Last Epoch - 5 HUGE MISTAKES to AVOID! (Last Epoch Tips and Tricks)

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hello you guys and welcome these are five major mistakes you're definitely making in last Epoch and I'm here to make sure you don't make them and waste a lot of your time you can avoid these mistakes early very easily and save yourself a lot of Heartache in terms of your character progression and I'm going to go over everything for you to make sure that doesn't happen so the first big thing in last Epoch is crafting now whether you just started the game or you've already played a long time you need to understand that crafting is a very important part of last Epoch and even though it can seem intimidating and I'm going to give you the quick rundown and explain it very fast so that way you know how it works because me not crafting early on in last Epoch made it much harder on myself so I'm going to show you how we can max out our gear to get the best out of our builds early on so let's say we found this Javelin now there are three main Rarity types you need to be familiar with the regular blue items which are just magic items and have two affixes on them so as you can see this yellow item right here these boots have three affixes if it has two a fixes or one AIX it will be a blue magic item if it is a yellow color rare item that means it's going to have meaning at least three it doesn't necessarily mean the item is better but it means the item has three fixes on it so it actually could be yellow and be a much worse item now if you get a purple item this is one of the things I was really confused about early on you find a purple item that is an exalted item so that can have three or four affixes on it but one thing about exalted items in particular is each one has a purple stat so you can see that purple stat right here on both weapons the one I currently have equipped and the one I don't have equipped that purple stat means that tier of a fix is exceeded past What You Can Craft only way to get these type of high tier a fixes is on the weapon itself so if I didn't find this on this weapon I wouldn't be able to craft it this high if that makes sense so to show you kind of what I mean the tier levels for affixes are how powerful that AIX is so for necrotic damage you can see we're doing 55% increased necrotic damage now this is a tier two a fix and the number I have next to here it's nine that means I have nine shards that I can upgrade this with so if I want to upgrade this from 55 increased percent I can click here and I can upgrade it and once I do that it's going to go up to 73% increase necrotic damage now again this damage is higher because this tier for this actual AIX is higher now our purple stat again when we look at it is increased void damage you can see that here is a tier six AIX so exalted items have a tier six or tier 7 fix that is why the item is purple if the item didn't have a tier six or tier 7 to fix it wouldn't be an exalted item that's what makes it a purple exalted item so you can't actually do anything with this when you get it on the item you either get lucky or you don't but just know that's why that is an exalted item so when you get an exalted item that you think is going to be good you want this particular high level of fix to be something very beneficial to your build and this is the first big mistake is misund understanding your gear Rarities and exactly what that means now the red items are unique items you can't actually do anything with these in the Forge itself but these will have special benefits on the weapons or pieces of armor or gear that you can't actually craft majority of the time so things you get on here you can't actually adjust the item is what it is if you see it has legendary potential that means you can save that item and craft it into something better later down the line I'll go over that in a more advanced video but essentially uniques with legendary potential you can save and if you find a unique that doesn't have legendary potential like this and you don't think you're ever going to need it you can get rid of it it doesn't really matter and then the green items like this ring are set items so the more items you have in that set the more bonuses you qualify for a lot of early builds you're not going to find a lot of these set pieces to actually get those bonuses but some of these set pieces actually give pretty good stats on their own again you can't forge these or craft on them at all so again the main takeaway from the Rarity mistake is make sure when you pick up exalted items you're paying attention not just to all the affixes but that specific AIX that is a higher tier because those are the items if it has a very high tier ofix that you're going to want to keep but whether it's for another class whether it's for your character later if it has a good one keep it because you really might need it the next big mistake you can save yourself a lot of time on and aoid is regarding corruption for monoliths so the way monoliths essentially work is as you unlock the monolith past level 50 you'll basically go into this area of Echoes and you can continually work your way through these little individual Echoes or levels until you get to the end where corruption is at the very end and what these corruption nodes do is make the echo harder right so you get better and more quality and more rare gear this way but your first time until you get all the way to the end you don't want to do these Corruptions necessarily cuz it's kind of just a waste of time the reason I say this is cuz once you finish enough monolith you actually unlock the minimum Corruption of 100 version of the monolith which makes this version right here with a maximum of 50 a complete waste of time basically if you're talking about going for empowered monoliths or empowered blessings Etc and just higher level gear and the way you should pay attention to this is once you unlock the fall of the outcast what you want to do once completing this first fall of the outcast is make sure you select when completing that Quest the level 66 timeline that's going to unlock the Black Sun that's going to then take you to ending the storm once you complete that to rain of the dragons and to the three at the end the main reason you want to go to the right hand side is because you're going to get the most beneficial blessings as you can see these two specific blessings this increased drop rate for stabs and this increased drop rate for amulets are these monoliths right here so I would honestly avoid these until you go back and do them empowered because the blessings you get are just drop rate blessings they don't really help your character out very much at all Now by going to the right you get the black sun which gives you bonuses to armor bonuses to leeching health off of enemies a lot of that stuff and ending the storm gives you big Mana bonuses increase cold damage increase chance of shock increase stun chance a bunch of things that actually help your character do damage and progress in the game so make sure when you finish the first monolith at 58 you select to go to 66 and not 62 go this right path and go all the way to the end this will give you a lot better blessings and probably be a lot better for you overall and then once you get to these three monoliths here at the end there's another big mistake again don't do the Corruptions early on in these monoliths complete them once you complete them and move on to the next one go on to the next one don't look back and keep doing stuff there yet just keep on going through them and once you unlock these three monoliths once you complete all three of them this area will open up in the center right here and once that area opens up it'll then unlock empowered monolith for every monol completely as you can see each monolith has a number level by it like this one has 70 and it also has 100 all of these will have 100 once you have unlocked the empowered monolith meaning you can do the upgraded version of every single one get the upgraded blessing version and rare item versions from each of these monoliths by doing the empowered version again once you go here you can check that out it's right here with a minimum Corruption of 100 make sure you do that to save you some time instead of wasting all your time doing the corruption right here and then just finishing the monolith and then having it automatically go up to 100 another huge mistake I see people making is worrying too much about their skills and when they're scared to use a skill or put a point in a skill everything about last Epoch allows you to basically recreate your entire character from scratch maing you can go back and change all of these skills you can go back and change all of the points if you put a point in a skill or a passive it's okay you can res skill it at any given point so don't be afraid of messing up because it costs very little gold to Res skill them now keeping that in mind the Mastery of your actual character cannot be changed so once you select a character and go into a Mastery whether it's any of these three once you pick a Mastery it unlocks the entire Mastery skill tree for that given set now this is the only thing you cannot go back and change so since I picked Paladin I have access to everything and Forge guard I only have access to this first little part in front of the chain I can still pick up these passives and use these skills the same for void Knight but only your Mastery skill you have access to the whole tree itself good news though once you pick that that you actually have the ability to Res skill any of these skills at any point in time or any of these passive you can go back and change so in terms of actual skills themselves you can also do the same thing by clicking on a skill you can hit respect and desp specialize the skill what that actually does is gets rid of this skill and basically makes it an empty placeholder so you can bring in another skill in place of it now as you level up each skill which is fairly easy you'll get the points to put in here if you want to change one individual point you can just hit Respec you can hit remove point points and then you can just click on a skill to actually get rid of that point and Respec it keep in mind once you desp specialize or Respec a skill by an individual point that skill will go down by one point but your level of your skill will go down meaning you have to relevel the skill to get it back up to get that skill point back but that really doesn't take that long and with these specializing a skill this skill will go to zero so if you decide to add it back in you have to relevel it all over again just keep that in mind and also there's a minimum specialized level so as you level up you don't have to start this skill from zero since the minimum specialized level as 10 if you put a new skill in here it will go to level 10 automatically so you don't have to relevel it from zero every single time you decide to make a switch again if you want to Res skill your actual passives you can go to the vendor anywhere with the pink brain icon hit resp specialize Mastery point allocations and you can click on one of these and spend a little bit of gold to respect that point allowing us to respect every single thing we have in the game now the second mistake is also revolving crafting and it's not crafting early in last EAC and that's a big deal because because a lot of the content can be fairly challenging once you start hitting monoliths and higher level monoliths so crafting is one of the big things in the game that a lot of people don't do early on and I'm telling you you should because it makes you a lot more powerful very very early essentially to build on to my last crafting Point each AIX has its own tier and essentially what you can do is upgrade each tier AIX to make that tier fix hit harder and give you a lot more bonuses on the weapon itself a lot of people don't craft early cuz they don't fully understand the system but I'm going to show you all the little tricks of the trade real quick to make it super easy so forging potential is on every weapon if the forging potential is zero you can't Craft on the weapon if it's any other number that means you can craft on it but as you craft that forging potential goes down and it costs a certain amount of forging potential per craft for instance if I go to upgrade this AIX you can see it costs 1 to 18 forging potential by upgrading that AIX it's going to go down 1 to 18 points it's really just random so if I upgrade this you can see it went down so you can craft until that forging potential has zero after it hits zero the item's done it is what it is now that is completely how the system works and you can craft any actual tier of an AIX up to tier five again tier six and seven cannot be crafted those are special ones that already come on gear the main things you want to pay attention to here is your glyphs of Hope as you find these make sure every time you go to upgrade and a fix you have this on because it gives you a 25% chance to have no forging potential cost and usually ends up costing you very very little every time you upgrade in a fix make sure that one of those is a equipped Additionally the glyph of chaos is confusing at first but this is a big one because what it does is swaps in a fix that you don't want so let's say I didn't want this necrotic damage what this Glyph of chaos is going to do is upgrade this to a tier four fix but also change it to a random AIX of that same category and keep in mind there are separate suffixes and prefixes prefixes are a certain set of affixes and suffixes are another set so something like chance to poison on hit that's a suffix you can't get as a prefix and vice versa it will take a while to learn those and get used to them but all I know is I don't want necrotic damage on this weapon so if I use my Glyph of chaos it will upgrade to a tier four and give me a random AIX as we can see here and now we have poison damage wo that's great that's not that much better but again you can do this again until you basically get what you want or you don't it gives you a better potential to be able to get the affixes you want on your actual gear the other glyphs here you can read uh but these aren't necessarily as important especially for early on these aren't ones you're going to make huge mistakes on so make sure you just know the two primary ones as far as runes run runes give you specific crafting abilities to do a lot of specific stuff in the game that's going to really help out your overall crafting specifically the Rune of shattering so the Rune of shattering is going to shatter this item and give us basically a random amount of shards up to the highest tier on an fix so by shattering this weapon we're going to get shards for each one of these four fixes to be able to upgrade an item with those shards later now the big thing with Runa shattering is it gives a random amount based on the tier level so you could get a lot of shards for let's say the melee damage Leach as health effects or you could get no shards or one it's just a random amount so when you find a weapon that you don't want but has a very unique AIX on it for instance something like reduced bonus damage taken from critical strikes that could be a somewhat rare fix so if you find that use a rune of shattering on it you can save the shards for later now additionally there's a bunch of other runes in here that you can use the other two big ones you want to be aware of are Rune of ascendant so basically when you use this on an item that means any unique can actually Spawn from that item that's within the pool so let's say I wanted to use these boots and I wanted to get a unique pair of boots from any Rarity boots you want yellow blue it doesn't really matter so I put a pair of boots in here I use the Rune of ascendance and this is going to turn this item from a regular pair of boots to a unique pair of boots this is going to give me potentials to get things like these boots or or some other pair of boots they gives me a lot of big increased movement speed you can ass send this item and again you see we get a unique pair of boots here for free and we had a pretty decent movement speed and other bonuses so early on that's really helpful to be able to get uniques easy finally one of the most important runes the Rune of removal this is going to remove a random AIX from a weapon now you want to use this specifically for one that has an AIX that generally is a rare item now as an example this Rune of removal let's say Critical Strike multiplier was a rare effect that's really hard to find and I wanted to get it off of there if I use the Rune of shattering it gives me a random amount of shards I want the max amount of shards because this is a tier six of fix it should give me a lot of them to use so if you use the Rune of shattering you get a random amount if you use the Rune of removal you actually get the returning number of shards that the AIX is so that's what we want we want the max amount we can get however it is random so it costs forging potential to do this you want to make sure you have a gluff of Hope on if you have an AIX that's really rare then you want to make sure you get the max amount of shards use your Rune of removal we'll go to remove this a fix we got lucky we got it on the first try so we got six shards sent to the forge but if you have rare fix that's hard to find use the Rune of removal and finally the last big mistake people are undoubtedly going to make and that I'm basically kind of even still making it way defense in last depac is extremely important and there are a couple areas in specific you need to check out so resistances resistances as you can see here can be maxed out at 75% physical is your primary resistance and the other ones you also want to make sure you have because there's different biomes and different enemy types they have different attack types meaning if you have 19 cold resistance like I do cold enemies are going to basically demolish you much quicker at a much quicker rate than any of these other ones you have resistance for so a lot of gear has resistances and a lot of your passives have resistances make sure you get these as high as possible so that way you can be as tanky as possible because if you don't have resistances and you start fighting these higher level bosses and monoliths and stuff I promise you they will run through you like a knife through butter for example like necrotic resistance at 75% that means you'll take a lot less necrotic damage anything over that showing as 104% does not really matter now if an enemy shreds some resistance because they're an enemy that shreds necrotic resistance that additional amount over the 75% will then be applied to your resistance giving you a little bit more cap room to take less damage Additionally you want to make sure your crit strike avoidance is as high as possible if not 100% what this does is downgrades an enemy's crit on you to a regular hit so if you have 100% crit strike avoidance that means every crit strike will be downgraded to a regular hit meaning you'll never take crits and it's a much bigger defense boost than you can imagine and once you have this it makes fighting enemies and running through some of the content a little bit easier make sure you don't make those mistakes because I've warned you about them make sure you check out either of these last Epoch videos thanks
Channel: CreativeGaming
Views: 214,233
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Keywords: last epoch, last epoch mistake, last epoch mistakes, last epoch mistakes to avoid, mistakes last epoch, mistakes to avoid last epoch, last epoch 5 mistakes to avoid, last epoch tips and tricks, last epoch huge mistake, last epoch huge mistake to avoid, 5 huge mistakes last epoch, last epoch dont do this, mistakes to avoid in last epoch, last epoch tips, last epoch tips tricks, last epoch big mistake, last epoch big mistakes, last epoch avoid these mistakes, last epoch guide
Id: uTwKA0AFygI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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