Rainbow Valley (1935) John Wayne - Action, Romance, Western

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[Music] foreign [Music] uh i guess this office saw oh that looks fine i don't know how about some guns got some 45's here you might like how about this oh this fancy one that might shoot you yeah that one's all right be able to get that horse i picked up oh it is i got him all right well i didn't like to park with him but i finally talked him into it he tied right out there in front fine how much do i owe you two hundred and ten dollars all told well that's fair enough 210 right did you tell me how far it is to uh rainbow valley there's about 60 miles right over the rain in any road there nothing but a trail you ride straight out of town take the north fork and you can't miss it the north fork yeah fine thank you don't talk around here what's the trouble old-timer ain't got any water have you young fella nelly's just over the ride she's about done for her plum tuckered out need water powerful bad sure get on is that nelly yep actually it's an automobile isn't it yes sure bub ain't another one like here in the whole county you mean the whole world your mighty faithful old gal son i carry the mail the gold from the mind center see after nelly come to this valley there was a cloud burst and washed out the road we ain't been able to get new road put in they bring in their oil and gas and spare parts for factories i see well i guess you might as well empty the canteen all right get it filled up again in rainbow only eight miles thanks that's where i'm heading for just keep on this trail you can't miss [Applause] it [Applause] so here i'm coming boys and ready [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Laughter] easy there old timer oh it's all right just crease you sure done a good job on that gang looked to me like nellie had the situation pretty well in hand what were they after i don't know lester's mail what time they ever attracted me they sure raised old ned with the miners what's the matter with the law well they ain't none speak of marshalls at the county seat about 60 mile over the range we ain't got no roads just a trail why don't they build a road tried that too son gang keeps running off the workers towns folks are getting a petition to bring law and order in here well i guess that'll fix you up until we get into a doctor yeah much obliged boy you you better get your horse on the back and right in with me all right i'll do that make yourself calm down force all this all right old timer i'll do that man it's time we took some definite action to get rid of this menace we've got to get some law and order into this valley we can't do a thing with the marshall on the other side of the mountain this mob has hampered us in every way they've driven off our workmen robbed our pack trains murdered our fellow citizens men we've got to ask all right know we are lacking in leadership we need a fighter to take command of our road work and we need protection for our workers we are prepared to petition asking the governor of this state to send us the laws so we can wipe out these renegades and we want the signature of every resident of the valley before it goes to the governor boys let's have your name well i'll tell you ms elmer you're taking an awful chance with government property to let that old fossil carry the mails glad we'll come in here any day with a story about being held up and wrong like his naughty will it might interest you to know that the bandits were driven off what do you mean i don't think it's necessary to explain to you i'd like to see the postmaster i'm the post mister do you mean to tell me that george was held up hey boss i got to see you right away all right i'll be right over what was that man that's his business stranger thanks just a minute i think we've got a little unfinished business i'd like to know just where you were this afternoon yeah you're loving to find out some things that you wouldn't want to know this is one of the bandits that tried to hold you up today you're crazy this guy has been with me all day you've got the wrong man not for my money i haven't can you identify him old-timer well it was behind me all the time and i didn't get a good look at him in that case i guess we'll have to let him go but i still think he's a man hey that felt as a fighter that's what we need around here he just drove in with george i'll go and have a talk with him yeah get the rest of these names will you all right buddhist time this oh oh miss illness i want you to meet john martin he's gonna live with me for a while thanks uncle george i think i've seen about enough of your friend mr martin after what he did to mr rogers in spite i'm surprised he has knocked you unconscious what do you think of that he's fallen for you already yeah you're just crazy about me hello george hi fellas i just watched the way your friend here handle that situation in the street you are a fighter and that's one thing we need in this community i'll say he's a fighter you want to see what he done to that gang when they tried to waylay me today john powell runs the general store he's kind of head of things around here this is john martin i'd like to have you take charge of our road crew martin thanks mr powell that sounds mighty interesting i think i'll take you up on that fine i'm glad you will you will be doing a great service for the whole valley what a fine punch of sheep herders you turned out to be let an old man get away from oh we don't got him all right only this new guy comes up from behind and puts one over on us besides what do you want hail for i thought you got that girl or post office job well i did i didn't know she was going to put old hail in there and we've got to get him out so we can put our own man in the only way we can stop that road and get butch out of the pen how do you figure well we need that petition to get butch out the same time we'll keep the law out of this valley get it yeah i see this is where the road used to run before a cloud birds washed most of it away and their landslide covered up the rest we've set our cruise from time to time in an effort to clean it out but so far every attempt has been blocked by this gang well i see what they're trying to do they figured that if they can keep that road from going through they can get the miners to discourage they'll sell out at the gang's own price that's it exactly we thought we had him licked a short while back when we captured butch galt on one of their raids and sent him to prison we figured that without butch they wouldn't get very far but there still seems to be a pretty definite scheme of organization behind them i know you probably think that we are taking an awful trip picking an outsider like yourself but i'm a preparator of character i feel sure that you are on the level furthermore from what george tells me and from what i saw myself i think you are the one man who won't be intimidated by this gang thanks a lot for your confidence mr powell i think i'm gonna like this job i took engineering at school what are your plans this is the original survey the road started here continued on up the canyon across the path the first mile up the canyon should be pretty smooth the sailing well i don't see where we'll have any trouble as long as you can give me enough man the only thing we'll have to watch out for is to see that the gang doesn't catch his napping well that part of it is up to you martin i'll see that you get the man on the powder well when can you get underway i'm ready now all right then we'll start tomorrow [Applause] hey john come on up here well how's it going son oh great we're moving right along and i've posted lookouts so we'll be ready for that gang hey how long did it feed before i can take nelly out and show her some others the same breed oh about 60-90 days i guess we don't run into too much grief well i got all the dynamite to minor dispatch roger says for us to wait till the men attack then ride around on the other side of the canyon and start shooting from the rear that's the signal to get undercover they're coming from both sides get that tin can out of here before it blows us all up imagine that attack now get ready boys here they come well [Applause] so this so [Music] [Applause] wow george here yes i know i haven't seen him since he went out to the road you mind if i wait for him i'd be glad to have you oh that is uh it's perfectly all right this is a public building right i want to apologize mr martin for the way i've been acting towards you i've heard about the wonderful work you've been doing on the road and how you drove those writers off today now you've got me all flustered it's where's nolan when you weren't speaking to me well if you'd rather i wouldn't speak to you it's all right with me oh no i mean you've got me all wrong i mean that well i kind of liked you when you were mad at me and you don't like me now now i like you more and i like you better when you're more bashful and not so boastful well i didn't mean to be so fugnacious the other day but that friend of rogers really was one of the bandits that was trying to get george i'm sure you're mistaken mr rogers said that spike was with him all day and mr rogers is one of the finest men in this town he got me my job here oh i see so that's why you're sticking up for him and even if it has i don't see that it's any of your business well jewelry is great to get some place where it's nice and peaceful again i'm telling you boss we got to get rid of martin or he's going to put that road through i'm enough to take care of him when butch gets out first thing to do is to get him out petition all sign will be turned into the post office tomorrow i'll get it if you fellas keep hail out of the way the girl tells me that he's meeting the pack train the morning get him taken to the ranch and hold him there until i get the petition finally he is a lady drives my stairs away so all right i bought you some gas for nelly that's just about out what have you is so they got george at the foot of the trail you better go get him hey okay i don't know where did you ever find me it was a cinch i forgot this is the only car in the valley i just followed the next now come on we get out this back window leave them in the mail certainly i can't do that i got to get them out too oh all right i'll see if the coast is clear right through the door i wonder if you could let me have some stamps i believe i left my wallet on the counter back in the post office i have the key my segment thanks i'll be right back well it was there all right thanks very much now that we got that position how do we use it like this [Music] [Music] one sec substitute this [Music] i get it you've got everybody in the valley on there the governor can't do nothing to spring blitz when do we leave right now i've been looking for you where's the dynamite you ain't got no more how about the miners they ain't got none another gang stole all the dynamite in the valley well we're finished until we can get enough to clear the path yeah hey son it's been two weeks since they sent that petition out i wonder why we ain't hear no word from it no it sounds mighty funny well you'd want to tell a man to call it off until the next pack trainer dynamite all right i'll see you in town all right boys got a little surprise for you hi boys oh boy it looks good to see you hey what i'm just getting back floss sit down jake sure feels good to get out of that joint nice work he sure did a swell job on that petition you should have heard the warden when he got that pardon well how's things going miners about ready to sell out well to be frank chief things ain't so good what's the matter they ain't getting that road to are they they're doing pretty well at it what do you mean some smart guy drifted in here and took over the roadshow since then we ain't been able to stop him who is he calls himself john martin john martin hey why me and him with cell mates up at the big house like john and i are pals i'll handle him get him up here sure so he's the next convict eh i'll get him john martin ain't around is he no he's not expecting not exactly he doesn't come around here much well it's just as well that guy's next convict fell out this whole valley if you had a chance he wouldn't do that oh wouldn't he hey what's the matter with you falling for him no i thought you had more sense than that hey martin i want to see you i had to hunt you wood sooner or later yeah well it's not what you think your old pal butch golf's in town he wants to see you well i'd like to see butch all right too how'd do you miss eleanor hello george which call is out of britain i thought he was up for six years what's gold eh yes and i just saw rogers and martin with the heads together down at his place you know rogers and gal were pretty thick before golf was sent out i don't like the looks of it it looks bad all right but somehow rather i got a lot of confidence young martian mr rogers just told me that john was an ex-convict i don't believe it anyhow let's wait a while let me just feel them out no i don't agree with you george something ought to be done right away before it's too late well you can't do nothing till morning you might just well give him to lynn you let us know what he's doing all right i'm going to call a general meeting in the morning if he hasn't explained i'm glad you see it our way martin we'll cut you in for plenty when we get this job through i figured you're so smart in this engineering business you ought to know some way of coming up this road project you're right i do you give me enough men and dynamite i'll fix that road so it'll never bother you again that's the way i like to hear you talk and we'll get this whole valley at our own price they think they'll never get this road through i'll go get the plan wait a minute looks to me like a smart engineer like you find plans a waste of time not that we don't trust you or nothing we just don't want to rouse up suspicion well i guess you're right we'll work without them you get the boys together and we'll start right now are you sure this will block it all right don't worry when this glass goes off your troubles will be all over how much longer will it take oh about two more hours work faster now this daylight easy with that dynamite i'm afraid we've been sold out again by our leader we've given martin all night to show up but he has failed us [Music] and wipe them out once and for all and now is the time to act right raiders are up at the head of the road getting ready to shut off a blast and martin is leading them this is our last chance we've got to save the road or it means the end of this valley get every man in the valley arm yourselves and meet at the crossroads it's only a drop over the hill into the past we'll be there in no time all right here's the letter i found for you as a mayo bay it must have gotten stuck when i entered them yesterday okay come on boys let's go hey you ready woody i can't quite make it out what's from the governor and he says that john martin is a special agent investigating the activities of butch gault in this game and he says you're to help him all you can feels like i was right about him that's why i wrote the governor wait uncle george he's up there with that gang now hey we've got stop that mob come on uncle george are you in again hey maybe that's trouble dry the bone horses that gives me an id but under george i can't lie well who said anything about brighton well here we go so hey the whole get out of there boys and hold them off that thing ready to touch off sure but you can't set it off now it's right on top of your own man rogers you could down tell the boys to retreat up over the cliff and get that bunch under the blast i'll touch it off in about five minutes and we'll wipe them all out at once okay chief hold it boys you wiped out your own mango roger's never reached him now come on get up get going oh you decided to surrender when your men got caught in their own trap crap that's part of the road work gold had all the dynamite so i had to use him and his men to get the road through they've been investigating this case for a long time i went to prison to get the goods on golf why you here you go hey wait a minute wait a minute this young fella you're a little late george the whole thing's cleared up and the road's through drove through well look i didn't think six weeks ago we were going to see that hey john remember the battle we had up there [Music] you
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 214,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 'Gabby' Hayes, john wayne, Action, Romance, Western, yt:cc=on
Id: 3LQU8yoKvps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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