The Star Packer (1934) JOHN WAYNE

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[Music] huh you made good time yak how long you wait oh i got here last night what'd you find out two men gonna hold up stage coyote canyon much money on stage well it looks like we're gonna have our hands full more trouble more fun well that's one way to look at it but there's been two sheriffs kill this little rock it's our job to find out who did it we do them well i reckon we better get started beat him to the hold gentlemen i have called this meeting that you may all know al davis he's to be sworn in this afternoon as sheriff of this county [Applause] mr davis i feel that we should acquaint you with the fact that this vicinity is being terrorized by a band of outlaws ruled by a man whom they call the shadow he's a very clever man many traps have been set for him but he's always evaded them our cattle are stolen night after night he has absolutely no regard for human life stagecoaches are held up and robbed the driver shot well looks like we're gonna get through this time dude you stay out of sight and follow me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] don't look back drop that gun and keep driving [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh you meet me in town throw down that tag it's too late the lone writer beat you to it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey look boys something's wrong matlock he's my uncle i'll get him for you miss hey ole miss you had quite an exciting ride i certainly did and gentlemen i thought the stage was held up joe was dead and dave was wounded there's a girl on the stage claims to be your niece he's asking for you [Applause] my dear this is certainly a pleasant surprise so tell us what has happened well i don't know exactly i was heading for town when i saw the runaway i happen to be close so i caught it this young lady can probably tell you more than i can well first we were held up by a lone rider and then shortly after two men held us up again they shot the guard and the driver and then the horses ran away and this gentleman caught them and i'm mighty grateful too and so am i you see davis it's things like this that happen every day look see that smoke the bullet came straight on but from where that's just the way the other man was killed i reckon this is the end of law and order won't nobody run for sheriff now if it's just the same with you folks i'll take this job as sheriff you say you could see the whole street ah me here shot look quick see no one only smoke suddenly mighty strength i'm sure those are the umbries that held up this stage right here foreign now [Applause] i know everything that has happened keep your eyes on this new shirt watch every move and report to me in the [Applause] morning [Applause] [Applause] okay cover my trail yak i'm going back for the money bags [Applause] [Applause] okay it's a stage bag do you suppose he just found it i don't know but here's where we get it and him too [Applause] huh two men paula look through glass ah well i figured this much here take my horse and meet me at the express office keep this money [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] it's empty where did he go i don't know look i know we got him we can't get far come on let's find him well you stay here and watch wrecking the express company will be glad to get this money back [Applause] we killed him and saw him pick up the moneybags park here shot him off his horse but we couldn't find him he just rode in town and went to the express office probably with a doe this is twice you've gum things up another fluke like this and you two guys keep writing it's ten to one he knows who followed him so you'd better get back to the hideout to stay there until i sent for you all right jack let's find out where they'll lead us so local frank he'd cut a man's throat for a dollar and fleisch burton a lifer from walla walla and there's chukka walla he's wanted in every state on the border slippery williams and spike morgan what a nasty hornets matlock's ranch only two miles away i wonder if he knows what's near him maybe we tell him no it might spoil our chances of getting them well my dear what do you think of the ranch oh fine but i haven't seen any cattle there are no cattle they were all stolen several weeks ago that's why i've tried to bring law and order to this valley seems useless three men have been mysteriously shot down and the outlaw activity continues well can't you appeal to the government the ranchmen have written repeatedly but nothing has happened where is the foreman and your boy they were in with the wrestlers and left with the cattle and you live here alone yes except for old jake the cook i'm going over to madlocks now you stay here and keep an eye on whoever [Applause] passes under the circumstances i think we should try and dispose of this ranch or at least let me buy your half this is certainly no place for a woman i quite agree with you there uncle matt i didn't expect to find it like this how many for supper mr matlock just the three of us jake thank you sir oh here comes someone uncle matt well it's our new sheriff come right in mr how do you do miss madlock how do you do just wanted to tell you about my good luck i found the express money you're the scene of the hold up well that is good luck did you see any sign of the robbers well uh i can't make any promises right now mr madlock but i hope to have the shadow and his gang behind the bars in a very few days well my boy i certainly wish you luck i'm afraid that never can happen the shadow is clever as men are the most desperate criminals ever banded together how do you know why uh cold-blooded manner in which they operate oh i see but i still think i can do it but i certainly hope you do you excuse me a moment i suppose you're glad to be home again miss madla well this isn't exactly my home in fact it's the first time i've seen the place you see my father and uncle matt owned this ranch and two years ago dad was killed i inherited his hat uncle mattis offered to buy me out he says this is no place for a woman oh he says strange things happen here at night they're only the three of us old jake uncle matt and myself i'm almost afraid hello the sheriff will soon be leaving matlock's ranch wait for him at the crossroads there's a girl at the ranch no harm must come to her but scare away tonight all right i'll have the boys attend to it and don't be afraid to use it i won't be won't you stay for dinner mr trevor no thanks i have to be going i'll see you in the morning good day miss madlock goodbye a fine fellow isn't he yes it's too bad that he's sheriff [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good [Applause] how you skookum big fun [Applause] you've always been a little too careless with your shooting irons so we'll just send you up for attempted murder we'll be out of here by noon tomorrow yeah well thanks for the information [Applause] must be a secret entrance i distinctly heard a third voice that's a funny place for a safe here it is it's a fake safe this must be where the shadow gives his orders from hanalei watch each other well this is interesting it's a tunnel come on let's see where it [Applause] leads oh what do you think they've hollowed out this whole stump this is where those mysterious shots came from through this hole a man can cover the entire northern part of the street we've got work to do tonight jack the first thing is to find a cross-cut saw [Applause] hmm [Music] oh good morning anita good morning uncle matt did the disturbance bother you last night oh not a bit in fact i rather enjoyed it you should have seen these so-called ghosts run when i opened fire on them did you do that shooting i certainly did and i intend to keep on shooting you know uncle mac i've decided not to sell i think i'll stay right here and fight it out well i i admire your spirit and if that's your decision i'm with you but your breakfast is ready i must hurry to town goodbye goodbye morning sheriff good morning ranches are all here are you ordered good ask them to stay off the main street until i'm ready i got a surprise in store for him okay sheriff we'll be waiting come on jack let's go come on out parker don't worry it's empty back watch the street like i told you come on get going [Applause] i'm warning you and i'll do as i say or take the consequences i'll listen you're late what happened last night he had men covering his trail we couldn't get near him he's in his office now get him out in the middle of the street the bowl is awake at 11 this morning i personally will head the boys into town machine gun will be under the straw of the covered wagon we'll cover one end of the street the boys the other we'll take the bank for a clean you'll take your position in the stump get going take off your hat put this one on take off that scarf you're not gonna send me out there are you you guessed it but i got the stump covered so i guess you'll be all right get moving get the boys come on come share say keep eye on stump [Applause] take it easy parker don't move you got just one chance to live who's the shadow oh don't you i'll tell hotel it's [Applause] boys we just missed the shadow but he's coming back he and his gang they have a machine gun and they intend to wipe out the town what's to be done all right they must never reach town we'll surprise them and head them off pick up all the men you can and let every rider wear a white cloth around his head so we can distinguish ourselves from the outlaw get your guns and we'll all meet at red gulps then i was sent here from washington i'm swearing you all in as deputy marshals today you're writing the united states government everyone raise his right hand you solemnly swear it just doesn't seem possible but it's true miss anita the night your dad brought your uncle from the east was the night this man is gang raided the ranch both your dad and uncle were killed he took all your uncle's papers and his clothes and passed himself off in town as matt matlock the sheriff must know about this jake i'm going to tell him right now jack here will signal us from that mountain when they're coming we'll let them get by us and then attack them from the rear now everybody scatter and stay hidden are the boys ready yes well there's no time to lose who's that coming [Applause] it's that full girl stop her take her to the hideout [Applause] foreign [Applause] put it in the wagon pat i reckon the sheriff won't do much shooting with her in there stand ready with that machine gun [Applause] [Applause] stand ready men they're coming [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] so all right boys let's go well now what's happened to you young fella i and papoose have high you spook them fun you'll get a lot more than high you scoop them fun if you don't leave our child alone um
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 147,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #classicmovies, FILM, CLASSIC, George 'Gabby' Hayes, WESTERN, filmstruck, The Star Packer (1934), The Star Packer (Film), Cowboys, classic movie, Verna Hillie, John Wayne, FREE, PUBLIC DOMAIN, classic movies, MOVIES, Movie
Id: Nc1dzS7KZpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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