The Assistance of Angels in the New Day | Pastor Craig Field

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[Music] this afternoon the Lord said something to me and he said now he wasn't correcting me I probably deserve much correction as many of you will attest Reverend Gregory in chief of the boat here but he wasn't correcting me he was encouraging me and he said he said son as wonderful and as I'm proud of you for talking about the things that I've spoken to your individual church about and what does he mean by that all the stuff we've been talking about on Sundays especially this last Sunday if you weren't here please get the recording listen to their live stream about what the thing that God is talking to our specific local church promise of life 17 was a year of speaking he spoke some things structured he's SSS he spoke some things we started some things he's settling some things and this is a year of settling and he said I'm pleased that you're talking and you're you're preaching and you're encouraging and you're putting meat on the bone so to speak about the words I've given for this particular church but he could but then he kind of corrected me and he said however you do not bring enough emphasis to the word that I've brought not just to your church but to the body through your pastor so we've been we put a lot of focus on what God has said to me about this church because we are this church but he said you are not giving enough attention to the word to the body that's not just this church that's the body through your pastor who is a prophet and so the word that God gave her was it's a new day now there's more to that prophecy but I'm just he only quoted me the first sentence the first partial sentence which is it's a new day and he said I want you and that tonight so I know we got some stuff to finish up but I have to say this because this is this is a this is prophetic word it's not spontaneous but it's a prophetic word that that everybody needs to hear the Holy Ghost will always deal with you individually through the word that's preached but this is now something for everybody to get it at the same time and be encouraged by he said these words to me came up in my spur just as loud as if somebody was talking to me audibly I mean it was that clear he said part of the promise and the blessing of the new day that's how we phrased it part of the promise and the blessing of the new day member this is a new day 2019 Pastor Dan C prophesied to the body of Christ whoever would here let him have an ear let him hear what the Prophet would say not everybody listens to passin ANSI not everybody would know that but whoever's in her scope of influence will listen to that word and apply it in the Lord said you're not giving due diligence you're not giving enough attention to that word now now he said part of the promise and the blessing of the new day means that things which that did not occur in the previous season can begin to occur things that would not turn loose in the previous season can begin to turn loose things that seemed impossible in the previous season will not be impossible today things that you were turned down for in the previous season you will not be turned down for now and I'm telling you it came up so strong on the inside of my spirit give heed to the word that was given to the body at large through your pastor my pastor pastor Nancy give heed to that word and begin to start to say more it's a new day for me it's a new deck what seemed impossible in the old day previously years previous seasons previous calendar years what seemed impossible is not impossible in 2019 because it's a new day what things could did not turn loose and those seasons before previously it can turn loose in this season because this is a new day what seemed like it wouldn't turn for your favor it will turn for your favor in this year now listen either you believe it and you and you really start to say it but not just as a mantra but you believe this and now expect things to begin to turn for your favor expect things to begin to turn for your favor that means if there's a job opening in your and your place of employment and as you know there's always people that apply for that job now of course we you know normally speaking the best person gets that job but I remember wiglesworth dad Hagin would said to the one that one man that there was how many people would remember that story there was like I don't know how many 10,000 people or more it might have even been more than that the line was so long you couldn't even see the front desk you remember that story then he and he waited and waited and waited and waited and got to the front and but he had prayed the prayer of agreement with dad Hagin and dad Hagin said look over here wiglesworth God will look over 10,000 people to find the man of faith and remember he didn't even have all the qualifications that were needed and then this is in the depression and there was just thousands of people that were lined up for that job and that that one man who believed with that Hagin aren't not as qualified as others the only one that got the job you see now that for that man that was a new day what seemed impossible listen if there's things in your office place things that you're believing God for yes you obviously have to have some measure of qualification and if you don't then maybe it would be good idea to improve yourself but even if you didn't that doesn't mean if if like I said last Wednesday if you've got the word of the Lord on it if you've got a Rhema word a revelation word that produces faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema of God the Rhema is the quickens spoken revealed poured into word not just what you read in the Bible in the logos the written word but when it becomes alive and real that's when faith comes that's why people don't get healed Blair because they're reading the logos but it's never become Rhema as soon as their word on healing quickens to them faith will come for that healing that's why you know that precious gentleman down in Delaware for for over a year listen to listening to me talk every week on video about tithing never did it why because it was just logos to him but as soon as that logos quickened in his heart and he saw the Rhema of the tithing covenant he immediately had faith to tithe forgiveness if that becomes a Rhema word to you faith will come in your heart to forgive you don't have to go by feelings you go by faith but you need a Rhema in order to be able to forgive by faith especially if they've been real rotten to you the more rotten the more faith you need do you understand so if you have a said job that you don't qualify for but God not your emotions not your ego not some person that you is prophesying over you that you don't know if they're right or not but the Holy Ghost gives a word to you specifically remember the Word of God is for doctrine and it's for general things your jobs not listed in these verses but you pray in the Holy Ghost as this renews your mind and produces faith for doctrinal things tithing faith all these different things now you pray in the Holy Ghost which will renew your mind and now the word of the Lord will come about specific things into your life so if he says to wane according to the word it's lines up with this book but if he says to Wayne Wayne this offer is yours but what I don't qualify that I'm not qualified for that I know but I'm telling you this offer is yours what you see listed here that I put a desire in you for that now I'm telling you it's yours now that is a Rhema word specifically for his life that has come and the more you pray in the Holy Ghost the more you'll be able to discern and recognize when God is talking to you about the plan for your life member Tom what's staying on the plan now that that would mean that that offer is on the path that Wayne is walking the God has that offer on that path and it doesn't matter whether he's fully qualified if it's on the path and God reveals it to him supernaturally by a Rhema word faith will come into his heart when he applies for that for that job position and he releases his faith and then he does what dad Hagen taught us you claim what you need you tell the devil take his hands off you tell the angels go pick it up and bring it to you and you praise and worship now he just waits because faith has come for what was impossible this will always work no matter what year were in but it especially works to this year and you know say what I'm saying by that at all with faith always works and don't matter what year if God spoke to you it will come to pass because you've got faith for what he said to you well yeah but that's why we really just need to know what he's talking to us about that is the biggest problem it's not about faith faith will come with the instruction the problem is people don't know how to hear from God that's why the more you pray in the Holy Ghost and quiet in your mind and live clean and pure the more the that will become more clear and distinct to you when he talks to you amen but if an effort could apply to any year how much more does it apply to a year where God himself has said this year I'm wiping the slate clean this year forget about what happened in the past it's a new day for you this year really what is that in Jewish culture that was called the 50th year of Jubilee and Jubilee debts were wiped clean in Jubilee mistakes that were made were forgiven in those Jubilee years it was a year of celebration I'm telling you and so the 50th day is the day of Pentecost pente meaning 50 in the Greek it's an interesting that on the fiftieth which is Pentecost which is also Jubilee which is also rejoicing and celebration and victory and a new day Pentecost means new day on that fiftieth the day the Holy Ghost came I love it that the Holy Ghost came to assist in the new day the Holy Ghost came when that when the slate was wiped clean I'm serious if you study the Bible the Holy Ghost was involved in the Jubilee moment that was when that was when they got through the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues the greatest aid that the church has ever received came by the person of the Holy Spirit I say to my wife all the time where there on earth would we be if we didn't have the Holy Ghost here he is telling us get out of that Lane and there's an accident here he tells us do this and then we don't see the benefit of it for 9 years and always that we look back my god if we hadn't made that little decision that he prompted us to make all these other things wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be where we are today thank God that we listened to him back then we've got the Holy Ghost he is assigned to help us with victory and Jubilee and breakthrough and if it works at all the other years it will work any year but if God specifically says this is a new day things that didn't work that day are going to work today things that wouldn't turn loose are gonna turn loose things that wouldn't break through they're gonna break through things she wouldn't have been approved for it you're gonna get approved for things that seemed impossible are no longer gonna be if God said it that prophetically about this year how much more than normal should we be saying father speak to me give me your word all I need is your word I don't need anything else but your word if you reveal it to me and give me a the word specifically about this situation safe automatically comes for that Center I will stand and it will come to pass because it's a new day and what was impossible before is no longer gonna be pushed impossible today that he said you have not given enough attention to that word by your pastor and I want you to encourage the people amenities and where August were over halfway through we're in the eighth month eight out of 12 is what 66 rights were two-thirds of the way through the year we still have time we're not December 19th where you have to scramble and you've got eleven twelve days left before the new day ends okay we got time you can start saying this you can start saying this it's not hard be spiritually minded when you wake up instead of thinking of watching your morning show where they drink the coffee and they tell you about all the awful things that are happening in the city or why don't you just have your coffee with the holy ghost like my wife does and like I do and just start to say to yourself father father I take a claim I claim what my pastor said that you told him through pastor Nancy to the body at large I claim it what was impossible for me last year I say it won't be impossible this year what would not turn loose I say it won't it will turn loose this year what I was turned down for I will not be turned down for this here Lord what same thing that was not on the card table then it is now on the table today I declare it's my new day I declare it's my new day and then go into your day expecting now favor to come and then when the word of the Lord comes to you specifically because you're a person that prays in tongues as a lifestyle not just as an event I pray in tongues as a lifestyle not as an event do you understand can I give you a fun I know this is okay anyway yeah pray and the Holy Ghost and he'll speak to you yeah and when he speaks here now faith comes for that assignment amen you need the word you always hear the word because this word is the bedrock of everything you'd never stop reading this because faith is always having to come because there's much in here in fact more in here about general things than there are about the specifics of your life I mean how many people are you gonna marry one okay you just need one specific word do you understand how many jobs are you gonna have five ten okay you need ten specific words there are thousands in this book of things that that are that are you know what I'm saying what we call general things but that still apply to your life health applies to your life it may not say your name and your date in exactly your condition but it's in the word about health you always need this book always but praying the Holy Ghost much so that the assignment can come to you specifically of what God wants you to do in other words the more that is on your the more you pray in tongues the more what's on your path will be revealed to you then you'll start to know ten steps from now there's going to be this now Lord if you spoke to me about it faith is coming to me about it now when I now I start to release my faith in advance so that when I get to that place on the path I'm ready to take it so after he said that to me he said now now go and open up I want you to see something I didn't know really where he wanted me to turn and my I just happened to fall upon something pastor Nancy said that doesn't happen very often but every now and then that'll happen where you just he just feel prompted a little tiny prompting to read something but you don't really know why and then all of a sudden when your eyes fall upon the words it jumps off the page at you the Holy Ghost was actually leading you to read that now you don't get weird with that people can get weird with that one person called me awhile ago and said pastor this is a very important job interview I need the word of the Lord do I wear the red tie or the blue tie I said stop not what's up wasting my time on the phone pick whatever tie you want that's getting weird with it do you understand you don't need that kind of instruction but sometimes he will prompt you to read something can I and my eye fell upon this quote that Pastor Nancy gave and I'd like to read it to you she said your mental calculators in January when she was giving the prophetic word about the new day this year eight months ago she said your mental calculations will rob you of the miracle of the new day and I'll be transparent before you and vulnerable and the Lord said and you're guilty of that son your mental calculations will rob you of the miracle in other words a miracle is a supernatural intervention into the ordinary course of nature your brain can't figure out how a miracle works because it goes against the ordinary course of nature it is beyond the ordinary course of nature and people like me and many of you out there that are very analytical that are very logical that are maybe very listen people with personalities that are melancholy personalities very detail-oriented you will automatically struggle with this more than the sanguine the sanguine is fun-loving just always having a party laid by the flag matic my god so easy for those people to have faith everything is well whatever laid-back Ori to God but the people that are you know detailed and sometimes you get a little bit of who I'm like that because you're looking at all the details your logical and your mental and your calculating that's not my fault that's the way God made me I need to be that way for my call but that'll hurt me in my faith because my mental calculation trying to figure out this thing will rob me of the miracle of the new day in other words there's some things that are coming you can't figure out that's the whole point he gives you a miracle it didn't make sense to you but all of a sudden it was there praise God and angels have a big part to play in that now let me give you a minor very minor and very silly example but it's still an example ok little day-to-day things so I I release my angels every day and I say no angels you're gonna protect me from harm but you're also gonna protect me from loss I always say that and you should start saying that angels you excel in strengthen hearken to the voice of the word now I and then I quote verses that I will suffer no loss and I said no he will protect me not just from harm and danger but you'll protect me from loss I will not lose my vine won't cast forth our fruit before the time my washing machine is going to last because that's your vine cat thing for Thor fruit before the I don't buy lemons and if they are the angel fix it so that it's an orange not a lemon do you understand what I'm saying I refuse to suffer every now and then that you know there's a little crack I miss it things go wrong but if will be led by the Spirit we won't suffer loss when we went to pick up that that electric car I was enamored with the I don't know what with the uniqueness and the technology I was enamored with the technology I thought it was just the coolest thing on four wheels and I never asked the Lord and when my wife came down to sign the papers with me she got a check but she saw how happy I was and she didn't tell me and I said to her after I'm glad in some ways you didn't tell me because then it would have it would have made me upset because I mean we're not here to negotiate we're here to sign the deal like it's a done deal my names on the paperwork I've read the manual I know everything there is to know about that electric car don't come tell me that woman you got a check you tell me before I read the manual you got a check so I'm kind of glad she didn't but I said to her over time I said I wish you had of because I trust you I trust you I trust your spirit and sometimes we're emotional in decision-making and when you're too emotional or too excited about something you could miss something down here because your soul and your spirit are not the same yet they're so close they're like bone and marrow Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 and so you know I enjoyed the car people made a lot of fun of me construction workers especially would go out of their way to make comments to me that I was a I'm a girl and I'm I know I can't say because some of it is crude but they would this be very you know how's your skirt Nancy they would say that to me and you know you're driving a portable I won't I can't say what they said it's inappropriate in church but anyway you know other ministers some of them liked it some of them made fun of me I didn't care because I could beat them off the line it's a fast uptake on that car and I enjoyed it for a season I enjoyed it for a season but then when it came into trade I realized that there were things that they didn't really disclose to me at the time of purchase that it's not illegal for them not to but it's unethical for them not to and they didn't say certain things and so it was it was difficult to get it so now God still helped me and God still did a miracle there but there was there was a price that I had to pay for that do you understand there was some negative equity there was a price I had to pay for that and I look back and I say Lord I wish I had heard the Holy Ghost more clearly because I wouldn't have got into that if I had known but you see I couldn't hear it Wayne because I was emotional but my wife heard it but she didn't tell me so this fault is it [Laughter] so I so listen I'm saying telling you for a reason I'm confessing I'm confessing I suffer no loss I suffer no loss I suffer no loss but if you don't listen to the Holy Ghost you'll suffer loss if you don't know how to discern the voice of the Spirit you can confess it all you want you will suffer loss so how what is the key in life learning to hear the voice of this for dead Hagen said the most important thing you can teach a believer is how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit that is the mode number not faith not anything else is how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and the way you do that there's a lot of different things you could say but a lot of it is just spending time in his presence reading the word so you know the way he thinks about things praying much in the Holy Ghost of that plan 1st Corinthians 2:9 2:13 that thing that he found in that heart of God for your life that thing that you're praying out in words that the Holy Ghost teaches so that he now can reveal them to you the more you pray in tongues the more he'll make sure that you hear his voice do you understand so we I don't want to suffer loss and I say that but you got to hear the Holy Ghost if you're really gonna live that way but I say that all the time and so today I'm driving down to church remember I released my angel every day that I'm not gonna suffer loss but you can be stupid so I'm driving down and the person passes me and they're honking hmm so usually I just ignore them like they don't exist I didn't do anything wrong Jennifer I didn't do anything wrong strike as I ignored him and then they take off then another guy in a Range Rover goes and I look over to the lady like angry like why are you bothering me I'm praying and the Holy Ghost and she's pointing at something I can't see what she's pointing at so I'm looking around and there's nothing there and I'm looking in my rearview mirror there's nothing there and I have this special camera thing that gives you a aerial view of the car so when I got to the first traffic light I turned on that camera and it shows me the arrow view of the car and I can't see anything there she's just crazy so I keep driving another car pulls up and they're pointing so finally I roll down the window and they said there's something on your trunk there's something on your trunk so I put the side of the road and I get out of my trunk and Caleb had left his brand-new iPad on my trunk and Jenny that is a slick cover it is on a metal car I am driving and because this is partly LeMans to me this is partly the autobahn that no it's not but I do enjoy moving from lane to Lane I just enjoy it it's part of the fun of driving and this particular day I put it in sport mode tonight you know I'm doing the speed limit it's not illegal but I am having some fun so my car is doing this for about 11 kilometers before I pulled over and I go back and that thing is on the top of the trunk it's like it's glued there and I picked that thing up and everyone you know everybody's looking at me like you idiot and I take that and I and I heard the Holy Ghost say you see angels do work for you boy I know that's not possible that's not possible there's a fit that's physically impossible to be driving the way I was and that the rate of speed legal although it was because a sharp take off what he knows my car it's 4.7 seconds four zero to 100 and when you hit the gas and you take off everything what happens when you hit the guys everything goes backwards how is that possible that's not possible and I heard the Holy Ghost say your angels are working for you son there was an angel riding on my truck but he released me today you see if he just released him even if you're stupid I mean they'll make you look good they're healthier they'll help you your mental calculations will rob you of the miracle of the new day you can't figure it all out so this new day includes angelic help like we've never seen before it includes confessing over your life Lord this new day is working for me this new day is working for me I have things that didn't happen the last day they're gonna happen this year but if you don't actually say it and you don't actually believe it it doesn't work and if you don't listen to the Holy Ghost and pray in tongues and then when he prompts you actually do what he says then it doesn't work and if you don't get your angels involved and do those four steps that egg and taught us claim what you want to tell the devil tell the angels and praise if you don't do that it doesn't work see it's not just you confessing it's it's a multitude of things it's a living organism it's such as a religious legalistic action it's a living organism where you're where you're living this and it's a daily lifestyle to you and you'll see he'll help you he'll protect you there's things that otherwise would have gone and you'll look and you'll say how did that happen how did that happen remember when we were trying to hire your mother here with this student program the summer program that the government offers you can hire people and they'll pay their salary remember send Xena you told me about that you did it when you first started at the church here and and and so you know you have to prove to the government that they'd be an asset to the church and that they'd also be an asset to help them get back into the work force and then they pay their whole salary for a whole year I mean it's a wonderful deal and so we you know we wanted to hire Burleigh Jennifer's mother to help her with some things but also she was gonna help us with some things and so we had done anyway long story short we had done all the stuff everything was up everything was fine but when the lady called dr. Dufresne was with us that weekend and then the lady called I took the phone in the bathroom in the greenroom and she said mr. fielder I'm so sorry I know you've done a lot of work I know there's been a long process but even though technically this should be fine the computer system will not accept this we've tried everything that we know to do and we're trying to input the stuff because we can achieve the approval unless the computer system spits out a code and it won't spit it out and we don't know why and we've done everything that we know to do we can't keep working on this so you know what we're just gonna have to deny you and maybe you get a different person and I don't know maybe it will work that and we were so discouraged because we had really you know we were believing for her she was believing for it and they were stuff that we needed her to do here to help and we wanted the government to pay for it and so but I heard the Holy Ghost my wife heard the Holy Ghost say did you send out your angels and she said Lord I I don't know if we did or not so she went you remember honey you went and you said no angel I don't care how you do it but I released you right now go in the name of Jesus and hearken to the voice of the word that I speak according to Psalm 103 20 you hearken you listen to the words that I speak which line up with God's Word and I say go and cause me favor favor encompasses me about as a shield psalm 5:12 see that's the word now they're gonna hearken to that word and do it now go and cause that to come and I remember after the service we were back there and the lady called member we told dr. and the lady called and she said it was like at nine o'clock at night she said the strangest thing happened mr. Filch I said I hope I'm not disturbing you I know it's late at night I said no no that's fine I said well it got any good news she goes I do have good news she said I can't figure this out she said when I hung up the phone with you I was processing the rejection and she said a thought came to me it was an overwhelming thought you need to help this man you need to help this man she said while I'm typing the rejection I can this start is coming to me you need to help this man you need to help this man and she said I said to myself but I don't know how to help him and the start spoke to me she had she said that she said the start came to me call at the team of people that do the AIT call the team together and she said okay as if she's answering it but she doesn't even know is an angel can't be the holy ghost because she's not born again but it's an angel that's speaking to her ear and she said I've never done this in all my years working for the government but I called all the IT people into a room and I said I don't know why but we need to help this person and the computer system will not accept that we're not producer code and I need you to you know what they did they spent two hours a team of IT people spend two hours rewriting the code and at nine o'clock it sped out the code of approval and she said I don't know why but I just had to help you and I said ma'am think you know you'd be very gracious you don't be arrogant ago what I know why that's because my angel was talking to you fool you don't have to talk that way I said you are so kind I said I don't know how to thank you I said how can I send you a box of chocolates can I send you something a coupon for a dinner she's a no we're not allowed to receive that kind of stuff we're not allowed to use it I said well thank you so much for your help and we got a whole year's free celery for somebody that we wanted because that angel caused that lady to call the IT people in there I'm telling you angels can do things that you can't fathom angels excelent strength I don't know why but it seems like my my sermon once again maybe I'm not a very good sermon writer Jenny because every time lately I tried to preach God just says shut up and say this I'm losing my confidence that I even know anything about writing sermons this new day includes angels this I had had a good message you will have to pick it up maybe another time but this this new day includes angelic help don't let your mental calculations rob you don't get so mental and logical in your mind that you trying to figure it all out that it what that will rob you so in other words logic Rob's miracles I'm not saying don't be logical but if you stay in your mental faculty only and not in your spirit that will rob you of the miracle God is trying to do for you that doesn't mean you don't have a brain that doesn't mean you don't think but I'm saying if you can't figure out how it's going to come but you've got the word of the Lord on it you need to shut that part of your analytical brain down and you need to say I cast the Care over unto you I don't know how you're gonna do it I don't need to know how you're gonna do it that's on your side my side is to believe you my side is to praise you my side is to sit in the hammock and give you glory for it will surely come to pass you gave me a word it's arraignment to me Saints came for that when you spoke to me I'm standing on it my angels are working for me and even though I can't see how it's gonna happen I choose not to analyze I shut that part of my brain down and I say I cast the care and I say it will come to pass and you will not be robbed of miracles I'm telling you I'm telling you glory to God glory glory glory glory just turn quickly I know this is not planned but just turn quickly please to the book of Psalm I just keep hearing the Holy Ghost they talk about angels talk about angels a lot of them are I know it but they don't do it a lot of them know it but they don't do it do you do this because if you do it it works I don't things I don't like to say but but anyways it's a good example so I'll say it not every time today it didn't happen but some Wednesdays and Sundays it always seems to if it does happen it happened Saturday night never happened Sunday morning it only happens Saturday night but Wednesdays it always happens in the afternoon if it happens it happens in the afternoon where there's like a demonic spirit that it seems to have an assignment against me and it's assignment is to stop me from preaching and a presence will come into the room and the suppression will come and it would just hammer me and I've never really talked about it because I thought I was maybe the only person that went through that because I never hear preachers talk about that and Reverend Joe was sitting at the table with us on the cruise and he just started talking and he said he was given an example in his life and he said you know you know I would there was a season of my life where the devil was just after me every single time I preached that Spirit would walk into my room and just start oppressing and hammering me with thoughts trying to get me not to preach and I'd answer it and it would back away a little bit but he said it seemed very resistant to the normal I bind you in Jesus name it seemed more resistant to that it seemed of a stronger higher level because a lot of things you speak to it at listen to see right away some things you've got a you've got a you've got to get to a place in the spirit to speak to it for it to move you just speak to it from where you add on add any basically they don't listen to you remember pastor Dennis he had that thing that lasted for two years who didn't listen to her so she got to a place of the Spirit and prayer then she spoke sin and listen to her there are different levels of demon power and there's different levels of authority that they have and some things will listen when you just speak from your normal place other things you've got to get in the spirit to speak to them and so I've learned I didn't know because I would speak to it and I'd have a little bit of relief and I speak to have a little bit of relief but it but it would just it would just always be there that doesn't happen every week but it happens quite often and when he told me it happened to him I thought oh well I'm not the only one then because most ministers don't talk about that he said but you know you just keep pushing through that and he said eventually it leaves you alone so last Wednesday I'm talking to you at 4:30 that thing walked in my room I could feel it it was thick man I'm telling you and I say I bind you know you have no oppression as far from me you have no partner a lot in my life you have no part of love in this house you are not permitted here and it's like I can feel it being pushed back but it's still there I can feel it being pushed back but it's still there and I'm talking about heavy heavy like a blanket of darkness I don't know how to describe it to you and it's does it wants me not to come to church that's it's what it's it's after me not coming and preaching its assignment is not to make me sick it's assignment is not to make me have an accident there's demons that are assigned to that it's assignment is to get me not to come to church so when people tell me oh I just felt so depressed and so discouraged I just didn't want to come to church I understand what that feels like because I know there's demons that are of assignments to get people not to come to church that's their sole assignment do you understand that for me for some reason doesn't happen every time but when it does happen boy I got a push through that thing I got to push through that thing so I'm lying on the bed and it was so heavy it almost felt like I couldn't breathe at one point it was just like the pressure was so heavy and I'm lying on my back in the bed and I'm just praying in the spirit and just saying lord I thank you in the name of Jesus I think I'm doing what I know to do and the word and and and by the word of knowledge I didn't see him but somebody was standing beside me and I thought how did Quinn get in the room and me not hear him open the door so I opened my eyes kind of startled and there's nobody there but I'm telling you there was somebody there but there was nobody I could see and I could feel the presence and the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said your angel is standing three feet to your left he said he has a sword in his hand but he is unable to use it and I said what do you mean he said there's a deal in this room that has come to try to stop you and you know you feel its presence and you've been binding it but son I need you to speak to your angel I'm telling you guys we we think angels are just here to help us make deals and give us favor and may protect us from a car accident angels are directly involved with demons and he's never said that to me before Jennifer because I'm always trained to just deal with it with my authority and if I can pray through and get into the Roma that's in their spirit room I can speak to it into a go but it sometimes takes me a while to get to that place to deal with that thing do you understand what I'm saying and I was trying to get in the spirit by praying but man I'm telling you it was heavy it was a dark presence and then there's this thing standing beside me this person standing beside me and the Lord said your angel is sending three feet to your left there's a sword in his hand he is unable to use it I said Lord what like I mean it took me aback and he said there's a demon in your room and you know it you can feel it now release your angel and he will take care of that that's interesting they are here to help us now that you need to bind the devil yourself but they will work with your words you can't just release the angel and not speak to the demon you have to speak to that but get your angel assisting you I am NOT making it up Lorraine I'm telling you no word of a lie I lay there I'm talking about physical physical it felt like like my chest it was so heavy that darkness that that presence was so thick and I remember saying Joe I released you in the name of Jesus you are ministering spirits sent forth to minister unto me and air of salvation now I quote you Psalm 34 and I say the that the angel of the Lord and campus about them that fear the Lord and delivereth them I fear the Lord now helped me I'm telling you and I'm not exaggerating within seven maybe eight seconds it was under 10 seconds I don't know what that angel did but when I said go in the name of Jesus and assist me and deliver me of this oppression within less than 10 seconds I don't know how to explain it to you that thing that was like you could cut it with a knife who just went that fast I set up in the bed and I said oh my god and I just started praise and then I went to do what I what I had to do and that presence that atmosphere that was so strong Reverend Greg so strong see that angel was standing three feet to my left but it could not assist me when I say devil I bind you the angel cannot assist me do you understand i bind the devil with my authority but i also need to remember to say angel assist me now in this system II with this situation they they have to go with the command of faith do you understand you taking authority over the devil it's not a command to faith to them it's a command of faith of that demon do you understand remind yourself get it in your heart in your mind that you need to release those angelic hosts on a regular basis if you're facing danger release them yes you lose your authority because they work with your authority but specified to that angelic presence to assist you in that mode and in that vein right then and there I'm learning some things about angels because I I didn't realize how specific God was that if you are not particularly you're releasing of them they cannot assist you remember the two Taco Bell angels we call them Taco Bell angels because the building doctor the friend wanted to buy was the Taco Bell building and there was money that they that he needed he needed over 400,000 but he needed two hundred and something thousand of fronted and another hundred and something later and those angels showed up in his room physically he saw them and now this is interesting I've often thought about this he said when they appeared to him they had armor on they were financial angels that you think about other angels being warring angels you don't owe me as quite financial angels with warfare do you understand but they were financial angels but they were involved in warfare and the armor that they had on had word Ted dents in them like hand-to-hand combat had occurred now think about that think about how real that realm is think about that behind a veil that your eyes can't see there are beings that are fighting with each other and these angels excel in strength they have much power over the works of darkness but there was some kind of going something physically was going on because their armor dents in it you don't get dents unless somebody dented you something hit them in hand-to-hand combat and dented their armor and they said we have come from the throne of God to straighten out your finances and he was talking about the Taco Bell building finances and so doctor I've heard him say this many times and he says well well wonderful thank you and they just had they looked at him two of them they just did they look to them glory to God amen thank you gentlemen thank you for helping me with my fire they just looked at him and after a while when there's awkward silence it's awkward when two big guys are in your room that are 10 feet tall with dented armor and they're staring at you in awkward silence Wayne it behooves you to say to them gentlemen are you waiting for something and he said what what are you waiting for and they said we are waiting for the faith command and he said my God shall supply all my needs for this building according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus a gentleman hearkened to the voice of the word go and he said they flew right through the window then that man showed up the man didn't like doctor to frame because he was from a religious background and he said dr. Dufresne scared him because he didn't stand stationary behind the pulpit doctor would walk the aisles more even than I do he would stand on chairs and this man was from a religious background and he had only ever seen a minister stand stationary at the pulpit so doctor freaked him out so he had left the church because he couldn't handle doctors walking see how carnal people are they missed the forest for the tree but that man doctors with the lawyer the deal the deal is due the next day the next day mind you the secretary comes in and says is a man in a jogging suit wanting to see you doctor was not the most patient individual that you've ever met and he was a little gruff like dr. Sam Reilly said what are you mocking me for I'm in the lawyer with the meeting and the meeting with the lawyer were you bugging me for doctor I don't know he said he really is it is he a member of the church you know yeah unless a member get out here no no she comes back what a doctor he won't leave he really needs to see you he said it's something about money the doctor said sir just stay in that waiting room call that man and the man comes in in the jogging suit and says I don't necessarily like you he said I don't necessarily like you either he said I don't come to your church because you walk around too much and I'm not used to that he said but I'm here today because two large beings showed up in my living room and he described the same angels that dr. Dufresne had seen and they said to him you will go and take and gave him an amount of money two hundred and sixty thousand or whatever it was something like that 76 to 76 you will go and get a bank drug cashier's check and you will go to his office on this day and he will give him this check for his building and the man said he there was so much holy fear not fear but a reverential fear because he knew there were angels from God he said I will do it well I guess so and he showed up with the check he handed in the check and he said those angels told me to give you this check and it was the exact to the dollar what he needed for the dump for that first deal to be made now they still need one hundred and something thousand so some weeks later he's in there preaching a guest minister is preaching passin an see and doctor are sitting on the front row and the gifts minister says calls the man he's on the back row he didn't come for doctor because remember doctor walks around too much for him so he only came to hear the guest minister because doctor wasn't preaching that night so the minister sees him in the back doesn't know him from Adam doesn't never seen him before that says you back there stand up he stands up doctor looks around and sees that man God says that he has something for you to do why don't you come up to the front and do it and doctor whispers to the guest minister and says he's already done it he's already done what God asked him to do and the minister says no ed he hasn't done it God has something for him to do he walks up to the front takes the microphone looks the doctor and says those two big guys were back in my living room I'm not making this up and they told me another amount and here is the check for it and it was to the dollar what he needed to close the sale on the building a hundred and sixteen whatever it was seven hundred and seventy thousand two seventy six plus another hundred and something it came to almost four hundred thousand dollars and he said I mean doctor when he told me that he talked to me about it privately and publicly and he said I said Lord you would do that for me you love me so much that you would send those angels to a rich businessman to help me someone that doesn't even come to my church yet they were dense in their armor what does that tell me there is a war in the realm of the Spirit concerning our finances there is a war there is a there is dispute there's dispute ations what's that word I'm looking for there's arguments there's there's there's something going on when it comes to money that is designated for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ there are demons assigned to block that money flow and there are angels assigned to get that money supernaturally to you and if God has to appear in somebody's home which is rare he does not do that every day but if God has to do it he'll do it to make sure that you're funded if you're in the perfect will of God see a lot of people think they're in the perfect will of God but they're not because they haven't prayed it out enough or he said for them to do something years ago that they didn't do and now they've got their foot off that path now they're running to a parallel path but it's the permissive will now they wondering why things aren't working for me because I'm in the perfect will of God but they're not and if they humble themselves and backtrack they'll realize our that's where I got off he told me to do this and I didn't do it but those angels are there to help us would you release them that just seems to be what the Holy Ghost wants us to talk about tonight I apologize that it wasn't something else because I had other things but let me just give you some scriptures now what Psalm 103 verse 20 Psalm 103 verse 20 bless the Lord he his angels at excel in strength excel in strength now that word strength is a unique word it doesn't just mean firm and vigor it means to have the capacity of a lizard or a chameleon angels in the Hebrew tongue are referred to as chameleons did you know that why a chameleon depending on what it touches changes color to match the situation to match the leaf to match the branch right it literally means a hardy lizard or a chameleon when it refers to these angels that are that excelling and strength why because Taylor if you are in a mugging scenario they will adapt to the need like that and if you are in a financial crisis they will adapt to the need of that and if you need God to give you favor with something a house you're gonna buy the angel on that Brown branch will turn brown your angel is a chameleon no don't say he's not a chameleon don't go to the store and buy a chameleon that's not what I'm saying but your angel acts like a chameleon whatever the situation calls for he will adapt himself to that situation isn't that marvelous if I'm in the air he'll adapt himself to help me in the air if we're if we're black ice he'll adapt himself to help us on the black ice if we're in without children situation he'll adapt himself to that they are Hardy lizards like chameleons strong firm and full of vigor and strength to adapt to whatever need that you have my god I love that and it says now bless you the Lord all these angels that excel now that word excel it you eat you think of the word English word to excel or to you know you're really excelling you're really doing great that's not a very good English translation it is the Hebrew word gibor remember every time remember when Jesus appeared to Joshua and he says I've given you the city of Jericho and all its mighty men of valor that is the word gibor a mighty man a champion remember Goliath was a giant that is also the word gibor so the word gibor means a champion giant warrior tyrant it means a large being a giant a large being that is very powerful like Adelaide was a good boy the children of the Anakim or the riffian with those giant those men there no the seed of angels and one woman back at Genesis six they turned into Giants in the land that's what the Bible calls cabarrus giant giant physically giant men of great strength warrior tyrants now it's that is the word excel in the Hebrew your angel is a giant chameleon bless you the Lord all his angels that excel in strength bless you the Lord oil dangers that are giant warrior adaptive angels they are so huge they are considered Giants and every time you see them people that see them they say they're huge but yet they adapt himself to whatever the need is at that moment that my angel today was enjoying the fresh air on his face as he sat on my trunk with his finger on that iPad and I know you laugh at me but I'm telling you it is physically impossible or sufism possible Taylor I know it's a small thing but I don't want to go and spend a thousand dollars on another iPad and Caleb would make me it's as simple as that he would make me there's no choice in the matter when you're dealing with Caleb that Excel and strengths that are giants and adaptive that what do not your Commandments His commandments harkening not into the voice of your word that hearken unto the voice of his word in this dispensation they don't obey you they obey God in the next dispensation the Bible says that we will command angels and they will obey our words but this is not for till the thousand year reign of Christ in this dispensation they don't obey because you tell them to go and do this or go and do that oh bring me coffee that doesn't work that way they only obey God's Word but they will obey God's word that is spoken by the born-again believer because Jesus said I give unto you my authority speak in my name and my father will do it for you when you speak God's Word it's as if Jesus himself was speaking the word they hearken to the voice the Word of God that comes out of your mouth so every time you dispatch an angel you need to be quoting a verse I don't mean to be too melancholy on this but it really annoys me because I hear Christians pray angel I read you but they're not quoting the word they don't do it because you decide to tell them to do it they don't listen to you that way they respect you they wonder at God who lives inside you and they can't figure out this thing this is a piece of dirt I'm in a jacket moving the speed of light he can barely run four miles in a mile in four minutes with Wayne it's more like 14 minutes with me it's 45 minutes he can be at the speed of light in heaven and earth he is a far superior being yet he looks they long to look into the things of salvation they can't believe that this clay frame holds God and they're amazing beings cannot hold God they want to be us but they can't you you're so impressed with them they're impressed with you they can't believe that God would choose you Greg and me they're so much more advanced but God chose us not them but they even though they admire us they want to be like us they do not obey us they hearken and obey His Word that we speak so when you're releasing them make sure you know the Scriptures and release them can you look at a couple of scriptures with me before we close as 8:54 look at psalm 34 I love the holy ghost remember this is nothing that I planned on saying tonight but I just I want the Holy Ghost to have preeminence there's people in here that there are situations that are critical for you and if you don't release those dangerous things aren't going to change remember what did God tell what did what did the pre-incarnate christ jesus he was the pre-incarnate christ the angel of the lord what did he tell Joshua he said I the angel of the Lord goes before you to drive out the inhabitants before you when you're coming into Canaan I'm going before you to drive out those inhabitants anytime you see the Lord of hosts there's an angel connection there because host means angel armies even with tithing Malachi 3 thus saith the Lord of Hosts if I want to open the windows and a part of it why does it say the Lord of Hosts because angels are connected with the blessing poured out because of your tithe look carefully in the Bible every time you see the phrase little Lord of Hosts Lord of hosts there's always angelic connection to that verse it's a wonderful Bible study there are so many verses that say Lord of Hosts it shows me there are hundreds of examples of angels being involved and yet we don't use them that angel wanted to help me in my bedroom can you imagine how frustrated those angels must be seeing a demon spirit that they detest worse than we detest it because they can see it I can't and that demon is oppressing a child of God that they are assigned to protect and they are chomping at the bit to aid and they can't because there's no command to faith but as soon as I said angel the Word of God says in Psalm 34 let's read it Psalm 34 verse 7 that's what I quoted him the angel of the lord encamps about them that fear him and deliver them that one verse spoken in faith released that angel and in less than 10 seconds that thing was gone could I've dealt with it on my own absolutely I just had to get into the spirit a little bit further because it was a stronger demon but isn't it one that Hut's saying don't get in the spirit I'm saying there's a whole dimension here that we have not tapped into there's angelic help to help us so why don't you write that down and memorize it psalm 34:7 Psalm 103 verse 20 glory to God praise God now what's that scripture reference brother Greg on our old offerings their favor is righteous calls that say continually the Lord be magnified to his pleasure where is that again Taylor can you find that the Lord be magnified where is it storm 35 Taylor don't worry Beverly's found it already so I'm 35 27 27 let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous calls yet let them say continually let the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of a servant what makes odd pleasured your prosperity now go back quickly to Psalm 103 Psalm 103 we just read it but let's bring out another element to it Psalm 103 and verse 20 bless you the Lord these ideas that accelerate the duis commandeth commandments hearken to the voice of his word bless ye the Lord 21 all years owes you ministers of his that do his pleasure if he takes pleasure in my prosperity and they do his pleasure they are assisting in my prosperity so claim that ain't Jose the Bible says that you do his pleasure and the Bible says he is pleasured when I prosper angels cause me to prosper that is harkening they will hearken to that word have a look at Psalm 5:12 there are hundreds and hundreds of verses I'm only giving you some of the top of my head have a look at Psalm 5:12 for thou Lord can you find it I waited to ten nine eight seven to one zero for the whole Lord will bless the righteous with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield that means every point of the compass 360 degrees there is favor protecting you favor is the shield that surrounds you 362 is everywhere you turn you are protected by favor I claim Psalm 5:12 every single day angel psalm 5:12 says see that's how he listens because I speak the word he doesn't listen as I say go prosper me you say you're being legalistic no I'm following the scripture he didn't say that listen deal he said that hearken to the voice of the word so speak the word and they'll do it just talk to them and they don't even when they said give me the faith command doctor still quoted Philippians 4:13 for them to leave he didn't just say I'll give you the faith demand go he quoted Philippians 4:13 you that's why you got to know the word they love people that know the word they love but when you know the word because that's that's their marching orders is that's their language is the word angelic language is the word of God learn the word and release them praise God amen Psalm 5:12 what's another word oh I like this when Genesis chapter 24 and verse already can you read that with me we're almost done oftentimes in fact the number one request I'm not sure why maybe this is good that I'm doing that but the number one request lately is people been emailing me saying pastor give me angel verses give me angel verses I don't know I need more angel verses well I'm just giving you a few there's lots more so Genesis 24 and verse 40 have a look at that with me remember this is Abraham talking to his servant that is going to find a wife for his son Isaac remember he said Isaac's not leaving buddy no matter what happens if she comes or not he ain't leaving me so she won't come with you you're released of the oath but he is not leaving the land of promise the world's gonna come here we're not going there think about it was reverence enter what that meant if the girl didn't come Isaac didn't get married if I think in America Isaac didn't have a baby if I didn't have a baby there was no heritage if there was no heritage the word that God told Abraham wouldn't come to pass so you think you would be willing to negotiate a little bit and let Isaac go and find the girl but he was so stubborn he said no when God tells me to stay here God can bring the girl here I know the entire thing is hinging on him getting married the whole thing is hinging Jesus Christ coming hinged on Isaac getting married you're born again experience hinged on ISAT getting married do you realize that this is a major deal but Abraham was so impressed that God said this is the land don't get your feet off it man if we'd have that attitude about Church God said this is the house don't get your feet out of it but there's nobody that's good-looking here and I just I don't know there's not enough of there's not options here pastor Craig there's not options if God said this is your land don't you get out of your land because the girl will come why don't you release your angel get that girl to come now the girl may come through plenty of fish or whatever the website but just release all right enjoy just release your angel amen you might not meet them in the church house you might meet them out there and bring them to the church house like Taylor he met him in another country Rob pastor Nancy blind Taylor don't get offended and don't leave you can't go to the bathroom right now and he said unto me and he said unto me the Lord before remember now the this is the this is the servant recalling to the family of Rebekah the words earlier in the ver heading is chapter verse 24 earlier you hear him say Abraham's talking to the servant now the servant is recalling to the family what Abraham the patriarch said and he says and then he said unto me Abraham said unto me the Lord before whom I walk will send his angel with thee and prosper thy way and thou shalt take a wife for my son of thy kindred and of my father's house what did the angel do the angel went with him to do what rain prosper his way angels love that their assignment is to help prosper where you go if you're going in to buy a car angel go before me and prosper me in this way and get me the best deal and don't be cheap and small-minded about it but don't don't throw your money away either amen angel go prosper me in the way and did you notice that angel influenced Rebecca to be at the well at a certain time of day and that servant there were many wells but that servant showed up at a certain time of day because that ain't that servant it actually said caused the girl to come and offer me if you read the story he actually told God Lord he put a fleece because they didn't understand anything better in the Old Testament we don't have leases in the new we were led by the Holy Spirit but he said lord if this has helped me now and caused the girl to offer me water and now that angel says but but I'm watching as the world turns I can't right now go to the well go to the well so she switches the channel she switches the channel I know she did it she switched the channel to the price is right you're testin is the breakfast go to the well but I'm watching prices right Bob Barker's there I'm watching it go to the well go to okay fine I'll go to the well see that angel influenced her to get to the well you see prospering in the way is influencing people to be at certain prospering you in the way is influencing the pilot who's been drinking to stay home that day prospering in the way is influencing the rookie pilot who forgot the thing he learned at the course to do something go wrong so he don't show up to fly your plane and crash it into the ground do you understand listen I'm talking this specific prospering in the way is influencing the right worker on the line at GM who's making your car to pay attention to the bolts and that engine unless they turn loose and now you've got a problem six months into it I mean I'm talking about that specific that angel will actually cause the right person to work on your automobile if you believe it they'll do that much specificity to you we missed the flight I'll end with this we I could tell you story after story sir but we missed the flight we're coming back from Israel we're going through his assemble we were there's a beautiful lounge there I'm exhausted the team exhausted me I just they just sit there awful rotten people they just exhausted me I'm just kidding can you take a joke we were you you were great Jessica you were wonderful you didn't exhaust me nobody exhausted me but we were tired Jenny remember that and I said Jenny set your alarm I'm gonna put his eye back in this chair we got two and a half hours before we board the plane for miss den both to Toronto okay huh I set my alarm and so I go into a deep sleep she goes into a deep sleep I come out of the deep sleep and a start and I look at my watch and it's 45 minutes past the boarding time and she's just sitting there looking at her phone I said well I said woman woman don't call her wife when you're mad call a woman I said woman woman what have you done what have you done oh she felt so bad she forgot to turn airplane mode off and when you forget to turn airplane mode off your phone doesn't change to the right time zone of the country in which you are and the time zone in Istanbul is one hour different to Tel Aviv and so we missed it by an hour we are running through the airport and of course it's done that's gone and and I we don't have we didn't bring a carry-on bag I'm wearing a t-shirt that says Mossad that Joe Morris gave me in Istanbul Turkey where I'm telling you that's not the what I didn't have a jacket I didn't ever carry I didn't have nothing I took nothing with me I had shorts and a Mossad t-shirt I'm running through the truck I'm trying to just you know like I don't know just and I said and I went and after the man says what happened you missed your flight and I said I'm gonna be honest with you I could make excuses but I'm gonna be honest with you and I told him the whole thing he looked at me and goes well that is that is such a crazy story I believe you couldn't have even made that up I said I didn't that's the truth he said no we had to wait for 30 minutes but as I'm standing there are you better believe what I'm doing what do you think I'm doing I'm quoting scripture and I'm saying I enjoy release you you better go on you've been trunkless we've all learned how to be good ventriloquist you know you better gonna do it I'm not joking you and Joe I am not staying here for another week you are going to get me I'm wearing a Mossad t-shirt go and get and it took about half an hour but but and he talked to one manager and he'd look at me and he'd shake his head and I'd say keep trying and he looked at carve another manager and they taking it and finally after like the fourth manager he said and he was started to smile and he said we've got you on the next flight the same seat everything is great we and we're gonna waive all the fees for you sir would have cost us $2,700 and he Denny didn't charge us that fee but those angels were working for me they know where to go they know exactly where to go tear and they're whispering to that person be kind yes did you know she took almost four people for somebody to listen to the angel doctor the frame took a hundred people faint you're influencing people to buy him that engine on his plane and God told him the reason it's taken so long is not because your faith is not working son it's because it's taken a hundred businessmen have said no to me the hundred and first agreed and bought in the airplane so sometimes you think your person are working they're working but the angel has to go down the line to somebody who'll listen it took four managers to get somebody to listen but but as long as a person who was kept willing to talk on the phone as long as he I kept engaged just try another manager nobody just you you're such a nice man thank you so much it's China the manager finally somebody listened that that felt came to them and they obeyed it and then of course now we have to go and get our luggage and now we have to go outside and now we have to go and get a taxi cab and now we have to go and walk through streets to get to this place where we have to stay and there's a group I'll never forget a group of about ten twenty something year olds they look rough they look like they were Isis they were nice incident exists but maybe they did I don't know but it's look bad they look dangerous remember that journey we were walking and I've cut in Masada cross my t-shirt and they actually stopped and looked at us remember that whole group they stopped in they looked at us they were looking at my t-shirt and they were looking at me and they're looking at my t-shirt and they were looking at me and you know there's their group of them and that is smarter them hi hi and this I've learned if you're in serious trouble do what David did Fame like you're insane remember David with a quiche he feigned like he was crazy just act like you're not like you should be in them in them in they say asylum that's all you do and second dishonest and they're like oh we can't hurt him he's nuts hey I'm telling you the word of God's got answers to every problem in your life so the Angels got us the plane ticket the Angels protect us from people that don't like what I'm wearing angels will help you the last thing I know I got I know I gotta close but you got to see this quickly hebrews chapter 114 this is very important and it's it's 909 you're gonna give me till 910 and not a second longer so you can leave if I'm past 910 Hebrews chapter 114 quickly are they not all verse 13 talks about angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation wait now go to chapter 2 verse 1 therefore we ought to give therefore what is he talking about angels verse 4 there are no chapters when he wrote Hebrews translators in 1611 added chapters in England because I thought they were smart and they're trying to help us find places right Reverend Dan there was no one he wrote he didn't write chapter 2 he just wrote a letter to the Hebrews so it says in chapter 1 verse 14 let's read it beside let's read it without the stopping are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation therefore we ought not to give we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard heard about what angels lest at any time we should let them slip away he specifically warned about the subject of angels the revelation is going to try to slip away from you why because the devil is after this revelation on angels he wants to cause you not to remember and not to take it seriously because he knows how powerful they are to your assistent into your aid therefore pay attention don't let this word that we've learned about angels easily slip away from you be aggressive be intentional be on purpose every day quote the word and release them and watch what they do for you how many times have we been delivered from danger and from harm and from emergencies because of angels that time in Guatemala all those times were those people wanting to kill us and we didn't even know there was an angel traveling with me and I didn't even know it River and great so we're talking don't even know we're being delivered if you knew how many times God saved your life you'll learn in heaven he'll show you on a film all the times he delivered you from death and angels are part of it most of the time now when you don't know anything there's autumn irsie they help you but when you get to know the Bible and you get revelation knowledge now and so that they don't want to help you but you are responsible for what you've learned if they helped you before because you were ignorant now that you know you can't just ignorant all the time they won't help you the same you've got to now do this speak they're here to help you live out the path this is a new day what was impossible last year will not be impossible this year let us give heed to the word of the Prophet to the body of Christ for 2019 it's a new day and angels have a big part to do with the new day that's my message it's a new day and angels have a big role to play in the new day father bless this per day they're so patient they're so kind to me Lord even when they're tired they still feigning enthusiasm they're feigning interest and I know most of it is feigned but lord I thank you anyway because they make me feel so good and so loved I appreciate that Lord we love you tonight we are so grateful for your instruction tonight Lord it is a new day and we are going to hold to that we're not going to let our mental calculations rob us of the miracle of the new day we're gonna believe you we're gonna get and hear your voice faith will come and we will execute what you've told us it's a new day the things that were impossible last year will not be impossible this year we claim to believe that word and we live it out and Lord angels have a big role to play in this new day and the miracles assigned to this new day and we will release them and we will give them the command to faith and activate their great assistance and they will adapt their help to whatever need we face they will prosper us in the way they will cause us to be surrounded with favor and they will deliver us because they encamped about us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen
Channel: Promise of Life Church
Views: 4,676
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: angel, angels, church, Mississauga, Toronto, GTA, Brampton, Pastor, Pastor Craig Field, Pastor Craig, anointed, Word, Spirit, Bible, anointing, presence, presence of God, ministry, assistance, new day, Nancy Dufresne, Dufresne Ministries
Id: bnqWl18hgI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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