What They Don't Tell You About Gelatinous Cubes - D&D

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the cleaners of de dungeons the very actual reason why dungeons are not filled with cockroaches insects or moss gelatinous cubes clean up the floors walls and ceilings of flesh and cellulose living behind the spoils that might actually matter to the dungeons Lord the armour the weapons and the magical items in the master manual for 5th edition we literally got only two small paragraphs detailing what these classical monsters are all about and that is unacceptable and that's why I'm here to fix this very problem but first let's actually go on and see what the Monster Manual actually says it says gelatinous cubes scour dungeon passages in silent predictable patterns living perfectly clean paths in their wake they consume living tissue while living behind bones and other materials on this old a gelatinous cube is all but transparent making it hard to spot until it attacks a cube that is well fed it can be easier to spot since its victims bones coins and other objects can be seen suspended inside of the creature and that's it that's that's it not a lot of lore there this here is the stat block we can see that it is immune to a bunch of stuff we can see that it has blind sight but it doesn't tell us why it has blind sight the gelatinous cube can engulf creatures by merely entering other creatures spaces and then it deals as it damage to them on top of that the cube can create soda pods that also deal acid damage on strike this attack is actually wrong believe it or not gelatinous cubes are not supposed to do acid damage on strike and it is an extreme of a simplification of what they actually are supposed to do at least according to first edition second edition third edition fourth edition and according to the creator of The Forgotten Realms at Greenwood so whoever wrote this one down either screwed it up or it was creating an entirely new creature let's talk about what the Monster Manual does not tell you about gelatinous cubes first of all the name gelatinous cube is the adventurer given name the name that common people give it but the real scientific term used by scholars is the eighth coin the eighth coit has a layer of anesthesia that covers all around the outside of its body this substance is a paralyzing agent that looks like a gummy secretion which is absorbed into the bloodstream of the prey through the skin so what happens is when the 8th grade slams an adventurer with its soda pod the adventurer will get secreted with this substance it'll get absorbed into his bloodstream and the adventurer will fall paralyzed for one to two minutes this is when the cube will proceed to engulf the prey now being completely paralyzed the prey will not be able to swim away from the ooze now inside at this point the cube will start to produce its digestive fluids to digest the prey this is the acid damage that the eighth grade deals this acid will dissolve the flesh and cellulose and allow the cube to consume it leaving only bones and metallic or glassy objects behind this is how the creature feeds you will only take acid damage while already inside of the cube not when he hits you with it soda pod the acid is digestive fluid is produced and held in moveable elastic cavities or bubbles within the cubes body when the prey is engulfed by the cube one or more of these mobile bubbles or shift it into contact with the prey now athletes have no sentience per se they don't have thoughts they merely follow certain stimuli to the latter when they receive a specific stimulus they react accordingly and the response is always the same to any specific stimuli this is how monster tamers and experienced adventurers deal with gelatinous cubes if you do certain things the cube will always respond accordingly for example when a cube encounters a cold surface or object they simply cease to advance they will then probe forward to seek our way past it or around it on the other hand they are actually attracted to vibrations or warmth things that they can actually sense fairly well depending on the cube some of them can sense warmth or vibrations up to a hundred and twenty feet around them this is actually how they get blind sense which the monster manual neglected to mention and this is also the reason why a skoy are immune to charm effects or any form of magical control they merely follow whatever stimulus they are receiving at the time and are not actually thinking now even though a skoy it's always returned back to their cube shapes they're actually fairly mutable and fluid when passing over or around objects in fact even though an average latinus cube is ten feet on any one side and weights over 15,000 pounds they can still pass through an opening as small as one foot in size unbeknownst to most adventures cubes can also move underwater and with great ease - though it is important to know that underwater the anastasiya that coats the outside of the cube becomes weaker underwater acid dilutes now let's talk about reproduction how do gelatinous cubes reproduce first of all athletes are technically speaking an immortal organism as long as it doesn't suffer death via adventure natural disaster or via starvation it'll actually live literally forever as it lives and eats it'll naturally grow in size after about six years of growing it will then simply divide itself into two exact shaped cubes both of which will go their separate ways then now smaller cubes will grow back to their normal standard size in about three months time it has been noted though that every once in a while an athlete will instead simply butt away a small baby cube and leave it in a dark corner or on a heap of trash this tiny cube will then take a long time to grow into a normal-sized gelatinous cube or as it happens may just be reabsorbed by the parent on accident which is also something that they can do when two gelatinous cubes meet they always merge to become one of greater size this union of eight stable typically only lasts for two to eight days before they split again when they are together the cube is twice as big and twice as strong you will never have ever see a stable union of three cubes when such a thing occurs they will simply divide as soon as they can ask oits are also highly resistant to the cold and cold damage and are immune to electricity alright guys that said just a quick video I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Walker motley sack Powell Ricardo fan berry mask and 5e magic shop daniel Umar doctor cowbell rusty rein morgan johnson biotech no frag daniel luna duck leader Brad Salazar the great Houdini Terry Kolb G Herc Rhett's all night Baracus law Omega skills Kauravas de bulwark and Oso for supporting me and patron at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patron calm slash mr. racks to support but yeah one of the bigger reasons why I wanted to make this video so so quick and I mean it was really short but I needed it to be so that I could upload it today before the next month started because I wanted to give you guys a little warning and and just to let you guys know about what's going on with us here during this covett season so to speak so we're safe we're healthy we're good we are self isolating so so far there's there's nobody in the family that has the virus so you know we're good I guess it's really what I'm trying to say here there's no reason to worry for us we're doing fantastic I do want to say though that for the month of April all of our patron earnings for that month I will go in and I have to find some charity but because I still don't know which one I would do but all the month that we're gonna earn for patron for this month of April we're all gonna just donate it we're not really sure which system or to which charity would benefit from from this sort of thing for for this coveted situation I have to do that yet but just letting us know that I want to help in whatever way I can and I feel really bad of course taking money from you guys when all of this is happening so you guys don't have to you are feel free to cancel patron for this month what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually grab everyone who donated to me for patron for last month and I'm gonna say your names at the end of my videos like I always do even if you didn't donate to me this month so you don't have to do it it's okay those of you who decide to do it anyways awesome of course I'll take the money and then I'll donate it for charity but just want to take the time here just let you guys know that I'm doing this real quick just trying to do something whatever I can to help make this a little better but yeah how continue to do this videos there's no reason why not to I and myself isolation I actually feel more empowered to just keep on making videos there's quite frankly nothing else for me to do so I will just keep doing them as I can yeah man there's nothing else for me to say thank you guys so much for watching I love you guys and I'll see you all next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 485,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 55_mYPb2uQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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