power well Kakashi is gained in stamina and the ability to drag a fight out he is lost in one hit kill ability so how strong is Hokage Kakashi well the only real feat we've seen from Kakashi after the war Arc that is is tossing submits with caution and Koji though we don't really know caution koji's motivation and considering the fact that caution Koji was actively trying to kill ishikyotutsuki one of the enemies of konawa I don't know why he would want to kill Kakashi also throw in the fact that he has jariah's genetics and is kind of conflicted about hurting konoha I doubt he was going full out now mind you Kakashi as a Hokage does have a fair amount of light novel Feats like all of his Feats in konoha shinden Steam ninja Scrolls all of his fights Kakashi retsudon his previous light novel Kakashi hidden lightning in the icy sky but we got a lot of Hokage to talk about today so I'm not getting into anybody's light novel Feats so we're moving on coming in at our number six spot we have the fifth generation of kage this generation includes Tsunade darui Mai and Gara switch out darawi with a the fourth raikage in adanoki and you have the fourth great Shinobi world's War kages but unfortunately for the generation of kage losing Enoki and a the fourth Ry kage is a massive blow darwi is inarguably weaker than the fourth raikage and while Enoki might have been in his 80s in the fourth grade Shinobi World War he was absolutely holding it down for the kage his dust release in Earth style saved the day more than once but obviously this team does have some Heavy Hitters we have Tsunade a wielder of the hundred heels seal one of the greatest medical Ninjutsu specialists in all of Naruto's history woman who reinvented ninja teams in massively skyrocketed konoha's ninja efficiency she is so strong she was able to crack matara's susano's rib cage with just a kick her healing prowess is so legendary that even while by sex acted she was able to bring her body back together through the power of her summon lady Katia without her every single one of the kage serving during the fourth grade Shinobi World War would have died at the hands of matara darui is the sole inheritor of black lightning from the third reichage tie this into the fact that he's also able to use the KE genkai Gale release which is a combination of water and lightning release and you have one of the most competent and impressive lightning users in all of Naruto and an incredible kenjutsu user to boot who also just like chojiro went toe-to-toe with the likes of kinship speaking of keca genkai May or my whatever it is is the wielder of two separate Keke genka boil release and lava release and with the use of her boil release she's able to make corrosive steam that was able to melt Sasuke's susano rib cage and probably would have killed him if Obito hadn't stepped in to whisk him away well I guess it was technically white zatsu that saves Sasuke in that moment but you get it Maya is the wielder of every Elemental release outside of wind release and her water release is so powerful it was able to nullify fire early police from moderate in fact her water release is so impressive she was able to redirect massive meteorites that had broken off from the Moon as it was hurtling towards the Earth that were about to destroy the Hidden Mist Village and with her lava release ke genkai she's able to spew acidic mud that can melt anything it comes into contact with mud which was also able to partially melt Modera Susana ribcage this woman is the cheat code against susanos and more than anything she's not affected by either her corrosive mist or her acidic mud many she can cover an entire Battlefield in the stuff and really not have to worry about it and lastly we have Gara the child of rasa a perfect weapon manufactured from the second he was conceived gingeriki of shukaku for 16 years and from shukaku he gained the ability to manipulate Sam on top of this Gara inherited a magnet release ke genkai from his father rasa that allows him to control the density of chakra in his sand to control how dense his sand is allowing him to make his sand as hard as steel to increase its defense now a lot of people assume that gara's magnet release allows him to control sand but that's not what it is sand isn't magnetic it's his existing and previous relationship with shukaku that allows him to do that gara's Hokage had shukaku for a little bit but even after losing shukaku Garo really hasn't lost any steps Cara has one of the largest reserves of chakra we've ever seen being able to cover entire battlefields in sand like he did against kimimaru and use a sand burial on the entirety of it and if kimara didn't have the shikatsum yaku and the second version of his curse mark this would have killed it tied that into the fact that Rockley not only had to take off his ankle weights but also open to the fifth gate just to make contact with Gara that is to say to be able to get past gara's impregnitable absolute defense the soul of his mother which lives in the sand in the gourd he carries around the soul of his mother protects Gara from all incoming attacks or projectiles and gara's mother has a hell of a reaction time Gara has gone toe-to-toe with some of the strongest characters in Naruto's history like momoshiki and oroshiki and while Garo was pretty be consistently foiled by orushiki momoshiki claimed that gara's taijutsu was on par with Narutos which makes sense when he considered the facts that after losing shukaku Gara went to go train with Shira the wielder of the seven Heavenly breasts to make his taijutsu better and Gara is also amongst some of the top Fu and Jutsu users in all of Naruto with his best-saling Jutsu Grand sand Mausoleum being able to hold the likes of orishiki for a couple of hours and while obviously Grand Sam Mausoleum wasn't enough to hold Madara as he manifested his susano and broke out of it almost immediately outside of God Level Threats like Modera or urashiki grand sand Mausoleum is more than enough but unfortunately we're talking about generations of the kage and the fifth generation unfortunately wields some of the weaker kage and only four but fortunately for us that's the last generation we're going to be talking about with less than five kage for a while so let's start talking about some real starting fives here we have the first generation of kage now I know this is gonna sound like an unpopular opinion because obviously hashir Obama is a part of that generation but stick with me here see fortunately for us we know the name of every single one of the first kages in their own respective Villages it was ichikawa the first to Chicago ashirama the First Hokage redo the first kazekage a the first right kage and bian the first mizukake now obviously every single one of these kage were strong enough to grab up all of the clans in their lands and make a Hidden Mist Village which means at that respective time they were the strongest people in their land and that's great for every single one of them but that's also the case for every kage in history obviously all of the kage who are strong enough to bring together all of these nomadic tribes and make a hid Miss Village deserve a pat on the back being the strongest in the land of Fire or the land of lightning or the land of wind is kind of a necessity to be a kage at all and obviously this generation does have hashirama one of the strongest kage's point-blank period unfortunately he's the only person we have any semblance of Feats for see how obviously we know that red oh the first kasakagi was strong enough to be able to capture shukaku but we also don't know whether or not he had help capturing shukaku we just know that the hidden Sand Village was able to capture shukaku on top of that we don't know if redo was a part of the Kaze kage Clan while he kind of looks like rasa Shimon the second kasekake looks nothing like him all we know like most Kaze kages is that he was assassinated most likely for his unwillingness to participate with the other Villages and come together in an era of peace and quite honestly enough to throw shade at JFK here but if you're weak enough to be assassinated I don't think you're the strongest person in your land I don't think Minato or hashirama or Naruto could be assassinated by anybody from their Village even here is in while he was old had people try to assassinate him from the root and he was fine so well obviously yes we have hashirama in this generation who's a perfect Sage it can wield wood release at the highest level possible he can pull off things like Nativity world of trees that can grow an entire forest in seconds and these trees can release a toxic gas that can either put you to sleep or kill you if you inhale too much meaning that ashirama had the ability to wipe out an entire battlefields in a mere seconds he had the ability to use his sage art true thousand hands variable Canon which is able to go up against a majestic attire susano that Madara was riding in win handedly his God deity Gates were so strong that a nerfed version of him and his Edo Tensai form was able to hold down the ten tails and even jubito for a little while he is the second strongest Hokage ever and even if you do land a hit on him he's probably just going to be able to regenerate from it immediately however fortunately the first generation is the only generation where we're basically don't know anything which brings us to our number four spot the second generation see I've come out and said that the second generation of kage might be the strongest generation out there before that's because everybody amongst the second generation of Kake were certified badasses who all pretty much got brought back during the second great Shinobi World War see the second generation of kage were Toby Rama moo gen Getsu shamon and a now unfortunately we know next to nothing about the second reichage we just know that he led the land of lightning during one of its most prosperous and Powerful eras when they had incredibly powerful Shinobi like kinkaku and ginkaku running around killing Toby Rama and if he were to hypothetically lead over kinkaku and genkaku one would assume that he might have been stronger than them but even ignoring a for a second the rest of the people on this list were very powerful let's start with the people that we know the least about Shimon see Shimon was the second Kaze kage the successor of redo and while we don't know a huge amount about Shimon we do know what he accomplished in his lifetime we know that Shimon was the first Cosi [ __ ] had to take an interest in shukaku let us say that Shimon put shukaku through a bunch of different scientific experiments to understand how his powers worked now Shimon wasn't a Cherokee of shukaku that more than likely was still bunpuku however it's a possibility by examining shukaku that Shimon figured out magnet release or at least how to control sand and therefore it's a possibility in kind of my head cannon that Shimon was the first amongst the kazakage to use magnet release however Shimon goes One Step Beyond this because Shimon was also stated to be the person who weaponized puppets for the hidden sand see Shimon with the help of granuccio weaponized puppets that were used for entertainment in the hidden sand and because of this he guaranteed that less hidden sand Shinobi would be killed in combat however if he was instrumental in weaponizing these puppets for war efforts it's not crazy to assume that he was probably pretty good with them as well we have a relatively talented puppet user and a possible magnet release user though he'd just like gretto was also assassinated so really we can't give him that much credit let's get to the Cog case we do know first up let's talk about gengetsu the second mizukage see genghetsu was a member of the hosuki clan the same clan that swagatsu and mangitsu come from and as a member of the hosuki clan he had the hydrification hidden Jutsu the ability to turn his body entirely into water making him all but Invincible when it comes to physical attacks and also as a wielder of the hydrification technique it also meant he was able to fire off incredibly deadly water bullet techniques from his fingers he's also capable of summoning a giant clam that disperses Mist that induces genjutsu and even when he was brought back in the fourth grade Shinobi World War and was telling people how to defeat him he was able to take on entire squadrons of high-level Joni ironically though he was just as powerful as the person who was brought back right alongside him moo which honestly speaks again getsu's power because moo is insanely powerful moo is considered a non-person because he had an ability that made sure his physical presence and chakra signature were unreadable it's like he wasn't even there on top of this move was one of the most talented sensor ninjas ever being able to detect specific chakra signatures and determine what country or Clan they're from from kilometers away moo is also the wielder of the Keke Toda dust release and used it at a higher level of efficiency than we ever saw from Enoki now this Kake Toda is a combination of Earth Wind and Fire and it allows the user to create a geometric space that can fire off at somebody that deletes anything it hits on a atomic level but on top of this move also wields all five Elemental releases he can also use Yang release and use Earth release to allow himself to fly and if you do hit move with what appears to be a deadly hit he can split his body in half to save his life though when he splits his body in half he does have his power but the true leader of this troop is none other than Toby Rama the Second Hokage is a wielder of all five Elemental releases and yin and yang that's everything he was the creator of the Shadow clone flying rygin and edotensei and he didn't use thatotensei in the fun way that a lot of people like Kabuto or rochimaru use it he would bring back anybody and he would control them and he would make their bodies out of explosive tags he would then use the infinite regeneration ability of edotensei and just throw these perpetually exploding bodies at people he is probably the greatest user of water Ninjutsu we've seen in the show is asenju related to hashirama and therefore has insane chuckle reserves his flying Rising slice was so fast that a wielder of the MS in izuna matara's brother wasn't able to detect it and he very much held toshirama cut down matara the first time Angela yes obviously he lost to kinkaku and ginkaku kinkaku and ginkaku also had I believe 20 joanine with them at the time and well obviously Toby Rama is weaker than hashirama I understand this completely having the likes of gengetsu in mu right alongside tobirama does give Toby Rama a relatively good Fighting Chance against hashirama and considering the fact that I know next to nothing about the other four people leading beside hashirama I can't in good faith say that hashirama will be able to wipe out Tobi Rama and four other kage who we can scale to some degree especially when you consider the one hit kill ability of Moo's kit and the fact that a the second reichake might have been stronger than kinkaku and genkaku but honestly if you wanted to put the first generation above the second generation I couldn't blame you a lot of the assumptions on hashirama losing this fight are built around the fact that the four guys next to him would be scrubs and hashirama vs Toby Ram again Getsu and moo would be a pretty good battle so if the other four could at least hold their weight against the second ride kage and to the second Kaze kage Shimon then the first generation does hold a pretty good chance it's just we knows a little about the first generation it's hard for me to put them above anybody you know what generation we do know a lot about the fourth generation now this generation had some Heavy Hitters unfortunately we can scale every single person in the fourth generation the fourth generation had people like koratsuchi and Minato and the fourth right kage they also had rasa and yagara all people with Feats and abilities that we know now obviously this generation did have a couple of Duds Casa is the weakest kazakage that we know of and korotuchi is probably the second weakest kage of all time being just barely above Children See rasa gara's father had magic however his Magda release allowed him to control Gold Dust now this ability did allow him to battle against the likes of shukaku several times but not because rasa was stronger than shukaku it's because his ability was incredibly advantageous against him the shukaku's body is made of sand and gold is heavier than sand so rasa would simply integrate gold into shukaku's body and weigh him down and seal him with his own weight now the reason that rasa is probably the weakest out of all the kazakage is because he controls an element that is rare and also incredibly malleable and soft now obviously roster controlling gold was incredible for the hidden Sans financial situation but not for their battle situation which is why Rossa was trying to make the perfect weapon in Gara now rasa was able to wield wind earth water and Yin release as well as obviously his keca genkai magnet release and honestly with these other elements he was a menace he was able to generate a high pressure water blade that was able to cut through garo's absolute defense he was also able to create an eyeball out of his gold thus that he could use the sea just like gar though he didn't have gara's absolute defense and he never picked up a pension for taijutsu like Gara did so amongst all magnet release users that we know of he's pretty much the weakest which is why a rochamaru pretty easily murdered him and then took his face corduchi is the granddaughter of Enoki who is the grandson of the fursuit Chicago I told you nepotism helps she has fire earth water and Yin release but on top of all this she also has the lava release Keke genka and that's really her claim to fade to chords which you can use her lava release in two ways one of the ways that she can use it is creating quick line which is essentially just quick drying cement that she uses to confine her enemies to a certain space it's like her version of a foo injutsu however the fu and Jutsu is just cutting a bag of concrete over your head and then dumping water on you the other way that she uses her lava release is by spewing Ash that also can seal her enemies her Ash Stone seal technique was enough to hold kinshiki for a couple of seconds but for all intents and purposes this operates just like the quick climb thing and while it was once again obviously strong enough to hold kinshiki for a little bit what's momoshiki was like hey man you need to fuse with me he broke out of it like that but now we're getting into the Heavy Hitters on this team like the fourth right kage said to be the fastest man on earth when Minato died with the use of his lightning cloak he was able to supernaturally buff his speed strength his reflexes and his power being able to out arm wrestle the likes of tsunami one of the strongest people in the universe being able to keep up with kcm1 Naruto speedwise the fastest person in the universe so objectively not in this fastest four a the fourth rakage has also gone toe-to-toe with one of his teammates in this fourth generation Minotaur as they came to blows during the third great Shinobi World War fourth rykake's lightning cloak much like his fathers is said to be borderline impenetrable and the fourth reichage Lariat especially his double Lariat has been enough to decapitate even the strongest of foes and his lightning release is so sharp he was able to cut his own arm off in a matter of seconds and he had the durability and endurance to even after cutting off his own arm pressed the offensive once again against Sasuke who he embarrassed outside of a we also have yakura the fourth mizukage the youngest mizukage in the hidden mist's history a perfecting Cherokee of a sobu the three tales with the ability to take isobu's full form whenever he wanted dogguro was a wielder of water and wind release and trust me that's really all he through the power of His water release was able to create water mirrors that were able to reflect all Ninjutsu kind of like the Yadamir but he didn't need a susano in the anime he was able to fight juzo Andy Tachi simultaneously killing one of them and almost killing the second yes that's right yagero went into a 2V1 in technically tidy Tachi as he thought she had to flee from the scene and yakura was left pretty badly burnt see yucker's control over his jinchuriki form was so great that he was able to survive he was able to manifest isobu's form and travel high speeds by curling into a ball and rolling he also used the technique Coral Palm that allowed him to grow coral on anything that he wanted which if that sounds stupid to you allows him to grow it on opponents and slow them down substantially and not to mention as a Perfection Cherokee tailed beast balls were absolutely in his bag but the real home run hit of this team Minato Minato the war hero of the third great Shinobi World War the man who killed 1 000 iwashinobi by himself The Man Who Saw every Jutsu tobirama created and was like like I think I could do that better the yellow Flash the man who received a run on site order from every village konawa ever fought a man who immediately deduced exactly how Obito's kamui worked when he was battling against his yellow mask version and dunked on it and not to mention the creator of the rossengan Minato was so powerful he was able to save multiple important people from konawa when Karama was attacking beat Obito and then seal away half of karama's chakra with the reaper death scene when it came down to it he was just like that now we're talking about his Hokage form so he was a perfect toad Sage but he wasn't a perfect chin Cherokee like Naruto but still he doesn't need it because even when he was alive he was in absolute Menace being the third strongest Hokage of all time yes that's right I consider a live minuto to be stronger than Toby Rama I feel like that's not that crazy of a stretch everything that Toby Rama created Minato perfected but unfortunately even Minato doesn't put the fourth generation of kage above the third listen well Generations like the second or the fourth or the first may have massive Heavy Hitters like Minato Toby Rama and tashirama the third Generations just got consistency baby they're like the early 2010 Spurs they're just putting the fun back in fundamentals the third generation of kage had heroes in the third kasekake who doesn't have a name the third mizukake who also doesn't have a name a gnocchi and the third rykake hey now four out of those five characters we know a fair amount about the only one we don't know anything about is the third mesokage all we know about him is he was maniacal insane and basically the reason that the bloodmess village was created but everybody else on this list are legitimate Heavy Hitters now we don't know exactly how strong Prime Harrison was he was called the professor he was said to have mastered every single Jutsu of the leaf and as a 70 year old man he fought against Toby Rama hashirama and Orochimaru simultaneously and well obviously Orochimaru hadn't mastered at otensei yet hashirama could still very much use wood release and Toby Rama could still very much use water release that was Toby Robert flying around using flying rygin no I don't think so here is in at the prime age of like 76 still had to reflect a nativity world of trees with his Adamantite staff Pioneers in who had Monkey King enma by his side was a menace Harrison was the Survivor and leader of two of the bloodiest conflicts in Ninja's history that would be the second and third grade Shinobi World War he was able to pull out half of orochimaru's soul and Toby Rama and hashirama's soul meaning that his chakra reserves were absolutely insane even as an old man when Karama was released on the night of Naruto's birthday he was able to push Karama out of the village and while we don't have a bunch of incredible Feats for him it's because we met him when he was 75. here is in the early days of Naruto was hailed as the strongest Hokage ever and while a lot of people now believe that that claim was made because he was the longest 10-yeared Hokage in existence and all of the other Hokage died relatively young Simply Having that thrown out about you says that you are a menace which makes sense when you consider that he could use all seven Elemental releases and had the strongest summon in Naruto's history outside of Heroes in however we have the third cause a kage who was also said to be the strongest kazakage in history until Gara came around see the third kazek could also wield magnet release however unlike Gara or rasa the third kazakage used iron sand which meant that his magnet released in the sand that he controlled was not only heavier than regular sand which made him a good counter for things like shukaku but also meant that he could essentially build iron walls which is what shinki gara's adopted son now has the ability to do it's stated that this version of magnet release is the highest level of magnet release Angela obviously the third cause a Kake did die to sorcery we don't actually know how that battle went down it could have been an assassination what we do know though is that the third cause a Kake is at least the second strongest kazakage ever and what we do know is that the third raikage a into Noki are both of the strongest kage from their village ever see the third ride Kake was considered the perfect shield and the perfect sword as it was stated that the only thing that could stab through the third reichage's lightning cloak was his own hell stab the third reichake went toe-to-toe with the likes of gyuki in a one-on-one battle and tied him meaning that the third reichake was just as powerful as the eight tails Third Reich hockey also battled for three days 72 hours against 10 000 Shinobi most likely killing the majority of them because of the power of His hell stab which is essentially the hidden Lightning's Chidori he could Pierce through entire crowds of people killing them instantaneously well there was nothing that they could do because his lightning cloak not only increased his speed and his strength but also made his defenses impregnable and considering the fact that he was able to battle these 10 000 Shinobi for 72 hours straight his chakra pool was legendary tie this into the fact that he's the reason that darui knows black lightning and you now not only have one of the physically strongest and fastest people in the universe also one of the greatest Ninjutsu Specialists we've ever seen but we gotta leave a little space for one of the most legendary most slept on characters in Naruto's history anoki is the only person and I'm going to say this again the only person who participated in all four Shinobi world wars and he was the leader of the village for Legends like hashirama Tobi Rama the third reichage all died a Noki survived only using three releases lava release dust release and Earth release now by the sheer fact that Enoki knows dust release aketota that requires him to know Earth Wind and Fire Relief we know that he knows at least earth wind in Fire release however we only ever see him use Earth release outside of dust release and lava release in one of the novels Enoki was in his mid-80s during the fourth great Shinobi World War and was still probably the most important current kage Enoki was able to use his lightweight Boulder technique to basically stop one of matara's meteorites he at 85 years old had to battle against his former Master moo who mind you died in the prime of his life which means that Enoki who was substantially out of his prime had to battle against his former master who was relatively still in his with infinite regeneration and infinitely refilling chakra and still managed to push move back Enoki at 85 years old was identified by Modera to be the biggest threat in the Allied Shinobi forces and at 85 years old he wiped out five of matara's susano-clad Shadow clones with his Keke Toda it said that in his prime with the power of His dust release he could wipe out entire Islands but he was also so fast with his dust release he was able to defend his Village from a meteor shower with it but dust release isn't the only thing in enoki's bag Enoki is also able to equip himself with massive Rock gauntlets create Rock Golems to fight alongside him he also has gravity manipulation as he can increase or decrease in object's weight which is how he's able to fly and how he was able to stop matara's meteor anoki and here is in fighting side by side in the primes of their life would be terrifying not to mention you throw in the third reichage who's capable of fighting against 10 000 men simultaneously and the third cause a kage the wielder of the iron sand technique the team may not have any traditional Heavy Hitters as you might perceive it but that team working together would be insane but unfortunately not as insane as our number one spot the seventh generation of kage Nick is on only one Village in seven generations of cocky they do it's the Hokage it's Naruto yes am I saying that Naruto by himself at the peak of his power is stronger than all of the other generations of kage fighting together I am unfortunately one of the most popular hypotheticals in the Naruto world is Naruto vs the six other Hokage and quite honestly people are split on who would win Naruto and baryon mode has planetary level defense he's massively faster than light and he has very easily City level attacks even the entirety of the third generation of kage working together in the primes of their lives wouldn't last very long none of these Generations would last very long against Naruto Naruto through the power of baryon mode was able to embarrass the strongest opponent we've ever seen in Naruto's history is Chic and while obviously this mode only lasted about two minutes every single time he came into contact with ishiki he shortened his life but ishiki had the durability to take these punches in the first place nobody we've listed on this list thus far has the durability to take a punch from baryon mode Naruto the only people who stand a chance against Barry on mode Naruto are those who have instant transmission so they can just fly away until Baron mode ends but Naruto wouldn't even really need baryon mode for the majority of these battles the only person on this list who gives KCM to Naruto a run for his money is hashirama and even that I would estimate that Naruto is two to three times stronger than the strongest form of hashirama now if hashirama is getting a significant amount of help from the four other kage we know nothing about and maybe just maybe they would be able to beat kcm2 Naruto but kcm2 Naruto as an adult is substantially stronger than juvito and jubito wasn't even able to be held down to the got deity Gates now albeit this was a weakened version of hashirama but still let's be real the show was named Naruto he's winning which is aggravating because it would be just so much more interesting if one of the other Generations was stronger I had high hopes for the third generation that's it every single generation of kage ranked and explained do you guys agree with my list tell me in the comments below and why is it down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notify you know what I'm doing it I'm making a video about Enoki thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 392,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: S9NWPqTidjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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