Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Asmodeus' Truth Revealed

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the cosmology of the news and Dragons is designed such that when you die your soul gets sent to the plane that corresponds the most to it if you live a lawful good life your soul might get sent to Mount Silesia where the lawful good gods are assigned but if your lawful evil then you might get sent all the way down to the nine hells where you will be tortured and turned into a devil this however is not the only way you might actually end in hell through a trickery or through trade you might end up making a deal with a devil whereupon your soul might be given to a Lord of Hell in exchange for power this is by itself not rare at all in fact millions of mortals dedicate themselves all the time to their favorite God in order to guarantee entrance into their respective heavens when they die but the devil's constantly invade the mortal realm and trick innocents who otherwise might have made it into heaven into selling their souls to the Lords of Hell yet the Angels do not do anything about this there is indeed a cosmic war but it is not between the Angels and the Devils but instead between the Devils and the demons and the angels are more than happy to let this be even if it costs them through this video we will talk about the reality of the nine hells of the cosmos of Asmodeus we will uncover some of the greatest secrets in Dungeons and Dragons [Music] the nine hells is formed by nine different layers which together form the shape of an inverted mountain an inverted Mountain whose name is bat or so in reality the actual name is the nine layers of bat or and his inhabitants are the bat tesu who you might recognize as The Devil's its lair is different from the next and each of them is governed by a devil Lord all the way to the leader of leaders with Asmodeus who rules from his throne in the ninth layer now as modes' is the only one with any actual power as the other Lords were simply put in their positions by him and given just enough power in order to be able to rule they are extraordinarily powerful Devils but by no means are they gods or even greater or lesser powers they all dedicate themselves to the Lord of Hell in body and mind and bow themselves to him at least as a front some of them wish nothing more than to usurp him but none of them even come close to having as much power as he does in order to actually make it happen like I said Asmodeus is the only one with any real power in here having absolute authority over the hell's he is able to change the landscape at will control anything within it and he's the only devil with the power to create arch Devils how much power does he actually possess however it's impossible to tell mostly because he is in fact not a God see typically a God gets more powerful the more servants he has so were the more clerics that I got possesses the more powerful he is respectively even God loses servants or clerics the weaker he becomes this is not the case for Asmodeus which makes it impossible to compare it to deities he simply doesn't fit any criteria for categorization this is compounded by the fact that he is surrounded by myths and fables to the point where nobody truly knows how old he is or where he came from in fact if you're a cleric and you were to ask your God about as modos your God wouldn't even know what to tell you other than just repeating the same stories that everyone already talks about out of all of the common stories the most popular and the one agreed upon by scholars is to fall an angel story the story tells of great wars against the demons back in the dawn of time whereas Medeiros used to not be just any angel but the most beautiful and the most powerful of all angels he was an instrument to the gods a leader amongst the fighting angels whose job was to destroy the demons the fight against the demons however changed Asmodeus and his fellow warriors turning them radish with horns and forking their tongues such a transformation was magically made through the millennia slowly in order to better help them fight this demon sort of like a form of evolution the gods didn't like this though for their shape would were ugly and stained their beautiful heavens but as modos and his legions hadn't done anything wrong they were for all intents and purposes champions of law against chaos and so the gods couldn't kick them out Asmoday was eventually however tricked the gods into creating a plain for him a location that he and his armies could use as a front for the war against the demons a front far away from the heavens that way Asmodeus could serve his purpose on the greater cosmos without filling the heavens with demonic blood Asmodeus also tricked the gods into allowing him the ability to conscript the souls of mortals for the army of course as long as he followed the law while doing this I say these were all tricks because the arguments that Oz Meadows presented to the gods were all very reasonable and logical yet of course the Lord of lies had something else completely in mind and tricked the gods into giving him his own plane where he could become powerful with the souls that he dominated this story like I said is definitely the most popular one and it is the one that clerics and gods and scholars agree upon the most there are many stories however yet they all see him as being right there in the beginning of things they all see him as having betrayed the gods and then having fallen however the actual facts of what we really do know about Asmodeus can be summarized as such Asmodeus is indeed at the beginning of things before the worlds were even created he is indeed stuck in hell for one reason or another and cannot escape he is the embodiment of law even though he is evil law is at his core and that is inescapable he exemplifies order in its strongest and truest forms he fights law and order in frontlines of the cosmos against the demons a battle that he is very very proud of and all Devils are actually very proud of he is immensely scarred and most of his body is filled with bizarre wounds the oldest of entities in the known universe know that asthma dose actually fell from the heavens and into bat or not like a metaphorical fall as in like a fall from grace but like a literal he fell into the ground kind of fall and lastly as when I was he's not a God and has never been a God he cannot give spells to his clerics like a normal God does now these are just the facts that we know about us medicine you would have noticed that some of these facts actually count redic the story that we just talked about as my nose s after all the god of Lies and everything that we know about him and you will figure that out real quick everything is just a big lie I would be remiss not to mention however that he is currently a God thanks to the events that unfolded in the novel released recently he basically ate a god and now has godly powers but I am specifically talking about his past when I mentioned that he has a lack of divinity the crux of this is that his powers did not come from a day fixed status' but actually comes straight from him which is not something that is really understood in the world of the use of dragons in fact the devil lords from the nine hells they truly believe that if they were to usurp as modos and take his throne on neces that they would actually obtain the powers from hell when in reality that couldn't be further from the truth Asmodeus is not mighty and powerful because of his ownership of the plane though I'm sure that he gains some power from that this is however the first lie that we will talk about when referring to the Lord of Lies a single lie on an ocean of deceit that pertains to the greatest illusion that he commands in this case as Madhu's is happy having everyone else believe that he isn't as strong as he actually is allowing his devil lords to believe that they could potentially usurp him see from an from an outside perspective when you see bat or when you see as maderos you see an image of weakness you see a demigod who is struggling to keep all of his minions together you see a demigod who doesn't have as much power and this is an imaginary that he actually wants to maintain surprisingly this also applies to the blood war the war between the devil and the demons see in reality Asmodeus could have won this war my Laney ago but he doesn't want to in fact he gathers with his commanders four times every year to discuss the war at which point he literally lies to his commanders about what points to take which strategies to use in which fronts to fight for he lies to his commanders in order to force the war to keep going his goal is indeed to maintain the fronts just as they are and keep the war going for as long as possible the reason for this is yet another misdirection he wants to keep everyone's eyes on the Great War and away from him at least until he's ready but ready for what what is it that he is doing that requires so much secrecy you will quickly find out that almost everything is a lie not just his reflection of weakness not just the blood war but even the nine hells is a lie Nessa's is a lie even as Modell's himself is a lie this is the avatar that Asmodeus chooses to use a persona he chose for the purposes of interacting with the inhabitants of these worlds his real shape however is very very different suffice to say that there is only one living entity in all of creation at this moment that actually knows his real form but or as you know it is also really a bit different see every plane constitutes a specific alignment in the case of hell while lawful evil a person that dies that is lawful evil would land in hell like we described in the beginning of the video where you go after you die is reflective of the beliefs and actions while you're alive this being the case there are obviously a few exceptions like for example what happens if you die as a baby what happens if you're born and live on a mountain or in a forest and never really have a chance to show a real alignment or never really have the chance to Fletcher selves to a god or even yet what happens if you actually do pledge yourself to a god but then that God dies which happens all the time what do you do then what happens then if any of these apply to you then you become what is known as a faithless essentially a mortal without a divine patron when you die there is nobody to claim you nowhere for you to go and the such you end up in the fugue plane for the rest of your years until you basically disappear and become part of the plane itself on the other hand if you pledged yourself to a god but then betrayed said God or fell to meet its standards and dogmas then when you died you were judged by kalampore the god of the dead and the judge of the Damned if he finds you guilty of this then you become what is known as a false sentence then to punishment for all eternity depending on the severity of the crime this is the way of things this is the way that things have always been however there is a great secret within this framework a portion of souls that are kind of unaccounted for see to be considered faithless you have to be for a lack of a better word agnostic you either need to not be able to believe in a God or just didn't particularly put any emphasis into believing in a God but then there are those who actively shun the gods there are those who have understanding of the gods but refuse to bow down to them those that seek to undermine the gods that have returned we're talking about real atheism in Dungeons and Dragons the question that would be will we're through the souls of atheists go these souls go to necess the ninth layer of the nine hells normal lawful evil souls go to any of the other eight layers including those who sell their souls to devils but nobody nobody ever goes to necess accept only the atheists but they are not just sent to any part of this layer they're sent to the farthest deepest reaches of this infinite world farther down then even pit Lords ever go to to the place unknown to any but only as motels for this is where a spa dais is the avatar that you might find of Asmodeus in mul shing the fortress of necess it's not his true form it's not even his true self his real self his real form is all the way down here in the Serpent's coil a collection of passages and cracks on the ground with labyrinthine lairs the souls of the atheists find themselves pitted in the darkest reaches directly in front of Asmodeus who sits alone in the darkness bleeding and hurt and who devours the souls sent to him the souls are eaten for hundreds of years as every piece of the soul every memory of the soul every fiber of its being gets slowly bitten and slowly digested while the soul is completely aware of it happening and without being able to do anything about it feeling itself being absorbed as slowly as everything around that slowly disappears as maderos dust this to mend its wounds it is the only thing he can do to fix his broken body a body that not even The Devil's that live in necess know about the body the real body of Asmodeus is that of a snake a titan sized snake hundreds of miles long and like we mentioned before the only living entity in the cosmos who knows this is a singular one the god of the quarrels just Syrian this is not lore that you can find in 5th edition this is not even lower than you can find on 4th or 3rd edition lore books what you actually instead finding there are more myths and legends and stories meant to sort of keep the reality of athas modos but also of the nine hells and a lot of other different topics they're meant to keep them ambiguous why because this is not Lord that necessarily matters when it comes to your typical Dungeons & Dragons campaign this is the type of thing that you would need if you were to play rise of Tiamat a lot of Dungeons & Dragons is just filled with a lot of secret hidden lore that it's not necessarily meant to ever be found and hence a lot of these lore is hittin it bunched up with myths and legends to cover it up in fact you would have to go about 19 years ago in order to start finding the lore that I just told you about and when when you do find it you would find some pretty weird and disturbing things don't they say that if you know a devil's true name then you obtain power over that devil would you think that Asmodeus is indeed his true name well of course not when you actually think about it it really wouldn't make much sense for him to openly use his real name would it his real name is actually arimin and with Joe Syrian that two of them used to be champions back before the universe was formed when the universe was nothing but swirling uncontrolled chaos powerful entities formed themselves from it and before you knew it these powerful entities would go to fight each other the champions from this beginning chaos were none other than just Syrian and Arab and the very foundations of law for that is what they represented in a world without dimension in a world without physicality intentions and feelings are very very powerful especially when everything is malleable using your own head and just Syrian and Arab man represented the very intentions of law and order and these intentions try them to everything else it was then baikin joining together in duel Ouroboros by biting each other's tails and combining their powers that they formed the universe as we know it they set the loss of the universe they said the boundaries of the universe they formed the famous and powerful rule of three signifying the power of good evil and law when it became time for them to conclude creation they couldn't settle on the center of the universe juh Syrian who was lawful and good wanted silesia to be the center of the world whereas era man who was lawful and evil wanted bat or to be the center of the world so each attempted to pull each other in the respective directions just Syrian trying to pull up whereas arimin try to pull down and keep in mind that were still holding each other's tails in their mouths and by pulling each other hard enough they eventually ripped each other's tails the Syrian was winged and feathered so he flew up whereas Arab men fell down from the blood of just Syrian the first quad holes were formed and from the blood of arimin the first pit fiends were created the Syrian was safe as he could fly but arimin could not and so he fell and fell and fell he didn't stop falling even after he hit bat or and through the ground he went and kept on falling and falling and falling crushing everything in its path until eventually the ground stopped him all the way down and necess into the very dark depths of the cosmos the cracks and passages and necess are the holes he left when he fell the snake shaped holes that are now called the Serpent's coil this wounded era man greatly to the point where even after uncountable millennia he has yet to heal era man quickly understood his weakness and hid in plain sight by assuming a different form and a different name he has been absorbing the souls of others since then in order to heal his broken body because you Syrian and Arab man never settled on a center of the universe the plains continue to reach infinitely without an end ironically producing chaos where order should have been which leads to the four corners of the metaphysical reality of this universe law chaos good and evil since then both creators have been keeping low since there really hasn't been any reason for them to show their true colors Jassi rien is content very happy to rule his realm in Mount Silesia taking care of his quaddle sons whereas era man has been spending this entire time trying to nurture its body back to health waiting until the time where he might be able to accomplish his ultimate plan Armageddon see arimin is stalking bat or because the very loss he helped create what the laws are exactly are unknown though it is believed that the creator's were originally intended to stay at the center of the universe and not leave and because era man said bat or as his center he stuck there now if you were to leave then the loss of the universe would break and the outer Plains would start dissolving creating once again the dawn of chaos in this dawn of chaos both the Syrian and Airy man would be king like they were before they have been there before and they have succeeded where everyone else failed however as it stands right now era man is too weak currently in order to survive in that ocean of chaos and so he seeks to heal himself the Syrian knows of this but believes that there is still enough law in arimin for him to enact Armageddon for as much as era man would want to destroy it all in order to recreate it that would be in a sense breaking his own laws which at the very core of its being it's antithetical to its very existence he was born and molded by law and order even though evil and self-serving order must still be maintained at all costs the Assyrian knows this and so he also buys his time waiting and hoping that era man will not seek to destroy at all even though he technically could whenever he would want you
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 877,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, dungeons and dragons, lore, history, asmodeus, nine hells, jazirian, cosmology
Id: fci16qH7fqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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