The Single Strongest Named Monster in D&D

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this video is sponsored by dragonhide gaming gear now that we're talking about the strongest monsters in the news and Dragons who most happen to be dragons what better way to use their hide after you slay them than to make dice bags keychains and dice trays each item is made from embossed leather and is hand painted to create natural variation found in real scales and the eyes and the key chains are made from real glass they got colours for each of the chromatic and metallic dragons for each of the pieces please follow the link in the description and check out the Kickstarter for dragonhide gaming gear I personally love my bronze dragon hide ice bag it feels great and it looks awesome once again check out the link in the description to go to dragon hide gaming gear on Kickstarter today is the day where we will talk about the strongest monsters by challenge rating in Dungeons & Dragons we have already covered a plethora of creatures who are stronger than the strongest monster in the Monster Manual be terrifying to rasp possesses a challenge for rating of 30 in the list we've had heroes and villains blessed with supernatural might by gods we've had ancient dragons with an unbelievable array of spells at their disposal and that's kind of it when it comes to monsters stronger than the Terra's we're basically talking about champions blessed by gods or extraordinarily powerful dragons last episode we talked about Inferno and Chasse are both being CR 40 and today we're going to cover the last CR 40 creature and then the strongest monster in ferran by challenge rating but without further ado let's begin Moskal jest red is the last of the CR 40 dragons contending with inferno and with jaws are though unfortunately we actually do not possess a character sheet for this one his challenge rating comes from the book dragons of faroan where we have this neat collection of pages literally just detailing the CR of all of the important dragons of the continent in the page we are told that Moskal jester it is CR 40 but that's basically kind of it since we do not have a sheet specifically detailing his attacks and abilities let's go ahead and break the character who is this dragon ma skill is a drow shadow dragon but what is a drow shadow dragon see a long time ago there was a drought city underground in the Underdark who was essentially forcefully governed by Shadow dragons who held the drow in the city as slaves sometimes the shadow dragons in the drow would mate the result being half dragons half shadow dragons half drow we call these the Sekulow the stories say that the securely half shadow dragons have drow sought out power that would separate their two halves essentially instead of always being half and half they would set to be able to transform into either a full shadow dragon or a full drow and they actually succeeded in seeking this power using this powerful magic the birth of drow shadow dragons began now there's nothing too special about a drow shadow dragon other than the fact that the creature can transforming to either its dragon form or its raw form indefinitely and gets the appropriate bonuses from each of the races now all of these drought Dragons that spawned from this story all were from the same clan clan Jess red from the city of Coulson from this clan of now drought dragons a new secret organization was born an organization of assassins called Jess stretch alson who mas kill Jess red is the leader of it's a little convoluted I know but all you need to know is that the powerful cr-48 dragon ma skill is the main leader of a nasty secretive organization of assassins whose only goal is to the pose loth as the de facto leader of the drought he gathered all of his fellow drow dragons and a bunch of sake he'll have shadow dragon half drow and started this assassin guilt so that he could lead the drow instead of wolf since then he's been infiltrating drought city's little by little with his guild and assassinating priestesses of law and fermenting as much chaos as possible quote members of the Jester Coulson believed that the save the Dark Elves from the madness and tyranny of love drought society must be shattered if cities fall and thousands of droughts die to do so then that fate must be born since misery and disaster will turn the drow away from wolf and towards other deities the assassins are willing to risk subjecting the drow two centuries of weakness and slave meant and suffering to remove Lords hold over the race and race of the Jester jolson as the secret head of a drought society shaped to its liking and quote they seek to murder all princesses of wealth and create as much chaos and destruction as possible in order to rebuild from the ashes the clan is believed to have over 800 members out of which 775 are Sekulow char haft shadow dragons and half drow and it also possesses over eight fully grown ancient drow dragons the ones who were originally spawned at the beginning of the guild and then on top of that another 17 weaker drow dragons though 17 were second-generation drow dragons and onward it is believed the original eight drought dragons are the strongest and they are the ones who actually lead this entire ensemble now mas kill is believed to have been originally a black shadow dragon based on the fact that his daughter actually appears in princes of the apocalypse in fifth edition his daughter is Nerva room who is described specifically as being originally a black dragon which means it is most likely that her father was a black dragon as well before he turned into his shadow dragon now being a shadow dragon moskal would get incredible bonuses from being in dim light or in darkness from resistances to all the elements and physical damage to being able to basically disappear and hide in the darkness as a bonus action he also has five levels in assassin which means he would be able to do things from instantly killing his targets with a single strike to being able to guarantee critical hits when he surprises his mark on top of all of this he possesses 13 levels in sorcerer all of this combined appeared to add up to him being CR 40 though unfortunately like I said before since we do not have his stat sheet we can't really know for sure how his power adds up inspection since we do not have access to his combat gear and magical items all I know is that an ancient black shadow dragon that can basically turn invisible in the darkness and has assassin levels sounds broken as hell combined with the fact that he basically resists all forms of damage except radiant force or psychic now the time is here for the strongest monster by challenge rating but before I bring him on I do want to mention a couple of things just because I am about to mention the strongest monster bite challenge rating doesn't mean that he's actually the strongest monster on the planet not all monsters and characters endurance and Dragons have a challenge rating and not all challenge ratings can be fully explained since we do have many monsters who were given challenge ratings but no explicit character sheet there are also unexplained discrepancies in the challenge rating system like for example Tiamat who according to the rise of Tiamat has a CR of 30 yet she being the queen of all traumatic dragons is weaker than many other powerful dragons now of course there could be many explanations as to why this might be the case whether the tmn and rise of Tiamat was simply an avatar and not her real form or whether the true power of Tiamat lies in her ability to command and manipulate dragons and not her actual physical might in any case a CR of 3040 I might actually feels about right when you compare her with the devil princess and demon Lords and celestial Paragons it just doesn't help that we don't really know what a traditional godlike Lysander or mistre would have as a challenge rating for comparison's all we really know is that it has been told to us through the lore that ACR 16 monster actually has the capabilities of very easily dispatching gods but that's really all we know now that being said I have presented to you guys here the strongest monsters by challenge rating in Dungeons & Dragons but only monsters that are specific to the Forgotten Realms the world setting for a fifth edition other worlds of course have their own monsters and probably would have even stronger ones than these and that it's impossible for me to cover all of them as you can imagine what I can do however is cover a few of those on a next video monsters that are not specific to the Forgotten Realms but are part of Dungeons and Dragons and even though they have not been confirmed to be in the world they do exist within D&D and have a challenge rating assigned for them and even stat blocks I know that some of you were talking about the forest dragons and the prismatic dragons and yes those would be included in those I do want to cover them for you and I will on the next episode but for now though let's just go back and talk about the strongest monster in the Forgotten Realms tower go Thoth the creeping doom CR 50 black dracolich just like mas kill Jess red we unfortunately do not have a full stat sheet for the creeping doom what we do have however are his powers and many of his abilities so even though we do not know his specific stats we could actually see exactly what he does and why he is so powerful to start d'argo Thoth is an erudite in magical learning and studied to the point where he actually has the protection and approval of mistre the goddess of magic see mistress safe Garson dominates over magic but not even she knows or fully understands the extent of what magic can and cannot do as a forest magic can be quite difficult to control and unpredictable at times and the extent of its power is still yet to be understood this actually applies to the goddess herself even though she rules over it she still studies magic and attempts to find new secrets whenever she can this is why the imperative that she gives to those who follow her is to study magic whenever possible to invent new spells to seek new secrets and to uncover hidden traits of magic this is something that Daario thought the creeping doom has done admirably remember well that mistre is not a good date and neither is she evil she is neutral and she allows good people access to magic as well as bad people and in this case she has essentially forbidden her followers from antagonizing the Drake this would include many of the previous high CR heroes that we mentioned like Laurel Silver Hand Kelvin Aronson and elminster who might actually be the only heroes in the world who actually know of the dracolich and office layer one of the massive advantages that the creepin doom possesses is that nobody actually knows of his lair only mistre and a handful of her followers who keep the location secret for those of you who are curious his lair lies in the ancient gnomish city of dole blonde an abandoned ruin in the upper reaches of the Underdark very close to water deep in fact it is so close you can actually access it via under mountain you can also access it via a hidden path in a muddy bottom of the DISA REM river a water-filled semi-solid path hidden in the river now most of his study in magic focuses on a very interesting topic um the ability to obtain and use magic and traits that are specific to all the different kinds of chromatic dragons in essence Daario Thoth is seeking to gain the breath weapon of all of the different chromatic dragons something that he is actually partially managed to succeed at he can breathe his original acid he can produce a bolt akin to that of a blue dragon he can breathe fire like a red dragon and he can produce a blast of frost like a white dragon on top of all of that his experimentation has produced new effects like his ability to use as a breath weapon the ability to create undead in a cone as in the spell create on dead but from his mouth like a breath weapon and the ability to banish and hurt undead as well as a breath weapon he has also produced and invented a powerful bone spray that he can project from his mouth this is all very impressive since an ancient dragon's breath weapon is some of the most powerful elemental magic that exists in the world certainly more powerful than any elemental attack that a level nine spell can produce and our go Thoth has learned the ability to use multiples it of course wouldn't in there if we were to manage to fully integrate in himself through harsh magical experimentation all the abilities traits and attributes of all the creme Dragons he may even be able to develop their immunities and layer powers something that could make him unstoppable this is his first quest so to speak but he also has another his other grand quest is to find a way for himself to mate or create progeny that will carry within themselves the same traits that he possesses in essence he wants to become a combination of all of the chromatic dragons and then he wishes to create a new race of dragons that will share on those traits these are all incredible magical discoveries that mistre wishes to let unfold now when it comes to breath weapon attacks d'argo Thoth is actually working on his most powerful one yet for he's attempting to produce a Morton Kanaan's disjunction as a breath weapon while making himself immune to the effect for those of you who do not know Morton Canaan disjunction is one of the strongest spells in the game a level 9 spell that essentially this joins magic from a person or item quote all magical effects and magical items within the radius of the spell except for those that you carry or touch are this joint that is spells and spell like effects are separated from their individual components and in the effect I said the spell magic spell does and each permanent magic item must make it successful will save or be turned into a normal item and quote this spell can and will turn your awesome magical armors and weapons into mundane versions of themselves forever the spell is so strong that it can actually turn off anti magic field it is so strong that it can even destroy artifacts something that is generally considered otherwise almost impossible d'argo Thoth is currently attempting to produce this effect as a breath weapon which would make it unbelievably dangerous especially if he could produce it over and over again currently the experiment is not working so well and so far he appears to be only able to produce a powerful dispel magic effect as a breath weapon he however does not like to use it much because the experiment is not fully completed currently it seems whenever he uses this ability it tends to spin while the magic away from its verges sometimes doing him more harm than good as far as other experimentations goes he has managed to make himself highly resistant to magic and has he been achieved in unity to the spells impression meant power word kill reverse gravity temporal stasis the spell sync and time stop Dargo thoughts phylactery or host as they are called is rumored to be a black opal of insignificant size hidden in a huge heap of gems of all types and sizes that nearly fills a cavern that also holds the skeletal bodies of sex lesser dragons these skeletal bodies are meant to serve as bodies for the dracolich in the event that his current body is destroyed this whole cave however is hidden and blocked off from somewhere in the gem filled the main lair we're not given the full extent of the magical abilities that Dargo Thoth possesses but instead were given a spell that he created himself and uses constantly in battle the spell is called bone melt if you do not resist this powerful spell your bones turn to jelly costing you to collapse into a helpless amoeba like slithering blob what makes this so dangerous is that even if you succeed and resistant to spell a part of your body will still suffer the effects whether it is your arms legs or head this is just but an example of how different and unique d'argo thoughts spells are for he invents his own and those that already exists he tweaks and changes quote the Crippin Doom is so ambitious that his schemes seem destined to failure even dare ago Thoth himself is aware that spawning a race of descendants having powers akin to his own could well bring his own eventual doom at hands still even if he never made his continual growth in power is a matter of grave concern for folk all over Ferran both draconic and human this drank which will stop at nothing and mistress seems content to let him build himself into the greatest creature of magic in all of torille if he can achieve this aim at the same time his lonely search for a mate opens him up to attack from wily foes and if his seizures of magic grow more successful he will soon have no shortage of those foes and quote I would like to personally thank my patrons reporters 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Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 651,422
Rating: 4.9375606 out of 5
Id: qfawzEshL9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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