What Can The Strongest Gods Do in Dungeons and Dragons

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de Diez Indonesian dragons do not have stats they have never been given stats and that's because according to the lore the power of de Diez is quote impossible to quantify that is takes quite simply become meaningless when dealing with the powers of the realm and quote now that doesn't mean that we lack de fig abilities and properties we got'em even though we cannot tell you exactly how much a God will do to you with a sword strike we can tell you how your character sheet will change if we were to add the vine to your monster type first and foremost of course the power of a deity drastically changes depending on the rank of the deity and as far as ranks are concerned we have four we have greater gods intermediate gods lesser gods and demigods and just how we described it before your rank is signified mostly by the amount of followers that you have how devout they are and how many ceremonies those followers perform for you elevating yourself to a higher rank is what most gods aspire to do mostly because of all of the incredible abilities that you obtain as you rank up you also become much more harder to kill by other gods when you are a higher ranked and as you can imagine you can provide a bigger plane for yourself to call home the higher you are in the hierarchy first of all let's cover the abilities that every single day D has just by the nature of being divine these are the abilities and attributes that they all share first of all every single god has a portfolio these are the topics things ideas or emotions that a God has Dominion power and control over if this is automatically given to you the second that you become a dating you will of course get a portfolio that corresponds to your personality and desires but mostly it depends entirely on the overlord what he gives you is what you get many COS actually kill each other to obtain a better and more far encompassing portfolios something that actually does transfer to the victor of a godly duel it is transfer however will only happen if the portfolio actually matches with the victor as in the victor must have the moral capabilities of ruling and enacting the new portfolios that would be given to him if the god of death kills the god of life the god of death needs to be able to promote life as much as it promotes death otherwise the portfolio of life will pass on to the next closest higher ranked god of life it is also crucial to note that there can only ever be one single highly ranked god of a particular domain you can't have two higher ranked gods of death you can have a god of death and I got of decay or a god of the Sun and a god of the dawn but you can't have two higher ranked gods of the Sun I say higher ranked because this rule does not apply with demigods you can have as many demigods of as many portfolios as you like but if there are gods that share portfolios only one of them can ever go above demigod status whether or not this rule is strictly applied in the Canon is hard to say because gods shift portfolios all the time especially through the additions the Lord states that anything can make a god change portfolios from dying and being resurrected to ascending or dropping in divine status to even having massive personality shifts now all gods are of course immortal they do not need sustenance other than prayer and simply do not age furthermore they cannot be fully killed if injured to the point of death the dating will simply reform is shape any matter of days the only way to permanently kill a deity is for a divine of higher rank to do the destroying and even then the body of the data will be sent to float for all eternity in the astral plane a body which can be revived in the future if very specific powerful rituals are made the only way to permanently permanently kill a god it would be to then completely evaporate or destroy the floating deific carcass in the astral plane now when it comes to abilities all deities possess the innate ability to instantly teleport to any point they desire in the same plane that they are in they can do this at will ladies also always go first in the initiative this is just a rule they may choose not to do anything in their turn if they want to but otherwise they always go first all the ATS have the divine ability to understand and speak any language that exists including those languages that require special attributes like pheromones or specific body parts furthermore quote all powers can speak directly and secretly to any being across any void and through any physical or mystical barrier this power transcends the bounds of space and planes but not time and quote it is also implied that the only reason that gods cannot transcend time is because it is a divine rule a rule that could be broken if the overlord would allow it all deities have the ability to cast any spell from any level from the priest or wizard class and does not require any form of component or special requirement including the use of spell books or hand gestures or voice activation quote invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings and quote I should also mention that deities can cast two spells in a single round or they can opt to do their full melee action plus a spell many gods also invent or change the way spells work since they have such facility with magic all deities also obtain divine immunities to certain types of damage your weapon must be at least a plus one magical weapon to hurt the demigod or a lesser god it must be a +2 weapon to hurt an intermediate God or a +3 weapon to hurt a greater dating furthermore quote all powers are immune to any sort of magic that would automatically kill them if they fail a saving throw that would instantly kill them with no saving throw that would disintegrate them or that would drain energy or life levels they are also immune to the powers of all glyphs and symbols which do nothing to them except attract their attention they are also immune to psionic abilities not practiced by a divine being and even then they are immune to psionic abilities used by Daley's of lower rank than themselves and quote and last but not least they all have the power of granting any abilities or spells of any level to their priest that does not exceed their own capabilities now these special properties that I just mentioned it's just what everyone gets but like I described it before the higher rank that you are the more abilities and powers that you get so some of what we're about to describe now will vary tremendously depending on which rank we're talking about gods get the special ability to shape-shift in that they can turn themselves into other things a demigod can only change into an animate object that is appropriate to their portfolio in that form has to be an average example of the creature evil or demigod of unicorns wants to turn herself into a unicorn she cannot be a special unicorn just a normal unicorn of normal size that being said you will sometimes see special effects related to the daily doing the transformation that the unicorn might have glowing white eyes or might have different markings in her fur for example lesser gods are a bit stronger in that they don't require to pick an animate object that is related to their portfolio they can be whatever they want they are however still restricted to being an average example of that which you're trying to imitate intermediate deities see a big spike in power as they typically do for they can shape-shift not just into any animate object but also inanimate the only restriction is that the shape that they assume cannot be bigger than the biggest one already currently in existence it doesn't matter if the biggest one is enchanted or natural you just cannot be bigger than that one the reason I say this is a big jump in power is because being able to take on inanimate objects allows these deities to assume the shape of big mountains or rivers like you might have heard in some mythologies lastly we have the epitome of power which are the greater daddies they have absolutely no restriction on the transformations in fact beings of this stature have been known to assume planetary proportions next we have the godly ability of planner travel for this one greater gods intermediate gods and lesser gods all share the same properties they can at will simply travel from plane to plane without any chance of error and without requiring any form of component furthermore this travel cannot be hindered by any physical or met barrier the only ones who don't possess this ability are the demigods who simply must travel you seen their very own methods whether by using mortal means like magic or by using mundane special pathways like portals or by asking superior deities for summons the one advantage though the demigods get over other deities in this way is that they can actually enter the prime material realm greater intermediate and lesser gods cannot ever ever enter the prime material plane let me repeat that any day other than demigod cannot enter the prime material plane it is strictly forbidden the only way that they can do it is through avatars now I know that this is one that you guys will be interested to hear about the one ability that allows God's to be able to see what is going on in the prime material world the one ability that allows for a God to be able to sense or see you when you pray to it de Deus can sense anything not just around themselves but around any one of their followers and around any one of their holy objects you as a cleric don't have to do anything just by following your God you're allowing your God to be able to see you and sends around you furthermore even if you're not a follower of a specific God just by mentioning the name of that god you're opening the ability for that God and to be able to see you and sense around you if this is why you always need to be very careful not to go around saying the names of evil deities it'll move their gazes towards you and more importantly they will be able to see everything that you do now of course these powers are made grander the higher in the ranks that you are as a dady a demigod can only see up to a mile around where it can sense whether that is around its own body or whether it is around its followers and holy objects or a person the rest assured it's named a lesser god dust is two up to ten miles around an intermediate God can do this up to a hundred miles around and a greater God can do this for the entire plane as long as a greater God has a single follower in any plane of existence he can sense anything anywhere on that plane now when it comes to a person that has assured the name of the God a demigod a consensus name was assured for up to an hour elissa God can do that for a day an intermediate God for a month and a greater God for a full year now it is very important to know that all of these sensing powers can be blocked by the conscious effort of a deity of similar rank or the unconscious desires of those of Greater stature it is very unlikely that your God will be able to for example tell you everything that you need to know about the evil villains lair if that villain follows a powerful evil daily that is because the evil daily will prevent your gods sensing powers this is also why it always behooves you to follow strong data's because they have the power to prevent other evil forces from being able to always sense you this is also why greater deities are considered to be basically omniscient since it is extremely rare for their senses to be muffled in any capacity and they also have the ability to block most dailies from seeing something that they don't want seen many intermediate and lesser deities actually seek the help of greater deities in their Pantheon's to help them protect and block sight of their secrets and magical artifacts furthermore greater deities have such power in this regard and such freedoms in their senses that they can quote accurately predict the precise actions of mortals and other deities based on their vast knowledge end quote greater deities are very very scary when they are not on your side gods also have the power of creation the ability to produce things from nothing or I should say some gods have this ability greater gods can literally produce anything that they can think of whether that would be diamonds or gold or elephants or humans they just wish it into existence and then they exist the process however is very draining for them since they're using their very own energy stores and turning it into physical objects for every tonnage of mass they produce they must rest for a round intermediate powers cannot create things out of nothing like greater powers can instead what they can do is either summon a duplicate of something that they're holding if it exists in the same plane or simply create eight a duplicate of that which they're holding if the materials exist within the plane to produce it this process however is also tiring for the God and must rest for a round for every 100 pounds that they produce in this manner now lesser powers on the other hand cannot create or duplicate any object instead they instinctively know where to find the object that they desire if it exists if the item does not exist they know the location of someone who can create it or manufacture it demigods are even weaker in this for they do not instinctively know where to find things instead they have to manually search the multiverse using their own senses or followers in order to find what they're looking for if this is yet another example of how massively overpowered greater powers are when compared to the rest there's always that massive power spike in between intermediate and greater powers gods have powers over life and death when it comes to the ability to give life lesser intermediate and greater powers all have the ability to simply resurrect a dead mortal back to life regardless of where that mortal is and regardless of the current status of its body demigods on the other hand must be either prescient with that body or must have an extension of themselves by the dead body whether that would be an avatar or a holy relic the power over death however is a tad more exclusive to those on the higher echelons of divinity greater powers can literally kill anyone they wish regardless of who it is and regardless of where he or she is located all the greater power has to do is merely think of it and the living mortal will perish of course any other greater God can reverse this effect immediately if so desired now interestingly enough even though intermediate gods cannot kill whoever they want they instead have the special ability to produce something similar see intermediate gods cannot kill a person directly that's just divine law instead they can do so indirectly they quote have the ability to arrange accidents that can kill any mortal being and and a quote that's all the description that we get so take whatever you want from that now a big question that I know many of you are probably asking yourselves right now is how can these gods do all of this at the same time I I mentioned before that I God can have multiple avatars at the same time any particular God can also send hundreds if not millions of followers in different realms of existence well another special power the dailies get is the ability to multitask it sounds a bit silly but the higher rank that you are the more that you can deal with at the same time a demigod can only perform up to two tasks at once without any kind of penalty this means that a demigod might be able to talk to two different people at once or might be able to use an avatar and fight an adventurer while simultaneously creating a magical item in its real form without any penalties lesser powers can perform up to five tasks at once without any penalties intermediate data's can do up to a hundred tasks while greater gods have absolutely no limit to how many things that can do at once you could theoretically have a greater God give a personalized speech to each person on the planet each person receiving a different paragraph will simultaneously have that same God control all of his avatars and have them battle each a different group of adventurers in multiple different planes of existence while also formulating a conniving master plan to dismantle the world order they can do as many things as they want the only thing to keep in mind though is that physical bodies will still retain the limits of their form so if a greater God has an avatar that exists in the shape of a human that human still only has two arms and can only do things confined to the laws of physics and then lastly we have avatars quote when powers have vital business in the prime material plane they must send avatars to act for them an avatar is simply a manifestation of a deity upon the prime material plain this manifestation is not nearly as powerful as a power and is merely a projection of a Daley's power unto the I'm material plane an almost infinitely vast gulf of power lies between the God and the avatar the avatar embodies just a small portion of the gods power however avatars share many of the abilities of powers they have the same teleportation abilities initiative advantage communication abilities and immunities as all deities do unlike a power an avatar can be destroyed this is never looked upon kindly by the true God and often results in divine retribution although avatars may take many different forms the number that can be created and frequency with which they may be replaced depends upon a powers stature and quote a demigod can only create a single avatar at a time and it takes them an entire full year to create another if that one is destroyed it is not impossible to find demigods - that can't even fashion a single avatar now lesser powers can have two avatars at a time and if one is destroyed it'll take the God about a month to make another intermediate gods can have up to 5 avatars and it takes them 7 days to make another lastly greater powers can have up to 10 but it only takes them a single day to recreate one now one really interesting tidbit about avatar is that I personally found cool is that a god can actually use the avatar of a deity that they have subsumed so if my level 20 character somehow managed to kill all doing demigod of draconic afterlife and I further became a daily for it I could not just produce my own avatar with my own abilities and personality but I could also take on whatever avatar all doing had designed for itself there are some restrictions however if I choose to use all doings avatar in this example I would not be able to use any of my own abilities while in that form I would only be able to use all doings abilities and I would have to somewhat behave like all doing quote when a empower uses a puppet avatar to appear as another deity the avatar must behave in all of its abilities though not necessarily its intent and mentality as if it were really that of the data being imitated in addition a powers normal avatar form can not use the abilities of a subsumes daily avatar itself avatars must act with the capabilities that they were originally formed to use and quote if you want to combine the abilities you possess with the abilities of all doing in this example you can but you would have to combine your avatar with that of all doing and create something entirely new this new form has to be different enough that the changes are obvious to both your worshippers and all doings worshipers now to finish of the video let's talk a bit about resistances and protections the immunity by virtue of being divine are given great protections not just against mortals but against themselves when it comes to magical damage coming from mortal sources like adventurers letme God's only take about 30% of the damage they are extremely resistant and this resistance only gets worse as we go up the ranks lesser powers only take 10% of damage from mortal magic intermediate gods only take 5 percent while greater powers are completely immune to any damaging magic that you will throw at them furthermore the only way demigod can lose a saving throw is if it rolls a natural 3 or lower and only if that roll still doesn't pass the saving through of course in essence if a demigod fails a saving throw it only really fails it if the roll was a natural 3 or lower same thing applies to lesser powers except that they only fail on a natural one or a natural 2 while intermediate powers will only fail if their natural one still does not pass the check quote all greater powers are assumed to automatically make all saving throws required of them this is a reflection of their great abilities mental powers and physical stamina and quote thank you so much for watching I would like to personally thank my patron supporters sack 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Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 618,901
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Id: ZcR2iBeF2zo
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Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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