What They Don't Tell You About Tiamat, Queen of Evil Dragons - D&D

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LocutusofPicard 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
also known as the Nemesis of the gods the dark lady the queen of Chaos the undying Queen the bane of Bahamut and the avaricious teamö is the legendary queen of evil dragons her followers seek to overthrow all other gods and towards that end they acquire as much wealth and magic as they can accumulate Tiamat is one of the most famous villains in all of Dungeons and Dragons to the point where most people who play the game know who she is if dragons are the coolest and most powerful and most famous group of monsters that an adventurer can fight then the queen of all evil dragons would have to be the final archetypal villain of D&D but as much as she is famous as much as we might think we know about this monster the reality is that we don't really know anything and her very existence is rife with questions is she really the creator of all evil dragons how powerful is she where does she live what does she do all day if Tiamat wanted to amass an army how big would that army be how many avatars does she have we dealt with her at the end of the adventure rise of Tiamat so what really happened to her is she dead is she a goddess or is she just a legendary really powerful monster can she answer prayers Duke lyrics of Tiamat get spells today we're going to answer all of these questions and more unpro bleah the biggest video that I have made in D&D but first this enormous video was made possible thanks to our sponsor today raid shadow legends great shadow legends it's a turn-based RPG set in a high fantasy world with elves dwarves orcs and Dragons they even have the lizard form the game is about making your team in order to overcome challenges and these challenges come in the form of a campaign dungeons and even PvP that when you go about making your team is simple you play using your starting group you get shards and then you use those shards to summon new monsters into your roster there is an incredibly large number of creatures and heroes that you can use which makes 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ten players who play the most with a new account they made using my referral link I appreciate all the support guys thank you so much for helping let's hopefully reach that goal in the video description now to reward you guys for your help here goes 40 minutes of nerding out about t Emmett who okay so first before we do anything else let's describe TM at proper and for this we're going to use the article on TM a tin polyhedron number 73 quote the great dragon looks like a nightmare creation sporting the necks and heads of white black green blue and red grade worms well the massive huge heads seem to move independently like a group of writhing snakes they are directed by one intelligence lodged deeply inside the Dragons massive body di Mets five heads joined just above the massive muscular shoulders the colors of the necks and heads blended the base in a swirl of colors that quickly turns yet black just below the shoulders the black scales are small for a dragon of this size about the size of a man's fist and they gleam lucky bony pearls the great dragon's belly is blue tinged with black and her long razor-sharp talons are ruby red DMS great tail nearly twice as long as her body from chest to haunches seem to shift in hue as it twitches from emerald green to midnight black to sapphire blue the Queen's legs are as thick as great trees and her wings black on the exterior and red as blood on the underside are huge still they are not powerful enough to lift her great bulk with ease Tiamat flies magically the wings simply aid her in maneuverability t omits teeth in her five heads are an opal white sharp and long and when the Queen opens her mouth the air seems to smell of brimstone and sulfur and equipped what you see here is a true chromatic dragon a dragon that comprises multiple callers and further a dragon that represents every single evil dragon type though it actually goes further than that at least further than what it seems one thing that many descriptions miss and most people don't actually know is that Tiamat actually has the tail of a wyvern if you guys haven't seen my video on wyverns then you might not know that wyverns were seen as possibly being some of the first types of dragons ever made their history is important in the overall history of dragons even though now they are barely even considered dragons anymore but regardless Tiamat possesses a very powerful and very poisonous wyvern tail that she uses in combat and this is important because in the lore it is described that Tiamat has a very very difficult time using her claws to attack whilst she is on the ground and so the tail becomes her main de-facto way of dealing with enemies when her mouths are busy now you would be surprised her level of chromatic ness it goes even farther than that see I bet you didn't know this Tiamat can actually manifest more callers in her form than just a standard five color array that most people are used to according to powers and Pantheon's the only rules that Tiamat has to abide by when she creates avatars is quote as long as there are no more than five total each heads colors and powers are unique and each corresponds to an evil chromatic dragon species found in the realms and quote that means that Tiamat can have any number of heads as long as it doesn't surpass five she also cannot have multiples of the same color so she wouldn't just fill out her five heads with red dragon heads and lastly the colors that she chooses must represent an actual evil chromatic dragon species have to remember that they're actually more than just a normal black blue red white and green you also have brown dragons purple dragons gray dragons and yellow dragons all of which she could potentially use in her avatar form of course is you can imagine switching and changing her callers would grant her benefits depending on which head she's using she wouldn't get resistances to cold damage if she was not using a white dragon head for example so you can argue that there's actually a little bit of strategy involved in which heads she brings into battle but yeah for the longest time for about two thousand years she actually presented herself in pharaon as a three-headed dragon that was just her preferred avatar form and then after a while she merely assumed a single headed red dragon form seen before the Time of Troubles a god could really just take whatever form they wanted as their avatar with rarely much of a restriction she does have more forms but we will cover them later as they become important but yeah this is her normal form and her favorite avatar persona you probably already know a lot about this otherwise though t Emmett can use every single head to breathe this corresponding elemental breath all the heads can act on their own but in the end they are all part of a single mind that controls them all in the middle of the body it is interesting though that according to polyhedron number 73 no living mortal has ever survived the five head breath attack from her real body but okay let's actually go a little bit deeper we now know what T Emma is like physically but what really is she she looks like she's the only multi headed dragon of this type in existence but is that actually true is she a unique goddess or merely a unique legendary monster man even the short answer to this question is tricky because it is kind of both see when a god has a baby that baby is not inherently a dainty Titans or Imperials which are the traditional offspring of the gods are not necessarily gods themselves even though they do possess something close to godly power Tiamat and bad mood are both the offspring of Io also known as ask earth now there is debate and whether ask earth was a deity or a primordial but that's beside the point diiemma didn't start as ad ad but merely as a legendary unique spawn of asketh now some legends say that she alongside Mohammed were the firstborn of this God which would explain why she is so special and unique but regardless being so powerful and so unique and being Pearlie the firstborn made all of the other evil dragons rally on to her and venerate her which then granted her the power of ad ad now I do want you to keep in mind that there is nothing more debated and less understood than the beginnings of dragons indels and Dragons every race has its own myths and legends and one can't really grab truth from falsehoods in the book divine power we're told that Tiamat and Bahamut came out from the shattered body of Astoroth when he was killed in the war of creation in the dragonomicon of second edition were told that evil dragon religion so like what red dragons believe is that asketh was really Tiamat that it was Tiamat who originally bled and from her blood came all the chromatic dragons except for one Muhammad that he surrended being different from the rest wanted to create more of his kind so he followed the same ritual that he Emma did and bled as well creating more of his kind but then we get a different legend from the book races of creation we are told that Dragonborn believed that asketh purposefully gave birth to both Baja mode and Tiamat at the same time because he could not contain all the best attributes of himself any single creation so his plan was that he would share his best attributes in two different beings and then half those beings reproduce in order to create the perfect baby dragons the problem was that Tiamat and Muhammad were too different and they hated each other so the plan didn't work but if at any point in time Muhammed and Tiamat were to reproduce and then you would truly see possibly a true perfect being so as you can see nobody really knows what the truth is the fact of the matter is and what is important here is the Tiamat is currently as of today a Daly and that is the case because she is venerated enough to become one Tiamat is also known as a multi spheric deity which means she is venerated in more than just one world so if she were to be fully killed in one world she would still live in others killing her in a world would merely prevent her from projecting herself and or giving spells in that world but let's bring it back a bit and just because she sa unique daddy doesn't mean that she's not also a unique monster what exactly is this multi-headed chromatic style of dragon what you will find very interesting is that according to dragon magazine at number 75 Tiamat can actually give birth do not judge fully chromatic dragons like herself but also multi-headed dragons for reasons that are unknown though probably to safeguard her power and uniqueness she eats these babies and never lets them grow this is why you never see creatures that look like Tiamat simply roaming around though again I guess it does mean that it's not impossible the one type of monster though that you will see roaming around and you could argue does look like Tiamat somewhat or what we call Draco hydras you can find these guys on the dragonomicon of second edition though as much as they might look like something that Tiamat would have created they're fairly different for one they do have the breath weapon of a black dragon but they instead are muddy brown in color and possess the intelligence and temperament of a white dragon nobody knows the the nature of their creation whether they are some form of proto dragon from back in the day or whether Tiamat actually created them or maybe some other entity though based on the Lord they don't seem to be that directly connected to Tiamat what it does though is it this gives us at least a measure of fear of what truly could happen if teamö decided to let live her monstrous multi-headed chromatic creations that she gives birth to every once in a while okay so now we know what she is but where is she and this is another interesting that lamina that many people have because throughout the editions we have gotten multiple different answers in fates and Pantheon's we were told that she had a realm in Heliopolis where the mula randy pantheon resides in the players guided to Pharaoh and we were told that she had a realm in dragon Eyrie which is the home of the traditional draconic pantheon and then in the Forgotten Realms campaign guide we were told that she had a realm in Bane hold and further we were told that she was serving Bane in there now of course we are also told multiple times throughout the editions that she is in a furnace in the first layer of hell in the fifth edition adventure of the Dragon Queen and rise of Tiamat we're told that Tiamat is attempting to break the shackles that bind her in hell and so she seeks to enter the prime material realm so of course the assumption there would be that she is a prisoner in hell but the problem is that were one day told that she rules the first layer of hell and then the next day we're told that she doesn't we're told that she has a grand dominion in hell but then the next day we're told that she's a prisoner further you presumably kill Tiamat in rise of Tiamat but then the question is is she actually dead what is going on according to Ed Greenwood the creator of the Forgotten Realms world Tiamat has been in a furnace the whole time it has never actually left every single mention of her being somewhere else has merely been either a diversion or a ruse in order to make people believe that she is grander than what she might actually be see Tiamat is very very very old and without the the powers granted to her by being a dady her body would eventually deteriorate she is for all intents and purposes immortal but her regeneration has slowed down throughout the many many ages and this has afflicted her with internal aches and pains all these ruses that she had for all the different places as she allegedly ruled over except for the bane hold one which we will talk about in a bit were created in order to seduce a different group of people into venerating her she wanted to become and stay a deity so that this would empower her and keep her in top shape further she used these ruses in order to spread her essence to different planes in case she was ever defeated then she would survive almost like a Horcrux in Harry Potter in Heliopolis she had a lone Lich that was connected to the real Tiamat through a form of psychic spell so that they could both communicate this ledge was imbued with the essence of TMS so if her real body was somehow destroyed she would actually assume existence in the Lich the Rhys for Dragon Erie's a bit more interesting though through the ception manipulation and then using the body of said Lich she actually invaded dragon Eyrie in secret and silently murdered the dragon God as a rule a dragon god of magic who was an old arrival of TM n she then secretly supe zoomed his essence allowing her to create an avatar of as a rule and impersonate him and nobody actually knew that it was her it was through this newly gained avatar that she in quotes had a realm in dragon Eyrie now in this spell plague the realm of dragon Eyrie was completely destroyed and this avatar that she had now obtained was unceremoniously teleported and yanked out and dropped randomly in a layer of Gehenna it was then that Bane took advantage and imprisoned this particular avatar of Tiamat Bane being the god of tyranny and control basically tormented and tortured this avatar of Tiamat for a long time and Tiamat played the part of the subdued prisoner until it was time to strike to keep this story short this ass arul avatar that she had eventually escaped with a large modicum of power stolen from Bane and found its way to a furnace where the real body of Tiamat was so in short Tiamat only really has one Dominion and that is a Vernis everything else has either been a fictional story to sell too ignorant priests or some kind of plot in order to obtain more power and it is thanks to all of that the TM now possesses that extra avatar normally timid could only summon one single avatar which kept her in check but now that she had two that allowed her to be a little bit more bracing in her schemes see now she had her normal avatar which she could use to perform her duties in a Verna's and a second avatar a battle avatar that she could use to fight while simultaneously keeping her real body safe in her lair okay so now that we know that she is and has always been in a Verna's and that she has two fully functional and powerful avatars what does she do in there what does a queen of dragons do in hell so unfortunately the actual nature of why she's in Hell in the first place is not really known more than Canaan Toma phos says quote Tiamat is a forest of chaos bound to a plane of law and quote for all intents and purposes she has no reason being here yet he or she is in fact she has been here since essentially the inception of Dungeons & Dragons she has been there and considered a fully fledged arch devil since first edition it was then in first edition when we were told that she dominated the first layer of hell avarice as the ruler of it see Verna's is the one layer where you really don't want to be at least if you're a devil or a person fully living in the plain and that is because this being the very first layer is the place where most people that enter the realm will start in and generally speaking the people that want to come into hell are not the type of people that you want to interact with to start any demon that invades hell as part of the blood war will do so in a furnace so constant strife is common in this place this whole place is a big battlefield second any devil that has displeased Asmodeus will be banished to a furnace the first layer so the place is filled with more contents failures or people who might just want to betray the lord of the nine hells thirdly monsters from any plane that come to hell will first spawn here so this is where you will actually find non devil monsters like beholders Lich's and hags so point is a Vernis is a little wild so you need a strong leader to keep the masses in control and to protect the very entrance of hell and that's what Tiamat was supposed to do and surprisingly she was actually really bad at it her main job was to keep the order and to eliminate those who seek to betray us mo Diaz but that it's not particularly p.m. it's strong suit and as such she failed and that's why she was demoted Asmodeus however saw that this failure wasn't out of disloyalty in a search he allowed her to stay in a furnace and to have her own dominion within it and so she did and has been ever since the start of this job seemingly came to be because of how strong she is I mean it doesn't really take long to realize back then who the real power was you myrna's everyone who entered could see she truly ruled the realm I mean look at her but in the end Asmodeus has absolute and ultimate power and his word is final the relationship between us mo Deus and TM ed was actually always pretty good otherwise the Tiamat would occasionally bring him news of things that she would discover and I say tremendous force to be reckoned with she always helped with demons and interactions that had to be dealt with in the first layer because of all of this she was later formally given the position that she still holds to this day which is the protector of the gate that connects the first layer and the second layer of hell so if you want to get into the second layer of hell you would have to pass through Tiamat now this is important because there is nothing in the first layer of hell other than explosions and people dying and war the actual first mega city of hell is in the second layer so you really want to be in the second layer but to get there you have to pass through the gatekeeper so this job is actually huge now this unlike being the Duke of a burners it's actually right on TMS wheelhouse for all she has to do is just not let people through the path and into the city of dis now she uses her normal avatar that she always had to protect the gate permanently and she uses her new avatar the avatar she gained by killing as a rule to battle demons and correcting directions in a furnace or to invade the prime material realm indeed the TMI that you see at the end of rise of Tiamat was confirmed to be that particular avatar and now that it is destroyed it means that Tiamat can no longer be a forest around a Vernors without either sacrificing her one job of protecting the gate to the second layer or without putting her real body in harm's way neither of which she would want to do this is why if you were to find your way into a furnace it is very likely that you wouldn't see her being particularly active anymore her battle avatar has been destroyed after all now the the reason that she felt caged and shackled in a Verna's came from a fortunate clash of mines that she had with the actual Duke of Avernus at the time Bell who was forewarned by Asmodeus to establish a firm control over her imprisoning her in her kingdom in a Verna so that she quote doesn't get above herself and Kindle personal ambitions and quote when TM had found this out she became enraged she felt betrayed and now believes that all the arch Devils of the nine Hales see her as a lesser being as a as a mere monster to be duped than exploited as a prisoner and now determined to be caged nowhere and by no one she reached out to her worshippers in the realms which is why we see the events that transpired in the tyranny of dragons storyline now that she feels caged and duped by his mo Diaz she's trying to find a way out I do want to point out though that one of the biggest reasons for TM its anger really was a strong feeling of betrayal for during her timing of earnest she truly helped as motives in as much as he could many people don't actually know but the main weapon of Asmodeus T the famous Ruby Rudd was actually made with the help of Tiamat but now moving forward with all of this being said what does her elemina Verna's actually look like how strong is she there what what are the sizes of her armies her lair resides in a massive mountain that is said to be filled with the bones of her enemies enormous colossal bones that littered the bottom of the mountain at the very top of this mountain you would see a castle of immense proportions where she constructed magically out of molten lava and bones quote although solid the castle exterior walls appear to flow like lava and cause most creatures to avoid the place the castle is an extension of the Queen's personality its spires are twisted and grotesque there are no windows and the walls are studded with bits of sharp material and jagged bones which can injure all but the most wary the McCobb yet impressive structure is avoided by nearly all the inhabitants of a Verna's the great evil dragon knows what is transpiring within every square inch of her castle and within many square miles beyond because of this it is impossible to surprise her in her lair her treasure is vast and litters the castle in some places it is so thick she has shaped it into walls and uses it to cover the floor dee Emmett has a precise inventory of her wealth down to each insignificant copper and she has spent many decades mentally cataloging it so that she knows what all her magical items can do she uses some of the items to further her malign gains the queen of evil dragons spends nearly all the time within her castle she remains knowledgeable about what is transpiring on other worlds and planes through magical items spies and cults of humans and them humans that she has bent to her will on rare occasions when something has sparked her interest enough for personal investigation she dons a human or dem human guise and takes one member of her court also disguised with her and quote the inside of her lair is filled with monsters and Dragons most of which spend their entire lives of buying for her approval those that succeed in this enter her Court which is composed of five dragons male dragons of each color red black white green and blue quote the court is handpicked by the Queen based on their loyalty and the amount of gifts and services that they have provided when a member of her court becomes too infirm she takes the dragon to another plane personally slays him and immediately selects a replacement members of the court store their treasure within T Emmett's castle in separate chambers which are considered their own territories and quote it is with these male dragons in her court that she mates with and when she does the other four members of the court will form a ring around Tiamat and the one that she's mating with in order to protect them while they do it when she does she typically bears litters of one to four baby dragons after an average gestation period of only six days which is by the way insane as the mother of dragons she can produce baby dragons extraordinarily fast rarely though she will travel astrally to give birth to the litter in the prime material realm time's at the behest of Asmodeus and sometimes to further some hidden plan of her own quote those of t Emmet's offspring that are born and remain on a Verna's occupy themselves with hunting down or bringing back food for tea Emma and her concerts while the chromatic dragon is in her lair these offsprings are of all sizes types and ages of evil dragon kind and are all aggressive cruel and in good health injured week or disobedient specimens are soon eaten by Tiamat or by others at her direction she also dines on slaying dragons including slain concerts who have displaced her and all newborns spawn who are multi-headed or otherwise chromatic in nature the few of her spawn that survived to achieve huge adult status serve as replacements for her consorts and quote this certainly gives you a very dark and grim view of the queen of dragons not only readily eating her own brood but also even letting her own children grow and then making them concerts that she will then reproduce with its particularly more grim when you realize that she doesn't actually need to eat for sustenance while she is in a Verna's which means she eats her own Dragonflight for a pleasure quote Tiamat is capable of eating anything when a Verna's she requires no sustenance drawing her energy from the plane itself however when she travels to other worlds and planes she feasts upon creatures that she defeats molten objects and the very ground her favorite sustenance however is helpless creatures she feeds upon their abject terror before swallowing them and quote so the question now becomes why do dragons follow her who is she - all these dragons TM it is very interesting in that she's supposed to be the mother of evil dragon kind and a goddess to dragons but dragons are not religious I mean for real how often have you actually seen a dragon cleric probably ever you do see silver dragons who are paladin of bad mood but chromatic dragons who are paladin's or clerics not particularly during the great war between the metallic dragons and the chromatic dragons a long time ago dragons realized that serving gods who would allow such major Wars to occur on their behalf wouldn't be God's worthy of being praised and as such dragons just kind of became secular after that I mean I'm generalizing here but basically dragons don't tend to prey to Tiamat they do respect her and they do pay tribute to her and many do see her as the original creator of evil dragon kind but most don't pray to her as one would pray to a god this is from races of dragons quote all evil dragons pay homage to Tiamat green and blue dragons acknowledge her serenity the most readily many are proud to call themselves her spawn able to trace their bloodlines back to their God good dragons have a healthy respect for Tiamat though they tried to avoid mentioning or thinking about her though most evil dragons honor TMF you keep shrines dedicated to her in their lairs because they don't want Tiamat greedy eyes gazing at their treasure hoards instead they dedicate vast gloomy caverns to their daily and keep them stuck with treasure and sacrifices to commemorate a victory such as destroying a town repulsing a thief seeking to pilfer from one's hoard or gaining a great treasure the followers of Tiamat celebrate by indulging in great wickedness including torturing prisoners or even fighting one another to prove their supremacy and quote Tiamat is actually what you would consider a human god ironically because most of our servitors are actually human this comes from powers and Pantheon's quote those who know of her are more likely to think of her as a powerful legendary monster than a divine power she is said to be the mother and/or queen of the evil subspecies of dragons among dragons Tiamat is traditionally considered a human goddess worthy of respect and fear but not worship in recent decades a few chromatic dragons have joined her cold but that is still relatively rare and a quote for most of the history of the Forgotten Realms Talmud used to be a God in the etheric pantheon a group of gods that served the in thir in this region she was well-known as a god but in the rest of Ferran not particularly people in Baldur's Gate water deep never winter never really saw Tiamat as an actual God in fact if we were to ask them that would have told you that she was probably simply a powerful legendary monster but nothing more than that this here is a crude map of how the religious boundaries between Pantheon's existed Tiamat was a member of the Pantheon that ruled this tiny region right here which meant she could only give spells to those that existed within that tiny region attempting to open up churches in other regions would have gotten heard not just in trouble with the other gods but probably even killed that's why nobody saw her as a God outside of that small area you can also tell that Tao has complete control of her child by the way that's just a fun fact anyways many things happened in in thir that we don't have to talk about all you need to know is that she grew at odds with her own Pantheon and had many fight with Gilliam who was the leader of that Pantheon through major schemes and multiple flights she ended up actually defeating him and the Pantheon eventually ended up dissolving this is the moment when Tiamat decided she was gonna go all in on getting as many followers as possible in order to become stronger and this is the moment when she started to attempt to take over that cult of the Dragon and those of you who started playing in 5th edition might not know but the cult of the Dragon originally had nothing to do with Tiamat or or any God for that matter they were a completely secular group who only focused on transforming dragons into Draco Lich's and that's just what they did they did worship and serve these Draco leeches and Tiamat figure that she could get in on that in order to fool the cultists he actually created a new persona called the undying wand which was an avatar of a five headed dracolich and using this persona she seduced most of the cold into venerating her and into usurping the old leadership using this newfound veneration a or the overseer allowed her to join the bigger roster of gods in the fermion pantheon essentially granting her access to the whole continent she continued on to vie for control of the cult of the dragon in order to get extra worshippers she left a puppet leader in the region of Ulthar who further curtailed veneration towards her and then she saw destruction and chaos in the world using all of this newfound power so going back to why dragons follow her it is honestly strictly her power I mean she's a goddess and her Dominion is evil dragon flight after all that means that whatever her power it is that a strongest when dealing with evil dragon flight if she makes a magic item using her divine essence she has the ability to create powers for that magic item that deals with evil dragon flight if she's going to cast a spell it is that is strongest when it has something to do or it is used against evil dragon flight because evil dragon flight is her portfolio of divinity she has power over it evil dragons simply fear her and because of it they pay tribute to her in whatever way they can though mostly through monetary sacrifice if Tiamat asks an evil dragon for something that evil dragon has to do at least it incurs her wrath and that's basically the gist of it now it is also believed that Tiamat has the power to charm evil dragons but that's really seldom seen the question would be now could a heroic evil dragon who has had enough take her down and maybe even take her place probably not let's talk about her armies so in the same way as gods do not use their sons The Imperials or the Titans for combat in their armies so doesn't e/m had used dragons in hers gods use angels and likewise Tiamat uses her Devils the armies of Tiamat are composed exclusively of what we call a be shy which Arbutus ooh Devils completely under her servitude Asmodeus could command them but only by proxy because Asmodeus rules over Tiamat he has the authority to command them but at the end of the day they are TM adds brood and she is the ultimate boss not that she would ever displease him openly anyways according to Dragon Magazine at number 75 Tiamat has three main generals who lead her armies the first one is Duke M do she's her skillful negotiator and mediator this is the guy that you would probably meet if you wish to deal with Tiamat or make a trade with her of some form now he has three shapes one of which is a yellow unicorn with eyes of flame and a purple horn a hawk headed man or his favorite form which is a wolf with a prehensile and constricting Serpent's tail he leads 29 companies of Avishai which amount to roughly 2,300 to 4,300 units the second duke is Malthus who appears as a powerful dark complexioned man dressed in black velvet studded with gems the velvet is of considerable value for there are 333 gems in it each worth around 100 gold pieces each these other forms of a large crow like bird he leads a whole 40 companies of Avishai which roughly amounts to 3,200 to over 6,000 units lastly we have Gope which is a pit fiend who leads three companies of arenas I'm not sure how to pronounce that which amounts to roughly 240 to 450 units according to the fiendish codex number two Malthus and amdusias are the only unique Devils in their hierarchy of the nine hells that make their home in a furnace and that would be Devils that are not the traditional cookie cutter line of devils makes them pretty unique but this should give you a good understanding of her armies they also keep in mind that this is just her offensive units that she uses as a military force her actual castle is also filled with dragons and consorts and all kinds of monsters on top of that she does have one current active avatar and one currently dead avatar plus of course her actual real body which would probably be even stronger than her avatars you must also keep in mind that that is not just large numbers but Avishai themselves are individually very strong they come in chromatic colours so you have red blue black green and white and each of them serve a different purpose black Avishai are emissaries blue avichai are these spellcasters and the smartest green are the end boys see the black Irish eyes are usually sent to more strictly for message deliveries or EC missions where the greens are the real big diplomats with an expert sense of insight and persuasion the red Avishai are the strongest in raw power and the bass ting leadership and they possess PMS power to bend dragons to their will and then lastly we have the white a be shy which are the least powerful but very useful in bolstering the ranks of TM its armies because they fight with endless ferocity and without fear being a hybrid of Dragon kind and Devils they possess great power the the red one for example has a challenge rating of 19 and the blue and green are not so far behind with a respective CR of 17 and 15 they are strong and Tiamat has thousands of them the method of creating them is supposedly a secret only held by a few arch Devils in hell secrets the Tiamat was more than happy to share for favors this is probably because regardless of who creates them they probably will still be loyal to her quote each Avishai was once a mortal who somehow won t Emmet's favour before death and as a reward found its soul transformed into a hideous devil to serve at her pleasure in the nine hells and quote i'm sad that we don't really have the time to touch an inter and the Church of Tiamat in here cuz there's just a lot of interesting things about what the church does and what a cleric of TM it has to do in order to gain her blessing they have Tiamat related holidays and rituals and sermons the whole thing there's also a lot that TM had had to do in order to stay relevant and powerful while simultaneously dealing with bahama tried to kill her and then there is of course the chosen of Tiamat in unter who rules as a king in the area the the CR forty fiendish red dragon chars are which we talked about in our list of the most powerful monsters in Dungeons & Dragons I just do not have time to cover all of that unfortunately but what I will talk about are some of the spells that Tiamat can grant to her clerics and spells that she herself can also use if needed she can use and give a first-level spell treasurer sent a divination with a Libreville component that lasts for around per level of the caster this simple spell enables a priest to detect precious metals and gems within a 20-foot radius the priest can determine the type of metal or gem as well as a total number of individual pieces whether they be gems nuggets or coins but not the actual value of the treasure by means of the spell when casting the spell the priest must make repeated sniffing sounds as the verbal component diiemma requires that any priest employing this spell sacrifice 20 percent of any newly look at a treasure to her within 10 days of its discovery or face her wrath we also have a fourth level spell called dragon scales it needs a verbal component somatic and material with a duration of one turn per level the spell creates a planing of dragon scales that grow from the priestess epidermis to cover all of the body except the head the dragon scales give the priest a base a sea of four and a plus two a sea bonus now this is second edition D&D so a sea just sort of work differently back then but you get the gist of it there were also two six level spells the first one called sleep of dragons this one's really cool a charm spell with a touch range by means of this spell the spell caster causes a being to fall into a deep slumber similar to the hibernating sleep of dragons while in this state the being does not require food drink or air and age is only a single year per century this magical slumber can only be end that if the being is killed dies of old age a process that usually takes millennia or is touch with a fragment of dragon bone no matter how small the spell magic remove curse and such general remedies does not work in division immunities and magical resistances to the common sleep spell do not work for sleep of dragons it's a really cool spell and then lastly the other six level spell we have is spawn of Tiamat and alteration spell by means of this spell a priest can cause any of Tiamat spawn define any chromatic dragon to grow a second head and neck for the duration of the Incan tation identical in appearance to the original head the second head can bite once per round in addition to the dragon's normal attacks dragons cannot normally employ their breadth weapons while making physical attacks but by means of this spell only a dragon can employs breath weapon with a second head while attacking physically or recasting spells with the original head and body according to legend the cult of Tiamat in under employed a seventh level variant of this spell lernaean spawn of Tiamat that imbued the second head with the properties exhibited by lernaean hydra also noted that some dragons themselves who worshipped Tiamat are reportedly able to cast a version of this spell using their draconic magic the lernaean hydra is the hydra that if you cut one of its heads it grows too in its place so presumably you would give this second head the same property as that which is insane now I did my best here not to spoil any of the adventures where Tiamat makes an appearance as difficult as it was otherwise I might have had it a few things here and there this includes the the reason as to why they give use dragons like you might have seen on the trailer for a Balder escape 3 I didn't want to really talk too much about that because I'm afraid that I might spoil something that would probably be a lot of fun to discover in the game so I just figured that you guys would appreciate that anyways oh there you go that was a long video guys thank you so much for watching I would like to ask once again please please if you'd like to support the channel if you would like to support me then please click on that link in the description below to check out rate Shadow legends and and do the tutorial play through the game and just enjoy it for me if we get the 430 referrals for it the campaign would be successful and if that happens I we I promise you that I will make another 40 minute long video for you guys on whatever talk bu topic you guys want just leave me your suggestions in the description and I'll try and make it happen for you guys please please please I it would really really help me out if you guys helped me with this promotion but yeah other than that I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Lucado fan sak bowel walker motley berry mask and 5e magic shop Daniel Umar rusty rain 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Rex to support alright guys thank you so much for watching and for those of you who do play the game there will be a special thank you on the next video with your names and everything so please do that see you all next time bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
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Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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