The 10 Coolest Magic Items in Dungeons and Dragons

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an artifact is the most powerful type of magic item in terms of rarity you have common magical items uncommon rare very rare legendary and then artifact but the real difference it separates an artifact from the rest is that the item in question cannot be recreated or duplicated it is a unique result of the creature and environment that resulted in its creation furthermore the artifact is immune to all damage and cannot be destroyed unless via a very specific weakness think the One Ring from Lord of the Rings it can only be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom the famous ring of winter from the D&D novels and from tamama relation can only be destroyed if titania the summer queen of the Fae were to wear the ring in her finger the wand of Orcas can only be destroyed if it is bathed in the blood of TM its heart there are many hidden ways to destroy the book of vile darkness but the only way to destroy the book permanently would be to eliminate evil from the multiverse completely then the book would crumble to dust artifacts have seemingly limitless power and are basically indestructible and are by far the rarest items in the multiverse I have created here a list of my personal top 10 artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons now know that this is not a list about which magic items are the strongest let us our next video for this video we're simply talking about which artifacts spoke to me personally and artifacts that I liked the most in my time doing D&D videos and going through all the research that I do the reasons why I chose most of these artifacts is literally because I thought they were awesome or the backstory of their creation was epic or maybe there were things that I wish I had as a player or as a person now with that said let's get started number 10 there's a spot hidden inside of the ever mores called the dragon wood this is a deserted wooded ravine that many believe to be bewitched the reason is because any non-sentient big mammal that enters the area gets teleported out the win in the area also whispers ominous sentences to those to stay quiet and list and trolls and Giants also avoid settling anywhere near these woods now in the center of the dragon wood there is a permanently barren spot and in there lies the sleeping dragon the reason why the forest is named the dragon wood the sleeping dragon is a megalith of 20 feet long and 10 feet thick quote despite its name this feature isn't a dragon at all but an egg-shaped stone that floats in the air unmoved by winds and all spells that have been tried against it it was long thought to be an unhatched dragon egg they believe still common in the north the sleeping dragon is shaped like a large long potato a rough ovoid with its long axis horizontal it floats in a fixed spot as the years pass its lowest point about ten feet off the ground a little moss grows on the dragon and years of harsh winters have caused it to crumble in small ways here and there but it exhibits no large cracks or breaks and it seems to be protected against the fury of the elements the dragon is fashioned from a single piece of unidentified dark stone his exterior was carved long ago into a seemingly abstract design of sweeping curves and flourishes skull pings that in some places reach a death of a foot or so and cover most of the rocks its exterior these carvings help conceal at least three hatch like doors in this stone oval stone domes that can be shifted sideways to release cunningly carved stone catches and then swung open to allow access to hollows in the interior of the floating stone and quote what makes this artifact so particularly unique is just how mysterious it is nobody knows how it got there or who created it and many sages and adventurers have tried to discern its purpose and secrets without much success when you interact with some of its features you can uncover secret doors and hatches in the stone that lead to either small chambers or two compartments holding different things one example of a discovered function is what they call the wink the wink is an opening with a treasure inside the contents of the treasure is revealed magically every once in a while as long as it hasn't been plundered recently you can find anything in there from robes to clothing to bottles of ink or weapons or fancy candles anything can appear inside of the wink but the contents will only appear to someone who has never looted it before another discovered hole is called the dark hole that looks like a Sepulcher or a burial cavity where people typically find either a dead body a mommy or skeletal bones in there the bodies are always different depending on who opens the compartment and then lastly there is the wizard's door which as you can see is the form of cabin with a bad a plethora of books and different kinds of drinks for someone to get comfortable the splendor is a part of the sleeping dragon that sages are sure is supposed to do something but nobody has yet to figure out how to activate it there are also reports of a village of Pixies that live close by to the sleeping dragon that played tricks and adventurers who try and explore the artifact casting illusory spells to make the sleeping dragon seem more ominous than what it is or pranking the adventurers but making them believe that they have discovered a new opening in the rock number nine nuschka an old primordial artificer is known to be the original creators of the jenissi allegedly during the dawn war the war between the gods and the primordial nuschka created the jenissi as slaves before she died long after the war she created an artifact called the birthing furnace which literally creates baby June a/c when the gods warned in the dawn war the planet was spiritually split into one was given to the gods which is Toro which is where all the adventurers are said and then the other planet is named a bear which is worthy primordial live and that is where the Empire of dragons still exists and is where the Dragonborn originally are from in a bear you will find the birthing furnace now not much is known about the artifact itself but it has the ability to create literal baby to NASA's just like that whenever the settlement of jenissi in that region require more babies they just activate the artifact and the baby is delivered however because of malfunctions in the artifact only fire two nasties seem to be able to survive the birthing process the razzed are consumed by the Portia's fires before they can crawl out nowadays you can create a Genesee by simply having an elemental reproduce with a human the spawn which is a half elemental if that half elemental then reproduces with another human you will get the Genesee the Genesee which owned the birthing furnace however are from the original strain created by the primordial a long time ago they are sterile for they were never created to reproduce they are the first and original Genesee so they rely on the furnace to replenish themselves and they called each other the Dominion of the burned sky cleaver is the acts of annum the OL father the main center god of the Giants and its power is to cleave through anything both physical and non-physical the axe is said to be able to cut through any material but its real power is to be able to split apart barriers both physical and metaphysical with the axe you can separate truths from falsehoods you can cut to the heart of the matter with the axe you could cut a curse off a person you could sever a bad memory from someone's brain or straight up simply physically cut through the strongest metals or stones the caveat is that when you hold the axe the weapon drains your corporeality a person who holds the weapon for too long will become aged deformed and transparent as the axe severs your ties that bind your spirit to your body using the special cleaving powers of the sky cleaver will make this process go faster to use any of his cleaving powers one must invoke the word cleave spoken in the ancient giant language another great power of the axe is that whoever wields it becomes basically immune to most kinds of damage now the axe itself even though it was made for annum the old father it doesn't really have an owner per se the axe appears to have a will of its own and goes to whoever calls it any giant or Titan who wishes to call upon the powers of the sky cleaver must say in the ancient giant language quote in the name of scales stone bones your maker o sky cleaver do I summon you into the service of my hand and quote if you say those words and your emotions are strong the axe will fly to your service even if the axe is currently in the hands of someone else essentially whoever has the strongest convictions and emotions gets the axe those that find themselves in the presence of the axe feel an overwhelming desire to obtain it and those that hold it find themselves constantly filled with fear that someone else might take it number seven just like the birthing furnace this is unfortunately another artifact that we currently don't have a lot of information about but what it does is extremely cool the artifact looks like a large apparatus that seems like a cross between a pipe organ and a printing press like a machine it has multiple levers and knobs and buttons its powers that it could teleport a massive object and anything instead of that object anywhere on the planet essentially if you have the astrolabe of nimber all in your Wizards Tower you could teleport the tower and everything else inside anywhere in the world you could teleport large ships towers houses and with some extra magics maybe even small castles with it last time it was seen it was inside of the ship the realms master a sky ship captained by the wizard Dwalin more omen in Hull draw the ship was destroyed not long after and reconstructed but it is not known if the astrolabe of NIM Broll was lost or reconstructed back into the ship number six in the Forgotten Realms the Time of Troubles was a moment about a hundred and fifty years ago to the present day President being the time when the fifth edition adventures are said in which gods walked the earth in their avatars they did this because they were forced to see a group of evil gods had stolen a very precious artifact from the heavens an artifact that we will talk about in the future but since no God coped up to the deed Elle punished them all by forcing them to walk the planet in their avatars AO if you don't know is the overlord is the god of gods he controls basically all of them now the thing is if they died in the planet in their avatars they died for real this was done to force the gods to suffer some humility and to get closer to the mortals that gave them their power and of course to help them find the artifact mistre the goddess of magic being now on the planet couldn't really protect repair in general safeguard the weave of magic in the world and as such she seek to force her way back into heaven at the time many magical problems were arising in the world whole areas of dead magic multiple zones filled with chaotic energies some spaces wouldn't work and others that were meant to never work again could now suddenly work because mr. a wasn't overseeing them for example now someone might have been able to cast tenth or eleventh level spells now the mr. wasn't there to stop it now helmet the god of guardians and protection was left by L to safeguard the infinite staircase the staircase that would lead to heaven in order to prevent any God from going back up miss drew confronted hell machine needed to get back to heaven and helm and her both thought helm then struck mistre down and killed her the legend said that helm deeply regretted the death of mistre that he had been forced to carry out and in his grave sorrow he cried a single tear which failed to the planet this tear would then be called the guardian sphere and contained both the Vigilant wands anguish and the chaotic energies of the lady of mysteries the artifact was always under the effect of a non detection spell and whoever touched it would have all magic dispelled from itself whatever the tear touched if it was magic it would be dispelled furthermore the tear held within itself such intense and uncontrolled magic that for one mile radius around it magic would either fail to work completely or would become completely volatile and unrestrained at any one point in time there was a one-in-four chance that no magic would work around it and three in four chances that magic would be unstable and chaotic this bubble of anti magic or chaotic magic around the tear would expand up to 30 miles out around midnight making this an extraordinarily powerful artifact it is said that those who gazed upon the beautiful blue crystal tear would see in the reflection a movie of the fight between helm and mistre from the point of view of helm the movie would play out an endless repetition for eternity as an artifact it was virtually impossible to destroy many sages actually speculated how a magical artifact of nature could be destroyed and many posited that only helm could if he were to crash it in his gauntlet so that Mister could then absorb its Magic's others suggested having it be absorbed by a sphere of annihilation and then placing that sphere and living it undisturbed for 1001 years in the Auris of 1001 magical abundance that's how it difficult to destroy these things are number five I'm not sure how to pronounce this one but cringe in eben or the crystal shard as it is known is an artifact originally created by seven powerful Lich's who wanted to create a tool of destruction that obtained its power from the Sun in a bid to insult immortals by making this artifact of doom obtain power from the Sun the giver of life upon the Lich's combining their strengths they were obliterated by the chaotic energies and by the resulting sun-like properties of the relic and the pieces of their spirits were absorbed by the artifact the spirits sort of became the soul of the artifact which had now grown sentient eventually the Forgotten shard was found by a good sultan who seek peace with its neighbors but the Sultan was then further invaded by a war mongering shikdum and defeated the Sultan was then forced to watch as his family was murdered right in front of him the crystal shard would go on to absorb a piece of the Sultan's spirit now the artifact imbued with the aspects of the seven Lich's and the tormented spirit of the Sultan would create for itself a personality one of evil and despair who would stop at nothing in order to obtain as much power and as much glory as possible thanks to this scarring created by the traumatic and tragic events of its formative years how cool is that a sentient artifact that had such [ __ ] formative years that now it turn it evil now as far as powers go crantini bond could be used as a form of wand or staff or arcane focus in order to cast extremely powerful spells relating to fire or a light but it's special abilities were incredible first of all the crystal shard could create a duplicate of itself that if buried under the ground would sprout and grow into a massive crystal tower called a crucial tariff this tower was impervious to all damage and reflected all attacks back to the source it's only weak spot was a pulsating crystal that worked as its heart which hid inside of the tower itself the towers door was invisible and undetectable to top it off the crystal tower absorbed the light of the Sun during the day making it even more powerful and giving some of that strength to the original crystal you could create many of these towers at a time but doing so would spread the power of the shard thin the other main power of the crystal shard was that it could communicate mentally to those weak of will and persuade them to join his cause or rather the cause of whoever wielded the crystal shard it would collect slaves this way with promises of riches and greatness and have them fight for it even though the crystal shard had an owner per se it was its own master and if given the opportunity it would seek to get rid of its current wielder in order to find a better and stronger user crinch any bond was eventually destroyed via its only weakness which was Dragon Fire applied it to the original crystal number four now we're getting into the good stuff jizan was the goddess of fruitfulness fertility and productivity in saqqara and it is said that this coin was given to the owners by the goddess herself in order to bestow prosperity to the bearers whoever held the coin became more skillful in general but specifically matters relating to business and mercantile affairs it is said that their business never suffered any ill fortune that their livestock exclusively gave birth to twins and their crops were always bountiful it is also interesting that because of the power of the coin gave to the bearer it was always coveted and feared by many caliphs who often found themselves the subjects of revolt led by popular coin owners many caliphs for this reason would go on to ally themselves with coin bearers instead by marrying their daughters away to them there was a caveat however and that was that as much as the coin blessed the bearer with all these effects it actually hated greed those who would abuse the power of the coin to amass too much personal wealth would find themselves cursed the curse would force the individual to consume large quantities of food and drink and seldom be satisfied by them imagine a fat greedy Pig of a person and that's what this would make you if you abused it the only way to get rid of this curse was to simply pass the coin over to a stranger the coin was always meant to be shared in order to increase the prosperity of everyone not just of a single one person the only way known to destroy the coin of design would be to have it be crushed under the heel of a tannery Lord in a land stricken by famine if the coin also were to be thrown into the river Styx it would be destroyed or if a thief who truly desired nothing were to bit the coin in half number three I love the magical chessmen so essentially the artifact itself in its full completion looks like a chess board with chess pieces but instead of a black and white set of pieces you have a side that is red and a side that is green each piece is unique in the way it looks and it's supposed to represent people from Sesenta a location in the Forgotten Realms the pieces themselves are made with loose peel and or that is slightly magnetized so the pieces would feel magically attracted to the steel chess board now each piece itself works savoring a persistence by holding any of the red pieces do get resistance to fire and by holding any of the green pieces you get resistance to lightning all you had to do was hold a piece in your hand to gain the benefit on top of that the pieces would respond to two different magical command words that would activate their innate special powers and this is what made them so they're an interesting activating the command words on any particular piece would actually transform you into the representation of the piece with powers and equipment for example the red pawns transformed you into a lowly thief but using it on a red Bishop which once formed you into a mid-level cleric red Knights made you into mid-level fighters the red King made you into a high-level fighter and the Red Queen made you into a high-level mage for the Greens a green pawn made you into a minor fighter Green Knights made you into a mid-level ranger bishops into mid level druids Green Kings into high-level Rangers and the green Queen into a high-level age the rooks on either side would instead transform into massive towers in the same way as the Darren's instant fortress in any case you would hold the piece and say the command word and you would instantly transform you would lose your own abilities but then you would gain the abilities and weapons and levels of the appropriate piece when the effect was done whether because you died or an hour had passed or you had said the command word again and then you would be restored to your normal self and any injuries on you would be healed up the piece would then not be able to confer that ability again for another 24 hours each piece also had a second command word that you could use and doing that would activate a form of bag of holding that was unique to the piece pawns had a smaller size caps than the more powerful pieces for example the drawback however for this command word was that once you put something inside of the pawn in this way it was tricky to get it out because you couldn't get something specific out when you wanted something out things would come out randomly instead which was a pain in the ass now the chess pieces were incredibly difficult to keep especially in populated cities because they were enchanted to be magnetically attracted to magical steel so if a person walked by you with a magical blade there was a small chance that one of your pieces would teleport over to the pockets of that person walking by the pieces were also enchanted to stick together so if one piece teleported somewhere then the other pieces would soon follow throughout the day it is said that there is no magical or mundane way to stop these teleports from happening and anything that's tied up to the piece when it teleports will also be teleported as well so you couldn't just tie them up to your belt or something your belt would then be teleported alongside them being an artifact of course the chess pieces were not indestructible there were only two ways to destroy them one was to have the god Torm god of law duty and righteousness play the red night goddess of strategy and battle tactics in a chess game using the pieces that gods would animate the pieces and have them fight in the chess game the pieces that fall in the game would then be destroyed permanently the other way of destroying the artifact would be to have something similar but instead have a demon and a devil fighting the chess game in a battle in the blood war either case regardless of who won the game the chessboard would end up destroyed permanently and would disappear forever number two the legend says that a follower of soon the goddess of beauty lived his entire life attempting to preserve his beauty so much so that he eventually first suksoon instead petitioned many gods for a way to enhance and preserve his appearance we don't know which God answered but we know that it offered him the portrait since then it has been passed down through millennia now the portrait looks like a simple blank canvas but if an individual were to keep possession of it for at least a week the image of the individual would then show up on the canvas from that point on the owner will no longer age and instead the image in the canvas will age in his stead for as long as the person kept ownership of the canvas he would look just how he was when he first got it it gets more intense than that though any type of injuries or wounds that would be associated with attacks or magic would not affect the individual that owned the canvas and instead it would also be reflected on the canvas all penalties all injuries all aging would be absorbed by the portrait and the painting of the individual would show all of these features if the artifact were ever to be destroyed or if the owner would lose ownership of the painting then all of those penalties would then be visited upon the subject of the painting as it should be immediately number one the unknowing eye of Jasmine Syria is a large a palace and strip of fabric decorated with science of truth vision and prophecy it is a veil if worn by a woman but if worn by a man it turns into Myka fear now originally the legends say that a great ghoul which is like a non dead genie from the desert lands of Saqqara had a stolen mortal bride named Jasmine he knew she hated him and as such he used a considerable amount of his power to fashion a great artifact that would allow Jasmine to find that the true beauty of the realm he had conquered he hoped that she would fall in love with him as soon as she saw how beautiful and grande his empire was instead however as Jasmine used the veil and explored the land she imbued the veil with all the power that she could binding the spirits of dying ghouls to the veil in order to protect her from her forest husband as with all ghoul magic the effects worked too well and in time the veil hid her from her husband's sight perfectly but it also altered the true sight at the Bell gave showing her only what she wish to see now this artifact is so far my favorite out of all of the artifacts that I have seen so far in Dungeons and Dragons see the veils powers as one wheel said are already pretty strong you get true sight which is great you become invisible to ghouls which I suppose is only really useful in saqqara you also get many effects like non detection and some spells that you can use daily like shape change and alter self but the true kicker is that it's slowly but surely the veil will try and transform the world into your perfect world it'll start to show you only what you want to see at first it'll start with small changes maybe that nasty sit on your husband's forehead will disappear maybe that nasty smell from the sewers and your way to work will stop smelling foul then as the months will start passing by the effects will become stronger and stronger the words of friends and relatives are no longer heard unless they match your dream reality you simply won't see what you wouldn't want to see you stop feeling what you wouldn't want to feel whatever the characters dream world would look like the veil will continue to shift your perception and make that your reality eventually halfway through the process the person will simply not refuse to remove the veil even while bathing or sleeping and then your character will believe that he or she is living in a perfect world whatever his or her idea of a perfect world would be and to everyone else the person would simply look like a very optimistic happy fellow that really likes to wear that very same veil as an artifact his destruction is virtually impossible the only way is known to destroy this artifact would be if it were to be worn by a blind God if it were to be thrown into the shadow fail while wrapped in a cloak of Shadows or if it were to ever be carried into the heart of a black cloud of vengeance by a willing cleric alright guys thank you so much for watching I would like to personally thank my patrons of borders Walker motley Jacob Schrader Zach barrel ricado fan Barry mask and 5e magic shop Daniel Umar rusty rein mark and Johnson biotech no frag Daniel Luna doc feeder doctor cowbell G Herc rents all night Brad Salazar the great Cody knee Terry Kolb Baracus law Omega skills Caracas de bulwark o soul sound tech Siri Alex Cookson square chicken and Ariel Nelson for supporting me on patreon and the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patreon comm slash mr. racks to support all right guys thank you once again for a second time so much for watching I would like to announce that I have donated the money for this month's patron to International Rescue Committee the basically an organization that spreads all around the world and they deal with all kinds of of problems whether there will be earthquakes or hurricanes tornadoes you know what have you and of course pandemics they uh they're kind of dealing now with the corona virus in specifically in places that don't really have the infrastructure that we may have here in the US to help those that are in need so at this point in time I felt like them and many others of course are in need of those donations and like I promised you guys before at the beginning of the month I would be donating all my earnings for patron this month to a just cost for for the covered pandemic so there you guys have it just want to announce that had to let you guys know which organization I picked for the donation and and once again thank you so much for donating and for allowing me to obviously like give this money over to charity I appreciate it very much you guys are the best and with that being said for a third time thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all next time bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
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Id: i7dOD4mRNxw
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Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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