ALL Domain Expansions RANKED and EXPLAINED!

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the mark of any incredible power Shonen is a power system you can remember or more specifically moves you can remember in Naruto there was the shadow clone the rossengan and shidor in Dragon Ball there was the Fusion dance in the Kamehameha and in jjk which is rapidly becoming one of the most popular anime in manga in the worlds right now there's domain expansions you see a domain expansion is the Pinnacle of curse technique in the jjk universe an ability that's supposed to be rare which basically symbolizes the end of the fight if used on a non-special grade curse or sorcer these techniques bring together all of the strongest abilities in Jiu Jitsu sorcery into one neat little package in much in the same way as a well-placed Kamehameha or a well-placed Rasengan a well-placed domain expansion is one of the most satisfying things we can experience in the jjk universe watching sukana pull out malevolent Shrine or Gojo pull out unlimited void is one of the more fun things I've got to experience in any manga in the last couple of years but even though these techniques are relatively rare we've seen 11 throughout the course of jjk's manga and the beauty of domain expansions is that there are incredibly individual with each domain expansion being perfectly tailored to the person expanding their domain but with strong abilities that are individual to the person using them people are naturally gonna wonder which is the strongest and also considering the fact that most of these domain expansions are incredibly complicated there's a lot of people scratching their heads wondering how any of them work so today I'm gonna sit down and tackle the very complicated and very convoluted task of ranking and explaining every single domain expansion in jjk now the manga is about 150 or so chapters ahead of the anime so about half these domain expansions are going to be from the manga well I'm not going to be talking about what happens in these domain expansions and trying to avoid spoilers the best I can well we are slightly heading into spoiler territory so proceed with caution but once again I will be avoiding spoilers to the best of my abilities but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and while you're click locking away at those keys guys go ahead and follow my brand new podcast to talk who's Anonymous where me and Danny Moda break down everything that happened in anime this week even though they're hailed is the strongest Jiu Jitsu ability in all of jjk a couple of them have to be weaker than others and honestly is Farmer's domain expansion strengths they seem directly proportional to the strength of the sorcerer or the cursed Spirit which makes sense when we consider the fact that a domain expansion is just the expansion of one's own personal domain but even using those words in that sequence doesn't mean a lot to everybody so before we dive into ranking and explaining every single domain expansion let's quickly go over what a domain expansion is because we're going to be explaining every single domain expansion so having a basic understanding of what they are in the first place kind of a good idea so in the very simplest of terms the domain expansion is a barrier technique that is to say that the Jiu Jitsu sorcerer curse Spirit creates a barrier with their own innate domain a Barry you're being a bubble around them of sorts and barrier techniques are their own classification within Jiu Jitsu sorceries when you think of a barrier you probably think of like a wall or a door barrier techniques within Jiu Jitsu Kaizen can be massively different with some being really small and some being really big some stopping Outsiders from coming in and other stopping insiders from going out think of a barrier technique as a wall with rules rules which better Jiu Jitsu Sorcerers and curse Spirits can control and the more specific those rules are the stronger the wall gets that is to say that if you were to use a barrier technique that was built only to keep one person out but let every other person or curse spirit in or out then that barrier technique would be very strong against that one individual person so a domain expansion is a barrier created with your innate domain which leaves us with the next question what is an innate domain well it's a metaphysical territory that exists in the user of the domain expansion's mind so in essence think of the innate domain as your consciousness and therefore domain expansion is a barrier technique built out of your own Consciousness which is why domain expansions are highly individual and while domain expansions are highly individual they all come with a certain set of rules within the confines of your own domain expansion your Jiu Jitsu sorcery gets stronger on top of that your jiu jitsu techniques cannot be avoided meaning any sorcery that you fling at somebody in your domain expansion either has to be deflected or will simply just hit them this is referred to in the jjk manga as the guaranteed hit so in super super layman's term a domain expansion is the extension of your own Consciousness one that guarantees that your Jiu-Jitsu sorceries will hit your opponent with everything from lethal to non-lethal to incomplete domains but I actually have an entire video explaining all of these different kinds of domains and how they work in the history of domains on my other channel nzhammer23 you can find the video right there so if you're curious about how we got to this stage of domain expansions with a different kinds of domain expansions go check that out but now that we in its simplest way understand domain expansions let's get into ranking and explaining them and coming in at last place at 11th is Horizon of captivating skanda it's also in last place in terms of name because what does that even mean this domain expansion is used by dog on a curse Spirit under the control of ghetto well sort of I'm not going to explain it this is one of the larger domain expansions we've ever seen as when talking creates this domain expansion it basically creates an entire tropical island with a picturesque white sand beach on one side and a massive Ocean on the other this is actually one of the few domain expansions we've seen in the anime thus far as ghetto and mahito and the rest of his cursed spirit all use this domain expansion as a pseudo meeting place and why wouldn't you it's gorgeous but it's also incredibly dangerous that is if Dagon wants you dead see because dogon is a fish cursed Spirit to get more specific than that he is in unregistered special grade created from fear of waterborne natural disasters like tsunamis on top of that he's also a cursed womb but I am not even going to try to explain what cursed womb is within the confines of this video it requires its own video entire once doggone becomes fully realized he's able to create shikigami much in the same way as Mega me with his 10 Shadows technique however the shikagami that Dagon creates are all fish-based and within the confines of his domain expansion those fish-based shikigami have a guaranteed hit meaning that within this domain expansion doggone can create as many fish based shikigami as he wants and all of them will proceed to attack whoever he dragged into the domain expansion with him with a guaranteed hit rate and this technique is powerful I mean very powerful powerful enough that nanami Maki and now Beto zenin are all put on the defensive by this technique but considering the fact that none of them themselves have a domain expansion that's kind of just how it goes the true power of this domain expansion is the sheer amount of shigami that dagang can create in the shikigami are nothing to scoff at especially when you consider the fact that they have a guaranteed hit genuinely the only way to battle against this technique is to try and pull off your own domain expansion within it and nullify the guaranteed hit of the shikigami because as long as there is a push in pole for who's controlling the domain you're currently existing in the guaranteed hit on both sides is nullified any of those technique is very powerful as far as domain expansions go it's nothing serious and sticking with the theme of cursed spirits who have domain expansions coming up at number 10 we have the smallpox deities domain expansion graveyard domain is at least what we've kind of pseudo dubbed the smallpox deities domain expansion's name to be because the domain expansion of the smallpox deity is never really named you see the smallpox deity is another special grade Cur spirit being controlled by kind of ghetto and what the smallpox deity is based on in terms of being a curse Spirit significantly easier to guess than that for Daga the smallpox deity was created from the fear of the smallpox and all of the abilities of the smallpox 3D revolve around smallpox once the smallpox deity expands its domain and catches a couple of people in it it starts to use the same abilities it used before it expanded its domain but now with a guaranteed hit rate so in order to explain how the smallpox deities domain works we should probably understand its innate technique which is shoving people in coffins you see the smallpox the unity is able to essentially summon a cramped coffin around you it then summons a gravestone above that coffin and slams it into the ground upon that coffin being slammed into the ground the smallpox deity starts a count to three if you don't break out of that coffin in those three seconds you can track smallpox and die and this is exactly how its domain works except now instead of being able to dodge the coffins they are guaranteed hit which means that so long as you exist within the domain of the smallpox deity you are constantly being shoved into a coffin you have to escape in around three seconds and having to break out of a coffin that's been dunk into the ground sounds terrifying but for your average grade 1 or special grade Jiu Jitsu sorcerer it's really not that tough meme is a grade one Jiu Jitsu sorcer you know the teacher with the big braid in front of her face who really likes crows she's shown basically with raw strength alone breaking up out of these coffins in under three seconds multiple times there's also the fact that this domain only targets the person with the highest amount of cursed energy so one person at a time so once again when it comes to domain expansions nothing special now our next entry is something special but maybe not in the right way because coming in at number nine we have deadly sentencing deadly sentencing is our first non-lethal domain expansion doggone's domain expansion is referred to as a calm domain but it's still very much a lethal domain expansion and this domain expansion belongs to hiromi higurama a public defender this is our first legitimately complicated domain expansion see like I've already stated this domain expansion is non-lethal essentially upon this domain expansion being created hiromi becomes a prosecutor and the people caught in this domain expansion become the accused also known as the defendant now this technique does not have a guaranteed hit though it does have rules specifically that no violence is allowed meaning that if you don't have your own domain expansion to count counteract these rules you can't attack hiromi and once this domain is fully cast they should kagami by the name of judgment appears and announces crimes that the defendant may or may not have done in the case of Yuji who gets caught in this domain judge man accuses him of going into a pachinko's slot casino while under 18. now judgment knows everything about yuji's life so judgment actually already knows if Yuji is guilty or not however the Caster hiromi doesn't know if Yuji is innocent or not it is up to the defendant to prove to judge man that they are innocent of this cry which they can do by lying or telling the truth if they're actually innocent or providing evidence that they simply were not there they can also confess to the crime for the possibility of a lessened punishment but outside of the prosecutor and the defendant arguing whether or not the defendant has done it judgment also provides the prosecutor with a piece of evidence which the defendant will have to rebuke now if the defendant is found guilty and usually this is what happens because they're not lawyers in hiromi very much is the defendant is charged with a law full verdict now what are the punishments we've seen judgment use is confiscation which confiscates the cursed techniques of the defendant making it significantly easier for hiromi to kill them however if the defendant is found guilty without an open confession like I did exactly what you're accusing me of defendant can request a retrial that judgment cannot deny however of what you're found guilty of is really bad you can get confiscation plus death penalty where not only is your curse energy taken from you but haromi is given an executioner sword a sword made out of cursed energy that one hit from kills you immediately so being able to take somebody's curse technique and having a sword that kills people in one hit sounds kind of broken and for all intents and purposes it kind of is but mind you the defendant still has a case to defend themselves meaning that so long as the defendant is intelligent or knows where they're been or is even quite possibly innocent means that this domain expansion simply won't work on that on top of that there's no guaranteed hit even if the cursed energy is taking you can simply Dodge so if you're strong and fast like Yoji it's really not that much of an issue lastly hiromi isn't that powerful as far as Jiu Jitsu Sorcerers Go I mean he is but if we're talking about the highest level he's not that power meaning that if anybody else had a domain expansion or even simply a simple domain they would be able to get excluded from Judge man's rules implying that with just the simple use of a simple domain they could jump heromi so while this domain expansion is incredible yet very complicated it's also not that powerful well not nearly as powerful as our next entry on the list because coming in at number eight we have Chimera Shadow Garden Chimera Shadow guard and hey are you smoking crack listen I fully understand the power that Chimera Shadow Garden might be able to Garner for Mega me one day especially now manga readers know what I'm talking about but if I'm being entirely real the reason I'm putting Chimera Shadow guard in this low on the list is because Mega me can hold it for like 35 seconds we know from tsukano that incomplete domains can be insanely powerful well malevolent trying isn't incomplete but it's not a closed off barrier having a way to escape a domain expansion actually makes a domain expansion stronger which sounds dumb but cursed energy and nen work very similarly if there's risk the ability gets stronger and if somebody can kind of just walk out of your domain expansion there's risk of them getting out but how does mega me's domain expansion work well once again it is the only incomplete domain expansion we're gonna be talking about on this list but it works by Mega me creating thick viscous Shadows that funnel out of him and fill an area and as is technically isn't a barrier technique megami's range is kind of massive being able to fill entire gyms with these thick fluid shadows and as Mega me is a user of the 10 Shadows technique he's able to summon all of his shikigami through these Shadows he's also able to take complete and total control over all of these Shadows that he summoned and standing on these Shadows is a very bad idea because these are shadows they're not water they're not land they're not even air there's no buoyancy resistance or oxygen meaning that if anybody caught in Chimera Shadow guard doesn't reinforce their feet with cursed energy like a ninja standing on water in Naruto they will fall into Mega me's Shadow or they will fall forever and that's it ggs you simply tumble through a black Limitless void with no buoyancy or oxygen now this domain expansion has no barrier like we've already talked about in no guaranteed hit it's kind of just a buff to Mega me in his 10 Shadows technique but it doesn't mean that megami's domain expansion can't be closed off see if Mega me was in my room he could fill my entire room with his shadows and as his Shadows converged it would make a domain so Mega me in order to close off his domain expansion has to find something to fill with his shadows and mega be in his own domain expansion is able to access 120 of his maximum potential meaning his 10 Shadows techniques his ability to conjure shikagami all significantly more powerful the real drawback with mega me's domain expansion is that anything dropped into it Mega me has to Bear the weight of as it is his shadow meaning that if somebody were to fall into a shadow and fall forever Megami would have to bear their weight until he closed off his domain so while this obviously gives Mega me a boost to what is one of the strongest techniques in entirety of jjk the 10 Shadows technique it being incomplete having no guaranteed hit and forcing Mega me to Bear the weight of whatever falls into his shadow is why it's so low but Chimera Shadow Garden is too easy to explain let's get back to the complicated domains because coming up at number seven we have time cell Moon Palace four explains you how this domain expansion works I have to explain to you the abilities of nayo now now Oya now I've actually never said it out loud that's totally what I said neoya is probably the most powerful member of the zening family the family that cast out Maki and Mai and a lot of his strength came from a curse technique that he inherited from another's ending family member now Beto sinawea is a special grade one Sorcerer And as a member of The Big Three Families he was born with Incredible cursed energy which he uses to power his projection sorcery rejection sorcery is complicated which should just be the tagline of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen complicated the way that it works is that noise sees the world in 24 FPS which is kind of low most of you are probably watching this video at 30 to 60 FPS with gaming computers playing video games up to 120 to 240 FPS so really everything after around 120 is imperceptible to the human eye because while it's kind of hard to agree on scientists concur that most human eyes see the world at 30 to 60 frames per second but now is able to force everybody into his 24 FPS world see anybody that knowya touches with the palm of his hand has to abide by the 24 FPS rule meaning they have to move at exactly 24 FPS and if they move faster or slower than 24 FPS they will freeze into a picture of sorts for one second meaning that this technique forces you to move at an exact speed that you may or may not be used to and if you don't you get Frozen for a full second every time you break out of that FPS range therefore his domain expansion amplifies his innate technique and adds something new see much in the same way that within Mojito's domain expansion he doesn't have to touch you to transfigure your soul within the confines of time cell Moon Palace you are essentially being immediately touched by noelia's palm meaning that within this domain expansion you have to move at 24 frames per second on top of that his domain expansion also has a direct attack a guaranteed hit direct attack mind you which is also unblockable because this direct attack fires film gauges at whoever is in the domain expansion and if these film gauges make contact with the human body it attacks that human body on a cellular level forcing all of the cells in a person's body to try and abide by projection sourcer meaning that simply being hit by one of these film gauges puts your entire body through a massive amount of damage because your body does not operate at 24 FPS and for those of you confused by the 24 FPS rule essentially if you're being placed under this projection sorcery you have to make exactly 24 precise movements in one second now these movements don't have to be something big like this it could be a twitch of a finger but you have to make exactly 24 precise movements or stand absolutely still and while this domain expansion isn't the strongest domain expansion is probably the last one I would want to be caught in because I just know I'm not smart enough to figure it out coming up after that we have arguably the Least Complicated domain expansion on this entire list coffin of the Iron Mountain at number six now this domain expansion belongs to jogo the special grade curse spirit that operates under Getta now this domain expansion basically just creates an active volcano and the inside of this domain expansion is said to be so hot that any average due to sorcerer would be burnt to Ash in a matter of moments but outside of just the sheer heat of this domain expansion there's also a guaranteed hit as jogo is able to control all of the magma within this volcano which it can launch at those in his domain with a guaranteed hit and that's it simple straight to the point very powerful as long as you're not going up against jogo or sukana who would be able to out power your domain with their own this would kill 99 of people you would catch in your domain it's just joko's kind of unlucky but speaking of special great curse spirits that serve under ghetto next we have Mojito's domain expansion at number four also known as the self-embodiment of perfection this technique also fortunately very simple also this is number five not four oh God number four is hikari's domain expansion I don't want to explain the rules of Pachinko talk about mahito first Vito has the ability to transfigure souls meaning that anybody who mojito touches he's able to shape the form of their soul remember what he did to Jun Peck and you thought he was gonna be a part of the crew and through this process Mito is able to make transfigured humans people might know is basically able to turn into curse spirits and then Direct in order to pull this off Mito has to touch somebody that's not the case within his domain expansion if you send the domain expansion is the expansion of your own innate domain which is basically just your body within the confines of the self-embodiment of perfection mojito is touching everything I mean the Manito is able to June pay anybody within his domain expansion like that and if you don't have a simple domain or a domain expansion of your own well you're joined in June pay not to mention that like with any domain expansion within the confines of of embodiment of perfection my hito's ability to transfigure humans is greatly improved so you're gonna get extra June paid should we get to hikari's domain expansion just for premise for those of you who aren't caught up in the manga this domain expansion could have its own video and personally I don't understand the rules of Pachinko I'm gonna have to go read what the rules of Pachinko are in order to figure out how this domain expansion works so it's night time now but I understand it so gambling is forbidden in Japan so instead they have Pachinko which is basically Japanese slots the way that Pachinko works is that you put money in and you get a certain amount of small silver balls the purpose of Pachinko is to fire these small silver balls up and then they basically go down a Plinko board you know the things where you drop a disc in and it bounces around and you try and get it in the jackpot area that's basically what Pachinko is but times a thousand so the goal of Pachinko is to try and get as many of these silver balls in the jackpot area at the bottom of your little Plinko board and the goal of Pachinko is to try and hit as many jackpots with the amount of balls that you have but in order to get a jackpot you have to get one of those balls in the little area and then spin for a jackpot and every single Pachinko machine has a different level of possibility for that spin to end in a jackpot and potato machines all have themes there's Gundam Pachinko there is Baki Pachinko but Hikari chooses it to be a romance Shojo meaning that it's basically a romantic role-playing game and based off the decisions you make you get to romance apart in the case of akari's domain expansion there are seven love interests numbered one through seven the goal of these roles is to roll three of the same number and if akari rolls three of the same number he gets a bonus now these bonuses depend on which of the seven number zakari rolls but these bonuses can be anything from faster roles to better luck and these bonuses are stackable which means that the longer the hakari exists in his domain expansion the more bonuses he gets which make his domain expansion even strong but Pachinko games also have a thing called reach mode where let's say hypothetically you roll a six a six and a five the pachenko machine will enter reach mode where it will spin again for that third number to see if you'll get it so let's say hakara gets the first two numbers of a three slot his domain expansion will enter reach mode and it'll spin again to try and give him the three but of reach mode is activated a scene plays out and during this scene colors are very important if a green ball or train door or red ball or trained or or gold door or train door are shown very different things could happen see green and hikari's domain expansion means low chance of a jackpot while red means middle chance and gold means High chance and a rainbow colored ball or trained door means a guaranteed jackpot also if in this reached mode there is a fourth try AKA a fourth spin to try and get the third number to be the same as the first two numbers that is to say it's six six and it spins and it's five and then it's four and then it's three and then it tries again that is a guaranteed six spot so basically if there's a rainbow item in the cut scene or a fourth spin is done during reach mode a jackpot is guaranteed for her car it's like a Pity pole in a gotcha game and this green red and gold mechanism confers to actual percentages with the gold doors or ball or combo counter implying an 80 chance of a jackpot and those jackpots can be things like a damaged nullification or speed increases or power boosts but the TLD ER of it all is that if akari hits enough jackpots using luck he becomes invulnerable for four minutes on top that his curse energy is Limitless he enters in unkillable mode Messi is already relatively close to being a special grade sorcerer making him unkillable and also have unlimited cursed energy makes him terrifying for four minutes and considering the fact that this domain expansion only gets stronger the longer it goes because bonus is stacked for Hikari means it is easily one of the most powerful domain expansions we've ever seen and I never want to try to explain it ever again coming up after Idol death gamble we have womb profusion now this is the domain expansion of ghetto we know very little about it in fact we've only ever seen it used once and we didn't even actually really get to see it get used ghetto decided to use his domain expansion to counter another bear it's an open barrier type similar to that of malevolent Shrine we just don't really know what it does but considering the fact of who was using it and what it was able to undo in terms of barrier techniques means it's gonna make a top three on the list but since we're talking about open barrier types like malevolent Shrine let's get to our number two spot malevolent trying God I love simple domains malevolent Shrine is by far in the way one of the strongest domains in jjk most likely because it belongs to sukuna the quite literal king of curses but also because it's an open barrier type which is rare amongst domain expansions so while it is technically possible to just walk out of malevolent shrines since there's no barrier keeping you in unfortunately that's probably not gonna happen for you see malevolent Shrine has two abilities cleave in dismantle dismantle attacks any inanimate objects within malevolent try while anything with curse energy is attacked by Klee meaning anything within 200 meters of sukuna gets destroyed and that's 200 meters in all directions see by making the barrier open-ended tsukan is basically making a binding vow to allow escape from his domain expansion however this is still a guaranteed hit domain so by making a binding vow to allow people detecting walk out of his domain he's increased the range to 200 meters so in animate her living if you're within 200 meters of sukanai you're gonna get destroyed unless of course you have a domain expansion stronger than that of tsukanas or you can use Simple domain to negate the guaranteed hit effect there's only one person on Earth who could get in the domain battle with sukunan probably win and that's the person holding our number one spot Gojo and more importantly Gojo's domain expansion unlimited voice Mojo is a cheat code when it comes down to it there's nothing he's not good at there's nothing he can't accomplish that's actually Canon it is a Canon fact that kojo is good at anything he tries and that he doesn't play sports for the younger generation because if he played Sports he would beat the greatest of all time the unlimited void brings anybody drawn into Gojo's domain expansion into the Limitless which is infinity it's everything the Limitless is what the Gojo family manipulates however can't truly be controlled unless you have the six eyes and I have explained both the Limitless and the six eyes in this video right here but by bringing somebody into the limit list they are flooded with the knowledge of the entire universe as once again the Limitless is everything it's a vast void of infinite knowledge therefore for those who are brought into the Limitless using unlimited void have a massive amount an infinite amount of information forced into their head during the Shibuya incident Gojo activated the unlimited void for 0.2 seconds and in those .2 seconds everybody caught in his domain expansion was flooded with six months of information meaning that every second an unlimited void floods the people brought into a limited void with two and a half years of information this flood of information completely incapacitates anybody brought into the void and as Gojo can move within his own domain expansion he can simply just pop their head off not to mention even after unlimited void has been deactivated people are unable to move as in the Shibuya incident for 300 seconds after deactivating unlimited void Gojo was able to kill 1 000 transfigured humans meaning after only being exposed to a domain expansion of 0.2 seconds 1 000 transfigured humans weren't able to move for 300 seconds at least in the information flooded into somebody's brain in the unlimited voice Loops endlessly meaning that if hypothetically you spend enough time in the domain expansion to receive all of the information of the universe it just starts again and the irony is since you learn everything about the entire universe you understand exactly how unlimited void works you also understand exactly how Gojo's abilities work which ironically makes unlimited void stronger as revealing how your techniques and more importantly how your domain expansion Works strengthens those things so as your Force spread all of this information in a matter of seconds it gets stronger and forces you more information it's disgusting Gojo is a cheat code and that's it all of the domain expansions in jjk ranked and explained do you guys agree with my list do you like my explanation of how Pachinko works I'm not super stoked on it tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell listen if we're being entirely real the mangaka of jjk didn't do a great job explaining hikari's domain expansion either [Music] remember foreign
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 198,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, jjk, jujutsu kaisen, gojo, sukuna, itadori, mahito, domain expansion, domain expansion explained
Id: 4VOZyGqoZyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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