ON FIRE 🤑 | Escape From Tarkov #38

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I'm kind of confused yeah okay there I think these are question is I just don't know what they're shooting at I got company boys just the players have no biggie [Music] [Music] this is the best spot this is the best pond to get in the resort okay tell me quickly what side east east East East the millet what rooms in East two to six that's pretty much it right to do six doesn't 1:07 ever let x1 probably not right just go to to six real quick I could this spawn is so fast I could probably check both east and west let X and red keycard spawns before anyone even gets to the resort this isn't the fastest bun pretty sure it is the only other one would be the one that's to the left of it which is almost as close what other what other spawn is faster than this I don't think there is 2:18 has a red keycard spawn right here on this table or some [ __ ] and then shoot shoot six isolette ex bond right here but it's not here Tetris that's pretty good oh that's pretty good too holy [ __ ] well that could go in gamma goddamn I just made it 200 250 K and that's a prime example of how easy it is to make money without even [ __ ] doing anything apparently there's a let exponent 107 I don't believe it I've never seen it but might as well keep checking right and now there's another good spawn here at 310 you open this bad boy up you could find a Bitcoin fine all that [ __ ] a skull ring that's good now we could sprint on over to the next I get spritz on over here the next wing zero six I think is good I don't remember oh this is just for like it's not good now we run down here we'll go check red key card go check blue key card we'll fly over here check for red key card no no red key card spawn and I will go up we'll go on 12 we'll go check blue key card spawn blue key card spawns in here no blue key card my drugs just ended that's I feel like I just heard somebody there's some good rooms here you can open up this the triple room the triple room has the triple room has a red key card right something come where are my stupid I could be thinking of a different room CMS oh yeah on this barrel or some [ __ ] chew 18 what do you mean - 18 might want 18 isn't even a it's not these rooms right no stop yes yeah that's right it's puzzles barrel that's right okay I thought you guys excuse me [Applause] there's no red key card chat stop it let me check again it look huh see a red key card huh if they hold us crossfire make sure we do a clean sweep what's up over there goddamn traitor you better worry about bears we got a [ __ ] rat hello he made himself scavs here no way man okay we got bears now we got goddamn scat [Music] which i beat me with his heels I think just waiting for him to go to back to the balcony hopefully I hit him in the head if he does it's all I'm waiting for no one's left behind yeah he's getting hurt he's gonna peek maybe not this balcony he was gonna peek the door for sure usually you pop painkillers fear about the peak I had some decent year actually this guy his friend did it but this guy did come on peak repeat the balcony here we go last bullet just had to be patient enough you know I'm all set of bullets ruff Gigi's boys check for the red key card again stop it you'd roll you had no recoil that gun is [ __ ] stupid no this guns really bad actually it's really bad gun it's just fun to use it's a 9-mil you never really want to rock nine mils I'm just fortunate fortunate that they were a little bit under geared so it wasn't that bad level 9 oh I'm sorry man so if it makes you feel any better I'm just going to strip your gun of its parts okay that's it maybe take your helmet what if it was what if there's four dude what if there's one more would that be crazy this is the guy kills the second one little seven very very lightly geared people's you guys we're all very lightly good well this guy well 13 oh my god what are you guys doing I guess you brought out some sixties [ __ ] what is the Lisa net what are you doing boys are only snacks huh oh my god ers you guys we're gonna achieve anything all right well pretty much good to go okay [ __ ] [ __ ] it sixteen you can have it back we're pretty much good to go there's not much we can search that's the left oh I can check the 301 301 is a good room roundabout that check that yeah the ammo and this gun is kind of rough cuz like I'm trying to we're trying to hit him in the legs I don't want to hit him in there in the chest a head shot works I was lucky because I headshot both those guys actually a head shot all three I think I was really lucky that I had shot all three of those guys because the bullets I have for this thing is not very armor-piercing you not very good loot at all from these the reason why you don't really need to be the reason why you don't really need to bring snacks into a raid is simply because there's so many snacks that you will find in the raid that it is not gonna be an issue like if you're playing the game right and you're searching everything and whatever you're gonna find snacks you don't need to bring them let me uh let me see if brought passage is open will I be able to see if rock passage is open from the roof oh I don't know maybe if I go all the way over here I don't see green smoke sniper scab you jump off without breaking your leg sir I don't think so let's check fire stay back sir I'm sorry let's check let's check the thingy oh my god everything fine oh nevermind everything is not fine just took a second for it to happen not right oh my god I fifty health left holy [ __ ] why you no that's broke some legs no big deal that was funny wasn't it I just wanted some feeling XP okay this is all I really wanted graceful yeah that was a graceful job very very graceful okay so you can see the smoke from the roof I think that clearly is no smoke point clear not clearly cannot leave unless it's a bug then it will still let me leave we'll see I don't think it will cool so you can you can you can see the smoke from the roof thank you if I remember correctly you can do this go right here then you can go [Music] is that dome from reserve your head is I tried the thermal goggles yet yeah they're [ __ ] o P thermal goggles are busted so I have a pillbox yeah I do but it's not public breeki I missed my man what prone you broke my leg are you kidding B how many times I've had to patch these things huh yeah I don't think this game has a place for thermal goggles for being honest here the thermal goggles are [ __ ] insane I wish this place had more stuff a swamp a swamp like it should be it should be risk to go in because obviously it's a swamp and I'll slow you down but they should have some great loot hey cool why do I have a feeling I'm about to get extract cams you know I don't know I'm just feeling it right now what thought did my man just spawn here the [ __ ] was that I swear he wasn't here and then he was ready keycard I can't wait for the update when you can't gamma stuff anymore that's gonna be fun the only downside to that is it's gonna make extract camping pretty crazy I just heard someone I'm alright I think whatever they had a Halloween on this event it would be scary for Halloween they have the scavs have pumpkin helmets on and they illuminate linked in a really really cool way it's kind of creepy at night at night it looks really really scary ahead channel 3 those guys what do you mean no gamma I mean they're trying to they're trying to find a way so that you can't put barter items in your gamma so like you could probably put meds and stuff you can put like your key tool you could put those things but for example like a Tetris you want to be able to like these things that's what they're trying to do they're trying to they're trying to fix that so that'll be fun you even get hit in the armor that whole run I got hit everywhere but the armor that's funny [Music] yeah Opie Opie means overpowered really I mean there's at the end of the day like this is trying to be somewhat realistic so like some of the rifles that they have or spare bolt actions or whatever some of the guns they have used really really big bullets but they're really really cheap guns all the same Raider there's another one I got hurt yeah cheap guns big bullets pretty much so you can bring you could you could you can make tons of money by just like if I just didn't use any of these if I didn't use any of these expensive weapons and I just used really really cheap weapons I would only see you gain I would never my money would never go down it just never would because like the kit that you'd bring out is nothing you know you bring out a like a hundred K you bring out a hundred K kit it doesn't matter if you lose it like ten times you know there's there's one run there that you're gonna make a mil for sure you know a case better [ __ ] five five six I mean terms of like money yeah wrong there a case so much cheaper in terms of what's actually better though five five six is obviously better because the guns you have are in a shoot faster at the end of the day it all kind of comes down to the RPM like most games rpm is important you know take siege for example two rpm is what wins fights I mean there's there's a reason why they made the m4 bullets so expensive right I mean it's the best it's the best gun by far so their way of balancing it is by making it super expensive it makes sense are you gonna extract now uh no I don't think so hey thank you for the thank you for the raid bye dude I hope you had a good stream my friend so crazy man it's 8 p.m. and I've only been streaming for like 3 hours the [ __ ] happened to me streaming so goddamn late scared the [ __ ] out of me dude holy [ __ ] it's kind of a waste of cells to be honest having that let me go check to see it's gonna be kind of scary cuz it's gonna shred close to Raiders oh my god I did not expect a writer there [ __ ] was he doing I might need to combine this I hear one more Raider yeah I'm gonna need to take this so this is actually perfect this is great this is happening come come Raider I need some more Reiter Reiter monies ninjas all excited cause it's gonna be for night now dude that's huge man that is such a big deal that's the world's second biggest game you know I mean are those doors closed my question that's just a player out there Onan I need a bait Raiders to me somehow yeah I don't know what kind of deal did you got you know for that whole fortnight skin but either way the amount of people that is gonna buy it's gonna be absurd and even if it doesn't affect him directly in terms of straight revenue like who knows the deal he got but even if it doesn't affect in straight revenue my man's got his [ __ ] [ __ ] plastered everywhere you don't I mean it's a good thing oh my god that's really good that's a good weapon [ __ ] terms of money I mean second Aquarian take my gains but you can always get more you know like I probably have like what I don't know a couple hundred thousand not too much oh yeah it's good it's the exposure is great for his brand overall absolutely I grab those just not I guess what's the difference between a shroud or dock skin-on pub Jean and then just get on for tonight same thing oh my god that's just not true haha that's just not true at all not even close there's no way you're serious owners let's count the m4 left Ernie I'll just take my winnings and did I could run it back I guess this benign is B Nance not feeling that you have to experience what do you mean I think she likes it sounds like she likes it then I'm going to keep the morphine I'm kind of running low on morphine usually you can make a lot of money with morphine but I'll keep it usually a morphine that's your decent bit should be okay though I should still this should still be a pretty solid run I like to sell all in one go but my inventory is getting [ __ ] messy dude oh my god why did I get this fun oh it's this scope again the hell's this thing called tank 30 the spawn is really bad I don't like it you get you get like pinch too hard here in between too many spawns oh I didn't even know what that was so a couple spawns out here although I don't see anything dumb damn it's really clear out right now super easy to see if anybody would be here it's perfect sniping weather for sure don't see anyone tell no that's crazy nobody goes dumb anymore I wonder if people have learned that it's just so easy to spot somebody there's so many different angles you know I'd imagine that's why nobody goes dome anymore and aim for the legs with this gun can't aim for upper body or else I'm gonna do anything got a hit at trouser leg shots no in-betweens this is a pretty common Rock right here where people camp actually it's this one unfortunately nobody's here maybe I should go dome on mrs water graphics card no looks like one for sex oh yes weather's really nice right now nice some ways this weather that I can never see anybody and then with the really the really ridiculous like hard to see weather is when I actually can spot people or like they're just in my crosshair you know always how that works oh my god could you shoot out here you definitely could you imagine killing somebody through this I ridiculous that would be I think it would go through right I'll see why it wouldn't because when it's clear - because when it's clear people are too scared to peek true that's true usually when it's really clear like this most people are creeping around hiding trying not to be seen in the open so far today today's been a little bit rough for me uh I'm kind of I've killed I've killed a lot of geared people but I haven't really gotten that out it's been kind of a rough one luckily I have so much money doesn't even matter hmm this is open that's scary every time I see something like that I'm like dude I'm like I'm I'm right here where the [ __ ] is this person then open that you know okay someone's been through here this is probably where they spawned somebody's already been through here and stuff god it's so clear oh my goodness this is crazy I feel like if I go dome everybody's gonna be able to see me come back to interchange that place is your playground do the interchange is so dark it's the worst part about it it is a fun map though just really dark running t7 thermals on interchange ohms [Music] I just missed them fun [Music] damn [Music] unfortunate [Music] I'm taking the chance dude I'm going I'm going to the tippity-top I'm taking this chance ballsy play here cotton [Music] you [Music] dude it's so clear oh my god I could see everything [Music] holy [ __ ] nested [Music] awesome AI may I return I was about to shoot it but like I don't waste it on an AI [Music] you oh is that boss no that's just regular breeki right yeah I think it's a regular [Music] [ __ ] it what about here nope here never know hey it did really look like you saw me he was staring it at me sounded like a it sounded like I heard somebody under me weird how that's crazy man how am I not seeing anything up here I'd literally see nothing just dead silent no gunshots no movement besides me thinking I just heard someone under me again God that was so spout suck if I got flanked and I don't even know it just so quiet just so quiet nothing at all so weird so weird it's like creepy how quiet it is that looks like it could be a person but I don't think so is like that right there now no no way close though just quiet dead quiet creepy beating me [Music] he hit the switch but he's not running out I feel like I'm being baited [Music] there's [Music] all this to know [Music] what they did I think so I think I killed them sourdough [Music] you I'm pretty sure I [Music] you I don't know I can't tell those damn bushes [Music] oh my god that sneaky little devil that sneaky little devil ha ha he said the bushes that acted like he was dead this [ __ ] guy where's the other one you [Music] yeah the button only lasts for four minutes do you think I killed them both be honest cuz I don't think I did I feel like I let one go but it's so hard to tell that's the one I killed now the other one might have gotten away I just don't know oh they're both dead very very lightly geared very lightly geared but what I mean I'm trying to lose these guys there's that scab that I saw oh that's that's the guy I think that's shot the pit sounded like a pistol unless that's an AI too kind of walking around like it's an AI okay now I'm kind of confused yeah okay there I think these are question is I just don't know what they're shooting at I got company boys just a player scout no biggie oh he looted his buddy I see that's why one guy looked lightly geared and the other one dude no maybe I don't think so well um I guess I should loop these guys I mean who knows they were trying they were trying to leave so maybe they have some value on them I don't know and we're rushing out of here I hit the button and everything or they're just very low level players and any little bit of gears enough for them you know [ __ ] happen in here it's kind of a risky it's kind of a risky spot to loot it really is super super risky this is straight asking to die but let's rub some Vaseline and you go check it out god I can't whatever dude the actual sports yeah yeah de Flint that I'm taking the chance I ain't moving not cool who did that ways back that's crazy that's so far away it sound like he was right next to me hey mister scabby [ __ ] off get it those guys didn't have any loot really unless there was a hidden item over there you know there's something I didn't show me let's go check marked okay I saw somebody in that door let's go check mark to see if it's open real quick this is a very very um slow game no geared players no nothing just a bunch of low beasts God if I run into a [ __ ] I run to the sky boss in here [ __ ] dead fact Oh who hurt you LVT mo and not here for no BT mo huh in this was the start of the white yeah this map you pretty much what you do is you have an empty gamma you run with a pistol or a hatchet and you just go from all the loot spots and most of the time you come out with like 700k that's it bring a hatchet sprint loot spots 7-under King you do that over and over and over again and boom be rich trials crazy now that's not the way I like to play but that is that is a method that is a strategy that people do when they're really really broke though just really quickly makes a couple under K each run run around their knife out check today baby me me me put it try to kill some Raiders [Applause] Raiders should have spawned by now I just gotta catch them on the right angle I guess [Applause] [Applause] I'm not singing any Raiders I'm gonna have to go all the way around to try to find them so if I peek him from I get people I could peek him from top of this bunker but if I do that there's a very good chance I'd die so instead we'll go are their crossbows in this game no I highly doubt they're gonna add crossbows that's really strange me never know I guess but I'd be a little weird you think this marked rooms open got a lame [ __ ] reserve run actually I should have just left when I should have left when I realized it was a lame was a preserve run to be honest but I did it so here we are no it's not open I was tricked Oh [Music] one of the good aka spawn here these are really really good starter acres because like cuz they're super easy to find and they're they're pretty good you know I like not bad little baby hey case alright this is lame as [ __ ] nothing's happening nothing's happened Lestrade the only way I can make some money right now is feeling readers that's really the only way and Raiders should be here cuz the Train should be here in a second so it's kind of my only way to make money or else this is gonna be kind of a dead run oh look it's here why did it wait what wait our stand that's the Train wait what oh it's already here oh [ __ ] let me see if someone's on it dude if I kill somebody in the last second I'll be finding all areas I'm so sorry I'm so sorry listen man listen I don't know oh he's so pissed oh my god I'm so sorry oh man he was just trying to leave dude he was what level was he he was probably just it was he like level 12 or 20 or something well of 23 he was just trying to leave dude he's like oh [ __ ] I got some bunny boys I got somebody the plus side is he probably should get his stuff back right that's buddy that's neat that's so funny that's so kind of a lame game huh [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 38,971
Rating: 4.6056337 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: bLkWCtU3jZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 43sec (5383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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