The State of Last Epoch | Asmongold Reacts

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the state of last Epoch what's this oh are people mad about the game uh-oh o nobody's playing online right now pretty sad after such a long early face to bomb on release like this it's just I mean like I I don't know I mean like [ __ ] there's a lot of people that came to play the game and they weren't ready for the that amount of people like that's just really what happened it is kind of sad I agree uh if you're looking to play this game and party of three people then you shouldn't be ready to spend 3 hours trying to get the party and syn the same instance then say oh well and go play something else o bro ly PK bad bro ly PK bad sorry but the indefinite loading screen is too much 5 hours played level 14 Jesus that's relatable dude that is relatable fire he not Ling 5.8 hours ination has dropped uh precipitously uh now they're going to slow the updates to a crawl and keep everyone from posting uh the they ask St chat in the Discord if you uh contact the Justified anger about your failures and you're in the wrong version epic fail I think that's totally fair I really enjoy the game I think it's a great game but they're totally fair whenever they're frustrated that the game that they paid money for isn't working this is a completely Justified reaction that I don't think there's anything wrong with it and also it's it's disappointing that people will see this rating of the game in like 6 months or 3 months and be like oh this is a bad game whenever the truth is it was just a launch problem and I wish it was a good I wish there was a way to like contextualize whether a review is based off of a problem with the release of a game or a problem with the game on a fundamental level because I think these are two very different things and it actually makes negative reviews less valid or more valid you know depending on like when when they happen it's misleading yeah yeah if there's like if 80% of the thumbs down are from a problem that happened in the first week of the game and it's two weeks it's two months into the game this problem doesn't exist anymore like is it really a good thing for like people to see a lot of negative reviews for a game considering the problem doesn't exist how do you solve that problem I genuinely don't know but I think the truth is that steam is doing the best thing that it can do they are giving people the right to give feedback based off of the product that they purchased and if you get a product and it doesn't work you have every right to be disappointed I think this game is great but I can totally understand the frustration Jesus 72 hours after lawn still not able to play they clean to have things under control when EU is asleep and back to Broken service once EU wakes up UT a disaster this guy said yep and then upvoted bro after 33 hours played wait is this guy up voted but he said something negative so tired of not being a to load in it's been 3 days for such a promising game the serers sucked ass so disappointed BL play Diablo dude look how sad that is they had the chance to convert a guy with Diablo in his name bro and now disappointed was that game really in early exis oh [ __ ] Bro 3 hours and that seems like let's be honest right cuz like I I said this with hell divers cuz hell divers has been running into this problem as well with like M managing server capacity and Final Fantasy had this problem with end Walker too uh the reality is that this game had a meteoric rise to success on the release and I think that it vastly exceeded what the expectations were from the developer and I think the same thing happened with hell divers I don't think that they really were ready for this amount of people to play the game and at the end of the day hell divers is also getting a lot of negative reviews for the same reason and I think that those reviews are also completely Justified and totally valid but I do think that there should be some context and some Nuance that's added into this because like at a certain point I think it does do a diservice to the game whenever you're reading about how bad the game is based off of something that's not happening and also last Epoch to be fair does have an offline mode that you can play play on now I understand that that's not what people want to do it's not what I want to do so I I totally understand that but at the same time at least there's an option for it I'm no Dev but why can't they add a [ __ ] ton of capacity so this doesn't happen I think that they're probably in the process of doing that but they don't have some sort of like cloud computing solution for that it's kind of like hell divers is slowly doing that but they don't want to invest all the money into it because they know that the player base will stabilize it lower number and they don't want to spend all of their money on just making sure that people are able to play the the release uh at the the largest capacity yeah they're not ability like they're they are still a small Studio you know there's only so much that they can do they literally have unlimited Cloud capacity well if they have unlimited Cloud capacity then why do why does why you think this is a problem that they're all just like making up like I don't know it's not server uh capacity it's the issue the never Max Capacity I think it has to do with a specific matchmaking at failing under the load well what I'm saying is like it's the same as I bet running a server like this you're probably right it's like having a car where like think about like the car isn't running well because that's what we see right we see the car isn't running well but the car not running well could mean that it's going maybe up a hill or it's going down a hill and so it's going really fast uh the wheel fell off the uh carburetor is broken the C IC converter doesn't work it's out of oil there's no gas in the car uh the engine exploded so all of these variables the front fell off yeah there there used to be a front of the bus now it's gone the air filter isn't cleaned so all of these problems exist with servers and it's the same thing with Warcraft too but blizzard has so much more resources to manage a release generally better than a small Studio like this and to be fair I think that blizzard generally manages prettyy good releases like the Diablo 4 release was pretty good the OverWatch 2 release was pretty good after the first day and I think dragonflight release was pretty good too and every Warcraft game every Warcraft expansion release after Warlords of dror has been phenomenal I I'm going to say it I think that they have done an incredible [ __ ] job now sometimes people have things go wrong but yeah uh overall I think that's but the these uh these types of things are are pretty fair completely genuine legit guy he's 3 hours of play time he bought the game yeah the good news is this chat everyone's just complaining that the server is a dog [ __ ] right that's what they're doing uh they're not complaining about the game itself being bad they're just saying to Ser as a dog [ __ ] EXA that attitude from the death to can I recommend spending money on this game to anyone when peew is free to play Yo what if they dude yo I just had a bad thought bro cuz we had the same issue during the Early Access patch whatever the [ __ ] it was right what if they knew it was still [ __ ] and then they gassed it up and then just [ __ ] sold it as many as I could and now they're just doing damage control for as long as they can until the Play account goes down the suicide working again bro what if that is the case I mean well that's probably what they should do right I mean like that's just logically what to do I don't think that they were promoting it like it it's not like that's really a Bad Thing necessarily it's just of course that's what's going to happen yeah the game relies on a server they're not doing that yeah it's hard to simulate a server load what whenever this is happening that's why like for example I remember the uh the PX day development team was actually really thankful for me bringing a lot of people into playing their game because it gave them a lot of information that they would have otherwise never had access to like what happens whenever there's 200 people in the same place jumping you can't really ulate that from all these different IP addresses while they're also doing other movements and typing at the same time and trying to be as annoying as possible and so like in a way stress testing a server is only like it's the same as anything right it's like drills are not the same as it actually happening technically possible right I mean I don't know the financial situation maybe they needed to sell copies being unhappy with what you pay for does not mean you're you're an entitled idiot it's great to DS are being as open as they uh what going on and seemly hard work to fix it it doesn't excuse how God awful the launch is been people being shills for a semi broken product and simultaneously giving uh out the state of gaming will well it's also like here's another factor I understand completely what this guy is saying but I don't think that people are being shills they're just having a different experience I'm not going to start playing right now but I'm going to try to log into the game right now playing on online us Central servers there's my character I'm logging in [Music] connecting I'm in the again so why did that happen it happened because I'm logging in at 8:00 p.m. and at 8:00 p.m. there are probably less people trying to get on the server than at 300 p.m. so what happens is that somebody who plays at night all the time is not going to have the same server problems that somebody who plays during the day is going to have so I'll give you another example I have never sat in a queue for hell divers 2 not even whenever it first came out because I would go live and start playing it at 1:00 a.m. and at 1:00 a.m. there the servers weren't capped so that's what happens so whenever somebody says oh the servers are fine for me you're wrong there isn't like a right or a wrong answer for this and it actually is a your own truth situation because somebody can have a completely different experience playing a game whenever they're playing on a high population time period versus a low population time period like another really good example of this is uh like Diablo 4 do you guys remember how laggy Diablo 4 would be in the afternoon and then at night it would be perfect like the open world it was awful and that's just because like again and if you play all night you're never going to have this problem and if you play all day you're only going to have this problem so I think that's what happens a SEO patched it 5 hours ago to lessen the lag yeah but I never had lag on day one like I played this game on release I played it the day after release too I played it every single day it's been out for three days now I've never had lag hilarious peace [ __ ] bro we truly want everyone to play our content we've been working for months to bring to our community I am so sorry uh you and others had a negative experience and we hope to turn that around as fast as we can and I assure you we are working our butt St to make sure everyone is having the best experience we can provide at this moment in time the best they're doing their best all right this is their best we will continue to work on ability going forward into the weekend imagine they said yeah we're going to [ __ ] off for the weekend we got H yeah we got a barbecue plan to celebrate all the money we made but on like probably I would say Monday but we're probably going to be hung over on Monday from the party so like maybe on like realistically like Wednesday oh yeah we'll I don't know just just give us another call on Wednesday let us know how it is okay yeah yeah at some point at like towards the end of the week you know what's this here it's just annoying you have these negative Andes non-stop whining and throwing around nonsense like scam this scam that of course people are reacting to that but you don't understand like so you have to think about and this is the problem that people have on the Internet is you never think about it from the perspective of the other person from his perspective he's being scammed because he paid money for a product that he's not able to use I'm sorry but that's basically what a scam is whenever you buy a product and it doesn't function in the way that it was advertised that's a scam now is this is scam in the same way that a pyramid scheme is a scam or or a Ponzi scheme no it's not but you can understand why a person feels that way like I'm not trying and and also they're not wrong for feeling that way but but you can refund it maybe they can maybe they can't maybe they sat maybe they played the game they sat in queue for 3 hours they played for 5 minutes they do they got disconnected and they can't refund because the 2-hour window passed scam implies malicious intent I think that that is another level of severity of a scam but I think anytime that you spend money for something and you don't get what you spent the money for you have been scammed it's that simple you pay for internet phone service yet everybody loses those connections or has no bars so is everything in like a scam well whenever you pay for a phone connection they tell you whenever you buy one that you might not always have service so that's not really true but generally yes like I have Verizon so like I have pretty good service however if you have Cricket the most ratchet phone service there is you're not going to get service all the time that's that's just how it is and yeah if I wasn't getting service all the time I would feel like I was getting scammed how many of you guys would feel the same way if like because you had bad phone service all the time you'd feel like you were getting scammed it's not unreasonable it's really not like these people like I totally understand the frustration oh uh BOS deal with it bro like get a life you fat [ __ ] outside what they need to do right is they need to find a problem right okay they need to find a problem okay and then they need to fix their problem and then exactly it's that simple just figure out what the problem is and then fix it [ __ ] exactly thank you yeah Quinn understands how to deal with this there it is good play and I wouldn't be stuck tring to load in the so [ __ ] Dry River the RPG Community is suing else saw the same [ __ ] with the yellow just different Fanboys haters is weird it is a weird dynamic I don't get why people go full simp Ultra Shield mode they like dud they like 2 hours Play Time up vote the game's amazing you got I down the game just because just because the serers I'm working on game release what the [ __ ] it's like bro they're like willing to die and shield for a company uh bre the [ __ ] Verizon owns Cricket and they use the same Towers is that true is that true huh I heard it oh yeah I'm sure that oh you're right yeah I'm sure that was Quinn saying the n-word accidentally yeah for sure that's what it was uh I didn't even know that because back in the day everybody that couldn't afford a phone had Cricket yeah I'm I'm going to be real like every single person it's like if you drew your eyebrows on with sharpies if your name was Cadillac if uh your pants if if if you left the like the sticker on your shirt or the sticker on your hat you had a cricet phone okay yeah if your name was Mercedes you had a Cricket phone it's just the way it is negative they were written just because people were actually excited to play on 1.0 and they couldn't play Go BL um I never really read game reviews but it's disappointing to see so many negative reviews being submitted to last EOG beast on the launch day issues what the [ __ ] else are people going to do no you can't play for [ __ ] that's the F that's [ __ ] true true that's so [ __ ] true that's what happens with Poe every Poe League where the servers are down that's when the drama happens because nobody really gives a [ __ ] about any of these problems they're just mad and they want to be able to play the game so if like oh streamers got streamer q and Poe nobody really gives a [ __ ] about this but they do if they can't log in like that's whenever they get really mad every time that there's drama is whenever the servers are bad to be varies being an apologist for last Epoch but he's sing a different song for Diablo 4 well I don't know about I don't know about Quinn right but like also I'm going to be totally real I have a different standard of expectation whenever I buy a $35 game from an indie developer versus whenever I pay for a $70 game that I am buying 3-day Early Access for for $90 from a triaa developer with over 30 years experience in the industry these are two different levels of expectations that I have oddly specific yeah I wonder why it's not double standards it's double the price days are you going to leave a positive review are you going to be like man imagine you bought a game and then couldn't play for 3 days what it's like it's like they're getting actually a li by the way cuz there's actually more cuz I got the Early Edition on behalf of the divs or something and then they're like coming into white knight or something it's weird what is that what is that and he's played the game for 49 hours it's like he thinks he is the div you're not you're not the div bro that's you're not you're not him 4 hours of blow screen I can understand why somebody's disappointed because they feel like it's and like I can totally understand like it is kind of unfair that a game blows up massively and people are giving the game really bad reviews because they can't log in because generally a review on the game is considered by most people as an evaluation of gameplay but this is not an evaluation of gameplay this is just simply saying the game doesn't work right now they're like protest reviews almost p is a great game but just too complex for a lot of incl myself L is a great middle ground I would definitely recommend doing the sad thing is like okay how how good is lassi B made the poe guys what's weird is like the difference between a game that is like a 8 out of 10 game versus like a 9 out of 10 game it's not one point it's like five times better or something right the reality is po is way better than ly buug and it's sad that that guy's missing out requires more than three brains po are great game and last deac is good too like I haven't played it enough to know if it's better than Poe or not and I don't think it's going to come out and be better than poe poe just has like so much time on it but it doesn't have to be better than Poe it just has to be fun sounds unlike the Appo 4 requires less than a five times PhD to understand unlike part of Exile game is perfect in between oh je is this what they're all going to say bro this is a 27 hour Andy you're a 27 hour Andy come on Quinn the game's been out for three days that's nine hours a day holy [ __ ] come on he's got a he's got a right to have a review it's 27 [ __ ] hours [ __ ] up oh what happened deeper than D4 more accessible than P better quality of life than any other arpg do you know what I will give them the the loot filter in the game is pretty cool I like the loot filter a lot says the guy who reviewed Final Fantasy in 10 hours I did not review the game in 10 hours I posted my first impressions of the game after playing it for about 40 hours and I said very clearly that I am not doing a review of the game so if you look at my actual I'll link you guys the Quinn video this is a very fair analysis of this oh Quinn did that he did do that I remember that yeah he that was a good day I don't think it's that big of a deal that the servers don't work but also I have like infinite free time to play games so if somebody takes time off to play a game it's like you can say they're stupid for taking time off to play a video game but I mean it's what they want to do so like what's wrong with that I can see why they're disappointed it's sucks but I think that it's it's understandable and I think that I I just I hope they fix it right because it does really suck that it's happening what the online mode they still have access to the service well yeah but they want to play the game online so they can maybe trade with people does last Deo Market themselves as an MMO if yes they have more reason but they can't pay server Call a scam no last Deo offered a service that allows you to trade with players if you play the game offline you can't use that service and if you have to play the game online you can't use a service that was advertised or if you want to play with your friends you can't do that it's not complicated like I've been having a lot of fun with the game but I totally understand why people are frustrated
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 504,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 7X6ogEXJZQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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