The Single Strongest God Of All Time In D&D

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tear is the God of justice a domain so powerful that he is a greater God by only having justice in its portfolio in our last video we talked about how powerful a greater God is how there is literally no end to their might yet as powerfullest here is with one mere thought his eyes were gouged out by the over god there was nothing to tear could have done to defend himself tear spoke out of term and was punished for it this is the power of an over God a God beyond God in Dungeons and Dragons and over power or an over God is a Devi that exists above Danny's one that exists even farther than the normal bounds of the divine their power so great that even the word dat falls short in measuring their enormity there are a few entities in the Forgotten Realms that many could define as over God's mastica from the mastic and pantheon the celestial emperor from the celestial bureaucracy in carat or or even the principle of fate that guides this akarin pantheon these entities have complete authority over the Pantheon's that they watch over in a sense kind of like how coral and Laura thean rules over the elvish pantheon but these powers as strong as they are and they are strong they fall short to that which is the topic of this video the over God of all of Torah in fact of all of realm space his name is AO and he rules over all gods the reality of it is that we do not know the full extent of its powers he cannot see into the future he cannot or will not read into the minds of gods he does not appear to be fully omniscient in the least it appears that gods can do things behind his back or at least hide things from him but what he can do is incredible in the book on hallowed ground we were told that AO has the portfolio of deities and balance but it truly truly goes way beyond that in the Forgotten Realms campaign guide for 4th edition we were told that al created the crystal sphere that contains the world of the Forgotten Realms and all the other planets of its solar system through the Faith's and avatars would discover that he then created and allowed entities to enter the crystal sphere and populate the planet he elevated some to godhood in order to balance power all around and then simply laugh them through their own devices during the next period in time gods could do whatever they wanted they killed each other they reproduce with one another and they raised any mortal they wanted into godhood quote they were unchecked in their proliferation and self-destruction and quote this lively state of existence allowed for the war between the gods and the primordial entirely different beings that each wanted the planet for themselves this war almost destroyed the planet tutorial the main and most important planet in the solar system and as such Hale decided to simply split the planet didn't have one planet would go to the gods and then one planet would go to the primordial z-- the planets didn't exist in the same physical reality but exist simultaneously in different prime realms now this was the first time that AO showed himself in the lore before then he had nearly just existed in the background of things this was about 32,000 years ago as to the present-day but even after this he would stay in the background until just recently in the story until basically it's just about a hundred and fifty years ago to the person day in the beginning of what we call the Time of Troubles for these last thirty two thousand years the gods were allowed to basically just do again whatever they wanted we're not really sure the full extent of the rules that they had to follow but we do know that they did have a few rules for example AO forbade two gods from ever having identical portfolios and also stated that if two gods ever clashed with one another then only one of three things could ever happen one of the gods would have to fade from the realms both gods would have to merge or one or both gods would have to alter their portfolios sufficiently so that both could then remain these rules essentially made it so that gods constantly fought each other for supremacy something that created a lot of instability for these thirty thousand years see during the separation of the planet for both the primordial z-- and the gods AO created the fabled tablets of fate the tablets of fate were a very powerful set of artifacts that kept the planets separated but furthermore it also denoted the responsibilities and power is that each God and each primordial was supposed to have theoretically speaking if you were to read it you would see each God written on it alongside the responsibilities that they were supposed to uphold in essence the tablets were a physical representation of the gods duties but then about 30,000 years later Bane god of tyranny ambition and control alongside merkel god of death and decay stole the tablets of fate thinking that a modicum of aoes power resided within it power that they wanted for themselves this was the last straw that broke the camel's back the single event that showed AO that gods could not be allowed anymore to run rampant without any checks the event that told a o that gods didn't respect the power that had been bestowed upon them and that they would not be able to use it responsibly and so he banished every single god from the heavens and forced them to walk the prime material realm in mortal form in order to both teach them humility force them to get closer to their worshipers and of course to find the stolen tablets of fate to keep the story short the tablets were eventually found and AO destroyed them in front of everyone he said quote the tablets mean nothing ao said to the gods because the gods had made a mockery of their meaning I kept them to remind you that I created gods to serve the balance not to twist it to your own ends but this point was lost on you you saw the tablets as a set of rules by which to play juvenile games of prestige and pomp then when the rules became inconvenient you stole them and quote since the gods cared nothing for the balance that were supposed to serve AO destroyed the tablets however the tablets also kept the two planets part quote if the gods were determined to live in strife and upheaval then they might as well fight the primordial again and equipped during this time the lands of the two planets started slowly converging migrating from one reality to the other it is in fact around this time when the Dragonborn appeared on the planet if you didn't know the Dragonborn were actually from the planet dominated by the primordial but during this convergence of planes one of their capital cities was taken and replanted in tutoral and this is why we have Dragonborn in 5th edition and why we don't really have them on previous editions it is a new thing that just happened because the tablets of faith were destroyed which we're also holding the names of each God and their portfolios gods could now move portfolios much easier which created further turmoil in the divine ranks and which fermented God's into reaching for more and more power by their killing each other or plotting in other ways this got even worse when mister a goddess of magic was murdered which of course created the spell plague all in all things were just getting worse realizing that walking amongst mortals did not stop the gods from their juvenile bickering and infighting coming to terms that they were not going to change ayoh instead decided to simply force their hand and change the entire way divinity works in order to force them to care about their worshippers essentially ao decided that he was going to take a more active role in managing the heavens that from now on he was going to decide who was going to be God and he would start actively switching for the folios around if he deemed it necessary if you were not doing your part in progressing and balancing your portfolio AO might just simply take it away from you now furthermore gods could no longer turn mortals into gods instead they would have to petition AO for him to allow it this would include now mortals like cares' who during their lives had obtained so much power that they could just turn themselves into gods well that just wouldn't be allowed anymore starting from this point forward at least not without the approval of AO if you use arcane power to turn yourself into a god and an AO simply said no you would instead now turning to a lich or a similar undead creature AO also started demoting and promoting whoever he deemed a proper for the role if you were not doing your job just simply wouldn't get to be a god anymore he also decided whether or not a god it could be resurrected or not overall AR took a hands-on approach he then remade a new set of tablets of faith with rewritten gods and portfolios and with these new tablets the two planets would be once again separated and a new set of rules would be enacted these new tablets of fate which marked the end of the Time of Troubles were created in 1482 dr that is only seven years before the events of hoard of the Dragon Queen which is said in 1489 dr and marks the beginning of course of the fifth edition storyline so it doesn't really matter which adventure you're playing in 5th edition tyranny of dragons out of the abyss princess of the apocalypse dragon heist or descend into a Verna's this change is basically as new as it can be for further context third edition Forgotten Realms was basically during the Time of Troubles when everything was going wild if you played adventures during 3rd edition in the Forgotten Realms you basically lived through those days of insanity 50 shiness now after things have comparatively calmed down what's interesting however was that nobody knew what was going to happen when the new tablets of fate were being created quite frankly the gods were scared AO had made it very clear that he was unhappy with the way things had been going that he was disappointed in the actions of many gods some thought that many gods would be deleted killed and replaced many thought that the world was going to end AO had warned the gods to gather as many followers as they could before the stones were complete but it didn't specify the reason there was genuine fear in the Pantheon's of heaven and hell many gods gathered as many followers as they could so that when the world would end they would find themselves on the right heaven and they thought that they needed to save as many souls as possible from the rapture the spell plague looked like he was going to ravage the whole world without any end in sight and so maybe the only solution was to just remake the world or to simply get it over with and destroy it once and for all you have to understand that nobody knows whatever ayoh is ever thinking he has no alignment he doesn't communicate with the gods he doesn't have any motives other than balance and equilibrium he might have just destroyed the world and all the gods with it for all you know but he didn't some gods were demoted others promoted portfolios shifted and new rules were added but things sort of just went back to normal I say normal but things are already going out of control again the rise of Tiamat an invasion of demons and devils OOP Taos ancient pact is broken and he can no longer protect the peaks of flame from dende are the night serpent Anam the all-father finally gave up on his Giants I mean things are bad and so only been like ten years but I digress during the entirety of the lore of the Forgotten Realms in Dungeons and Dragons AO has really only made an appearance to do something about three times once during the battle between the gods and the primordial in order to separate the planets ones during the Time of Troubles to punish the gods for letting the tablets of fate be stolen and then last during the recreation of the tablets directly before the beginning of fifth edition outside of these three events we literally know nothing of this entity we don't know where he exists or what his purpose is other than to balance things we know that he doesn't answer any prayers we've actually had cultists of a o and water deep sin the Time of Troubles but they all eventually dispersed since they weren't getting any cleric spells out of it which is hilarious we know that he has no interest in communicating with mortals or showing himself to us we know this since he only showed himself over just so that he could castigate the gods we also know that he still hasn't shown himself into any of the other continents we know that he has great power over all gods like the ability to raise any person into godhood or remove any God he wants and take their powers but he also has other abilities like the ability to shape and destroy worlds we know this since he literally created the crystal sphere of realm space and then he split the planet into thousands of years later we know that he can directly overpower in harm even greater deities since he gouged tear God of justice for speaking out against him during the Time of Troubles and lastly we know that he does have a superior an entity called the luminous being which is said to be the creator of all the galaxies and universes but many surmise that the luminous being is just a metaphor for the gamemaster we also know that AO shows as a male since he showed himself once during the Time of Troubles he appeared as a massive floating flowing beard with a nondescript face is interesting that it wasn't described as a floating face with a beard but instead it was described as a beard with a face attached to it if this is the only official art that we actually have about AO across the lore all we really get about him are tiny paragraphs spread across many different lore books we got this paragraph in on hallowed ground we know that al took tears eyes because of sort Koza ventures guide we got this paragraph of info from Forgotten Realms campaign guide of third edition we get a bit about the creation of the world in Forgotten Realms campaign guide fourth vision that barely mentions AO by name polyhedra number 94 mentions the cult of AO but doesn't really say anything about the entity itself most of the info that we have actually comes from faiths and avatars which does speak a lot about the powers that a OU possesses all of which we have already like the fact that now everything has to go through him like who becomes a god and such and then lastly of course are the novels and the backdrop of info from the settings like the events that unfolded in the Time of Troubles and the spell plague which does mention AO and some of his decisions when it comes to mortals themselves it was revealed to us that basically the only person that could know anything about AO would be elminster as in he knew who L was before the Time of Troubles even took place so it is likely that he would know more but it is unlikely he would ever say anything so we're left with really not much to be honest just keep in mind though that AO only has power over realm space over the Forgotten Realms his power does not reach and cannot manipulate anything beyond this crystal sphere when he forced all the gods into mortal forms during the Time of Troubles it was revealed that he could only manifest the power that gods had in this crystal sphere to explain that better the Norse and Egyptian Pantheon for example or what we call multi-sphere powers they have followers in the Forgotten Realms but they also have followers in other crystal spheres AO could only manifest and control their Forgotten Realms sides during that event if a o killed them in the Forgotten Realms and they would still exist in the other crystal spheres they merely could not reform or produce any impact on realm space it doesn't matter how powerful a o is he would not be able to make any difference or impact on ever on or a gray hog or any of the magic the gathering world but that's it that is what we have on the greatest God in the world I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Walker motley sak bowel drew karo fan berry mask and 5e magic shop Daniel Umar rusty rain Morgan Johnson biotech no fraud Daniel Luna doc feeder Brad Salazar the great Cody knee Terry kolba raucous law Omega scales Kauravas the bulwark Ozel sound tags eerie Alex Cookson square chicken Ariel Nelson Benjamin boss ters io is awesome Falk e 951 Jacob crazy Griffin piers morbid magician and syren King for supporting me and patron at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patreon comm slash mr. Rex to support I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'm still read that there was a little bit of a delay for this one I it's a lot of research that I had to do just to find every single bit of information that I could about AO but if I didn't miss something of course please let me know especially those of you who read the novels it's a lot harder for me to look into the novels if I'm looking for a very specific topic so if you guys do or if you know anything more about this guy then of course write it down in the comments below and I'll go ahead and read those and write those down for my own research purposes I would I would appreciate that a lot but in any case you guys thank you for liking the video for for supporting me on patreon of course and for just watching the video it's always appreciated I will see you all next time with more monster lore videos we will keep doing those probably for awhile will do maybe five or six because those of you and patron at the $10 level and above vota that you guys wanted to see more of those so we will just spam your feeds with with monster lore videos so look forward so look forward to those anyways see y'all next time bye bye you
Channel: MrRhexx
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Id: bnxP1oGVCDU
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Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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