Biggest Meltdown of the Year | Asmongold Reacts

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biggest meltdown of the Year speedr running an intro here I just learned about some of the most entertaining drama of 2024 I saw it through evil pin ley's video covering the situation two weeks when a company cyber bullies a random person and it is still going currently today it's about the CEO of a parchment paper business losing his mind and having this whiny temper tantrum meltdown all because he watched a Tik Tok video of a girl being cooked a meal by her father when I told my dad I was going to be getting him the same pans that Gordon Ramsey has he was so excited I'm talking about the hexclad pans and today it's a super innocent video of This Girl's dad making a meal and the CEO of parchment was angrier about this than he would be if he walked in on his wife having sex with another man though it is quite the stretch of imagination to Envision this guy this lunatic with any kind of companionship in his life so after watching this he was infuriated went on the actual company's business account and left a mean comment which started a series of events he couldn't have possibly foreseen I posted a video yesterday of my dad D cooking for me with these hexclad pans that we had gotten there was a comment on there where the person goes must be tough living a life on easy mode I also okay I also didn't think the comment was rude at first so I responded with lucky to have parents who make it possible they responded yeah we get it you have no skills and family money already such a weird comment right there must be nice living life on easy mode when it's just a girl getting cooked a meal by a caring father it's sounds like you know what this is unresolved personal trauma this person has some sort of chip on their shoulder they had a problem with with their dad growing up there was some sort of situation that made them feel like they weren't special whenever they were a kid and now they have to see this [ __ ] and it just drives them [ __ ] crazy they unironically got triggered that's right like how bitter and miserable can your life possibly be to just see something like that and be like I got to give her a piece of my mind that's a line that's usually used in reference to camming or only fans or something must be nice living life on recruit difficulty because men are giving you a ton of money just to be hot or be naked or something and this guy is taking that same energy and putting it into this situation where it's just a girl being cooked a meal by her father no it makes perfect no it makes perfect sense if you realize that the person making a comment probably has a bad relationship with their parents or has some sort of chip on their shoulder that they're unhappy about and so whenever they see something like this happen it makes them really mad that's why it's not about the girl at all it's all about them sense so he's so that he's doing this from the actual business account for parchment so the parchment paper Patriot is really up poor maybe yeah there's a lot of people that grew up really poor and they use this as like a badge of honor you know this is like a a chip on their shoulder that they always have to remind people about and you know think about all the time it's big mistake having a a contion and then the poster responds saying you know it's supportive family got lucky she said she didn't even find it rude at first which I don't know how you would see that as anything other than rude but regardless her response was super sweet and he gets even more heated about that [ __ ] steam coming out of his ears and goes yeah we get it you have no skills and family money what kind of projection is this holy insecure what do you mean you have no skills all she did was show a video of her dad cooking her a good meal and also didn't seem like it's not like he was cooking it maybe I don't know maybe in other videos it shows that she's living in a mansion but that just seemed like a nice kitchen I mean it's not like she's living in like a palace in Dubai it just seemed like a house is to assume that she has no skills it's based on nothing she could have bow hunting skills nunchuck skills she could be one of the most skillful human beings on the [ __ ] planet we have no idea and then he's going it's just your family's money you're suckling off their bosom because your your parents have money what is happening here do you have no skills because you probably order Uber Eats all the time is your skill just ruining businesses like I mean that's a pretty cool skill I guess but anyway this is only the beginning of his Rampage and he just fully yeah this is pretty crazy that it's only 3 minutes into the video like this is just the this is just like the intro like oh my God destructs over the course of the next few hours likeu from Dragon Ball Z when Chu latches on Napa and blows himself up but the sacrifice was in V because Napa barely felt anything really that's what happens here parchment paper Patriot blows up and the girl totally fine and makes a absolute clown out of this guy dunks on him she obliterates this man and at that point I'm just like okay what the hell like maybe this account is hacked because from a business account that seems kind of weird so I send them an email and I'm like hey like I think somebody's on your business account like leaving cyber bullying comments didn't say anything else that was it then I get an email from the CEO of I think anybody in their right mind would assume that that business account is hacked because what little toddler would be [ __ ] their pants soiling their diaper over something as simple as watching a Tik Tock video of a girl being cooked a meal by her father so it's I think that's very Sound Logic oh this account must be hacked I'll let the business know so she reaches out and the CEO himself Brandon Howard steps forward saying I don't consider stating factual information is cyber bullying but if you're offended over a comment about having no skill set while getting to frolic through life with family money as bullying I call the cyber bully police delete the comment and move along cheers Brandon I think the department we need on this case is the cringe police because jimy Christmas I mean why why don't but why use the company account though because like I mean does he not have a personal account like why would he not just use his personal account that's what's weird about this right I mean yeah to feel like important for it to flex or something like that I guess that's what it is Holy canoli oh he he tried to facts don't care about your feelings moment there yeah what what facts are we talking about her having no skill set the one he invented he just invented the fact you have no idea who she is you know nothing about her all you watched was her get cooked a meal I'm sure your parents cooked you meals at some point right maybe they don't anymore because you're probably insufferable to be around so they probably cut you off I imagine that's the case which is why you're so upset over this moment that's the real reason exactly yeah this is unresolved trauma between him and his parents for some reason that we don't even want to want to know or care about I don't see at all how this would be indicative of her just frolicking through life coasting off of her family's money that's a Unreal leap in logic based on nothing at all and honestly she was like a Good Samaritan here like looking out for your business thinking that you might have been hacked because of how awful this behavior is and how terrible of a look it is for your business and then you double down and make things so stupid she thought it was fake significantly worse by being this big loser also I love the hootspa here from Big Baby Brandon to claim that she was offended over his comment when this sensitive worm was offended first over her being made a meal oh yeah this is one of the worst things to happen on the Internet is that somebody goes out of their way to be obnoxious and then other people go and they say hey get the [ __ ] out of here and then they're like oh well look at me well everybody likes to get offended now just cuz I'm telling the truth that's what it always is this guy needs to call the wambulance he can't stop crying about this video of a father making a meal for his daughter considering my parents literally grew up in mud Huts worked their ass off to get out of India get us here and get me into the position that I am and able to have a full-time job and a side career he goes back to the page and goes cyber bullying is even more funny and the fact that you emailed us to tell us is actually hilarious enjoy frolicking through life and leave the rest up to us adults who create actual economic value without a trust yeah leave the heavy lifting up to the real adults like brand Howard CEO of parchment it's comical that the parchment paper guy is trying to act hard here like I don't know what he expected to happen who the [ __ ] uses like do people still even use parchment paper like I feel like wasn't that like in Egypt or some [ __ ] like I don't know maybe I'm like I'm stupid about this who the [ __ ] uses parchment all the time really in restaurants oh restaurants use it okay that makes sense I should have watched more of the office oh it's for cookies I see now okay yeah I only think of like printer paper yeah okay still he just looks so stupid claiming that she's like a trust fun kid based on nothing literally nothing all just gobble here all you saw was a video of her getting made a meal by her father how could you possibly connect all of these weird dots to me it seems like the person who's it's easy for him to connect the dots because he's probably been radicalized by some sense of [ __ ] some sort of [ __ ] on the internet he's been spending the last 3 years of his life ever since Co like watching videos about how easy women have it and about how you know people have it so easy and you know thinking about how hard it was for him and all of this like [ __ ] that you know you spend three years dealing with that and there's a little bit of brain rot that happens there frolicking through life on easy mode is you who has unlimited time in the day to respond to random people on Tik Tok and leave comments that just let everyone know that you're an outrageous [ __ ] like you must not be doing that well business-wise if that's what it's boiled down to here they did send me a legal notice it came from info@ parchment and it says that they are really worried about the safety of their team and if I don't remove the defamatory posts on Tik Tok they will be taking legal action with which I don't believe it's defamatory because because it's not defamatory at all man some people just don't know when to quit this is really something special like this is I never thought it would be this stupid whenever it it began like this is this is really impressive man oh my God even if what he said is true about her what's the problem if all she had family member I would say it's not even his business because he's an [ __ ] like that's why I mean there's there's not there's really nothing else to it than that he's just an [ __ ] all she did was share his comments which are public in that email his statements all from his mouth this stupid douchebag is just doing one of those desperate Hail Mary Maneuvers when they have nothing else left he's trying to throw his weight around that's what he's trying to do he's trying to like uh you know assert that he's like this big shot that can shut somebody down like this that's clearly what he's trying to do their absolute best to save a sinking ship from the holes that they themselves have poked in it and it doesn't work and it actually leads to him looking like even more of a clown because she points out some pretty interesting things about this cease and assist so yeah like I don't believe it's def defamatory I also don't believe you have a legal department because you signed it incorrectly it says legal department at parchment papers com you forgot the dot um did you forget to delete the part where it says as like your contact information cuz you're using a template and also this is going to be like a really big tangent but this kind of reminds me of whenever people would buy accounts in wow and like you would see somebody with like full Gladiator gear and they would play like they're like A600 player or like keyboard turn or like click all of their spells this is like the same thing where you have have a CEO of a successful company that just at one point or another turns into just like a just some brain dead like 17-year-old guy like it just happened like wait how the [ __ ] did did like did he get replaced like how the [ __ ] did this happen why do you think it's successful oh I don't know I mean at least he's got his own business maybe he's doing okay so what's with the season assist I thought it was c a e who's doing your spell check good Heavens Brandon Howard did sees and thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this critical situation if you choose to not publicly make a statement instructing your followers in fan base to seize and desist 100% from their attacks against our staff and Company every day we have to exhaust time and resources to is just making our case against you further solidified Maya waska and tried to send a cease and assistant himself somewhere in the like this guy bought the account like appar he was signed incorrectly from legal department at parchment papers and then here's some more information on it I suppose where he left in your contact information in Brackets yeah so out that means he's most likely using a template here that is actually that [ __ ] on a teleprompter where it's like wait for Applause and you say it out loud like I made a big boo boo because I wasn't supposed to read that he [ __ ] left that in this absolute buffoon and the goober doesn't even know what a cease and desist is he did seize and desist holy [ __ ] I think he's the only one that works at this company nobody else saw before the email got sent out jez I would hope so imagine having to work with this guy this guy's insane his supposed legal department okay this if he does have a legal department they need to be fired right now they need to get fired yesterday cuz that is a disgrace that is that is not a legal document whatsoever the legal department is chat GPT well actually it's not because chat GPT would have done a better job [ __ ] your contact information in Brackets seize and desist you couldn't have made that any worse this legal document he tried to send over is now more worthless than the parchment paper that he's built his life upon another day another email this time you decided to fix the typos congratulations and you also told me you're fixing the typos very interesting thing for your Le fix the typos in case you couldn't figure out we're very serious about this issue as your direct actions to intentionally harm us and our company is not being taken lightly we expect to see action taken within 48 Hours see attached in all caps congratulations and you also told me you're fixing the typos very interesting thing for your legal department to say oh brother this guy stinks she is cooking him harder than the meal that her father cooked her in the first place that started all of this I love how he proudly calls attention to fixing the typos like a student in class like well how he does it is he does it in a way that's trying to make her look stupid for like noticing the typos it's like she's stupid because she's like hey by the way there's typos in this excuse me teacher I I I fixed the spelling mistakes in the cursive H fix the typos just in case you couldn't figure out we're very serious about this issue as your direct actions to intentionally harm to us oh my God the grammar is diabolical as well and our company is not being taken lightly we expect action to be taken within 48 Hours see attached it's probably a picture of Brandon Howard's butthole here going spread goatsy H her so this is clearly again written by someone that is lacking a fourth grade education Brandon I think your first hire at parchment or pardon me parchment paperc should be an English tutor for yourself here this is bad how you even attempt to run a business is beyond me I guess they just let anyone into the parchment paper industry these days I don't understand how a person can have such little like self-awareness it's like whenever I see somebody do this I always assume that they're having a mental episode this is some sort of like mental problem that's like manifesting right this is this is a mental episode cuz they are yeah it's incredible a chemical imbalance yeah there's some chemical imbalance here but uh yeah so Brandon again tries to strike back here and again looks super dumb for it but congrats on fixing the typos idiot but um your seasoned assist at the bottom I saw that it said rocket so of course I had to call them and ask them is this a real legal document and they said no immediately and they said this looks like a fishing scam and you should probably not respond oh God even rocket is shooting spitballs at Brandon now just saying that no it's definitely not real it's probably a fishing scam don't respond to it oh what do you use the parchment paper for Brandon honestly it's almost poetic that the guy who owns a paper business can't read or write very well I think that's poetic almost anyways then you decided you're going to start using my work email um which is public to sign me up for corn sites for Scientology but she means porn sites they say that on Tik Tok because it will like I don't know if this is some sort of superstition or it actually gets you demonetized I have no idea uh but that's the word it's a blacklist word exactly it Flags the video so people say corn instead so the guy is using her email to like sign her up for stuff this is the pettiest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen what a freak I know you forgot that those companies will actually send you the IP where the accounts were made from and it's funny cuz it's pinging in California and I'm not in California so wait so she called the company need to look up oh my oh my [ __ ] God but I do remember that on trust pilot when you had your address up it was coming up in California suspicious huh Brandon's out here collecting L's like for the Infinity Stones he is greedy for that [ __ ] he can't stop losing and I can't stop thinking about how he signed off that legal document about like having 48 hours to comply or whatever trying to give it like a deadline like this is the ultimatum You' got to do it within 40 hours or else it's going to get serious if you couldn't tell that's just so lame like I I feel like he must have just watched Mission Impossible well that this kind of stuff works for people that have had no friction in their own life and they think that they can bully people around you know maybe Brandon grew up and he had a good amount of money growing up and so because of that he thinks that he can kind of push people around with this kind of stuff and maybe it's worked in the past for whatever reason but whenever you know you go up against a normal person that doesn't have anything to hide or something like that then yeah it's obviously not going to work very well at some point this message was self-destruct Upon finishing that kind of thing and he tried to channel that into this document here to give like a sense of urgency apparently but you want attention so freaking bad because you will not stop talking about this you are basically the only one who is still talking about this at this pointal to you where I thought your company was hacked I have not tried to contact you at first you were laughing and sipping my Ties on the beach and then you were having crybaby sales because this was drawing you so wait he's doing another one let's call it the crybaby special our thousands of real customers will appreciate this oh my God I just love how he's involving the bus like this is crazy like I I've actually I don't if I've ever seen something this stupid before why what is this much attention so this video is only 3 days old I mean to be fair he did spell he he did use the correct reel it's not re L which I mean for this guy is kind of impressive is weeks after Brandon's biblical meltdown and he's still going on about it so this is a screenshot from his crybaby special saress toe he is the only one that has been crying he started with the Waterworks and the French cries because he watched the girl get cooked a meal by her father he is the crybaby and yet and the thing is like like I wouldn't want to do business with this person like if I was doing business with them I would immediately be like yeah man I I we got to we got to figure something else out sorry and it's actually not because of this it it's not really because of the drama itself it's because whenever I realize that I'm in business with an unreasonable or illogical person I know that they can't be trusted they they they're mental so how can you like what can you do to stop that how can you get that uh how can you get away from that there's nothing to do so like whenever you are dealing with a person who is unstable or unpredictable or illogical the best thing that you can do is remove yourself from the situation still trying to push it on everyone else like they're the problem the thousands of real customers will appreciate this on sale custom dimensions on demand boy howdy Brandon custom Dimension parchment paper wow I'm out the door I got to get on that right now all these real customers are probably just so excited by this nothing makes me believe in a company quite like them referring to their customers as the real customers I'm sure there there's probably dozens of them dozens fake legal letters were not working you thought it would be a smart idea to reach out to my boss at the agency that I work for and ask him to remediate the situation for you you thought you could tell my boss to tell me to delete my videos just because you involved your business by commenting from your business profile does not mean that you get to include my place of work pathetic slimy tactics and this is yep see there it is what yeah he's trying to call her her work trying to like dox her get into her life and you know bully her into doing that oh my God it's harassment oh it's absolutely harassment I mean it was harassment five minutes ago from an absolute grease ball here so he apparently contacts her boss to try and whine to him to fix it which obviously didn't do anything yeah what a surprise Brandon this is so sad this is so embarrassing I wonder if he ever goes and thinks to himself like in this process of this he's like I know I should stop but I'm In Too Deep now and I can't stop or it will hurt my ego so I have to play this out to The Bitter End because of like some sort of like sense of Pride or something like that I wonder if he ever had like that moment of like oh God I'm ruining my life but I have to I can't stop now when all of this failed you thought it would be a great idea to send me one more email stating that you will deal with it as you see fit whatever the hell that means and then you decided to add this Banner to your website I'm sure you think that we do not support woke feminist cancel culture hate mobs who do nothing positive in our community what it's so spicy we do not support woke feminist cancel culture hate mob groups who do nothing positive in our community on his official parchment website this guy has lost his marbles he's off his gourd right now he's going sicko mode brother what you even talking about all she did was showcase your comments and made fun of you what is the woke feminist cancel culture movement here you made yourself look 07 all orders I I don't even think that the customer is probably like you have to think about this like if some guy runs a bakery this is probably just some blue collar guy he probably doesn't even know this happened he's like oh wow it's cheap this month great does even [ __ ] know or care why would anybody give a [ __ ] like they they don't have no idea it's even happening stupid and people clowned on yeah he does he want to care you are the problem and also didn't you just try one of those cancel culture Maneuvers by contacting her boss and her place of work to get her in trouble because of you and your beef with her how can you lack self-awareness to this degree it's almost criminal people loves councel culture when it's used against people they don't like the whole idea of oh I'm against cancel culture This Is A Lie people are not against cancel culture they're against people using cancel culture against people that they agree with that's the difference would say it gives me the heebie jeebies so so the guy hates he's got this now proudly post on his website at that point and I also love how he says that she does nothing positive for the community when you came out of nowhere the Negative Nancy just saying that she lives life on easy mode and has no skills and relies on her family's money all just because she had a video of her father cooking for her what are you talking about what positive [ __ ] do you bring to the world Brandon now I will say that section right there is just so outlandish with the woke feminist cancel culture mob being on the papers website well this is what happens right you what this kind of reminds me of is like whenever you're fighting a boss and it goes into phase two and it's like uh like lwig in bloodborne and it's just it turns into this like freakish [ __ ] animal it's like you thought it was [ __ ] up and weird before well now this is like its full power it's like feminist cancel culture like hate mob what the [ __ ] it's just yeah he's in Rage yeah he's Unleashed his real power level so over the top that I half believe that might actually be faked by somebody and I also struggle to believe that Brandon would be competent enough to even put that on his website in the first place I just don't think he has the capability to do that and I really don't think he has a team around him I think it's just him so I think that one might not be real but to argue against that point his statements on the official Black Label let's find out if it's real what's the website called free shipping yeah yeah it doesn't seem like there's anything crazy right here it's just a it's just a website Instagrams Echo that same sentiment about like probably got removed no no it probably did W cancel culture mob and all of that [ __ ] so there is a chance that it's real like there is a very good chance that it's real but I do want to put it out there that I haven't been able to 100% confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is because as of right now it's not on the website but he could have just deleted it after backlash but you continue to talk about it you continue to make stories about it and you continually want the attention as if all of this was not enough you decided this is unbelievable man how is he still going this man doesn't know when to quit all you [ __ ] losers need to stop messing us messaging us about a fake Tik Tok account made by Dy in Toronto and her dumbass minions because her fragile little ego couldn't handle a couple of smart ass comments on IG about skill set and money I've never had that commi [ __ ] app Tik Tok in my entire life oh because it's from China right um and tell that little [ __ ] bobblehead Danish guy to get off my nuts [ __ ] losers I swear it's been two weeks and I still have to deal with this childish [ __ ] she's too immature to settle this privately and I'm not going to let some lowte mob ruin my reputation because they live in some mystical Fairy Land of Make Believe and think because they have 20K followers they're doing something in life three clown emotion oh my God bro somebody used to put this guy in a padded room that you were going to start making all of your stories on oh my god wow look at all this okay let's read it here we go pretty funny how Business Insider Bloomberg and BuzzFeed all reached out for comment about me making a comment on some fragile ego wannabe influencers Instagram about their lack of skill set frolicking through life where she got so offended she inited an entire woke hate mob smear camp this guy thinks he's Donald Trump uh against me to get me cancelled fake accounts were made by her delusional woke followers to fuel the fire to fit her narrative yet when I cleared up the reality of the situation with all three of the media Outlets it didn't fit their narrative either which was to further extend the adult children drama so after nine years in business three business Publications I wouldn't say BuzzFeed is a business publication I'd say that's two business Publications don't care about the good I've done and the help I give to people on a daily [ __ ] basis their entire goal is to just hate people who try and do good they demand respect yet do absolutely nothing to earn it and hate every person who doesn't bend over for their spinless agenda I'm sure he means spineless agenda uh [ __ ] goofballs if you're just going to try to [ __ ] on me my brand my business and companies you losers need a [ __ ] job Hobby and life outside of tick to [ __ ] losers in their 20s with an 11-year-old intelligence but yet I'm the [ __ ] I mean I I mean if anybody has an 11-year-old intelligence I mean I I mean you you know like or a black label paper account involving your other company oh my God there's even more someone says yeah I can confirm the Blogger you're referring to is an awful person with a huge ego o okay she's referring to the fragile ego wnab be influencers met oh my God Imaging how these low lives have nothing be able to do with their time except for circle jerk each other on Tik Tok now for no apparent reason take down another company why don't you so this is his other business that he's now calling in Off the Bench for this drama I I cannot imagine why he thought that'd be a good idea but it's black label paper so all of his businesses are parchment and paper related the paper Avengers led by a paper tiger would wager guess that the quality of his product is most likely atrocious probably not even like worthy to be toilet paper if I had to guess so he goes all you [ __ ] losers need to stop messaging us about a fake Tik Tok account made by then her and her dumbass minions because her fragile little ego couldn't handle a couple smartass comments on IG about skill set money I've never had the Kami [ __ ] app Tik Tock in my entire life a bald face lie also why would you be posting this on your business account again again like your real customers that didn't know about any of this are now being made aware of it and you look so he probably doesn't even have like I mean this is just like I mean how many people are probably following this account probably like what like 400 the guy probably hate watches ass son the guy probably all he does is hate watch things pathetic in all of it and tell that little oh my god oh what oh I I can't even read these it's so cringe isn't it it's like it's so bad it's like you feel like a loser even whenever you're reading it that somebody else wrote it like if you has has have you ever had something that bad it's like I can't even I can't even stand to read this because of how [ __ ] pathetic it is it hurts to even read holy [ __ ] [ __ ] losers I swear it's been 2 weeks almost and still have to deal with this childish [ __ ] you the only one keeping it up by the way you are the only one that still is doing this and engaging with it no one else is talking about it this drama has dried up it's gone stale but he keeps putting it on people's radar he keeps serving this up on a plate to us he cooking this man needs a PR department this guy doesn't need a PR department he needs a uh he needs to go to like an institution or something like he like this people like this is the same way I feel about like a lot of Kens and stuff like that is that I actually think these people I think there's something wrong with them I I do it it's like you ever had like a computer that like just doesn't go past bios post it just it'll it'll load up and then it will just not open windows and it'll just die again then load up like it's just a bad it's a it's a broken PC you just got to fix the PC like this is the same thing right it's like there's some games like I remember I had a version of Pokemon Yellow that wouldn't save so like I could play through the game but if I turned it off and I tried to save the game to save wouldn't save like this is the way I feel about this person they're just broken broken it's like a it's like a three-legged dog or something you know well at least that's uh it's like you feel bad for a dog like I don't even really feel bad for these people but they're just defective it for us and we're eating it he's doing it he's the chef she is too IM sure to settle this privately and I'm not going to let some woke hate mob ruin my reputation because they live in some mystical Fairy Land of Make Believe and think because they have 20K followers they're doing something in life clown emojis I also can't help but laugh at how much he keeps trying to throw out woke cancel culture all of that kind of [ __ ] just a bunch of I wonder if he's trying to do the like uh I'm being cancelled and try to grift other right-wing people into like taking his side and then being like Oh well let's support this person because he's like a tribally part of our group you think maybe this is like some sort of like a uh like a [ __ ] marketing thing like I I don't think that's the case and the reason why I don't think that's the case is because of the private messages but if he was a little bit smarter I would believe it I don't think that he's smart enough to think that even apply here because all that happened was she showed these comments from a laughably embarrassing CEO that he publicly made and then shared his email where he doubled down on it that's it it's all his fault there's nothing else beyond that and he just can't accept it he can't come to terms with reality cuz he lives in the mystical Mike oh yeah that's right Mike Liddell did he ever publish that stuff that proved that Trump was innocent and that he's still the president did he do that no why not why didn't he do it did he forget it's coming just wait guys it's going to be in two weeks it's coming out what does it have to do with rightwing this person is clearly a right-wing person how much do you want to bet that this is a right-wing person I would say we're in like the 99% chance of likelihood it's like he's using their move set he's saying their words he's doing their voice lines if it acts like a duck and it quacks like a duck it's probably a [ __ ] duck land like he's in the [ __ ] Narnia nobody else it's just him here's another one of his posts this time on a really cute background he talks about Business Insider and some articles reaching out for for a comment some fragile ego wannabe influencer IG about their lack of skill set and frolicking through life where she got so offended incited the woke hate mob smear campaign against me to get me cancelled fake accounts were made by our delusional woke followers he just keeps sprinkling that in there as much as possible just trying desperately right wi in chat being Mt being compared to him no I I know and like any even any normal right-wing person that sees this is like no we don't want this guy this guy's an idiot no we no he's an [ __ ] yeah no I I that's the best part about it is like yeah even the people that agree with him like yeah this guy's an idiot the [ __ ] I cleared up the reality of the situation with all three media Outlets it didn't fit their narrative either which was to further extend the adult children drama God so after N9 years in business three business Publications don't care about the good I've done in the help I give to people on a daily [ __ ] basis yeah I'm sure your parchment is invaluable I'm sure you're doing a great service you really see seem like a standup gentleman their entire goal is just to hate people who try and do good you really seem like you're striving to do good Brandon you really [ __ ] do brother yeah what what a saint oh they demand respect yet do absolutely nothing to earn it and hate one thing that I've learned is that if a person will pop off and melt down at one person they've probably done it before and they'll do it again like I generally have like once somebody reveals their power level of being an insane person to me I never trust them I can never trust that person to be normal ever again cuz they will pop off again every person who hasn't bend over for their spineless agenda TR [ __ ] on me my brand business and companies you losers need a job hobby life outside of Tik Tok [ __ ] losers in their 20 within 11 20s with an 11-year-old intelligence but yeah I'm the [ __ ] yeah you are the [ __ ] Brandon also you're the one with the 11-year-old intelligence you can't even read and write properly you tried to make a legal department like to cosplay as a legal department and couldn't even get the emails correctly typos out the Wazoo and even in the ones where you fix the typos I think that's an insult to 11year olds I'm pretty sure a lot of 11year olds could probably do a better job than that and I'm not kidding like if I was 11 I probably would have remembered to take out the contact thing I mean come on it's pretty obvious that it's not supposed to be there been proudly Proclaim that you fix the typo you still make a typo you suck like you were the one with the child brain sure what your end game here is and I'm not even sure that you know what your end game here is but but in your own words I don't have time to bicker back and forth about some nonsense comments nor is it my problem you're offended over them delete it if you're so worried about it no yeah it seems like it's not his problem and he doesn't have time to he doesn't have time to do it well a good thing his company does comments nor is it my problem that you're offended over them yeah that about sums that up up I think she did a great job of just closing the book on it with that final statement [ __ ] fire I I think this whole drama has been so wacky like entertainingly silly all over nothing it started over nothing just a really insecure sensitive guy who lost his mind and couldn't help but do as much damage to him and his business's reputation and very impressive stuff I just I had to talk about this when I learned about it yeah you could just never trust a person like this man thanks to pinley for for showing me this because this is this is gold this is some of that like top tier drama you know what I mean so I I I had to talk about it that's about it see you I can't believe this how the [ __ ] does somebody do this ex I I don't like what the [ __ ] is wrong with somebody I Minal deficiency yeah I know if you consider parents making dinner for their kids living life on easy mode damn that's just sad what a weird guy what even happened this girl posts a video of her like her dad cooking food for her and it really triggers this guy who's the CEO of a company and then he goes and comments on the company account that she's like living life on easy mode and that she has no skills dude has mental issues he's got to have mental issues do you think that's the whole story or the guy is getting this mad as strange it makes me think there's more of the story maybe um so you think that what you're saying is like you think that maybe that she's leaving out information no because if that was true then he would have shown it if she if if she was actually doing something that was bad behind the scenes he would have shown it instead of writing out entire text boxes on Instagram story reels but he didn't do that maybe go look at his P her page and see what kind of content she did before this well who cares about that why would that matter if it was more of the story it's a guarantee that he would have publicized it towards this supposed intended support audience yeah 100% so yeah I don't think that there's any other sense of uh of of compliment or or you know like content here or context uh I don't think there's anything else that happen I think that this is just a person with some sort of mental disorder mental deficiency there's something wrong with them uh I don't know how I don't know why and I frankly don't really care uh it's just an annoying person that's being annoying that's it your contact information sees and desist as I said it's like a uh it's like an 11-year-old took over the account this guy make the same mistake as a game journalist Le NDA information oh I don't know oh I remember that I do viral marketing campaign for the parchment company no I don't think so I I think that people like this some sometimes they do the uh I was only pretending to be stupid thing where they're like oh well I did this for for viral guerilla marketing no you didn't you're just being an idiot and you're trying to salvage the situation that's really what they're doing but I don't even think that's what's going to happen bro can't stand a woman being right I mean it's not even a bro can't stand a woman like she wasn't right or wrong like how can you be right or wrong about buying somebody a pair of pants wouldn't trust those parchments if this dude is handling them I just can't trust like as I said I have a very strict policy I'll link you guys the video this is amazing I have a very strict policy of people anybody who behaves in a way that I feel like is irrational or illogical I immediately try to remove them from my life in as many ways as possible so like if somebody acts like gets mad randomly uh if somebody like goes and like starts yelling at me or anything like that like I immediately get rid of them I don't want to deal with anybody like that I have a very generally calm life and so anybody who's Moody uh I yeah I don't deal with that if you're Moody and you change your if you have like these like mood swings I'm just simply not interested in having anything to do with you and as soon as those people reveal their power level to me then I understand it's like thank God sometimes it happens early and then you can just immediately distance yourself what if it's your partner funny thing about that why do you think I came up with this rule really funny thing about that that's such a crazy crazy thing to say
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 800,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: 6KjHjai3LBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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