The Strongest Dragons in Dungeons and Dragons

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on the last episode we covered monsters far more powerful than the terrifying to Rask using the challenge rating system were ranked and cataloged monsters all the way down from normal humans to the most powerful wizards in Lich's who poses challenge ratings in the high 30s today we're going to continue where we left off and talk about monsters who possess a challenge rating in the 40s more specifically three dragons who happen to have a CR of 40 this is why today we're going to make this a dragon episode and to further the theme I'm gonna go ahead and add a couple of extra dragons that we ditched on the last episode so without further ado the most powerful dragons in Dungeons & Dragons Rowell awesome the silent shadow CR 34 so now that we have a whole video dedicated to basically five dragons let's actually take the time to go a little bit in depth how does a dragon get to be CR 34 what kind of abilities can this guy have roll awesome is an emerald dragon with considerable knowledge of magic the tales say that he possesses over 400 spells with the capability to cast over 300 of them this obsession with hoarding spells and magic items began when he first met a spell jammer vessel which he claims terrified him he was terrified and paranoid that one day monsters stronger than he had ever seen Wizards more powerful than the ones that could be found in Ferren would one day show up from the sky and would try and conquer the world and so he began his quest to gather as many magical items as he could and hide them from the world thinking that even if he can't use them his enemies will not either roll off him is a fairly comedic character in the sense that even though he is overwhelmingly powerful he's paranoid that there are hidden Wizards everywhere out to get him and that he could die at any second from some major conspiracy what makes him so powerful though it's not necessarily his impressive size and power or his great ability in wizardry but the fact that he is a level 19 psionic using his incredible high abilities rule awesome uses a particularly unique style of fighting where he animates dozens of high-level warns and staffs in the air and then shoots them while he himself fights and cast spells from a different direction he carries all of his wants and staves with him on a big bag around his neck if you were looking for a specific extremely rare rod wander staff he would probably own it rule of thumb layers in the island of ax 'red the northernmost Outer Isle of ratham pallor and dusk the unseen protector see r-36 pallor and dusk is an ancient gold dragon previously known as the Sun dragon to the inhabitants of Neverwinter this guy has saved their asses countless times the only reason Neverwinter still exists in the way it does now is because of this gold dragon that has saved them from hordes of monsters and many many raids of orcs he is considered a level 28 wizard but on the body of an ancient gold dragon which means he doesn't just have to strength and resilience of the most powerful type of dragon but he can also cast six level nine spells a day on top of that surprisingly though that is not what makes him unique or that powerful what makes Pelerin does what he is is the nature of his body he was for a long time the prisoner of a very powerful methods wizard back in the times of nether oh so when the nether 'is cities fell he managed to plunder vast troubs of some of the more powerful spells in the world he used these spells to completely enchant his body and increase his power then fast-forward back to the present day on a fateful day he was once ambushed by a grand group of wizards who had discovered his location and almost killed him in order to stay alive he used all of those old spells that he knew in order to keep his body together so nowadays his body is barely physical anymore he mostly appears as a translucent ethereal gold dragon during 99% of his time he's purely invisible and can even pass through objects and walls but when he needs to attack or cast a spell that targets anyone but himself he has to become physical because his body is barely held together by magic he can't be physical for too long or he risks having the enchantments on his body break and have his body fall apart the advantage this gives him though is that he can actually have enemy attacks completely go through him as if he was not there though every time he does this he takes one health point of permanent damage Lehren drama gar the Nexus CR 37 unfortunately not much is actually known about the full extent of power that Nexus possesses all we know is that he describes as the best spell caster out of all of the metallic dragons he himself is a gold dragon who is known as the second most famous gold dragon in the world the first being of course the king of all gold dragons tamarind though tamarind himself only possesses a CR of 27 now Nexus is the inventor of most of the Dragon only spells that exist in the world like for example the dragon version of the spell shield the spell is called breath block and it works just like the shield spell does except that instead of instantly negating magic missiles it instantly negates and reflects breath weapon attacks from other dragons what makes Nexus so particularly powerful when compared to other dragon spell casters is that he has the unique ability of not just casting arcane spells but also being able to cast divine spells so on top of being able to cast multiple level 9 spells he can also cast divine spells of up to seventh level furthermore he has been blessed with the ability to be able to prepare every spell he knows and have access to them all the time basically every single time he prepares to cast a spell he can choose from any spell in the world and just cast it for him it is that simple he was given this ability by a dragon God he layers in the deserts mouth mountains now to the meat of the video the most powerful dragons in Dungeons & Dragons the less begin with chaser challenge rating a forty male fiendish red dragon Chaucer would appear to you as a massive red dragon but he is so much more than that this red dragon is the first in the world to have achieved the completion the quest of dragon ascendancy now what does that mean that means that this guy is the only mortal dragon in the world to have gathered enough supplicants to have become a quasi Devi essentially the only thing separating him now from being any normal full blown God it's just simply the amount of people that pray to him and that's it it all started in a massive rebellion see this entire piece of land right here was all part of unter but in his quest for godhood chassé Arletta rebellion that freed this whole section of land from under becoming completely independent the area that is now named to cynthia little by little Chaucer would win incredible battles and would rule over the people of to Cynthia to the point where he started to trick them into thinking that he was a God worthy to be prayed to the more prayers he got the more powerful he became to the point where he started granting miracles and spells to his clerics which further increased his veneration secretly however he personally worked at the behest of Tiamat who granted him even further greater power turning him into a chosen of Tiamat all of this power combined alongside the incredible magical items at his disposal is essentially the reason his challenge rating is the way it is now being a quasi daily he is access to a particular set of skills that are unique to him for one he is immortal he does not hate he does not need to eat or sleep and cannot die of natural causes his body can be destroyed but whether because Tiamat keeps resurrecting him or because he is now a quasi deity he keeps coming back from the dead to the point where he is now referred to as Joss or the undying being a quasi deity he's also immune to many magical effects like anything that would attempt to read or manipulate his mind any spell that would alter or change his shape or SAP it's batalla t he also can now only be heard by only the mole powerful of magical weapons on top of all of that he has improved his draconic aura and turned it into awesome aura an aura that literally inspires awe on allies while still demoralizing his enemies the magical items that he has in his possession however are what actually turns him into merely an impossibly powerful dragon into an impossible threat if you turn your attention to the Dungeon Master's guide and you flip the pages all the way over to where the artifacts are you will find the one they call the orb of Dragon kind now all artifacts are unique and they are considered to be the most powerful items in the universe but the orb of Dragon kind is particularly interesting there are believed to only be three of these orbs in existence as the blurb here says and guess what Chaucer has one of them which he can use to call upon any evil dragon within a 40-mile radius even more dangerously however he holds in his finger a most powerful ring a ring called the crown ring of chaucer this simple mithril circlet is engraved with ricotta characters that read quote through workship ascended by fire consumed a god-king is reborn and the quote once per day Chaucer can use the magic of the ring to summon 1.d4 plus one read Abba shy now for those of you who do not know what an Abba Shai is we have actually stabbed blocks for them in more than Canaan's DOMA foes they are CR 19 Dragonic monsters who follow teamö jaws are has the ability to not just summon 2 to 5 CR 19 monsters but he also controls them now the last and quite frankly overpowered item he possesses that I wish to speak about is the fabled amulet of supremacy quote only a handful of these potent devices are believed to exist for the ability to create them is limited to the most powerful of dragons both in age and magical ability any dragon is capable of using this devices however an amulet of supremacy is nothing short of a masterpiece for it is constructed of the purest metal the finest jewels and gemstones and the artistry of a Mastercraft person in fact that you will revalue alone for such a device approaches 100,000 gold pieces to dragons an amulet of supremacy is just priceless when worn an amulet of supremacy causes a dragon's breath weapon spells and natural spell like powers to operate at their maximum potential for example maximum damage duration area of effect etc saving throws against these effects still apply however an unlit of supremacy is strictly a draconic device if worn by any other species death is immediate usually taking the form of an instantaneous immolation or disintegration with no saving throw allowed and a quote while chassé are wears the amulet of supremacy his fire breath deals 240 points of fire damage and every other spell he can cast will also be maximized accordingly now outside of these things his power is pretty straightforward as you can see from his character sheet you do have to keep in mind that this is third edition so the stats are designed for third edition however converting third edition to fifth edition it's actually very straightforward and doesn't really require much generally speaking most of what you see here is actually as it is other than the attack values and the armor class if we were to convert his armor class into fifth edition then he would have something like 30 AC HP is generally pretty similar between 3rd and 5th edition except that monsters back then had less HP so in 5th edition shots I would actually have a bit more HP than what it shows here other than that stats are actually basically the same again other than the +2 hit which are completely bloated for a 3rd edition he has a strength of 46 which is insanity and as you can see he can cast 9 level spells 5 times a day now his hoard is far too big for me to cover here but summing all of the mixed coinage and pieces of art and jewelry together amounts were roughly two hundred and twenty four thousand 448 gold pieces plus the magical items the magical items in this instance would be where the biggest bulk of his horse value actually lies since many of these magical items are straight-up invaluable he has Scrolls of wishes scores of very rare armors and legendary items he currently rules from the grand city of Erebus and is seeking to unite all of the cities in Ch essentia into a kingdom a kingdom he will then use to attack his neighbors and become a warlord god-king next we got in viral better known as Inferno CR 40 male red dragon Inferno is funnily enough almost the direct opposite of Chaucer a Chaucer is a very outgoing dragon who seeks to spread its name as far as possible its power lies in its plethora of magical items that he possesses and in his relationships with Tiamat and the powerful military country that it owns Inferno does not have any of that no country no military no overpowered magical items he does not like to come out and most people don't even know he exists but what he has is pure unadulterated raw power Inferno is the highest level sorcerer that I have seen at least that we have character sheets for having not just a challenge rating of 40 with having a sorcerer level of 40 what does this mean this means that inferno can cast seven ninth level spells but also two tenth level spells two 11th level spells 112 level spell and one 13th level spell now unfortunately spells above 9th level are no longer a thing having been banned by mistre the goddess of magic what he can do however is used those really high level spell slots in order to quicken some of his other spells and as you can see here he can quicken spells using those high level spell slots basically allowing him to cast extraordinarily powerful magic that's a bonus action while still being able to use his action to attack or do any of his other abilities in third addition is actually allowed him to cast two spells in a single-action but that's no longer a thing we can do in fifth edition at all his stats however are godlike almost reaching 60 strength that he's 13 strength higher than chess r45 constitutions there are two intelligence thirty-two stamina I mean he's just unstoppable when you work out the math in order to transfer his AC into fifth addition you get that he actually possesses an armor class of 35 he has fourteen hundred and thirty HP but again you have to consider that Monstress in third edition generally had less HP than their fifth edition counterparts so he would actually have substantially more HP than that but yeah you can see his stats yourself make sure to once again disregard the bloated +2 hits that you see on his attacks like the plus 77 to hit on his bite that's just how third edition worked chances to head and armor classes were really large back then so disregard those numbers everything else however should be solid even the damage of his attacks should be correct for fifth edition monsters in third edition generally did less damage per hit than in fifth edition so you might actually have to increase their damage a little bit more to be congruent when it comes to combat gear the magical items that he would wear in the combat you can see that he focused his hard on blocking as much damage as possible relying on his physical might to help them resist physical damage his necklace of absorption would block tower expels his horn ring of shielding would make him immune to magic missiles and give him resistance to forest damage and his ring of spell turning with once again also helped him against direct spells now unfortunately we don't really know much about inferno as a dragon because it doesn't really seem to go out much he has seemingly spent much of his time either sleeping or traveling into other far places to ferret that is because he actually has an old teleportation portal in his lair that transports him to a faraway land in the continent where he actually spends much of his time hunting he layers in the highest peak of the storm mounds in the middle of the high forest so have you ever wondered who owned the star mounds and what was up there now you don't have to worry anymore and now you can be happy to never go there again but yeah nobody really knows his real name and and those high sages that know of his existence simply call him Inferno and choose not to bother him because frankly he doesn't bother anyone elminster the CR 39 wizard we talked about in our last episode estimates that Inferno has a horde of at least a dozen million gold pieces scattered all across in different caves in the star mounds he scatters all of his hoard in mounds of 100,000 gold pieces in each of the caves he uses but yeah when it comes to personality he has been described as Wortley whimsical and not really as proud sneering or condescending as you would think mostly he's just smugly amused by unfolding events around him and he seems to view the world as an endless circus presented for his personal entertainment he takes great delight in manipulating humans into doing things he wants but what he wants is generally unknown oh and also his fire breath deals 30 a to be 10 points of fire damage just putting that out there anyways guys we're gonna have to push the third CR 40 dragon to the next video because this video is already running a little bit too long because I added those extra dragons but hey that just means more content so for the next episode we're going to have mas kill Jess red the dragon that we were supposed to see this episode and the secret CR 50 monster the strongest monster in Dungeons & Dragons on that next video so stay tuned to that I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Walker motley sack bowel ricado fan berry mask ant 5e magic shop daniel umar doctor cowbell rusty rein biotech no frag daniel luna duck peter brad salazar the great cody knee Terry Culp G Herc red soul night Baracus law Omega scales Caracas de Bulwer and also for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level and you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patron dot-com / mr. rex to support anyways guys thank you so much for watching please make sure to subscribe to the channel and click the bell button so that you can be notified whenever I upload a video with that said just have fun and yourselves have a good week and see you guys next time
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 434,837
Rating: 4.9557657 out of 5
Id: BFAmksnfA-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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