35K XP? CHILL BRO 😱 | Escape From Tarkov #41

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I haven't gone there yet oh who are these guys there's three people go to market those of you I killed to once it was up the little tower dead yeah all three or did I think I didn't shoot them at first because I was like what the [ __ ] going on and I saw two and I was like there's no way right but then I thought maybe just maybe that was you running with them someone's already opened this darlin unless there's a unless there's another one I don't know [Music] [Music] custom rig with how many pouches armor plates obviously there's probably a max to them but you know I mean yeah you'll be able to personalize your kit a little bit more which is me I hope are you in this building here I think yeah I hope you'll be able to like put a put one plate in your front and a different plate in the back so if you tell you being shot in the back you can have like a +5 fight in your back and then a four on your front something kind of cool so got the Markram King yeah whoa look at this time of day yeah I'm not gonna be able to see anything it's so dark oh I didn't pick up my backpack [ __ ] did you know my pack in this one I don't know I might have lagged when I tried to do it oh yeah sorry it is okay it's all good just didn't know is that what whose case something is just a VPX it's like not bad I guess I would say that's worth the key opening yeah sure that's too much okay you can buy five more keys okay players players play for the train station oh yeah here got'em was it just one nice I'm gonna jump out the window like backtrack you to you I don't want to go jump on this loot right now I'm just coming to you a little bit drop you back down that below me thank you all right then on the hills nothing down the tracks I'll go I'll go check them out place to place on something else Roger left or right side right side slowly working the way towards us through the bushes okay okay I'm not sure I just saw him for a second there's two of them shoulder to shoulder though I'll just wait inside the door and see what I see yeah it might be a I because I just saw an AI go through the gap towards Kay okay so maybe they're no longer on top of the hills I think they went in the valleys or the gap whatever you guys call it an out front okay yeah it's that's exactly what I said it was a scab though okay yeah it's two scabs I got one I'm gonna jump on this guy's loot out here if you want to just do one Merthyr more like sweep I just can't cover you from tables and tussle yeah all right let's try to loot and see what happens I messed this guy's a VSO and I got all this loot stopped carried in the front of the train station okay didn't get the head shot he's in the front door now are you in the shack no I'm in the transition oh [ __ ] see something in there moving around but you might be out front of the door like I'm gonna fire a shot over to where he was he's like that what are you dumbass gap yeah yeah I killed it it came in the transmission okay I thought you saw someone else oh my god chat I'm dying oh I'm dying Panda Express is trying to come out of me oh oh oh oh no need you're doing this I actually the reason the reason I figured out how to do that fast Rouge because I was watching you and you were trying to do the same thing and you kept whipping the like the site though the way down so I was like there's gotta be an easier way to do this and I just jump on that I'm like yeah there it is hey I was watching your stream yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna see anything frozen midair did you see that that messed up I hold V ha OH is that under I might be under I just heard a freaky yeah it's underneath this angle when people are fighting in the in the transition this I'm not sick yeah I usually do I usually do this but it's more of like this is only this is like kind of a more uncover peek that I like to do but you can't see though you can't see the whole thing is the problem you can only see about the middle yeah what I don't like is that these boxes right here they don't render from the transportation so you can see right through if anyone's if anyone through anyone's right here will see them do you want to go downstairs I feel like the boss could be down there maybe check it out Oh little by gathers for I think that's them I think that's the Cod the server's so laggy dude got another one just don't be upon okay hello okay morphine think you could just sit in that corner I could go to I could go to the other side and go down I would not be there shoot me once right yeah I don't have any arms anymore err just chill here for a sec don't don't over a dress I'm gonna really quickly I'm gonna go to the scam tower real quick I'm gonna go down and then I'm gonna peek him from the other end I'm missing both my arms which is gonna make this difficult but all right I'm here oh my god this is so hard am I see that one hold on got one there's one more goddamn Franken airports night reports that force nine push okay I'm walking out I feel like they're all dead maybe a I'm walking in them out my side is clear right doubling the end I don't know that I'm gonna fire some shots and see if they shout okay now we're good we're good you should they work here okay now some scary stuff yeah I lost a lot of my arms she forensic just me [ __ ] stapling sound ever gets old keycard didn't do half I just can't hold on to all these things haven't even open the [ __ ] things have we gonna be loot mania that's weird two of these Raiders had ever Seabees on them I've never seen it before I'm adrenaline this is felon here I'm good I got one I have yours excess stored yeah you know what's crazy I would have been able to kill them all if I had reloaded my mag when I peaked I only had a mag full 20 bullets or so so when I went to go flick on all of them I just like good yeah I just couldn't so drop it all morphine yeah yeah might be up front is it good Raiders are they oh I hear you sprinting no no no I didn't spread right the heck was that I heard sprinting no no that was me it stopped him from Alton to Vulcan hey oh it's a cracker there that's yeah that's the one that didn't go down I think I don't know if that was the one I was shooting but there was one I just kept head shot him over and over and over nothing was happening yeah high six on your head is so sick I'm full man - oh hey there's nothing else I can grab your music tears when you're down here looting the ship and then someone pulls the switch like oh yeah cuz you just leave real quick it's funny I was laughing at the boss when he was just like hey you trying to shoot me you can't hit me I have and it just started messing up my arm I thought I was being like a good bait for you you know that's crazy their bullets across him my my angle so I couldn't Street it looked like a storm troopers firing blasters just a stream of feel and they were down here yeah and they were that I mean like I just heard too much talking and else this is weird plus you go down here for some extra search XP you know everyone's a winner I'm not even grabbing this stuff unless it's like good not space yeah I kind of snagged everything I got it's really good helmet I don't even know this is the ntil shz I was up at tier 6 helmet ones Vulcan 5 okay I don't know what the hell it is I just know it's gonna sell that's all I know it's not the team one do you want no it's the one with the like the weird put it on the back you know yeah I don't ever use helmets without ears ever sound is too important although it is some fun sometimes to rock like rock like an old Inn or something oh melted and then green [ __ ] drinking just done man make sure we do a clean sweep any painkillers in here I don't want even buy morphine say thank you oh you me from pre steps yeah I just I just wanted to use it for I dropped it cuz I have a tremor because of probable I just don't want to waste it working on it alright shall we guess we got to go the long way my Springs there no way too early I mean ice there's a way but I don't need 26 oh I can't wait to blind fire on the other side I mean eventually it's not anytime soon I don't think because then that would in order to do that they would have to make a yeah they'd have to do some weird stuff to make it like left side with your gun see that happening anytime soon oh hello ones in front here in this building jumping 200 Michael I might do this jump up then oh yeah they're definitely in this building they're jumping that's me no no they're jumping somewhere I don't know where but I'm hearing him jump you're on metal yes I'm talking back and forward mm-hmm that's them okay well I'm holding the you know the drop-down level I'm holding that right now I don't see them they're an eight on the roof we're onto you [ __ ] there's a guy I hear anything I'm coming on to you you in yep now I'm in the garage that was me I'm in the garage come on you see I'm in the hole here outside hole I think just watch player scavs I know if we want to mess with them my plan was to it sounds like they're on the roof so my plan was to just try to go this way and then keep from the far front right next to us I might have just killed them I want to say no he's still up he's behind the tower I'm pushing it I wanted to extract I you still here hating fall hating phone 85 I jumped on his head and broke my legs he was an accident Wow but he musta Gus he musta gotten so scary I literally landed on his head he was prone holding the angle I don't know a spray oh gosh he wouldn't have had the chance yo splint by any chance just forgetting everything you need right here you drop the prone copy this probe and I felt so [ __ ] helpless literally jumped on on his head hey he's gonna thermal you all this yeah just like in his inventory gun no it's it's in his backpack he's gonna wave suppressor a thermal supposed to strip that off and gun maybe Wow were those gunshots Oh were those gunshots coming from doe yeah weekend before we leave you should just extracted it was right there that's where he was going he was going CP fence I'm pretty sure I see them two of them above the garage building left of white night at the bagua yeah so open to us also just yesterday I think yesterday I that one anyway well that's all speechless from the carriage doors [ __ ] out the guys door the right-hand side one places to him white night he's like the pod leaning knows he's a big backpack it's think he's dead I think I was in a a that's why I can go for a methylene is FAL oh right right of white night right of white night in the open yeah that was the first day a cap that was the first day as your net now they're both AAA come out again all right well let's dip on out of here [ __ ] Safari playing this game with you you're just calling stuff our shooting it was great it's good mmm something I thought whether it was Daisy us gum but you were shooting people so fast you couldn't even get your call-outs out you're like this guy everybody step before you got three words in for the call-out I say okay [ __ ] now that I think well the last game that I played with you was scum so I could have been that yeah it's already forgotten Alma I've got to find some room for it once I [ __ ] I already dipped out sorry that's no good my bed pretty good money not like I care about the money but cells a good raid 20k feet that's a 20 k XP run nice yeah that player scab just found the thermal on the ground somewhere I'm sure it's something those they spawn on the roof of white night on the very top I got two ones I'm done I'm ready done and ready you can call the map again hard according to hell I don't even know I don't know if I would like that like do you think that's a good idea playing hardcore I don't think you guys realize how boring that will be for you guys holy [ __ ] 300 ping let's go it's gonna be really hard with an empty seven [Music] there's a guy somewhat close to me I just don't know where cuz I saw him sprinting in the hallways so he's either in this left rooms or he's down the hall that step stairs I'm pretty sure hey I don't think anyone's in here maybe but I'm just assuming they're not oh how I've ever hunter wow that's so sick that's so good I'm so excited to fight this guy I can't wait actually gonna be so great oh my god I'm gonna do it if I get a kill like this is gonna be nuts how are you alive brother that's some horseshit I don't want to peek that guy that guy's that's the Vepr hunter guy that's some scary stuff narrator that [ __ ] was crazy Raiders hey you flashed me that's not cool that's not cool come here come here come come I'm a little blind boy no okay hello I don't want to swing up hey cut awkwardly quiet what the book I think there's a guy right here so the guy that was server room I think he he hears me fighting Raiders and I think he's sprinting his butt right here I think he's gonna try to flank from this door so we're gonna keep shooting right thank you shooting Raiders oh no these are just Raiders they're men goodness let me stop the bleeding boys pop some profit all and then carry on okay probably one more yes there is he's gonna he's gonna kill me really quickly wait a thing and now we're on a peak okay dead that's a radar down there dude what the [ __ ] there's so many of them [ __ ] hello oh you got a nephew 7 - that's cute go ahead and snag you grab some morphine grab another nades I'm gonna need it probably have a knife AK okay don't kill me right here please okay [Music] what we're fine the world's dudes gotta you liking his backpack wack now I can't grab another one alright look at the helmet huh one of you guys had a helmet hey don't mind that effect got a helmet oh yes we're good all right target let me go hide somewhere and fix myself up in case I get into another [ __ ] gunfight you know it's got to be a bathroom here somewhere you know I mean no TV one time they didn't have one so don't blame me okay for them not having TV one tense that elevator who the cow mp5 is three slots with the Silas traitor though oh is it really no I don't think so I think it's four this guy be hopping around making me nervous somebody down here be hopping chilling us a got be hoppin around I just can't tell if that's on my floor or one floor under he's just hitting his Hobbs I mean if he kills me I've done all the looting for him so he'll be happy about that I'm almost over it just about I think he's under me he's like somewhere down here this is gonna be tricky I have to get to I have to get to an extract it's just gonna be tricky cuz unless they called it for me wish they didn't I have to get to my own extract so it's gonna be a tricky one oh I saw radar down the hall nobody's in here that I see anyway making sure we're good we're good okay so there's a radar down the hall no one's shot the radar down the hall so that makes me assume that nobody's here what in the world why is there so many I'm just gonna leave up over this [ __ ] I've never seen that many Raiders before why was there so many I killed like seven up top and then there was four down low they were just hanging out what in the world that was the weirdest Labs rate I've ever had it almost seems like every single Raider that spawned spawned on top of me seriously what just happened that's 14 Raiders I killed 14 Raiders they just all spawned on top of me that was the weirdest that was the weirdest thing ever 35 K what in the world you know if I was level so if I was level one okay and that was my first raid I would be level I would be level ten I'm sorry I would be level nine and a half if that was my very first rate i would have been level nine and a half that's kind of interesting a little weird weird right weird stuff here folks weird stuff we're gonna run that ek to a different map we're gonna kill the scavs loot the skies have probably died then guess what go back to a hatchet run open a weapon box kill some it's gonna be a very tedious grindy and super annoying thing to do but we will try our hardest it's gonna be tough it's gonna be really really tough that doesn't mean I'm going to be playing my hardcore account 24/7 let's go oh you don't like it I haven't gone there yet oh who are these guys there's three people going to mark that those of you I killed two once it was up the little tower dead yeah all three or did I think I didn't shoot that my first because I was like what the [ __ ] going on and I saw two and I was like there was no way right but then I thought maybe just maybe that was you running with them someone's already opened this [Music] that unless there's a unless there's another one I don't know probably what the world how did these guys get here so fast I'm so confused alright last for dead with my hands just pick the items up man it's not that hard scatter it again I'll leave out society see what's going on they quickly gonna loop this guy yeah one of the dead guys thank you yeess he's the chosen one yeah that's the easiest for Kay of my life yeah that's great living um hopefully sure I got us tiny [Music] I kind of want to go in the basement area see what's going on down there and going to the bunker I've got Raiders one dead do or die should be one way doughnuts our I said last Raiders in let's our give me an angle through [Music] and should be all the raters there's almost a flow [Music] this one's got an 8k with a drum this one's a deadbeat that he'll see I'm sorry this is just Lorax right hell's that light I look black yeah not a loser I'm gonna try to loot these Raiders but it's gonna be in the wide open so oh hello good I don't know yeah actually try that that's up to you can maybe touch this one it's kinda I'm gonna try to touch it seems say fish is that a tactic that's why you didn't go down no one will ever find this I mean now [ __ ] just a scatter now we're going down that's fine back in a couple mags here hold out front look that's you you're not from me good that's not you good until all right [ __ ] it making sure there's no scab boss my sir sex feel like so [ __ ] up a little bit thing I can't wait to see shroud shooting eight five five and Horton Moses jeez don't remind me before what I have to do to survive chocolate a lot of milk trade there dude taking all that milk when he's on the bushes above us I'm just gonna safely assume that it is scab or something there's like an ish who puts milk inside a box instead of a bag I don't know know kind of begs the right way for sure oh my god this [ __ ] this would be a goldmine for that quest whatever the heck the quest is all I remember probably move this over here or one of those over there I could probably even throw this over here's or one of those over there maybe grab some sugar or you know what just a gold chain swimming here on the side somewhere Airport right this is medical nevermind no paracord I just want all of this to be milk so I just wanted the whole thing gonna be milk down there I like how it looks nice milky fresh I have a couple what do you need it for yeah yes what uh well now you got - all right well sorry milk you gotta go a lot of milk on the floor if you liked it I'm full as all hell here but we can still frag a few like you look if you're hardcore grinding you want to go factory with a lightly gut lightly kid a gun and just kill everything like if you want Factory the pistol and just like brought three mags and just started one shotting all the scavs to chain into more scavs you like that'd be pretty easy pickins maybe maybe get somebody in here are you okay oh alright you want to go stairs and find out I'm down we you hey hey hey how positive are we there's a door open you might be right what is happening what where the [ __ ] did he shoot from I don't think so I'll see you shooting at nothing okay there's a player cross I just [ __ ] up I'm getting here sir cover me I don't think he's in here I think he's the floor under run the [ __ ] was he shooting at I understand I really don't get unless he was blind baby do I get an angle on this man yeah sorry I just missed the Granada everything's fine I don't know if I killed that guy in the white night there was two I might have kill the both oh no he's alive I think I just killed I'm gonna I guess I did full confidence I need low key worked as a distraction anybody's you go find out I might just mean this a K all day dude actually I'm fun it's not bad decent what a need for a good measure but I think they're dead oh god I missed children okay I'm I'm jammed I'm out of the fight temporarily lead the way I cannot do anything oh I think we're back okay we're back everything's fine uh I'm gonna go with the fact that he's dead okay my god there's so many bodies in here oh this is probably what we heard ages ago once you play your scams most of the guy kills but I'm 700 yeah just much players caps bunch of breeki chi-chi's beautiful cover girls cover girls freaky cheeky little Becky I'll go ahead and borrow that m700 if you don't mind you take that m1a if you like [Music] it's kind of search XP probably right oh it's back to 80% nice we were fighting for more than five minutes I guess let's go big stuff okay I'm gonna drop in the second floor here my my skill since we it took so long of us like first a fight or whatever my skill XP from my search reset so I can search more from where XP gained that's kind of cool probably hey tank battery you want it I can't hold it oh dude it's 250 K nope eels Julian [ __ ] you dropped that stuff that's what's holding you back can I search your bag let's go it's got windows I don't know if it's giving me search XP but maybe Sol flakes for me Oh legs for me you said you wanted a search I do not know if you like with how many people like kill I probably should well normally you're sick case does that but my reserve case is full of every key and honestly the keys it's weird because the keys aren't that good but like they can be good so it's good to always have them because if you're in the area you might as well check and I mean I still search some stuff I'm so close 60 more points and then they'll be elite Oh No whisper head moving our legs to the garage singing along boy I think we called it right next to us take about the game come over to the next building it's right there you can touch it you can taste it taste the rainbow the one right next to it there's only like one building that is as close as as penis range you could pee on it from your building that's how close it is I killed this gaff that was shooting you okay because this one you go through the garage and then you have to jump down where you jump on the window that's what I did you understood what I said penis range for though right I'd help I feel like okay boys I feel like you get more FPS the less stuff you bring out I'm sorry yeah I said that right oh my god my brain the less stuff you bring out the more frames you get I swear that's how that works every time I do a hatchling or pistol run I know I've only done a couple of them but every time I do I feel like my game is running like like a ham it's a ham and cheese you know oh what a who a what a who yeah bye sir on our way out I'll train sir whatever oh I thought you're gonna I thought you're gonna guard the front door like my bodyguard penis range I like the fact that backpack the parrot paratus it's only got a negative 5% speed penalty that oh that's really cool actually I don't know I like not negative 5 I'd say the back a backpack of equivalent size is like negative 10 maybe I don't know negative 12 guessing estimation estimation station rowdy has a little lamb you know uh-huh guys you know one of the benefits of getting max search you could loot two things at once a backpack in a rig backpack of pockets rig and pockets it it comes in handy and labs because you're trying to like min/max everything in labs so if you're in labs and you just got to be like click click on mod click and where you've alluded a body in like you could probably loot a Raiders body once you have max search in like 10 seconds flat not even less than 10 seconds at 21 kxb that game nice i needed with math what when when did i need us cab with my f1 [Music] wait now the guy in the room true I forgot about that forgot we need cleared I kind of like this backpack watch this let's go for 60 K from reg been kind of nice I might rock those backpack more often I kind of like it you know it's funny I'm gonna have to rock any backpack that's given to me on hardcore dude I am gonna hate my life but at the same time I feel like I'm gonna like my life you know I feel like it's gonna be kind of fun I think because you guys are gonna be there to experience it with me I think we'll have a good time you know what'll be nice too is I won't have to worry about min maxing I could just kind of like only grab the stuff that I think I'm gonna need for the future raid and that's it the rest can [ __ ] right off you know that'll be kind of neat I feel like [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 30,629
Rating: 4.6157207 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, tarkov
Id: oyLJH9AXlrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 47sec (5027 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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