The Strongest Gods in D&D Ranked by Power [Greater Deities]

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on our last episode we ranked up the forgotten realms lesser and intermediate deities by power from weakest god to strongest and today we're going to continue on that path this is a sequel to that video so if you haven't seen it i highly recommend going back and watching it it's called dnd deities ranked by power so go watch that and come back to this one but now today we're covering what the nucs and dragons considers greater powers these guys are so strong that generally speaking you can't really challenge them in any conceivable way they are so beyond us that they really don't even manifest physically in their own worlds you just don't get to see these guys instead they only manifest through avatars which only hold a fraction of their power in fact they are so strong that destroying their avatars doesn't even bother them greater powers can have up to 10 avatars at a time and it only takes them a single day to recreate a destroyed one it should also be noted that some of these gods can have avatars that are literally as strong as lesser deities themselves basically you don't mess with these guys now to become a greater god you need to have around 1 million or more followers which is much harder than you might think population in medieval fantasy is much scarcer than it is in modern times waterdeep for example which is considered to be one of the bigger cities in the sword coast really only has about 200 000 inhabitants at least in the city proper if you count the farmlands around 40 miles around waterdeep then we're talking about 2 million people which is a lot but not everyone venerates gods at least not to the degree which would be counted for this metric you need to be truly dedicated to your god pray to your god every day go to church you know that sort of thing the gods which we are about to talk about have those numbers these are the gods who are so ubiquitous in society that you wouldn't be surprised to see random people wearing their amulets in broad daylight if you were to ask a random person in your adventures who they pray to most likely they will say one of these gods so now that we have set up the scene i believe we're ready to start ranking the greater gods but first i'm really excited to talk to you guys about our sponsor today townsmith is the first creator for 100 customizable and modular 3d printable buildings for your dungeons and dragons campaigns so the way it works is you go into the website you build and create your building you click assemble and the building is then sent to you through email ready to be printed if you have a 3d printer great you can just go ahead and print it if not they have a nice and wide selection of retailers that can print your building for you and then ship it to you all over the world oh yeah dude it's creating a mess but that's fine all right that's cute so the whole thing is designed to be hassle-free you don't need a 3d printer and you can go and test the program for free they have different sets for different types of buildings you can do typical medieval houses you can do castles you can do cave settings and now which is newest of a week ago you can do steampunk buildings which you know that a lot of you are big fans of they're adding new sets and buildings every single month and the kicker which i like is that the interior to these buildings is actually playable it's not just the outside it's really fun man this is really cool now not everyone is good at building things i personally am not the best at these sort of things either so instead you can simply go into the community tab in the website and you can see and take what other members of the community have created i mean there are people out there who are geniuses of these type of things and you can just borrow their creations modify them if you want and then download them for yourself so again you don't need to be good at building to enjoy this the website is the link is in the description and in the comments if you buy any sets from their store you can use my limited code mr rex at checkout to get a pretty big 30 percent off your purchase go ahead and check them out play around with the website for a bit and see for yourself if you have any questions feel free to check their incredibly successful kickstarter the link is also in the description but now on to the video alright i already feel your gears turning which kinds of gods are we going to find on this list well the best ones or at least the ones with the best portfolios first on our list at round 16 of greater gods we have kelemvor the lord of the dead his portfolio is well yeah death there is no way around it it is a fantastic domain to own for every person that dies there is a loved one or family member who prays to kelemvor on its behalf kelemvor rules over the fugue plane a transitory plane where all of the souls of the dead go to when they depart the land of the living in there in the city of judgement killemvore judges the souls and leads them to their final fate if you betrayed your deity in life you get judged harshly and punished for all eternity if you didn't choose a god in life or rejected outright the worship of a deity then kelemvor sends you into the wall of the faithless where you simply become part of what the city of judgement is made out of souls you disappear into the architecture and receive oblivion if you picked a god in life and you were true to that god then kelemvor allows you to stay up to 10 days in the city until your god sends a divine servant to pick you up now on this level we also have ogma the lord of knowledge his portfolio is pretty good it's not quite death but it's still pretty good he covers inspiration invention and knowledge that's not enough though you might have to wonder how can those domains even compete with death why is this guy on the same level as kellemore well his last domain is bards ogma is the patron god of bart and you know who are the best pr managers in dnd who are the guys that spread news of things from city to city the ones who make plays and write newspapers and author books the ones whose literal job is to convince people of things bards bart's are the media of dnd and their god is atma and ogma is very appreciative of their help further his worshipers also include artists cartographers inventors lore masters sages scholars scribes and of course wizards augma is what dnd considers an interloper god a deity that came from another world and settled here this happens when there are large migrations of people that come into the world through portals or space jammers those people sometimes bring faith from their old world settle here and then propagated that's how you get gods from other worlds into this one another example of this are the egyptian gods which are also considered to be multi-sphere deities or world hoppers norse deities are another example now next on the list we have soon known as the lady of love and the princess of passion her portfolio is beauty love and passion and her worshipers are hedonists romantics and really just any person who is focused entirely on their beauty her church is extremely popular because they basically have a monopoly on beauty products and services if you want to have a haircut you go to the church of soon if you want to take a bath in a public bath you will find that all of those bats are owned by the church of sun perfume or cologne church of sun sexy times for money charge of soon their churches are gathering places where you can go and get tips and tricks on how to become more handsome or more beautiful they show you which clothes work better for you they tell you how to better talk to people how to seduce your crush how to be persuasive i mean it really is not a hard sell for people and why they would want to dedicate themselves to a goddess of love and beauty especially when she doesn't particularly promote just skin deep beauty but also inner beauty everyone wants love too at rank 16 we have talos the destroyer greater god of destruction he has many items on his portfolio from conflagration to earthquakes to storms vortices and rebellion but the big one is destruction i say big one because every god is strong at everything obviously but they are always particularly good at doing the thing which they have a domain for when casting spells that pertain to their domain those spells come quicker stronger and harder to avoid for example it is a lot easier for a god of knowledge to find a hidden fact about the world than it would be for a goddess of beauty to do so you can probably see where i'm going with this talus is the god of destruction that is one god to truly fear if you want something destroyed there is literally no better person his worshippers tend to be evil people who want to sow chaos in the world or want power to obliterate their enemies we're talking barbarians evil druids who obey primal forces of nature any kind of sorcerer or wizard who focuses on evocation magic but really at the end of the day probably some of the bigger sex of worshipers that talos gets are just people who edge on evil people that might not want to go too deep on evil territory where they are straight up just worshipping some god of murder or god of plague but still want easy power to dominate those who go against them it's not too hard to see why he would be popular if you like fire electricity earth magic i mean this is the guy that would give you that power you have to keep in mind that there really isn't like a god of fire or a god of electricity at least not in the human pantheon those would be powerful primordials who will not listen to your prayers so if you venerate and or would like to harness fire italics would be basically the only way to go that's why he is so popular lastly on divine rank 16 we have grunge the patron god of the orcs i told you guys before that i did wanted to drop some popular gods here and there that don't actually belong to the human pantheons just so that you could have some frame of reference as to how powerful some of these guys actually are when compared to the rest grunge is basically the guy that every single full-blooded orc prays to as the god of conquest strength survival and territory he tells the orcs to gather and breed to rise up in hordes and then to raid kill and conquer that is basically why nobody likes orcs we're going to go up now a notch to divine rank 17. so these guys are slightly stronger and more popular than the rest in here we're going to start with cyric now ironic that we get to start with this guy because civic is kind of a weird one this rank defines how powerful he was in third edition or specifically before the events that unfolded during the spell plague assirik at the time was the god of murder god of lies deceit strife deception and illusion he was particularly popular not just because of these enormously powerful domains but because he was a mortal that had a reason to become a god and i don't mean like there was a legend or a myth or something that people believed from maybe thousands of years ago no this had happened like literally just a few years ago back then this was just a guy that became a god and frankly that made him very popular he was so strong at the time that he literally murdered another greater god something that just does not happen possible obviously not just because of how strong he was at the time which he was but also because he had murder in his portfolio which allowed him particular power on that field that other gods might not have because of the murder however he was imprisoned by some of the other greater gods for 1 000 years which he should now be free of in 5th edition his power should be greatly diminished however since his church suffered a major blow during his absence and he also has lost most of his portfolio nowadays he only has lies as his domain he lost every other thing so he's probably much much lower in the ranks now but talking now about actual divine rank 17 gods we have lavender the morning lord known as the bringer of the dawn the commander of creativity the rose and gold god and the inspirations dawn lathander's portfolio is athletics birth creativity dawn renewal spring vitality and youth his worshipers include well honestly everyone the concept of staying viral young and vibrant really does apply to everybody the concept of hope and light of turning something foul into something good the concept of making something better of yourself i mean these things again just apply to everyone look at it this way too the peasant who lives in the middle of nowhere who has no clue about lore about the gods about what people care about or about who's who or what's what that guy might literally just look at the sun coming in the morning and just pray to that the biggest source of awe he probably would feel directly every single day would be the sun and if you pray to the sun you pray to lathander just as if you prayed to the moon you would be praying to saloon to take it further one of the bigger motivators of people are their children parents pray to lathander for the safety and health of their children including for births every time a lady gets pregnant suddenly the whole family becomes the devout followers of lathander to make sure that that baby comes out well unskilled laborers indoors and dragons also need to stay in tip-top shape in order to do their job whether that job is tilling the land or construction kings might decree that people should pay homage to helm for protection of the city statues might be erected to umberley to protect the city from tsunamis but in the heart of most citizens who they really love and who they truly say their prayers at night to would be to lathander for he will make certain that you and yours are healthy and grow old and that's that's just what really matters to people in the end next we have tempus the foe hammer and the lord of battles his portfolio includes battle war and warriors in here we have the literal god of war now you need to be careful in the way that you role play clerics of tempus or maybe even tempus himself it can be a little tricky sometimes to understand the actual motivations that a god or his clerics might have but the trick is to always focus directly on the portfolio if you remember before we talked about how miya leaky goddess of the forest is not particularly against civilized society being pro-forests doesn't mean that you can't have a road going through that forest a road if done properly doesn't really hurt a forest for example you can also have plenty of trees planted or maybe even have a forest area inside of a big city if she was a goddess of nature on the other hand well she would have a problem since nature and civilization are two completely conflicting ideas a goddess of nature would hate all aspects of civilization cesiric who was the previous god of murder and strife would want to promote backstabbing uncertainty he would want to create an ecosystem where true strong leadership would be hard to get and where lies and deceit would be king he would want to promote that only so hard as to not create war because if he did he would be giving power to tempus god of war tempus god of war wants to promote war but only orderly war a war with sides with a condition for victory if there were no conditions for victory in the war then it's just people killing each other for no reason and that's just chaos and mayhem that's just destruction suddenly talus god of destruction becomes more powerful these details matter to the gods because that's what gives them power and by proxy it matters to the clerics because they get punished when they instead promote a different god tempus for example forbids his clerics from attacking peace and voice for there needs to be a possibility of peace for it to be truly called a war and not just destruction in pharaoh and clerics of tempus are one of the most common clerics to see in battle-stricken lands it's unfortunate but wars are everywhere which makes tempus incredibly strong he's also killed and absorbed virtually every other god of war that he has come across transforming him into basically one of the few left which grants him all of those followers the last divine rank 17 greater god we have is bane a god of fear hatred and tyranny and the reason for his popularity is actually quite straightforward when you look at the other evil gods you can probably notice how dysfunctional they probably are to their clergy esteric is the god of lies but how can you have a functional clergy when that's literally the thing that you have to promote he was also the god of murder and betrayal at the time too so you can deduce how badly that can go for those who follow that mantra how can you have a clergy when everyone is just murdering each other to appease their god talos's clergy is by definition not centralized they all favor chaos and destruction they for the most part are all scattered across the world amber lee is evil but she doesn't really want her followers to go about doing evil stuff she just threatens those who don't give her offerings with death bane is the one evil god who has a centralized clergy a functional workable clergy an actual den of evil that is structurally sound a typical church of bane has a powerful leader who rules as a tyrant and followers who do as he says out of fear or as a desire to rule underlings as tyrants or to rule simple folk as tyrants bane promotes alliances with other evil deities or clerics instead of just killing people for the sake of being evil bane's church is effectively the only evil church that works baine's goal is to control and dominate the world a task true to the god of tyranny and he goes about it the smart way creating calculated alliances striking when they are strongest not sabotaging their own churches and of course blessing those who perform the best to promote excellence and that's what we have for divine rank 17 before we move any further though i do want to mention that this is also the divine rank where you would find the primordial lords of the elements basically the elemental lord who rules over the plane of fire cassette the elemental lord who rules over the plane of water is tishia the elemental lord who rules over the plane of earth grumbar and the elemental lord who rules over the plane of heir akadi are all divine rank 17 primordial deities they do not listen to prayers from humanoids though so technically you're not supposed to be able to be a cleric for them they instead get their power from the support and veneration of the elementals of their kind in their own plane if you're curious though in princes of the apocalypse the clerics and cultists who venerated some of the other elemental primordials were probably just getting their power from tharis dune and the elder elemental eye who we will not be covering on this video they were not getting their powers from the elemental lords themselves now i do want to point out though that technically we only have a divine rank for kasith we were not actually given the divine rank for the other elemental lords though it is safe to assume that they are all probably roughly equal in power so they all probably have the same divine rank now divine rank 17 was sort of like the ceiling for what a god could reasonably attain if they just had a lot of followers and worked hard at it i mean frankly unless you as a god do something wild and crazy you're just not gonna beat baine or lathander in popular support these guys now at divine rank 18 are special they have typically done something marvelous to get to where they are you don't just casually get on this rank is what i'm trying to say and the first one on this list is mystra mystery is the goddess of magic and arguably the most important deity in dungeons and dragons without mystra the world just falls into pieces mystra died for like five minutes during the time of netheril and the entire empire collapsed and an entire era just ended mystra also died when she was murdered by cyric and the spell plague happened which was a chaotic event that almost destroyed the whole planet the planet toro is encapsulated by a magical ether called the weave it is through the weave that people can cast spells and do magic well mystra controls and maintains this weave she repairs it constantly and without her magic just fails to function as it should a mystra is the reason why we cannot cast anything higher than level 9 spells level 10 level 11 and level 12 spells do exist they are there but we can't access them simply because mystra just doesn't want to it is believed that mystra would be far stronger than this if it wasn't for the fact that a lot of her power is stored in her chosen a divine servant who houses a sizeable amount of her divine strength now next to mystra at this level we have shar goddess of darkness her portfolio also includes caverns the dark dungeons forgetfulness loss the night the underdark and unrevealed secrets like we described before char used to be kind of an over deity really just a a powerful entity with a vine rank higher than 20 though she used to be connected with saloon in this form after a major fractious battle against her other self they separated and went their own way they used to be so powerful together that they literally created the planet toro that's how strong they were saloon lost most of her power by using her divine essence to win the war against her see shar wanted the planet to be basically darkness and mostly devoid of life saloon wanted to fill it with life and saloon won that battle but not without losing a big chunk of her divinity divinity that shar ended up keeping so there are two reasons why char is on this high of the ranks one is because she literally used to be something of an over deity before but two is because she literally has an entire whole material realm to venerate her shara created the shadowfell by combining the plane of shadows with parts of the now defunct elemental chaos she combined the negative energy plane with the plane of shadows and formed the shadowfell and basically sort of unofficially became one of the main rulers of that whole plane she has an entire plane with millions and millions of dark souls that venerate her alongside those who do us well on the prime material plane now you combine that with the incredible portfolio that she has of the night in darkness and well you get a god that is divine rank 18. like i said to get here you really do need to do something special now at divine rank 18 we also have silvanus the god of nature or specifically wild nature that's nature that grows by itself without the touch or intrusion of civilization sylvanas is completely mysterious in many ways considered to be one of the oldest gods in the pantheon with ties to many many other worlds he's peculiar because other than mystra he might literally have the strongest portfolio in dungeons and dragons wild nature all this time we have been focusing hard on gods whose portfolios include emotions or activities or types of people could you imagine how powerful a god would be if they just had humanoids as a domain i mean lol is divine rank 15 by literally just having drow kouseth is divine rank 17 by just having fire and fire elementals when you try and think about just how big and all-encompassing the concept of wild nature really is every single plant that just grows in a hill every flower that blossoms every tree that grows every mold that expands the the rain falling down the dead body of a deer being consumed by parasites and bacteria that all forms part of an ecosystem of a balance a balance that empowers wild nature if every plant and every tree knew in its core who to dedicate itself to they would give themselves to sylvanus it is unclear whether or not plants and non-sentient trees do have a soul per se or if their veneration really even counts towards divine rank but the fact that sylvanus is this strong it is particularly curious i mean could you imagine how powerful umbra lee would be if the whole planet was covered in water could you imagine how powerful talos would be if the whole world was just covered in endless storms and earthquakes well the whole planet is covered in plants and trees it almost doesn't matter where you look you see wild nature taking over everything everywhere maybe that's why he's so strong you can find his portfolio literally anywhere you look now as the very last member of those in the divine rank of 18 we have tyr god of justice now this rank just like with cyric showcases the goddess how he used to be back in third edition basically at his apex of power by this point tyr could have been easily considered to almost just kind of be the the patron god of humans when you think about civilization and how it runs how cities and towns have rules that people follow how we know what's good versus what is bad these generally speaking could be considered to have come from tyr as the main arbiter to define what is law what is justice he was at the time the only lawful good greater power in the human pantheon hence when it comes to almost all of human civilization and faerun most of it was probably based off of tears teachings and guidance thing is he's not really this strong anymore in fact we don't even know if he's even a lesser deity at this point he could be a demigod for all we know he decided to give all of his deific power to torm god of duty who he always considered to be his right hand man so by 5th edition timelines it is not impossible for torm to actually be a greater deity at around this divine rank tyr did this for he felt unable to perform his duties after some world ending events in the dnd history that happened that he wasn't able to stop from happening he felt guilty and so he resigned his post and gave torm all of his power further he ended up dying in a massive invasion of heaven by demonic forces and somehow he seems to have been resurrected though we're not really quite sure as to what level of power he actually has anymore so there you have it for divine rank 18 this divine rank is special as you can see tyr was here almost as the patron of civilized human society sylvanus as the patron of the wilds and mr anshar sort of being very special cases on this level we also have garl glittergold as the shifted and patron god of the gnomes and yondala as the shift in patreon god of the halflings so to make it here you need the strong support of an entire race of well-established living entities with humans in this case counting as halflings and gnomes just because of how diverse they are in their beliefs and then we have the last rank the divine rank of 19. now based on the ranking system that there is a possibility that a god could theoretically be rank 20 before making it into overdated status but we have no gods in the forgotten realms that would fit that rank instead the remainder gods that we do have of this power level will cap at 19. on this divine rank of 19 the highest that we have we have moridin as the patron god of the dwarves and corylen larithian as the patron god of the elves and to be able to make it this far into this rank you would need the undivided full support of not just any race but of a dominant race in the world and that race will need to be fully devout to you all of the dwarves venerate muradin as their patron god and all of the elves venerate corlyn larithian as their primary patron god that's just what it takes to get here the full support of a dominant race now there is one god that actually makes it here believe it or not there is one god that humans venerate that is on the same level of power as both muradin and gorelin and there is no trick to this either this guy doesn't just get his power level because of some special circumstance like mr or shard does it is pure concentrated worship by an impossibly large amount of humans and and not to meme about it but you probably might have not guessed it as the only human venerated god at rank 19 we have shantia goddess of agriculture crops farmers gardeners and summer her worshippers include farmers and peasants which account for like 80 to 90 percent of the human population in dungeons and dragons it is very easy to forget but most people are not out there adventuring or traveling or planning wars or conspiring to commit evil in medieval society only about 10 percent of the population actually live in cities and most people just have their homes in the middle of nowhere and they exist via farming if you remember at the beginning of this video we talked about how the population of water deep one of the biggest cities in faerun only really has a population of about 200 000 but if you count those that live in the farms around the area of the city suddenly the population count skyrockets to 2 million inhabitants that is the case everywhere millions and millions of humans who just live out there happy in their farms some of them will venerate lathander like we talked about before but you just can't beat shantia food is far more important to humans it's just how sylvanus is the god of untamed wild nature achantia takes on the role of being the goddess of tamed nature planting flowers in your garden using a river as a source of fresh water using trees to build your home growing food breeding animals that you may feed on them these are all things that shantia takes over this is human life that she takes over humans are a strong community driven race who work together to help sustain each other you pray to lathander to make sure that you and yours are healthy but you pray to shantia to make sure that you and your community can exist you pray to lefender for yourself at night before bed but your entire community will pray to santia for the betterment of everyone some humans can be selfish but most are just not and they will pray for others millions of them will halflings have always been the closest race to humans in mannerisms especially to those who live out there in the farmlands yondala the patron goddess of the halflings look at her symbol a goddess of bounty there's a reason for that farmers and peasants are just not interested in all of this good and evil stuff they don't need strong laws like in the cities they don't need war they don't need magic they don't need to pray for lack or for wealth they have their cows and they have their crops they have their families and they have their friends and that's all they need the strong silent majority and that's why shantia is the strongest god and the one with the highest divine rank out of all of the human gods oh and there it is i hope you guys enjoyed the video i know that many of you will notice that there are a few gods who did not make it in neither this or the last video and that is because not every god actually got a divine rank a divine rank was a thing that dnd did for third edition and only the gods mentioned here got them gods like oral the frost maiden for example which some of you might be interested in did not receive a divine rank so we couldn't really classify her on this list all we know is that she is a lesser deity so she would be on the same level as illystrae or or maybe tiamat but yeah some notable deities in here would be asmodius who by 5th edition standards is now considered to be a greater deity according to descent into avernus even though there's some debate as to whether or not it is true because he is named a lesser deity in the monster manual but by canon rules we have to say that he is a greater deity because descending to awareness is more forgotten realms canon than the monster manual actually is another notable deity worth mentioning is uptown the god of cholt uptow is interesting because he doesn't form part of the fierunian pantheon instead instead he was given complete dominion and control over the cholten peninsula so that he would protect it against dandar the night serpent who was prophesied to come out through one of the volcanoes in the peninsula he would be considered also a greater deity as well another notable mention would be beshaba who is the goddess of misfortune she's sort of like the opposite of tamora god as a fortune since the lore makes allusions at sutamora and bashava sort of being like two sides of the same coin possibly even the same god is and the fact that both are considered to be intermediate deities it is also very likely that she is also divine rank just like tymora is but there you have it all human gods plus some others ranked from weakest to strongest via divine rank thank you guys for watching thank you guys so much for being here um if you're interested in watching me play baldur's gate basically just talking about the lore of the game talking about uh the characters and the gods and you know basically what we cover here on these videos but on a sort of walkthrough type of format as we play through the dnd game make sure to head on over to patreon any doesn't matter which level of support you give in there it could just be a dollar and you get access to all of my video videos that uh i have done for baldur's gate so if you are interested in that make sure to head on over there but other than that i would like to personally thank my patreon supporters zack bowell very mascant 5e magic shop morgan johnson rusty rayne biotechnofrag daniel luna dog feeder brad salazar terry kolp the great cordini walker motley omega scales karates the bulwark zirin king ozol ariel nelson alex cookson griffin pierce falkey 951 benjamin busters mr salty thomas hunt drayden tesla coil the role playing junkies podcast prince daylight morning crown sabine kurshab solarensis or doric williams latin nathan mccomb silent shopper bushido burrito a.g dare soulless rider roleplay with advantage stalia items to astound on dm's guild lost crusader jacob ortiz tython sean du that trev909 olaf klepp tony arsey garrett minnick jd green caser sky famine 52 george fortland and sovereign mind for supporting me on patreon at the 25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon.comrex to support thank you guys for watching thank you guys for being awesome thank you for everything and i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 365,586
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Id: lCK_f9TgotM
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Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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