Ranking All One Piece Pirate Crew Designs!! (PART 1)

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foreign foreign [Music] we'll try this permeation of internet and see if this works I feel like I am uh some kind of like doctor or scientist you ever see I am legend that Will Smith zombie movie uh where Will Smith is basically trying to find a cure to the zombie apocalypse and he is just like you know permeation number 722 723 724 like he's just trial and erroring his way to find a cure for zombies that that's how I kind of feel I kind of feel like that right now okay uh so let's try this permeation this will probably be permeation number 27. uh see if that's the lucky one permeation number 27. um but all right uh it's it's holding steady we had some real issues there but um I'm actually going to go get before I had all these internet problems I put on a pot of coffee because I don't know why I just felt like I wanted to drink some coffee while doing this stream we're gonna do a little bit of a tier list today so uh I'm gonna go get that that coffee and then uh come back down here and then hopefully the stream will not be like dead by the time I get back down here so I'm gonna I'm gonna throw on Shanks again really quick uh Attack on Titan variant Shanks uh which by the way Attack on Titan music really works for the red hair crew I feel like when we see that scene at elbaf in the anime they should just have they should just go to the attack on Titan team and just be like can we just have your Sound Library I think it fits Shanks really well um the link by the way to um the cover of that attack on Titan track is in the description if you would like to go to their Channel they do some really cool uh anime OST covers uh all right there we go uh well we're holding steady at 7 20. man that was a really nice that was a really nice two minutes when I went upstairs to make a pot of coffee and uh you know when I was walking upstairs I was like ah maybe The Internet's been fixed maybe today we'll have a good stream maybe maybe today we'll have maybe that'll be the solution to all of the internet woes and I I had my nice cup of coffee and I'm like oh that tastes good and I'm gonna walk back downstairs now and the internet's gonna be good to go and I walk downstairs and it's like 3 000 drop frames and I'm like ah okay well you know what it was a good idea it was a good idea you know what I mean at least you could be optimism is optimism is like 99 how you get through the world you know what I mean if things aren't going the way that you want them to go just just imagine they are and that'll get you to where you need to be no like there you go [Music] all right well I mean we're here for right now I mean it's not crashing anymore so probably as soon as I start the actual content of the stream it will begin again but until we get to that point might as well try to get some material in right okay then uh well today yes we are going to be doing a little bit of a tier list video now I'm gonna have to change the screen here to the tier list and um yeah that's probably gonna cause everything to crash and burn but I'm gonna have to do that because otherwise you won't be able to see the rankings so I'm just gonna move this over here and then it's like I'm defusing a damn time bomb Alright and then I'm going to move this over to scene here and then I'm gonna push this button all right you still with us you still there everybody's still okay is everybody still good is everybody still strapped into your computer chairs everybody's still good oh anybody get knocked off the planet everybody's still all right everybody good okay so um yeah now this is going to be a little bit of a different kind of tier list ranking um to clarify exactly how we're going to be doing this today we are not even though we have all of the Jolly Rogers in front of us right here I don't want you to all think that the only thing that I am ranking is uh the Jolly Roger design because that is not the only thing we are doing uh if you look to Barry if you look down to the left hand side of the screen there you can see Barry and Barry is listing off all the different criteria we're essentially I couldn't find a Snappy kind of video title to explain what I'm doing but the best way for me to describe what I'm doing is I'm ranking all of the pirate crews in one piece based off of the coolness factor from their Jolly Roger name of their crew ship name and design and crew design it it doesn't really work too well as a quick Snappy you know YouTube title but that is what we are doing today all right that is what we are doing today and I felt like because a lot of people are going to be joining the stream and they're going to be asking you know like what what are you ranking these based off of what are you ranking these based off of I decided just to have Barry off to the side list the criteria that we are going to be using today okay so let's go through those criteria really quick and then we'll get to the rankings here so the first criteria is the Jolly Roger design you're a pirate crew I mean like you're sigil you're the thing that everybody's going to see the thing that is supposed to for one thing indicate the fact that you are a pirate and second is supposed to you know uh issue a degree of fear into your enemies it's it's your trademark it's like with a business today and being a pirate is basically running a business okay it is your trademark it is it's like with Nike shoes they have the little swoosh McDonald's has the golden arches Burger King just just has a burger but whatever Wendy's has the the red hair girl you know what I mean right so being a pirate you have a symbol you have have marketing okay and so that symbol better be unique it better be distinct it better be [ __ ] cool all right that is the whole point of being a pirate all right so and it has to be different from all the other pirate sigils because there's so many Pirates in the one piece World yours better be unique all right so we're gonna be ranking it based off of Jolly Roger design next up is the name of your crew all right the name of a crew once again I mean like okay so you got the golden arches but the name of the restaurant is McDonald's it just works okay you know what I mean so the name of the crew should have some degree of menace to it and you know what this is where a lot of these Crews the Supernova Crews especially are going to fall off because I'm telling you straight up if there is a crew that just has the name of the captain as their freaking crew name I'm I'm deducting a minus one immediately they're they're not getting asked here I'll tell you that much there I'm getting an immediate minus one so a lot of these supernova Crews have this and I think it might be because Oda did not really plan on the supernovas existing until like shortly before they were introduced so I don't think Oda really sat down and really thought about a lot of their uh their crew names so when it comes to um the supernovas you got the Bonnie Pirates led by jewelry Bonnie you have the Drake Pirates led by Diaz Drake you have the Hawkins Pirates led by basil Hawkins and um you know I'll look at it you know Case by case basis maybe there's some case where the name of the captain does indicate that but like imagine if the straw hat crew were just called the Luffy Pirates imagine if the Whitebeard crew was called the Edward Pirates or you know or the new gate Pirates it's just it doesn't have as much of a degree as Menace and it's not that creative when it comes to designing your pirate crew all right it's just like ah let's just call him the the Smith Pirates because my name's John Smith whatever let's just go you know that's not creative at all um yep so uh next up we have the the ship name and design uh this is pretty self-explanatory I'm not going to go too into this does the ship look cool does the ship aesthetic work with the crew um does the name of the ship work we don't know the names of every single one of these ships so um you know and I I have the wiki up so we'll you know pull it up if I can't remember anything some of them we don't know but I decided to put it on there as a criteria uh then we have the crew design okay and so the crew design is kind of a it's not a category I'm going to be judging too harshly it's just basically like you know how like kids crew has a whole heavy metal rocker kind of aesthetic and everybody on his crew is like ahead with that aesthetic like they all have names like DJ or gig or Punk or mosh you know like they all have really cool like 1980s like heavy metal rocker names that's what I'm talking about in terms of aesthetic um but all of these things are going to kind of coalesce together and we're going to have to figure this out as we go uh there's going to be exceptions to every rule but for the most part these are the rules all right all right so with that being said um I picked mainly no no filler pirates on here I had to debate between that because there's just so many pirate crews in one piece already maybe we'll do this again with a filler roster possibly but for right now we're gonna do Canon stuff um at the very end I I this is like a last minute Edition I added the Revolutionary Army as like a bonus I know they're not really Pirates but I mean in the eyes of the world government they might as well be but you know what I mean I didn't include like the Marine sigil or the world government sigil or anything like that on here just kind of strictly pirate Cruise okay well with that being said let's begin uh the tiers are are pretty obvious I'm not going to go through each of the tiers s tier I'm gonna try to limit to only like maybe one or two people and then there's the F tier and then the double F tier the super fail tier and then I don't know if anyone will get that bad but we'll see all right so first up we have alvita's pirate crew this is actually interesting because it these are alphabetical um all the way up until the Revolutionary Army at the end but these are alphabetical and alvita just happened to be the very first pirate that Luffy encountered on his journey and her name starts with the letter A so right away she's getting a minus one because she's just the alvita Pirates that's literally all they're called the alvita Pirates um I Heard Jolly Roger is a side view skull so that's something I mean almost all the other ones are kind of a front-facing skull there's not as many Jolly Rogers that have that different perspective of the skull which is not bad it's it's different enough from a lot of the other like you see all the other Jolly Rogers on here like most of them are a front-facing skull um this one's to the sides that's that's a unique Factor there and it adds a little heart um this was actually a tactic that was used a lot by real life pirates they would have a black flag with uh blood or like a red ink on there it's very striking with the red on the black background so you just I mean it's honestly a pretty simple flag uh but I think it works um alvita's ship is called the um a miss love duck and it's a ship that has a swan the motif of her whole ship is like the ugly duckling and the Beautiful Swan kind of story that's kind of the aesthetic that Oda goes with alvita uh alvita you know starts out as a very large woman that most people in the one piece World consider very unattractive she eats the slip slip fruit and she becomes very slim and becomes an idea that's like most most men find very attractive in the one piece world so it's like the story of like the ugly duckling and that's like the Miss love duck is is there um so I got to be honest with you the minus one because of the name uh her okay her crew doesn't really look anything they're just generic Pirates through and through there's really no design in terms of that um they just look like generic Pirates I I always remember in the four kids dub of One Piece they have alvita talking very because she was like the first pirate in the story uh aside from Luffy obviously so she talks in a very like oh come on me hearties shiver me timbers you know like because it's like the first episode it's like the first couple episodes of one piece and you have to be super pirate with your pirate anime and four kids um I honestly don't hate it but I'm gonna give alvida a solid D right now I I think I think that's not I think there's a lot more better ones we're going to get um C is kind of like straight up in the center and I don't feel like it's it deserves of that I feel like it's slightly below average it doesn't deserve an F it doesn't deserve a super F but I I think the only thing that really saves it is how it's a slightly different kind of design of the skull and the Heart it's very striking you see this at a distance you kind of know what you're about um and then the Miss love duck is actually kind of a cool design ship um it has a nice figurehead and it has a design with that and I think the whole ship is colored Pink as well uh also side note uh I saw the designs uh for the Miss love duck in the Netflix live action so alvita is going to appear in that we've already gotten the casting for alvita I forget her name uh the actress that's going to play her but uh the Miss love duck I saw some concept art for that and it looks pretty good looks pretty good all right next up we have the uh okay so it's the Fish Man Pirates but sometimes they're referred to as the arlong Pirates I think just because arlong is their captain now this this is a badass Jolly Roger right here I mean this this is [ __ ] cool our long knew some [ __ ] about branding hold on a second I have a uh I I might do this with a couple of them I actually have the um a couple years ago I made a video on all the Jolly Rogers so I have the folder with all the Jolly Roger stuff on there so let's see if I can pull that up here and I can add if it doesn't crash the whole damn thing I can maybe show you some designs here okay here we go look at that look at that right there I mean that is that is [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] like arlong was like all right so you got the skull and you got the not the skull you got the crossbones in the background so black and the crossbones indicate right there pirate crew right pirate crew through and through but our long is like no no we're not doing a human skull and you know what that makes a lot of sense because our long hates humans why would he use a human skull you know what I mean so he just like no I'm gonna have my own design which remember uh our long is not a swordfish a lot of people think arlong's a swordfish me included for a long time uh because arlong has a nose that looks like a you know it's he's a Sawtooth shark fish man I believe that's that's the name of the species he's a Sawtooth shark so I got to admit like I really love this um man I'm hesitating to even put it in a tier I kind of want to put this in s if we're being honest here I mean he knew what he was doing about I mean yeah it's like a cool edgy water park aesthetic going on yeah and and also it's like the Sawtooth like it is a shark like you could see the fin of the shark there it projects that an air of Menace like if you saw this like if like let's imagine you're in the one piece world for a moment right and you're just hanging out in your little village and you see this Jolly Roger you see a ship approaching from the side and you look through your spy glass and you see this thing that's gonna be scary you're gonna be oh [ __ ] these guys are here to plunder and murder like okay now but that's not the only thing we're looking at here we have to look at the other things here okay so the fish man Pirates are the name of the crew so you don't get it they're not the arlong Pirates I know that's a little bit confusing sometimes I'm pretty sure the canonical name for them are the fish man Pirates correct correct um so that's fine they are the fish man and they are pirates so at least they're not just using his name now when it comes to the ship I don't think did our long have a flagship I don't remember for him having one because our Long's whole thing was like I'm just gonna set up shop in the East and build our Long Park and just kind of do my own thing here like arlong's whole thing was like big fish in a small pond kind of deal you know what I mean um yeah yeah because later on we're gonna get horty's uh crew which is the new Fishman Pirates so it doesn't make any sense to have the new Fishman Pirates if yeah the canonical name of arlong's crew is the fish man Pirates yes um he is the ship I mean yeah he kinda is he's the ship they're all the ship they're fish men they don't need like there was even a scene in our Long Park where they took out a whole marine Vessel they killed Commodore pudding pudding and they didn't even need they didn't even need a ship to do it Hachi just went out and moved some pillars around and they got sucked into a Maelstrom and died that was it oh they have momu right they had momu that even actually adds more okay so not only okay so they don't have a ship necessarily but okay when I say ship name that doesn't necessarily mean like like if they don't have a ship but they have a giant sea cow as like their pets that's badass dude that's badass that's better than a ship you don't need a ship it's not like they don't have a ship because they're so poor they can't afford one right it's because they're so badass they don't need one they don't need a ship they're fish men there are the ship and they have a giant sea cow when they really need some heavy muscle to like knock things over you know what I mean he had a ship when he first showed up yes you are correct you are correct when they first showed up at kokoyashi I think oh you know what they did I remember that now I don't think the ship was all that unique and we only saw it in like one scene oh man yeah um hold on a moment let me pull up the video I made on arlong really quick I know we're only on the second but we have to do this we have to go through this really really carefully here okay our long I made an arlong video a couple years ago all right I think there might be a scene in here where arlong first arrived at cocoyashi yes this one right here uh okay you don't see the ship in that one but it's it's kind of in that flashback our long ship do I have any images of our long ship on here I don't I don't think I have that particular seat on here but I I do remember the flashback now that you mention it because I think this scene right here I think this is the Jolly Roger I think this was the Jolly Roger that was on his ship because look at even the flagpole even the flagpole is badass look at that they even added the flagpole having the spiky Sawtooth nose thing damn you know what I think our Long's getting an a all right I think arlong's getting an a the only thing maybe you could dock points for is like maybe the um the the ship is not like like okay he does have a ship technically but it appeared in one scene no one remembers the damn thing I don't think it has a name even if he if it was shown in like one scene so maybe you could dock some points for that but other than that man I'm I'm putting I'm putting R along in a tier I'm going a tier for R along here I think he deserves it yeah um oh it did get a name it does have a name you know what let's look this up I want to see I want to see what our long ship looks like hold on a second here I want to look this up now because I need to see this I need to look up our long ship if it's called the shark superb I mean that's awesome arlong ship one piece I I need to see this oh my God that thing is [ __ ] badass all right no [ __ ] it he's going a tier oh my God I completely forgot about this thing oh my God that is the sickest design for a [ __ ] ship oh man I was oh my god dude all right prepare you guys for this one when you see this you're just gonna look at that look at that look at that [ __ ] oh my God how many sales do you need on a ship Sir that is that is so ridiculous how many sales are on this ship one two three four five I am counting six sales on this ship alone maybe seven I don't know if that went away in the back that is seven sales on this ship okay [ __ ] it this is getting asked here okay he has a badass Jolly Roger okay the name of the crew is the fish man Pirates their ship is called the shark support superb and it looks like this and also the aesthetic of the crew they're all fishmen and they're all like I have different C themed like that okay arlong you're getting Nest here bro you're getting Nest here for this bro holy [ __ ] that is I completely forgot look at the figurehead on that on that son of a [ __ ] holy God they took you know it's oh my God you know what it's like he's a Sawtooth fish man so it's like let's go ahead with it let's go with the Sawtooth kind of like aesthetic and it is kind of a little over the top but not crazy over the top like I think it works like it really does all right yeah that's an S tier that literally it literally checks every single box there's not one box that Barry is saying down here that this crew does not represent I mean I'm sorry and there I mean once again our long is a piece of [ __ ] he like killed bellmir and then tortured Nami for like you know over 10 years like oh yeah I'll give you back your village if you can bring me the money oh you brought me the money okay oh look the money's gone sorry I guess you're gonna have to skip working for me I suppose um but he's a piece of crap but like in terms of marketing arlong knew where it was at man our long must have measured in marketing and in college wherever we're at GBU our long went to GBU next to Bradley um that looks yeah yeah the jaw I think it works just enough with the jaw with the shark aesthetic they didn't go super overboard with it like when we get to Bartle Mayo because bartolomeo is coming up here in a second bartolomeo went way overboard with the ship design but arlong I think was just like the just enough of the shark design the shark around the perimeter and then the figurehead being a Sawtooth shark and then that's kind of it and then the red of the ship is like the red of blood that that works okay we've been going on and on about our long okay what's next uh Baroque Works Baroque Works um I really love the Baroque Works flag um this really shows the level of Elegance that crocodile really had here um let me pull that up in the in the big screen here uh let me see there's I have to pull up that Jolly Roger folder again Charlie Roger uh let's see Baroque works here we go all right Baroque Works um yeah Baroque Works flag it it so Baroque I believe is just the definition of Baroque is just like I think it's like Victorian or maybe even earlier like Elizabethan era kind of [ __ ] um you know it's kind of like old-fashioned to a degree actually let's look that up right now let's look up what Baroque even means just to get a good definition here I feel like this this this video is going to require a lot of um like background research because I'm gonna have to do this in real time um okay so baroque definition all right let's see here uh relating to or to or denoting a style of European architecture music and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed the mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail in architecture the period is exemplified by the Palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernini in Italy uh Bernini I don't know how to pronounce that guy's name major composers including vinvaldi Bach and hondel carvaggio and Rubens are important Baroque artists okay and there's some examples of this here yeah so this all fits crocodile's aesthetic very well he's a very very fancy wine swirling I always call him a bond villain whenever I'm talking about him um now so the I think the uh I think the name of the crew and the Jolly Roger get a solid pass this is a unique enough design that shows like that level of Grace uh that you don't get eloquence that you don't get from most pirates like we are pirates but we are eloquent Pirates you know what I mean we play Bach and we we we paint art and we build sculptures and blah blah blah now uh the ship name and design so they had a fleet um and I believe crocodile pretty sure crocodile had his own Flagship so let's look that up here they had the fleet of the millions and the billions and I think crocodile yes crocodiles ship is is this what his ship was um it just says it's a ship used in the Baroque Works organization it doesn't say that it's his ship yeah so it's and it's not really a ship that like it's called the full it's just called full or uh downpour in the original in the viz translation which I think the downpour probably works better this is the ship so most of the ships in the Baroque Works Fleet other than the ones used by the named like officer agents and [ __ ] are kind of boring and normal like the billions and millions ships are just like regular ships um this is called the downpour or the full and it's a ship designed to spread the dance powder um but I don't know if this was crocodile's Flagship but it does have a giant ass crocodile as the figurehead on on the ship so I'm gonna go ahead with like this is the closest thing to crocodile's main ship we got um um so there's that and then the crew design I mean I really liked the layout of Baroque works like the officer agents the the code names I mean crocodile really was a [ __ ] Bond villain with this I mean he really did go through everything I'm gonna I'm gonna give that a pass on the crew design um maybe maybe the ship on this one is not gonna do too well because even okay even if you want to say this is his Flagship uh all it has going for it is a golden crocodile on it I mean the giant smokestack isn't really that cool to me um yeah you don't have the Masterpiece you don't okay so you know what I don't think the cross Guild even had a proper Jolly Roger yet so I don't even think I could have put them on here yet because they don't even have an actual flag I don't think does the cross Guild have a flag I think they were still designing it I don't think they even have one yet hmm but anyway um for Baroque works uh I feel like okay if this is the layout we're doing so far I think B is is pretty damn good I I I I our long had all the boxes Baroque works is I think falling short in the ship Department um and uh oh but you know I love the Jolly Roger I love the name of the crew and I love the crew design I love what crocodile really did with all this you know what I mean yeah yeah we just have the poster which isn't the actual like their Jolly Roger isn't going to be like mihawk buggy and crocodile like on the actual yeah yeah they just had the flyer yeah yeah and that golden crocodile did look a bit Derpy yeah you know what honestly I kind of want to go a tier on Baroque works you know what I mean like I I really want to go a tier on Baroque Works uh they fumbled the ball a little bit with the ship design whereas arlong had that badass uh shark- themed boat but I'm going a tier on Baroque works right now I'm going eights here okay next up all right we got bartolomeo bartolomeo and the Bartow Club okay so this is one example where I'm going to uh when it comes to the name of the crew they're they're skirting a line here but they're not just called the bartolomeo Pirates they're called the Bartow Club so you're shortening bartolomeo's name for one thing and you're adding Club to it so it's not just the bartolomeo Pirates and then calling it a day they're not a pirate crew they're the club because that Harkens back to their Origins as a Small Town Gang in the East Blue by the way fun fact uh bartolomeo controlled like I can't remember the exact numbers but it was stated how many uh how many towns are long controlled and how many towns bartolomeo controlled and Barlow Mayo controlled way more so bartolomeo was the stronger pirate maybe he took over the island maybe he took over the towns after arlong Was Defeated maybe maybe he filled the power vacuum I don't know but uh I find that really funny um hmm now the Jolly Roger definitely leaves something to be desired here like I don't really understand what they're going with here like they have Bartle Mayo's green hair I get that um the Red X might be kind of going along the lines of like like let me show you an actual Pirate Flag hold on let me show you a real all right so this is Edward Lowe's flag this is the this is the pirate who is the namesake for law this is his flag from actual like real life pirates from our world okay that was his flag so you can see the use of the red there um yeah the the idea is like you know your your time is up the blood you know is coming for you right so I don't really get it it kind of looks like his his Charlie Roger always look like a vegetable to me for whatever reason I don't know just because it looks like a deformed carrot I don't know because it has the green on top and then I know it's red but it's kind of orange it's not complete it's not like super Scarlet Red it's kind of like a very it's like an orange reddish mixture I don't know what you what would you call the color on his his Jolly Roger what would you refer to that color as hmm um [Music] yeah it's oh it's Luffy's scar is that what it's supposed to be like the X's Luffy's scar is that what it's intended to be okay I all right yeah I guess I mean like the theme of this crew is is definitely Straw Hat see I'm honestly gonna dock bartolomeo points I think because the whole premise of his crew is he's a fanboy of another crew and I feel like you're basically just like I love the straw hat so much the whole point of my crew is gonna be straw hats and I feel like something is lost there because you're not you're not being creative on your own you're just kind of like like I don't know copyright infringement in the one piece world I honestly think Luffy might have a case against bartolomeo he literally plastered Luffy's face on the figurehead of his ship without any any like you know Luffy did not agree to that or that kind of thing like just plastered Luffy's face on the figurehead of his ship um so yeah I I don't know I mean like because that's like really like you know um yeah um also okay so the name of the ship oh my God bartolomeo's ship is oh Lord I don't know I've always had mixed feelings on bartolomeos on the going just the name of bartolomeo's ship the going Luffy senpai like oh my God [Music] hold on this is [ __ ] great well then I gotta I gotta open a thing all right all right let's get this all set up here to get this all okay okay here we go whoa that oh well that was that was warped a little bit there whoa that looked trippy all right hold on let me do a thing here so they did a thing with Wikipedia lately where whenever I used to download a picture off Wikipedia it used to be in jpeg format or PNG format which makes it super easy to just download the picture and then just put it in like I'd like just edit in a video like I could just go on the wiki get an image of like Luffy and then just put it in a editing software but now I don't know why they did this but for like the last year whenever you download a picture an image file off of a Wikipedia page um or a Wiki page it's always a DOT uh w-e-b-p image and I always have to convert it before I can do anything with it so that's kind of irritating but here is the going Luffy Senpai this is Barlow Mayo's the Bartow clubs ship ah oh my God oh my God this is oh my God all right I'm trying I'm trying to think of a good parallel to this like okay imagine you really like like um I don't know like imagine you really like a particular series like let's say you really like Harry Potter right and then you buy a house and then you literally turn your entire house like just everything in your house is Harry Potter it would be a little bit obnoxious after a while like everything has to be Harry Potter themed and and I kind of get that with bartolomeo where it's like everything has to be Straw Hat themed to the point where it's way over the top s tier s tier s tier I am not giving this an S tier I am sorry I I can't give it an S tier see my whole house is not one piece theme though that's the difference that's like if I designed it that's not like if I bought a house that's like if I built a house designed like the Thousand Sunny and everything in my house everything down to like the coffee mugs in the house had to be one piece themed that'd be a little bit over the top with that that's a little Overkill you know what I mean I like how it has nami's trees uh Choppers in the back if you've ever seen the back of it oh yeah there's the back of the ship I gotta show you the back of the ship the back is is funny because the back doesn't get shown that much but it's it's hilarious oh man that gets converted oh man that gets warped too oh damn it all right I gotta go into paint save file as a jpeg go all right here we go so this is the back of the ship there's the back of the ship I've always wanted to know what the the ship Right the dude that built this thing the dude that built this monstrosity how much money did bartolome okay bartolomeo did not he threatened the dude he gave the blueprints to this dude and he's like I need you to build me this ship and he's like this is so stupid I am not building you this ship and then bartolomeo threatened to kill him in his entire family and it's like you're building the ship to these specifications I don't care if it's not seaworthy you are building this ship all right oh my God all right they are getting a c tier and that is my final offer on this all right like the the Jolly Roger design is I don't know the name of the crew is unique enough I'll give it that much it escapes that the ship name is causing me so much con conflict oh but also when you get to the crew design though here's the thing the Jolly Roger is based off of the straw hats because it has Luffy's ex the name of the crew is is their own thing the Barto Club the ship design is all about the straw hats but then when you get to the actual crew design that's not like they're dressing like the straw hats it's not like bartolomeo wears a straw hat he would feel unworthy like I am unworthy to wear the holy Straw Hat Luffy Senpai you know so it's not like their design they don't dress like the straw hats do you know yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna go see on this I feel comfortable putting him in C I'm going C yeah we'll go see all right there we go all right next up we got um the Beast Pirates oh this is a good one Beast Pirates we got a lot of good [ __ ] with this one all right so first of all got to thank kaido for not just calling them the kaido Pirates out of all of the Emperors I feel the one that might have named their crew just after their name would have been kaido I feel like kaido is the one that like I don't care I'm just gonna the kaido Pirates or whatever so I'm so glad he didn't do that so we got the Beast Pirates all right so um the the Jolly Roger is really cool um question uh what are the giant what are those bars behind it what are those supposed to be so you got the crossbones you got the the double layer crossbones so you got the um the uh one two three four you got the six crossbones wait no eight you got eight crossbones back there and then you got the skull with the horns which fits perfectly but what are those what are those giant like curved things in the background the not the horns behind the horns ears yeah what are those things supposed to be I never I never understood what those things are supposed to be um this is better than Baroque Works um well let's let's look through this it looks like a buffalo skull hair I guess it's always confused me I feel like you could remove those two Big Blocks in the background that look like those big curved um they look like um oh man I don't even know they look like giant commas just giant commas or whatever I I guess it's supposed to be hair I guess but it's just weird oh eight oh eight and well no it could be eight in kanji but what does that mean eights in kanji because the whole point there's a hundred Beast Pirates or the Beast Pirates but what does eight have to do with any of it onigashima's General shape you don't yeah no but you you just need the skull and the horns for that you know it's probably a samurai hat that does not look like a casa hats that is not a good design for a casa hat could be yeah I'm thinking it could have been the design you know what I honestly thought first of all I thought it was it was a one because there's a hundred Beast Pirates but then it would be 101. you could kind of see it but they're curved you know what I mean sales I guess I just I just feel like I feel like they had a perfect design if you just take away those bars if you just just the skull the horns and the crossbones perfect you have a perfect design if you just leave it at that okay but then they added those on and I think that that drops it a bit because it's just weird it's just confusing um they also have um there's a belt buckle on here of the Beast Pirates let me let me pull that up here the design we have on that uh do I have it in here I might not have it in here I'm not gonna I'm not gonna look around for it if it's not in this one particular file but um it's it's the same thing it's just on a belt buckle oh it's right here you can see it down there on the actual uh tier list yeah it's just a sale well okay this is the problem we are debating what this is it's it's okay the the skull is obviously kaido's skull the horns are obviously kaido's horns like that stuff is obvious we don't have to question that but right now I'm getting tusks I'm getting pigtails I'm getting sales I'm getting hair I'm getting kanji it's that's the point it's [ __ ] confusing all right so I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna dock a point for that sorry name of the crew Works 100 Beast Pirates sometimes just shortened to Beast pirates that is fine I'm okay with that the ship name and Design do we have kaido's main ship I think kaido I think kaido is the only emperor that we do not know a flagship for oh that's gonna dock him some points hold on I'm gonna look this up kaido Flagship kaido Flagship what do we got what do we got no I don't he went to um Marine Ford in a ship but we never saw that ship we have Jack's ship which is called the mammoth and we have Queen's ship that has the brachiosaur as a figurehead so we have jax and we have Queens the main ship is onigashima right but like he is the ship right but he's not just he's not lifting up the ship all the time he's not lifting up onigashima to go sail around it okay if he did that normally if if that was like Canon what he normally did whenever kaido went out pillaging he literally lifted up the whole goddamn Island and moved it wherever he needed it to be that would be dope but that's not what he did he moved the island for the first time when he was at when he was doing uh the the plan the um the uh fire Festival plan that he he initiated right that's not like what he did all the time that would be so damn cool though if kaido like whenever kaido comes to town he just drops an island on whoever is stupid enough to be in his path oh yeah but that but that's not what happened onigashima was not the ship he he literally he moved it for the first time when they were at wano so you can't count that you know what I mean yeah um they do have a ship but we've never seen it King has a ship too it might have been King ship that they took to Marine Ford but yeah um are those barbells on the Fly I have no idea that's the thing this is what I've always been confused by I have no idea what these things are supposed to be M for monster oh no that seems like a weird thing to put on a flag um he don't need no ship he's a literal Dragon yeah but the whole point of a ship is to like bring people on the ship I mean like we've never seen I mean I guess like come on guys come on get on the dragon kaido let's ride I mean maybe um the crew design is dope I mean the smile users kind of just go with that they have the whole ancient Zone Motif um they have you know king queen Jack they have the flying six they have the gifters the headliners the smiles the pleasures the the waiters the layout of the design gets a pass for me I mean the crew design works so well all right so the crew design is Good Ship is weird name of the crew is fine and the Jolly Roger is slightly confusing [Music] um oh boy I I gotta be honest with you what this feels like to me I got to be straight up what this feels to me this feels like a solid beat here to me I know I know people are gonna get mad about that because it's a yonko but like I gotta I gotta go with my gut on this one I feel like if you would have just removed those things from the damn Jolly Roger and if maybe kaido had actually if you just took those things off the Jolly Roger I thought I'd just bumped it up for a just for that that bugs me it just seems like two like the whole point of a design is like to be like you know usually just like this is what you are try to like keep it as simple as possible you don't want something to be overly complicated and that's just there's no purpose for those things to be there um yeah um yeah and then and then the lack of a ship is just weird it's just he's the only one Shanks has the red Force Whitebeard has the Moby Dick big mom has the queen Mama Shanter straw hats have the Thousand Sunny buggy has the ship for the cross Guild he also had the big top buggy just had his own ship before that anyway and then um oh what is it what is the other yellowko um uh no I went through all oh Blackbeard Blackbeard has the saber of zback so he has he has a ship too like literally kaido's the only one hmm it's the sides of a Samurai helmet I don't know like people suggested 10 different things that could all be the same thing um you know what it does it does get a really cool design for that for the for the crew I mean the crew the crew really does go a long way with this I will give you that because they really go crazy with the crew all right you know what I'll bump it up to a because that crew design I mean they go all in with the Beast the Beast Motif they they have the smiles I do love the hierarchical structure of it I I do love what kaido made with that um that that is fun that is good all right I'll I'll leave it there as an a Tory gate see if it was a Tory gate it would have to have a bar on top of it it's not it's not a Tory gate if it doesn't have a bar on top of it oh man the waterfall to want out like all of these make perfect sense but none of them are obvious is the problem all right so moving on we got we got kaido as a as an a I moved him up to a I think that's fair all right maybe if okay moving on we're now on the beautiful Pirates the baa beautiful Pirates and uh they are cavendish's crew I guess hakuba's crew as well um so the design of the beautiful Pirates uh the Jolly Roger design okay so it's for rule uh feral who is the f-a-r-u-l who is the horse uh who's cavendish's horse and so the cavendish's horse is awesome I don't care what anybody says that horse is awesome hope he survives the rest of One Piece hope Pharrell becomes king of the Pirates honestly that horse is awesome so um the horse is cool and it has the like the kind of like the Three Musketeers kind of hat and it also has the um so um darondle is the name of cavendish's Sword which is also in it's the sword that Roland used in the the song of Roland which is like a famous uh French epic poem I think it's like the oldest French I think it's the oldest work of literature in France is the song of Roland um so you got you got some connections there you got three musketeers designed the name of the crew he they don't just call them the Cavendish Pirates they're the beautiful Pirates which is a little arrogant I gotta admit but that's kind of cavendish's whole thing you know what I mean Cavendish this whole thing is he's an arrogant he's an arrogant narcissistic he's just like I am beautiful you know what I mean that's kind of his whole thing so he's owning it if nothing else um ship name and design um his ship he does have one it does have a name let me look that up here a second all right Cavendish let's see what's cavendish's shipping all about here uh his ship is um oh yeah that's right it has this really long on day oh man that is an Epic ship I don't care what anybody says that ship is [ __ ] awesome okay the ship is literally called sleeping White Horse of the forest that is literally the full name of the ship is sleeping White Horse of the forest look at that look at that now listen I don't I don't give a [ __ ] what you say that that is cool all right like that does that ship not scream Cavendish that is literally Cavendish look at that that works you got the giant horse you got the cool swirls you got once again a lot of sales um the Jolly Roger beautiful Pirates look at the little look at the little tassel things he's got little tassels on the sails I don't know man I like it I like it it's Unique too it's like it's not like he's just taking designs from the straw hats like bartolomeo did it's like he's like I'm I'm going all in on this I'm going all in on illness you know what I mean the sassiness of this design is beautiful the sassiness of this it just screams Napoleon Bonaparte oh my God sleeping White Horse of the forest and and once again we're not ranking these off of um we're not ranking them off of like fear that they impose you know what I mean we're that's not one of the criteria it's taking a design making a pirate ship making your own you know a unique Jolly Roger a unique name for the crew the the nice design of your crew you know the crew's aesthetic the name of the ship the design of the ship that's what we're looking at today and this is pretty goddamn unique I gotta tell you it's winged too yeah yeah the little curves off to the side are wings look at that look at that oh my God see this is why I wanted to put the Beast pirates in freaking and and freaking s tier not not Beast Pirates I want to put the Beast Pirates and beats here honestly oh my God all right do you want me to tell you what I want to do I want to do this I want to move kaido's crew down and move this up that's that's what I want to do that's what I want to do honestly I want to do this looking at it honestly Cavendish oh man I told myself going into this I'm gonna be a brutal ranker when it comes to this [ __ ] I am not um ah good move don't move kaido oh okay all right all right oh man I this is hard I you know what Cavendish I don't give a [ __ ] Cavendish you won me over you've won my heart Cavendish I don't care you know what I mean Cavendish if Cavendish was real Cavendish would like I want to see never every now and then I like to imagine if straw hats and like one piece characters were real and what they would respond to right now I want to see cavendish's legitimate response to this [ __ ] like you don't know how much I would love that like I want like I want Oda to see this stream and I want Oda to draw one panel of one piece with Cavendish reacting to this and I want to see his reaction so bad to this [Laughter] how how is it too much okay look we put arlong in there okay so our long has the cool Jolly Roger awesome name ship design was on point crew design was on point Cavendish has all of that too I mean like yeah the the Jolly Roger is not quite as cool as our long but I don't know if I should dock a point just for that all right um [Music] the the cover design is not S I mean I like it though I like that it's the horse it's Unique you got the horse you got the Three Musketeers hat you got the the rapiers off to the side That's Unique it's a different kind of design you can't say it's boring you can't say oh this is so average you know what I mean no it's a unique design dude it's a unique design it doesn't strike Terror in your mind like arlong does but like I said we're not ranking it based off of the terror it imposes you know yeah um yeah I think I think cavendish's reaction to this would just be like well obviously it's obviously um I'm moving on I'm leaving it at s tier I agree with that I don't care I don't care that that ship design won me over all right he went full on with that I agree I don't care all right what's going on it's cooler with the color yeah you also have to understand there's a color design too oh man nah nah what about his crew cavendish's crew are all designed they all have the same aesthetic they all fall in line um I think from what we've seen of them yeah they have a horse they have a horse on their damn crew um beautiful Pirates uh suraman is a member of that oh my God they're all dressed if you look at cavendish's crew they are literally all dressed like like they're like wearing powdered wigs and [ __ ] they are full on with that aesthetic hold on a moment hold on a moment look at this look at this I gotta show you cavendish's crew here hold on I gotta I gotta screen cap that hold on let me show you cavendish's crew here look at cavendish's crew look at cavendish's crew now aside from suraman who just joined look at all the other members of cavendish's crew they are following this theme perfectly this is this is a perfect theme they all have the old Victorian powdered wigs they have uh the [ __ ] not even Victorian this is like even earlier than that this is like 17th century 18th century powdered wigs they got the mustache look at that one dude with the curly mustache they are following this theme to a t alright I don't care maybe you don't like the theme maybe the theme is to like okay this does not this is not my kind of aesthetic I don't care they follow this theme to a t all right okay on that Esther I don't give a [ __ ] s tear they deserve it all right yeah yeah all right all right moving on moving on moving on this is going in interesting places today okay what's up next ooh Bellamy's crew all right so um Bellamy I think is just called the Bellamy Pirates so they're gonna get a dock point for that so yeah Bellamy Pirates but I have to say the point they lose for the name of the crew is made up with the Jolly Roger is a striking Jolly Roger this is unique as [ __ ] you see this coming at you you know you know this okay it's not even a a skull it is kind of The Rolling Stones logo if we're being honest here Bellamy is a fan of the stones which you know you know Bellamy rolls up and he's like please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste was that the Rolling Stones I don't know I don't know music but was that the Rolling Stones I don't even know if I'm remembering that correctly it's probably another band and everyone's slapping their heads right now um but it also kind of goes along with them sticking their tongues out right and um they're they're mocking people that's what they do looks like they're obsessed with classic rock yeah probably it is I got it right I got it right I got it right okay I'll be honest with you guys I haven't listened to a lot of Rolling Stones in my day not really a huge I haven't listened to a couple things but not a lot as you could probably tell um Okay so the Jolly Roger gets a pass the name of the crew dock a point for that ship name and Design let's look at that I don't remember Bellamy's crew I don't remember Bellamy's ship off the cuff here Bellamy Pirates uh they do have a ship it's called the new witch's tongue see so much of this crap was I love the data books and the Viva cards because otherwise this stuff would have never been revealed okay so this is the Bellamy pirate ship now obviously this crew is in League with doflamingo so they have the smile but that's not their Jolly Roger they didn't just go with the smile they have their own Jolly Roger which is an important distinction to make so they have their own individuality but they're under like a broader Banner you know what I mean which is fine I'm not I'm not going to deduct points for that so the ship name is the new witches tongue I what is the reference there is there a reference to that I don't see any reference for that on the wiki that's just it's called the new witch's tongue okay so um the ship is kind of lame yeah I gotta be honest with you all those other ships we've seen up until now this ship is not doing it for me uh the the figurehead kinda does something because it's a spring so it has Bellamy's devil fruit ability kind of Incorporated but other than the figurehead the rest of the ship is generic as [ __ ] it's just generic ships so I don't think the ship's really going to get you any points there Bellamy um the crew design also uh Bellamy's crew there's Bellamy there's Sarkis um yeah they just look like a bunch of dudes and and and guys and gals Guys and Dolls or just a bunch of Guys and Dolls you know it doesn't really look um I'll show you their crew here like um so here's Bellamy's crew like like there's nobody on the crew they don't have a consistent theme their theme is they're just like they're just a a gang that became a pirate crew that's kind of their theme um they like Sunglasses if you can see here Sarkis Lily uh Eddie although Eddie might just wear regular glasses uh and then those two guys down there that are question marked uh they both have sunglasses they they love they love they love sunglasses I guess I guess that's their thing there I I feel like I feel like Bellamy the only thing Bellamy really has going for him at this point is the is the Jolly Roger like that's the only thing everything else kind of Falls by the wayside um I'm thinking either D or c because alvita let's see alvita had the nice Jolly Roger but had the ship I feel like I feel like alvita has an average Jolly Roger and and a good a pretty okay ship Bellamy's crew has a great Jolly Roger and a pretty average ship so really yeah like if it wasn't for this Jolly Roger if this Jolly Roger was more generic this would go in F tier no question I think D is good for the Bellamy crew the only thing that's saving them is their Jolly Roger okay All Right Moving On big mom's crew okay we got the big mom Pirates all right now this Jolly Roger is split on me it is there is a lot going on here there's a lot of [ __ ] going on here all right you got the skull wearing a crown with big Mom's big lips you have I guess um it's I guess one of those things is supposed to be a candy cane um I'm not really sure what the yellow one is and what the I I always imagine the blue one is supposed to be like a blue candy cane that's how I always envisioned it um the the tree always weirded me out like the tree always seemed like a weird kind of addition like there's just a tree there I guess it's because she gives life to things because of the soul soul fruit um there is a lot go this is a busy Jolly Roger you know what I mean you also got big mom's hair there yeah you got big mom's hair in the background there so you got a skull wearing a crown with big lips uh with her with her lipstick you got pink hair you got these two these three swirl things in the background and then a tree and the tree is detailed the tree has fruit growing on it oh it's not getting an S tier don't worry about it it's definitely not getting an S tier this does not deserve s tier I'm sorry there's just too much going on um oh the family tree okay yeah I guess I get that that's all right but that's that's a lot to include on a Jolly Roger though that's a lot to include here okay raise your hand if you think this is too this is too busy raise your hand if you think this is too busy all right this is all too busy by the time you read it you're dead by the time you understand what you're looking at you're dead you know oh sorry oh a Jolly Roger truly crafted by a five-year-old yeah no I agree with you on that I agree with you on that yeah oh man uh sorry there's a bit of a lag here there's a lag yeah yeah too busy like getting a lot of hand hand waves here yeah yeah it's it's because big mom the only reason anybody takes this seriously is because she is a yonko so she could have any Jolly Roger and back it up it doesn't matter you know this could be 10 times as busy and it could still Inspire Terror but big people are like what is that that's a really busy oh God you know and then we're just you're decimated before you can even look at it yeah um emulsify her ship makes up for the flag well on that front you kind of got a point um so let's pull that up next let's pull up the um Queen Mama Shanter which chanter I believe just is like a song you know an aesthetic thing not aesthetic thing but just like a design of the [ __ ] the ship is based off of like a song because the ship sings okay so the queen Mama Shanter now this is a ship this is a damn ship all right so it's it's busy as well I mean there's a lot going on here as well but it's a cake it's literally a giant cake that has um candy cane sticking out of it wafer cookies sticking out of it the ship is also sentient it's a ship it's like I'm a ship by my ship I'm a ship ship ship you know like so I'm gonna add some points for that you have a literal sentient object as your ship that's cool um um so the name of the crew big mom Pirates that's fine it does it's not like the linlin Pirates or the name is fine the ship is great um the crew design all right I love the idea of big mom's crew being um all family members the aesthetic of that works really well okay like you got 85 something members of the crew um they're all named after food food items that works really well just just the fact they're a family and that's like a pirate crew made of an entire family that that is cool so the crew design is going to get a point there I'm thinking of um oh man see this is tough see I you know what honestly I think I think big mom's crew I think it deserves to be put in a tier right next to kaido because the reason kaido's gotten doc points was because there was an issue with the Jolly Roger where there was like it's a confusing thing with big moms it's kind of something similar checks all the boxes but that Jolly Roger is busy all right there's a lot of stuff going on there I'm thinking a I'm thinking an a tier next to kaido I think kaido and big mom being in the same tier I think works fine I'm still debating with kaido by the way but yeah yeah the food is their actual name too like and they have devil fruit Powers based on food but like kaido had the same thing too kaido's was the Beast Pirates and he has a shitload of zones and the smile users like he fits that the Beast pirate aesthetic he's a Zone his top three officers are zones the six Toby Ropo are all zones the gifters and Headliners are all zones like that works it just works all right yeah kaido has no ship that you know what I'm dropping kaido to be I'm sorry I I don't feel comfortable putting kaido in a I really don't I have an issue with that you know kaido no Flagship which that's a major blow to me you are an yonko dude you you deserve to have like don't don't come to me like big mom can literally animate anything she wants and she still has a flagship you know what I mean everybody still has a flagship kaido's going to be I'm going with my first instinct on this okay yeah I'm going B big mom can can rank a little higher all right I like their design better than kaido's I just do I'm sorry kaido you're going B tier I'm locking it in there it is all right yeah all right what's next uh oh Blackbeard oh okay now here's the fun thing about Blackbeard he has a ship we know the name of the ship but I don't think we've actually ever seen it that's the thing we've seen similar ships in his Fleet I don't think we've ever actually seen his real [ __ ] but before I'm getting ahead of myself getting ahead of myself here let me pull up let me pull up the Blackbeard July Roger okay here we go all right this Jolly Roger I don't need to tell you this is an S tier Jolly Roger okay the Jolly Roger does I mean this is perfect you got the eight bones in the background which adds a little bit more like it kind of you know what I like about Jolly Rogers that have the eight bones as opposed to the uh the standard just the the well I guess technically speaking there's only three there because they go across but you know what I mean it fills out the flag more because there's not as much empty black space behind it you know what I mean like so it kind of like adds more Dimension to the flag but then also you see all these three skulls and it's really simple you got three skulls one facing left and then the center and then the right and then I think it works I think the flag is perfect you know what I mean um now the name of the crew name of the crew is also good because yeah it might just be a flip on the Whitebeard crew but Blackbeard crew I mean there's a reason why Blackbeard is like the most notable pirate in our world and I I think a big reason why Blackbeard persists to this day if you go up to somebody and ask them name a pirate from history name a real life pirate from history every single goddamn person that doesn't study history that's not a history dork like me is going to say Blackbeard no is no one no one no average person on the street is going to be like Oh Henry Avery you know like every no it's like oh Edward Lowe and Bonnie like no that they're gonna say Blackbeard all right Blackbeard is gonna be number one it's just there's a reason why it's a cool ass name all right so that's gonna persist now as for the ship getting to the ship now I don't think we've ever seen it it's called The saber of zebec which the name is awesome name is cool as [ __ ] but um saber of zebek no picture available we have not seen the saber of zback now I have a picture of Blackbeard's um generic kind of uh ship he uses let's see here made so many Blackbeard videos over the years it's not in that one these are Blackbeard's generic ships these are the this is the ships I believe that are um one of these is shiru's ship and one of these is Lafitte ship I think uh the second and fifth ships of the crew um so they're the three logs basically tied together like these giant logs and then they have the ship in them um so I'm imagining the saber of zbec looks similar to this design at least we have something to go off of as opposed to kaido who doesn't have a ship at all and we have no idea like I assume kaido ship has a dragon on it but we've just never seen it that's a shame too there could have been a really cool dragon themed design for kaido's Flagship um I Know Jack Sparrow Jack Sparrow was just a fictional pirate right I don't think Jack Sparrow is Jack Sparrow a real pirate I don't think he was I don't like the logs yeah you know okay Blackbeard clearly likes the logs he clearly has a design for that his first ship was nothing but just a bunch of logs tied together but even after he made it big even after Blackbeard made it big uh he's still he still kept the logs he really loved those logs so you gotta I mean he knows the man knows what he likes the man knows what he wants you know what I mean nothing else um I think Blackbeard and then the crew design um yeah they all have just a very evil menacing theme to them they're like we're evil and we Revel in that you know what I mean like shiryu literally walks around just slaughtering people whenever he feels like it that's who he is that's how he does it and he just owns it you know what I mean Avala Pizarro is this corrupt King that like murdered a bunch of people in his own kingdom Katarina Davon is literally a serial killer that goes around chopping off the heads of every woman that is more beautiful than her and she collects them like trophies like they are basically the some of the evil most evil people in the one piece World gather together formed a crew and that's what they're all about and they just kind of own it right yeah Jack Sparrow was based off of Jack Rackham but Jack Sparrow's not a he's a fictional pirate so that doesn't count um yeah um you know what I feel comfortable now see Blackbeard I feel comfortable putting him in a tier I feel comfortable putting Blackbeard up here if Blackbeard has a really cool ship that we knew that we could see the name of the ship works um but I just think also um no I mean it's really it's really just the lack of a ship here it's it's the lack of a ship that's the issue uh and the raft even if it's like we do see the Savior of zback it's gonna have that that log raft design which it's that that design is like it's hit or miss with me it's it's it's like it's a unique design but then it's just like just three logs like pasted together with ultra hand in like I could do that in tears of the Kingdom you know what I mean um yeah I'm gonna go with a tier for right now I'm gonna go eight here right now a plus minimum the log is fire s tier for Blackbeard come on I'm I'm thinking about it hold on I'm thinking about this more because you you bring up an interesting points okay hold on I'm trying to be fair as I can here okay I know a lot of people are gonna chuckle at that but I'm trying here okay all right hold on okay I put big mom and eight here I put big mom and H here because her Jolly Roger kind of sucks name of the crew is fine ship is awesome and the crew design is awesome so for big mom it was an average name shipping crew really good Jolly Roger you know below average with Blackbeard Jolly Roger is awesome name of the crew does really persevere like I said that that name of that crew really sticks around it sticks in your head the ship name and design the name is good the design we just do not know and the crew design I like the aesthetic of big mom's crew better than I like Blackbeard's crew just because they have the whole family food themed names I like that better than I like Blackbeard's 10 Titanic captains I'm not to say that I don't like the 10 Titanic Titanic captains I do I just like the whole design of the family better than big mom but but with all that being said I think that yes Blackbeard does deserve to go up to S tier I think I think to be fair I think this does work okay man I said I was gonna judge these rather harshly and we already have three s tiers but keep in mind we've already covered three Emperors and the Emperors are like really prominent in the world you know what I mean so like their their designs are going to be really good but I think we're going to start chalking up some f tiers pretty damn soon here this is the it's alphabetical it just so happens that you know Beast Pirates big mom Pirates Blackbeard Pirates all start with bees it's just how that goes um no ship no s but we have the name of the ship I put I put the ship name and design down there so we have the name of the ship which is really killer so with kaido's we don't know the name of kaido ship we don't even get a design we got nothing for kaido ship we have nothing to base that off of oh man no ship no s you know what all right but then I have to reevaluate all this crap hold on a second here oh this is tough I gotta I gotta reevaluate here uh this coffee is cold no ship no s no ship no yes what if the ship is trash you know what you're right then it would be a trash ship that has a cool ass name I don't like to do tier lists that have like s minus a plus a minus I I don't like to do that I really don't uh hmm thinking man I feel like the reason I want to go s tier with Blackbeard is because the only thing that's holding him back is the lack of the ship design Jolly Roger fire name of crew fire the ship's name fire crew design fire but then again then again when we came to S tier s tier literally had to check every single box arlong's crew checks every single box the beautiful Pirates check every single box so if you're looking over here at the rankings see I kind of screwed myself over by putting only four on the side but there's the ship name slash design so technically there are five I I completely forgot that like we know the name of Blackbeard's ship but we don't actually see it I I should have okay so because of that there are five criteria Jolly Roger design name of crew ship name ship design is for and then crew design would be five so unless you check all five of those boxes you cannot be asked here and Blackbeard does not check all five of those boxes I that's that's how it goes that's that you have to that is the rule moving forward you have to check every single box all five in order to get there maybe I should change that off to the side just to make five criteria hold on a moment let me let me see if I can modify this for a moment here text here just I'm just going to do this to make make it obvious that it's a separate thing there five five criteria right there okay there all right that works rankings are based off of Jolly Roger design name of crew ship name ship design crew design okay uh actually you know what let me uh let me change that to I'm gonna go crew uh theme I think would be better uh yeah I think it's a crew theme I think that's a better way to describe that yeah okay all right now I think though we're we're gonna we're gonna move on um okay so what's up next uh oh the black cat Pirates kuro's crew the black cat Pirates I gotta be honest with you I don't hate the Jolly Roger it doesn't have as much impact as Blackbeard's crew or cavendish's crew it's it's just a cat instead of um you know it's just a cat it's just a cat there so okay um I think the cat alone kind of brings it up to Sea tier at least but let's let's go through the rest of the [ __ ] we have here name of the crew uh Black Cat Pirates I think that's a that's a pretty all right name for a crew black cat Pirates it's not like the Kuro Pirates or anything it's the black cat Pirates um they have a ship that I don't think it's I think it's the uh it's the uh kuronian oh wait no that's oh that's no that's something else that's that's a character from um like what wait what curo Neon a small black cat living in the weapon shop oh it appears in one piece Odyssey okay interesting I have to play the rest of that I'm still on alabasta in um One Piece Odyssey by the way um black cat Pirates what was there what was their ship name I think it was called the uh Benson black that was it oh that is oh that is cool dude man I don't I don't hate this this is actually a really cool design for a ship man Oda really brings the fire with some of this crap I'll tell you what these are not even that major villains oh whoa It's distorted again it's like it's a crap shoot with that sometimes it loads immediately sometimes it crashes all right the Ben's in Black that's not bad you got to admit that's kind of a cool ship I love the red and black designs um I'm always a little partial to red and black because those are my school colors and I've always liked the design red and black I've always thought were really cool together um okay so Jolly Roger design it's definitely not the best but it's Unique enough to get a pass from me name of the crew black cat pirates that gets a pass for me ship name Benson black ship design works the the Jolly Roger gets a pass from me but that doesn't it it's not it's not on the level it's not on the level of our long and and Cavendish it's just a cat it's just a cat the cat doesn't even look like it's it's not like an angry cat the cat just looks confused honestly the cat is just like huh maybe you could make that like look if you work in a design a Jolly Roger based around a cat you can make that cat look ferocious as [ __ ] you could have like a like a freaking jaguar or you could have dude dude you could have had like instead of the crossbones you could have had like the cat scratch in the background like these scratches in the background like like double scratches um you can make that cat look ferocious as [ __ ] you know what I mean so it's it's just yeah you there's there's some lost potential there with that it really is um crew theme now the thing is with the theme I I think there was um in the anime okay no no no okay so we only get like a couple of members of kuro's crew we get Kuro himself we get sham and Bucci the neon Bond brothers and we get Jango there was also the uh the guy that they pretended to be Kuro they hypnotized to be curro and then Morgan's killed him and then that's how Morgan's I mean Morgan became a captain in the Marines um so curl he has he doesn't dress like a cat he just has those long nails that are like the cat nails sham and booty both dress like cats so they're they're going full on with the cat design Jango doesn't do anything Jango does not have anything going on he just dresses like Michael Jackson like from the 80s like that's that's basically jongo's design Jango does not dress like a cat he doesn't have anything going on in relating to a cat so it seems like the Cat theme is not super strong with the crew um that you know sham and Bucci are really the only ones that dress that way Jango was a goat he wasn't a cat he was a goat there were only two members that were cats yeah like like really yeah does the rest of the crew use cat ears um let me let me check something here yeah the rest of the crew had they just had little cat ears they dressed normal but they just had like that's low energy though like that's like okay guys we're just gonna put on cat ears like that's that's all we're gonna do here's a couple of cheap one dollar cat ears we got from Dollar Tree just put them on there you go you're the black cat Pirates now yeah they did they just have cat ears like little little costumes you know the only ones that really committed to the bit were sham and Bucci jongo Jango has a mushroom on his chin yeah what does that mean that doesn't mean anything yeah the theme is it is not as powerful of a theme as as big mom's crew or like the Beast Pirates or anything like that man I just feel like there's I really just feel like there's missed potential with this one I really feel like if they just put a little bit more time into it they could come up with some really cool [ __ ] you know black cat Pirates hmm yeah it's very low energy you know what it is I think it might be because Kuro hated being a pirate that like the rest of the CR like he was like oh yeah you're the black cat Pirates I don't know put on these cheap cat ears whatever I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care like Kuro did not care enough to actually like dude like oh that's our Jolly Roger yeah fine whatever I don't care uh uh here put on these ears I guess okay yeah all right here we go we're Pirates it is because Kuro did not want to be a pirate so there's this lack of effort there you know C or D I'm feeling C I'm feeling putting him right next to that works the Jolly Roger is passable but it could have been so much better so much better if you're gonna go with the cat being the Jolly Roger there are so many cooler cats like let me just hold on a second here let me show something hold on a minute here I want to check one thing [Music] um um okay so this is a logo that was used by the Cincinnati Bengals it's a football team this is not the logo they're using right now they use this logo back in the late 90s so I remember them with this logo but this is the Cincinnati Bengal Pirates but not like look like you you could do the cat thing and you can make it look cooler that looks way more ferocious you know what I mean you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah that cat Custom Design was not part of his 100 plans now now C for cat let's just do that yeah all right you you could make a cooler cat than that all right what's next oh the uh the Blick King Pirates so this is waffles crew when he became his short-lived stint as a pirate pull that one up here um um the the design is uh I mean it's it's indicative it's it works as a design you know like this is wobble to a T um you got waffles Iron Jaw his metal jaw you have the tongue sticking out like he just finished a good meal like oh God that was delicious you got the crown obviously because waffle wanted to be the he's the king you know uh still is a king technically although they might revoke that coming up here um I love I love for everybody it's just like no it's waffle he sucks I'm like guys we're we're basing him off a crew here like let's let's do this all right let's you know I like the Jolly Roger it's Unique it's more unique than the cat I gotta tell you that much all right the name of the crew is the um the blicking Pirates it is a tin Tyrant pirates in the English [Music] um their ship was the uh the Blick King so the name doesn't really it's the Blick King Pirates and you're just gonna call them the Blick King so the design is is really not super crazy I mean the name is not super creative there it's just the same thing for both of them the Blick King oh my God it keeps doing that okay blicking Pirates all right licking all right so the ship is actually really dope I gotta be honest with you the design of the ship actually passes it does really well for me you got this huge ship it's submersible the whole thing gets covered in metal plates and then can submerge underwater that is actually really cool it's I love the snowflake designs on the side Robson uh which is uh the little white walker uh White walkie thing that uh uh waffle has his little companion his name Robson and that is the figurehead of the ship it has this I'll tell you what this is the first ship in one piece that has an overly mechanical it's kind of like steampunk in a way like a very steampunk Advanced kind of design that we really hadn't seen up until now um the ship I think does really well the name doesn't uh it's like one or the other it's like you're either the Blick King Pirates and you have a different name for the ship or the ship is called the blicking and you have a different name for your crew if you're if you're gonna share names then it's just it doesn't work as well the crew theme I don't think there was really a solid theme with this one wobble chess curl marimo uh and then the rest of the crew just wore like winter clothing and They Carried guns around they they didn't really have like an overall like they could have worn like they could have all had like 10 armor like metal armor like as waffle has the tin jaw so all of the crew could have worn like armor with like giant like Tower Shields like you could have went like you could have all went like like a knight in shining armor kind of like not in you know like not like that like on a fairy tale but like you know Tower Shields cool tin kind of like unfeeling uncaring killing machines kind of crew like you could have done something with that um so a theme is kind of lacking name of the ship is kind of lacking Joy Roger name and design of the ship are all good um yeah chess and Carl marimo kind of had their own things going here like chess's thing was different and Carl marimo had his like own they were like off doing their own themes there was nothing really cohesive you know the way teching isn't going to finish the stream this week uh this might be a part two I mean I'll go as long as I want to go what would you rather me do just like wobble F you know I don't like tearless people that do that I really don't I don't like it when somebody's doing a tier list and it's just like okay this is an F this is an F this is an F this is a d this is an a I'll think about this one a little bit all right I'll put this on as all right this is enough this is an F this and F you know I'm doing a tier list I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna go through this I'm gonna look at each one of these damn things all right I'm not I'm not just gonna be like waffle sucks he gets an F tier moving on you know isn't D and D today uh no um that's next week for um One Piece DND yeah um where am I gonna eat dinner tonight is the question uh okay but I do think it's time to rank waffle here okay hmm how do we feel about B tier it got three out of the five pretty solid um I'm actually okay with that royalty is the theme well even with that then you have conflicting kind of [ __ ] going on nah he doesn't deserve a d he does a little bit better than d C or B C is Max yeah I agree we'll go see just thinking here yeah I think that's fair that's fair because the black cat Pirates Jolly Roger was a name was good ship was good uh ship name was good that's a thing it's like the only thing that like black cats are really keeping them down was just the crew theme in the crew design of the yeah I want to go be I feel B uh okay here we go now we're getting into the now we're getting into them all right next up is Bonnie so she's the Bonnie Pirates we're just gonna deduct one point for that um because you could have come up with something clever with that one but no so it's the Bonnie Pirates let me pull up that uh let's see here we go Bonnie Pirates all right so the name of the crew does not work but the um Jolly Roger for her I like uh it's it's like a pizza and that's her favorite food in the background so it's got a pizza in the background Bonnie's pink hair her lipstick uh and there's a big bite taken out of not just the pizza but also part of her Skull part of her face uh which indicates that she's you know big eater jewelry Bonnie so the name is boring as hell it's just her name but the Jai Roger definitely gets a pass on that one uh the ship name we do know actually Oda specifically designed all of the Supernova ships for um stampede so we have all of those let's see what we got I think it's called the pizza margarita or something like that Jory Margarita because it's based off of a pizza so the designs of the Supernova ships actually are pretty cool all right all right we got the jewelry margarita uh I think it gets a pass I think it gets a pass for both name of the ship and the name and the design of the ship uh I love the whole thing is based off of pizza you could see the pepperoni you could see the cheese melting on the deck the the figurehead is kinda the figurehead is weird because it's like you could have maybe done something cooler than that you literally just took the simplified Jolly Roger on on the simplified skull on the Jolly Roger and then just made that bigger I feel like you could have done something clever for the um for the figurehead it's like a pizza themed ship so I don't know you could have had a you know those little you know those little uh things they put on like Domino's Pizza like you open it up and there's like the little like the little centerpiece in the pizza like a little table you could have done something with that maybe I don't know um I I like it though I like it though uh now for the crew theme they don't really have a theme uh they all wear uh I'm gonna take the tin Tyrone off there they don't really wear um anything special uh because of Bonnie's ability to alter the the crew's age they all wear clothing that's like really tight uh usually because when they change their ages the clothes don't change with them so they have to still be able to wear them if like Bonnie transforms them into like a child or something so they they all wear like misshapen like and even Bonnie herself wears clothing that's very it doesn't fit her that's not really a theme though that's kind of just like a that's just like oh wait that's like a practical clothing choice because of Bonnie's abilities or impractical clothing Choice depending on you know depending on the situation but there's really there's no theme with Bonnie's crew really uh I mean like wobble with the Beast Pirates I mean dude I'm telling you what like I try to I will say this much try to take away any idea of like strength from this list we are not ranking these Crews based off of strength we are raking that we're ranking them based off of the design of their overall crew yes obviously the Beast Pirates are a million times stronger than the wobble waffles Pirates like obviously they can wipe them all out in like less than 10. you send ulti just ulti ulti could decimate waffles crew in less than a minute all right like that's not what we're ranking here so I know looking at the list it's like Beast Pirates are next to Waffle it's like hey man that's how we're doing it her clothes fit uh they really don't but okay um I think Bonnie deserves based off of what we're doing here the only thing she really lacks is she's getting she's losing a point because of the name and she doesn't really have a theme so to me that seems textbook beat here if we're taking a point off for no theme whatsoever and we're taking a point off for the name of the crew I think this might be where a lot of supernovas end up actually yeah okay all right next up buggy oh buggy buggy buggy buggy buggy buggy buggy Pirates all right I gotta tell you guys right now I know everybody's gonna go s tier for bogey s tier for bogey I gotta be honest with you guys though I feel like there's a little bit of Miss potential here buggy is the clown pirate all right you could have literally just he could have named his crew the clown Pirates the circus Pirates the carnival Pirates he has the Jolly Roger which is a nose it has the red nose s-tier flag you know what I really don't think so I know a lot of people are gonna get mad at me for that but I feel like this flag like I feel like you could do more with this I feel like you could even even just adding like buggies blue hair on the flag like if Buggy's whole thing is I'm the [ __ ] clown pirate all right you could really go nutso with that like I feel like the clown pirate should have a super colorful flag you know like you could go even just the skull the red nose and like blue hair maybe some color in the background maybe the skull itself could have some color to it like some face paint it's it's the [ __ ] clown Pirates you know Buggy's ship is called the Big Top it that is cool the ship buggies ship is awesome that's gonna get him some major points we gotta stop and think about this logically here okay the big top is fun this image doesn't even do it a great Justice uh because it's kind of at a weird angle but the deck of the ship is really cool the deck of the ship has like you can't even really see it all that well but the deck of the ship looks awesome it has like a giant Carnival tent and people are going around doing like you know juggling and like fire breathing [ __ ] all the time it's got like an elephant that fires cannons out of the figurehead you know like the big top is a cool name for a ship he's got the big top he's got a cool ship name all of Buggy's crew are they're all clowns or performers so the theme is there um but then again the name of his crew he just goes with buggy Pirates I feel like the clown Pirates would work so much better buggy I set a rule and my rule is if you have the name in your crew with nothing else really to distinguish it like Bartow Club added something different but his name is buggy from what we know it's just buggy all right and he just buggy buggy boom that's it so you're getting a point off for that I'm sorry buggy and uh I feel like the Jolly Roger could be more I feel like you could do more with this [ __ ] hmm I'm not gonna include I'm not including the cross Guild on this because they don't have a Jolly Roger yet and uh they haven't even started sailing around in their own ship yet so I'm not I'm not including I'm not including cross Guild stuff here yeah I think because it's kind of like buggy is his name but it also works as a clown name you know it's a weird name it's not like my name is Bill the pirate the bill crew it's it's buggy buggy is the name you would think of like hey there kids I'm buggy the clown like it works so maybe we could just split the diff maybe we could just be like half off for name like a point off for name but like kind of half a point more because of um the the what was the other thing I took off the no not the theme this is the ship Amazon I was like oh yeah oh yeah maybe it makes it like the Jolly Roger kind of like makes up for it a bit I I think a tier is fine I can't go higher than that yeah I I think a tier is the most I can go with buggy because it's it's kind of skirting a line with that he doesn't embrace the clown I mean he Embraces the clown a hundred percent I feel like you could do more with the Jolly Roger than that though I feel like the Jolly Roger is kind of lacking yeah yeah I think a is acceptable for buggy all right what's next uh caribou I think he also is just called the Caribou Pirates too um pretty sure it's just the Caribou pirates in which case minus a point caribou yep just the Caribou Pirates all right so Jolly Roger I like the angular um I like the light like the angles with this one um his name is based off of he's just a caribou so you got the homage the homage to a caribou at least see here I know what the [ __ ] horns represent you know what I mean like these these things make sense and you can also kind of look at them like waves so it's like he's a caribou but you got the waves also the horns of the Caribou the antlers of a caribou I like the angular expression of the jaw uh you got the zigzag hair thing which represents his hair um you got the little you got the little that that little piece of like goatee I feel is kind of unnecessary but I don't think it hurts it I just feel like you could kind of cut that out it's fine yeah um now caribou's ship what is the name of caribou ship do we have that uh numable the Numa Bowl I like this this actually is cool because it has a cool uh figurehead the Numa Bowl because he ate the Numa Numa Nomi so there it is yeah the uh the figurehead of this is um a standard just like an actual caribou so but other than that the Caribou the Caribou figurehead is is Beast I'll admit but other than that it's a normal ass ship it's it's a pretty standard ship it just has a cool figurehead the name of the ship it's okay the name of the ship is fine uh the Numa bow because he has the Numa Numa Nomi not super creative but it's not bad I I've heard worse names for a ship um the ship's actually cool the the figurehead is cool there's nothing else about the ship that's really unique it's just a ship that has a cool figurehead it's it's yeah uh then the crew theme uh the theme of his crew I don't even think they really had one they didn't all dress like they are oh God they all dressed like like mimes they all dressed like mimes dude hold on a second let me show you this so Caribou had his own I don't think caribou's like caribou's design was like escaped mental patient because he had like the suit he looked like he was wearing like a like a straight jacket that he broke out of as for the rest of his crew though caribou's crew just looks like look at that they're like they're like mimes the grave diggers korbo has a lizard they have momu [Music] momu no they look Dopey yeah wasn't the theme like they were gravediggers they were like graveyard yeah kind of I mean that was like They Carried shovels around that was kind of a theme yeah I guess they did have a theme they had a theme they they kind of went around and like smacked people with shovels and then like buried them with the shovels all right I I guess it's it's not much of like a big cohesive theme but it is a theme foreign s are good um all right so let's see what we got here all right so we have um Jolly Roger okay name of crew gets a point uh docked uh ship name is just okay ship design is average and the crew theme is is something they do have a crew theme not a very creative one like like hey guys we're gonna carry these shovels and like hit people with shovels and then we can bury them with the shovels it's like okay all right cool I guess um I'm feeling seat here I'm feeling C tier for Caribou I'm feeling like he's he's pretty average here what do you guys think for this Louis has standards damn you yeah see I think C tier is all right I mean we haven't we haven't gotten anything yet that I think is so damn bad is worthy of f tier I really don't think so I don't know if anything will even go into F tier uh uh I don't know maybe maybe something will I don't look at it I'm not seeing anything on here that's like so bad well okay actually we'll we'll see we'll cross that bridge when we come to it okay moving on uh what's next we have uh the cook Pirates the cook Pirates of course the mighty crew of red foot zeph cook Pirates laughs where did I put your Jolly Roger uh here all right so um they're the coke Pirates they're cooks that works that it makes sense you got the knife in the fork you got a chicken or maybe a duck not really sure I think it's supposed to be a chicken of course is a staple food it's got it lays eggs that you can cook you can kill the chicken and chicken breasts chicken tenders chicken head whatever you eat um flag's really good um so on that front keep in mind this is an older flag and there's not like a better like this is like an older design flag like there's not like an updated version of this like a better quality version of this so this is really all we get but let's look up uh zef's um the cooking George see we got here the cooking George like the name cooking George is pretty good okay so the uh the wine bottle that you see there that's a separate ship that's the orbit which was the cruise ship they attacked so that's not part of that ship so the cooking George it it looks like a oh okay it looks like a normal ship at first glance but it does have some stuff attached to it here you got the the chicken head with a bib and then you have the fork and the knife the chicken is wearing a chef's hat there's also two Chef's hats in the Crow's Nest and there's like hooks on the end of the the sales which might be indicative of like meat hooks like you'll have a meat hook in a freezer to hang like you know pork or or cows or whatever and freeze them until it's time to like prepare them um I mean the flag is the flag is kind of I like the flag I don't I don't think it's mid I don't think it's great I think it's slightly above mid tier for the flag yeah the baratier was a lot more inspired but but we're not ranking the bratay we're ranking his pirate ship that's what we're doing it's a duck yeah I think it is a duck looking at it this way it does look like a duck it looks like a duck on the figurehead but it looks like a chicken when you look at it like this wouldn't his ship be the baratier uh zeph's not a pirate anymore so no baratia is not a pirate ship um it's all right you know I think it's just above average in both regards I think the design of the Jolly Rogers just above average and I think the ship design is just above average where Caribou had a nice figurehead but the rest of the ship was ordinary and boring there's just enough added to the cooking George to make it distinct but not overly distinct the ship design like I said barely above that crew theme uh I don't remember a lot of zeph's crew uh I don't even know if we saw a lot of them uh no I think I think zeph's crew just all looked like regular ass Pirates uh did did zef's crew all like if they were all wielding like like they were all dressed like chefs like if they were all wearing like like let's say they were wearing like kitchen aprons and stuff like a chef's outfit but they were like dyed red with blood and like goes oh that would be cool like red foot zeph and then the crew comes out wearing red kitchen attire and like a blood soaked like chef's hat and they all had like giant forks and knives I know they wielded those during the barrattier but like uh you know let me let me look up the cook Pirates here um the only known crew members are zeph and non-canonically fosty who the [ __ ] is fosty okay that's just a guy that look that is a normal dude that is a normal guy he appears in one piece Odyssey I guess he used to be a member of the the cook Pirates but he does not look unique at all he doesn't have like a cook Chef design so um that doesn't look like kaido at all yeah you're right all right I think I've seen enough here um I think I'm gonna go B tier on this one the lack of crew theme is really the only thing I can complain about here everything else is either average or slightly above average yeah that's not bad I'll go pee that's all right okay what's next uh okay so next up is the smile we got doflamingos now this is interesting this is an interesting design because it's not just doflamingo's personal Jolly Roger oh my God why do I keep oh there we go it's also kind of the symbol for like his entire like pirate you know like underworld like industry like this thing is not so much a Jolly Roger as it literally is like a logo for a business like an underworld like black market business is like like slave trading and [ __ ] is is literally what this thing represents um so I'm actually debating how to judge this one do I judge it just solely how doflamingo like just his crew and that it or do I judge it based on like everything that symbol represents because Jolly Roger design is it's it's simplistic but it's powerfully simplistic the name of the crew would be the doflamingo family which I don't think you don't get away with using just family it's it's still Flamingo you have it in the name um ship name just don't Flamingo don't Flamingo definitely had a flagship doe Flamingo family no no it's actually no it's actually just the Don Quixote it's the Don Quixote Pirates or the Don Quixote family either way it has his name in it oh yeah I did uh the numancia flamingo okay that's that's funny as [ __ ] all right all right all right all right all right okay like damn it don't flip one of the most evil sons of [ __ ] in the entire one-piece world you have to understand how evil doflamingo is and he sails around in this monstrosity hmm [Laughter] [ __ ] it I feel like I mean Joy Roger is Iconic name of the crew I know you lose a point for that a tier I'm sorry you're losing a point for that ship name the lumancia flamingo Good Ship design is so it's so goofy it it's so horrible it's perfect all right and then the crew theme they're they're like the mafia they all kind of have like their Mafia family thing going on here I I made it no I made a rule if you have your name in the in the in the in the title of your crew and you don't even attempt to like do anything with it it's it's just like your last name or first name as the crew you're you're getting a dock point for that I don't care that's that's the iron clad rule I said at the beginning of this you're not you're not getting Nest here I'm sorry but I gotta be honest with you like that Flamingo is amazing oh yeah they have the card theme they have the card theme the the Spade club heart diamond yeah yeah that's fine that's as high as I can put you yeah yeah I love that I love that design that's great but our long arlong did not uh that's not his name it was not the arlong Pirates it was the fish man Pirates yeah [Music] um yeah they were not the arlong Pirates I could double check on that but oh the fit hold on a second here let me let me double check on that actually because that is significant that might be a Mandela effect kind of thing oh wait no the [ __ ] okay that was a Mandela effect moment for me I could have sworn they were the fish man Pirates because they were called the new Fishman oh wait no because okay no wait no those are the sun Pirates all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's back up for a moment here let's back up for a second okay so our Long's crew are just the arlong Pirates horty Jones's crew were the new Fishman Pirates and Fisher Tigers crew were the sun Pirates where the normal Fishman Pirates unless the sun Pirates were also called the Fishman let me look that up Sun Pirates okay Sun Pirates also known as Fish Man Pirates okay this is that is where the confusion originated from that is where the confusion originated from there okay well if that is the case then I have to move our along down the way I thought it went was because he based his crew off of arlong I thought the arlong Pirates were the fish man Pirates and then hodi based his crew off some new fish man Pirates that's what I originally assumed all right yeah hodi has the new Fishman Pirates but he was basing that off of the sun Pirates alternate name rather than arlong's alternate name it literally just is our long Pirates my God I did not that is a Mandela effect if there ever was one there I I wow wow damn it arlong you had you had everything going for you arlong you had everything going for you you just could have picked a different goddamn name it was even our long Pirates it was our long Pirates and four kids it was Arlen Pirates and Funimation like it was the arlong Pirates man they were not I don't think yeah huh yep okay well that's the situation that's the situation sorry arlong sorry buddy so the only pirate crew the only pirate crew that has checked all these boxes so far is cavendish's beautiful Pirates can we get an Applause for Cavendish go Cavendish all right well that's that that was what we that was what we did that was the agreement right okay huh who's next Drake Pirates the Drake Pirates so Drake loses a point because it's the Drake Pirates but This Crew is a little different actually that's not accurate hold on because his his Jolly Roger actually does have a different background here it is this is what it's supposed to look like because he's red flag Diaz Drake do you get it because he was a traitor in the Marines and you were considered like red flag is like the flag of a traitor so red flag Diaz Drake so it's literally a red flag with a the best uh design I've had for this it just says it's like a European styled symbol I I don't know if this symbol is supposed to be anything in particular but it's it's it looks different the the design of it is from a different kind of like Place rather than the skulls it's based off of like you know because Sir Francis Drake who was a British Privateer Explorer he's the one that he was the first person to he was the first European to reach the western side of the continental United States and he was also the first person to circumnavigate the entire world in a like because um Magellan attempted this but Magellan died halfway through and then uh encano who was his like second in command he made it all the way around but he was the first British person to circumnavigate the entire globe in in one consistent Expedition um so I really like the design and I like the swords in the background because he fights in that way his crew does have a theme uh they all wear similar hats if nothing else they have like a musketeer kind of theme hold on Drake Pirates um yeah they all they do is they all kind of wear the same kind of hat that has like a Three Musketeer kind of vibe um the name of the crew is is weak the ship name is the liberal hind which is referencing um the uh the name of Sir Francis Drake's ship was the Golden Hind there's actually a replica of it in England that's uh seaworthy they made a replica of it so that was the Golden Hind this is the liberal Hind which is a I love the design of the liberal Heim because it's taking a former Marine ship and then repurposing it because you could see the Marine stencils on the bottom but they repainted it so it's black and red rather than white and blue so they literally invert the colors from white to black to blue I mean white and blue to black and red that's cool and I love the red flags I love like like Drake took that and just rolled with it like I'm a traitor I'm a red flag all right well I'm gonna make it the red flag all right communist Drake I guess well liberal is in his liberal I don't know some people in America there's like Liberals are communists you know like honestly uh um talk to some people living around Pennsylvania they'll probably like like liberal is communism liberal is socialist it's all the same thing um the ship design I like and I like the ship's name and the crew theme is the crew theme is a little lacking but from what we've seen of it it does exist uh let me see if I can get a decent picture of the crew design really quick I made a video about Drake with the Supernova series let me see if I have that on standby uh because when he visits kaido's island with Scotch the robot dude uh we do get to see his crew in kind of full view there uh see if I have an image of it uh yes I do okay here's here's Drake's crew all right like that's actually you know what looking at it now that actually is a pretty dope theme they all have like a Three Musketeer kind of thing going on they all have a cloak they all wear the same hats and they they wield rapiers they wear like rapiers as their weapons like little fencing Sabers that is a theme good sir that is a like 18th century kind of uh not conquistador that would be Spanish but that's like 18th century kind of vibe there something going on there you know what I mean yeah um I honestly I think it deserves an a honestly I I think everything works for a except just the name of the crew um July Rogers awesome it's very unique uh you really don't see any other like like any other Jolly Roger on here that's red in the background the only one is the Revolutionary Army and that's not even a pirate crew I just kind of threw that on there as like bonus so you got the rochio Pirates but that's more of a red circle not the whole thing is red yeah I'm gonna put it eight here if it wasn't for that name if it wasn't for the damn name they would they would be asked here right now they'd be they'd be hanging out with the beautiful Pirates but I'm sorry man I'm sorry yeah okay what's next oh the fake Straw Hat crew all right now now the F tier might come into play now the F tier may come into play uh isn't that a reversed Marine logo I don't think it's supposed to be a reversed Marine logo I think it's supposed to be just a really cool looking like European kind of style like design that Knights and [ __ ] would wear back in the day I don't know um so we're okay so let let no let's let's do this fairly here I don't think I have this oh wait no I I made a video about the fake straw hats uh fake straw hats where did I put you God I I love I I keep records for everything every video I've ever made has a folder it is I I am very highly organized when it comes to videos um okay here we go so this is the Jolly Roger that the fake Straw Hat crew okay how stupid do you have to be to [ __ ] this up I mean really like like really all you have to do is take the existing Jolly Roger that you know what it looks like and just copy it one for one these dudes were these people were trying to make people think the straw hat crew was back and they messed up the Jolly Roger all you had to do was just copy it if you wanted to do it if you wanted to make people think you were the straw hats copy the straw hat oh man weren't most pirates European there were there were Chinese Pirates back in the day I don't know you'd have to check to see which ones are like there were percentages of more European Pirates to British prior I mean Britain is in England European Pirates or Asian Pirates uh or Pirates of the Caribbean I don't know um African Pirates I'm not really sure you'd have to go back and check I think there were probably more European ones but there might be more um it's the sleazy version yeah uh the name of the crew is just the straw hat Pirates so they're copyright infringing on that one ship name is they didn't have a ship but I'm assuming they would have I'm assuming they would have grabbed a shitload of like really crappy wood together and just here's the going Mary there you go it's like a crappy Dollar Store going Mary like there you go um the crew theme is literally copyright infringement this is copyright infringement the the pirate crew yeah so I'm putting them at fftr because they're literally just they're just posers man they're a bunch of posers they're like like Barlow Mayo bartolomeo's whole thing is like okay I am a fanboy of the straw hats I love the straw hats so much I'm gonna make that my theme there's a little bit of endearingness to that but it's also kind of like cringy and a little bit Overkill but they also have the power like bartolomeo is strong they made it to the new world they kind of have the strength to back it up uh demalo black and the the fake straw hats literally were just a bunch of nobody posers that were like I'm just gonna steal the straw hats clout and try to make that my own and try to get through the the grand line with that that is literally what they were trying to do they weren't doing it because they loved the straw hats they have some homage to the strats they literally were just stealing their their their [ __ ] you know booties you're just a bunch of phonies exactly they are yeah the theme deserves an S no because it sucked all right it sucked the theme was horrible the theme was we're gonna steal the Pirates we're gonna steal the straw hats image to make our own name for ourselves and we're just gonna do it in a crappy way you know what I mean great great theme great Flag Great crew name oh well you know what honestly let's just go let's go EST here then I don't see any problem here um I'm thinking F okay what could possibly be worse than double F tier here what could possibly be worse I'm seeing some [ __ ] here that could be bad um because if the fake straw hats are not going on the double F tier I don't I don't think there's any other pirate crew that's gonna go on there I'm leaving them in the double left here they deserve double left here I'm leaving them there okay oh now we're talking actually you know what we have two Crews coming up here that are real bangers we have two Crews coming up that I love that might be contenders for S tier they might actually both be contenders for S tier but I really need to take a piss so I'm gonna go drop this piss and I'm gonna come back and then we're gonna we're gonna tackle two really solid contenders for an S tier category so you guys start thinking about this and and I'll be right back I'm gonna go back to Shanks here and we'll be right back foreign foreign okay we're back all right what is this garbage music [ __ ] you that's awesome music it's Attack on Titan dude okay um moving on here all right so we got some really good Crews here I gotta admit these ones are probably like the best ones out of the whole Supernova lot uh we got the Fallen monk Pirates led by the great the indomitable a Rouge if I could find his Jolly Roger here here it is okay we got the Fallen monk Pirates okay that in a sea of supernovas that all have their damn name that is badass the Fallen monk Pirates the Jolly Roger of this is great every aspect it looks better when it's in color obviously but the the design of this is impeccable you got aruges face you got his wings and you got the beads of his necklace of like his Buddhist like aesthetic there so you got that going for it um you got his ship which I'll pull up now and Arusha ship is so cool okay Fallen among Pirates and the Hanjo Maru oh my God that is so damn cool this might be an S tier guys it might be oh wow whoa that looks so demonic it's like a freaking kishan look at this look at this look at this ship look at that Hanjo Maru has a freaking Oni it's a damn Oni that actually looks terrifying like if you saw that thing sailing to you out of the like imagine it's a foggy night on the sea the sun just went down fog and then you see this [ __ ] thing emerging out of the Fog that is like scary as crap all right Hanjo Maru what does that mean probably something with okay um Hanjo Maru doesn't actually say huh doesn't actually say what it means um oh it has kanji though let me look up let me look up the kanji for this kanji time we gotta look up kanji when it comes to when it comes to this name so I really know what the name means okay Hanjo Maro okay it has the kanji for Hanya which means um wisdom and I've heard things like wisdom demon could be a thing with that and then it has the kanji for uh Castle or Fortress oh it has the kanji for Shiro which is the same for like the like uh beige's fruit so it's like you know wisdom Castle and then what the last kanji is like what Chikara no Circle Maru perfection I think it works I think it fits um I mean oh the crew yeah the crew has it dude the crew works the crew has the theme I mean the theme itself like like a Rouge a Rouge had it right where he doesn't have an overly complicated theme all right his theme is they are Fallen Buddhist monks from the sky that is their theme and here is his crew like they're all wearing cloaks they're like they have they have the sashes they have the cloaks they all dress the same kind of looks like they're in a cult honestly but that sort of works for a Rouge you know what I mean like them all wearing the same thing kind of works like there's some kind of religious order which they kind of are you know so like let's go through this again all right Jolly Roger design I love it name of the crew Fallen among Pirates I love it ship name Hanjo Maru I think it works perfectly it has a [ __ ] Oni on it ship design amazing crew theme works I think I think we've hit all the [ __ ] marks on this one I think we've hit all the Five Points I I think we go I think we're going estier on a Rouge I really I mean if somebody has any uh counteracting uh claim on that let me know but I I don't I don't it's here why what what's missing from it I really don't see it everything that Cavendish has he has too I don't see anything missing here um s everyone's saying s tier I agree dude anybody that's saying a tier like make your case for a tier like why do you think it does not fit s tier because I I'm really not seeing it here I have a counter claim all right state state your counter claim sir State your counter claim um Pokemon Pirate Flag I think the flag looks dope I don't think it looks like a Pokemon it's his his thing is he's literally a he Grins and smiles as he bashes your face in with a giant metal pillar that's that's what he does the fact that he's smiling and grinning on the Jolly Roger I I think it fits the the flag looks Aztec for some reason probably because of the the wings design and they had like a lot of winged serpents the lack of drip a Rouge has all of the drips sir my argument is that it is a tier because it is not s tier okay well with that being said s tier we have all the information that we're ranking today for a Rouge yes he hasn't done much in the story really hasn't really done anything in the story but we have all the information we need okay we have a name for the crew we have a Jolly Roger we have a ship name we have the ship design we have a crew theme we have all that [ __ ] we just don't know a lot about a Rouge all right but you know missing relevance in the story that is not what we were grading this on today sir okay um when he shows up it just means he's gonna be more badass when he finally shows up and does things okay now not to lose not to lose stride though we were moving right along to another really good crew and a possible Contender here definitely for S tier as well because this guy knows where it's at this guy brought the fire with this I'm looking for a the colored image of it but I can't find the colored image here so I'm just going to use this one but uh you can see the uh the image that's colored in there in the tier list so we now have the fire tank Pirates led by Capone beige Al Capone beigey I do not have words this Jolly Roger is so unique it incorporates his devil fruit ability the fact that he literally is a castle man he transforms into a castle so you got his face being a part of the castle wall merging with the Castle's parapets you got a flag coming out of him you got his cigar you got the guns pointed right at you this is a s tier Jolly Roger this is an S tier Jolly Roger all right I don't care what anyone says name of the crew fire tank Pirates not only that but the fire tank pirates walk around with giant ass Tower Shields that say ft on them and they all dress like [ __ ] gangsters beiji's theme is Gangster obviously but he is hardcore with that he's like every single morning men Shine Your Shoes make sure your suits are freshly pressed I'm not gonna have any any Schmutz on your suits here in the fire tank crew like Beijing police is this strictly as [ __ ] all right every single member there you know in the castle there is an all-night dry cleaning and all night laundry because his men need to make sure they look the part freshly pressed suits freshly shined shoes cologne well-kept hair well kept everything they're like Shine Your swords make sure your Shields are make sure your guns are in top shape he makes sure everybody stays on top of this in his crew not gangster Mafia no that's a good point not gangsters they are the mafia they are the mafia the fire tank Mafia yeah a gangster Crew That's like that's like bartolomeo's Crew That's like doflamingo no they are well doflamingo's kind of Mafia too but fire tank Pirates do it better they do it better all right they do it definitely better uh ship name oh we haven't even talked about the ship yet all right well let's pull that up all right so fire tank Pirates their ship is the Nostra Castello and uh let me just pull that up here if it loads it does not really no Rhyme or Reason to that it's just wait actually sometimes it might just load if I no it won't do it no matter what okay just checking this is an awesome ship ah the Nostra Costello mind you look at this thing all right not only does the ship have an awesome design as well as the Cannons it has the parapet out in front like The Rook because he was The Rook of the uh big mom crew as well so there's a rook there the symbol like the chess piece but also you can't see it it's a little bit behind the sails there but you see the giant castle design on the ship and the damn thing has tank treads that can bring it up on land now it was destroyed unfortunately but I'm not ranking it based off of it was destroyed or not all right this is cool as [ __ ] the reference the no straw Costello uh the ship means our Castle in Italian although the correct Association would have been nostro Castello since Castello is a male noun I see so maybe Oda didn't 100 know how to you know write Italian which is fine um the ship's name is likely a reference to the Koza Nostra the Italian name for the Sicilian Mafia fitting in with the mafia theme of the crew I mean come on now this is this is great this is fantastic you got the referencing back to the real world mafiosos of Italy you have a terrestrial tank shredded Castle ship the crew are all impeccably dressed as mafiosa like come on this is this is s tier 100 in fact I'm not really doing this but I'm gonna do this anyway I'm gonna do this for S tier there you go there you go so far the fire tank crew I think embody this 100 percent maybe maybe I'll do this actually there you go if you want to do this that is going to the top of s tier top of s tier beigey checked every box JB not JB uh Beijing knew he was going out to sea to be a pirate and he knew he wasn't going to go out to sea to be a good pirate unless he had everything ready to go and he had everything ready to go 100 percent how long have we been streaming uh two hours almost two and a half hours and how many more of these do we have left I I'm thinking about breaking this up into two-part stream um let's see how many did we get through one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen we did we did 20 Crews we did a solid 20 Cruise so far um we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36. we have like 30. we have like over 30 to go um I think this might be a good place to stop part one um we did 20 well okay hold on a moment let me let me figure this out let me we could just do half and half hold on a second okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighty yeah we did 20. we did 20 exactly and we have 28 29 30. 35 left so 35 plus 20. we had 55 divided by 2. so that's 27 27.5 would be half all right let's do [ __ ] it let's just do eight more we'll do eight more then we'll stop that'll be halfway and we do the other half next time we'll do that we'll do we'll do okay there we go wait hold on just double check I didn't count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so that'd be 28 and then 30. yeah yeah there's yeah okay we'll do we'll do eight more all right you need seven more I'll I'll just do 27.5 I'll just I'll just do 28. uh one two three four five six wait hold on one two three four five six seven eight the last one will be Hawkins that'll be good because we'll finish it off with Hawkins and the next time we could start with with laws crew starting with the heart Pirates next time that's that's a strong opener I feel so we'll end it at Hawkins yes stopping right before law yeah but that's for part two that'll be good and also in part two we got the heart Pirates we got the kid pirates we're gonna get the straw hats in part two we're gonna get the Roger Pirates the red hair Pirates the sun Pirates part two is gonna be fun part two is gonna have a lot of big names and I'm starting to get kind of you know my throat's starting to get kind of raspy here and I'm starting to get kind of hungry I think I'm gonna go to dinner after this all right but let's move on the flying Pirates many of you might even not know this one this is this is Van Der deck and screw all right now the flying Pirates have a lot going for them and they don't have a lot of going for them at the same time I don't even think I have their Jolly Roger on my page uh do I oh well I don't even think I don't even think I did them in my Jolly Roger video I think I completely forgot them that's sad all right well see we got here all right so Vander decken is actually Vander deck in like the ninth or something or is Evander deck in the 12th he's Vander decken the uh this is [ __ ] Van Der deck in the ninth yeah so this is actually not his ship this is actually his like great great great great great grandfather ship I think so it does work though I mean it's a beaten to crap ship but it is the Flying Dutchman okay the Flying Dutchman is not just a spooky ghost ship no The Flying Dutchman is the ghost ship it is the it is the origin it is the originator of all ghost ships it is the legendary Ghost Ship okay so the fact that it's all beaten to crap and covered in Moss and missing like planks and stuff and the Sails are all ripped and tattered that just adds to the aesthetic of it it's a damn ghost ship all right um and so I think it's going to earn points for that the Flying Dutchman name and the ship design is fine uh the Jolly Roger is really not all that unique I mean the Jolly Roger you can kind of see it down there um it's it's just it's just a half skull with some teeth I think the uh the grandiose-ness of just the Flying Dutchman kind of does it July Rogers kind of boring uh the name of the crew is the flying Pirates which I I get what you're doing because Flying Dutchman but I think Dutchman Pirates would have been better or literally just the Flying Dutchman Pirates you would have died I would have docked some points because it's the same name as the crew but like that's still spooky um but just the flying Pirates kind of makes you think that like they're they fly in the air and this is like way at the bottom of the ocean uh yeah the fangs are all right but you know uh the cruise theme I don't think the crew really has a theme uh they might have had a theme back when the original Vander decken was on it but the current theme is just Van Der decken and wadatsume and some other random fishmen are on the crew there's really not much of a theme like Van Der decken could really go crazy with it Vander deck and could like go the Scooby-Doo route with it or like the Venture Brothers Route with it like it's like I love being a ghost pirate again like you could literally be ghost pirates you could literally dress up like ghost pirates and be like matey I be the ghost of Vander decken you know you could drag you down to Davey Jones's Locker like you could like Vander decken could literally be ghost pirate he could like he has the pedigree his his great great great whatever grandfather was the original ghost pirate you could literally do that [ __ ] so you know I'm conflicted on this one hold on I gotta look at all the stats here okay all right let's try to figure this out all right Jolly Roger is pretty pretty average name of the crew is confusing the ship name is legendary the ship design is is fine very spooky very very workable and the crew themes is non-existent whereas they could have had stuff that they could have gone so the only thing we're really going so really the whole thing is based off of the pedigree of the fact that they're on the damn flying like the fact that they're sailing on the Flying Dutchman is their only saving grace here okay I I don't want to put him at C like they're like like literally it's the stair it's it is the Ghost Ship of Legend all right if it was just like if this wasn't I'll tell you what if this was not called The Flying Dutchman if this was just generic Ghost Ship this would be going into d right now all right if if it was just generic ghost ship and nothing else might even be F I honestly I don't know um but I'm putting it at Sea literally just based off of the Merit of the name and the design of that ship and nothing else okay and it's Vander deck and you're lucky to get that much all right so we have both of Foxy's Crews here uh I decided this would be funny to put both of them on so here we are um the name of Foxy ship is the sexy foxy I kind of like it I gotta be honest with you foxy sucks but the name of the ship it works oh so sexy oh God it's not so sexy now I'm bringing sexy back ready yeah okay here we go sexy foxy all right so we got Luffy's version and we got Foxy's version all right um so yeah it's the Dutchman which is why it's going in seat here that's the only reason that's how high it gets because it's the Dutchman f for foxy well which foxy because here's the thing here's the logic here like Foxy's crew I feel like you you think that I would want to put Luffy's design at f and Foxy's at like whatever D but I honestly kind of want to do this because I feel like the shitty Jolly Roger kind of fits their crew better you know because they literally make a job of going around challenging people to Davey backs and then cheating at the Davey backs to get stronger Crews like [ __ ] them right like seriously ah screw them you know I I think I think the actual Jolly Roger deserves an F because what is it just it's just a Jolly Roger that has a stupid nose and a pair of ears you know and then Luffy's at least has some character to it does the fox say um yeah I will count the traps inside that that ship is decked out like a damn Saw movie I I will give it to you the the design of the ship works I'm not I'm not gonna [ __ ] on the design of the ship too much because the inside of the ship it has a fox head it has a fox tail the sexy foxy I think is just a funny name um oh but the [ __ ] yeah they're called the foxy Pirates so deduct a point for that Jolly Roger is boring the Jolly Roger is just it's Foxy's nose now it works for buggy I think because buggies has like Buggy's whole thing is he's a clown so the fact that buggy has a red nose on his Jolly Roger works great foxy is not a clown I mean he is but he's not supposed to be so putting the nose on there is just like whatever who cares you put like a you put a pink nose on your whatever I guess I guess because he's a fox but like just put an actual fox then don't even bother with the skull in your stupid face just put the just take a like a draw a really badass Fox and like or maybe a fox holding a sword or like a boxing Fox because foxy boxes oh yeah that would have been so much cooler that would have been so much cooler hold on a second here let me pull this up for a moment let me show you this [Music] um where is it foxy so I don't have foxy oh I do it's right here it's raining okay look at this look at this how much cooler would this have been if it was an actual fox and then like two boxing gloves right next to it two red boxing gloves next to the Jolly Roger next to the skull that's a fox looks like a really intimidating Fox like a boxing Fox that that would have been so much cooler this is boring this is like whatever you put some ears and a stupid nose on it okay great fantastic yeah no no thank you the ship has a nice design yeah the ship has a great design okay so Jolly Roger no I'm gonna say Jolly Rogers suck name of the crew minus the point for that you just picked your name ship name sexy foxy that's fine ship design uh looks cool with the traps and everything added into it I think it works crew theme what was their theme their theme was like you know it's like they were trying to be like the clown or the carnival Pirates but they just like didn't really they didn't go 100 on it you know what I mean they kind of stopped halfway with the with the whole clown idea foxy Pirates they they wore the masks that was their thing which by the way I include that in like the same category as like um the black cat Pirates were the Black Cat Pirates all wore the uh the cat ears the only thing they had going is they all wore the the same masks that was their thing they wore the masks like okay guys here's some cheap masks put them on all right there's your theme dumb masks not a circus it's a carnival so so okay so from what we've deduced with this the foxy crew are just like a shittier version of buggies crew is is what we've deduced from this actually yes the pirate Captain has a shitty nose that looks worse than buggies and then you got all of the The Masks instead of like going all aboard with it you know the fox is cunning but were they super cunning though I don't know if they were super cunning here most of their cunning was just like we're just gonna overtly cheat because we're the ones that kind of make all the rules here and the referee is in our pocket that's pretty much the [ __ ] way they cheated it's not super cunning that they won you know what I mean the girl obsessed with chap oh no Porsche Porsche yeah she uh hold on a second let me pull her up here yeah Porsche was pretty hot yeah but you know I'm not gonna base the I'm not gonna oh s tier Porsche was hot there there you go immediate s tier they had a hot girl on their crew that was all they were cunning in like a Looney Tunes kind of way yeah I just don't think it worked I think I think Buggy's crew does better you know it really is like the Dollar Tree buggy yeah I'm keeping it like that I'm okay with that I think Luffy's Jolly Roger was an improvement if anything all right what's next oh we got the um are these the new Giant Warrior Pirates are these the Giant Warrior Pirates these are the Giant Warrior Pirates right yeah the new Giant Warrior Pirates are further down okay so the Giant Warrior pirate so this is the one that's with Dorian braggy this is the ancient not The Ancient Giants but the old giant crew that Dorian braggy let up uh oimo and Kashi were also on the crew the ones that rampaged up and down the the grand line can't get much more beast mode than that let me pull that up here I just did a video about the uh valtorian bragi not long ago here we go uh let's see here we go yeah yeah man that's what we're talking about right there red ogre braggy blue ogre Dory all right so they're Jolly Roger is really not all that crazy it's it's pretty basic if we're being honest here their Jolly Roger is ah there it is okay their Jolly Roger is just a skull wearing a helmet it's granted it's wearing like not an actual those weren't actual Viking helmets but you know looks it's a stereotypical it's like a cartoon Viking helmet it you look at it and you could tell like that's a Viking helmet all right it's it's not historically accurate but who cares it's not supposed to be it's just a design it's just supposed to look cool um they have two like they look on they honestly look like scimitars that is weird why are they scimitars they're like like rapiers or scimitars they should not be they should be great swords they should be great swords or axes or something Dory and braggy do not use scimitars they do not use rapiers that is not how Vite how Giants fight that doesn't even noticed that before that does not make sense um that is that is weird I don't know if I'm gonna dock points for that it's just weird that that's the sword on there you know because like look at the look at the [ __ ] this is how Giants fight dude this is this is the sword they use look at this look at this it should have just been like a badass giant sword like a claymore and a shield that would be neat the Jolly Roger is not doing it for me gotta be honest name of the crew Giant Warrior Pirates effective quick to the point no [ __ ] ship name what was Dorian bragi's ship name I don't remember let's look that up that's a saber well they don't use Sabers either so it's not it's not a weapon that I've seen any giant use in one piece the great Eric all right so we see it in the flashback at little garden so it's not I mean it looks like a viking long ship but the thing is like unique in the one piece World Shanks uses something similar because he's tied to elbaf but beyond that nobody else really uses the Viking long shift design you know what I mean I gotta do the thing do the thing rip off do the thing the great Eric there we go so it's like you know it's fine you know it's it's a viking long ship um and you gotta keep in mind these things are huge because you got like two pirate Crews two pirate captains that are both giants that are well over 20 meters tall and then how many people on the crew probably like at least 50 Giants between the both of them these ships are huge yeah it's like Leif Erickson yeah that's that's it's named after Leif Ericson so that's gonna get points for me because I love you know Norse history and all that um and the theme is like the theme is just for Vikings we're Giants and we're Vikings so the theme is pretty easy to go with oh yes I will see you guys on the podcast tomorrow I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it I'm gonna be on one piece with lime tomorrow everybody it's a podcast I will link all that stuff in my Twitter tomorrow before I go on but uh join me and uh the hosts over there and talks in one piece okay we gotta rank the Giant Warrior Pirates here okay um Jolly Roger's really not that crazy name of the crew is Good Ship name is Good Ship design is good crew theme is good I feel like If This Crew like maybe I'll put the new Giant Warrior Pirates lower because they're like right now but the Giant Warrior Pirates have that like Legacy Factor like the legendary Factor kind of like with the Flying Dutchman added into this a bit so I think I'm gonna put them I I think if this was if this was a crew that was around right now and there was no legendary Factor there I would put it at B but considering they had that status for a hundred also the fact like the hundred years and everything like that where they are in lead they are like literally the Giants of Legend um I think I'm gonna put it a it's not C the Jolly Roger is not great but the name of the crew the ship name the ship design and the crew theme that's all solid and plus you gotta add in the legendary Factor there which I think is included as part of their theme yeah I think I'm you know what honestly I think I might just tackle that well no I'll I'll tackle that later but yeah I think the new when I do put the new Giant Warrior pirates in there it's gonna be like B or C it might even be at C I'm not sure yet uh I gotta think about that when we get there all right what's next uh oh Shiki Shiki the Golden Lion all right so this is a good one I don't know if this will be asked here but might be close all right we got Shiki all right Jolly Roger total fire right you got his skull the skull looks a little different you got the yellow hair the lion the lion mane as it were and you got the steering wheel which has been embedded in his head so he's taking something that he's taking like a wound he got from Roger and he's like uh owning it he's like you know what I'm not gonna be ashamed of this wound I'm putting in all my damn Jolly Roger damn it I'm just rolling with it that's how cheeky rolls cheeky the Golden Lion pirates that is very cool the Jolly Roger very cool uh they're called oh you know this is confusing so the official English name for the Golden Lion Pirates which I'm not using because it's the English name not the official but the official name is the flying Pirates see that makes sense if they were the I would I would have still given them points if they were the flying Pirates because they actually have the ability to fly you know but that's so funny that they're the flying pirates in English now in the original they're the Golden Lion Pirates which I think is way cooler sounding because he's shaky the Golden Lion yeah that's so funny um Shiki ship is it's just called the island oh it's so it doesn't oh it doesn't have a name I don't think that's a name it's just called the island ship I don't think that's the name of it I think that that's a description that's not a name that's just describing what it is and even if that is its actual name that is a [ __ ] name you're gonna lose some points on that one Shiki I'm sorry now this is like onigashi like if onigashima was this if kaido was rolling around the new world with a giant Island ship that had a dragon on it and it had like the Draco meteor or something like that that would have been a cool thing that would have gained some points for kaido right there so it's it's a giant Island ship that is a fortress that has a lion figurehead it's an island it's a ship and it has sails and it has trees but it doesn't have a name why would you not give it a name cheeky doesn't need names oh man it's gonna I'm gonna have to dock a point for that one I'm sorry you just you just have a pirate ship you can't have a ship with you can't have a ship with no name come on man I can't do that that's not cool that's not good for the ship either that ship's gonna be that club outramon is going to be so upset you did not give it a name there's so many cool like okay somebody give a cool name to shiki's ship I have one right now like the the sky Dreadnought it's not good but it's something [Music] um I don't know sorajima even it's just Sky Island just calling the ship Sky Island would have been something uh what else um the cloud breaker the cloud bringer or what I don't know like something flying lion there it is the the flying lion there you go that's a perfect name for it flying lion I wouldn't even have docked points because Golden Lion and flying lion it's like they're different enough they're different enough look at that the Sky Pillar the golden Mane the Chic The Cheeky ship the sheiky ship okay the Mufasa the Lion's man the Rising Sun that is so cool and the Jolly Roger even kind of looks like a sun dude the the Golden Dawn the the sky ship the golden main the Rising Sun the flying lion like so many good names here there are so many good names The Soaring lion sure yeah I think you forgot to put the another in there they're in b they just have a different symbol than the rest but they're on there man so many good options there I gotta deduct a point on you there cheeky all right now shiki's crew see the thing is a lot of this is non-canon but it's it's kind of weird because shiki's Canon but his the events of strong world are not canon so does that mean his crew is non-canon I don't know I feel like I feel like oda's gonna keep it simple and uh when we do see Shiki in the story if he does have a pirate crew I feel like oda's gonna keep it simple and use the crew from the movie so like Indigo like the clown dude Scarlett who's like the big monkey dude I think that's the only people we know he has he has that animal Army the mutated animal Army that looks cool um God there was a lot of there was a lot of animals so I feel I feel like yeah I feel like indigo is gonna be Canon that's if sheiky has a crew he might just be going solo right now shiki's delivery service that wins that wins the name of the ship shiki's delivery service Cheeky's Moving Castle oh my God the dawn bringer that's God damn it there's so many options there I just realized I did not put Pedro's Knox pirates on here that sucks I might include them for next time I think the Knox Pirates deserve to be on here because they were they started as an expeditionary crew but they were pirates later they had to become Pirates so I gotta put the Knox pirates on here is there any other crew that I missed let me know if there's another crew I missed I might put them on here um so they don't really have much of a theme and they don't have a name for their ship but the Jolly Roger the ship's design and the name of the crew all were great but Shiki I am so sorry man I gotta put you in beat here dude you you you were starting off strong but like you dropped so many balls dude you dropped you didn't give your ship a name and you have no cohesive theme all right so I gotta give you a B I gotta drop you two spots there buddy I'm sorry okay next up we have uh the new Fishman Pirates are on here we have um oh Gyros crew I like gyro gyro was cool um because he had the crab arm crab hand gyro we all remember crab hand gyro right right gyro okay so gyro was this dude I might actually make a video about this guy I really like this guy I thought I'd look cool gyro oh God let me get rid of cheeky stuff here I like gyro but I'm not gonna let my like I'm not gonna let my bias interpret that okay so this is the dude he was the guy he was attacked by Hoodie um when uh they tried to leave Fishman Island it kind of he was kind of just there to Showcase how strong hoodie was crab hand gyro I like the fact he has a crab hand I don't know why he has a clover grown out of his head I couldn't really tell you but uh yeah that's him so his Jolly Roger is just a crab you can see it down there it's just a crab uh the gyro Pirates they're from the south that's gonna get a point doc because put your name in the damn crew damn it gyro why you couldn't have just had a name you couldn't the crab armed Pirates the the pincer Pirates the Krabby Pirates anything you could have done anything with it man you have a crab theme and you're not even gonna go with it your theme is a crab and you're gonna go with the gyro Pirates Come on gyro come on dude come on the claw Pirates something Jesus cook the crab um so Point DOC for that name of the crew and then ship name unknown so we don't know their ship name I think we saw their ship well we do okay we do have an image of their ship okay the ship actually looks kind of dope the ship actually has something going for it all right here's the ship all right the ship actually looks something cool okay it has a crab on the ship and the crab has its pincers out like this like facing out in front of you like it's about to grab you that might actually be practical whenever you're trying to like they go to ram a ship and the crab hams actually come down and like grab onto the ship and then you dock that actually might be practical but it also doesn't have a name so many CR so many crab themed names you could have given him my [ __ ] crab in isaka not isakai d one piece D Marines has a damn name her name is Belle um doesn't even deserve a name so okay and the crew theme they had no cohesive theme um okay um honestly all right so what do we got what do they got going for them they got a pretty okay Jolly Roger and they got a pretty okay ship design Point doc because of the name of their crew Point doc because no name for their ship and point dock for no cohesive theme so that brings us down to see but nah I think D tier is fitting I'm sorry gyro I liked you too you were a crab themed pirate but I gotta go deter on you here man I'm sorry bro yeah I oh man people people really want me to put you in F I feel like the Jolly Roger saves them out of the FJ the Jolly Roger is cool it's it's different it's different enough to be saved indeed here yeah let's go with that their jelly Rogers all right okay two more pirate Crews uh we got the HAPO Navy which is kind of hard to see in this so let me um I I made a video on Psy let me see if I can pull that up and uh they probably have his [ __ ] in there size video is it Dawn's side or just Psy yeah it's don'sai okay um I might have to go get these off the wiki I don't think I have them in here no I don't all right hold on pull that up here the HAPO Navy oh man there is uh I'm just trying to find their jelly Roger so they don't even really have hmm well hold on let me get an image for their ship first there's Jolly Rogers not even really like like look at this yeah I know I keep doing that but sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't Okay so the HAPO Navy is impressive because it's a Navy um but they don't really have a Jolly Roger so much as they just have the kanji for eight and treasure that's all they have which is fine but it's that's not a Jolly Roger though that's kanji that's not a Jolly Roger that's just the kanji for eight in the kanji for Treasure which is HAPO which I get it it's the name of the Navy but you don't have a Jolly Roger dude you just don't have one I'm sorry I'm drawing the line at that Jolly Rogers are not letters or numbers or writing you can have writing on it although I don't think we've seen any Jolly Rogers with any writing on it up until now no we haven't seen every Jolly Roger is that's the whole point of a Jolly Roger I feel like I should dock it two points for that you don't have a Jolly Roger how are you a pirate crew and you don't have a Jolly Roger God damn so anyway the name of the crew hoppo it's it's treasure I get it okay the name is fine the ship name I don't even know if the ship has a name let me check ship is uh the HAPO Sai the HAPO Sai is then oh here it is there's an anime version of it here is it going to load or I just adjust it I feel like I'm gonna have to adjust it no see this one loaded fine okay so here's the updated version of it okay look at that so you don't have a Jolly Roger that's boring I mean okay I like the green on the ship I like the Tiger on the ship the tiger looks cool the green of the of the ship looks cool I like the sales being like like panels like planks like armor it looks like armor I don't know how practical that is on a sale but it looks cool HAPO Sai the name is okay if it's on a Black Flag it's a jelly Roger this isn't even on a Black Flag though it's just the kanji for eight and treasure that's all it is uh yeah the manga one looks fiercer too hold on let me see if I get to the bottom of this I'm gonna see if there's anything to go off of here hoppo Navy One Piece Jolly Roger like anything to go off of here they don't have one it's just that kanji that's not a Jolly Roger I'm sorry it just isn't you you missed the boat now I don't blame PSY and I don't blame xinjiao really because xinjiao was the 12th member of the damn fleets they had 11 other people 11 other people that were the commanders of the HAPO Navy and did not think maybe as a pirate crew because that's what they are they are a pirate crew they fought GARP and [ __ ] they're a pirate crew maybe they didn't think well maybe I actually know it's funny maybe they didn't start out as a pirate crew maybe they started out as like a regular Navy for the Kano Kingdom and they just turned into a pirate crew over the years maybe they didn't start out as one and then they just kept that as just like tradition or whatever yeah I'm sorry I'm gonna have to talk some points for that Jolly Roger design okay not existent name of the crew is fine ship name is fine ship design is not the best but it's okay and the crew theme um so Kano kingdom is based off of China they have a lot of Chinese uh architecture kind of thing uh their Emperor kind of like the king of Kano looks like a Chinese emperor um but does the HAPO Navy really follow along with that oh man all the the only members we literally know are Sai Buu and xinjiao which did have a similar vibe to them but Psy obviously is going to look like xinjiao that's his grandson and boo is just kind of like Psy's best friend I guess I don't know they didn't really they didn't really don't really dress like like Chinese like soldiers like you could dress like a Terracotta Army or something that'd be cool then again though boo and Sai were fighting at the Coliseum so they weren't allowed to worry they they were only allowed like a certain weight limit remember yeah no they're a pirate crew they're definitely a pirate crew yeah the HAPO Navy is a pirate crew xinjiao is introduced as a pirate and head of the HAPO Navy soon after he attacked GARP okay yeah so he's a pirate they fought with the Navy they're Pirates yeah yeah the ship does I mean it has a Chinese aesthetic with the ship it definitely does okay that's unfortunate I kind of want Saida rank a little higher than this but I think seat here honestly you don't have a Jolly Roger man I think C tier is the best he could really hope for here yeah but um I'm debating C or D oh boo is his brother okay you don't have it how do you are a pirate crew it is listed as a pirate crew it is xinjiao was introduced as a pirate he has a bounty as a pirate he fought GARP as a pirate they are pirates you don't have a Jolly Roger though you missed the brown beard Pirates okay I'll add them next time too yeah that's why it always confuses me while they're on marijuana but whatever you know what I really want to put them in FC you do not have a pie I don't care I don't care if you're the Navy for some Island you're a pirate crew you have a [ __ ] Jolly Roger that's your point of a Jolly Roger my God brownbeard macro Peach beard uh also the candy Pirates I mix the candy Pirates I'll add a few I'll add some I'm sorry Psy tell you what Psy you're the 13th commander of the uh HAPO Navy make yourself a goddamn Jolly Roger make yourself one you have it it could look so cool too all right last one today we're going to be looking at the Hawkins Pirates Hawkins bajir Hawkins oh I had the hoppo Navy sigil in there the whole time but yeah whatever anyway all right Hawkins um I put him in green here that's not what it looks like it's just a black background but I just put it in green because I thought it looked cool all right so um deducted a point because of the name but Jolly Roger's dope I mean you got the cross the other like that Celtic cross thing on the back Nails going into the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow itself looks pretty pretty Dev pretty scary um I I really like that um or is it the basil Pirates either way I'm pretty sure it's the Hawkins Pirates it is it's the Hawkins Pirates um but I like the cross I like the Scarecrow I like the nails it's simplistic it's to the point this is devil fruit ability this is good all right name of the crew Hawkins Pirates minus a point ship name they have a cool ship if I remember correctly The Grudge Dolph The Grudge Dolph Grudge because he's a voodoo kind of guy all right garage door all right so you got the Scarecrow the straw man at the beginning and you got the straw man's lining the sides of it the whole boat kind of looks like it's made or weaved out of straw that looks neat uh oh I guess they do have a green okay yeah they do have the green they have a green sail background okay then that is fitting all right yeah that is a little different then if that's what they're flying that's what they're flying it's kind of pretty epic there [Music] um okay name of the ship is Good Ship design looks all right looks it looks pretty good actually I would say pretty good for the ship design it's fitting for what Hawkins has going for him and the crew theme I think the crew theme works great because I think they're they're they are really dressed like a cult like I said uh aruges pirates look like a cult these guys are dressed with a little bit more Flair to them they even have a mink on their crew they have a mink named Faust which I think is great if I ever get a cat I'm gonna name the cat Faust they get a black cat name this black cat Faust I'm gonna go buy a cat tonight just for that no I'm not gonna do that but okay look at their crew all right hawkins's crew so we got Hawkins spooky kind of scary man with the straw and uh like fortune teller kind of guy then we got Faust who's a mink then we got that dude with the weird pony braided ponytail thing in the earrings he looks scary and uh we got two guys that look just generic one dude does have like a cloak with the skulls around it that's pretty neat uh their whole thing is the occult by the way like that's like a big thing there and then a dude wearing like a cool tribal mask looks like it looks like a Scooby-Doo Tiki mask or something oh I will scare you away from the from the coal mine or whatever I don't know um they do be a crew they do be a crew hey the signs are neat they're they're not All Uniform they don't all have a uniform like they're not wearing the same thing but they all have a clear design of like the occult and kind of like demon possession kind of whole angle with that you know next life tarot readings that kind of stuff um I thought Hawkins would rank really lower than this honestly okay um July Roger good name is not great ship name ship design truth I mean I think a I I I really don't see anything beyond the name that really uh takes it out of uh s tier all that much if they had a cooler name this is really they could just call it like the Faustian Pirates you know or the Devils the devil's luck Pirates or something like I should put the devils like pirates on this I should do that for next time I should have the devil's luck crew on there um is Hawkins dead I don't know actually I think a is fair yeah they had they could have had a really cool name like seriously like their whole theme is the occult you can't like satanic and [ __ ] you can't think of a badass name for their crew to be in that vein that is you know and like I said Oda designed a lot of these guys just kind of like get them out there so whatever um but I think I'm gonna lay it on a the straw man pirates that they just go around straw Manning everybody that's that's that that's their go-to logical fallacy hey Hawkins uh you know I think that you know you should uh I'm trying to think of a good way to set up a straw man argument here say somebody comes up to Hawkins and just like hey Hawkins I don't think you should join kaido's crew oh well you might as well just say that I'm gonna try to join kaido's crew and nobody cares about me it's like you're straw Manning me sir just like you know yeah the voodoo Pirates would even be better yeah honestly the sacrifice Pirates would be better honestly yeah the Gloom pirates that would have been fine that would have been great all right well here we are we did 28 Crews I don't know if because you know there's a lot of Crews that are like I saw somebody say the ano Pirates but that's like I'm gonna go through the pirate list again if there's anyone that I feel like is notable enough to put on here I will uh for part two so uh well I'll go through that but next time we'll start with the heart pirates with laws crew and we got a lot of the main characters coming up here in this next part we got Shanks we got the straw hats we got Whitebeard we got uh Roger we got uh [ __ ] uh we got kid we got uh the Kuja I mean there's a lot of really good stuff coming up here next time got the Spade Parts got the sun Pirates uh but yeah this was a long stream and I did miss some Pirates so we'll add them in uh we're about three hours into this so this is about good place to stop I think um yeah hope you guys enjoyed this one I'm really parched and I want to go get some food so I'm gonna go do that and the stream had a little bit of a rocky start but we got there the pentagram Pirates dude that would have been awesome pentagram pirate just have a cool pentagram behind uh hawkins's face on the Jolly Roger the Sabo Pirates I thought about putting sabos on there I I didn't want to put sabos on there please we're all hungry yeah well I'm hungry too anyway uh thanks for watching everybody this will be up as the VOD in a little while uh so you can watch it there um but yeah thanks for watching everybody and I'll see you later next time I don't know what I'm gonna do part two of this but we have a break for five weeks so we have time I will get this done before the thing resumes all right well that's that
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 410,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, pirate crew, jolly roger
Id: Rxl-dF-tt20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 47sec (11627 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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