What They Don't Tell You About Green Dragons - D&D

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few dragons are as utterly reviled among humanoids as green dragons known also as forest dragons although Green Dragons might not be as powerful or as destructive as some of their kin they are innately and instinctively deceptive they lie as easily as people speak and they are very good at it they love intrigue and prefer to achieve their goals through guile and double-dealing over any other means look any brute can hunt but it takes skill and intelligence to trick once prey into offering itself for dinner green dragons are cunning and deceitful they would rather plan and concoct get-rich schemes with as little work as possible unlike blue dragons who are incredibly smart and hard-working Green Dragons would most certainly rather pick the longer but easier path they are very ill-tempered and thoroughly evil they enslave the intelligent beings that they meet and slay the unintelligent wants who are unfortunate enough to cross its path much like the black dragons the Green Dragons love ambushes but unlike the former this one actually has a plan it uses its slaves for specific purposes they capture adventurers for information on treasure they ensnare diplomats to ransom them if you are a slave of the dragon you must prove your worth every single day or face death under its jaws when speaking to intelligent beings the dragon will sound smooth and honey-tongued is smart and cultured he will try and make a deal with you but in reality the dragon is always scheming and planning any deal made with the dragon will surely turn sour sooner rather than later the green dragon makes its lair on forests and woods the magics of the Dragon turns the woods magical forcing the plants to grow thorns and work for the creature the critters of the forest become the eyes of the dragon the plants become its tools and even the ground self will hide the tracks of the beast a pervasive mist will choke the forest poor tenting images of the nightmares of the dragon slaves this is the Green Dragon this is what the monster manual tells us and it is in fact probably the best entry for any dragon that we have seen so far see this is a comparison between the entry that we just touched on and the one we covered a couple of days ago on our last episode for the gold dragon if you see here there are a total of about fourteen paragraphs for the green dragon versus a measly six for the gold dragon and the green stringers paragraphs are also generally longer - overall what we actually get here for the green dragon is some really good information to the point where it actually makes my job a lot harder since well I do think the monster manual actually did a pretty good job here but don't you even worry I do have some good stuff to go through but first let's cover their physical appearance so the question here is how do you differentiate a green dragon from another type of dragon obviously outside of their color remember that you cannot discern caller in the darkness even if you have dark vision so that being the case what would you actually look for well the frills on top of the dragon's head which every single green dragon has is probably your best bet though you will have to pay close attention to a few other things many other dragons like the black gold and copper dragons share similar looking frills so you'll have to go through a process of elimination black dragons have very specific looking horns so that should be a pretty dead tail gold dragons have inordinate long tails and their legs are super thin when compared to the thick and big thighs of the green dragon copper dragons have short necks when compared to the Swan style the neck of the green dragon look I'm not gonna lie if you're looking at a draconic skeleton of a green dragon it's going to be very tricky to tell what exactly is it especially if the frills are no longer visible on this skeleton there is however something magical and very special that happens in and around the body of the dead green dragon but we will that by the end of the episode first let's actually start with their social behavior you might not know it but Green Dragons are actually masters of politics in fact very often they try to meddle in the political affairs of cities and towns close to their forests they will attempt to bribe and course city officials in order to attempt to steer the community in a particular direction now there is seldom a real reason for the dragon to do this since for the most part the Green Dragon just enjoys manipulating people in this form as a hobby and to personally amuse itself it actually sees this as an experiment and as practice of its coercive abilities now unfortunately for Green Dragons they typically do not possess the power to polymorph into a humanoid and I say unfortunately because many of them actually would love nothing more than to straight up live in a city and be allowed to coerce people as a shrewd merchant or as a master politician in the forest though that typically take a more direct and threatening approach the monster manual describes interactions between green dragons as harsh and crude which is most certainly true see Green Dragons are lawful creatures but unlike gold dragons and blue dragons who are always lawful the Green Dragons and actually have strict hierarchies within their communities this is because green dragons know each other too well to be able to trust one another they know that they're all liars and traitors and for the most part that would refuse to cooperate with one another if there are multiple Green Dragons that live in the same forest there will then be a very straightforward picking order where the older dragon will be treated with more respect but this level of respect is paper-thin and no green dragon is ever fooled into thinking another actually has anything but this day in towards it that being said this level of engagement completely shifts between mates even though Green Dragons do not interact very well at all with each other when one finds a mate they develop an extremely powerful bond one that you might actually not expect there is literally nothing more important to a green dragon than its babies who they will defend to the death if they have to in the event of an attack by an enemy the female dragon will jump straight into combat in order to protect the babies while the male green dragon will fly away with the eggs or the worm links in his clutches and it will not return until he is sure that the babies are safe only then will the male dragon return to join the combat green dragon parents will make sure that their babies are always well protected and will spend every single waking moment teaching them everything that they need to know which for the most part revolves around teaching them how to trick and how to manipulate lesser beings indeed schooling for the green whirlings is all about how to sweet-talk others in how to get what they want from them this love that green dragons half were their babies is the one reason that defines their greatest enemy see the master manual mentions that green dragons enjoy the taste of elf in fact they also enjoy the taste of sprites they also enjoy corrupting and torturing both but this is not necessarily because they are their greatest enemy in fact a Green Dragons greatest enemy is actually held Giants this is because inhale giant culture hunting and eating green dragon babies is considered a delicacy and since green dragons are overly protective of their babies this has created an unbreakable hatred for the Giants so whenever possible Green Dragons will do their best to kill and enslave as many Hill Giants as they can when it comes to a Green Dragons territory and layer I feel like it is sort of obvious what they're into I mean Green Dragons equals forest it is as straightforward as you can get this is why I think it's actually going to blow your mind a little bit what I'm about to tell you because it is certainly not intuitive at all Green Dragons love forests but they actually very much dislike jungles see a green dragon with almost 100% of the time prefer a very cold Tundra forest than a steamy hot jungle but certainly its favorite style of wood would be the more temperate style of forests see Green Dragons enact a lot of enjoyment out of visual and olfactory surroundings they love the look of the forest they enjoy the changing of the seasons but most of all the smell of the forest it's like a drug to the dragon and there's a sizable difference between a jungle and a forest in these factors at least for the green dragon on top of the fact that the green dragon mostly eats mammals and it would rather eat large beasts like moose deer and bear than monkeys and tigers this is why you're going to have a very difficult time actually finding a green dragon in for example the jungles of colt now not to say that there wouldn't be but the Green Dragons that you would find in these biomes are generally the Green Dragons that didn't really have any other choice probably because stronger Green Dragons have kicked them out of better forests now to close up the video let's talk about the natural magics of the green dragon like with all other true dragons just the very nature of the dragon existing in a location it it changes said location considerably we mentioned before how animals start working for the dragon how plants grow spines and how the very forest itself hides the dragon and moves at the behest of the creature this affects typically form around one mile surrounding the lair of the green dragon now as powerful as these effects are they cease to be when the green dragon dies since they are only manifested by the powerful presence and natural magics of the creature what you probably don't know is that even though the forest itself loses its magics the actual location of the green dragons grave suffers quite the opposite see the decaying body of a green dragon is the greatest fertilizer seemingly in the magical world the immediate location of the dragon's grave explodes in plant growth quote resulting in lush beautiful and deadly plant growth grasses trees and other vegetation nearly all of them poisonous grow swiftly to abnormally large sizes and quote what's interesting about this as well is that as the MAGIX of the body of the green dragon seeping to the earth they actually thinned the layer between the prime material realm and the Fae wild so the plans in the affective region around the carcass of the dragon become more and more faith touched which results in even bigger growth for these trees it wouldn't be uncommon actually for hacks of the forest to have in their possession maintained carcasses of green dragons for the purposes of growing poisonous plants and for the purposes of opening portals to the Fae wild so keep this in mind too because the scales of a green dragon make for perfect light to medium armor and that is because the scales of a green dragon are not as hard or as thick as the scales of any other true dragon instead they are the most flexible out of their entire kind so if you happen to raid a forest hags Shack you might be able to find some of those juicy scales so there you go you're welcome for that tip but yeah this is what I meant before when we talked about how to tail a green dragon skeleton apart from another type of dragon just by looking at the skeleton itself you might have a very hard time since there wouldn't be too many different shooting factors in the body to tell them apart but a sure way to know that the skeleton that you're looking at is indeed a green dragon would be to notice the explosive vegetation that surrounds the skeleton of the creature having found that you would be able to tell exactly what you were looking at thank you guys so much for watching the video I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Ricardo fan major fail gaming Wyatt Curlin berry mask ant Toby Oliver Dylan Baker sack boul Spencer Bowie and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patreon dot-com slash mr. Rex to support thank you guys so much for watching it was a little bit harder to find extra interesting content for the Green Dragon at least harder than any of the other dragons has been in the past the Monster Manual really did a good job by just kind of exploring the creature and basic telling us everything that we actually needed to know so who you know I did my best but I I did think I found some really good stuff over there in the in the older books but in any case if you guys really liked the video then make sure to like it I didn't like it then of course leave a dislike leave me a comment telling me what you thought about the video and if you haven't I make sure to click on the playlist here for my Dungeons & Dragons lore and just check out everything that we have done including every single other dragon lore that we have done I know that you guys been a big fan of the series and I think I have finally decided on on a title for this series I know that some of you we're not big fans of the clique baby style titles and I think we have kind of just decided to stay with what you would see this title be for this video I will see how that works how people kind of feel about it but in any case thank you all so much for watching and I looking forward to the next one see you guys then bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 416,604
Rating: 4.9708319 out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, d&d, dnd, chromatic dragons, green dragons
Id: 7soyZnPFti0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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