The Camels Are Coming | Pastor Craig Field

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I've called this the camels are coming you say I don't want the camel well just wait and see you might like camels after this the camels are coming I was praying yesterday got in the spirit and I heard I just heard that phrase the camels are coming I was praying it out for the church in general and then I heard the Holy Ghost say that's what you're preaching on tomorrow said Lord that's I got about the anointing skillfulness with the anointing tomorrow he says no he said I want you to preach on the camels they're coming and then he gave me more revelation that I didn't have into it and so I even though I've meditated on this for a long time I don't think I've ever preached it before but I feel like it's fresh because he dropped some new things so have a look with me in verse 3 of chapter 12 verse Genesis and I will bless them let's deliver stew and I will make of thee a great nation he's talking to God's talking to Abram and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee and in thee all the families of the earth shall be blessed first time other than the Garden of Eden when He blessed Adam in the first time after the fall that he blessed a human being this is called the blessing of Abraham now have a look now if you don't mind at chapter 22 and verse 15 so go fast forward from 12 to 22 and this is the story of where he goes to offer Isaac on Mount Moriah we're not gonna read all of that the first part you know it already I just want to get to the to the crux of what we're talking about here and it's Genesis chapter 22 and verse 17 and remember the angel had said don't don't kill him stopped him and he called verse 14 the name of the place Jehovah Jireh that is to say in the mount of the Lord it shall be seeing we say Java Jarrah might provide her but that's actually not what Jireh means it means the God who sees he sees the need when God sees the need he provides the RAM so Jehovah Jireh means the God who sees in other words be encouraged he sees what you're going through he sees your need and he will provide the need and the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of the heaven the second time now when you see the angel of the Lord that usually refers to the Incarnate B pre-incarnate Jesus not just an angel and so this was actually Jesus calling out of heaven they called the first time and said don't lay hand on the lad but then he calls a second time and verse 16 this is warning for now as the blessing he repeats it he had repeated it many times since Genesis 12 but listen to this now and he said by myself have I sworn saith the Lord that's how we know it's Jesus because an angel can't swear by himself do you understand we know it's the Lord Jesus the pre-incarnate Jesus he's often referred to as not an angel but the angel of the Lord is referring not every time but in most cases referring to Jesus but we know from verse 16 it has to be the Lord because he said by myself have I sworn an Angels not permitted to do that saith the Lord since obviously he's the Lord speaking for because thou has done this thing and it's not withheld thy son thine only Son that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven as the sand which is on the seashore and as they see and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voice now we see here that in verse 17 it says let's read that again in blessing I will bless thee in blessing I will bless thee really in the Hebrew what it's saying is in your blessing me I will bless you in blessing I will bless thee are you with me that word means it's the Hebrew word Barak it means to kneel or to bless God as an act of adoration it's in other words what God is saying here is as you kneel in your worship and your reverence and you putting me first as you honor me I will honor you that's literally what the Hebrew is saying when he says blessing we know it means to kneel down and to receive a blessing it's an act of adoration it's an act of worship God blesses he pronounces a blessing on you but really what it's saying is as you bless or worship because God doesn't kneel before us and that's bless him do you understand we kneel before him and he blesses us but he's putting us in the equation first he's saying if you bless me I bless you how do we bless him he doesn't kneel before us how do we do it it's our acts of worship it's our acts of obedience it's our acts of honor really what it means is it's when we put him first what God was saying to Abraham is if you if you put me first if you'll worship me if you'll honor me if you'll obey me I bless you that's why he tithe because he says the first belongs to you because he rec remembered the Covenant the Covenant is if you put me first I'll put you first if you bless me I bless you if you honor me if you obey me I'll make sure that you're taken care of you see you say well why doesn't God do it first because God's the greater the greater doesn't yield to them to the lesser the lesser yields to the greater so what he's saying listen I'm the greatest I'm God just do what I say and honor and obey me just worship me and putting me first I promise you I bless your socks off that's why I'm Abraham was so quick to honor him with the first with the best because he knows the blessing is connected to putting him first are you with me because I'm coming to something that's really gonna help you and I'm building it real quick but I'm building it this means to worship God and to put him first amen now it says in blessing I will bless thee I've told you what that word means now it also says in multiplying alright it does not say that in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven as a sand which is on the seashore multiplying is the word raba and it means increase great abundance excel enlarge exceeding heaps he's saying listen it's a blessing is the blessing is really I'm going to bless you but it's it's a much shallower word you honor me and put me first as a general word you put me first up with you first but now he explains how he's gonna put you first I'm gonna put you first by giving you excel exceeding heaps and great abundance I'm gonna increase you now the root word of that is Rabab and it means to multiply you to the myriad now the the original the root word again is four of them the root word of that word is the word rahib revived sorry and it means to reign upon you accumulation and the root word of that the original Hebrew word is their word is the word Rob Abba and it means abundance and multiplied millions the exact phrase in the Hebrew River dan is ten thousands times millions that's the root word in multiplying you you bless me I bless you I'm gonna bless you in general now he says but I'm gonna multiply you I'm not gonna add to you I'm gonna multiply you and when I multiply you he starts by saying I'm gonna increase you greatly with heaps then he says that's not enough I'm gonna multiply you to the myriad ah that's still not enough I'm gonna rain think about the rain I'm gonna rain everywhere you look I'm gonna rain upon you accumulation and he says now that's still not enough I'm gonna rubber by you I'm going to multiply you two multiplied millions ten thousands times millions ten thousands plural times millions that's talking into the trillions that's what God is saying he's saying the blessing that I'm gonna bless you with buddy you can't fathom is this all dollars and cents no he didn't have trillions he had lots of cattle he was rich he was blessed in all things the Bible says but his seed memory somebody's seed if you look at now how many people are on the earth that is through those lines it's billions God is saying I'm multiplying you to the thousands of millions okay so what is point number one know what the blessing is if you don't know what it is you can't stand on it you can't believe for it no there's a blessing on you now you say but this is Abraham pastor Craig your Old Testament we need to live in the New Testament I'm so glad you said that so Galatians chapter three and it says there in verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that means when you're in Christ you're in the blessing he cut covenant with Jesus for you to access the benefits of that covenant if you're in Christ having received the promise of the Spirit through faith you came in Christ the Holy Ghost came in you he made you a new creature by faith now in Christ you're a born-again believer visions 2-6 you're seated in heavenly places in Christ in Christ the same blessing that was promised to Abraham in the Old Testament is guaranteed to you in the new I don't know if you really understand what we're saying here because if you did I think more than more three people would say Amen are you still are you sleeping because you need to draw a circle around you and say nothing exists outside the sermon father I don't come to church to be a religious person I come here to learn I'm hungry for your word as a believer what was promised to Abraham is promised to you you got to meditate on that more than one sermon you got to meditate on that every day what you promised to Abraham you've promised to me how do I know it because I'm in Christ the blessing of Abraham is my divine portion what was the blessing of Abraham you said you honor and worship me and put me first Lord I'm doing that I qualify first of all I'm born again now I'm putting you could be born again and I'll put him first but I'm born again I qualify them of the seed of Abraham spiritually but I'm putting you first and I'm honoring you in your blessing I will bless you I'm putting you first I honor you I worship you you're number one now you promised that you're gonna honor me and you're gonna bless me back now you promised me you're going to multiply me you're gonna multiply me to the myriad to thousands times millions that doesn't always mean dollars and cents although it includes finances what about the desire what about people getting saved under you why can't you say father I can believe you I may not be a five-fold minister but why can't I believe you for a thousand people to get born again or ten thousand people to get born again or maybe even a million people to get born again just because I obey you we don't just look at the blessing equals money it includes money but it's not just money it's everything in your life what about your prayers being answered what about thousands times millions of prayers you understand you got to get your mind out of just dollars and cents it includes that but it is not limited only to that it's to your whole life I'm multiply you you want you want six kids I'll give you six kids and they'll be healthy you want one kid I'll give you one kid and it'll be healthy you want six wives I'll give you one wife and she'll be healthy hi Jenny I love you I didn't want six I didn't say I wanted six I just said if somebody were to say that you're more than enough you're more than enough she's the best I have to preach really long because I hope that beatings are waiting for people I just got to put off the the punishment that is sure to come when she buys news she buys skillets all the time and I get nervous cuz she says I had the skillet ministry she come after me with that skillet once in a while but I deserve it that's okay I run through the house screaming anyway praise God this is increase our finances health children heritage long life victory over enemies he says I'm gonna bless you to the thousands times millions now where were we Genesis chapter 17 right arm in Galatians so I have to go back what will be 17 22 Genesis 22 what was it verse 17 and so we see here and blessing I in the aggressor that's my blessing him I will bless thee and I'm multiplying as I multiply my honor toward him do you see as I multiply my his first place in my life you may say God your first but then you don't come to church oh but Lord your first but you don't tithe O Lord your first but you don't you don't serve or Lord your first but you won't forgive you must multiply his first Miss in your life your first in my love walk I will not be offended because I love you your first in my clothing your first the way I look at the opposite sex your first in my money your first at my marriage your first and my kids your first and my job your first ever when you multiply his first Miss he says I'll multiply you some people want the multiplication but they don't multiply anything back to God he's got to be first in every area this is sold out kind of covenant do you understand not what she says I'm gonna multiply you but he said but you possess the gate of your enemies that means every enemy that is arrayed against you will be defeated the gate is the stronghold even strong things you win now like Jesus now in the Old Testament jeez hadn't come yet he didn't get his robe yet he's promising a prey a pre Christ man I'm gonna I'm gonna give you victory over all your enemies how much more does that apply to us Jesus has already won he led captivity captive he sewn them their names of his vanquished foes into the Train of his robe and he led them captive Ephesians chapter 4 we have been given the victory if Abraham had the victory how much more do I have the victory Abraham didn't have Jesus and fullness yet this is all for the new testament more than it is for the old this is a shadow what he had we have the reality and substance of that you say but I don't understand how God's gonna do it that's your problem you're trying to figure it out you can't figure it out it's just big for you it's too beyond you God says if you could figure out it wasn't me anyway you shouldn't want to figure it out you should just say Lord I'm trusting your blessing is going to multiply me to the myriads and I'm gonna multiply my first mystery you've given me at the cross victory over all of my enemies look at that so number one know what the blessing is I'm telling you what the blessing is know what it is the blessing and covenant the Covenant includes putting them first and him putting you first and multiplying you and giving you victory that's the blessing number two stay in the place of the blessing stay in the place these are very important principles you may know what the blessing is but if you uproot yourself the blessing won't work for you you don't leave Jesus no matter what you stay because he is the place of the blessing ultimately but it's more than just being born again stay where the divine Association is God's called you if that job is your divine supply that God put in your life don't like a good employee and don't don't quit and don't give them cause to fire you stay where you're spending that's even greater stay where you're called to be in the church stay what church God's planted you stay with your divine spiritual supply stay with your spouse because whether you like them or not one day to the next they are a spiritual and the divine supply to you stay where you're supposed to be are you with me let's look at this in the book of Genesis chapter 24 go to chapters over I have to jump because I'm trying to get to the camels I'm giving you very important principles Genesis chapter 24 and verse 7 let's look at verse one that Abraham was old and we'll stricken in age and the Lord blessed Abram and all things and Abram said unto the elders servant of his house it ruled over all that he had put I pray thee thy hand under my thigh that's not a weird thing it's a way of doing a covenant promise when you put your hand cos and today you have to explain this Reverend Rob it sounds a bit whatever but when I'm when a man put his head I'm not gonna do it to you okay I'm not doing it to you I'll do it to my wife this is fun I'm gonna do to you I'm gonna do to you oh Jesus help us when a man put his hand under the thigh it's nice when a man under her under his thigh when a man did that put it under the thigh it was an act of Covenant it was an intimate act to say my life is on the line here when I give you my word that my life I will die before I break my word to you it was a sign they put the hand that we don't want this to happen in our Iron Man Group I don't want all the men doing this okay Reverend Robb so don't preach on that piece when you preach but this was a covenant action to put his hand under the thigh all right see I told you you learn a lot so when you come to church verse three and I will make thee swear by the Lord the God of heaven see swear when you put your hand under the ISA was an oath that you made by the Lord God of heaven and the god of Earth that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell but thou shalt go to my country to my kindred and take a wife unto my son Isaac from there and the servant said peradventure the woman would be a feminist and will not be willing to follow me I added that word in but that's what it means and will not be willing to follow me unto this land I must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou came and Abraham said unto him beware look at it look at the intensity that Abraham speaks beware that you do not bring my son back there and Abram said unto Him beware that you do not bring my son thither again the Lord God of heaven which took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred and which swear unto me saying this unto thy seed I will give this land he shall send His angel before thee and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence and if the woman will not be willing to follow you then you're clear of this oath only whatever you do do not bring my son back there again did you see that and that a serpent put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master and swear to him concerning this matter so what is going on here this is a powerful revelation if you listen why was Abraham so insistent that Isaac does not return he doesn't want Isaac to marry Akane night now listen they're living amongst Canaanites they're living in the midst of sin but he says it's okay to live among them but you can't marry them because the seed line would be polluted and Jesus wouldn't be able to come it was so important that his son marry one of his own house a house of righteousness not the Canaanites with all their sexual perversion and weird things that they did so he doesn't mind living among them but he won't marry among them but why does he even want to live among them because God said this land I will give your seed remember Abraham is our Father of faith the Bible says pay attention to the way he acted Abraham went not knowing where he was going when he found the land that God said this is the land even though he didn't own any of that land at that time he only brought a burial plot so that he could be he said this is so powerful he didn't own anything he was so rich but he didn't own it because God didn't tell him to buy it but God said your feet and your children must stay here you don't know that and you don't you don't run the place yet but eventually the Jews the Israelites are gonna run this and it's so important you don't leave this you got to stay stay physically where the Blessing is stay around where I've called you to be don't leave what I've called you to be there may be problems there you stay now don't marry into it but you got to stay you see there was something as a revelation about keeping your feet where God's called you to be you may not see it all right now it may not have all come to pass right now but you're saying Lord you told me to be here I'm gonna be here even when they bruh him died he didn't own a thing except the burial plot but down the road Abraham Isaac Jacob down the road the twelve sons down the road they go 400 years in Savery now their 40 years there was then they come back now Joshua's ready to fulfill the promise of Grandpa Abraham now he takes now he takes conquest now they destroy they destroy Jericho and they take back what God said to Grandpa Abraham it wasn't until Joshua where they owned the place do you understand but he had to stay there as an act of faith that this land is going to be ours now listen but this is another amazing that's amazing thought to begin with but now he says I listen Abraham this whole thing this whole premise is based on Isaac having a kid if he just said don't give him a Canaanite wife but you but but if she won't come with me I've got to take him back there and he says beware do not take him away from the land of promise but if she won't come no are you clear what is he saying if the girl don't come then my son don't get married if my son don't get married I don't have an heir that means this whole promise of God goes up in smoke you'd think he would have backed down and said okay if she don't come take him and she says whatever you do do not take him off the land of promise don't separate him listen there's a spiritual principle here for you do not leave the place God called you whatever happens isn't people often tell me I've got to look to my future oh my god I can't tell you how many times I've heard that I've got to look to my future that's why I've got to make this decision that's why I've got to do this thing I'm gonna look to my future I want you to know something Abraham's let me let me read it to you Abraham's future did not take precedence over his present he's looking and saying there's no future if she don't come there's no grandchild there's no child or grandchild he's got the child but there's no grandchild there's no promise but I'm not gonna disobey what God told me now because I'm worried that the future will not work I'm gonna say God will take care of the future he'll have to send an angel and bring that girl if you can't get that girl to come God's gonna have to figure out who he marries but he's not marrying the Canaanite and he's not leaving she said he's not marrying the Canaanite and he's not leaving so if God don't bring the girl I don't know what's gonna happen but I'm not I'm not sacrificing obedience to my presence because of something in my future that I'm not sure how this is gonna all work out now this is faith I'm talking about the man of faith says when God tells me to do something I do it I don't start wondering about what what's going to happen and what if this doesn't work and what if my future fails and I don't know what's gonna happen what if the girl don't come what if there's no baby you pileup lie to your own situation it doesn't matter God has to worry about the future I don't think about the future I focus on present obedience when he says do this I do it don't worry about what I might not do it because the future is at risk forget the future obey it's his job to figure out the future it's not your job to figure out the future it's your job to obey today now faith is not tomorrow faith is now faith is today is the day of faith today is the day of trusting God today is the day of obedience what is trust obedience for him to say I obey when I can't figure out how this is gonna work but I choose to obey that is an act of saying I trust you I have faith in you that if I just do what you say you're gonna figure out the future this is powerful truth he had to know what the blessing was and he had to stay in the right place even if the future looked at tremendous jeopardy and risk he still says God will have to figure that out my job is to obey today he didn't tell me to leave he told me to stay he didn't tell my son to leave he told my son to say I don't care if the girl comes or not I wanted to come and she don't that's his problem I'm not I'm not leaving and neither is he you better have some guts when you're talking about your children in this perverse generation I'm staying with God and my boys are Greg I'm staying with God and my girls are my girls are staying put right where I am in the place of the Spirit and the place of truth in the place of Revelation and I don't just mean the local church although I do but you know you have a place of Revelation in your home you pray with them you have revelation that you walk in as a family they are not leaving this place of Revelation I'm not letting the school system I'm not letting witchcraft movies or Facebook or whatever else is out there you listen I don't worry about what's gonna happen in future you're not leaving this place of the Spirit and daddy's need to get tougher on their boys and girls and Mom Mama's do too because I bet you Isaac's 40 at 40 he want to get married buddy he is wanting a spouse bad I bet you he was probably said we don't know but he might have been saying daddy please if he comes back and the girl don't come with him let me go I need to get married don't you know God promised you we got to make sure this comes to pass you're jeopardizing the promises of our future but my man he's a smart man the spiritual man doesn't say oh well I'll disobey because the future might be in jeopardy a spiritual man says I don't care about the future that's God's problem you will obey what God told us to do my god I'm telling you when God showed me that I can't tell you how much that helped me stay in the place of blessing don't worry about the future God will take care of it stay in the place of blessing are you with me praise God now have a look now in verse did Idol read you verse 7 you just pop over to verse 40 because it talks about the angel this is a side note but when you listen trust me when you stay in the place of obedience angels will work with you more see his confidence was in the angel of God his confidence was I'm trusting God for my future but I'm staying put now that angel that angel has to help you boy sung to his the covenant servant that put his hand under side the angel has to help you I'm trusting God I'm trusting God that his angel will do a job that you boy can't do the Angels worth to you because I'm not leaving so if God don't do this my son don't marry then everything goes up in smoke so the angel has to help us do you see this verse 40 now look at this when that when the servant now has got to Rebecca's house and he's were telling the story to Rebecca's father Bethuel and to her brother Laban member brother her brother Laban that's why it was it was Jacob's uncle that he went to work for and the president verse 40 and he said unto me the the servants is repeating and reminded you know bringing back recollection of what happened the Lord before whom I walk will send his angel with thee and prosper thy way and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred and of my father's house listen when you stand your ground and obedience and your future might look a little bit squiggly and squabbling and in jeopardy because you know everything is telling you to leave where God told you to do because you are it about tomorrow but you say now I will obey and I will stay trust the angel of God is working on your tomorrow the angel of God is working on your tomorrow the angel is causing paths to cross the angel is causing the rebekah to meet the servant the angel is working on your tomorrow Rebecca represents the tomorrow if she represents the future because without her there is no air there is no promise fulfilled the angel will work on your tomorrow you focus on your today when you wake up tomorrow what did God tell me to do he told me to pray I'll pray well am I going to church am I gonna witness what am i doing I'm obeying him today I'm not worrying about the next 10 years I'm obeying him today the 10 years will manifest my angels working on my tomorrow I'm working on my today I like that praise God alright so number one what God know about it number two what you got to be in the right place of it number three you got to talk about the blessing if you don't talk about it don't work for you you have what you say out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks and you'll have what you say so you got to talk about it have a look at chapter 24 and verse 60 I'm jumping ahead now the servant goes he sees Rebecca he puts an earring in her head two gold bangles or anything Laban who's greedy the Bible says I won't get into he comes out and sees those gold and he immediately starts being nice to him because he sees the gold right from the beginning Laban is greedy that's why he tried to steal from his nephew years later but anyway we see here in verse 60 they says let me go and they say no no give us ten days with our daughter and he says no I gotta go now the word of the Lord has come to pass he's brought me Rebecca my servant waiteth I must go have a look now and verse 59 worst worse for 5824 58 and they called Rebecca and said unto her will you go with this man and she said I will go see that enforcer they gave her a choice and they sent her away see God wouldn't allow it being forced it has to be will will involve and they sent her away Rebecca their sister remember that's Laban sister and her nurse is obviously one of her servant girls that was there to help her and take care of her and Abraham's servant this man that put his hand under the thigh and his men you're not gonna go with the Grunch of camels and gold without a troop with you to protect you so this man was not alone when he went to look for Rebecca he had a whole group of men that were there to protect him and serve him okay so you see at his men verse 60 and they blessed Rebecca and said unto her thou art our sister but be thou the mother of thousands of millions and let thy seed possess the gate of them which hate you if you look this is the exact translated in English here but this is the exact Hebrew words that Jesus said to Abraham on Mount Moriah in your blessing I bless you and your mother I'll multiply you that means to the thousands of millions and your seed will possess the gate of its enemies now listen are you with me God said that to Abraham on Mount Moriah this is his this is his family in Haran how would they know how would the family Laban and Beth you and Nahor Nahor his Abraham's brother how would he miles and miles away in another country how would they know about the blessing because obviously Abraham told him there's only way that they would know is because Abraham was talking about it I don't know if they'd let her carriers or if the Bible doesn't specify and he went on a trip to visit home and came back I don't know I'm just saying is that his his brother Nahor his son with you and Beth fields daughter his son and daughter is Laban and Rebecca they know about the blessings spoken by the angel of the Lord to Abraham because they are quoting it word-for-word that means Abram was talking about yeah you guys did you know something his brother Nahor had eight kids he had one didn't look like it was going to happen did you know something he said he's blessed my seeds gonna bless all the earth he's gonna give me in the let me possess the gate of enemies he said he's gonna multiply me to the thousands of millions Jesus he didn't know Jesus but he said the Lord spoke that to me on Mount Moriah when I was willing to sacrifice my only son and he held my hand back and he said on your blessing I will bless you and you're multiplying I will multiply you and your seed will possess the gate of their enemies I just want you to know family the blessing God's army he had to have told them because now when the servant comes and he says now my sniper and my servants my master's son Isaac is needing a wife and this is your wife and God the angel is prospered Lee and I found the wife when they say goodbye to the young lady to say go and marry this man of promise they repeat the blessing to her go our sister and become the mother of thousands of millions and let thy seed possess that the gate of thy enemies that shows me that he was talking about the blessing you got to start talking about it I don't know why it just bugs me because when I grew up and I'm not even that old there were no allergies now everybody and their cat has 19 allergies what happens going on here it's ridiculous this allergies coming out of the yin-yang I'm allergic to this I'm allergic shut up it's nice ins so I've come I just play games now I didn't know it with it I'm Lloyd with it so the weights are all just gibberish I'm healed I don't need know how to exactly no allergies I'm healed I said they all right JD's heard me say I don't know allergies I'm healed they just look at you how's that the pharmacist getting something he goes you're allergic to anything no I'm not alert you anything I said what's up with all these outs everybody's got an allergy and their cats got an allergy too I said I've got no allergy geez I'm healed I'm getting more ornery in my old age and I'm not even old I'm just tired everybody's got allergies put your foot to those allergies Jesus took your allergies on the cross why are you suffering with hay fever I'm allergic to shellfish put your foot on the neck of that thing then say if he died I'm not going to yield to this we had a girl in our church that was so allergic to oranges she almost died three times you couldn't bring an orange in the building remember that announcement don't bring oranges in the building a killer now if you don't like her sneak an orange in but but please don't bring an orange in the building but the Holy Ghost came on her where are you Dan or even in the building where are you stand on that Barnes girl [Applause] Jesus has completely and totally delivered her of that allergy now she eats oranges that nothing bothers her where's pennette pennette are you in the house of the Lord oh did you stay home stand on my brother prune it when it came to our church he had so many stomach problems and allergic things in his stomach he couldn't eat he was a mess the power of God came upon him now if pronita is completely whole and healed and well come on guys Jesus bore a heavy price so that you could deal with your allergies anyway I don't know how I got off with allergies let's get back on track he says now the blessing talk about it talk about it Wow earth Taylor did we talk about allergies there it's got nothing to do with the sermon number one know about the blessing number two stay in the place of the blessing number three talk about the bless oh that's why I got onto it because I'm talking about the blessing when I tell people I don't got no allergies I'm healed I'm talking about the blessing somebody little I would like to repair something in the car please take hold sir I'm really concerned I'll tell you how much it caused and he's telling me how much ago and I know that they're just people are so nervous about money in there and I looked up and I said I'm blessed I'm rich and in my mind I'm thinking well I'm not but I'm saying it anyway I did there's a guy that you could tell he's dressed really well at the BMW dealership he is you know he's got a much a nicer car than I do and he's whining about $71 and fees and then the guy comes to me and he's like you know this is gonna cost $1,600 to fix this and I looked at him and I said it loud so that the other rich guy would hear me I said I'm rich I'm blessed they don't bother me my mind I'm gonna hold brother help me to heaven to Jesus I called my supply back I called my supply and that guy he could say you know when people get nervous they stiffen up you just stiffened up I said when you're rich you don't worry about money like this and in my mind I'm thinking but I'm going to say it I'm going to say it I'm gonna tell it I'm lost I'm not gonna think for I'm not gonna talk poor my wife and I used to say all the time we can't afford this and then Jenny started getting revelation before me and she said saying honey don't say that we may not have the money right now but don't say we can't afford it say we ever supply if it's if it's needed if it's for the plan I ever supply stop saying you can stop saying you won't stop saying just start saying the Covenant you got to talk about the blessing talk about the blessing I ain't sick I'm blessed I ain't poor I'm not afraid I'm not nervous I got the blessing you talk about it praise God number four this is where I'm trying to get to okay number 63 24 63 and let's look at 51 we didn't were on the same would just finish there they bless her a Rebecca Rose and her damn Souls and they rode upon the camels and followed the men and the servant Rebecca and the servant took Rebecca and went his way and Isaac he's 40 member come from the way of the well Aroha 4 he dwelt in the South Country and Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the even time pause for a second he went to meditate why would God say this Jenny if it was not for our benefit my god pause and have a look very quickly I know it's a 1053 but we're doing great on time I'm almost done to just relax have a look quickly at Luke 17 verse 11 very quickly Luke 17 because God brought a parallel to me that I'd never seen before and I got to share it with you Luke 17 11 to 19 let me read it too quickly and it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee and as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers which stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said Jesus master have mercy on us what are they doing they're praying when you talk to Jesus it's prayer it's a request help me yeah and when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priests in other words you're healed though and it came to pass as they went that was their act of faith they were cleansed and what of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice loud voice glorified God and fell down on his face at his feet at Jesus feet giving him thanks when you fall at somebody's feet giving thanks it means you're worshiping and you're praising and he was a Samaritan he wasn't even a Jew and Jesus answering said we're not ten cleansed but where is the nine they are not found that returned to give glory to God except this one stranger and he said unto Him arise go thy way thy faith has not cleansed a by faith has made the whole and the word cleansed and the original means leprosy ceased but the word whole in the original Greek means the body parts at eight were supernaturally restored if he didn't have a nose the other nine it stopped eating them but they let went home with no nose this guy didn't have a nose he came any worship and all of a sudden the nose grew back it's speaking up a creative miracles whole means what was stolen is now restored not just stopped the disease stopped but now what what it was stolen from by that disease and I'll restored are you with me can you can you go with me just couple more minutes so now have a look now in verse back to Genesis 24 were we in verse 63 I believe is that right digital you have to relook everything you guys hold your finger there but I go to scan again Genesis chapter 24 and verse 63 and Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the even time now listen to me he's 40 he doesn't know if the guy's gonna find the wife he wants the wife his mother's just died baba said he was grieving because of his mother he's lost a woman in his life that he loved dearly he wants to he wants that that female the next one you know the comfort do you know what I'm saying because the Bible said that it she comforted him after because of his mother's death so he wants that closeness that intimacy he had a woman in his life as his mother but now he wants the next phase of his life which is his wife and that's a good normal response for a young man and he is waiting and he doesn't know who what's gonna happen but it only knows his daddy is being stubborn and daddy won't let me go that means if God don't do something I'm gonna not have a wife so what does he do listen this represents a man looking for an answer this is the ten lepers we have a need we have a need what do they do they call out and they request of God an answer what does he do he meditates now that word meditate in the original language it means to muse pensively it means to way or to consider or to meditate this means when you meditate on the word this bug lotion to partner them up a bath shall meditate therein day and night when you meditate on the word what happens faith comes what was he meditating on the Word of God the Word of God hadn't been written by Moses yet but he is daddy's Abraham was telling him which would eventually become the Word of God Abraham's telling him God told me this God told me that God said this when he appeared to me and it's all written down and he's meditating on the Word of God and what is happening faith is coming why because he's asking God for a request the request is I need a wife I need children otherwise all this promise don't work Lord I'm meditating and I'm thinking and I'm muttering and I'm mulling over and I'm meditating and getting down inside of me what you told daddy Abraham do you see what this represents him meditating represents developing faith because he's asking God for the wife he's asking he for a need to be met in his life how do you do that you got to have faith how do you get faith you got to be in the word what does he do he's meditating on the word he's out in the field at night he's not playing games he's not watching the jugglers or whatever entertainment they had back then he's out in the field he's by himself he's putting God first he's meditating on the word he's building his faith why he has a need I need the wife to show up are you ready are you ready oh and Isaac went out of the field meditated in the e field the even time and he lifted up his eyes and saw and behold the camels were coming he's saying god I need a wife daddy won't let me leave I meditate on your promises to my father faith comes into my heart I'm making my request to you cause that angel to assist that servant bring me my wife I need my wife he's meditating and he's asking requests like the lepers he lifts up his eyes and he sees it's so poetic it's so poetic and as I was praying yesterday I heard the Holy Ghost say and I bring all that to say this statement I heard him say tell the congregation the camels are coming now I heard him say that I'm not making that up because I had another servant prepped but I heard him say tell him tell the congregation I'm the spokesperson he said tell them for me tell them to lift up their eyes for the camels are coming oh my god are you meditating do you know the blessing are you in the right place are you talking about it are you meditating and building your faith because if you're doing those four things number five the camels are coming he was asking God in faith and he was putting God first and he was meditating on the word in the field at night by himself he's asking he's seeking he's believing he looks and the answer is coming and I feel in the spirit that if some of us that have been asking and meditating and putting them first and getting the support in the field to meditate if we would look up in the realm of the Spirit we would see my camel laden with answers is on the way to me hallelujah my god that blew up in me like a dynamite yesterday tell them the camels are coming whatever it is you need healing for a breakthrough a car a job paying off your mortgage I can't tell you every detail that's you've got to meditate and figure that out all I'm telling you I heard him say tell the congregation to lift up their eyes the camels are coming that means my answer is coming that means my breakthroughs on the way that means my camels Laden down with victory for me my god whoa and Rebecca lifted up her eyes and when she saw Isaac she lighted off the camel then she said to the servant what is this what man is this that walks in the field to meet us and the servant said it is my master therefore she took a veil and covered herself and the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done and as they brought her into his mother Sarah's tent and took Rebecca and she became his wife and he loved her and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death he got the answer hallelujah number one no at number two stay in the right place number three speak at number four release your faith meditate and ask God number five which I skipped over stay in expectation don't quit number six and we're almost done have a look at chapter 25 and verse 11 because now there's a problem amazing you got your answer but there's still problems and it came to pass after the death of Abraham that God blessed his son isaac and isaac dwelt by the well at laro high and then it goes on and goes on and I'm looking for verse 21 are you with me still we're almost done and Isaac and treat okay look towards verse 20 verse 20 can you look at verse 20 and Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to be his wife the daughter of bethuel the Sirian of paddan-aram the sister of Laban the Syrian and Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so why am I fast in other words what's happening and she went to inquire of the Lord and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two men our people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one she'll be stronger than the other and the elder shall serve the younger and when her days were delivered who were fulfilled behold there were twins in her room in her womb and the first came out and it goes on and then it says look at verse 26 and after that came after that he came out he took hold of his brother Esau sealed the name of him was Jacob listen and Isaac was 60 years old when she bared them 60 now if you would look back I'm looking for it if he would look back where is it where is it Lord help me yes if you look back at verse 7 of chapter 25 and these are the days of the life of Abraham he lived a hundred and seventy five years old let me tell you something cuz a lot of people don't realize this Isaac was 75 when he left her and came to Canaan the Bible says he was a hundred he was 99 when she got pregnant he was a hundred when he was born he was a hundred when Isaac was born now we know he's a hundred and forty and Isaac has married Rebecca now we know that Isaac is sixty when the twins are born that means that he is a hundred and sixty when the twins you know that Abraham was there for the birth of those twins a lot of people don't think he was the Bible says lift 175 and at a hundred and forty at a hundred he's born at a hundred and forty he marries Rebecca at a hundred and sixty the twins are born that means the twins Jacob and Esau were 15 years old when Abraham went home to be with the Lord he saw them right up to their childhood right up through the beginning of puberty he saw them fighting he saw them starting to develop he probably got fed up I'm convinced he went home because he said I do not want to see 16 I don't know but Abraham saw the twins he saw them as 15 year olds he saw them he loved them he was Papa to them he was grandpa Abraham to them so justice remember Abraham was there that whole time even though it doesn't relist anything that he did he was there the whole time now I listen to me he's 40 and it took faith to get the wife now remember you got the wife because he will once a wife obviously but he also wants to fulfill the promise now he figures out she's got the same problem with mom ahead mama was barren let she's barren we didn't pick a very good one there she's barren but she's the right one God picked her see the enemy is after what's in your life he wants to block it now listen to me he gets her they're trying to get pregnant year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 20 years trying to get pregnant and there is no fertility clinic in Canaan if you're married there is no help 20 years but now watch it I'm gonna bring it to a close watch this powerful powerful what's the number six don't be moved by opposition you may have got your answer but you may not have your breakthrough he got his answer he didn't get his breakthrough his answer was the wife his breakthrough is the baby he got the wife we didn't get the baby don't be discouraged when you face opposition but what is the answer for you and need to do it is found now have a look here please the most precious verse of everything I've read you this morning have a look at verse 21 chapter 25 verse 21 Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived now are you ready this is a whole God showed me this Jenny this blessed my socks off the word entreated in the original Hebrew language means to burn incense in worship and it means to intercede what did he do he meditated in the field to produce faith to ask a request and God met the request what did the lepers do they asked the request and God healed them but there's still a problem he's got the wife but he don't got the baby now the lepers healed but he's got no nose what did the leper do he comes [Music] what did Isaac knew he begins to burn incense and begin to worship the Lord worship the Lord notice he didn't I didn't say that he did anything else here not for sacrifices he didn't he didn't and I'm not saying that you can't give an offering I'm not saying you can't do those things but it shows there is power and the worship of God he got down I don't know how long in the twenty years he was doing that the Bible doesn't say when he started and how long it took it just said that he was forty when he married he was sixty when they were born that means for 59 years he didn't see nothing do you understand but did you notice he didn't meditate meditating got the faith to ask see the need met but worship caused power to flow for the miracle do you hear what I said meditating produced faith to ask the request and get the need answered but worship produce power to flow for the miraculous when the leper worshiped the nose grew back when Isaac worshipped God opened up her womb that's a miracle do you understand it's a miracle listen number I don't even know what my number list is I've given up trying to follow him what's number one no the blessing what's number two stay in the place of the blessing don't leave your place that's number three talk about the blessing what's number four meditate build your faith so you can ask God for things what's number five stay and expectation does he probably wanted to quit sometimes but he stayed waiting for that answer of his wife to come number six don't be moved by the opposition she comes sorry number six is is staying so we see he stayed an expectation and he got his breakthrough the number six now he's got his wife but he don't have the baby so our position faces him we didn't quit in the face of opposition he wasn't moved number seven there's the key oh that's good number seven that's a good number what's the key worship worship brings miracles faith brings answers but worship brings miracles now what is worship it's the highest flow of faith worship is faith it's just the highest flow of faith you can ask in faith in a prayer but when you worship God you're releasing faith but in the highest flow so your request will get an answer but your worship will get you a miracle what's number eight in hard times remember the Bible says the baby struggled within her she was struggling with this something was not she didn't know what was something's wrong she didn't know what's wrong what did she do she inquired when you're worshiping and you're waiting for the breakthrough if you're feeling something just struggle and hardship and you know sometimes we go through that even while we're worshiping what do you do don't get discouraged don't stop worshiping talk to God that was said she inquired of the Lord and the Lord answered her and said two nations are in thy womb listen when you're in the season of worship and you're believing for him and yet there still struggle that you're facing talk to him he's your daddy he'll encourage you number eight is talk to God in those hard times but don't you just don't you stop worshipping and number nine is the manifestation always comes you might think it's late but it's right on time the lepers got their noses their fingers their ears whatever else had doing chewed off by that awful disease and he got his babies my god meditate build your faith to ask to get an answer but then worship to get the miracle but Senator David have mercy on me you're healed oh Jesus thank you Oh your nose is not formed guys I'm telling you there's a key here we need to worship God more now I'm not saying we don't go do confession I'm not saying we don't we walk there's a place for all of those things but how when's the last time you just sat back and you worshipped him and sometimes you can do it without music and sometimes it helps with music but you just in the privacy of your own home or your car or whatever you just lift up with your hands and you just say father I'm not even coming to ask you for anything I've already asked you I just want to worship you I love you I praise you and then I'm not as worshiping you for who you are I start with that kind of worship but then I'm worshipping you for the answer I'm worshipping you for the breakthrough I thank you and I praise you your powers working on my behalf see praise them for who he is first and then praise them for the thing that you're believing in for but make sure you always praise him for who he is first not just for what you're believing for father I just praise you you know yesterday I was you know I'd go through stuff like you do I was just just feeling a little bit of things I said Jenny I'm gonna go pray so I drove up to the little countryside when I stopped I'd like to go to a certain place where there's nobody around because people if they see you worshipping they think you're crazy so I have a little place where nobody can see me and I just sit in the car and I put my worship music on and I was just sitting there and I was this thing - a beautiful soft worship music and in my car I just lifted up my hands I just said father I'm not even gonna talk to you about all the things I'm going through I just want you to know how much I'm absolutely and astonishingly in love with you and I just spent about 20 minutes just singing to him and worshiping him and loving him and the presence of God came in that car and when I finished that all those feelings I was feeling all that pressure all that mind those thoughts all that fear all that stuff is saying I don't know that God put a shop-vac and he sucked it all out of me and it was gone and I just said Jesus and then I said lord I just want to stay here but I had to get back because I told you any I'd be back in half an hour but I took 20 minutes and I'm telling you sometimes that's all you need when you worship Him he'll do miracles for you hey Isaac worship and the lepers worship and they both got a miracle come on guys let's do this don't be so right turn off your stuff that distracts you spend some time worshipping and worship brings answers worship brings the supernatural worship brings the miraculous Heavenly Father we lift up our hands right now and we thank you for today's service Lord you spoke to me last night tell the congregation and you said it strong and loud like that tell the congregation to lift up their eyes for the camels are coming Lord answers are on the way for people sitting here today they may not always see it they may not always know it in the natural but we get things in the spirit before we see it in the natural Lord you're telling us in our hearts the answers on the way and whether we see it physically or not we believe the answers on the way we agree with you the answer is I'll say it with me out of your own mouth whatever that represents in your life say father come on now say father my camel is on the way my camels are on the way I've got a lot of answers coming my answer is coming my answer is coming I agree with you I lift up my eyes my camels are coming go reading God in Jesus name my answers are coming I'm gonna worship Him more to get my miracle I'm gonna worship Him more to get my breakthrough glory to God [Music]
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 2,587
Rating: 4.6999998 out of 5
Keywords: camel, blessing, POLC, sermon, preach, preacher, teacher, pastor, Craig, field, Craig field, Promise, life, Promise of Life, toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, GTA, church, anointing, Bible, Word, Spirit, faith, worship, Holy Spirit, God, Jesus
Id: vJI2NevsI2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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