How Clutch Claw Ruined MH World: Iceborne | Asmongold Reacts

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the reason I didn't watch this video whenever the game whenever I first started playing the game is because I didn't want this video to change the way that I approach the game but there's a lot of people with the monster hunter community that think that the clutch claw actually ruined the game and they don't like it I don't know why that's why I wanted to see it but I didn't I didn't want to see I didn't want to watch it until I had already played the game mustart expansions are designed to add to the base game they bring in new content like Monsters locations as well as new featur quality of life improvements that can really make the entire game more pleasant to play through as well as substantial gameplay editions that affect the combat in a major way for better or worse in this video we will be discussing what is in myin one of the worst gameplay editions I am talking about M Hunter World ice Bond's clutch claw and how it ruined a perfectly good game really it ruined the game must Hunter combat tends to be pretty grounded you have your weapon your items your abilities and you have to use them to take down large beasts in the first I actually think that's one of the big reasons why monster hunter is successful is because it's very it's grounded it's like the tools that the player has access to are relatively realistic it's not like you can cast spells and [ __ ] games the combat was like this with each new entry providing new attacks to every weapon to make them more interesting to use most Hunter 4 introduced vertical elements into the mix where H perform attacks and mount monsters Generations at its core were used for combat but added six hunting Styles which dramatically changed the way you approach the combat it also added special attacks called Hunter Arts that did a variety of different things sure my very first game in the series and generations ultimate was my second I like the combat of both games but Generations felt like it was too centralized on gimmick they were a lot of fun but I very much preferred Four's more grounded approach upon going back and playing previous entries and later fully replaying for ultimate I decided that I liked it to combat the most out of any game it's slightly less grounded than say Freedom Unite but I feel like the vertical elements make the fights feel much more Dynamic it still feels realistic and very reliant on my own weapon and abilities furthermore this game added weapon types that I really like and certain attacks to existing weapons that I really enjoy using must Hunter world was made largely by the development team that made for ultimate and it combat feels like an evolution there are no hunting Styles or in this game we still have jump attacks we have new sliding attacks overall the combat is still nice and grounded yeah I felt like this game like the combat in this game was really really really [ __ ] good the only thing that I don't like about this game is the weapon sheathing mechanic I just don't like it I find it to be very annoying other than that I I I really like the combat is so good without a Reliance and special gimmicks yet it still has the dynamic verticality seing for ultimate that adds many layers to each hunt it's great combat that is slightly let down by a boring cast of Monsters well does have one mechanic that I would argue is kind of a gimmick a small device called the Slinger uhhuh you load it with Special ammo and can fire it causing different effects sure you can distract monsters you can wash mud off certain monsters you can clear away toxic alium you can load up your flash Sonic and dung bombs for easy access you can even shoot certain parts of the map and cause them to collapse such as these crystals that fall and deal heavy damage to whoever knock down a monster it's an all right mechanic but it's not something I find myself using after a while like near the beginning of the game I'm like wa I can make R and walk over there that's so cool and then there something I never really use again yes I can wash the mud off barel to do extra damage damage or I can just hit him and have the M come off anyway it does not help that only the sword and shield could use it un sheath there's also criticism to be made about how every single armor piece has this ugly appendage that often doesn't blend in or fit very well that being I I never really used the Slinger because it was just like an extra thing I didn't really want to have to worry about yeah I mean that was about it I mean I thought it had like cool things you could do but I think having some gimmick also I don't think that the Slinger is something that's super unrealistic like a lot of people used I mean look at David and Goliath right I mean how would David be good at using a sling if he hadn't used it before well what was he using the sling before for well for hunting so like yes obviously the way that the tool is designed in the game is slightly unrealistic but the functionality of the tool I do think is kind of grounded I mean it's probably like in in my opinion I think it is on the same level of grounded as the size of this great sword where it's like clearly people didn't use really big great swords like this because they'd probably weigh 400 lb however they used really big swords and this is just a an elevation of it right it's like kind of a dramatization of it it's embellishment yeah that pray should be given to the Slinger something that you don't feel forced to use I can completely ignore it and play world like it's for ultimate but people who Master it have access to more options in combat sure yeah this is something that is very important to keep in mind the Slinger felt optional Generations various hunting styles could be powerful but those who wanted the standard combat could just use Guild style well I got news for you with the clutch claw with the way that I've been playing yeah I got I got a bit of news for you and in some cases have access to even more combat options than the other styles making a gimmick optional means that those who dislike it can just ignore it and still have a good time those who like it can reap additional benefits it's a very difficult balancing act that world achieved with the Slinger so ice Bor gets announced and they start dropping information one of the things they announce is that all the weapons can use to Slinger and sheath hooray great change then they announced a new addition the clutch claw a new expansion of the Slinger that allows you to Grapple onto monsters you can use this to either weaken various body parts and make them take more damage or you can latch onto their head and unload all your Slinger ammo into it causing the muster to go careening into a wall yeah this is the main tool that I see most people using the Slinger for I think people call it like wall bang or something like that where you make the monster run into the wall and it gets knocked down and enraged it expands the use of the Slinger greatly and is even available for people in the base game Who purchase iceborn yeah let's cut to the chase I think the clutch Claw is a terrible audition that ruined the entire game wow here's why okay all right to clutch onto a part of the monster you first have to aim and press the right face button with how fast the monsters move this can be quite difficult especially when there's a specific part in mind for example sometimes I want to clutch onto bardo's head and will end up on his arm the aiming is I've never had that problem personally like yeah I mean for me I've never had a problem being able to lock on and get onto the part of the monster that I wanted to attack it's also inconsistent despite the reticle being locked onto one part every in a whatever makes contact with I would say every once in a while yeah I'll latch on to something I didn't mean to I think that sometimes happens with like the back and the tail with some monsters or at least for me but usually whenever I latch onto an arm I go to the arm and I latch onto the head I go to the head and the leg I go to the leg sometimes I'll clutch on only for them to suddenly turn around as I end up on something I didn't intend to it's quite clunky to use when you're clutched onto a monster you will be thrown off and take damage if they perform an attack and with how fast iceers move around an attack this can be pretty common so until you find a ly opening you'll be dealing less damage than you could mhm there's also some real inconsistencies here if Bario's tail touches me during his hip check I do not take any damage or get knocked back but if I'm clutched onto his tail it's as if the full attack hit me and there's a lot of well of course that would make sense because so with the first attack so you look at the momentum of the attack I actually think this is a bad example now I think there are instances in which this case is true but I think this one is a bad example because like for example if you're holding on to the back of a car think about it like this think of a car moving really really really fast from like one position to another position and it like goes really fast accelerates super fast but it stops moving in both point a and point B if you are holding on to the car in point a and it accelerates really fast to point B that will hurt you a lot more than if it if it hits you at the very end of the acceleration because it's going to barely tap you because the acceleration of the of the Beast Baro is slower do you see what I'm saying so I actually think that the physics with the Baro in this specific example I think that's totally fine because like if you're holding on to something and then it immediately moves away from you it's going to push you back whereas whenever the barrio's tail is coming at you after the uh the hip check whenever it doesn't hurt you that means that the acceleration from the hip check has stopped occurring no that's not how physics work I'm pretty sure it is I'm like 99% sure that I'm right about this I don't have a real Barrio to test it with but if I did I think I could prove this cases where this happens so you have to be quick about tenderizing and finding an opening to perform your clutch CLW attack each weapon has their own unique attack at varying lengths and if the monster attacks during them you will be thrown off light weapons like the long sword or sword and shield or light bow gun have quick animations while the charge blade great sword and other heavy weapons are slower yeah the charge blade attack in particular is annoying because you always end up in axe mode and combined with the speed of its clutch it led to me never using the weapon in this game this means that light weapons have a clear Advantage being able to quickly tenderize in and out while the heavy weapon users are stuck with lengthy animations that are more easily interrupted there's a IM balance I mean isn't that something that's the case with just the nature of a heavy weapon versus a light weapon I I think it kind of is right I mean like for example I can watch a lot of these other videos of people using different weapons and they just have like such a huge advantage in some cases because those weapons they can get in like two hits whenever I can barely get in one here that the developers were aware of and had a solution for light weapons have to clutch claw attack the same part twice while heavy weapons can just do it once in instead of say buffing the heavy weapons to be at less of a disadvantage like giving them faster animations they instead just Nerf the light weapons with how fast these monsters move finding multiple opportunities in a short space of time can be very difficult I don't think that that's the way that it's intended to be used I think that like the like it's not really intend the clutch claw I don't think is really being int it's not intended to be used as like a DPS rotational tool I think that it's being used as like a strategic enabler I mean you can it is but not for direct damage that's what I mean yeah it's like it's not being you're not supposed to like use it in a rotation of your attacks you're basically supposed to use it to enable your rotation of attacks to do more damage that's what I've seen in videos that's what I've seen a lot of other people do like yeah it's basically a debuff yeah Colossus smash how annoying it apart consistently it makes tenderising really unfun let's discuss another issue and that's weapon integration some weapons have the ability to combo into the clutch claw right after attacks take the hammer for instance after performing charge attacks they can press the left trigger to instantly clutch onto a monster attacking while swinging in it's fun to do and allows you more opportunities to clutch yeah that's cool the L has a particularly good counter that combos into the clutch claw a move so good people missed it when it was absent in the next game yeah however with weapons like the long sword there are no clutch combo attacks you have to manually stop and aim every time you want to do it and there's no cool moves to integrate into your combos which makes finding opportunities rather difficult it makes the clutch claw feel like an afterthought I mentioned earlier that it was annoying trying to find Opportunities to clutch onto a monster without being thrown off okay but if you use the temporal or Rock Steady mantel this will not happen and you'll be able to clutch and attack freely the issue here is that both tools are only available in world's post game so you have to go back to the old content to access them as an MMO player uh I don't think there's anything wrong with that and I think that's cool but I can see why some people don't like that another problem is that because the clutch Claw is so reliant on them other tools are made irrelevant why bring the elemental mantels or the health booster when these two in particular are so much more useful I've been using the health booster the whole time I didn't know it was bad so the designers were aware that clutch clawing and attacking monsters could be quite difficult and they did Implement a mechanic to help us out this is or the as f stb it I I don't know if if it's like is that really true because I feel like there are times that you're able to do the attack because like if you know a monster is doing a certain attack that will tell you okay now I'll have time to like get on the monster and do something and also like yeah I'm trying to think it depends on the monster right like for me like for Alton when can you do the clutch claw attack to be honest basically [ __ ] never um but I would say like if for example he's going to do the uh you know the lightning the lightning circles I think you can grab onto his uh his arm and clutch claw him at that point you can well for I I could never [ __ ] figure it out I kept getting knocked off every time I will say he is probably one of the hardest ones to do the clutch Claw on of any of the other ones he's really hard when he's blowing ice yeah and to this position while they face to the side allowing you to aim at their parts fairly easily they hold this position for several seconds and will reset the timer if you clutch onto them almost every moner in the game does this and it completely breaks the flow of combat he's got a really good point with this and I think that he's right I think the idea that whenever you stagger them you have to clutch claw onto them because if you walk over to them by the Stagger the Stagger is almost over by then and so you have to clutch Claw on this is a clearly cringe mechanic and the game should not function this way I don't know how to I I don't like how would I solve this I think that the way that I think this is what would make it better is that the moment that you're clutch claw like you stop clutch clawing off of the monster even if you don't activate an attack it ends the Stagger so if you decide to clutch Claw on and then jump off the Stagger immediately ends anyway I think that's the only way you could stop something like this from happening because it does it does feel kind of cheesy whenever I see people grab onto the monster and then jump off of the monster in order to just reset a timer it's a very gamey mechanic for starters the monster reels backwards so far that any melee combo you are doing won't hit them so stop if you are performing a strong multi-hit attack and the first hit Cagers them then you've just wasted it the monster is now so far away that you either have to sheath and run up to them wasting valuable time or clutch onto them which is what the game wants you to do exactly yeah yeah you're basically incentivized to clutch onto them and I don't think that's a bad idea but I think that the idea that you're incentivized to clutch onto them and then jump off of them seems very cheesy the fight completely hals just so the game can go okay tenderize now base world was also updated so that even if you don't have ice born and byy extension to clutch claw the moners will still do this it's a really jarring addition for sure not to mention how unnatural it looks so those are seen alligators do this in like videos alligators do that the major issues with the clutch and I'm sure you're thinking at this point if I don't like it then I shouldn't use it and you would be right I wasn't too big on the Slinger and I didn't really use it but the clutch Claw is implemented very differently in the next chapter of the video I will explain how ice spawn actively punishes you for not using it and oh you don't have to explain that I played it I know that the whole game how the is forced upon you now personally I didn't find World all that difficult to be honest I thought rise was more challenging the reason for this was that world's monsters tend to die really fast so iceborn comes along the master rank expansion featuring much higher difficulty they also introduced a clutch claw which allows for you to deal higher damage this could make the game easier could it not let's do some maths real quick the CHS displayed to show the health of certain monsters in four and ultimate as well as rise and sunbreak if you're wondering why rise and sunbreak are so absurdly high compared to the other game is because we have access to stronger and faster abilities in that game so all that is taken into account this is also only the solo scaling for ultimates Health PS are also a generally lower than average but are compensated by faster monster speeds and higher attack power but I'm getting off topic if you divide the expansion Health by the base game Health you can see that sunre multiplied Rises Health by 2.4 and four ultimate multiplied its base game by 1.8 resulting in the numbers you see now rounding so sunre is the expansion for rise and he's he's basically going to say that the monsters and iceborn are way too they have way too much health because there is a huge Health difference between the monsters in like base world and iceborne I've noticed that myself up and down respectively I remember fighting the first one I was like what the [ __ ] so let's look at World these Health PS are pretty low across the board and I kind of attribute world and if we look at Ice's healths a pretty massive increase would you say the M from earlier this is the biggest increase of all being over triple world's Health oh my God the reason for such an increase is the clutch claw you see it allows us to deal much more damage to the monsters and the developers probably realized oh no the monsters will die fast like they did in world so they cranked up the monsters Health to compensate not only this but they nerfed monster hit zon so that they take even less damage by this point uh I mean is that the only reason why they did it I don't know if that's the only reason why they did it because playing through the Baseline game I don't think there is that many like really hard bosses in Monster Hunter world like there's some of them that have like complex and difficult mechanics but for the most part I think a lot of them are actually just pretty [ __ ] easy I should probably mention the wol bangs They do roughly and also like I'm not sure the way the expansion Mechanics Work in the other games but like in Monster Hunter uh world like iceborn is like an entirely different tier of gear so like whenever you're looking at the health pool increase you're looking at the health pool increase without taking into account the fact that players are also doing way more damage just on a baseline they are doing way way way more damage sunbreak is the same you think so % of the Mustard's Total Health and damage they do massive yeah because like now that I have all my master rank gear I don't really feel like there's a big difference between me fighting a high ranked teostra whenever I was high ranked and me fighting a master rank teostra whenever I'm master rank I feel like it's basically the same thing except for the numbers are bigger break damage and they knock down the monster on top of that it's free damage everywhere you can only do it when the muster is not enraged and this means that if you play optimally muster spend half the fight on the floor and the other half absolutely Furious do you see why they increase the health so much now if you actively use the clutch clor the way it's intended your hunts will last normal lengths if you refuse to use it though they can often end up much longer you see the tenderizing and the Damage dealt through War bangs adds up and I find that hunts can take over 25 minutes which was never the case in the base game I want to remind you all that world it was for me Clutch claw free and you didn't have to use a Slinger if you did it gave you an advantage but not a huge one I think like for example against kusal Adora The Flash pods I think you can do like you can put flash pods in your your clutch claw I think that's a huge Advantage I'm going to be honest I I I think it is now you basically have to use the clutch claw to get the results you used to I should also mention that the clutch Claw is available to use and if you do use it then it basically destroys the monsters since they clearly weren't designed with it in mind another problem from this is that because the claw was available in the world from the start and breaks the game a little bit people who start playing might get the impression that like the Slinger it's a neat little bonus that they can use occasionally but overall they can get by just fine without it and they would be right true but once they hit ice born the tool becomes necessary in order to achieve the same hunt times they could in well the entire game changes and because the tool is horrible to use it's for the worst the armor skill weakness exploit was also nerfed so that a monster part has to be tenderized for you to receive the full effect this also applies to the base game which punishes people who didn't buy ice Bor I also just hate that's kind of a good point I think this one is actually kind of a good point that he's saying the effector has on the fight when the monster isn't tenderized you know that every single hit isn't as damaging as it could be when the monster goes down in every other game The Natural Instinct would be to start beating them up but in iceborn you would look around for the tenderized parts and if there were none you'd waste your opportunity by rizing instead I'm not a person who speeduns or cares about getting optimal damage I don't even make mix sets the fact of the matter is that it's not fun to be aware that you're not using your full abilities to do maximum damage but on the other hand using the mechanic isn't really fun either and the worst part was world's combat did not need fixing I do think that using the clutch Claw is really fun I think that so for example this is one thing that I think is really cool about using it is like whenever you're fighting a monster and it's running away and you can clutch claw onto it as it's running away holding on to it while it's running away and then attack it and then like sometimes I can roll out of the attack and do it two or three times I do feel like I'm doing something really cool like that to me feels cool or like holding on to a flying monster whenever it's flying away that's I I like that I'll be real I do or changing like this it was great and probably my favorite combat in the series since it's an evolution of four ultimates combat all the game needed was higher difficulty and better monsters which iceborn provided they actually gave weapons some pretty cool additions the universal ability to use a Slinger and chift was good but some weapons also got use for combos like the great sword being able to skip to the true Char slash by firing a Slinger burst that stuff was cool and it was all that was yeah by the way I don't like that I think that's cheesy gameplay I do I'm going to be honest I I think it's it's cheese what is the Slinger burst to accelerate it agree you think so why the reason why I think so is that it's clearly so okay this is going to go I'm I'm going to step back for a minute I'm going to talk about why I really like Monster Hunter I really like Monster Hunter because it makes sense most things in the game make sense like you know fire damage contradict yeah no so yeah that's basically one of the big reasons like you hit the head it knocks them down more often than if you hit their side you hit their tail a lot it cuts off their tail you can use the environment you can trap the monsters and like you feel like you're in a real environment rather than just like let's say oh I'm just playing this video game against this boss it adds to the immersion of the game and I think breaking the like the for example like if you break I think one of the horns off of the electric anath that can't do certain electric attacks stuff like that uh you can break the fangs of the Toby Kashi I think the Viper one so it doesn't poison you anymore except for like that one attack and like all those different tools that you have in Monster Hunter makes sense on a very base level that is intuitive for somebody who's never played the game to understand and I think to me that Ren's tail yeah you break off tail and it can't poison you anymore with the tail why because there's no [ __ ] tail anymore it's that simple so I really like that a lot about Monster Hunter because it makes a player feel smart for being being able to intu things that would make sense in real life and personally I think that's a great thing it's one of my favorite things about the game so with the SL the point that I'm making with that is that the Slinger burst there is no logical reason why a Slinger burst would make you do a true charge slash faster like it there's no there's no way you could Intuit it that in the same way that there's no way that you could Intuit it that the clutch claw would reset the Stagger time I'm not saying that like I hate it I'm not saying the game is bad obviously I don't [ __ ] think that it's bad it just doesn't logically make sense that you can Slinger burst and Skip an entire attack I I I don't think that makes sense there's no logical reason why you're swinging around a a massive great sword it's fantasy well as I mentioned earlier I actually do think that's the case so there is no logical reason why you're swinging around giant Greatsword yes absolutely true but this is a this is a dramatization of real life people did use large weapons like a Zander or a claymore or something like that now were they as big as this no they weren't but it is uh it is fantasized whereas this is just simply something totally irrational it doesn't really makes sense needed ice spawn then proceeded to utterly ruin the combat with the claw and that honestly just stings the game was so close to being perfect for me and then they just messed it up forever you can't even play the base game without being reminded of the claw and also by the way I know there's some people that like are disagreeing with this I don't think this is an opinion that you can have I don't think this is a wrong or right opinion this is just like my opinion based off of the game and these are like this is like my value system for the game I'm not saying everybody who disagrees with me is wrong but like this is why I don't like it there it is right this must still do the it's just permanently tarnished and that's the logic on no other must Hunter game received such a huge addition that completely changed the combat like this with the expansion and it actually made me worried for the future my biggest hope for stun break was not more musters or more difficulty no My Hope was that they wouldn't ruin a perfect good combat system with a needless addition again so I've discussed why the clutch claw sucked and how it ruined I spawn for me in the next chapter of the video I am going to discuss the wire bugs and how they avoided the clutch claws mistakes Jesus the wire buug is a movement and combat tool introduced in must Hunter rise it's basically a grappling hook that lets you swing from anything including the air itself oh cool Hunters can also use wire bus for certain attacks KN as silk binds in general they're are huge parts of this game so how and also like rise is much more of an arcade like high fantasy version of Monster Hunter right whereas like world is supposed to be much more grounded yeah yeah and so I think that this makes more sense based off of the foundation avoid the problems the clutch claw had well the wire bugs are much better integrated into the Hunter's move sets with three different buttons the hunters can swing up forward or in any direction they desire and once you get the hang of it traversing the maps can be really fun but the wire bugs are also really nicely integrated into the weapons with the clutch claw you had 14 different weapons all trying to perform one specific action in one specific way and some were better at it than others some even had more options than the rest yeah with rise every weapon has two silk binds at once and each can be used by pressing the left trigger and the face buttons some are used for high damaging attacks some are used for Mobility some are used to buff your weapon and some are used for both these silk vinds are custom designed for every weapon and this makes them fun to use since they mostly have meaningful effects they're the spiritual successor of Hunter rarts essentially now here's the second reason which is related to why the clutch claw was such a poor addition rise was designed with the wire bugs in mind the game's locals were designed around them yeah when designing each weapon they were also designing their silk bind attacks and how they functioned most of all they could also design the game's difficulty around it which is why riser's Health PS were so much higher than worlds earlier I criticized iceborn for making the clutch claw more or less mandatory now arguably the wire bugs are mandatory in the same way where if you don't use them you're not dealing anywhere near optimal damage and your hun will take a lot longer yeah I don't have an issue this time the reason for this is that the wire bugs are integral to rise's Identity they were a part of the game from the very beginning if somebody doesn't like using them they'll know that perhaps the game isn't for them but if they do like them they'll most likely enjoy the whole game and its expansion I don't know about this one yeah I'm not sure because like I mean for me I think that using the Slinger and the clutch Claw is kind of annoying cuz like I mean I'm playing a great sword what do I want to do whenever I play a great sword I want to hit things in the head with a great sword so I just don't really use it a lot now it would be better if I did but like unless I have to I just don't really do it if you recall I really liked world's combat for what it was it was simply you your weapon and your abilities plus a Slinger if you felt like using it ice spawn changed it by forcing the tou and now suddenly the whole game is centered around tenderizing and War bangs in order to deal good damage I did remember like I talked to tekon about this and tekon was like explaining to me like his opening rotation and he's like yeah dude so like basically I go in and I drop a trap on them and then like they're stunned and then like I hit them with the hammer again and then they're [ __ ] stunned and then after that stun I get on them and I do I wall bang them into the wall they're stunned again now they're stunned I'm hitting them in the head after I hit them in the head again they get up from the stun they're stunned again they enrage I dodge the enrages after the enrage guess what happens clutch claw again wall bang them they're stunned I'm hitting them in the head after that I knock him again and in the head and then it stuns him because I've been hitting him in the head so much and then he's dead yeah the Hammer's awesome man it's badass it's like yeah I don't I don't know I mean that's not really exactly what I did you know clutch call would have been fine if it was just wall bangs and no tenderizing I mean the wall bangs are are very integral they're very important changing the combat flow massively think it's kind of obvious wor with rise I like the wire bugs from the beginning so them feeling mandatory wasn't an issue because I like using them and I had a good time if you look up world and Ice Bor together as a complete experience World lies to you by saying you don't actually need the clutch claw only for ice Bor to pull the rug from underneath rise is honest to you about the wi bug from the very beginning I don't agree with this I don't agree with this point because I think that like as a game comes out and there's like more tools in the game like I don't think it's really a lie for you to say that yeah well you don't need the the clutch claw in world number one I know that because I did world I didn't really hardly use it at all it was fine but also like I don't think it's unreasonable or a bad thing that like a expansion adds in a new tool but I do think that he he does bring up a good point that whenever the tool contrives the rest of the gameplay around it that it can be frustrating for some people the biggest issues with rise were the weapon balance with some being way too strong partly due to their silk bindes and Wy riding basically being mandatory some Sun breake fixed the weapon balance issues with Nerfs and Buffs where needed and made wiring riding optional I fought this one sunbreak did introduce a new tool that drastically change the combat in the form of the switch skill swap but this doesn't change the flow of combat nor do they literally need to rebalance the entire game around it to be honest you don't even need to use it all it does is allow Hunters to switch play Styles and allow for greater combat possibilities there's no concern about it breaking the base game either because it only unlocks when you're in master rank I believe most of the issues with the clutch claw are a result of it being introduced in ice Bor if it was designed for World they could have made it fit better with the rest of the game they could have integrated it more with weapons and changed the monster's function to incorporate it better with an expansion they could have rebalanced it further ice born's final update doubled the tenderized time from 90 seconds to 180 and introduced a decoration that allowed light weapons to Tender rise in one hit good additions that slightly fix the mechanic but are ultimately too little still too late I have zero doubt that if World received another expansion on top of iceborn it would have rebalanced the clutch claw so that like the Slinger in the base game it would have been a nice bonus and not something you had to do the I I don't like I mean and this is like kind of weird because like I'm always the kind of person who doesn't use this kind of stuff but like to me I never really had a problem with the clutch Claw at all I thought it was fine lesson here is that huge mechanics like this should not be introduced in expansions especially if they change the combat to such a degree that the base game has to be rebalanced to account for them I think that's probably true and like that's a good point that like obviously adding in this massive new tool does make the game way [ __ ] easier and I think that there are games that are like you know in the past have had something like this happen before furthermore I don't think the main team should try these huge experimental additions they should focus on making raw grounded combat gimmicks while incorporating the best parts of the portable team's experimentation mhm I say that because it's exactly what world did the combat is largely grounded but several of the new weapon attacks are taken right from generations rebalanced and reted to work with this combat and it makes them really fun to play the next game should have World Combat but maybe with rise's switch kill system that would be really good the title of the video is how the clutch claw ruined iceborn and so you're probably thinking did it really make the game bad this one edition when playing a monster hunter game for me the two most important things are the quality of the moners in the game and how fun the combat is sure that's about it that's not to say that other things don't matter like the story pacing or end games but the main point is that if a game can't pass those two simple checks then I won't ping it this this is a combat game if the combat in the game is bad the game is bad it is that simple it's not about the story it's not about the world it's not about the graphics it's about the combat combat is good the game is good combat is bad the game is bad else is secondary in the case of for ultimate Generations portable third I like the combat and I like the monsters so those games are good I like world's combat but I find the monsters rather boring there isn't much variety and a lot of them fight in the exact same way there's only three that I would consider to be memorable now if we look at ice born uh uh I don't have a frame of reference to talk about that really I mean like cuz I've only played one game like yeah I don't know the moners are good with some great returning monsters and some genuinely cool subspecies of wild monsters that I found boring the originals are also really creative but because the act of fighting them is unfun it tarnishes the whole experience I enjoy fighting I think velan is a good boss I do I I think velan is a very good boss Thea brute TIG velana or bambaro I do not enjoy fighting them with the clutch claw playing such a huge role and because combat is such a huge part of Monster Hunter it does ruin the whole game for me I like sunbreak significantly more than iceborn but without the clutch claw the situation would be similar to four and generations well I consider the one to be better than the other just like I still think I'd like sunbreak more overall because iceborn has a lot of problems that sunbreak doesn't have but that's better than me just outright disliking the game yeah and I mean also like he's clearly talking about like his per his opinion about the game like for me I think that he does bring up some pretty good points about this like for example adding in something during the expansion that's available for the whole game does power creep the game and changes the way that new play interface with content and I think it could also set them up kind of for like failure later on whenever it's like you're playing basically with a handicap by having this and then by the time that you finish the game now you're no longer playing with this handicap so like not only is the game harder but also you don't have the handicap so like yeah I think that's a good point and he brings up a number of good points with this but overall yeah I I really think that the game was fine uh with this I mean I didn't really bother it didn't really bother me a whole lot the clutch claw ruined monant World in several ways it took some of the best combat we had in the series over centralized it around the poorly implemented gimmick and therefore changed the entire game for the worse some of you might be wondering ice born is a bit old why make a video now the answer is that I made a few Digs at the clutch claw in my underwater combat video where I compar two bad mechanics with each other some commenters were curious as to why it was bad and I've wanted to talk about this in detail for a while now particularly why the wire bugs are better I'm sure some of you might suggest trying out the ice Bond Community Edition mod since it reportedly does rebalance the clutch claw to be something of a bonus rather than mandatory at the moment I'm not really interested but maybe in the future that will be all for today I hope you enjoyed this video do you dislike the clutch claw or better yet do you actually like it let me know why in the comments because either way I do want to know your thoughts remember to like And subscribe and have a good day I think there are two very very very good points in this video I think that the clager mechanic is [ __ ] garbage it's a game mechanic and it's clearly an exploit it shouldn't exist number two I I don't I and this is my opinion I think that the clutch claw the Slinger burst TCS combo is [ __ ] I I think it's also I don't think it's intended I I don't I don't think it's intended maybe I'm an idiot but I don't think it's intended but I I feel like the clager mechanic that's the one where it's like yeah like why the [ __ ] should it work that way why is it [ __ ] when you can use tackle to do the same thing um because okay so no no no I I I think that I think you bring up a good point and I'll explain where I think the difference is so with tackle the mechanic is being used used for the exact reason that it exists tackle is used there's a reason why it gives you hyper armor and it is intended to be used in that way versus whenever the clutch claw you have the TCS acceleration I don't think that it's intended to work that way because it's part of it's basically an unintended interaction between two mechanics does that make sense so like well with the clutch claw and like being able to like uh sorry uh with t tackle like tackle is one mechanic no so you think that it's Slinger burst versus tackle yeah so with tackle tackle is functioning the way that tackle functions and I think with Slinger burst Slinger burst is functioning the way that it's functioning but also you have the uh so I'm explaining this in such a bad way um basically one of them is an ability working in the way that it's intended and the other one are two abilities working in ways that they are not intended it's an unintended interaction versus an intended direct interaction does that make sense I don't know am I crazy yeah I I see the TCS thing and I feel like the TCS Slinger burst acceleration feels like an exploit I I do I I think it does sure it feels that way to you but it was intended you you think that it was intended that you can use the Slinger burst to skip an entire attack in like your great sword combo you think so I mean here's the thing right is like if it was intended here's the truth if it was intended then I'm wrong I just don't think it was because it doesn't really make sense to me but yeah I I I don't know I it it feels it feels really gimmicky it's intended because you look at the possible move set of the upper right portion of your screen literally in the combo list of the move set it's intended yes but it doesn't feel like a great sword move yeah I guess that's I guess that's the best way to say it yeah I mean [ __ ] Maybe I'm Wrong about this maybe that's the case maybe I am wrong about this but I still feel like it seems cheesy and I'm sorry like I do I I really think it feels like it's cheesy yeah that's fine I do and like yeah you guys bring up some good points you do but man it just doesn't it's like why would why would this happen right it doesn't makes sense to me
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 345,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: Zf6lf-HCsZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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