Texas Terror (1935) JOHN WAYNE

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[Music] la d hello Dan how are you John where you been hiding out sit down tell me all about yourself well ain't nothing much to tell son been doing some repair work around the place kind of expected you out well I was figuring on getting out tomorrow night thought I'd try and even up that cribbage score come ahead I've got to run over to King City tomorrow but I'll be back for dinner just drawn out all my money I'm going to restock the ranch now that you're a sheriff I reckon the rustlers won't be so active I want the old place to look Tip Top before best gets home next year she's all I got John and I'm going to see she's comfortably fixed I understand Dan I'll do all I can to help know I owe you a lot you've been as close to me as my own father would have been Shu son you don't owe me nothing it's been great to see you grow up into a real man you don't know how proud I was when you got elected Sheriff reckon I'll be drifting along I you better not F that roll you might not get home oh I'm all right nobody's going to hold me up where's your horse got him tired back at the Express office oh well don't forget tomorrow night I'll be waiting for you there goes Old Dan we'll wait till he's well out of town we'll slip in the back way when Pete's alone [Music] there was three of them John did you recognize any of them they were missed they came in the back way surprised me got me in the shoulder boys get Pete to a doctor I'll try and round him [Music] up [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] for drop that money bag [Music] Martin hand me that bag work your way down the creek back to town ditch that stuff I got a slug an arm Joe we'll take care of that when we get back to town for damn I've killed my best friend you were only doing your duty Higgins why take it so to heart and Duty makes it necessary to take the life of a man like Old Dan Matthews well then I'm through with Duty well there was positive proof that he was one of the gang CLM here saw him tie his horse behind Wells Fargo the evidence is too strongly against him circumstantial evidence has convicted many a man Dixon and I still believe that Dan Matthews is innocent I'd like to see you at the office Mr Williams I'll be right over John Williams I guess you get your old job back well my eyes are not as good and my hands are not as fast but I'll take the job until you can get a better man that's right turn up with we need [Music] a sit down Ed I'd like to explain something when Dan Matthews left here he'd just drawn all his money out of the bank was going to restock his Ranch and get it in shape for his daughter who's coming out this next next year this money was on down when I found it I wish you'd see that his daughter gets it it's rightfully hers I'll keep it for it John no one will ever know thanks been about a year since hiin left town now I saw him about 6 months ago he was in town cashing in some nuggets he's turned desert right you know must have hit him pretty hard shooting Old Dan never saw anything like it he's like a dead man walking around with the weight of the world in his heart What About Dan's daughter I had a letter from her a few weeks ago say she's figuring out coming out here soon I think she'd be better off back East with her aunt same as I think John's better off out yonder mhm he's a strange fell Bob and how he hates Outlaws says there to blame for him shooting Old Dan Mr and P your door broken leg e well don't try to talk son I'll have you in Camp before night black e go [Music] Big Storm Come tree Fall Kill Them H boy hold them leg oh I see son go quick you stay we talk all right Black Eagle I don't know any place I'd rather [Music] be howy nice of you to give me this ring Black Eagle you keeping me my people your friends well thanks I won't forget [Music] for I'll be awfully glad to get home you see I'm Beth Matthews and I own the lazym ranch the must be thousands of cattles and at least 100 Cowboys and just think I going to be bor oh look at those wild flowers e m [Music] is [Music] that all for [Music] you value your life keep down d can you drive a Town's about 3 mil ahead just stay on this road I don't understand you're an outlaw or killer and you're letting me go yes and you'd better hurry and the last I saw of him he was standing in the middle of the road watching me drive away can you describe this uh bad man well I couldn't see much of his face it was so dirty only a pair of Steel gray eyes that seemed to look right through me he had a heavy beard a slouch hat and Faded overalls he was the most horrible creature I've ever seen and his voice do you remember it well he only spoke a few times and I was so excited I don't know well miss Bess you certainly have had an experience but you must be hungry there's a good eating house down the street after you finished your meal I'll take you out the ranch I've got to get my boy started after Blake all right Sher I'll be glad to get home hello Sheriff kind of surprise Jay John I'm sure glad to see you I just brought Blake in the boys are taking care of him there's your Express money I might have known it was you that young lady whose life was in your hands just left here she told me everything Jan you and I are going to have a very serious talk s down John that young lady is none other than Bess Matthews she's coming back here shortly I'm going to drive her out to the lazy in she thinks there's an income from the ranch the money that we've got here we need a cool head to spend it John that's your job oh know I'd never get away with it she know was I well who's going to tell her she'll find out sometime yes but in the meantime let's put the old lazy in back on its feet just the way Old Dan would like it what do you say I'll try Sheriff good there's your room clothes and everything just as you left them after you shave and clean up no one will ever know you come out at the ranch tonight about 8:00 all right Ed I'll be there you've got the finest Springs the best grazing ground in the valley with John higgins's Foreman why you'll have the old lazy M back on its feet in 6 months time that's him now good evening Sheriff well hello John Miss Matthews I want you to meet my friend John Higgins I'm glad to know you Mr Higgins thank you won't you sit out the sheriff's been telling me about your thrilling experience thrilling it was terrific that Bandit was the most hideous the most horrible creature that ever was born you don't say a regular Blue Beard day wor that's Aunt Martha best cook in the country oh I remember Aunt Martha sure you do she just about raised you and Martha best Matthews how you have grown and you didn't forget me certainly not well you shouldn't I spanked your Plenty when you was a brat John Higgins I might have known I'd have to cook for you Beth you're getting the best Foreman in the country but the worst eater he's got an appetite like a can what do you mean my appetite it's a SW way you cook oh there you go all was flattering and what's more he leans back and breaks every chair in the kitchen my goodness you boys are sitting there without a thing to drink come on best we'll fix them some coffee see everything's working out fine yeah so far how's it all going to end there's the end of the South pasture Miss Matthews now I guess you've seen about all the rants it certainly is big enough I'll pick up a couple of boys and start repairing the fences and see if I can develop some new water hole you know it's strange but your voice keeps reminding me of of Miss Mr Blue Beard yes well I I'm sorry I might change it I can talk up here like this don't be silly you know that was the only thing about Mr Blue Beard that was halfway human uh shall we go back to the ranch if you wish well it hello Bob how's ex Sheriff making out at Lazy M oh all right I guess been there three months and he's worked out a deal with the government uhhuh want to raise horses and sell them to them made some Dandy buys too and miss Beth how she like country and ranch life crazy about it courton ant Martha well that's fine John tomorrow night's Halloween a Martha says they're having the biggest Dance of the year at bol's Barn let's go I guess it has been kind of L lome for you 3 months now and you haven't been off the ranch oh I haven't been Lonesome exactly I've enjoyed being with you our rides and evenings for the fire I've enjoyed them too it's the first time you've said so you've always been so strange and distant don't you like me well that's just it Bess I well someday you're going to hate me it's inevitable when that time comes I'm leaving this part of the country for good well you tell Aunt Mar that I'm taking you two to the dance what P sakes child what on Earth's the matter with you you're as pale as a ghost I'm all right but that Marthur John says someday I'll hate him what's the matter with him why will I hate him now listen honey all men act like jackasses when they're in love that's exactly what's the matter with John Higgins he's head over heels in love with you but don't worry we'll just let matters take their own course like this fell spear Shake says all's well the Dam's well oh uh John says he's taking us to the dance tonight yes I know he told me this morning he did mhm honey L is starting off like they all going to have a good time Big Night that quite a crowd looks like the whole country is going to be here got a match John yeah I think so where'd you get that ring it's a gift from Old Black Eagle I thought I'd lost it Miss Hawkins meet Miss Matthews I'm so glad to meet you Miss Matthew I must Miss she sure is the bell of the ball all right [Music] oh then I want you to know Mr Dixon how do you do how do you do Miss Matthews is boss of the lazy M oh it's a pleasure to know you miss Matthews may I have the honor of the first dance I'm sorry but that's spoken for but you may have the second oh thank you I'm lucky I should say so see you the next day [Music] everybody just a minute just a minute now we going to start this dance off with a nice dreamy [Music] wall I'd saved this first dance for you well I hope I don't disappoint you I'm not much of a [Music] dancer [Music] I'm terribly happy I'm glad being in a crowd must make a difference it's not the crowd I'm happy because I'm in your [Music] arms It could only be like [Music] that Mighty strange dancing with her Foreman and he the man what killed her father foran Yes didn't you know it no that is funny come on got our [Music] [Music] PE hey backer watch the door for a minute will you [Music] [Applause] say Sheriff I want to see you and John right now John Pete wants to talk to us a [Music] minute Sheriff the Martin boys just came with this new bill let me see it we've been on the lookout for these John that's got the same serial number as those that were found when Old Dan was killed what do we do act like nothing's happened this is the first clue we've had since the robbery and I'll watch every move those Martin make yes indeed Miss Matthews your father and I were very close friends Mr Dixon I've asked so many people about my father and they've all in my questions won't you tell me how he was killed well I really think you ought to know you won't hold it against me if I tell you certainly not well your Foreman killed your father Miss Matthews my you mean Mr Higgins killed my father you see he was Sheriff at the time he had the law behind him they fought it out alone there were no Witnesses so no one ever learned the truth about them The Killing now get your partners for the Virginia [Music] Reel I salute your partner now B [Music] lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me that you no C food you got to have your wits tonight yeah and a little courage you don't need any courage for this job peat the dance is all we have to do is break in and grab the money and beat it Chief said wait the milkin contests on and there won't be anybody leaving we won't be seen come [Music] on now folks Jake aberna undefeated champion of C Li Valley will contest against Adara H undefeated champion of broken [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B you're the only one who's ever told me the truth they've all made a fool of me please excuse me left 10 to 22 turn right I'll keep the Martin here until I get back John I I must see you alone I'm sorry Bess I can't see you right now please excuse me I'll be back later for All Ready Set [Music] [Applause] [Music] Go [Music] [Applause] [Music] not going to miss the contest are you [Music] boys miss the this are you boys you will miss Matthews will you please take me home Mr Dixon oh certainly [Music] [Applause] [Music] money in the Sheriff's Office Pete those two will soon lead me to the third party then I'll ring the truth out of him about Old [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dan the champion oh you won by a pH but by Cy I'll beat you next year all right Jak AB I'll be waiting for you I don't care all right Aunt Martha that'll be just [Applause] fine a Martha please excuse us I want to speak to Mr Higgins alone I hardly know how to begin but when I say I know who you really are and what you are perhaps you'll understand why did you wait months to wear that ring Mr Road agent and tonight with my own eyes I saw you rob the Wells Fargo followed me I followed you and I found out that you're not only a bandit and a robber but a murderer as well you killed my father you can't deny it the whole town knows it I'm not trying to deny it but won't you let me explain explain I wouldn't believe anything you said you've lived a lie ever since you've been here you were right when you said I'd hate you there aren't words vile enough to express my cont for you now get out of here I never want to see you again Martin boys just went into Joe Dixon's place they went in the back way vixon I wonder I tell you Joel Higgins was the Fell's got that money away from her 3 months ago he had a beard and other clothes but I knewed him but the way he rode well anyhow I cooked his Goose last night he's out of a job by now you know I don't see any reason why I shouldn't step in and marry the boss of the lazy in she's sure us well- looking G and she's got a about a thousand head of slick looking horses in that South pasture oh that is news making a quick turnover we ought to get about 8 or 10 bucks ahead and with no stock on the ranch the boss of the lazy M probably will be glad to marry a well Tod do gent like myself I'll right over and get broka him and his gang can help us with the drive yeah that's a good idea Dixon's leaving town I reckon I'll just follow [Music] him where there's a thousand head of horses in the South pasture of the lazy M all we got to do is to shoe him off down to Gomez he'll give us eight or 10 bucks AE without a squawk when do we start Dawn tomorrow no one will even see us oh Black Eagle I'm in great Trouble Men come tomorrow morning at sunrise to steal all my horses man no steal horse me my people your friend we fight good Here Comes broo now take it easy and when you get him running push him through here they come boy what a surprise they're going to get starting the first band out of the Carell is l [Music] [Music] oh now tell me Martin or I'll break every bone in your body who killed Dan Matthews he's a p all right Dix and me held up the Express office you chased us and shot me off my horse I run into the cabin Old Dan was there he threw down on me and made me drop the money bag Dixon saw him through the wind and killed him Dixon take care of him Sheriff I'm heading for town Miss Matthews I've got to tell you Higgins and his Indian Renegades wrestled your horses me and my friends tried to stop them but there were too many of them now use your phone my S me there's no answer at the Sheriff's [Music] Office drop that gun Dixon I arrest you for the murder of Dan Matthews Blacky Martin just confessed please [Music] [Music] John's been gone nearly two months now I wonder if you'll ever come back why don't you ask him there's one fell that might be able to tell you where to find him and that's Chief Black Eagle squibs your new farman can take you to him his place over there thanks I won't be long there she's been in night two hours already maybe she going live there yeah yeah women are sure queer Critters me hung me too he what's the sense in a fell starve and heel to death for some local female let's get the heck out of here
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 205,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, PUBLIC DOMAIN, Texas Terror (1935), filmstruck, CLASSIC, MOVIES, FREE, Cowboys, #classicmovies, FILM, classic movies, John Wayne, LeRoy Mason, Movie, Lucile Browne, western
Id: anPMn64HKDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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