Applying The Blood Covenant | Craig Field | Holy Ghost Meetings 2020

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Heavenly Father we thank you by your blood you saved us by your power you raised us father we thank you for this wonderful night of healing and as we look to your word and as we talk about your blood this evening I thank you that as we put an emphasis on the covenant healing power always flows father I believe that people can even be healed in their seats if they would just reach out by faith and take what has been purchased for them so we thank you Holy Spirit for your that spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of you and your word we thank you father for the anointing that makes it easy to deliver and easy to understand we give you praise father holy sprit I'm gonna deliver the word and this is your opportunity in Jesus name Amen you may be seated praise the Lord great privilege pastor Nancy has given me to share with you and the first of the year which was a Wednesday last week I said Lord what do you want me to talk to my congregation about and I heard the Holy Spirit of my heart say when Noah came into a new phase a new season got off the boat what's the first thing he did and I had to look that up and the Bible says that he he gave an offering to the Lord with the shedding of blood it wasn't two by twos that they came in if you look at the Bible two by two was for the unclean animals but the clean animals came in sevens because some of those clean animals were sacrificed as soon as he got off the boat and then he said and what did because you know the first service of the year we want to consecrate our lives to the Lord of freshen and he said to me what did what did Solomon do when he consecrated the temple if you studied the Bible there was a whole lot of blood that we shed God seems to like to renew and talk about the Covenant of blood at seasons of new beginnings and it's seasons of dedication and he said I want you to teach your congregation I used to teach it years ago I haven't taught it in quite some time but he said I want you to teach them about the blood covenant much study over the years I had to pull out my notes and refresh myself but in God's wonderful way even though we may have studied something and taught it in the past there's always fresh revelation that comes if we'll study it again and so fresh nuggets started to rise up in my heart we shared that with our congregation and then lo and behold we come and we have the master teacher on the blood covenant in the body of Christ brother Copeland who is so skillful in every subject virtually but here he is teaching on on what he is most known for which is the blood covenant I thought that was salt which is gleaning and just receiving and just saying my goodness my goodness and then when Pastor asked me to minister and I went back to the room and I started to pray and and the Holy Spirit prompt me on something which I which was a little bit I didn't know it and so this was new to me in terms of the connection and he said to me he said I said Lord what to minister on and he said well what was the theme this week and the theme was intimacy with God really knowing him not just knowing the process and the principles but knowing him amen that spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him yes the word yes the principles of faith but if you don't know him it's it's you've missed the Train and he said now what does that in the Old Testament because we aren't we're in the New Testament obviously but in the Old Testament the place where he dwelt was the Holy of Holies that was the place of his manifested presence now we have that because of the New Covenant but in the Old Testament they would feel the presence of God yes you know in the in the end the outer court to a measure and in the inner court to a measure but they really wanted to have intimacy with God you had to be called a high priest and you had to go and but what did that priests do if you studied I won't read it for sake of time but Leviticus chapter 16 if you study it he did two things when he went into the holiest place where God dwelled the first thing he did is he brought incense which is worship and pastor was talking and teaching about worship and spending time with God and worshiping him that's scriptural and the second thing he did is that he would take the blood sacrifice and he would put it on his finger and he would sprinkle seven times the mercy-seat so really if you're gonna have ultimate intimacy with God if you just look at it from the Old Covenant even you have to understand covenant or you'll never really understand in Tennessee and isn't it wonderful the Holy Ghost in his master orchestration the Holy Ghost knowing pass and NC was going to teach on that subject of intimacy and knowing him had brother Copeland come and teach on the blood because really you can't have intimacy if you don't understand blood you can't and if you don't understand covenant you'll never really understand who you are in Christ and you'll never really be able to engage the presence of God the way you want to and so I felt the Holy Ghost to say these words full circle son it started on that I said Lord hook I can't do that brother Copeland is the master he is PhD level on kindergarten level but I just felt him say just just just sum it up by talking about the blood again because the blood of the covenant is really what causes us to have that intimacy amen you know David so I believe with this conference there's been a theme the Holy Ghost has been endeavoring to communicate amen and tonight specifically being a healing service do you remember what the Bible says in the book of John chapter 3 verse 14 for as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believes in should not perish but have eternal life what was Moses doing he was putting up a type and shadow of Jesus on the cross and what was the result those that were snakebit that those that have been attacked of the devil was sickness because that's what snakes represent those that had sickness and disease and problems if they looked upon the type and shadow of Jesus on the cross in other words if they turned their attention to blood covenant if they turned their attention to the price paid now that was a that was a prophecy because Jesus hadn't come yet but he became that snake publi says he became sin for her he didn't just take our sin he became our son and he turned into that ugly creature that that God had to turn away from him and say I can't even look at you you're so ugly because sin our sin our sickness our perversion marred him so much that God had to turn away and all the judgment of God which in the Old Testament is symbol is symbolized by brass if you study Old Testament theology and that's why he said put a brass put putting a serpent on a brass pole it spoke of the judgment being poured out on that snake because it was a prophecy that Jesus would also go upon a tree and the judgment would be poured upon him and his precious blood would be shed so that those that are snake bitten those that are in sin and sickness and poverty and lack and all hosts of darkness and hell if they would look upon the blood they would be healed so I feel like it may not be a typical healing sermon tonight but if you will just put your attention onto the blood I'm telling you something will start to work in your body your faith will start to soar on wings as ego and you'll be able to take it no matter what you're going through so for our conference for tonight's healing service but in general David David was faced with a monster and if you study it I won't for sake of time but if you study it there in 1st Samuel 17 they say to him have you seen him what does he say his response was not I'm impressed with my enemy and the most dangerous thing you can do is be impressed with your sickness be impressed and go get all the medical journals that's the worst possible thing you could do and try to educate yourself so you're smarter than the doctor so you're checking up if they're giving you the right I'm telling you that's what that's what the world does he was not impressed with Goliath with his armament with his height with his with his abilities from a youth he was the giant he was the warrior What did he say who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God what did David look at he did not look at the height and at the coat chainmail and all these things listen he said he ain't circumcised boys they're all saying did you see how big he wasn't he said I don't look at that stuff I look is he covenant boy because if he's not a covenant boy I got him he don't know it yet you guys don't know it yet so when I face it giant in my life no matter what that giant is don't be impressed with his weaponry don't pre impress with the bigness with the atmosphere with the turmoil don't be impressed with it don't be moved by that you look at your circumstances through the eyeglasses of Covenant I have a covenant and you don't that means I win and you don't now we shouted that but do we really really believe it though it'll help you believe it if you really understand what covenant is and of course like I said brother Copeland being the master teacher I'm just sharing some nuggets in no way am i attempting to overshadow his magnificent teaching I just want to share some nuggets at the Lord dropped in my heart last week when I shared this with my congregation so if you would please turn quickly I want to share some scripture with just one or two scriptures from the Old Testament and then one or two from the New Testament to show you both sides of the Covenant and then talk about how we apply this ourselves because if you don't know how to apply it and won't work properly for you now Genesis the Genesis 15 as you're turning there let me just say this man and this is a simple revelation but it's powerful Hebrews 6:13 you don't look it up but just for sake of notes Hebrews 6:13 scott says i swore by myself because there was no one else i could swear by because there's no one greater than god the reason he says he swore by himself is because he got covenant with himself he couldn't swear by you because he didn't cut covenant with you people are erroneous in their doctrine when they say God cut covenant with me no he didn't God did not cut covenant with you God cut covenant with Jesus and you enter into the benefits of the covenant through Jesus because if he cut covenant with you because you fail and you sin then you've missed it it would mean that the curses of the Covenant would have to come upon you and you'd be damned thank God he didn't cut covenant with me thank God he didn't cut covenant with any of us because we're not perfect enough but Jesus was that was the Prince of heaven that he cut covenant with who was perfect that's why I said I swore by myself because I cut covenant with myself God was looking for a man to cut a covenant with and he couldn't find one because every man has sinned God the Father represented divinity and Jesus the Son represented humanity that's why Jesus had to come into the earth in a physical form born of a woman yet by the supernatural implantation of God so his blood from the father's line would not be tainted but he had to live a perfect life so he was fully God and fully man and he'd any satisfied God's justice his blood was pure which Cora would allow it legally to cleanse your sin couldn't happen if his blood was impure but he also had to be a physical man to take your place so he could an angel couldn't do it he couldn't come in his divinity he had to empty himself of his divinity and walk as a man but with perfect blood and God was looking for a man and he couldn't find one and all of a sudden we see God come to the great man Abraham grandpa grandpa grandpa P Abraham grand grand grand grand grand grandpa Abraham if anybody was going to qualify it was Abraham and if you look at this story he doesn't even qualify himself because of God cut it with Abraham then the Covenant would not be sure because undoubtedly Abraham is going to miss it at some point if he don't miss it Isaac's gonna miss it they don't miss the Jacob's gonna miss it if they don't miss it the 12 sons are gonna miss it and if none of them miss it which of course we all miss it somebody down the road is gonna miss it and as soon as they miss it the curse of the Covenant comes into action so God can't even cut the preliminary Covenant the Old Covenant he can't even cut that with a human because it will it would be undone he has to even cut the Old Covenant with his own son as a foreshadowing prophecy that the New Covenant would also be cut with his son the difference is the Old Covenant was by goats and bulls blood and the new covenant was by his blood but God from the beginning cut with his own son I'll get I'll get to the the meat of it in a second but look earlier in Genesis chapter 15 and verse 7 and he said unto him I am the Lord he's speaking to Abraham that brought me out out of the earth to give thee this land to inherit it and he said Lord God how shall I know that I shall inherited what's he saying God says I'm gonna give you the land and he says how do I know you're good to your word I'm gonna give you the right but how do I know it basically short version is I'm gonna cut covenant with you that's how we know that we're healed because he cut covenant with Jesus that is we have entered in through he didn't know he could take God at His Word because he wasn't uncommon n't with him yet but when you're in covenant with somebody you can take them at their word if you're in covenant with Jesus you can take him at his word all you have to do is find it in the word if you understand covenant and you dare find it in the word the battle is over because if you truly understand this you can take him at his word that's amazing how will I know you're good to you word how will I know I'll inherited and then he goes down verse 9 and he said unto them take me a heifer of three years old and as she go to three years old and a ram of three years old and a Turtledove and a young pigeon why because these animals purpose in life was to be sacrificed and that's why they're three years old Jesus's purpose in life was to be sacrificed and that's why he had three years of ministry he was the land three years into his purpose do you understand and he took them all these and divided them in the midst like like like brother Copeland taught us they they would cut from the back of the head down it wasn't just it wasn't just decapitating they would slice them and then they would separate the parts he took all of these and divided them in the myths and laid each piece one against the other but the birds he divided not and then you see the fowls come down upon the carcass and Abram had to drive them away see the blood is spilt now the birds are trying to mess with this this is a very beautiful type and foreshadow of the life of Jesus Abraham was responsible for making sure that he watched over and protected this covenant this covered in ceremony so that it would be fulfilled and unmolested Jesus had to be vigilant and watch over his covenant ceremony had not quit halfway through he had to make sure that he fulfilled the full will of God on that cross and that he didn't call 12 legions of angels when he could do you understand then we see here verse 12 and the Sun was going down in a deep sleep fell upon Abraham didn't Jesus die that deep sea speaking of death and lo a horror of great darkness fell upon him didn't Jesus go down to the place of horrors down to hell to taste death for me and he said unto Him Abraham Noah for surety and he goes on and dropped down he just he gives him the words of the Covenant and I go down to verse 17 and it came to pass that when the Sun went down and it was dark behold a smoking furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces in the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt under the great river the river Euphrates God cut a covenant with his son Abraham but I want you to notice I gotta I gotta try to explain this and I mean I could read you what the commentaries say and everything but to make it simple and to make it more layman so I don't lose you let me try to explain very simply when he cut those animals and there's multiple animals and they lay them as a part there and there was a path of blood between those animals now Abraham was supposed to another people don't understand this so listen closely Abraham was supposed to walk through those animals there his feet was supposed to be covered in blood and as they walked they were he was supposed to proclaim the curses of the Covenant that would come upon him if he broke the Covenant now what was the curse death a lot of people don't understand this when they would walk through those animals they are looking at the curse of the Covenant they are looking at death they are looking at if I break the Covenant be it unto me as it has been done unto these animals if I violate this covenant let me let the curse of the Covenant come upon me that I would die like these animals have died that my blood would be shed like these animals blood has been shed people don't understand that he was supposed to walk through a blood trail not just thinking about the blessings of the Covenant but if you study theology proclaiming the curses of the Covenant of what would happen to him death would come upon him should he violate this holy action this is an amazing thought but I want you to notice that Abraham did not walk through the pieces the first the first covenant cut Namie yes there was in Adamic covenant and there was in a way a covenant but this is the third covenant listed in the Bible in terms of the Abrahamic covenant but God didn't come down this way with the other with Abraham Noah with it with Adam and Noah this is a special moment in history God Himself is coming down to cut covenant that's why he's the grandfather of our faith that's why Noah is not called the grandfather of your faith because God cut covenant with Abraham but really he cut covenant with the burning lamp in the fire and the smoking furnace because it was that individual that walked through the pieces now this is the glory of the gospel God Himself would take upon himself the curse of the Covenant this is the mystery this is the glory of it God Himself would come to earth and while Abraham's sleeping he knows he can't cut it with Abram because Abraham will fail the Covenant will be undone but God himself Jesus the Christ the pre-incarnate christ walked through a blood trail and pronounced upon himself the curses of the Covenant if they break it I do this as their substitute I do this as pastor Edwin's on his behalf if he should break it let the curse of death not come upon him but let it come upon me he knows that he can't break it but he knows that Abram is surely going to break it and Jesus walked through a blood trail this is an amazing thought he's walking through a blood trail he appeared as a smoking furnace in a glowing lamp but he walks through a trail and he is pronouncing her the curses of the Covenant on him self if humanity fails knowing humanity will fail why because it's prophecy he is saying I walked through the blood of these animals but I'm pronouncing the curses on myself if they break it if they if the Jewish nation breaks it then a price has to be paid and I will come back and I will pay the price for them but when I come it won't be goats and bulls and pigeon doves pigeons and turtle doves it's going to be my precious blood that I will walk through the trail of in the future but for the moment you said are you seeing this for the moment I cut covenant with my father and Abraham and all the Jews you can enter into this covenant but it's a lesser covenant with lesser promises because it's in the blood of animals but it's still cut between me and the Father because I won't break it and when you break it which you definitely are going to break it your curse and your punishment and the death resulting in your disobedience will now come upon me instead of you Stefan easing thought he was taking our place in Genesis 15 and then of course years later in the fullness of time he comes back as the perfect Lamb born of a virgin with pure blood living a sinless life and he gives himself to the to the executioner's he didn't dive it and kill him he gave his life he laid it down and they split him open like those animals and blood flowed and he walked through his own trail of blood not God saying father I cut this with you like I cut the first one with you but the difference father is that before it was animal so it was lesser but now it is with my own blood now it is an unbreakable eternal and glorious covenant for eternity they not just the Jew but any human being that wills can enter in through the Covenant of my blood and they will come into covenant with you my god I don't know it's an amazing thought to me it's such a vast subject that hurts the brain almost you need revelation in by the Holy Ghost to really catch this because it's so powerful and it's so vast but I'm just trying to share with you the highlights that when he walked through there he was calling for his own death he knew it was coming and he did it for me and under a lesser covenant his member years later Moses takes the blood of an animal and puts on the lintel and doorpost and the destroyer and the plague and the and that death spirit couldn't touch it so on a lesser covenant with the blood of animals just the foreshadow of Jesus he'll demons at bay he'll plague at bay the lesser held sickness at bay the lesser when they rose up out of Egypt not one feeble the lesser healed them it would be a crying shame for a believer today to be sick if you've got something greater than the lesser I've got the greater if the blood of the animal that the burning lamp walked through if the Jews entering into that covenant could be not feeble and the son of the living God's own blood was shed at Calvary and he cut covenant with his son and I get to enter and receive all the benefits by coming how is it that I could be sick how is it possible you see it's possible because people don't understand what they've got they don't understand what's been purchased healing lines should only now listen we're not all there yet so we'll do it but ideally healing lines should just be for sinners and sinners that don't understand this and sinners that need the healing power to point them to Jesus a saint who understands covenant should never be sick I know those are mighty great glorious words and the living out of them is a little bit more complicated but I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible because the problem is we complicate everything too much the simple thing is God cut covenant with his son and he did it for me oh my so Jesus comes back years later to fulfill what he had called for he called for the curse to come upon him if the jews disobeyed they disobeyed a price has to be paid in blood he comes back and fulfills what he called do you hear that and he gives himself and then because it's his blood and it's not an animal's blood three things happen what's the result of that's covenant that he cut the theological II it was a perfect covenant it was an eternal covenant and it was a free covenant unlike the Old Testament it was a perfect covenant because it could never be broken do you understand it was an eternal covenant because unlike the Old Covenant that had to be done every year once a year on the Day of Atonement it never has to be done again it is done once for eternity it is unbroken it is eternal and unlike the Old Testament it is free they had to work for it they had to try to earn certain things with God and I'm not saying that we don't live right because we do but this covenant is given to us in freedom we don't have to do works to earn it it's an eternal covenant that can never be broken it's a perfect covenant and it turned a perfect that can't be broken and eternal that doesn't need to be repeated and a free covenant that does not require your good deeds that it's mine I'm telling you this is why Christians need to understand God doesn't turn away from you because you do a mistake because it wasn't based on you to begin with it wasn't based on your perfection it was based on his perfection so when you make a mistake you just simply turn to the blood and say watch me that's why this greasy grace doctrine is so demonic because what they're trying to say is that you can't sit anymore as dangerous because it's it's a turning away from that covenant they make a very simple statement everything given to by God is a gift that you have to receive by faith has the blood of Jesus been shed for all the sins you'll ever commit yes but have you received forgiveness by faith for all the sins you'll ever commit no I've received forgiveness when I repent so these false teachers in the body of Christ that are talking about you can do whatever you want because it's the blood of Jesus has washed you anyway and you don't need to repent in 1st John 1:7 a 9 is not written to the church those are doctrines of demons that is not the Bible that is not the Bible because yes while the price has been paid Levi for everything you'll ever do you can't receive that except you confess and receive that gift by faith do you understand praise God so that is why if you understand it's not based in my perfection that doesn't give me a license to sin it's not based on my perfection because when I said I have an advocate with the father Jesus the righteous when I confess my sin that blood covenant that I'm in instantly takes care of me that means I don't have to be condemned I don't have to be sin conscious I don't let after that that pass hold me back because it wasn't based on me it was based on Jesus and if I'm in Jesus I'm safe I'm telling you I'm telling you it's a powerful thought Cory remember we said the priest sprinkled seven times well Jesus shed his blood seven times in the Garden of Gethsemane he was there and for your mental torment he bled he went there to Caiaphas's house and the Bible says if you study in Isaiah chapter 50 he turned his face to the spiders and the ones that plucked out the beard you take out one little hair makes your eyes water Jesus turned his face and they beat him and they plucked out his beard and blood flowed he did it as - from his mind from my mental freedom and healing he did it from his face cuz Theological your face your face is the Bible says it shines the righteousness of God shines he bled from his face for my image for my righteousness that I would become the righteousness in him because of his face that bled for me so my face could shine his face bled so my face could shine then they put a crown of thorns on his head and that thorn is that curse because in Genesis it talks about that as a result of the curse thorns and thistles came up that's why we don't eat spring mix salad because it's filled with the curse only romaine and iceberg and spinach you don't want to eat thorns and thistles you're eating the curse no I'm just I'm just kidding here but they put that crown of thorns on his head and he took my curse with the shedding of blood they whipped his back until it was open like a like a field the Bible said that has been proud so that my physical sickness could be healed they they put forward they put nails in his hand so that what I do my work for God could be made pure they did his feet so that my walk life with God would be sanctified and set apart and then as the first Adam was put into a deep sleep and God opened aside by his rib and pulled out his bride Jesus while he was dead on that cross the second Adam fell asleep and they pierced aside and blood and water flowed why because from his side from his rib area birth the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ I believe it I don't have time I can prove it to you from Leviticus 14 why there had to be blood and water because the church is birth if you look at the symbolism of litigators 14 it was birth with blood and water and just as the second Adam slept he opened up his side and pulled out his bride and the blood flowing birth the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ seven sheddings of blood because he is the high priest last verse of Hebrew 6 he's the high priest after the order of Melchizedek if the high priest said to sprinkle seven times jesus said as blood seven times he's a perfect sacrifice I'm trying to help you to understand that you don't have covenant with God because you're all that and you don't lose covenant with God because you've done all that it was it was birthed in the perfection of the burning lamp and then the reality of the Son of God who walked the earth in person this you meditate on this and you'll get healed quickly have a look with me in the book of Hebrews can you look there in Hebrews chapter 9 yep do bored are you because I know it can be a subject that can be a little bit it's for deeper people that want more deep praise God thank God for His Holy Blood oh my god he's so good Hebrews chapter 9 I just want to give you a few things that that blood covenant provided for you number one is Hebrews 9 verse 12 and this is not an exhaustive list I'm just hitting the highlights it's a vast subject neither by the blood verse 12 of Hebrews 9 of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us it's obvious but the blood provided my eternal Redemption the blood provided salvation for me whoa glory the Book of Revelations chapter 1 and verse 5 and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood my god one more row just too good to pass up revelations chapter 5 verse 9 and they say you know in heaven you're gonna sin about the blood like you do here and they son the new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof so that was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation they are gonna say we are gonna sing for eternity about the blood because it is the Covenant of God how do we have everything that we have pastor Ruby because Jesus said yes and I enter in my yes enters in through his yes thank God he said yes praise God number two because of his blood we have much of salvation but we have the Holy Ghost I know some of this is basic but it's a vast subject so I'm just hitting some very quick highlights so this is in the book of Hebrews praise the Lord I don't know where I put that glory bigger okay let's let's look at this then Ephesians chapter one visions chapter 1 verse 14 as you're looking at let me tell you you know there's seven covenants the Adamic the noahic the Abrahamic the mosaic and the Davidic were the five of the old and then the New Covenant that is in the New Testament and then the everlasting covenant which is beyond this dispensation for eternity seven covenants in the Bible now you heard brother Copeland say that each covenant has promises terms and conditions in other words if you break the code of this conditions there the blood has to be shed and then there are seals that seal the covenant I'm not getting into all the seals but I'm just saying for to just you help you understand the seal of the Adamic covenant for example won't get into explanations why was The Tree of Life the sea of the noahic covenant was the rainbow the seal of the Abrahamic covenant was circumcision the seal of the Mosaic Covenant was the Sabbath the seal of the Davidic covenant was praised and the seal of our covenant which they didn't have is the holy ghost Ephesians 1:14 which is there were let's look at verse 13 in whom you also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom after also after that you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise the promise of the seal which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory now I want you think about this the New Covenant was sealed by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and he is called an earnest or another translation says a downpayment or a guarantee now if the Holy Ghost and all his magnificence and how much we lean on him and how he's our everything if the Holy Ghost in this sixth covenant called the New Covenant in my blood Jesus said if the Holy Ghost in this covenant is just the down payment if the third person of the Trinity in this current covenant is just the down payment when you put a down payment it's not the whole thing buddy if he's just the earnest and the guaranty and the down payment that I'm a purchased possession can you imagine what the eternal covenant is gonna be like if God Himself is the guarantee of this covenant in the person of the Trinity the Holy Ghost can you imagine what's coming you think we got a good now there's an eternal covenant that has not started yet where we'll be with him forever so we've got the inheritance we've got the we've got the earnest downpayment as a guarantee of covenant so what did this covenant you gave us eternal redemption what did this government do give us the holy ghost praise God so sad so many Christians don't have the Holy Ghost they missing out on their down payment they're facing the bank trying to buy their house without a down payment they're facing life and the devil without a down payment I don't want to face something without a down payment when I've got the down payment at my disposal number three Hebrews chapter eight when my wife says oh my god that's a good thing or a bad thing I'm not sure is that okay honey all right Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10 for this are you ready so this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says the Lord I will put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people did you see that the word of god not as legalism but written by the Holy Ghost in our hearts what is this referring to the revelation of the word of God I have a right to it because of my covenant man shall not live by bread alone Luke 4:4 but by every word what's that word word it's not logos it's the word Rhema by every Rhema that proceeds of the mouth of God that means you need Rhema everyday like you eat bread faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word that's not logos that's the word Rhema faith comes by hearing the Rhema word that's why people can read the Bible and die of cancer because they're reading the logos on paper but the Spirit has never the word Rhema means to utter to speak it also means to pour the Holy Ghost has never spoken to them what that's really talking about it's never become alive and quickened inside of them he's never poured revelation knowledge into them but when the logos is poured into you it becomes Rhema and it's the action of the Holy Ghost that takes a written word and makes it a revealed word and a live word a quickened word an activated word and faith is the result of the Rhema word and you need faith for everything so thank God for the Holy Ghost because of the blood he allows that word to be written inside us he quickens it to us with Rhema by the Spirit because of the blood it's all because of the blood everything's because of the blood what about chapter 9 verse 12 Hebrews 9 verse 12 number 4 but the blood has caused us to enter into his presence Hebrews 9:12 neither by the blood of goats and calves bride's own blood he entered in once into the holy place now we can use that yes it's for our salvation but did you notice he entered in to the holy place by his own blood what does Hebrews 4:16 say that we come to the throne of grace boldly we come into where's his throne is where he sits if you can enter by his throne you obviously going to where he is his presence is in his throne and it says we come boldly unto the throne of grace so that blood covenant has caused me to be saved as cause me to be filled with the Holy Ghost has caused me to have the revelation of the word has caused me to have access to his presence on a daily basis number five it's only seven number five oh this is what I think this is probably my favorite I don't know if it's my favorite but it's pretty darn hot Hebrews 9:14 how much more show the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God and chapter 10 verse 22 let us draw near with a full true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience sprinkled with what with the blood and our bodies washed with pure water purged your conscience from dead works this is an amazing statement that few Christians truly understand it's not really if you studied in the Greek where it says conscience if you study the original it means to be conscious of the blood of understanding your covenant and who you are in Christ will actually cause you no longer to be even conscious of what you've done past dead works and if you're constantly thinking about sin maybe that you've done you're more likely to repeat it because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so the Bible says the blood will actually cleanse and purge what I'm even conscious of I'm not supposed to have memories of my past my physical brain may remember but it's not supposed to stick to me my brother and sister if you've made mistakes but you're under the blood you're in the Covenant of God cut by the blood of Jesus you have a right to say no no no no no no no no no the blood has not just cleansed my sin it's gone to the very root it's gone to the source and it has taken my very consciousness of failure away from me and I'm not even thinking about it anymore the blood is urge me up dead works not only Emmet's is it over in the past but I'm not gonna do it again in the future this is the answer to condemnation the answer to condemnation is not you can't ever sin again so there's no point repenting the answer to condemnation is the blood of Jesus when you turn to it removes the very consciousness and the memory and takes the desire out of you to even want to sin the power of the blood can remove a desire for sin that's why alcoholics when they get under the blood they don't say 20 years later hi my name's Steve and I'm an alcoholic and I'm hanging on by the white of my fingernails I haven't fallen off the wagon but it could happen any day cuz I'm hanging on Jesus white knuckled it for me so that I don't have to anymore you see this is the world vs. us brother Levi they are hanging on by the power of their will and I am standing in victory because of the blood of Jesus his blood has taken the very desire of it out my god if you study purge your conscience from dead works it will flip your wig if you've got one it doesn't just mean a forgetting of what's gone it means taking the desire out of what is to come it means complete freedom and to live pure and right before God this is because of your big brother Jesus number six isaiah hebrews chapter 9 and verse 15 for this cause he is the mediator of the new covenant that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament now watch this phrase they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance remember what Ephesians 1 I believe it's verse 18 says the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened that we would no hope of his calling and the riches of the inheritance of the Saints I have been given an inheritance pastor Noel and according to this verse the blood and my constant affection for it my thinking about it my honoring it my magnifying that my singing about it my confessing it I'm aware of my covenant every day not just when I take to me in a church if I stay conscious of it not only am i saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and have revelation of the word not only do I have his presence and a sin free life but if I stay conscious of that covenant the inheritance that is mine will start to operate more in my life what he's given me as an inheritance because it says very clearly here that because of this covenant you receive this inheritance you walk in this inheritance and the last one which is a lot of people overlook because it's not that it's not that obvious but it's very precious it's in Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 9 to the casualeye it doesn't look like it's saying anything but if you study it you'll be amazed eight not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand and led them out of the land of egypt because they continued not in my covenant and i regarded them not what God is saying here they broke my covenant I didn't regard them but now you keep the Covenant and all of a sudden God's gonna regard you not that you see you say oh that's just yeah he regards me looks at me but if you really study what it means the word regard in the Greek language means to show interest in to show concern for and to take care of it means not to neglect not to make light up and not to be careless really means God looks at you now I know he looks at me because I'm born again but I'm telling you you can claim this part of the Covenant father your word says if I keep the Covenant you'll regard me that's right that means you're gonna take care of me that means you're not gonna be thoughtless or careless for what I'm going through because when they broke the Covenant you did not regard them but when I keep the government you regard me now people say Jehovah Jireh my provider is grace is sufficient for me dun-dun-dun-dun you know that 1970s Maranatha song it's not your hova jar of my provider that's not even what the mate word means the George IRA means God sees that's when the RAM was provided member when when he didn't had to sacrifice Isaac and the Bible he called him Jove a jar occurs it means Jehovah the one that sees the need and provides but before he provides he sees your need I'm telling you there's something deep about this and I'm still trying to extract revelation from but the God that regards me sees me he sees me he sees when the or nobody else sees he sees my shortcomings he sees my fears he sees this is a far more intimate connotation in the Greek than just he gives you an inheritance I could say that my boys Quinn he's 14 this fruit of the fridge go make it for yourself see that's part of his that's part of his what for but there's a difference between saying go make it yourself there's food there yes that's part of his inheritance so to speak right but what about when I go to the fridge and I pull it out and I make it for him and I give it to him and I help him partake of it see that's a father not just a provider God has provided things for us but God the Father regards us God the Father looks at me he sees my needs and he comes to my aid I'm telling you you got to look at God like he's a father because the blood covenant has provided a way for God to regard you I tell God that I say father I thank you that you regard me today you are watching over me you are looking at me and you love me not because I'm so great but because he that I have entered through is so great and because that covenant is eternal unbreakable free glorious it's for eternity for all eternity I can never be lost if I just stay in his blood I'm telling you it's a powerful revelation so if you meditate on his covenant more you'll see one you got saved - you've got the Holy Ghost three you got revelation of the word for you have access to his presence five you have access to be free from sin six you have your inheritance and seven you have a watchful father and now as I close this is the best part this is this is the best part Hebrews 9 17 I'm telling you my brother and my sister their brother Copeland is right when he says most believers do not understand the Covenant if you truly meditate on this and get it part of your DNA you won't be sick I'm telling you I'm telling you you won't eat hands ate on you all the time because you understand what you have access to through his blood Hebrews chapter 9 are you still with me you're okay 917 402 verse 16 for where a testament covenant that's the word covenant is there must also visesa t be the death of the testator for a testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator lives do you hear this when Jesus was on the earth his blood had no power that's why when he said the seventy out he said he was my name only the name had power but yes we still have the name we still used the name but after he died and rose again presented it to the father placed it on the mercy seat in the tabernacle of heaven and God accepted that holy Covenant that covenant was ratified the New Testament was sealed and because of that blood this covenant now has force somebody invited me to a haunted house sometime ago as a believer I don't know what the deal was but there was a lot of crazy stuff lights going on and off temperature dropping 30 degrees in less than a second scratching in the walls things moving on their own plus other stuff which I won't get into because there's children here but the this demon was violent against the person in a very dramatic way and so they said they were at my church and then after the devil got cast out then they got offended and left the church but anyway that's another story so pastor would you please come and I went there and that thing started to manifest and I'm telling you that spirit of fear was so powerful and so strong the hairs go up in the back of my neck and I'm doing everything that dr. Sutherland dad Hagen taught me binding loose and I'm forbidding I'm praising I'm jumping I'm bucking shouting snorting I'm doing everything I know to do and that thing was in the room and would not leave and was mocking me and the things are moving in the house and it's like what you'd see on television in a horror movie I can feel the fear and I used the name I've released the angels called on everybody but Mary the mother of Jesus herself because you can't call a Turkish that's not what we believe but I'm getting desperate I don't know if this ain't working where's the rosary give me something because this is not working I've done everything that I know to do and that thing is mocking me and so finally I went quiet even though I felt afraid the lady is shaking with fear and and and she says I thought you were supposed to help me I said shut up woman I don't need you telling me that right now I'm stressed enough as it is so I just I stopped all my hollering and I just started go Moshe Tecate Oh papa I said in my heart I didn't want her to see it Oh God oh god the devil is here I don't know what to do everything you told me to do don't work got it don't work maybe it works for somebody else but ain't working for me what do I do Lord and I heard the Holy Ghost he is so faithful pastor Edwin that I heard him say talk about the blood God is my witness as soon as I heard that I started saying I saved the blood of Jesus I saved the blood of G and that thing flew through the window all those Devils left that house instantaneously the atmosphere returned to normal we had the the presence of God showed up we're rejoicing dancing shouting she calls me an hour later pastor something weirds happening I said oh God don't tell me you invited it back that quickly she said I came out to get in my car and my tires there's something wrong with my tires it looks like something is Noord upon them so I took him to the mechanic and he put it up on the hoist and he called her in from the waiting area he said I've been a mechanic for 30 years and I have a queer question that I've never had to ask anybody why are you eating your tires man remember how those Devils would bite Clarita in the Philippines when that's those spirits left that house at the mention of the blood they had such a conniption fit they had such an anger they were so angry that they were ejected from their home they gnawed upon her for tires and there were teeth marks and gnaw marks and all those tires had to replace the tires and I had the Lord said Dora honey the Sunday that devil was just having a temper tantrum but he won't be back Benny Hinn's pastor Maxwell white who lived in Toronto had a ranch in Arizona big ranch many many hundreds of acres his children were there alone he was in Toronto and the devil spoke to him one day and said I'm sending three rabid wolves to kill your children when you get there tomorrow they'll be dead and he taught a lot on the blood in fact that's where Benny Hinn learnt it was from his pastor and he started applying the blood of Jesus of that property when you talk about the blood you're talking about the Covenant that God cut through Jesus life is in the blood when you talk about the blood you're talking about the very life force of the Trinity he said I apply a blood line around the property around all I own and every side he flew down the next day got into his 4x4 little little thingy car thingy you know what he called those ATVs and there was no fence but there were fence posts all the way around the hundreds of acres that marked his faith his property from the other property and as he got he started just driving around the edge of the property and sure enough he comes and he finds a wool right on the line dead he picks it up and throws it in the back little little thingy in the trailer he keeps going he finds a second one he throws it in the back he keeps going he finds a third one pastor Jay he takes it to the vet he said I want you to analyze the blood the vet calls him back a few days later and says sir a very strange all three of these wolves were rabid oh sure the devil was telling the measure of the truth he did send three rabid wolves the blood of Jesus is very tangible and very real when you apply it it works when he plied the blood around that property your eyes can't see it but in the realm of the spirit there's a force field there and when those wolves cross that line the angel of the Lord smoked them and they drop dead and I'm talking physically don't tell me the blood of Jesus isn't powerful don't tell me the blood of Jesus can't deliver you from danger don't tell me a meditation on the blood of Jesus can't heal your sickness can calls you to prosper but let me let me end with this what is revelations 12:11 say they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word the word the word of their testimony they testified they confessed in other words you could also say they applied when you testify and confess and apply the blood and overcoming power goes into operation because we overcome in by the blood and what the blood has made us to be and by testifying of the blood if listen up everything if you didn't listen to anything then listen right now please everything comes down to this second if you don't talk about the blood if you don't show honor and magnify the blood if you never think about the blood if you never talk about the blood except the one Sunday a month when you have communion to church you will suffer in what the blood can accomplish for you you must learn to think about it and be cognizant of that blood covenant every day of your life this is what brother Copeland was trying to get into us this is not just a subject like any other subject of the Bible this is the foundation of who we are this is how he has acquired and achieved what he has acquired and achieved because he he has a divine revelation that he is one with his joint heir Jesus that the blood has provided things for him and he talks about it but is when he preaches he lives it he talks about it can I give you a quote by Dan Hagen this is what he said people will have less issues if they'd magnify the blood more can I give you a quote by Kenneth Copeland we need to begin developing a consciousness of Jesus's blood a consciousness of our blood covenant with God now watch this when the devil comes against you when sickness and disease comes against you when fear wory harm or poverty comes against you remember the Covenant and remember the blood that we must come back to these basics this is not very hard but it's basic but it's powerful we must develop a consciousness of the blood of Jesus and a consciousness of our blood covenant with God so that when the enemy comes we remember the Covenant and we apply the blood that Hagin tells of a story of an African pastor that was bitten by a scorpion there was no cure at that time have you bitten were bitten you died and he she said I applied the blood and the whole village was watching for her to die and she walked back to the church and the whole village followed her expecting her to fall over dead and she gets into the little church and they all gather and she preaches to them the salvation message they couldn't believe the power of the scorpion could not overcome the power of her God and what did she do she was saying I give heed to the Covenant I pay attention to the blood covenant right now danger has come the life-threatening situations have come but because of who I am in Christ wrought by the blood of Jesus and my magnification of that blood I speak about it I show honor for it never dead Hagen said if you magnify it more if you magnify it more if you magnify the blood regularly make much of the blood speak about the blood not just when you're a church religiously when you wake up Lord I thank you for the blood thank you for my covenant Lord you regard me today because I'm in covenant with you I apply the blood to my home to my property to my children don't get religious with how you phrase it but the point is you are thinking about it because if you magnify it it will work for you better if you've got a problem in your liver start saying Lord I applied the blood to my liver the life of God is working in my liver if you've got joint problems I apply the blood to my joints the life of God is working in my joints telling you this works this works hallelujah I'm telling you I'm so grateful that brother Copeland came and shared these wonderful truths from us about the blood covenant and I would encourage all of us myself included to really not let that go to study it and to live it and to make much of the blood make much of the blood I think there's a reason why the devil attacks the subject so much why so many Christians are ignorant of the subject because if you understand that you are in covenant with God Almighty through the blood of Jesus and all of the debt entails my god it puts your whole footing different everything seems to you look at life through a different lens now sitting in my study but the day before we left to come to California and I heard the Holy Ghost say apply the blood now my wife is the only one pastor that's not in the house she's out shopping all the other four boys are with me so I checked my spirit if there was a danger about my life and there was no danger so I dismissed the struction of the spirit because i thought well you say apply the blood but i don't need to apply the blood because i checked and everything's fine so i didn't a couple hours later my little four-year-old is playing in his room you know those shelving units that are in metal shelving units that are in the closets one of the end pieces the cap had been discarded and there was a jagged piece of steel sharp as a razor and he's playing the fool in the closet and falls on that jagged piece and slices a slice open in his leg and when I saw that I know what what needs stitches and what doesn't need stitches and that thing nee I had to push his skin back together just to put a bandage on it but we prayed and within four hours God healed supernaturally and I heard the Holy Ghost say you don't need to check your spirits son when I tell you to do something I am the spirit if I tell you to apply the blood you don't have to check if there's a danger sign somewhere you do what I tell you I repent Lord I'm sorry my mind tripped me up so a few hours pass and I'm sitting in my office working and I heard the Holy Ghost say apply the blood oh my god I applied the blood and I start going at it I start going at it everything Lord because what am i doing I'm accessing the benefits of my covenant my covenant of protection my covenant of healing my covenant of prosperity at that moment it was for protection and I applied the blood and sure enough my son comes home daddy you won't believe what happened there was a drunk driver that went through the red light and missed them by a matter of inches right where my 14 year old if he had hit that side he would probably been killed the guy was going so fast and I heard the Holy Ghost say see son when I tell you to do something obey me because the life of God covered that car Devils and sickness and number Exodus 1213 the blood shall be to you for a sign upon the houses where you are when I see the Blood I will pass over in the plague will not be upon you to destroy you when I see the blood upon the lintel on the doorpost of the houses where you are I will not allow the destroyer to enter into your property to smite you verse 23 sickness and demons are stayed where the blood is applied tragedy trauma will stop where the blood is applied body parts will be recreated where the blood is applied joblessness and poverty will start to turn when the blood is if I don't just think the blood is protection the blood is everything that your covenant offers you including healing I make much of it father I'm magnified I speak of it often I apply it I worship you for it I sing songs about it Lord your blood that you wrought and cut with your son that I have entered into it accomplishes everything I need in my life I make much of it and I'm magnified and I show reverence for it and I show honor for it and I do it every day and you'll see things will start to turn hallelujah hallelujah Heavenly Father you know every person here tonight that is sick you know exactly how long they've had it what body part is affected you know the turmoil the turmoil and torment and hardship that it's brought into their life because of it and Lord Jesus you cut covenant with your father and you shed your blood so that their sickness would be healed if they can understand that this is not just something that they're asking you for this is their divine right they have a divine right to healing as much as they have a divine right to salvation they have a divine right to prosperity as much as they have a divine right to healing they divine right to protection as much as they have a divine right for salvation every one of these benefits are covered by that mighty blood that was shed at Calvary stry Lord I pray that they would turn their attention right now toward the Covenant that God cut through Jesus that they would see their sickness on Jesus that they would not consider their body for this moment but they would look at their sickness on him that if they have headaches that they would picture it on him if they have blood disease they would picture it on him if they have tumors they would picture it on him that they would see that you Lord Jesus carried their sickness and bore their infirmities that Lord they would look at it on you and consider not their body but consider him who hung upon that tree that because you took it they don't have to take it today because you bore it they have a right to claim their healing because the blood was shed the price for their sickness has been abundantly provided and all they have to do tonight is say Lord Jesus I magnify the blood I magnified the covenant I magnify what Jesus paid for I magnify the healing and I take it now by faith I reach out and I take it now by faith it's mine I take it now your blood the life force of God will restore health to me tonight I won't leave this property the way I came in I leave with the blood of Jesus having worked a miracle for me if you would reach out with simple faith you will see God will meet you tonight and every disease and every trauma will be will be done away with the blood of Jesus will remove it from you thank you Lord Jesus for your blood we make much of it tonight we magnify it we honor and reverence that blood and that covenant of God thank you Lord Jesus pastor I don't know how you want to proceed with this so I'll give the service back to you for however you want the people to be ministered to for healing we give you praise Lord in Jesus name I [Music] leave oh you sing with me if you would to your feet let's just lift up our hands and lift up our voices and let's thank the Father for the great price that he paid and Jesus the great price he paid in honor of that blood hallelujah hallelujah let's sing [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] it reaches to the now [Music] that gives me strength from dead yeah they knew if you are here tonight and you want hands laid on you for healing in this section over here if you would raise your hand let us see your hand raise it high for me please hallelujah hallelujah raise it high hallelujah if you would go ahead and come over to this aisle and line up this section come over to this aisle and line up hallelujah this section over here if you say you want hands laid on you for healing raise your hands high let me see I'll either you come over here and line up in this aisle if you would please praise the Lord this section right here if you say you want hands laid on you for healing raise your hands up please hallelujah if you would come over to this side and line up over here to my left in your right praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah pastor Craig if you would come hallelujah hallelujah go ahead please [Music] in the name of Jesus be in the name of Jesus me [Music] in the name of Jesus be [Music] [Music] gives free free [Music] it symmetry in Jesus [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] there it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] that gee says every bee [Music] my sister in the knees I say right now the buttocks easily gives me straight I say I know when they come the Holy Ghost go in now [Music] I say in the name of Jesus I say in the name of Jesus [Music] close that sickness to leave it Jesus [Music] that is this right [Music] in Jesus name that an awning in Jesus name I say be home there it goes into you my sister it's working the blood of Jesus is working it's working it's working my brother it's working in Jesus name be healed be healed in Jesus name be healed my nearness Jesus name there it is my Scott feel that go into you my sister that means it's working [Music] [Music] it ceases funny many like his blood I say [Music] in the name of Jesus mustn't even be your portion [Music] [Music] it is in the name of Jesus [Music] and I say be healed in the name of Jesus I say I said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so listen Linda Natarajan [Music] there it is in Jesus name healing healing but as a brother in there it is healing my sister there it is I feel that go into you that healing powers working me in Jesus name Master haughty and this material recommended in Jesus name well it hands upon the sick they shall recover [Music] real [Music] my suit by the blood of Jesus when you're ready just jump out of that thing you just stand up by faith and you'll see the life of the blood will bring straight say behold my sister in Jesus I say be healed my little brother in Jesus name I say be healed my little brother in Jesus name Martha ket and show Kozma hottie in the name of Jesus when you're ready mama you just stand up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say you're holding your will today glory [Music] father I think Oh [Music] and for the healing virtue of the blood of Jesus to close and to make them well Jesus thank you Father do signs and wonders to confirm your word tonight I give you praise was it just one in the name of Jesus I think your father wasn't one for you sweetheart wasn't one or two there's like one or two sweetheart [Music] and cleanse and make well thank you the power of the blood Jesus name I said be healed the power of the blood in Jesus name my brother I say be healed in Jesus mighty name hallelujah praise You Lord Jesus praise You Lord hallelujah [Music] mustaqim is Shibuya naman nice to Cayuse account I say the blood of Jesus be against that sickness I curse it from its root and I say brother be healed by the power of the blood in Jesus name it courses through your body and it brings life in Jesus name I say it's done in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let's just lift up our hands and worship Him tonight Jesus we thank you you're such a wonderful healer you're such a wonderful healer you're such a wonderful healer and we thank you that that blood that that blood that that blood has made us whole we're so grateful we're so grateful we are so grateful it is so good to behold it is so good to behold hey Amen hallelujah lift up your voice - I'm telling you we glorify you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah pastor Craig that was wonderful thank you so much I would encourage you get on youtube or go out and buy the CDs the DVDs watch again brother Copeland watch again this especially keep it going because I tell you there's so much in it there's so much it to be authored in us and finished in us about it amen hallelujah it's not a light thing when God is God is emphasizing these things to us in the in a conference setting because he's one of set the tone for where what you do when you leave here Amen so don't just treat it like another service he is setting the tone for us of what we're gonna need to progress and go further amen and if we don't take what he offers us we won't go as far as he's intending for us to go amen hallelujah you know when you have a first grade book oh you can go through his first grade to go to 2nd grade you have to go to 2nd grade book and it's the same thing God offers us more because that's where we're headed and so we can't just lay down what he's offering us just because with the service is over amen he's offering us what we're going to need to progress into this era further it's not enough that brother Copeland knows it it's not enough that he's skillful and delivering it he brings it so we can be skillful and this is what we started with and the Holy Ghost told me to say this in introducing brother Copeland on Friday night and he had me to tell when Jesus appeared to my husband and fire shot out of his eyes and said you're not being skillful with the healing anointing remember I said specifically Jesus was talking to ad about the healing anointing but generally he was talking about skill how many of you say we need to be skillful in our revelation the Covenant and of the blood skillful not just oh I know about that I've heard that but skillful and we're only skillful when we do it skill isn't something that's on paper it's something that's in action in the doing amen skillful in our covenant hallelujah I remember to two trips ago when we went to Saint Petersburg Russia we boarded the plane in LAX and as soon as we sat down and we were taking off on that on the on the taxiway from my Spirit came these words the blood will carry you there and I thought hmm he's never said that to me before what are we going to encounter and it wasn't enough that he said it I said it the blood will carry us there and we landed in we landed in Moscow we landed it there were two airports in Moscow we landed it the one we weren't supposed to land at and when we got there they said we just flew through the hundred year storm meaning the worse in a hundred years we didn't even feel that we didn't even know we were in it because the blood carried us there amen and it feels different when when you're being transported by the power that's in the blood life is different when we live it in the power of the blood thank you pastor Craig that was how many of you know these kinds of things don't just send you home bless but they send you home with weaponry in with with with knowledge and I mean amen hallelujah hallelujah my son said it this morning but I want to say it again all the world Harvest Church that you have done so much to put this week together it starts months before and we so appreciate you you don't know it but our congregation has been taking a second offering every Sunday just for this four months and they've been preparing financially they've been preparing in every way thank you thank you thank you and to my staff thank you thank you thank you I so love and appreciate all the supply that you bring and because of that what could what happened tonight could be facilitated amen and so know that your part matters and we acknowledge that we we appreciate that all the ministers who came in and you brought a supply it matters when you're present because it makes a draw on the anointing in a whole their way and it matters and not only that what is given here you're able to take back home and it goes further than just what happened in this building so I encourage you take what was going on this week and what the holy ghost was emphasizing and feed it to your congregation God doesn't just bring us this so we can hear it once in a sermon here he's giving you something to take back to your people and feet and you don't have to say brother Copeland city you don't have to say patron Enzi senator pastor Anderson said it or a Craig filter whoever said it it's not it's what the Holy Ghost was giving us amen don't be don't be timid about preaching a sermon that the Holy Ghost gave you through someone else as long as the Holy Ghost gave it it's worth repeating amen so go home and repeat it hallelujah hallelujah it's so good to be free it's so good to be healed it's so good it's so good to live the best life hallelujah hallelujah we'll turn around to somebody before you're dismissed tonight and say this I'm kept by the blood and you can be dismissed god bless you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 25,197
Rating: 4.8908191 out of 5
Id: IDYwipclGuE
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Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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