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hello everyone today's video is going to be the first day of raids on this brand-new fresh escape from tarkov standard account now I created this account in addition to the other fresh account so that I could live stream a full playthrough teach you guys some more and I've just been really enjoying playing new accounts mainly because the main account has the Bitcoin farmer and it's just been way too easy to get money and I don't really feel the challenge so playing on these fresh accounts gives me a chance to challenge myself to teach you guys and to kind of walk all you new players through the beginning levels of escape from tarkov now in today's video we're gonna teach you how to take the losses like a champ and how to come back and invest in yourself so that you end up with a bigger return so I hope you guys do enjoy today's video make sure you stick around and keep an eye out for our YouTube livestream of this tarkov account and if you're looking to watch the full talk i'll vod's make sure you become a channel member by hitting that blue join button down below thanks so much for watching guys I hope you do enjoy today's video don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and enjoy the show alright we just need to kill scavs I don't I'm not really looking for fights so we're just gonna run give it devs of this game or toxic I don't know about that all right that's one scab gasps I was worried about we made noise and there's a dude across the river looking for us let me know if the volume is too loud or too quiet for you guys yep yep I don't want that yeah we made a lot of noise kill nuts Gavin so someone across the water started looking for us there's this body all Oh what is that you gotta be kidding me who a hose no one's been up here which is good see what we can loot me there are those is something that we want to pick up we're gonna eat here Oh was that this a scab you might be able to tap this scab for our quest so yep there we go nice alright then let's finish looting this real fast someone's been up here and I'm off luck around here anymore that crate was open which means we're gonna zip on out okay looking good now the main threat at this point is gonna be someone camp in an extract there's a couple who's gonna say this oh [ __ ] he's not dead that's good the [ __ ] out of me I thought I dropped him we got to do this fast cuz we're making a noise that's good the [ __ ] out of me I thought I'd dropped him so that last shot there really scared the [ __ ] out of me I traded with him too oh my [ __ ] god he shot me in the head let's just help be sometimes guys [Music] unfortunately our first rate on this account did not go as well as it could have we got killed by scab right outside to extract but we did match get a couple of those guys kills for our main quest but with our first rate out of the way it was time to jump back into customs but this time with a pistol and a packer to see if we could finish our scab kills honestly I also miss played that last fight at the end there because I thought he went around the corner I didn't see him behind that little scaffolding [ __ ] so I punched out so far to the left because I wanted to get an angle on him from the left but it turns out he was right in front of me behind the scaffolding I just didn't see him alright we spawn close to dorms but there's no point in me really rushing dorms what do I want to do I did not bring a any extra bullets oh I've got 45 pistol rounds and that's it unless I found more find more probably should have brought a couple more but I'm hoping we can drop a scav with 45 pistol rounds so here's to hope you know always got to be careful of snipers cab he's up there and I don't have range to deal with that so I guess we're going this way in the dorms his if he's got an SVD he'll [ __ ] you up and there's no way I'm gonna pistol him before he SPD's me how do you tell the difference between a PMC or scab the first most obvious thing is the clothes that they're wearing scabs look like more people and the MCS don't the other way is I just movement you after playing a lot you start to recognize what a player movement looks like yeah so sniper scabs kicking at someone right now I want to check all these cabinets for quest items just any items that are good there are three cabinets I think in this room in this building I want to check oh there's a gas and feed that for quest this is a duct tape that keeps okay place quad because of me a nice dude welcome to the team oh yeah AI scavs also chirp-chirp is when you make a when they use that noise i saw the blue laser - i saw as i was running to the back wall i saw the blue laser and was like I'm [ __ ] so as you can see we're having a really tough go of it on this new account currently over - on our raids and you know that's just how it is sometimes so with the current situation I decided to scavenge onto reserve and try to see if we can kind of get lucky and maybe get some gear to use in future raids well we got a nice backpack what the [ __ ] is that a AI or is that a player looking right at me it's an AI this is a pretty good time into the raid we've got the civilian vault ease so we have the potential that's over here which means this guy's out in the open if I can get up next to him I'm gonna hang out with these guys yeah I want that gun it's cuz it continually right running into the barbed wire oh [ __ ] he sees me I know why he was looking over here but he saw me I can't tell if that's another scab nope not another scab I think that's a bare p.m. see he's dead someone's shooting at me now aro around the hill yep [ __ ] that am I getting shot up from from dome gate toei that's coming in from Rena chill here a little bit what I come from this tower is there someone in this tower you hear that that came from my right right [ __ ] no why my gunshot there all right so someone's definitely looking at me we're pretty boned here boys I mean I'm gonna try to see if there's anyone in here I'm gonna get shot out while I go up this Oh what's up dude this guy's not happy it's cuz very unhappy I would be pretty unhappy too though honestly if that had happened to me I would be calling so much [ __ ] okay what's the play here where's my extracts it's Gavin's sewer manhole hole in the fence by mountains CP fence okay trying to think what I do here I think we'd go back south I think that's the play I hit this dude in the face didn't I where did I hit this guy I must've hit him in the face all right we're on this way I don't think I've heating pipe do I know I gotta go all the way to skavlan oh wait [ __ ] scavenges I need a buddy I just remember Oh God no bueno boys this guy just got [ __ ] dropped there's a sniper out there boys and he's not [ __ ] around dude just watching people get dropped right in front of me I'm scared yo I'm [ __ ] scared this guy just [ __ ] dropped I mean I just want to see what he has please don't get me killed like this please I'm gonna die like this no he doesn't have anything I want give me the [ __ ] out honestly I might I might have wanted that Mosin instead of the ball t but that's like some min maxing right there that doesn't need to happen oh god he's gotta be up in tower just sniping people so right now I'm just trying to be careful with my sprint management I don't want to burn all of it alright and our extract that we're heading to is a hole in the fence by mountains which we're getting closer to so let's do that huh just go over there all right give me the [ __ ] out of here well keyboard do I have I've got a real force tkl RGB though I do eventually want to get a custom keyboard I'll probably sit on this for a while alright I headshot him dude I walked up there and I just clapped his cheeks pop them got three backpacks very nice got this junkie civilian rifled that I don't even know how I killed that dude with got an eye effect got a grenade which is really cool but I think the most important thing take away is the the rifle that we're gonna strip the parts and then this body armor is gonna be very very helpful after a pretty successful run as a scab on reserve I decide to grab a p226 and load back into customs to see if we can try our hand at some more scab kills I think it is pretty nice though them are pretty nice are we all right slow down here because there might be players moving around I feel like I hear something I'm pretty sure I heard a bush am i right somewhere that's like 100% in the woods there are two things you need to be doing number one hitting bushes as the least amount possible and number two listening for idiots hitting bushes that's your job when you're in the woods god damn dude a lot of players aren't that's a [ __ ] rip please don't have a friend that's a [ __ ] rip oh that's a big [ __ ] rip give me your [ __ ] now man's got pistol oh my god quickly not this drop this quickly drop it we're gonna get this grab that scan this and let's loot that this man is not happy either give me your gun you're full nice and we're out so sound like I said very important here I heard that guy coming and was able to get my my sights properly rested if I'd been walking around when he popped up on me it would not have gotten those two shots off as steady is it good so hella important to like really listen when you're in the bushes cuz you'll hear beep back all right so small tip here I'm looking for movement on that far hill why my stands getting back moving just the tiniest amount so it's a little bit harder to headshot me if someone's looking at me that's two players we're not gonna fight this I [ __ ] up the initial fight there so I'm gonna frag them so they stay tight and then push out and loop 100% don't you take that fight yeah I remember talk ops all about surviving if you don't survive it's [ __ ] all for nothing another thing I could do right here is well there focus on where a first engage them they can move fast to the side I think I see someone up at power tower though so I'm gonna flank these guys a lot of the times if you can get that flank going fast enough within the first like minute in a fight you'll catch him looking at where you were and you'll get easy kills so it's really important that you displace rapidly in this game if possible they're ready for it we're gonna wait for stem and then go so then being a to stack it's easier for them to deal with that because they have one watching in the front and then he just tells his friend to watch the side angle right so we're gonna really quickly go in here pop the pane keep moving all about survival no point in taking fights we can't win or don't need to win keep going there's something off to my right here a big gun silenced wrist slow it down try to hear now if you switch fights like this where you engage in run one thing you want to do is especially in the bush once again just listen for them to come stomping in after you there's so many times I've taken fights in woods ran away a little bit or pulled back just the tiniest a bit and then you'll hear them come stop and coming after you with that Thera see we're gonna check how [ __ ] up I am alright so we are hands down gonna fix this wants to see what's in these bags I lost a Mac they're watching it we're also gonna splint Ralph s now where I keep going alright let's keep going we're good here alright once again sniper Scout spawn up there when I check that real fast there is some kind of suppressed rifle over there but I want to keep moving because if these guys are hunting me right now is the perfect opportunity for them to shoot me in the back because they've got high ground and I'm crossing a low ground area which means they have me completely so we're gonna keep moving here you kind of just want to dip out I'm happy with the gear that I've got I'm gonna quickly loot this right here I see a pack of sugar there which is real nice what can I um oh is this quickly please ét where I take that he's good ammo I take the sugar with a lot hope someone's been here I think a noobs been here because any experienced player would have picked up that sugar are not too concerned with the far shots don't get too distracted with gun shots especially if they're not like in your air yeah this is actually the perfect time for me to move because while they're fighting they're causing a distraction for a whole bunch of other players and that's where everyone's gonna be looking so while sometimes like you'll see a lot of new players get stuck scared after gunshots even if they're far away sometimes the gunshots are the best time for you to move a lot of new players they'll hear the gunshots get scared but just realize that if someone's shootin and it's not at you that's the best time you could possibly want to move so some players like to camp this extract so we could be careful here alright we're good while people will sit behind this barrel like this which is dumb but it happens we're just gonna sound [ __ ] see if anyone comes after us but yeah alright nice so I'm seeing questions like why didn't I fight why did I lose the mag I didn't take that fight because this is a brand new account I want to get out with gear I know I don't want to get kills like kills are great and all but Karkov is all about surviving it's a survival game so if you kill like ten people and you get headshot it of that bias cab at the end like that means not thing you just lost everything you literally wasted your time and raid so getting out with stuff is definitely one of the most important important things of tarkoff people get distracted by the shooting a lot especially early game when you can't really afford to be like going after all these fights take what you can and get out later on into the game when you can bankroll your gear and you can actually like equip yourself well enough to win most fights then you can start thirsting and going like a Chad but in the beginning you want to kind of just take what you can get we'd kill the level 38 player I just sound whoring him coming through the bush I don't know how I hurt him and he didn't hear me he was wearing contact contacts why the new account because I wanted you stuff like this I want to teach players I want to show people the new player experience and hopefully you know help help everyone out with like trying to learn the game but yeah we clap that dude holy he's got to be upset this is a nice ok we'll probably end up using this well we're definitely gonna end up using this m1a the nice thing is we also have a couple of rounds for it I mean not that many we have like 5 m61 mags our bullets but we're gonna keep that was this was a shooter yeah that was a good ride that was a really nice raid really quick and dirty so after getting pretty lucky on that last pistol run I decided to take another p226 and on interchange and try to make some money so we can start bankroll in this account so we're going into interchange here because interchange has a ton of loot spawns I mean there are like some really good places like you can get good tech spawns at tech light at rasmussen at the text was that called techno there's also a small tech store across from mantis but even just like if you hug underground and you just sit in the garages and loot stuff it's pretty safe very few players go down there there's a couple scab spawns down there but even just hitting all those boxes you can come out with quite a bit of loot so I'm gonna show you all the like we got a really good spawn because they're like 5 caches in this small area that can spawn almost any item in the game so you always want to hit these especially if you're new to the game because these are these are pretty money a scam bro I feel like facecam takes away from oh that's really good takes away from my stream unfortunately oh I got to fuel cons holy stream really got aqua Mario's in m9o ApS nice dude streamer loot holy let's go ahead and hotkey that for now bring up these cigarettes because we do need them for a quest later so grab those cigarettes almost all the cigarettes are useful except for like two of them Winston's are definitely the ones you want to grab okay I was reading chat and apparently this [ __ ] Jesus dude just died this guy probably had the same thought which was hitting all the caches so while I'm healing here I kind of want to be careful I'm just trying to see if he has a friend now it's usually safe to heal like this because then I see someone on my left I can duck in right if I see someone on my right I can duck in left and while you're healing multitasking wanting to get all that information as as much as possible like that's the most efficient way to heals like making sure you're doing something when you're healing got a move when you're healing like looking for someone that's a rip right throw that in there we're gonna dump this when I grab that you want to get really good at looting fast because the last thing you wanna do is is just sit in your loading screen like for that for example right now I don't need to be doing that I really don't need to be going through that this vest in the open I can go to a corner and then look at the best I'll take that one was it pakka nails okay all right we're good I'm good to get out now because we got a full bag we got some loot now the reason why I'm kind of get out of here as fast as possible is because we we shot we made noise and players are attracted to No and they will come try to find you and kill you we're kind of locked into this back pocket of the map so it's kind of dangerous right now it's kind of dangerous for us because we made noise and we were in a pocket of the map which means it's easy for them to cut us off if we try to get out of here the checkpoint out here on the right is kind of hot it's a high-traffic area for players because there's a couple question you need you over there and then scabs one over there as well I'm gonna check how many rounds this guy has South Africa so luckily he was shooting trash ammo because he did hit us and it did [ __ ] hurt it did hurt I take a moment here to see if he picked up anything else that's useful here he got BS round she's pretty nice rich drop all this trash ammo here yeah it's all garbage okay ready use the last of that watching my stand here but I do need to burn it because that's a little bit more open than I'd like the main threat at this point is gonna be this [ __ ] guy to my front so there's a guy going to checkpoint right now he's probably going for a quest and then there's a scav so lovely I don't think this guy saw me though so now we're not gonna sprint I'm gonna keep moving but we're gonna try to sound hor if he gets into a fight on checkpoint we will take that fight because he will be distracted now I'm gonna quiet up and uh listen no bueno oh no he [ __ ] [ __ ] up my life we're probably done here why can't I Iman please you [ __ ] me up can you PK Blees now I want to go we're not healing here running always broke my [ __ ] leg goddammit alright where's where's that splint when I put it that's why you always bring splints boys quickly quickly I wanna go home I want to go home I don't want to be here I made noise there's multiple scabs and possibly a player we're out but I am gonna be greedy III am gonna be greedy you know I say greed kills there you go boys there you go the good news there's that we got to fuel cons and that's a lot of money you can make a lot of money on that map after getting slapped around her a greedy play I decided to do a couple of loot runs on my scab and pmc and they were pretty uneventful we did manage to pick up our scabs sa-58 which he ended up using in the next PMC run and this one got a little spicy all right no I think it's worth uh yeah I I enjoy this game I think it's fun I like this game so we're just here to [ __ ] up scabs so that's what we'll do it's gonna lurk around yo some scabs try not to get get it on spawn you know the whole shebang my general idea right now is to head to the coast there's a little lip that I really enjoy hanging around I do want to get deeper into this tree line though so I'm like it snapped across the open I'm lucky the scabs and paying attention since he's so close to me I'm just gonna loot him off us his pockets oh alright we're out you make one shot you're kind of safe it's hard to kind of pinpoint where someone is off a one shot unless you're waiting for it and you're ready [ __ ] is this what are you doing in the bush sir hello I might have a friend and I only have two mags so we're gonna dip out uh what so if I'd been running through the treeline he would have heard me and I would have died 100% but he's got to be wearing some nice armor because I clapped him like five times with this thing and it didn't kill him now one thing that you'll find that happens on woods you'll lose where your kill was because it's it's so hard to see what the new grass she's sitting in a bush I think he's so low there's no way you sit in a bush like that with a teammate I think so we're gonna be fast here yeah he was wearing some pretty nice armor where I dropped that cuz we all need it with that oh no he's got something in his bag what's in your pockets nothing all right Andrew yeah eyes erode his armor he ate all of that I was interesting it was pretty interesting are you careful here with all the noise I'm making [ __ ] that's not good I might want to turn around I see him okay we need to run you go we make noise make noise and get the [ __ ] out I want to be in the open though we're gonna double back he's fighting someone else there's two guys over there red this place in a bush I need this guy's Mosin ammo yeah where were where were all your bullets oh my god this clown must have been reloading his bullets from his gamma but checked him I'm down to reset let's reset yeah there's like no scabs here which is bizarre Rio bazaar usually there's a ton of scavs here oh there's one one had a helmet some [ __ ] listen let's go yeah hey they just spawn he's dead right yeah [Applause] no one's wearing armor alright we're not gonna loot the far ones just gonna eat these small ones and get out I do want that other guy in the middle but that's greedy and we all know about greed right I don't need that loot all right oh we actually got a lot of scabs there as you can see that was a pretty successful woods raid we met you get quite a few scales for a quest and even managed to drop a player and get out with his little life so I'm pretty happy about that now our goal is to continue working towards our kill quest with our 15 scabs on woods and customs but to mix it up a little bit instead of going back in the woods we're gonna head into customs and see what kind of trouble we can get into and this rate gets pretty intense do the unknown quest here also check the back here for a flash drive pick this one fast and then squirt out a flash drive oh well I just bagged on shared you like flag hello I think that scab boss I don't have the shortcut key with me unfortunately it's a short trick right there is like as soon as you put the key down you start wobbling around and makes it harder for you to get shot oh there it is go around and try to pick up on that fight I want to shoot things I want to shoot things well we're looking good I haven't seen a single player over here which is really weird because usually when you go into the pocket like that you'll see people have stand back please ooh some people boys this right I really want to fight this raid it's been a little bit too smooth sailing I've not matched it that jump over there to go miss an aide are actually want that gun what what hey what the [ __ ] sketches houdini'd it [Applause] pause mags tier let's so I'm going through his bag sure should be able to see something down there alright I hid behind me I heard the thud cut that line of sight [Applause] that's a [ __ ] three stack I don't want this I don't want this fight right now that's a three stack let's see if I can loop and hit him from the back but I'm not hitting that head-on no [ __ ] way Jose all if I drop that first guy he's right in front of me I'm just gonna keep changing the angle up on them you see how you can really confuse the [ __ ] out of people we're gonna try it one more time from a different angle this is dumb I see him now that one let's switch it up again you saw [ __ ] with their heads do they [ __ ] maybe no idea what the [ __ ] is going on not a goddamn clue so now they're stuck there because they're gonna want to get their friend stuff so I got time to do this want to make sure I'm topped off because I only got three Meg's so they're gonna be stuck there cuz they're gonna be looking for their friend stuff and I just dropped the mag that's not good at all did I know why did it look like I dropped the mag look like I kicked that mag out didn't it so there's at least three it might be even be a bigger stack than that honestly because I saw like a big backpack I saw a pilgrim I saw the attack to you I saw the pilgrim that first guy didn't have a big bag so there's definitely at least three with one down and they ran into someone else I'm kind of fine with just chillin up here until someone tries to get their friends stuff there's no reason for me to go down there into the brush it's a bad move to go down there I got a really good position here so I think we just hold this I didn't get tagged did I know got a really good spot here I wanna give it up I'm watching that little hole right there and then the railroad tracks to see if anyone comes over it only thing is I'm standing at the stand can I crouch yeah I think yes it's kind of dangerous because I'm pushing the same angle I can loop around and hit him from the same spot again on the right I might do that I made noise too so I just gotta make sure this guy doesn't hear me sprint which means to kick out over here pretty far on the right can I switch it up again load get while we're at it I was using m6 thoughts using m61 this would have gone a little bit differently let's back off a little bit sometimes you'll catch him charging through to try to push you we're fine we can take all day I'm not in a rush so once again just trying to get as much eyes on as I'm healing you got to be careful because you can't really sprint while you heal it's the only concern but we're gonna keep rotating get him from the training again I think that was a there's one more up I think pretty sure he's in the brush there I said this is a dumb play gonna back off but he's right there no loopback I know where he is now so there's no need for me to push that corner because he's got advantage I'm gonna kick back and see if I can get a white peek on him I'll soon need to check my armor status or find on our that's good got to be careful now cuz they all kind of spread the [ __ ] out so we're losing control of this fight really fast okay so that's because it's good good that's one this is to drop the 3004 stack so that guys just [ __ ] around over there alright it's that's very useful information or that could be a scav that's three dead I could chance it you know what I'm just gonna do that that guy's gonna be messing around I'm gonna use this time to just bag and tag least you guys honey get too greedy it's a level 40 holy [ __ ] could you could you research that please thank you it's got tak-tek doing this AKA quest that's a rip okay stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh god I'm all over the place I want this you really read that drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it drop no just oh sure oh dear Lord this was a bad idea let's get rid of that we're mid maxing like [ __ ] here we're running out of time so I'm talking about examining takes [ __ ] forever what's in here is there anything useful in here is it's just garbage is garbage you've nades or anything what is that I'll take a wallet I hear something all right we're just gonna leave I could try to get that last guy who shot at me but honestly I'm happy with this hall so we're just gonna dip not loss guys gonna get stuff back but there's a player over there I don't really feel like dying for that one guy stuff but you can really see like how deadly it is if you engage and immediately split to the side and then just keep doing that if you have the opportunity especially if it's a group if it's a solo player solo players are more likely to sprint because they're not slowed down by their teammates but if it's a group of players like that's the downside of running big groups and tarkov is that it's slow right because if these guys decide to split on the break there's a huge chance that they end up team killing each other because everyone's running around that's why big groups don't split so you can really abuse that by getting really abused that by just hitting them from multiple angles and using that solo mobility it's huge see if we can get out of here though I was a pretty successful raid dude I mean this is like a prime example of why it's awesome to like reinvest in your character right because a lot of people just go pissed around pissed around pissed around pistol run which is okay but it limits what you can do it's low risk low reward whereas like if you kit like this like I got this foul on my second scav through a side on it grab some armor you can you can start taking down big boys and the payouts bigger so high-risk high-reward see I dropped that last guy um didn't make a play for him just because I thought there might have been another after coming out of that one meet four on top you can really see how splitting off the break of the engagement can really work to your advantage when you're going solo versus groups big players are slowed down by the piates because I don't want a team kill others while you as a solo player have a lot of mobility so you really need to capitalize on that anyways now that we're done with some of our custom kills we're gonna hop back in the woods to mix it up again this time we're reinvesting even more into this fell by throwing on a better stock as well as the variable HHS Co tech Hall site so we have close and long-range engagement being so low on woods is a pain in the [ __ ] ass dude I'm really not comfortable with any of what's going on right now [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that with a capital F I think that guy's dead pretty sure that guy's dead just gonna loop around alright check out the right here once again we're just kind of hunting for kills I don't really have anywhere I want to be in particular I might head down in the lumber yard and see if I can loot that dude I have a bad feeling about this [Applause] [Applause] it's a [ __ ] boss keV better be real careful here cuz while I'm dealing with these guys I could get crept up on or shot out on a walk on a wide angle oh you push back let's get the [ __ ] out of me god damn it holy stutter Batman run a dip below and hit it from a different angle once again just change that angle of attack boys oh I see him I see him I see him put a cut right see we can head him off someone's [ __ ] down there someone hit a bush that guy looks like he had a friend so that guy sketched me out a little bit that guy 100% looked like he had a friend there's that Rosen boy that displace again [Applause] I need a dip I need a dip diddly squit right here get me out someone's walking up on me it's another player there's a scab down back-left gonna run through this see if I can draw fire it's probably a double that's probably a moseying Mosin lingo [ __ ] around okay all right let's get back to packing mags I'm running out of bullets oh god I'm actually running out of bullets where's that body oh there he is he's got a PS ow nice oh he's got an I fact he what level was this game okay now and it now comes the trouble of remembering all the bodies that I've drawn I think they killed Sherman with their silence motions alright now we check this dude this dude look like the atom buddy maybe not this guy's got a nice gun too we're gonna strip the PS I'll drop this grab that well see you got take his mags in case any a switch to his SKS and then this guy dropped something like right here there's a body too like I looked down and there's a body here I get killed looking for this thing goes up here yeah there's another player this guy got killed by scav it's gotten L can I'll take that yes oh isn't worth much swap it out for the elk and now we got to be careful chairman I'm gonna hop in here real fast please thank you I kind of want to be fast I'm gonna be [ __ ] around down here extremely dangerous place for me to be but clear this cuz I feel like someone gonna push in here oh god please no sniper Ino no this is Sherman did Oh God too much loot all right we're gonna drop some of these mags we're gonna strip down they say okay drop the helmet not worth much you're ready egg that pick up this what kind of armor is this you have your key mr. Sherman nope God that sucks and resists just a guard this might just be a guard honestly this this is level 3 and I'm gonna you don't need that and why did you spin a guard huh I gotta be hella careful right here I'm gonna take the permit Bram it after this cuz it's worth a lot because I pack because who doesn't like a fax we're gonna drop this window drop this we're gonna put this here rebind it to four we don't need that anymore this guy's got Vaseline - we'll take that oh oh this is uh this is a big this is a big [ __ ] pickup quickly quickly quickly I want this suck dude hell yeah brother backpack in a backpack let's go oh that suck that suck feels good boys oh this is so dangerous lug okay this is so dangerous I'm just can't stand real fast this is another player oh he must have gotten dict on by Stearman quickly all right if we can we'll come back for that body but I'm not gonna worry about it right now okay now there's that other player I dropped in the center here at least I think I dropped him where he prone doubt like hella fast am I just prone doubt oh yeah I don't know where this guy's I thought I'd dropped him maybe not or was it oh my god let me check the dog tags real fast this guy oh no that was the guy dropped all right no I dropped that guy okay that was him all right good now we're looking for Sherman's body we're gonna be greedy and look for Sherman's body or try to get out got a sound horn in case someone's sitting in one of these punk asses this is a player No oh this is this is chairman yeah we got him boys we actually got them except we don't have the frickin space to pick up all this all right we out II I'm good I'm satisfied we're done we did it boys holy what a raid let me get out let me get the hell out of here you need a key for this alternate extract it totally forget how you don't I'm out I'm out boys what that was awesome that was a great raid nine thousand XP 1 2 3 4 players killed huh and we got chairman very nice very nice as you can see guys we were getting slapped around up pretty early on on this fresh account and you know what that's normal but as soon as we caught a groove we reinvested into our character we stopped playing greedy and we started making huge returns on investment so I hope this video goes to teach you a little bit about splitting off the break of engagements reinvesting into your character and being ok with taking huge hits early on in the game it's just part of the game you know this game wouldn't be fun if you didn't have any losses but that concludes this wrap-up of day 1 of this fresh account I hope you did enjoy today's video if you're looking to catch more of these episodes live make sure you're subscribed and you hit the bell button so you get notified of when those live streams are up also if you're trying to get access to the full lot of this whole day make sure you hit that join button down below $5 members and up will get access to all the vods on the channel I hope you guys did enjoy today's video I know it's a little bit of a longer format but it's kind of like a journal or a journey of my adventure on this new account so I hope you guys enjoyed the base content don't forget to Like comment and subscribe now see you in the next one you
Channel: Karmakut
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Keywords: karmakut, escape from tarkov, eft, tarkov, escape, from, playthrough, escape from tarkov playthrough, day1, day 1, episode 1, how to, how to escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov gameplay, tarkov gameplay, tarkov how to, how to tarkov, beginners guide, full play through series, play through, escape from tarkov guide, escape from tarkov tips and tricks, escape from tarkov tips, escape from tarkov pvp, escape from tarkov tutorial, escape from tarkov beginners guide
Id: urZjtxm35V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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