The Strongest Spell in Dungeons and Dragons

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before we begin this video I want to answer a couple of popular questions that have arisen throughout the last couple of videos first and this one is a very popular question can elves sleep yes elves can sleep even though elves do not need to sleep in order to recuperate energy or rest their brain like the rest of us do they can still do so and may even occasionally dream that being said it is extremely rare for an elf to sleep as that is generally considered to be a waste of time for them and dreams can actually be seen as scary for most of them through their trance elves can manipulate their memories and replay them expertly but through dreaming their memories are muffled and uncontrolled chaotic even this feeling they very much dislike priests of Suhani moonbow are the biggest exceptions the goddess actually sends messages to her priests through dreams so her priest of course sleep all the time the second question I got the most was how do half elves factor in with the notion of rain carnation and closeness to the silver een elves experiencing their primeval time in heaven through trance when their children and throughout their lives this connection to their God gets accentuated over and over again but what about half elves the reality is that elves don't actually know what happens to half elves if they ever incra natori they even go to our van door when they die since half elves cannot trance they cannot see if they have an elvish soul or if they have ever incarnated before as normal elves can this elder n also completely refused to answer these questions possibly to avoid causing a panic in one way or another some elves use this mystery to feel their Cena phobia and isolationism rationalizing that elves should stay with elves so as to avoid creating half elves and cursing that elvish soul into being severed from our van door claiming that half elves do have the souls of real elves but they can never rincon it because of their non elvish body other elves argue that elves were always meant to be mutable and that adopting other shapes like those of humans or door is in their nature and will make them closer to Coraline these elves claim that the existence of half elves is a sign of hope rather than a threat the reality is that nobody knows whether or not a half elf has an elvish soul or a human soul or another kind of soul but now let's talk about the most powerful high magic spells in the world I have already mentioned many times in the past that because of the nature of how high magic works there really isn't a limit to how powerful these spells can get and that's not lip service either I mean it when I say it let me be quite frank here some of these rituals of the myriad are end-of-the-world powerful in the book where you can find these spells it is very explicitly mentioned that none of these are ever meant to be used by players not just because of how difficult it would be to attune yourself to high magic but really because of how game-changing they are these spells are the reasons why elves are so mystical rituals of the myriad are high magic rituals that require five or more people with no real limit to how many mages can participate generally speaking the more high images that join a ritual the more powerful the ritual will be though because of the nature of how difficult it is to train an elf in high magic well there really aren't many to be found typically around twelve high mages has been the most that has ever been seen together in every tool of this magnitude the other reason for this is because as well many of these rituals are so powerful that they basically require the death of the casters for the spell to work let's start with the first one aren't L or are storm erosion quote by wrapping all the high mages of this casting in a near solid ward the high mages can weather away an entire city unlike the near untamed forces of the nth L or R ritual these forces find any unnatural States for a living and non-living matter and restore them to their most natural States stone buildings are reduced to the soil from whence they came wooden buildings are reduced to seedling trees and so on and quote on the last episode we talked about the corrosion slash erosion spell the spell basically erodes everything in the area that is artificially made like any form of stone or wood construction and erodes it magically until it becomes soft loam that was dispelled that required three high mages this on the other hand becomes more and more powerful than more high mages that join the ritual effectively increasing its range per active spell caster the effects however are also different obeyed subtly the ritual of complement corrosion erosion dismantled all artificial constructs and simply turned it all into workable soil but this spell is much much more powerful as it literally returns the components of what it is eroding back to where they came from a wooden house dismantled by storm erosion will have the would return back to the tree a stone wall dismantled by storm erosion will have its stone returned back into the rock from where the stone was taken on top of all of this the spell will naturally bless all the living plant matter in the area revitalizing it into natural health quote like the lesser intel or our ritual this ritual cleanses pollution by civilization and restores the natural order of the place and quote the keep in mind that this would also restore the magically altered trees from elven realms into their normal common versions the next one we got is called illa ormond plays from all around and nowhere home of summoning quote this ritual sticks out a ritual site and the castings of five high mages pull together rock and minerals or small seedlings and plants to grow a building and quote back in second and third edition there used to be this really fun spell called lia means secure shelter what it did was it basically summoned a cottage out of whatever materials were around you could then chill on the cottage that you have just summoned or use it as a small base or defensive option it just to be a very powerful and fun spell though it had some limitations it was a fourth level spell but it would only last for two hours per level of the caster so essentially the idea was that you would summon the cottage and then take a long rest inside then the house would disappear and you would go on about your business this high magic is like an extremely overpowered version of that this high magic spell allowed for creative constructions and you could actually choose whatever the signs you would want and the spell would create it for you this is how the elves created houses in the shapes of waves monstrous spiders and really any strange or nonsensical configuration the beauty of it is that it didn't matter the shape or the sign of the construction the magics of the spell made the edifice work and actually stand even if you had build an entire house on top of a tiny pinprick the house would stand as the weave would simply make it work in skull port in Dungeon of the mad mage there is a massive spider shaped mansion on the ceiling of the cavern the house is basically upside down in the shape of a spider on the ceiling and I had my players wondering how something like that was even remotely possible well this is how you make that possible the construction can also mold itself and use its surroundings as materials which is how else can actually construct houses right smack in the middle of trees you might think this is a very silly ritual of the myriad especially when I just spent a couple of minutes talking about how some of these spells are world ending and wait that might be true at least until you realize that the constructions that you summon through this high magic don't actually have to be houses this process can be adapted to create almost any kind of construction in fact it is through this ritual that the elves actually designed and constructed their impossibly enormous are matters of space monarch ships designs that would literally be impossible to build otherwise yes the entire space force of the elvish Empire was created with this spell okay now let's brace ourselves we are getting into the really really good stuff and quark our the banishing binding outside of the people's lands quote just as the Gathol ritual allows high mages to create a spatial vortex between two points a gate this great ritual of at least nine high mages both summons a physical form of an extra planar entity such as a ten re Lord or a godly avatar and then binds it setting certain limitations upon the target entity in its least form this ritual banishes the entity temporarily from the realms while the most advanced forms of this ritual fully banishes the entity permanently from round space and confines said physical avatar in a sub dimensional prison all levels of binding must have one way to undo the binding set by the high mages and quote this and I want you guys to absorb this this spell might very well be the only spell in the world that cannot ever be broken not even by a god the only entities that could break this spell are mr. obviously being the overall goddess of magic choral on being the god of high magic and lastly what they call the overpower AO which is the God of all the gods other than these three entities no one can break the seal that banishes this powerful entity not a dispel cast that a twelfth level will break it not a wish spell will break it not even a high magic ritual of the myriad caste with twenty high mages will break this seal the bindings are irrefutable unbreakable and immune to all magic the entity will be trapped in a prison sub dimension and its influence will be completely banished and removed from the world hence if this spell is ever used against a god all of that God's paladin's and clerics would lose their powers typically what happens when you lose your connection to your god is you merely cannot regain your spell slots but whatever slots and spells that you currently have you can still use until of course you run out of them quote there must always be a way to unlock the binding ritual and the binding must be released at the exact site not by far away magics given the cost of a binding it is understandable that the elves make the keys nigh impossible stipulations for example dissolving a bind through the efforts of a non born child by moisturing with the tears of cosa the Lord of Elemental fire or via spells cast by a human son of a dwarf or elf end quote because there must always be a way to unlock the bind on this God that you have imprisoned what you end up inadvertently creating is a literal prophecy for example if you bind the evil dark dragon all doing with this spell and you set the key to something like as long as any of the kingdoms of this land stand this banishment will last then you will be creating a prophecy like that of Skyrim this is a really scary spell because through it you could trap and banish virtually any power demigod or full-blown God you could literally just summon the Thunder the morning Lord and just banish him forever with this spell he would literally be incapable of stopping you the trick though and what makes this not a spell to be trifling with is that every single high mage that takes part in the casting will die in the process as the bonds that bind the god will be made via the literal life essence of the high mages most often than not however it's not just a high mages that get killed but many of the supporting members as well as a lot of life forces needed if you wish to entrap really powerful entities you need at least 400 hit points worth of members dying in the casting to imprison any lesser extra planner of any kind or an agent of a god like a powerful angel and you would need at least 800 hit points to impress in a demigod for a lesser god that being a god that has around a thousand to a couple of tens of thousands of followers you would around 1200 hit points worth of members slain in the ritual for an intermediate god which would be one that holds over 100,000 followers you would need around 1,600 hit points and lastly for a greater God a God boasting millions of followers you will need around 2,000 hit points quite obviously the high mages will not have the necessary hit points to be able to use their life force alone and to bind these greater powers so you will usually see many non casters that will participate in the ritual in order to offer their life for The Binding to work the hit points will always be drained from the high images first so regardless of how many sacrifices are assured it will never spare the casters quote this ritual has been used historically in the imprisonment of the essence of the rotting god meander both at dark watch and beneath his fallen temple legends say that a variant of this ritual performed by Carolyn and his priests alongside the high mages banished the drow from the surface lands this idea is dubious as their imprisonment is lacks though many believe their reduced power in sunlight is the nature of the binding and quote the last major spell that we have for the rituals of the myriad is called salut careth the Sundering at war with the weave quote used only during situations most dire 12 high mages can harness the energy of the weave to cause it to flock to it across a great distance in lesser ritual forms the UL ritual disrupts all magic for miles around and causes great turmoil and weather and animal life thunder storms earthquakes dead magic animal stampedes and tornadoes are coming in this ultimate form the weave is temporarily torn asunder and the damage is made manifest in major cataclysms and storms tidal waves and permanent changes to the lands of any planet and quote if the weave is water this high magic is the equivalent of doing this this is the spell that was used in the creation of ever meet the massive Island Mass that now the permanent home of the elves essentially what they did is they used this spell to break apart the world they wanted to turn what was essentially a Pangaea scenario into multiple land masses so that they could have their solitary big island the spell has only been used once and at this point there's really only two people in the world that know the workings of the spell one is this ring she and elvish Belle Norn and the other is unknown we're not actually told who the other person is now as you can imagine there are multiple high magics that have been completely lost whether it is because the only high mage that knew the spell died or because the elves purposefully decided to forget them because they were too dangerous a harpist used to be able to play a harp and walk on the path of the melody creating a road that led to other worlds a high mage in the past given great cost could turn Lakes into dust bowls and said the very air around him on fire high mages of the past could shatter godly avatars by speaking the true name of that God in a ritual with intonation that could disconnect the God from the weave but of course one of the most important and powerful rituals was the one that they called mourn our cycle or the killing storm the exact nature of the ritual is now forgotten but the Highmore is evidence of what it mustered and many elvish scholars point to the moor as evidence enough that the ritual should simply be forgotten and never unearthed it is particularly interesting that the lore actually states that elves actually go out of their way to make sure that other races do not interfere and do not attempt to learn the nature of that spell even if they wouldn't be able to cast high magic it is not impossible of course for these spells to be replicated to be a normal level magic especially during the time of NARAL before the ban of any spell higher than ninth level in fact during those days when the humans could cast eleventh level spells whenever the elves got even just a tiny tiny hint that mages human mages were attempting to learn about killing storm those majors would be found dead within a week and their books and notes the subject we found destroyed in fact this happened over seven times just during the times of NARAL alone quote the elves have diligently guarded against anyone using this magic or a variant of it since the end of the third crown war and no elf would there resurrect the greatest of sacrilegious and quote alright guys thank you so much for sticking through with all of these videos I really did a number on the elves we covered so much about them and it's funny because the reason why I wanted to cover them in the first place was to talk about spells we were of course in the middle of talking about tenth and eleventh and twelve level spells and well I mean how can you can how can you talk about high level magic when you know without covering high magic without covering the elvish high magic which is basically on the same level as twelve level spells so we kind of had to do it but but it's over we're done we've covered everything that there is to cover on this subject there is still some other stuff that a bit but I we were just kind of done here so up next I suppose it's just spell jammer we're gonna talk about spell jammer and then once we're done with that we'll probably return to talking about monsters because there's of course a lot of monsters to cover but in the meantime I would like to personally thank my patrons of borders sack boul mediocre at best Ruka dough fan berry mask ant 5e magic shop daniel umar doctor cowbell rusty rain morgan johnson skits you boy biotechnology Daniel Luna Kush Bane duck feeder Brad Salazar the great Cody knee Alyssa Russell major fail gaming Terry Culp and Morgan McCormick for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then police and and over to / mr racks to support guys make sure that you go and click on the playlist button that I always leave at the end of all of my videos and check out the other ones if you like these videos I promise you're gonna enjoy the other ones they're all as good so just go in there and have a blast but anyways I will see you all on the next one bye-bye guys
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 785,325
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Id: jhYrfC4cogM
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Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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