Blue Steel (1934) John Wayne | Western Full Movie

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Blue Steel Hank! Good morning, Sheriff. You surprised me, I've been up all night. I understand. The customers will be late in arriving because of the storm. The bridge collapsed. I'll wait until it calms down. Do you have a room? I would like to rest before the convoy arrives. Trouble? You can never be sure. Where can I watch this room from? From my room. See that hole? Lift up the carpet, you'll see every corner of the room. That's what I call a mouthful! - Don't forget to warn me. - I'll ring the bell. There are two beds to choose from. What a hell of a time! I'd like a stove, I'm freezing. I would also like a cup of tea. There is a stove in each room. Sign here, please. Perhaps you would like the bridal the bridal room? - How much is this? - Two dollars for this room. This is the nicest room in the house. Try not to make any noise. The person next door gets up at 5:00. I am soaked to the bone! Put this on warm. There's $4,000 in there. This is the money from the mine. We'll have to get to the safe to steal it. I am listening to you young man, what do you want? I can't find it. You can't find it? - What did you lose? - Nothing at all. But what the hell don't you think? It's good to see you. I've come all this way for nothing, I think. I was told that the bandit with the polka dot scarf was here. In a storm like this? Wherever there's money, it's never far away. Did you hear that? - What's going on? - I don't know. It's the bandit with the polka dot scarf! You were right. How did did he find the combination? I don't know. The numbers in the combination! He saw you open the safe through the window. - There's no need to chase him tonight. - But tomorrow he will be far away. I'll stop him at any cost... even if it takes me take me 10 years. - Are these the bandits? - I don't think so. How did they know that Miss Mason was coming? How did they know in advance? There is a scoundrel among us. We have to find him out. We should have news from Sacramento. The government doesn't care about about us! - We have to act. - Impossible without ammunition, and we can't get any. - They arrive at the pass. - Do you know what to do? Don't touch the girl! Not a bandit in sight, Betty. But you shouldn't have come. Don't be angry, Dad. It's been a wonderful trip. I'm glad you're here. It's a long journey, alone. Don't worry, you'll have company. Bandits, help us! We got them both. Let's make sure. I don't see them. They must be in the back. They almost got you! I'm stunned, but they didn't get me. What happened? You fell off the cliff. You saved me from drowning? I owe you a debt of gratitude. - Forgive me. - Don't worry about it, man. We have to get out of here. - Is that okay? - I've seen more of them! Everything went as planned, but we met two strangers. We exchanged gunfire, they ended up at the bottom of the river. And the girl, she didn't recognize you? No, we were too far away. She must be in town by now. Any news about the supplies? Here is Betty! Where is your father? Dad and Tom are dead. They killed them! Tell us all about it. We were crossing the pass and... Men were chasing the bandits. Then I found him... It's going to be okay! Let me take care of you. Stay on my ranch until everything gets straightened out. I want you to know that I will do everything to help you. - Will you send someone to get it? - I'll go myself. Mrs. Williams! Take care of Betty until I return. Curious people! Is he dead? His daughter warned us. We were going to take him back to town. Give us a hand. Don't move! Hands up! Spit it out. Where are the others and the supplies? Why the murders? Could you just steal the goods? I found these men searching Mason. What do you think? Put the gun down! Cover us. We didn't kill Mason. His daughter will confirm that. She is in no condition to be questioned. I'm sure Miss Mason would be happy to tell us more. There she is! We are accused of having killed your father. These men chased away the bandits and saved my life. In that case, we apologize our apologies. You don't know it, but this city is in a critical situation, without food or ammunition and terrorized by outlaws. We have been promised supplies. We didn't get them and men died. If we don't have provisions before winter, we'll be stuck. We are already stuck. We only have a few days to spare. Let's all get out of here, it's the only way. You're right. What do you mean? All our money went into buying food. I have some money. Here's what I'll do for you. I'll give you $100 to those who leave their farm. I may never see that money again, but I may not see that money again, but never mind. That's nice, Malgrove. Take it easy! Shouldn't we rather try to get the try to get the supplies? Our men have families. There's been enough death as it is. What if we tried it? If you can do it, I'll pay you. We can take care of to get the supplies to you. Come to my ranch, I'll make you I'll make you an order for a thousand dollars. See that guy next to Malgrove? He's going to interest you soon. - Who is this? - You'll see, it's a surprise. I've got one for you too! Show Miss Mason to her room. You are here at home. It is a great pleasure to have you by my side. I thought they were at the bottom of the river. We killed them though. If it weren't for those two snoopers, there wouldn't be a cat in town. But you have the girl. Remember, she's mine. Nobody touches her. Tell the guys to be discreet, she might find out who you are. We searched the valley again. The largest gold mine ever discovered discovered passes under the ranches. When the people leave here, the mine will be ours. Sir, the girl is spying on you! Take her to the safe house until the city is deserted. That's what we'll see! I'm going to pick up the order at Malgrove. DANTI NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER MINING He's all alone. - What is he doing in the dormitory? - I don't know. It's up to you. But remember, no messing around. Where's Malgrove? I think he's... I'm the one who asked them to come. My men must stop the intruders. They didn't know. I'm sorry. That's okay, Malgrove. We were just having a little fun. Here is your order. Good luck! - When are you leaving? - Right away. We'll be back in four days. The bandits won't be expecting us for us so soon. You'll make it, I hope. We'll do everything we can, won't we, Jake? That's what they think... They'll see! It falls on us when we least expect it. I thought we were leaving. That would be so stupid. - They would trap us at the pass. - Are Malgrove and Danti in cahoots? - I'm sure of it. - What do we do? It all depends on what happens by tomorrow morning. What happened to Miss Mason? How about this? We're leaving at dawn, they'll be here early. - Where is the girl? - Next door. She refuses to eat. She won't die. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Miss Mason! - I'm glad you're here. - Tell me all about it. They caught me listening to their scheme. Malgrove wants to evict the inhabitants to take over their land. There is a large gold mine under the farms. Danti is with them. I have to leave. I'll come back for you at dawn. Try to get some sleep. Good night! I have some news. - Where have you been? - I followed Malgrove. They captured Betty. I talked to her and she filled me in. I'll be back by noon. Keep an eye on the place. Especially the girl. If anyone comes, shoot. You take care of the cart, I'll take care of the girl. I've spotted the cart. Give me a hand. Get ready, they are gone. They've passed you. They're going to the safe house. Back off, I'll break the window! - Are you ready? - I'm lacing up my boots. I'll wait for you in the gallery. There is enough food for a year! Where do you think you're going? Be quick, they're coming back! Take this horse and go to town. Dynamite, we can use it. They freed the girl. Keep going, I'll stop you! We're stuck. Let's go by the river. I'll bid $1,000 for the girl! Don't miss the target. It's important to the residents. Malgrove is the leader. Under your land, is the largest gold mine ever discovered. Here is the cart! Your problems are over. The bandits are buried in the pass. Tell them about it! This is how it happened. I don't know how thank you. But I only did my duty as a government marshal. I'm leaving for Sacramento today and... you don't know it yet... but you come with me. Danti is dead. One of his own must have betrayed him. You can congratulate me! This is the future Mrs. Carruthers. But that's impossible! - I know who you are. - So does Miss Mason. Do you mind if I... Just listen to me! You saved my life and the lives of the inhabitants, but I must do my duty. I have to stop you, you know that. You are the bandit with the polka dot scarf. You must have seen me through the hole. - That's an understatement! - But you're making a mistake. The bandit had just run away. He left this spur on the ground. You must have seen me picking it up. But it belongs to Danti. How about this? I found him in his dormitory. He was the bandit. The reward is $5,000. It's yours, if you want it. If Danti is the bandit, who are you, then? He's the marshal. The one you were expecting from Sacramento. © BF-WATCH TV 2021
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 47,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, full movie, classic movie, classic movies channel, classic movies of the 30's, Action, Adventure, Romance, western, John Wayne
Id: y-5ZHTzd1hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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