DAY 1 TARKOV WIPE! Shroud's First Reactions & Raids in EFT Update

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Alt s or w while lying down

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LawBringerNerf 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you do that while standing up

When pressing w: you put your gun over your head

When pressing s: you put your gun around the corner always facing left

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LawBringerNerf 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

klean sniffing the shroud

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Raincity151 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up see you man I'm excited that feels good mood it's been so fun dude I like I haven't had my hands and heart shaking since I played EFT in a while it's been so epic dude are you uh are you like already stocked up ready to go Mike cuz I'm in the middle of an interchange I'm on my way out nope I this is my first time opening the game well I'm gonna scab right now my brother Thank You bear or you think so I'm I actually kind of wish on what you said to be honest cuz they got this a really sick gray hoodie that you can wear it looks really [ __ ] dope I always go you sex so I don't even know why I asked there's got some new sweet fit though who got like some tiger stripe camera that makes you look like naked snake alright nice fresh inventory we're back baby oh yeah baby they kept my settings right thank you bye yeah your your settings and keep on should be the same okay so check the sound thing the button yeah binaural I find neural is it good uh it is good yes I mean you can you can tell that left and right and up and down is a lot better I don't even remember how to play this game it's been so long how are things with you though man things going good yeah yeah absolutely how's it playing a lot of aliment yesterday was the last day of valerie until launchers so it's just good time but did part of me thinks that they waited said oh do this update today because they knew valerie beta was ending I swear I don't have to examine everything nope ah thank goodness only new items headed an airsoft helmet to the game it's the level 1 armor it looks like a knob score oh the tak-tek helmet is that what's called okay yep what is this tadka grenade what's a kataka oh it's the vogs they have two second fuses they're like really short-range close-range grenades wow that's big yeah cuz the last have you played before the weight change I haven't played it I literally couldn't last time was what that was I didn't play that update at all so I missed up a lot I think today rework the skill system or is that not happening it nope that will come I believe in twelve point six so the next patch so hopefully about a month that's new level you get that whole fifty holy [ __ ] yeah I meant at 0.7 is when the part of the skill system rework will come in that'll be next back yeah lots of changed I'm sure it's gonna be weird for me can't be hot but I think right uh you actually can't they they said they've removed it on the patch notes but you still can't okay I figured that's a tough one that change just kill kill a hundred times again well you can't kill you don't get the quest to kill kill a hundred times until you don't get it right away it's like I don't remember when you get it to be honest I think you have to finish a large portion of the quest of the game in order to get that question yeah it's been a long time since I played it for sure I've missed a lot they added a bunch of items they reworked a lot of like the flea market and they reworked it was like the the leveling a little bit you level a little slower they reworked how weight is determined get your Christmas present oh [ __ ] true hold on those CAPTCHA says click on images containing a motorcycle and in case you don't know what a motorcycle is it shows you a picture at the top of what a motorcycle is just in case you don't know what a motorcycle is that's funny so they weird that you have to redeem your gift you know you'd think that since it's free they would just give you it you know alright now I have my gift right here like mid case money case p90 I don't know why I did it in that way it's kind of weird how much money you start with 400 K but I spent a lot of it on I know yeah I'm just waiting I've just been messing around my inventory moving stuff around I don't know what I'm gonna bring I don't have much I'll rock this little aks you dude rocket why not wait where's this go yeah if you want some guns or something I got no [ __ ] [ __ ] on a gear if you want anything I'll bring my aks you all right brother uh it am i stupid how the [ __ ] do I do this what oh it is a gas tube oh that's right okay thanks guys you know it's been a long time yeah hey oh you know what that's what I'll do I'll just go on an offline game tester to test some [ __ ] out once I've the 308 once so bad I like it it's not it's not bad I'm like the only downside is you don't have 30 round mags you're limited to 20 on mags but it's got like 80 base ergo no I love it - nice - good ass gonna do this leaning on the floor is so weird I put it off light I want to on line just a test stuff I'm just getting used to making baiance I don't want to go and totally blind yeah I feel you I'm ready whenever you guys are I don't have much I'm literally you guys are gonna carry me this first game but that's fine good did some of the movement feels different unless I'm going crazy it could be the weight system and stuff yeah maybe a lot of little changes to the weight system oh yeah you can still be happy you still be half like [ __ ] I don't understand this system there's like the blue bar and then the green bar your arm stamina and leg stamina yeah I know so when you're holding right okay yep so like sprinting doesn't attire your 80s time array nice to change I wanted to play the pre wave event but then I was watching clean and I was like this just doesn't look fun yeah just Raiders every house is everyone's geared as [ __ ] there's Raiders everywhere like this just doesn't though the reason why I like this game is I like the straight fear of like I'm gonna die you know yeah anybody's gonna waste you but when everybody has the best gear in the game like every fight only lasts like I say yeah you don't have any long drawn-out [ __ ] you have a look at everybody so low level oh eight three two you'd love to see it I really do there's a lot of people in chat that don't understand their like but all of your progress is gone and we're all sitting here that's great it's not about it's not about the destination chadsteph journey dude that's true yeah I was watching my buddy play and he just had like a little baby a K and then he went up against the guy was like a PM pistol and it's just like the fight took like a decent bit of time and I was like oh this looks so fun yeah well aks will pistols bows and shotguns mhmmmm you're gonna hate looking at me here in a second then oh yeah I saw you a jenefor or like a that's good one interchange a beat kills [ __ ] face up wait until I accidentally TK who's gonna be good accident if you tell me ahead of time what I'm gonna serve firstly I just want to get a survival [ __ ] server for my gamma like when you black out a limb and you don't have one it's like holy [ __ ] dude Avery right here nope damn you guys look so cool it's crazy look at me yeah my bald head vanilla you suck dude gross flash drives real quick we're just guys got a lot of stuff what Tetris a nice so nice so Suga open here I don't remember Tetris is for Bitcoin right yeah yes yeah it's been a while because I'm sorry are you good I think the problem was me forgetting is that when I did play this game a lot I played it in this crazy burst you know yeah you were him I wouldn't know this for a while they're like probably a couple months a Bitcoin form yes did you and so certain and then that was it right I didn't play much prior soon we checked all the jackets yeah yeah I hit him didn't find anything I like some screws servers I'm gonna turn the power on alright my turn the power what though oh you haven't played your change over hold interchange servers on to the buyer right now people shooting at x-ray what is this kind of yeah that sounds good doesn't it sound better well yeah like I could tell that that is that extract rather than it being like hey it's in that general direction yeah rather it being like it's over there my bald head you're gonna get shoppers yeah go God I'm a knob don't you sure you should let us take point bryophyte yeah we know we know we know your shroud and [ __ ] and you're got a mer but you don't got our wrong yeah I put a melt dude I'll just stay in the bag the [ __ ] shotguns is gonna plow you when I went against the left wall by the way yeah we're just kind of keeping right here I don't want to look for a line I might through the loot economy a lot too which is nice so you're finding like a lot more item watch that front doors and push that open areas in case yeah watch it up PSU POG lunchbox in here for need food early early p.m. sea levels you get hungry that's in the garage yeah that'll be down the escalator to the right and we don't have to mess with that right now yeah just want to head straight up yeah everyone go to the office I wanted to check tech light in the office to get the sit flash drives on the left I heard somebody inside there's somebody in here throw nades he's inside the side office right here he just closed the door I can get ya here to the right right here in this little office if somebody wants to go in there pop the door I'll throw in Aden he's in this literally is literally and this is ease in this office right here I don't know how courteous I can open it I'm on the opposite side on the door I'm gonna open it Hey yeah you know yeah yeah yeah ready yeah I'm sure he's in here hey he's definitely in there throwing another one Oh rolled thrown one more I got a bunch of nails I just gotta use these I don't I don't know boys it's either dead or he's behind the door [ __ ] somebody in this [ __ ] bro I heard him close the door I'm here in Shaler flashdrive give me that well I heard somebody in here bro sure you did the knock I'm not crazy I swear to God well hey since when was there no door here anyway I remember that being a door right there yeah hold on what was that I'd have been shroud it's the new audio dude you're tripping yeah so I gotta get used to it dude and I can't we're twinning with the same guns right now winning winning and then I got a little heat kiss you good I see you guys are there I'm keep my bald head now do it's very shiny landing is kind of nice yeah they updated it it's like you can also shoot out every single light source - you can shoot out everyone really I don't want to shoot it but I want to like I shoot this what you're saying oh my god you scared me that's cool you can shoot all the sky lights and stuff it's really dope Jess where I just heard someone in front let's what the hell was weird it's a shotgun shot oh maybe that's just Illinois what the hell is this noise it's the alarm why did he get shot we can shoot we can shut it off I got one g phone man oh oh you dog thank you this is a tight room that's who shut the alarm off my food court me in the left side or the right side left side left side okay yeah I know right - love down there at the end gotcha alright um I'm gonna cross you might shoot me go for it boys all right here all right here he's right here to the left hi see ima get back Oh get me the helmets Kath you good yeah I'm all right hit me in the head but I'm alright not dead did you have on you boy oh yeah a cute shot come get the sake oh yay they don't work in 105 won't you take his hat over that I need um a good nun in the National that Killa where was your right side Derek by my flash there was it Gila know these got an ADA or something oh yeah oh jesus that no Parker bit just making sure he was dead you know yeah listen water right here shirt grab that yeah he looks like I was about that was about to be very afraid if that was killer dude it's got a WT rig and in a dark you want this yeah I'll take it I'm gonna go you could probably fold the a K and put it in there yeah this has been basically fully hit already that's true damn you got a big old brain miss Leeds Tetris yeah dude look it's you must be nice you know like rich and stuff AM streamer luck ball it's a nice little extract here nice little early game boost you know um let's go ahead up the other office with the alarm see if I can find some plaster scab instead I puckered up a little bit when you shot I'm not gonna lie I didn't get like scared but I got just a little bit of fear just a little bit a little bit of John I get feeling though not a lot of games can do that you know oh you're already done here [ __ ] wiggle you see the new prone dive animations no oh that nice fat Zig well what about what about the liens I've seen it first person a third he decides that is that the side on the side step what so there's normal there's normal eating that's so cool what are these exits safe room hole in the fence gaff can it skits killers safe room stash hole in the fence is basically a no backpack spawn or extract it's like literally right over here to our left a second between a power station ever come she's pretty sure these kids clean yeah well I mean we have to go this way you thinking they've got to be outside right yeah they're definitely by the loading bay bait me apart a part of me feels like they're up on top maybe extra camping you think they're on the stairs either the stairs are on the [ __ ] like over a cover we're never the whole thing's here I'm gonna go out and try and bait I'm gonna pop some pee case Oh exfil campers there a lot of them right now er mmm usually I'm never changes cuz there's still only two [ __ ] extracts only too easy yeah you can't you can't really go wrong really just need an ad for there should be one in each [ __ ] corner I see tracer rounds yeah I can see him you just want to leave or do you want to wait for him Abby's got me let's say become the evil that we're trying to fight we're supposed to fight the box does not become them the guns it sounds cool I think it sounds like a I think that's an 89 Hey Ya flash drive Tetris is good we're just gonna store this stuff here for now until I figure out what the [ __ ] I want to do with it good work great any time everybody gets out alive happy yeah yeah you guys wanna go scab my scabs up thick case bomb down I'm about to go yeah let's do it let's go and reserve right side in there I got a level look at - whoo okay the first rate is not a good representation of what the game is like playing what do you mean that's a very accurate representation of how the game is played I mean you kind of sneak around you walk around you clear your hangs you shoot some [ __ ] you lose some [ __ ] and you get out that's exactly how every game is and I literally have like the most minimalistic loadout tracers and a scab best and that's it I have Mosin oh he's got Nikki I got I am Soleil what I fact I don't on I fact we're behind garages right now you're buying garages someone who's just going looking shot where uh what is the night yeah okay I spawned out by close to you yeah we're there's people fighting where we are let's go this way you don't wanna get in there yeah we're gonna we got a good [ __ ] path of although this is a scary jumping shot my back I leap over running to e bunkers right now sure reserved always as potential I love her my experience Scavo said I kind of want to deal it locks for the sky bank banks I got a D size batteries some wires what's what you got that's just a scab outside I'm get this box up here in the train time be oh no brim it you can suppress the Brahmin yeah yes very quiet spooky Mosin scary bangbang it's this really terrible sight oh I think it goes on your gun but I don't know for sure does not know you're welcome even even more worthless yes got a scam out there my shootin to the face I missed nice good cops right he's dead anybody want a scab back back yes found one where as I meet me by 6 6 oh he needs it and he needs it it also has a 1 5 3 shut again where's this guy you killed he's right by sex ooh slow I need that Oh - Celina's holy [ __ ] huge thanks can I get one of them a feeling in one hey uh yeah go ahead mr. Chester she got salary in his pockets too in case you want some salary salary salary very salary breaking bosses oh hey dead gang what's up oh my god the bunker she's a bed holy hit him he's dead Oh SKS to the face huh okay no iron herself he's dead no they killed him the only the only injured injured in did my own get him sick I found an 8 KMS heist scared me dude I was a vapor that hit me it was good my grandma mouth well that sucks Krim shroud got popped yeah I feel bad I was like you guys were both looting it and I was worried I was like what's the chance that somebody's sitting here gonna blast you both I was like yeah whatever I'll jump all the loot and then I died I'm moving you clean all right he's got a pepper hunter here and he's got that the Keck helmet dude the kick there's two greatest writers Raiders Raiders yup he's baiting you I'm they came up out of nowhere that no one is whoa holy [ __ ] dude they just [ __ ] spawned it on us oh well shroud we're dead that's great I'm happy let's go let's go straight to the customs yeah nice yes yeah one of my favorite things about this game is that the developers just you could tell that it's just like a passion project yeah the vision of this game is hard it's gonna be hard you're gonna be stressed and that's what they want they want you to be stressed they don't want you to have a good time actually got the best spot for dorms so yeah yeah hold it down it's uh it's quiet up here since we're in dorms [ __ ] good we should be good oh hi miss dorms oh I missed you watched hunch the boss be upstairs super quiet Oh God we're the first ones here we need to check first um honestly I don't really want to check anything I mean check the jackets and stuff I'm gonna hang out on the first floor because I know people are gonna be coming this yeah we can't really check my hair boy shirt pushers it's just what striction self roads ice cream multiple people coming in ah he once at me I was throwing her maid [ __ ] me he's on the first floor oh damn dude I was working throwing a grenade there's two yeah two or three I'm so [ __ ] loud bro I can't even I can't even slow walk cuz I'm that loud so I said [ __ ] it up swinging hey I say yeah I just I got caught throwing a grenade I shouldn't have done that I was like I'm thrown a TP got me right in the face this new treatment system do it should I do this here yeah it's it's convenient its cost a little bit of money but it just heals your character completely two-time melted just hit me in the chest and maytee done didn't matter no armor was to stop no armor that I have was gonna stop that and when a holy [ __ ] you just [ __ ] it right my chest I died so fast it's the way she goes I'm gonna bring out I don't I'm gonna do I want to see what this thing is it looks cool oh it's so cute [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shroudy Rowdy
Views: 778,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shroud, shroudy, shroudyrowdy, shroud eft, eft shroud, escape from tarkov shroud, shroud escape from tarkov, tarkov shroud, shroud tarkov, tarkov update, tarkov wipe, tarkov patch, tarkov new wipe, escape from tarkov update, escape from tarkov wipe, escape from tarkov patch, eft wipe, eft update, eft patch, eft wipe shroud, escape from tarkov wipe shroud, tarkov wipe shroud, tarkov, escape from tarkov, eft, tarkov tips, tarkov help, tarkov advice, tarkov new, eft new, pc, aim
Id: E4KtYdUJ4oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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