My "Review" of Last Epoch After 30 Hours

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I'm going to go ahead and give like kind of like some thoughts about the game I want to make this very clear because I I don't want anybody to get it twisted uh this is not a um uh this is not a review this is just simply my opinion of the game at this time of the game right and and I'm like level 81 I played it for I don't know like maybe 30 or 40 hours something like that this is kind of like I wouldn't say my first impressions it's not my last Impressions uh it's not a full review of the game this is just like my temperature read on the game at this point right I mean how many [ __ ] times we're going to preface this so you guys see kind of what I'm saying right and so anyway uh this is the halfway point yeah you could say that uh overall I would say like leveling in the game feels very kind of slow at the end like I will start off with that like cuz that's been what I've been dealing with like right off is I do feel like leveling like really slowed down a lot and I'm not sure exactly like how exciting I think the gear is but I will start from the beginning of the game and talk about like the beginning of the game I think that playing through this game and especially the campaign was very good I really liked the campaign now why did I like it I liked it because it gave you a number of difficult bosses some of the things in the campaign were voice acted they had trailers or sorry not trailers they had um uh cinematics for uh for the the the [ __ ] campaign I don't know just can't say this but uh yeah I think it's it's had that um like I like that you were able to craft gear while you were doing the campaign because I feel like in most args you hard L ever craft or do anything you just pick up the loot and go but because crafting in this game is very easy to do and inventory management isn't really that much of a chore in the same way that it is for like I'd say Poe or for Diablo um you feel like you're able to make on the-fly decisions and change what you're going to do pretty quickly so do you think the lore is interesting I think any sort of time travel lore is inherently very hard to find follow so I don't fully understand what even happened in the story and this comes as somebody who like listened to a lot of the dialogue and everything I don't really understand it that well uh but I could also just be like whenever I play a game on stream my attention is always like divided between the stream and the game so I'm not really fully focusing on that so it's hard for me to really like put a lot of thought into the story and like really evaluate it especially whenever this is the kind of game that I play for really the game play and not the story the story is nice but it's really about the game play that's the reason that's the reason why I'm here and um I think that some of the uh Aesthetics in the game like the graphics in the game are I think like they're good like the graphical Fidelity with a lot of things like I would say like this is like actually quite bad but at the same time there is an art style the game that I think is very good and I'll give you an example of that I think the end of time is probably the best example of that so this is a relatively like low like uh in terms of like graphical quality but this is amazing this is this is incredible and I think it really goes to show that whenever you have a game that has a great art Direction and a great art style I think that's going to carry the game a lot farther than graphical Fidelity and I think that last Deo definitely shows that I also want to say that I feel like the abilities in the game feel extremely good to use and I would say that the abilities in the game feel better to use at the beginning than they do in Poe and they feel worse to use at the end than they do in Poe so like Poe has like infinitely more like ability and like damage scaling and crazy things that can happen but at the very beginning a lot of the abilities in PE are pretty boring to use other than like I think Arc is really cool but aside from like that and maybe a couple other abilities they don't like really feel good in the same way that for example hammer throw in this game I think really kind of feels good war path feels good A lot of the things in this game the combat in the game has a Feelgood element to it but I also think that that has a certain level of clunkiness to it that could be like minmaxed to be better like Diablo 4 for a lot of its faults and a lot of its problems does have fluidity of combat kind of down and I think it does a very good job at that and I think that really like a minmaxed Poe character especially with tailwind and like different types of action speed modifications will outpace the quality of gameplay and like feedback that a Diablo 4 character will give you but in a general sense I think that Diablo 4 is still kind of at the head of the pack there and it feels better but whenever I look at last deac I think that it's somewhere in the middle and I would say that the lower level leveling experience in last Epoch is the best out of the three games I think that it's the I think it's better than Poe and I also think that it's better than Diablo 4 I I like that you're able to change gear a lot I like that you get really big upgrades I like that you get Legendaries early I I like that like you'll get a piece of gear and it's like really big upgrade and then like you get to higher you know areas and you know then the mobs are harder and then you have to get better gear and you know it feels very good um I would say there's that I also like the fact that you don't have to go back and complete specific quests you just have to complete a certain number of side quests in order to unlock the requisite Talent points and then also the uh uh the idol slot unlocks and I also want to say that I think that this Idol thing if I were to say like what is my favorite thing about this game I think it would actually be this I think this is really really cool and I like this a lot I really like this idle system I think it's so cool yeah the idols and the blessings yeah they're they're awesome monoliths get repetitive yeah I'm going to get to that now the crafting system like this thing here like I'll just put an item into the crafting system so you guys can see it I think the crafting system is nice and it's interesting and it's certainly a lot better like I think the crafting system is like coming from the poe crafting system and I know about like 60% of Poe crafting uh probably even I I don't know I probably actually only know 40% and I don't even know that I don't know the other 20% um uh but I I I I know a pretty good amount of crafting in Poe and the poe crafting system is much more expansive and and extensive than this and I think that works as a double-edged sword and so Poe has had like 10 years of innovation and design that's gone into its systems and I think that that obviously shows in terms of you know fighting an NPC like a rare that does more damage than searing X Arc or something like that that but it also shows up in uh having gear that's like overly complex as well and I think that really for most players last epox system is going to be much more in line with what they're comfortable with and if I wasn't a Poe player of 10 years I think that I would vastly prefer what last depoch provides versus Poe because the poe system is so hard to get into and it's punishing in ways that I think are unfun I also think that this game doesn't punish you for taking risks in the same way that I think Poe does and like for example I think Poe punishes you for trying out different things or doing different things because whenever you do something like that uh you run the risk of potentially um you know bricking a character especially for like in campaign like if you're playing uh one build in campaign and it's not going very well well then it's hard to change that build because you're you have to use a lot of regret orbs and for like a level 37 new player regret orbs are not something that they can realistically buy so they kind of have bricked the character and I think that that's really kind of like a mistake that a new player in my opinion shouldn't be able to make and I think it's like an unnecessary L that Poe takes and I wish they didn't do that I can go and so yeah but like what it leads so like the more that you punish people for making mistakes the more people avoid making mistakes and the more people avoid making mistakes the more they follow guides and I think the more the follow guides the less intrinsic value I think that a lot of them will get out of learning things and growing in the game because they're just going to be following a guide like word for word you know like uh thing for thing and that's really what they do and so this is the same as like lost AR for example where where like there's like such high gatekeeping in Lost AR and why is that well it's because if one person makes a mistake everybody dies so guess what happens well you have to have light of Salvation 30 or whatever the the demon Commander one is is now and so that's that's what end up ends up happening is that the harder that you punish players the harder players try to avoid being punished and I don't think avoiding being punished is a Bad Thing necessarily but I think that whenever you do it to people that are unsuspecting that don't understand the nuances of the game you run the risk of alienating them in a way that you don't really need to and I think that's kind of what happened with Poe for a lot of people I also think that this game does a pretty good job of kind of like segmenting out a lot of the complexity in the game like for example like imagine if you took this this this and this and you made it all one big talentry well that's effectively what Poe is right but at the same time the poe talent tree is like a lot of people open up the poe talent tree and they say okay I'm done so I think this game provides a higher level of customization in a way that's more bite-sized I guess you could say and in a way that is more digestible yeah it's overwhelming right and like then they hear there's oh there's another one too for maps and so it's like yeah there's two of those and five of these things and so uh Poe I think suffers from some of the same problems that World of Warcraft does retail wow and that problem primarily is that the game has been designed for so long there are so many intricacies and complexities that have been designed over into the game for so many years that it is overwhelming for a new player and the people that are used to it love it and the people that aren't used to it can't get into it so it's like you're kind of pulling up the ladder every season by like one step for the amount of people that are able to like get back into the game it's cluttered yeah exactly that's basically what's happened with Poe and um also like uh I I think that the the system of being able to like make a like a baseline character and then basically do your ascendancy I do really like the ascendancy system in Path of Exile and I know that a lot of people don't like the Labyrinth but I think that the main reason why people don't like the Labyrinth is because they used to have to do it all the time in order to get the uh the Uber lab Helm en chants but I think that if you look at it from a Bas perspective this is my opinion at least I actually really like the Labyrinth challenges in Poe and I think that getting your Mastery for void Knight or whatever is actually kind of anticlimactic and I wish that we had something in this game that was similar to The Labyrinth and I want to preface that by saying that the Labyrinth was actually a patch in Path of Exile Path of Exile did not launch with the Labyrinth so this is something that probably will come maybe maybe I don't know but I'm assuming like probably a quest for becoming a void Knight where like you fight some sort of void object or something like that like the Labyrinth I'm not saying they should put the poe labyrinth in last deok I'm just saying that a baseline challenge for you to master to show that you've like earned Mastery over the game and that you want to kind of become a void Knight I think that would be pretty cool they had it and then they removed it yeah well maybe it wasn't a good idea maybe if I played the game and it had that I didn't I wouldn't like it but I don't no I'm just talking about it uh that's that's kind of the way that I feel and so yeah I didn't play The Game pre-release but yeah the crafting system I have I understand about like maybe 30 to 40% of this crafting system uh there are a lot of nuances that I don't fully understand and I don't fully get yet but I think as time goes on I'll probably learn more about it so uh the campaign was good let's get that over with the campaign was good I had fun doing the campaign so after you do the campaign the main system that you do here is the monoliths you have all these monoliths these are basically like think of them as like uh if you played synthesis league in Poe it's very similar to that and uh you know you can Target Farm different items Etc each one has different levels uh the monolith system is okay I think that the monoliths are extremely fast and I feel like whenever you do for example like let me think of like more of a long form map in Poe like burial Chambers you can kind of lock in whereas I feel like I spend almost as much time in some of these monoliths like on a loading screen to and from the monolith than actually doing the monolith it's like if you were to make a pie chart of the amount of time that I spend playing versus the amount of time that I spend going to and from playing I think that the pie chart would have the going to and from section of that pie the piece would be too big now how do you fix that I don't really know how to fix that because I think that a lot of people might like that because they can play the game in these like very small like bursts and also empowered yeah empowered monoliths might take longer but you have to keep in mind that like I've now played the game for 30 30 hours I don't think that you should expect somebody to play the game play I if a game is not good on level one it's a bad game I really dislike the mindset that you have to play a game for this you know random period of time in order to unlock the good content uh the good content should be available immediately and I think with Poe it kind of is and with Diablo 4 I think it kind of is as well uh I mean comparatively at least right it's not like the content gets any better in Diablo I uh it's like at level 15 you're doing the same thing you're going to be doing at level 95 so yeah but you said it's good from to start didn't you I did I did say this game is good from the start but I think the end game for this game isn't really that interesting like I don't find the end game for this game as interesting as the end game for Poe I think that the poe end game is a lot more interesting to me but I also want to contextualize that and say that I haven't really interfaced a whole lot with uh this circle of Fortune thing and I need to learn more about this before I can really have that strong of an opinion because I think this is something that's very uh uh what do you call it uh that it's very impactful and it does play a big role in the way that you're going to enjoy the game so 40 favor yeah and I will spend this time and and figure all of this out that will make it more interesting but overall I do think that Poe's ingame system is probably a bit more interesting but I also think that towards the end of Poe's map system I actually don't like really high-end Poe maps and the reason why I don't like them is that they're full of like all these multiplicative damage scaling modifiers and your character just ends up getting instantly deleted randomly and it's hard for you to even understand what you did wrong and what even happened like a lot of the poe death clips for example you have to like go back and literally watch it at like frame byf frame I find this to be like very boring content and like very boring design and I I don't really like that very much and I think it just makes the game less fun and I think also as somebody who played Poe from the very beginning the game wasn't always like this the game always had [ __ ] in one way or another but the game has become more and more like this over the years because of the different like potential multiplicatively what happens I love the insanity that's the end game of Poe um yeah I I like I like there's a lot of things about it I just don't like the way that difficulty scales in Poe and I think it's too random and that makes it less fun to me whereas like in last deepo I haven't felt like that same feeling of like super random difficulty where it's like not fun it's like okay I'm doing really well and then I get killed by something I don't really understand so yeah Poe before Atlas was very mid yeah the atlas uh map changed totally I think that was like Maven League or something like that uh or not may this was ritual yeah that was crazy good but it I I do think that like this is generally last EP just came out yeah but I'm comparing it to that and I'm talking about the things that uh I like and things that I don't like about it I do think that whenever people talk about how last Epoch is like the good middle ground between Diablo 4 and Poe I think that they're definitely right I think that that's true last Epoch I think undeniably provides a lot more customization options than Path of Exile or sorry than Diablo 4 but it provides a lot less than Path of Exile and I think that it also provides a lot more tools for you to kind of craft gear than Diablo I and a lot less than Poe so there are a lot more decisions that you can make in this game versus Diablo 4 but if Poe is overwhelming for you this game probably if if Diablo 4 is is is too little and Poe is too much this game will probably be what's just right I will say that this game I've enjoyed playing it a lot um I've looked forward to playing it every day and I've played it a lot already so yeah you said else Poe didn't start how it is now I believe a lot more will come from last Depo I think that last Epoch has a number of in my opinion like extremely elegant and intelligent solutions for problems that args have like for examp example I don't like if you took every single crafting material in Poe and you put them inside of this how would anything like I I just think that would make the game better in a lot of ways I do I'm going to be I think it would probably just make the game better because there are just so many unnecessary and annoying things to pick up and to do it's like oh my [ __ ] god like you're constantly trying to like manage 17 different types of currencies uh Inventory management I don't think is a fun type of gameplay and also this game has larger bag space dynamically and there's like an instant transfer materials so there's a lot of things that in Poe are kind of like things that waste time oh yeah I am missing my ring thanks before I forget uh things that waste time that this game doesn't have inventory management is always R in game yeah I I don't like that but also like again Poe's monetization system like it's not like it's really that bad I just wish that for example like you could do it whenever you're in your stash or sorry whenever you're not next to your stash in Poe yeah always hate inventory in games yeah so big amount of fun in this game is also a variation with how each class plays yeah upcoming Cycles are focus on bring in more in-game content yeah I think that really the campaign is is very much good whereas like whenever Poe released um was it like Dominus or Malachi that was the I forgot if it was Dominus Malachi or Kataba I don't remember uh which which one was the last boss whenever po was it Dominus whenever the game V overs no that was in the beta I think whenever the game actually released it was like Dominus or Malachi or something like that yeah cuz Vol over Sol I remember that was in the Clos beta is it pet whenever it came out I don't remember well either way um I think that this campaign like what I mean is like so Poe has had to improve their campaign many many many times right like the orth patch and then uh I think the they did like one other one before that and so like the campaign for this game I feel like is already good uh when they add atziri atziri I think was a first or second league uh it was like a sacrifice of the ball like I think really it's just about adding endgame activities for players to do in this game that offer Dynamic and different gameplay that is separate from what you're doing in a uh in a monolith and I don't know exactly like how to solve that I really don't know but as I said I think that the development team for this game is pretty smart I I actually think they know what they're doing so I think that over time they will figure out the solution to that kind of stuff they're smart as [ __ ] yeah and I I think that like really I mean I don't think the poe team is is incompetent either like for example I think the instilling orbs the instilling orbs instill the sense of confidence in me with po 2 that I've almost never had with a game before because it was like literally the smartest way that you could solve a problem that every single person had so yeah what did you say about dungeons in this game I think they're just they're basically they're okay but like I don't find them that interesting without the trading stash in Poe uh trading waste your time in Poe they basically sell you time Improvement maybe but like I I don't know if it's really that simple but I just think like all the currency management and Poe definitely does take you away from the game playay but for some people they enjoy that type of gameplay so I think that really it it's an element of not every game has to be the same and sometimes there are things that some people enjoy and other people don't enjoy so like it's not that simple but personally I I I like this system with this better because I hate dealing with inventory like I I want to play a game and I want to like you know Farm stuff and do that it's solv with mechanics or Po's map with loads of different things to do yeah but like I think also like with Poe Maps do you guys ever get fatigued and wish and you could just like blast through a map without having to do like three or four different side objectives because I sometimes feel that way about Poe and like for example like that's why I hate uh Expedition Expedition is like that like I last time I just got the big bomb dropped the big bomb okay they're immune all right I'm leaving and that's it so Smash Mobs yeah exactly you can just choose not to do every event yeah but it feels bad though doesn't it to like choose not to do an event because you're like I'm missing out on this especially whenever you're spending currency in order to uh improve a map in order to have it yeah took fomo right but like no you're right and like there are a lot of them that I do skip sometimes too brocking on Atlas well like it is it weird for me to say that sometimes I feel like doing them and then sometimes I feel like not doing them and I don't want to have like respect the atlas every time like I I don't know like I don't know what the solution to this I'm just like explaining like how a game makes me feel sometimes it feels annoying sometimes it doesn't feel annoying like I I don't know it feels like a chore sometimes it doesn't feel like a t other times like I don't know what the uh I I don't know like I don't know what the solution to this is or anything that's just what I think like making decisions inside of a map yeah asman gives extra opinion spending 30 hours in a new game comparing it to a game released after 10 years and a conclusion is the game is very good but he won't play it after a week is that what I said I don't think it's what I said um but it's not really an expert opinion uh I'm just giving my impressions of the game and also after 30 hours like 30 hours for I would say like an average person is 2 to 3 weeks if you're not entitled to have an opinion about like for example with elen ring if you're not liking Elden ring 5 hours into the game I don't know maybe you're doing something wrong right maybe there's like you don't understand how to upgrade your weapon or something like that or Dark Souls but like the odds are like if you've played it for like a couple of days and you're not enjoying the game then maybe you probably just won't like the game so yeah I think that after 30 hours like you can't expect an average person to sit through 30 hours of gameplay in order to get to the good part I think that's a very bad bad mindset to have but yeah that's my opinions of the game overall overall opinions I agree I uh I I like the game I think the game is good and [ __ ] I would recommend the game I would I think it's a good game if you like AR RPGs if you like Diablo 4 if you like Poe I think this game is good Score 1 to 10 I would say it's like uh an eight I think it's like an8 to like a nine it's probably like I would feel very confident saying it's an 8.5 but it's I I don't know about giving like half numbers right but yeah I would say it's an 8 to a nine level 90 area am I ready to do a level 90 area that's a lot do I have a big enough dick to do a level 90 area I do let's do it time to find out yeah true okay maybe we can get a good scepter even though they're not very useful actually I'm just going to go for experience so I got a weapon oh I can't open my thing now I'm just waiting for this to finish and then as soon as this finishes I'm going to go ahead and start it is that Smite I see yes this hardcore softcore softcore I was doing empowered at 100 or 75 yeah some people get stuck at the 75 area just beat it what was this what was the level 75 boss I don't even remember legon I didn't have legon no I I know for a fact I didn't fight him yeah leg on knes yeah you're fing Terminus weapon and Grand blue I'm trying to get all the weapons capped you went left side oh okay is the black Bird yeah I don't remember you can skip it okay wrong route but yeah I've got I've got all my gear set up and everything um I got this it's not a big deal I just got it it's just it's just the way it is just have this item and I'm going to show you guys um let me make sure I have this on autoplay then we're going to start it okay it's done yeah it's done okay you guys ready [Music] bring them to me it's just the way it is we're doing real work here oh I can't go that way me solders attack I got it uh so what do we get uh we got what I don't need that uh what about this Attunement a it's garbage okay uh what about this fire damage what the [ __ ] is that that looked hard yeah yeah so that's the whole that's the whole thing I just beat it yep just beat it right there guys boner amulet plus three devour yeah I mean I did I did get this you know I mean it is what it is right I mean like usually whenever I just get an item I just get the best item I figure that's like just a good idea to just get the to just go and get the best item like right off the bat and that way I don't have to think about using any other items cuz like I already have the good ones when I craft the helmet oh I don't know let's do this one did you farm it or buy it uh I am the circle of uh circle of uh whatever the [ __ ] so I can't buy anything uh I I don't even have it set up either Circle Fortune I'm Marked for Death you think I give a [ __ ] I don't we got to kill this guy over here so I basically beaten the game there a boss why is he not taking any damage oh there he is he dead now okay and that's it he's dead that's the Boss No Loot out of this one this is the way it goes sometimes garlic build watch Ziggy's guide about how good crafting is yeah I crafted some items myself like I maxed out my um o o this is going to be a really good item I can tell it has throwing damage on it that's nice did you beat the dragon yeah I did I stood in the AOE uh the first time and it one shot me and then I killed it and I also cast these if I want to too just for fun I don't really do it though because it takes more work and there's no reason to put in extra work oh oh also there's this button that makes me do like double damage but I don't really use it a lot because it takes time and uh I uh just don't really have to it doesn't matter but as you can see like whenever I have it on it makes me do more damage o we got a chest piece I actually want to replace my chest piece I haven't been able to do that yet oh we got the boss coming up okay here we go he dead that was the boss they have larger names that's how you can tell their bosses I'll just make sure I wrap this up since you guys can see oh is he dead yeah he's dead now ooh that's actually garbage I don't want that stand down or die but yeah as you see um you know things are going really well for me uh you know the build's working out really well uh everything's going great this build changed my life it basically did I'm going to be honest uh looks like I can do one more one more before I have to do a uh A Relic I probably should try to go for those relics but I'm going to go for this first you can unlock and powered monoliths oh yeah no I I'll I'll beat the game don't worry about that yeah no I I I have to get to 100 like grinding in this game really takes a while like I don't know how to level faster cuz I feel like I'm leveling so slow for like how fast I'm clearing these dungeons but I don't know how to level any faster down or die you need to get to empowered as soon as possible okay well I'll just do that powered monolith will help okay yeah I guess I need to do that then one more to go I have an item waiting for me at level eight what's this is that a is oh that was a boss okay all right let's see if we get anything good out of this yes all right uh let's see here fire damage cast speed this is a pretty decent base item but um it's not like a amazing so we're probably just going to get rid of this throwing damage plus three throwing damage oh wow chance to poison I'll keep that just in case void damage that's garbage Malay lightning that's also garbage I don't really use a lot of these I can't use a two-handed weapon or or sorry a two-handed melee weapon let's see physical damage bleed duration that's actually that's really good I'm I'm going to hold on to that base item 700 armor that's crazy 30% increased crit chance I've never seen crit chance on gloves like that crit multi and health that's really good too I might try to roll onto these take care low implicit yeah yeah it was like 10% lower it was pretty bad right after Tak 100 he won't play it anyway well usually after I kind of achieve my goals in a game I'll take a break in the game until the next uh what do you call it until the next time the game uh has like content right new content now like am I going to do that with this game I'm not really sure but yeah I'll do this Blues have low potential really I didn't know that run Master goes hard yeah I do feel like um so after I played more of the end game there are some things I like about the end game a lot but I do feel like the end game is not even nearly as dynamic as the poe end game and I think that definitely does hold it back a little bit like it feels like I'm always kind of doing the exact same thing and also I think that like it's like a good and a bad thing and so like I don't really know how to how to like have an opinion about this I'm not sure yet but scorpions that drop rare items well where are they um it's very repetitive it's an item Chase yeah no I I understand that it's an item Chase I got I I understand the way AR RPGs work I'm just talking about like my interpretation of this arpg I get it but yeah cuz I've enjoyed playing the game a lot but I do feel it kind of getting repetitive because it's like I'm kind of just going from different monolith area to to different monolith area and it's been like the exact same thing now is this something that's like necessarily A you know something that's like unfixable no I think it's actually something that will fix itself I think it will get better over time but right now um what do you call it right now that's not going to happen comparing new release Poe well the truth is that people can choose to play this game or Poe so like everybody is making that comparison you you are making that comparison every single day that you choose to play this game over Poe or Poe over this game so of course a game has to have some degree of comparability to other other games I think that's just kind of Common Sense isn't it I would say it is there still both dungeons have you tried them then uh the dungeons no I don't know if I have actually I probably should try some of those there's one faction system kind of fix his problems it make makes things very Dynamic really is there any any epic items no okay we'll just go after this then and go for staes did you change your build I did what the hell is this do you miss the Hammers no uh I don't like how this build makes me stop to cast the abilities I wish I could cast them while moving uh I think it's just like in terms of a uh it just feels better to do that but yeah riding's morning for sure run around and kill pick up loot yeah I don't really think that there's like a lot of dynamic gameplay that I've at least experienced yet but also there might be some of it that I'm not doing and so because I'm not doing it uh I I think it could be boring right and so if there's content that you guys think I should do I'll do it today do dungeons okay let me try it after this okay where the [ __ ] is this boss Jesus oh I got a void damage chest piece that's really good hopefully that'll be a good item dungeons are where you go to get legendary gear okay okay boss is dead did it drop anything it didn't what the [ __ ] okay let's see if we get anything good here yes garbage uh garbage garbage 30% ell res that's pretty good I might hold on to that that's bad 80% Mana that's bad damage reflected who cares also bad 70% void damage take care I don't know if I should use that or not so how do I do a dungeon okay Keys all right so I'm going to open up temporal sanctum maybe all right I've got three different Keys okay I'm going to just go do this this okay okay open the door dying or leaving through a portal fails the attempt okay well let's do it oh okay let me try this out more come to at the edges of my sanctum there's no mobs huh that's your AR level 55 well the odds are that I haven't uh I haven't gotten far enough and once I get farther like I I'll probably have to do it once with like level one and then I I can do level two right is that probably the way it works yeah okay that's fine I'll just do level one then then after that I'll do level two seems pretty simple to me I don't know if I'm going the right way either I'm just assuming I am this is a [ __ ] maze man holy [ __ ] oh that's good I need more of those H how do I get over there I guess maybe we got to go this way yeah yeah this is it I'm assuming I have to talk to this NPC right no okay okay h no more Hammers and spin no no we're we're past that now okay we still can't go through there am I going to like is there any way that I can know that I'm going the right way or should I just keep trying to walk around it's random okay oh oh here we go here we go we made it new modifier okay I didn't read what they do but I'm just going to assume that they did different stuff like they do more damage and they have more Health okay how is this possible only I should be able to command time here okay this guy just got killed this is nothing it's a joke stand down or die I'm going to be really curious to see what this next level is going to be this is going to be exciting I'm ready they laugh oh no well let's find out against us I'm assuming this is just the uh like we just kind of keep doing the same pathway right like we just go do the same like back and forth finally I will have it power who the [ __ ] is this I don't even really know what the last Epoch is it's like some kind of time travel thing yeah I didn't really pay that much attention what the [ __ ] where hell am I supposed to go oh it must be this way around and then this one's going to open yeah down or die what about this one nope was there sure a l of mobs here oh we got loot I'm just walking around boys we find it eventually right okay here we go we got it okay Elemental Weapons oo boss chronomancer who gives a [ __ ] I'm not going to read that who's this [ __ ] I will have it let me guess I have to run out oh maybe I have to swap into another dimension the future cannot be denied sappire Waters all right that was decent HP covered oh [ __ ] sorry sorry I I forgot even all about that okay there we go we beat it all right now let's do level two then can I can I vendor eternity cash how does this work D seal a unique item with a legendary potential and an exalted item with four affixes legendary gamble I don't really have any Gamba to do so should I just skip this for now then the boots no I Feel Like These Boots are extremely good for me yeah these boots are crazy good okay oh again D oh I get it so I can make an item legendary okay all right um and can I do this multiple times or is it a one time only thing to one time okay all right well let's try it on the second difficulty and where am I now okay um I guess I'll go back to town you need another key yeah I get it well let's do the arena too because I haven't done the arena can I help you uh I'm not going to use that I'm not going to use that either realistically I'm never going to use this it's bad that's also bad this is 125% spell crit chance like that is insanely [ __ ] good but I just don't need the the freeze rate stay safe probably okay so let's try the arena key okay I have to go over there myself uh I'm assuming I have to go this way right you get nothing from Arena wait well then why why does it exist if I don't get anything from the arena why why does it even exist you do for leaderboard okay well I might as well unlock it since I'm already on the way over and then after I unlock the Waypoint I'll go back and do the other uh the other key after [Music] that you get loot too okay sure yeah [ __ ] it I'll try it why [Applause] not you playing arpg before do you think glass depac is a good one to start with uh yeah I think it is because it doesn't really have like they so with arpg is one thing or like with new game with whenever you're new to a type of game one thing that's really bad is whenever you get locked into making a decision that you didn't fully understand when you had to make it and also like experimentation like games that that like that hurt experimentation or punish you for experimentation I think like I wouldn't say they're bad but like it is bad that that happens dying in the arena okay all right let me go around over here and I'm going to try and do the arena okay I'm going to make sure I unlock this okay good everything else should be good to go all right let's try the arena here we go tier one 40 waves should I do endless or should I do tier one endless okay when's it going to start where the mobs most people uh one tear endless okay well no cuz I I just I don't understand what I'm looking at right these mobs are pretty hard to kill so there's no loot from end this mode well I'm getting gold I feel like it'll probably drop something right there's no way it's just not going to drop anything why isn't it going up in waves oh so how many waves is like a good amount 300 400 okay I'll just do 400 350 is top right now it stops at 40 okay okay well no that's only for tier one cuz I read the thing that's what it said open the chest oh okay so every five it pauses we'll figure this out down or die chest is a stash really are there bosses inside of this that spawn or is it just only mobs or is like every 20 waves a boss or something like that okay that's just a stash oh there are bosses at 40 okay all right well let's try to at least get the 40 then who's my AVS on on YouTube for this on topic Let It Go you getting ratio by haters there's always going to be people that disagree with me it doesn't matter to me if I get ratioed about an opinion that I think is accurate or true that's like it's sad to me that so many people uh think that way honestly yeah it's a lot of people there's a lot of if listen I'll say what I said earlier if uh if anybody like if if people actually think that I'm wrong about what I'm saying they can come on my stream and talk to me about it if they want to explain their position the builds nuts yeah it goes really well yeah things are going very very well you were just jealous so I isn't better I think a lot of the I think a lot of it comes from that I I actually do ooh ooh GIS me updates are not an opinion house yeah people are always going to disagree with stuff that I say uh but ooh o i okay so I do get at least some stuff right so I guess every 10 levels it changes usually people attack you not your argument yeah I mean that's just the way that uh that's the way people on like Twitter operate and like people on the internet operate in general Mr the chest no the chest is just my stash don't you attack the person you've already lost the argument well um usually on on Twitter it's not about like trying to like win an argument because most people that like follow Twitter drama aren't very smart and like really I think all drama like this is one thing to keep in mind that a lot of people forget is that like nobody really cares about this issue like nobody actually gives a [ __ ] about this uh it's just all for like entertainment and drama so like it it doesn't really matter in in general like the outcome of it the opinions that people have about it like nobody's really going to think about this in like a week or something like that so like nobody really has like strong opinions on this actually uh like these are like internet problems that people pretend to have to look for reasons to talk to each other about stuff I I don't think that they're like it's not like an authentic sense of [Applause] Interest Virtual Insanity yeah like it it's there's a lot of things on the internet that like if you were on the internet all the time you would think that like these things are a huge issue but in oh okay okay so you do get some loot at least not a lot though and I do have to loot stuff before from those waves okay all right so we're in the last 10 waves yeah it's like tabid stuff right and so people are obviously going to have like opinions about it and everything but like most people View getting mad about something on the internet as basically entertainment like they don't really care about this one way or another because somebody like Hassan or me or uh you know anybody like Charlie or the ABA and preach guys like uh none of this like really affects anybody in real life right like it it doesn't really matter there's like no real Stakes to this nobody really gives a [ __ ] so we got five more I think people people forget about that and they um they get really emotionally attached to like how like how people respond to things and I'm sure that there will be people that'll be like mad at me for a long period of time because I don't have like the same opinion on it that they do but I don't think that's really going to have any sort of like it's not really like these are people that like stop watching you because you stop playing the game they like playing right it doesn't really like it it doesn't really matter you know like people stop watching you for all kinds of reasons it's not really the same as a bad opinion yeah okay so here's the boss right so I'm I'm at wave 40 now oh those things do a lot of damage okay here we go let's do the boss okay there is no boss it's just [Applause] waves you're doing endless yeah but people said after 40 there would be a boss and I thought that like maybe there would be bosses even in indos mode as like kind of Gatekeepers for each of the 40 levels like I mean I don't know what I'm thinking right I have no idea I've never done this before the mobs are starting to do a lot of damage I feel like I'm probably not going to going to go past 50 we'll see what happens what do you have to doing Arena uh we'll find out whenever I finish it I've gotten a few like shards and everything but like nothing really great actually I'm getting pretty good experience yeah so I'll say at least that yeah this mob has a lot of Health make it to 100 I'm going to go as far as I can but I feel like if I'm struggling like cuz usually these games are like multiplicative so if I'm struggling this early at 49 with like without like insta killing things and things moving my health bar I assume that I probably won't get to 100 but I'm not going to I'm it's like I'm going to give up guys like I'm going to try to go as far as I can car will watch streamers push for leaderboard that's about all good inl is 4 well um you know that's just I mean at least it's something to do and I like personally I'm not really a big fan I've said this before I'm not really a big fan of end modes in games like I I I like being able to feel like I've beaten the content that I'm doing I mean it's not like I'm going to hate a game for having an endless mode but in general I I do prefer to not have that kind of stuff delve is fun though yeah um I I guess I like delve I mean delve is okay but like I never really played it like that seriously s fire Bastion you you get the gam at the end yeah I'm going to try it after this okay there's 50 waves 55 I mean I think I have low poison res so those things could kill me but yeah it's always been like really surprising to me like to see how much people like how much value people place in other people like agreeing with them and like telling them that they're right I kind of feel like it's a kind of a a bad thing you know uh that people are are that fixated on it but I I do think it's very true that like for a lot of people that matters a lot just young people I don't think so I think it's for I think it's everybody oh I don't know if I should charge into that I think there poison things we going to be able end up ooh a belt a a a set belt holy [ __ ] dude I've gotten so much minion gear it's insane see much thing debates a sign of respect um I think it's good to it's good to debate about things and talk about them but the problem is like uh online I think I think most people online don't really debate in good faith oh wow um okay so meteorite from flame ascendant okay how much damage do that do so oh I am fire CA and at just one shot me okay so what's the belt that I got one shot yeah rip chest no no there was no chest that was the that was my inventory not okay let's what I got uh that one's kind of bad only fire Dage from I guess I'll hold on to that in case I want to do something with it I don't think I'm going to use that okay so we'll try the other one too okay sour fire Bastion Waypoint locked this waypoint's locked okay I've got to go up this way yeah all right got it it tells you how you died yeah nobody debates in good faith anymore no I don't think that most people do I think that really uh people usually debate to filed wood that's where I need to go people are usually trying to prove something or to make the other person like look stupid or in like they're not really trying to understand what's being said uh run to event okay so I don't need to go there the Fel wood I guess it's up oh it's up at the top I see a side yeah I didn't know if that if it was that close it's apparently not the goal is always win well I think it's okay to win an argument like it it it's like I don't know like I'll go into most arguments hoping to win the argument you know uh but I think the issue is that people are end up arguing against something you didn't say or some some other very viation of that I think that's much much more what it is do I have to take this I probably shouldn't have done that right uh do I go here can I go here I mean I Rift back okay let's do that they dislike the argument they try to use emotional arguments yeah it's like a lot of people um you know it's it's okay to use like some emotional arguments with stuff if if it kind of like makes sense but um I think with a lot of things okay yeah this is it uh with a lot of things people are just trying to prove themselves as being right point is want win debate slaming [ __ ] or the win debate yeah yeah exactly it's like I I I at least try to do this and I think that I I think that it would be good if if more people tried to do this I don't think that they do uh is that I at least attempt to listen to what somebody else is saying and I try to respond in like a uh in a in a genuine way right rather than trying to like kind of farm points to make the other person look stupid I I yeah I try to do that obviously like I'm sure there are times I don't do it but uh I I it's it's at least something I I like to think is a good idea oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to go there that's not where I needed to go let's go back you ban him well I don't really ban people um I don't ban people for disagreeing with me I usually ban people for being rude or hostile or just like really obnoxious or like super dishonest so like there's plenty of people that like disagree with me and they don't end up getting banned I think the idea that I ban people that just for disagreeing with me is like kind of it's kind of a meme you know you didn't ban a lot of disagrees earlier well the only people I I ban are usually people who are like rude or stupid okay it's up here I see gotcha questions yeah yeah okay here we go do anyone disagrees with you stupid no people might have another opinion on something that's I mean there's not not everything is like super objective right okay so we're going to do this and we put the key in soulfire Bastion level one let's go okay I've never tried this before so this is going to be interesting and this does do damage stand down or die uh okay thoughts on the game so far I think the game is good um I think that there's definitely a lot of repetition that happens uh towards the end game okay so if I'm standing in this and it's fire I'm not taking damage but then I put on the necrotic Aura and I am okay so that kind of makes sense I don't think I can yeah no I can't he RPG is repetitive oh no I mean you would assume though that I'm like and that's kind of like like the person that said that like that's kind of like the that's like an example of like what I was saying about like dishonest comments because like obviously I'm not talking about it compared to elen ring I'm clearly talking about it in the context of like other AR RPGs and so like that's that's kind of an example of like what I mean by people that are dishonest stand down or die we got a lot of these like Soul things too stand down or die okay those people everywhere kind of scary I just I think that's just the way that people are uh like it it's annoying but I think people are just like that in general oh what's this A A hoorde of weapons okay where the loot okay I got one item [ __ ] long did get boring for me faction system makes it so much better yeah I haven't really looked a lot into the faction system at all I feel like also um item purchase tier three seal AXS okay factions keep it going yeah I don't really understand factions that well steo versus Diablo 4 what's your impression which one did I like more or do I like more um I want to make sure that I'm giving like a comprehensive answer about this H me I think the gear Chase in this game probably feels better like there's a little bit more satisfaction that you get in Diablo 4 out of picking up like getting like your big uh your big legendaries that change gameplay like I do think that that definitely feels really good in Diablo 4 but that's like one of the only things that feels good and I think that after you get it the first time it's very hard for it's very hard for it to feel good again the zero Chase items well there are Chase items but they're just like they're so um it's like you're chasing after them but you're just really rolling a slot machine over and over like I don't feel like you have enough autonomy to feel good about chasing an item in Diablo 4 like in Poe I can feel good about working towards an item over time and I've never felt that way about Diablo 4 and I'm not really sure like why that is like every reason for why that is but I do definitely think it's true that it feels better to work towards an item in Poe versus Diablo 4 and this is the complaint that I had actually this sounds might sound crazy crazy but it's actually a complaint that I had about uh Reaper of Souls Diablo I is I really didn't like how you couldn't trade in the game and it made me feel like everything in the game was just a uh uh it was just a gamble it was just like a lottery and whenever I realized that I kind of lost interest with the game something is the tests a minor setback nothing at all before you dare to gloat over this do not forget the trouble with pets in the north gave I wonder if this is going to be a boss oh oh L fire L CIS okay come to play with fire okay so now what the fire right so I guess this is the Gamba machine right yeah I can see the dice I think we're at the Gamba machine a deal fantastic work fosis will CL when I give so I should be rolling how about those Soul Embers care to let me see your whole friend none of these are any good it's just like [ __ ] I guess I should do I'm going to do I think I want to do Rings cuz I don't think my rings are that great yeah let's do rings nice one ooh I got a [ __ ] unique it sucks okay next I could go with relics too let's do um we do relics exalted item wow lucky you I can do two more relics and do you oh my God you this is nuts nice bonus bonus bonus okay let's see what we got all right that's not very good we'll get rid of it Mo speed bonus damage I don't want to get that eight attributes CR that's bad void damage for ring that's nice physical damage that's kind of bad wait a sealed AIX what is a sealed AIX I've never seen a sealed AIX it's a fifth athic oh wow okay well 16 Fire Res I should hold on to that then okay this is physical damage I I don't use that this is all also bad the crit chance to spells I I'll fracture that or uh disenchant that whatever the [ __ ] okay I'll do the void damage too oh I got two of them nice okay I probably should just get rid of this okay that was pretty easy so I got this staff where is it I'll find it all right we're going to see if this is better than what I have 292 void damage okay so right now I'm doing 18,000 15 oh 19,000 and smite's at 31,000 so 19 and 31 and then I swap this off and it's 29 and 18 so the new one is better I'm just debating like okay so now that I know that the new one is better I guess I should craft it right increase spell Mana why run out of Mana if I use this I don't think so okay so what are the options here so I have to gamber sealing the void damage is that correct it has to be tier four or lower okay and I'm assuming this one is the good one that I that that I don't have yet what should I do then yeah what should I even do with this Glyph of chaos the stun okay I've never done that before so you guys are going to have to show me how Okay so Glyph of chaos and [Music] then I click on this it will go to a random tier two okay all right let's see what happens here we go okay that's really bad and useless should I do it again I don't have it I Need A Shard to upgrade it that's too bad well on the positive side it's still really good just remove it with a rune well like don't I take a huge risk of like potentially removing the Chill on hit I don't know if I should or or the void damage or like the Mana regen and the void damage is really good it's random yeah is there any way I get my Mana back with like combat cuz I'm worried that I'm going to run out of Mana with this item Sentinel tree I will get Mana back okay I'll be fine okay so now what search for the fire witch ooh well [ __ ] now what back to monoliths okay uh which one was I doing spe to fire right I think that's what it was okay let's do this okay and I need more staves anyway okay okay let's see if this item's any better we'll see my damage it's about the same yeah I don't know if it's that much different no Mana yeah maybe I shouldn't use this new weapon cuz like I feel like I was doing the same damage as before Stand Down die it's just hard to say oh and these things are hard to kill anyway because they have the shield on them it's not a big difference yeah I don't think it really is it's not like this is it's not like it's changing my life you know I feel like I've gotten unlucky like I haven't gotten a lot of good items so there is a way to get a fifth AIX on items and that's sealed items and I'm assuming that's kind of of like the longterm the long-term progression of the game [Applause] yeah yeah I'm going to be honest I actually think that my damage is worse with this new weapon maybe I'm being crazy but I I really think it might be I'm going to do one more but I actually think it's worse it's worse because of no Mana could be monolith modifiers too you're right I'll do more than one that's a good idea that's a lot of Health [ __ ] no take care okay so I guess I'll go do this one no no I'll just keep doing these such a boring game zero skill involved I feel like most RPGs aren't really skill-based games yeah I just I I don't really think so in general stand down or die it's not a mooba yeah it's a knowledge based game yeah I definitely think so it's not like there's no skill involved right like avoiding boss attacks and stuff like that I mean it's just that it's not like a skill-based game the same as like Elden ring is a skill-based game or uh you know valerant is a skill-based game yeah I feel like with the the lack of Mana that I'm getting I actually think that my old one was better I'm going to be totally honest guys I really think the old one was better all things considered at least it is now until I figure out a better upgrade hard Rifts High corruption get a bit more challenging um I think that generally like the level of challenge that arpg have like they're like yeah you have to be like good at the game but I feel like most of the reason why people die in AR RPGs is that you're grinding for hours and not really paying attention then something kills you in one hit like most things in args aren't like really super hard it's just that like they can be unexpected yeah whenever you're playing on autopilot like that's what at least happens with me a lot with ar RPGs stand down or die about last def compared to Diablo um I think this game released in a better State than Diablo 4 did uh like all things considered I think it did is it like a uh is it like this super amazing like perfect game uh no I don't really think that it is but I think that it's a lot better than how Diablo 4 released and and yeah I'll do one more then I'll sell stuff TR find your stash as an aex you need the chaos new item stand down or die yeah I don't know what I'm going to do about that St you can do monster in a world sometime again um what is tomorrow maybe I'll do monster hunter world tomorrow cuz I actually like I like this game came out so I stopped playing it but maybe I should try to finish it tomorrow it's Tuesday tomorrow is there anything happening on Tuesday I don't really think so yeah I do you beat fatalist no I I still haven't beaten all trayon like I just keep I it's just like I'm I'm playing badly and making mistakes right I mean I have the gear to beat the boss I'm just bad and if I was better at the game I would have beat it like a monster hunter is really hard um like obviously people uh 29th what happens on the 29th I don't even know um okay ooh ooh purple or orange go get that oh yeah Carl's oh yes true so excited for that video yeah I know Alo the excitement for the game down well I don't know I've had fun playing it so far um I think that like this is kind of like what happens with a lot of games is that there's some people that get really excited about games and then I feel like there's other people that get like I guess you could say reverse excited where it's like if a lot of people are excited about a game they're like overly or more critical about the game and I feel like that's kind of what happened with last Def and it's what happens with other games too is like as soon as there's a lot of people that are excited about a game it's like people are constantly trying to find a way that like it's actually bad you know or something like that that's actually really good for me um it's kind of weird that people do that but that's just how it is oh my God why doesn't that say void damage does say void penetration we're going to hold on to that a this is garbage we're throwing this away detractors about detractors it's just people that uh nice okay all right let's vendor some of this stuff void penetration would be really [ __ ] good okay uh spell crit chance is pretty good but I need to have the spell damage prefix open and this one doesn't have it so I can't I can't do it lightning damage why the [ __ ] does it say lightning damage why would it say say that dude if this said void damage oh my [ __ ] God [ __ ] this one is insanely [ __ ] good you think I can try to roll this no you can't roll the purple ones take care I should probably try to roll this one yeah this one's really good I'll hold it over here I'm not going to do it now you can gambo a rune of removal yeah I've done that sure just my negative aspects of the game I start uh second guessing whether I should buy it or not well if you do that you're never going to buy any game because there are always going to be negative aspects of every single game and ultimately you should just base it off of what you see and whether you think it's good to play yourself like I don't think that really I don't think that you should listen to what anybody says you should watch what they do and then base it off of that cuz like for example like I I'm I'm generally like I'm the kind of person that like I can play a game that I love and I can talk about everything that I don't like about it all day and I think that some of you guys are probably the same too like I'm just kind of like a very critical person in that way and I think it's just like what I end up talking about a lot um so we know that yeah yeah exactly and so I think that I think you should really just look at like what the game play is and based off of that more so than anything else I'm going go get the other one some games are a lot more fun than they appear to be yeah like for example I I think that hell divers seems to be one of those games where it's like besides like funny clips hell divers is probably a lot more fun to play than it is to watch unless you're watching a squad of people that you think are like really entertaining obviously but like just as a game foundationally uh it's not as much so you're telling us to ignore you I've already been doing that well um in a way yeah and also like I don't think it's necessarily ignoring but it's more like if you think a game looks fun to play then really it then then maybe it's just fun for you to play right it's not like uh is this any good no of course not it's a piece of [ __ ] okay um more garbage and of course more garbage okay 400 stability all right I'm going to go ahead and do this one then and then I should cap it h 2 is absolute [ __ ] to watch people play with yeah yeah for sure but yeah that's like that's like my general viewpoint on it is you should never really base it off of what streamers say and I think this is the same thing with like sponsored streams because like obviously streamers like whenever you're you're taking a sponsor um you know I try to be like fair but I'm not going to say like have I ever seen something in like a a sponsored game that I like probably would have gone harder on if it wasn't sponsored yeah probably for sure but I think what what really you should look at especially if you're watching like a sponsored stream this is 100% true is like instead of looking for asking the streamer is the game good you should look at the game yourself and uh decide you know it's like if it looks good then it's good it's that [ __ ] simple that's at least like my take on it you know okay how many of those did I get not that much all right let's keep doing let's go through the missions here flame scar City oh yes the shaman are [ __ ] everything up okay let's kill them you have lost the ability I think for themselves well I think that they never had it that's why you've always had reviews and also like like for example a lot of people don't have the time to like research a game and like figure it all out themselves because they're like busy IRL so they rely on other people to like oh well I can't really play the game all the time but I can watch this guy and you know he generally likes the same games that I do so I'm going to uh uh I'm going to just watch him and and do what he says which I don't think there's anything wrong with that that's fine did you own do dungeons uh no I actually like monoliths more than Dungeons I think dungeons are annoying uh I don't like not knowing where to go and then like running around aimlessly I mean it's it's not like it was bad right I it's not like I hated dungeons it's just that I think I liked doing the uh doing the monoliths more stand down they feel more Dynamic but I also did a lowle dungeon so maybe if I did a higher level dungeon I'd like it more and I will do those I'll try those out myself would you CR retail while uh I stopped playing like halfway through the uh Vault of the incarnates patch this felt like the game got kind of uh it's just like it it's really repetitive honestly like more than anything I just think I just think the game is it's just so repetitive like you're always doing the same stuff all the time and it's like you're it's kind of like you you start at square one and you get to square two in a patch and then the next patch takes you back down to square one and you just repeat that until you quit the game and also like the main methods like the main modes of of of like endgame gameplay I don't think are fun like I don't think arena is fun I don't think that raiding is fun and I don't think Mythic plus is fun like that's basically it you also come up and gear up catch up and gear up yeah exactly and like anybody can do that like for me it's a lot easier for me to do cuz I'm a streamer right but like you know effectively everybody gets reset whenever a patch comes out okay we got to go back and I guess keep the shrine made in I'm go over there and that you think wow would be better if it was developed in more of a horizontal design I think it would be better if gear resets didn't happen until every expansion I feel like it's really bad that there's like no reason to go back and do old raids like you're only doing one raid over and over I just think that's boring yes what's this who's this [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here okay me sell all my stuff you trying to get Challenger in League yeah right yes okay melee damage again bro like what the [ __ ] it's almost good I'm going to hold on to that what is this [ __ ] dude tier 7even Health that's actually kind of good I'm going to hold on to that I I guess I can change this it's 4% damage oh my God why doesn't that just taste say 632 per [ __ ] uh the the stuff I wanted it to say why isn't just do that take that's almost a really good item too okay next got this one actually the forward okay I saw spell crit chance this could be a big dub we could be entering big dub territory with that item I'm not sure if we will or not we're going to find out okay what's this Jesus look at all these [ __ ] oh I have to kill a lot of stuff I need to get more crit damage I think that's a really important thing for this build Jesus look at all these pery boys let's go okay that'll kill me nope [ __ ] [ __ ] got him I got to do more damage man oh this is a really good item I want to get this I don't even know what inspiration is but uh I remember the guide that I followed said to use it why is this thing not dead what the [ __ ] dude where's my damage bro what the [ __ ] kill it I'm trying it is just taking so long it's like that's how fast it should go the bosses X yeah the bosses are pretty easy like I think that they're but I think that they're easy in a good way if that makes sense like um I think they're easy because it's easy to see what they're doing and you're able to get out of them and they don't have as many like super cheap mechanics so yeah I don't think that's necessarily A Bad Thing easy for now well I mean the mechanics are easy like obviously I'm sure that the the game will get harder over time sure but I think it's like the way that something gets harder is like really important and there's some games that like for example like they get harder but they get harder in a way that like makes the game Less Fun [ __ ] okay one more like Avatar of zero in DIA 4 I never did that like it's just another infinitely scaling not infinitely scaling but it's just like another scaling kill the same mobs but they have more Health thing right there's no like real that's not like real content yeah okay yeah gives a [ __ ] i' I've gotten a lot of herpy boys here holy [ __ ] okay that one's bad I'm going to loot it Jesus this thing has a lot of Health okay now we have the actual boss okay let's see how this goes and also make sure I saw all my stuff yes that is crazy that's really good that's really really really good look at that that's massive [ __ ] crit chance um oh wow look at the uh the implicit there that's nuts okay we'll get rid of that this hold on to that no I might hold on to that for the implicit too oh that has two purples I've never had that before that's insane two cold purples 29% void pen this melee void doesn't matter I wonder if I can uh shatter this to get void damage I don't know how this works I guess I'm going to find out right now yeah it does work that way okay what is inspiration again what does inspiration do CDR I'm going to try and use it cuz I whenever I read up on this it said it was a very that was a very good stat okay let's do the boss here we go oh it's really bad for bosses I guess you will be SED out eternal flame burn to Ash I'm an idiot why would I move that way you will be out erupt burn to Ash wait can I just tank everything probably should move out of that no the flame is everything okay great [ __ ] awesome easy enough and so now what I guess I have to beat all the level 90 ones is that right oh maybe I just have to do this again do all three 90s so should I go to age of winter then okay yeah that went pretty well I'm going to be honest this is exactly what I would have expected I have age of winter a fire area oh it's not fire never mind I'm just hoping I can get some better [ __ ] man I really need to figure out my weapon though that's my main weakness like my damage is really good for like where I'm at but I think that by the time I get to level 100 Rifts I'm going to need to get better gear stand down or die okay that's a lot of them TR faction stuff I probably will at some point I don't know if I'm going to do it now but I will okay anything good here no of course not why would anything good why would anything good drop okay anyway I'm going to go to sleep because it is 5:30 in the morning I got go to sleep boys so I'm going to pass out for a bit and uh I will be back on tomorrow all right boys peace I'll probably on like probably later on in the afternoon or evening unfortunately I have some stuff I have to do during the day but then I'll be back and uh we'll uh maybe play some monster or try it then so our boys peace see you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 501,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: gkt3mLpDaNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 43sec (8263 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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