Randy Rides Alone (1934) JOHN WAYNE

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you [Applause] [Music] put up your hands step away from that tape I'm afraid you got me wrong sir if I didn't do anything it's like we've got you right reloaded a all right he didn't do this alone where's the rest of your gang you're wrong Sheriff I didn't do this I came here to see head Rodgers yes you saw him all right before he saw you I save your breath you're going to need it this looks like a job for the coroner we luck this one up and round up the others all right [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm like man it's a good thing you can hear we wouldn't have got this ombre I want to see you later listen Sheriff I I thought out you'll have company when we pick up the rest of your game if you can find Sally Rogers someone's got to break the news door all right [Music] my deal right round up the bullet hey the boss wants to see us Tommy come on wake up get the rest of March you did a fine job of getting rid of old man Rogers boys I will get his niece to sell us the halfway house and we loan the whole of Paiute pass for 20 miles yeah and we'll buy it with her own money too where's the 30 thousand well where's the money we didn't get it it wasn't in the safe what do you mean you didn't get it I'm telling you we couldn't find it and you call yourselves bad men I should have left you where I found you Brandon cab and Rogers is nice where was she she wasn't there well that's it well the girl I'm smart again well she knows where it is well that's more than we do and we tore the joint apart yeah she was just one jump ahead of you they told me you wanted to see me here yes miss Ellie is without my uncle I already know told you I guess you hear those things I'm sorry whitey sorry and it was any satisfaction to you we got one of them in custody I'd like you to take a look at it maybe you've seen him before he's in there Matt the mutes back sure you said you want to talk to him about them Schatzi hurt you better get to him quick he's getting ready to leave town again I'll be back in a minute Miss Ellie sit down you don't look like a killer [Music] I'm not give me a chance I could prove it could you you don't think I'd kill the man I was sent to see do you were you sad to see my uncle was your uncle ed Rogers he by and it looks like the investigation is over as far as I'm concerned no it's just beginning meet me at the halfway house at sunrise you may be right man well miss Sally did you recognize him I talked with him but I don't think I ever saw him before blues news got away [Music] [Music] [Music] no the halfway house is not for sale I appreciate your offer but well I'm gonna try and carry on there's no need to worry about that they took it all thank you just the same [Music] [Music] morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was afraid you wouldn't get here so was I and if I'm not mistaken the sheriff isn't very far behind we have to work fast the gang didn't get what they were after and they'll be back yes not isn't all you have to worry about how are you a lot don't you realize it and helping me get away you made yourself a party to a crime why I never thought of that well why didn't you show the sheriff that letter that would have cleared you yes and spoiled everything before I got started no my orders were to work alone what are we gonna do well I'd like to hear what happened l found where he camp last night but no trace of him you know I've been thinking that Rogers girl is the only one to have seen the prisoner I think we'll talk to her I was right these it's a sheriff he must have seen your horse like hi what about you you can't be found here don't worry you won't find me please in here somewhere search the place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want [Music] there's a fella had been here you know him never seen him before we're take care of him well this is a fine way to welcome a man there ain't no one welcome here I'll just take you inside and let the boss look you over come on hey boss I'm a minute what how did you get in here I fell in I where the waterfall when I found that tunnel you didn't expect me to stay out there with a posse on my own did you dodging the law yeah who do you work with nobody I ride alone when the coast is clear I'd like to be on my way oh no you don't you're riding with us we're taking no chances of anyone ticking off this hideout that suits me give him back his gun one of your boys picks him up with a dry shirt I'll pick you up I'm here boss you're making a mistake turning him loose well I know what I'm going he's the fella the sheriff picked up for the job you pulled at the halfway house well he's wanted all right I don't trust him too much just keep your eye on it don't let him get out of here we might be able to use it and if we can't we can always leave him in the tunnel Thanks that's all right when are we gonna get the halfway house school passing to their every day now the girl won't sell out there's ways I'm making herself maybe you were right I've got an idea get a couple of boys - she hasn't seen before hey slim you take this to Sally Rogers get her bring her here make sure she doesn't see where she's going might not be a bad idea to get him out of here before the girl arrives yeah that's right you'll be needing a hat why mine Thanks what are those for sure mighty active lately when I get my target practice fixing them up oh I think I got one of your cards hey yeah that's one part given the boss signs moon outside of Julia watch him jump look out partner you might have blowed off the whole mountainside not with a party five oh no come here I'll show you we got dynamite planted all over this place so we can blow off the whole tunnel entrance we ever get in the corner all the boss has to do is press the plunger in his room and we're not through yet we're putting more of it right over there so be kind of careful where you swing that 45 well I guess that's a good idea we're not open we'll be closed until after the services for my uncle yeah we heard it's too bad we would have to give you this note I'm not going with you yes boys are coming in with Rogers girls fine now we'll get somewhere yeah there's no no never mind about that now you answer my questions and I'll see that you both go free boys cold on you the other day they didn't get what they were sent for where's the money I don't know oh you don't know huh no if I give you time to think it over you might be able to remember oh I don't know what you're talking about let it go lock her up we'll give her a chance to refresh your memory you better stay away from now if you know what's good for you the boss is kind of touchy about some things oh I see [Music] [Music] sorry Sally quiet would you you're one of them no I'm not you've got to trust me I'm going for help to get you out of here I do trust you this is the key to the strongbox you better move it first where is it in a compartment in front of the bomber don't worry and no matter who questions you don't talk [Music] no I don't believe you you just like the rest of them I don't want your help and I don't know where the money is bring around here we'll make our talk come on yeah get up out of there hey you get up come on oh I've had enough of this where's the money no one ever makes a fool out of Marvin black Matt to mute him well he won't get away this time [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh we may be walking into a trap well I'll give you just one more chance to tell me why are you then looking for the money that you couldn't get and I found it yeah well where is it in the compartment in front of the bar at the halfway house and I believed in you so what is there a fight Marvin the sheriff [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Alan are you alright yes we got a body they don't wear the body in and they've gone together but the cuts on your boys and we'll get the others before they get to the halfway house take him out [Music] [Music] [Music] are you trying to get away young tiller wears black in the halfway house [Music] well that's the end of math amuse and Marvin black they're one in the same person I guess that ends my investigation - it's all explained oh yes and your money is in those saddlebags I reckon this clear use and I hope you'll forgive me for doubting you oh that's alright I suppose you will be riding along yes but not alone you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 125,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Wayne, PUBLIC DOMAIN, FREE, classic movies, Movie, Cowboys, Randy Rides Alone (1934) J, FILM, MOVIES, #classicmovies, classic movie, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Alberta Vaughn, WESTERN, CLASSIC, filmstruck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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