The Sims 2 | 2020-12-24

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hello friends how are you doing great timing yeah i heard this so i came all running how are you doing folks um let me see here how are we guys merry christmas sorry i'm just trying to do a tweet for a change it is christmas eve um all right i'll get that ready uh hello everyone merry christmas how is it snowing in my room climate change and lack of a boiler yeah it's uh it's just a little festive cheer i try to spice up the place you know since it's christmas and all give it a bit of a festive look on the border we've got it in the uh in game as well be a surprise for everyone else but not for you because you came on time see that that's pretty neat isn't it ceiling dandruff well you've just ruined the festive spirit haven't you king dad thanks for the result ashley doodles thanks for the resell [ __ ] thank you for the sub nine months as well that's super kind here and thank you for the gifted sub earlier as well [ __ ] when i was offline uh to i wish i was an irish irish witch lonnie thank you so much for five subs as well that is very kind to you thank you so much folks welcome welcome welcome how are you all doing on this lovely christmas eve it doesn't really feel like christmas i don't know today has just flown as well for me because i've been working on stuff so i i've not even had a time a time to like sit down and process what what time of the year it is have a nice christmas with your ceiling dandruff or are you just a dandruff in general sorry i well then shiny thank you very much for the bits i'm at work i want to stop by and wish you a happy holiday yes sorry for all the bad dad jokes no no worries i like a good dad joke um but yeah enjoy work hopefully you aren't working for too long more and you're not working on a christmas day mary jacks thanks so much for five subs as well that is very generous of you and lossy thank you for the sub welcome everyone that's just joining us christmas christmas christmas christmas just ruined christmas starting a chant it says zero viewers thought i'm here first yeah the the alerts can be a bit weird the start of streams in general can be a little bit weird becky thank you so much for 28 subs that is a lot of subs thank you so much becky that is way way too nice of you super kind thank you so much becky and you're you're always way way too kind honestly you you're always in the the christmas spirit aren't you no but that is way too much becky but thank you so much um nothing for thank you so much for the bits as well thank you for the kind words as well and pop lock thank you so much for the bit speaking of pop lock i could not find the lo-fi i couldn't find it anywhere uh potluck thank you so much for the bits though that that is way too much again 5000 bits thank you very much for that and thanks for the very kind message there as well uh demi moose and becca thank you for the subs also very kindly oh looks like it's finally going out the alerts are finally bringing everyone in welcome happy holidays everyone hope you like the ceiling dandruff that's coming down there just another problem with my house you know that wasn't my joke by the way chad thought of it and it wasn't really a joke it was more of an insult that's fine it's christmas season of forgiving uh kate herbert sherp lonnie dan the man a caffeinated mercy crap stick thank you for the support and uh pum uh pamela lyme thank you so much for five subs jesus and minnie minnie the is it mucha thank you very much for five subs also thank you very much folks i appreciate it um deanna thank you for the sub block to pee um wiggly rain zombie zoe ruby uh jesus ceaselessly jessica byzanorbs uh elena uh graphicus king leach donald melfry fiona and one ceremony and brianna thank you very much for the subs that's that that is a lot thank you very much everyone wombat sully rain thank you very much merry christmas to you all who's just joining in hi i'm saying merry christmas to people but um i think the alerts went out a little bit late so merry christmas to anyone joining i hope you're enjoying your christmas eve whether it be with them uh with family or if you're just chilling alone if that's not by choice i'm sorry to hear that i know it's a tough time of year to be in this situation 2020 is a little bit [ __ ] but we're gonna have a good time here anyway so don't don't worry about it um hopefully you'll get to see family and friends soon if you are in that situation i'm sorry if you are though it must suck but look we'll make the most of it we'll make the most of the christmas spirit jesus christ guys thank you for the support uh rose blackout thank you for the two subs chair sandals not too political thank you for the two subs at the weird lou um hi caves once army mandy herpes sherp uh kaka uh g siebes altani thank you very much for the bits there as well that's very kind here uh it's me emily and nikki rose thank you for the subs as well are we nearly all here shall i put out a tweet and should we try and get started i've been excited to do some sims 2. it's been a few weeks actually oh god that is loud it's been a few weeks actually there we go okay it's been a few weeks since i thought of actually doing the bloody thing but i've had so much up between like new games coming out like cyberpunk and back for blood well the alpha that coming out and then doing things like raft and just my other my own stuff that i wanted to do i've not had a chance to actually do it so i put aside like an hour got it working it's mad because it's on origin the whole ultimate pack i think it was actually free at one point and i actually managed to get it working it's crazy that it doesn't work out of the box when it's on origin it's like it's such it's like two files so it's like you know they could do it if they wanted to but i guess there's no money in it so whatever um but guys thank you very much for the support uh just to shout out the ones that are coming in there and then we'll get started uh let me tweet out the stream as well because i never [ __ ] tweet i need to get used to it um endgames uh gamers thank you for the bits mickey rose tarp boscia um pop uh channa elani mx thank you for the support guys mary jacks thank you very much five subs uh denzi thank you for the sub cocodono thank you for the sub where is serotonin thank you so much for 10 subs that is way way too much zero uh whole 2.0 and calaloni thank you for the five subs as well uh this is zay thank you for the bids uh marriage x thank you for the bits as well that's very kind uh currently after watching 160p so you and the decor look great if you can see me thank you it's just one big blob giving you a thumbs up uh pegasus ezekiel thank you for the bits as well merry christmas to you as well um thank you everyone i i appreciate it becky thanks so much for all the the gifted subs you gave as well that was very very generous of you all right shall we swap over to the game let's see if my transition will zoom us in there it should don't lag yes happy okay my plan was that oh that was just normal music i was like does that sound like christmasy or was that my imagination look at the sims 2 the nostalgia coming out here is unbelievable i got a little mod i'll have to move my face cam won't i um oh sugar can i move these at the same time oh thank goodness um i got a mod as well to make it 1080p to make a little bit better for us because it was otherwise it was a bit like up in us um seems too well never played it it was a great game i very fond memories of this and it's pretty crazy that i was able to get all the expansions as well as the base game i believe for free or else on a massive sale on um uh origin almost [ __ ] repressed it i wouldn't be surprised uh because when i was a kid i wanted this game so bad uh our computer wouldn't run it so i had the game knowing that we were going to get a computer upgrade in like a year i had the game and i had the strategy guide and i just read the strategy guide and admire how amazing the game seemed without ever getting to play it until about a year passed and my parents finally upgraded the computer and i could play it and i was so happy it is like it is one of the most played games of my childhood i imagine um and i did love the sims one sims one is a similar story it could run on my parents computer but it could only run one expansion at a time and i had numerous ones so i'd like play a family with one expansion and then uninstall the expansion and install a different one and play with that i think i could do two if it were the earlier ones but then like making magic and uh sims superstar and all that i could only do one at a time and it was really laggy so that was my strategy let's get creative symbol uh jesus guys thank you very much for the support calendar thank you very much for the five subs again um okay uh kaylie lynn uh princio a calico jinx uh rogue variable day for the five ah let's go create um ashley crowe hey sophie uh chair sandals thank you very much for the bits as well um can't tell you how much i needed this day merry christmas to kevin in the call merry christmas to you as well i i hope the stream will be a nice little two hours or so of fun for ya that's that's the goal josie spectral west uh westwards thank you for the support and nikket thank you very much for the five subs there as well that's super to you thank you so much mad player and uh jack ridden thank you very much for the subs all right what my plan for this was i i don't really want to make just jim again you know as much as we all love jim where's my border gone there we go sorry christmas was almost ruined i didn't have that on loop in this tab okay it's back my plan was to make default because i think that would be a good sim for this game and we don't even [ __ ] know half the um uh half the stuff in this game because i didn't have oh look at this a christmas outfit i forgot there was a christmas pack oh my god we're gonna dress up the house and everything in um christmas decor i'm trying to remember what exactly default looked like i guess just the most default look we can get i maybe that one and it's black hairs or is it brown let me let me put up default um yeah it is more of a brown i oh my god there's so many options here i kind of forgot how many options um the sims 2 had a lot of options um and the sheer amount of expansion packs really helps with that uh i'm just looking for one if there's like a that's a pretty defaulty looking hairstyle we're not going to be able to get it exact unfortunately um that's actually pretty close it has like the side sweep and everything not bad not bad um uh let's see it's hard because i'm i'm basing this off of me essentially she dyed her orange oh yeah she did didn't she forgot about that noah uh shark alex dewey the duck where is sir tony thank you so much for 10 more subs christ almighty that is very kind here and way too much i might add thank you very much corbin thanks for the sub as well um let's see here and then the the outfit i guess just yeah just a white top and [Music] a white top and black jeans should be good just just plain oh there we go a bit of a grog neck t-shirt um can you change color of these you can't can you we might have to roll with that i'd like a long sleeve one it's my only thing serotonin thank you again for that that was very very kind of you hmm i don't see any long sleeve just like non-crop tops i guess i could just put in one of these but that's also a crop top is everything a crop top in this game oh my god even the jumpers are crop tops what do i know about fashion i suppose wearing a twitch hoodie um yeah they're all just weird outfits okay we might have to just go with the crop top the game wants me to wear a crop top so who am i to fight it um i actually really like the style of the sims 2. like how the people looked how the the environment looks and everything i don't know there's something pretty charming about it the jeans are low-rise water jeans you're over complicating this uh this should do it black jeans oh there we go those are bringing it up a bit okay like even if the jeans are low rise like that that is belly button you don't wear your jeans above belly button all right well i do but you don't it's not a normal thing to do default what's the most default formal wear [Music] i mean you'd say the default would just be the first one but it's too festive should we give her like a little christmas thing or you know what that's just plain white that'll do uh nice little cult rope there nice little cultural there a nice little cultural there for the swimsuit fantastic uh that's plain is it that's plain white i'm just looking for just plain white everything um christine thank you very much for the bits lovable jester captain uh prodigy high caves uh symbols rhea drake mags this is say thank you very much for five subs there as well darling corbin sarah holland thank you again for that that was very very kind here um andy ashlynn and serotonin thank you for the bits still waiting for the cult crop top merge but maybe one day oh that's pretty default looking i like that um even the clothes like this looks like such a cool little outfit doesn't it whereas in the sims 4 it's just like way too bland or like darth vader maybe i'm just remembering it wrong i don't know i think that is the most oh wait that's kind of nice just a big coat that'll do um i don't want to over complicate this too much um what this what does default want knowledge perhaps let's go with knowledge knowledge uh turn on i don't think she has any um custom hair no gray hair uh let's just make them the most generic possible then i suppose uh hats hey you know what why not a good hat um what's this charismatic uh good at cleaning hats and good at cleaning my turn offs are hmm what could be very specific uh let's see you could just say stinky you know what it doesn't like stink that's fair cycle past the later the bits know what they for the bits as well that's very kind here you just finished the best xmas movie at die hard i hope you enjoyed it that that is as dangerous as bringing up um a pineapple on pizza i hope you know what you're doing okay i think we're done yes default expression please uh oh anna thank you very much for the raid welcome everyone who came over in the raid i hope you had a good stream wha what were you up to what were you up to on this christmas eve uh eric thank you very much for the sub reagan sarah carabelle serotonin thank you again um cater michi noah psycho specter thank you very much for the tip that's very generous to me dewey the duck and quantori thank you for the subs you didn't do the personality stuff did i not i don't know i just went down through the list well i guess it's fitting if she just doesn't have one so it's not that big of a deal uh oh god they just literally named him broke that's a bit [ __ ] harsh i want a cheap house because i want to dress it up in christmas christmas lights this one's 200 cheaper they're like yeah but it has like foundation issues and it's also built on a a an old graveyard and they're like yeah but 200 cheaper so let's go across the street welcome raiders how are you doing how are you doing folks sorry you caught us in the middle of making a sim uh to to celebrate christmas in the sims 2. very old game if you're not familiar with it well when i say very old what it's got to be uh when would i have gotten it surely it's got to be like 18 years is it no not that old like 15. does anyone have answers oops sorry i'm moving my portions without me uh there that should do it 2004 16. yes i wasn't i wasn't too far off just trying to remember like oh my god this isn't furnished i thought i was getting a great deal on a house all right that's fine let's let's buy stuff we should have loads of money yeah we've seven and a half grand um gabs thanks for the sub absolute obsidian lin master no strife similarly stream it's just challenge lonnie a trooper cap andrew thank you very much for the support guys as much furniture furniture's personality yeah i wonder is there any way to oh wait hold on here oh god this is this is a lot um seems too bonus would it be in here no that's race car stuff that comes christmas day god i hope i got a race car bed for christmas um let's see here i don't see any christmas things can i filter out the stuff well it's going to be obvious is the next question goth bon voyage parties maybe no um say thank you very much for those five subs again weddings mountain tropical celebration maybe nope uh bonus no it's not in there seasons is this in there actually no no um anyone know how to do it did you ask santa for a race car bed is there a question no i'm trying an experiment this year and i'm i didn't write him a list just to see if he knows because i feel like the real santa would know and i want to see does it come through i forgot there was an ikea pack so bizarre bending for the bits up cass tree and aesthetic sharks thank you very much for the subs as well thank you for all the merry christmases guys i appreciate it i hope you're enjoying your christmas eve even if you're just chilling out how bad you know that's like half of what i'm looking forward to it's just chilling out um like tomorrow's gonna be my first full day off since march so i am gonna make the most of it i'm gonna make sure i have started that i don't have to do anything tomorrow because i have the video scheduled and what not already done the thumbnail all that kind of stuff it's gonna be good all right this oh wait there's some stuff here right away in decor we can use that oh jesus gang were started all right let's uh it's like the middle of summer in the game all right let's just not pay attention to that uh oh look at that how much is that 105 i can afford that i mean i still shouldn't buy it but i can afford it uh let's see here oh that might look nice even though it's a rug just caught up to the front door cheat to make it snow i could probably skip to to winter couldn't i i mean it's summer christmas is nice and all but it just doesn't feel the same um oh christmas oh it's like christmas tree i was gonna put in my living room but it's like the size of this this one if you can see it the little one so well i had high hopes for it saturn space squid thank you so much for the two subs uh birdie kitten sneezes miss cat and uh wizard cobra and troublemaker thank you very much for the subs jesus and elect and saturday space squad thank you for the subs as well um the christmas trees and plants okay thank you very much i sh just throw them on the lawn [ __ ] menacing santa i don't want him in the house anyway to be honest a little bit scary um oh and his papa never talk to me or my son ever again uh i don't know why they're all going outside all of these decorations um let's see okay dude it even controls really well because when you go back and play some of these what what is this why can i not place it it's not even giving me an error um like when you play the sims 1 it's the clunkiest game you could ever play but like this it feels normal feels right you know oh there's the alert and i thank you again for the race it was very late um let's see oh race car bed sweet so awesome being an adult i remember when i first moved out of my parents house and i was just like uh this time this is gonna be awful um i was just like wait this means i can eat whatever i want and i just started eating so much fast food like so so much for the first like six months and then when i went into like it was a kfc and the guy behind the counter saw me coming in and he just smiled around same as usual and then i went all right i'm gonna make a mental note not to come here for a few months i'm like gonna stop oh christmas time there's no reason to be afraid except for the legions of snowmen on my lawn will these all be blasting music oh i hope so i hope so let's let's let's get rid of that bush and it'll look fine wait i can get money from selling the bushes modern problems require modern solutions um let's see is there any other like unnecessary items like any smoke alarms or something or burglar arms i could get rid of unfortunately not um all right we'll just make do with the money we have i guess i've got a bed i've got a bathroom and i can eat those are the main things sorted the tree we will get the tree fear not maybe fear a little okay don't fear at all i was like i don't know if i could actually find this uh all right we're gonna have to remodel so the tree looks a little bit better wait hold on can i i got 36 bucks i profited selling the tiles hold on sell all the tiles we're going with a carpet kitchen [Laughter] perfect in fact you know what it is default uh let's get rid of everything wait hold on how much did i get from that okay wait hold on let's just remove everything 30 bucks 48 bucks yet white everything it it makes more sense carpeted bathroom as well by the way um that it makes more sense to buy like this because you can buy in bulk just the same carpet um oh my god that looks awful uh oh my god this is gonna be awful oh christmas i like that it's expensive but i like it um and now i just need something like just plain just plain white is this plate oh that that that is awful um okay i might have to go with this one looks really nice doesn't it there we go there we go lovely carpet oh yeah um oh oh that is so good it looks like you have a good idea when you're on the toilet um i remember when i moved into my house my uh bathroom had carpet and it was super old too you could tell it was like 20 30 years old i removed it with my bare hands funnily enough because there was a bit of look it's a long story it's not worth explaining but i just thought i'd let you know just let you know a little bit about me as a person um like a default is a race car bed i mean it is pretty sweet huh all right let's put up some lights oh is it wait oh god it's literally one one light how much is this 10 bucks and you can't place it over windows oh my god oh my oh my days jesus christ well i guess we've no other solution but to sell the windows how else can we hang up the lights all right let's put that up there lovely that is nice good strip of lights up there now we might be able to put something like nice on the wall as well um even if it's just graffiti saying like don't forget us santa or something like that i don't know just something christmassy um oh there's some bells there's a star can i go on the tree no but i can go over my room there we go spectral thank you very much for the five subs very kindly and thank you so much hiccuping doctors for the five as well right after each other thank you very much folks and natalie's winter boscia calena hiccupping duck the cosmic sunshine beardle uh yum emily teabag feet eileen a shade lighter just anatomy uh moist mustache delta amber thank you very much for the tip that's very kind of you um wait i i love the time you played life with the other irishman but you don't have a video but how do you decide which streams get made into videos i think with a lot of um those i just like have a feeling like if it's it's going to come out into content that i would normally post that kind of style or not and sometimes i'm just like no i'd rather make like my own dedicated video um on something else i think it worked better as a stream kind of thing for me for my content um oh that looks safe that looks really safe i love it um and also there's other things like time pressures sometimes i just know i can't get the video done in the next week and everyone else will have theirs up and i'm like i everyone will have seen it by then so i'll be putting all this extra work in trying to get an edit done and then i no one would want to see it because they'll have seen it everywhere else so it just kind of depends um statues is there any cool like big statue that's kind of yeah yeah i like that yeah we'll get that but there yeah that's nice that looks cool um imagine i'm gonna put it at the front imagine that just looking in this someone just appearing to be staring out at you it's like [ __ ] slenderman oh i love it um mitchie thank you very much for the bits uh tea bag feet thank you for the two subs easy case [ __ ] thank you very much for 10 subs jesus christ thank you very much for that that's very nice of you and gerb skylander pop thank you very much guys uh earl navy high caves dragon off uh serotonin thank you for the five subs as well um troublemaker thank you as well uh pop if you put it on the reddish that's probably the easiest place for me to see it jesus serotonin thank you very much for the 10 subs again [ __ ] hell uh ali david the two shark thank you for the bits and breadtastic names of the sub-serotonin thank you very much for all the support sell the doors now now we're thinking alike great minds think alike we must all be great um i was going to put an arch but should i just make it an open plan open plans are in right now everyone loves an open plan uh you guys are smart honestly i'm going to build stonehenge in this room because there's no real [ __ ] need for it is there like we we don't have a use for the room and it might be kind of neat um how do i turn this ah there we go uh can i oh this is gonna be harder than i thought uh god how did they do it back then without modern technology all right this is kind of cool i wish i had a stonehenge dude that'd be so cool and last one can you go there that's pretty neat yeah that looks good um it's that mini stonehenge it is mini stonehenge yes um oh i wish i could put him like bang in the middle but i don't think you can oh nutcracker i think we're almost [ __ ] ready for christmas gang that's going up next to the race car it'll match really nicely perfect um can we get some lights ceiling light perhaps oh that would be cool imagine having this in your room it's like a 12 year old's room the 12 year old just changed body with someone and decorated their house oh that's neat as well um let's light up stonehenge a little bit and light up the bathroom now as well i think that's pretty good overall we might just put something up on the the front um you'd never be able to sleep and all you can hear is the distant snowmen outside all of them just going nuts uh let's see here i might get another snowman for in the bathroom oh i can't okay i can leave him there or i could put him i could put him in snowhead or snowhenge yeah it's snowhenge now i didn't even mean to say that he's going at the snowhenge uh let's see here [ __ ] go up oh god i don't want to be spending mad money now be completely out okay i don't think there can there can really be anything else um oh yeah race car i'd like to think that default bought this house it was designed like this and she just went okay and this is just she just accepted it all right live wait we have to turn them all on individually come on default get cracking oh wait she's turning them all on [Music] [Music] that is so awful there's so much to digest oh my god turn on all lights yes fantastic oh now we're talking the neighbor is just like oh god oh no his face he's just going to be like can you please tone down the music they call me mr humble and i'm here to bestow upon your great gift i can't wait let me see what you got that is just awful that little drive-by guys thank you very much for all the support quentori thank you very much for five subs grenada thank you for the very much for the tip ali thank you for the tip jazz thank you very much for five subs you're always way way too kind marvel lucy the name of the bits a fully grown man decorated this house like that sinking dragging off jesus christ thank you so much for that you just gave me a hundred quid a merry christmas kevin i can't spend it with my family but i'm so very glad i can spend it here thank you so much for hanging off jesus christ i'm sorry you can't spend christmas with your family though as i was saying at the start of the stream i'm so sorry if any of you have to spend christmas alone because of the situation um but i'm hoping we can have a good time here unlike this man like be more like default i don't know who she's saluting to by the way to the dear leader in the background and he's just like he's getting an earful of this it's awful uh but trying enough thank you so much for that and guys i'm i hope we can make the most of a somewhat bad situation you know it's it's been a rough year um but we'll make the most of what we have and it just happens to be 15 snowmen radios we haven't even turned on the ones in snowhenge oh my god snowhenge came to life by itself [Music] my whole setup is shaking if that doesn't put you in the christmas spirit like i just don't know i don't know what that is reading in the newspaper oh yes i can concentrate completely fine oh stay away from the snowman i'm busy reading right now sorry serotonin thank you so much for the bits again slightly dangerous unicorn vice vader jazz thank you very much that's very kindly as well as the bits the message is super coin i'm so sorry if i miss anyone guys you're being very very generous thank you so much uh sig uh car car the cardboard armored vaporeon miss smith kizzy lauren james neff double d uh a double d sorry uh sunscreen sea of ellie swim down i'm oily great name slightly dangerous unicorn serotonin thank you guys so much i'm sorry if i missed anyone the nightmare before christmas that could be the name of the house to be fair all right she fears gaining weight getting sick or fired all right fair enough uh she wants to get a job in the oceanography career didn't even know that was in it get a job in the gamer career gamers pog oh she's having a great time this person is still just trying to talk to her let's greet with uh a fake out she's just viewing the statue that is all she's doing default wants to be a gamer [ __ ] pog dude oh she did the like nice to meet you they loved it though uh hold on it's it's lovely meeting you but i just gotta chase away this cat okay now i'm going inside you can come in if you want but i gotta warn you the music's even louder in there somehow i think it's the acoustics she just leaves toggle animation loop three whoa that's neat anyway what are you laughing at um is there any way i can imagine the electricity bills jesus christ um is there any way i can uh swap to winter there's got to be a cheat right second i feel like i've done a lot here so i'm just going to say don't shoot me to [ __ ] knock on my door i'm just going to save it because a lot has gone down here um case thank you very much for the two subs [ __ ] thank you for the bids rafing christine uh locates andy weir jason pumpkin i'm oily thank you very much guys there's gotta be a cheat i i don't think anyone in chat are gonna just know them off of hand right um all right uh sims 2 cheats let's see how recent these are um um okay have you changed wait oh i can just do it set up your seasons go into the area you want to change there will be a button at the top left corner of the neighborhood screen jesus that's forward thinking um all right let's try that hold on let me go to the neighborhood serotonin thank you for the bits again jesus jordan thank you very much for the generous tip as well there that's super kind here thank you for the 20 quid um boscia serotonin someone someone thank you guys um right so do we go change the seasons all right uh winter winter winter welcome to ireland all right accept and then go into the default house even our picture is just so default all right i know right the loading screens would be my dream as a child i used to wait like 15 minutes each loading screen i'd just be like oh well i'm going to a new neighborhood may as well get a brewski and a couple of smokes and then 12 year old me would head outside for a few minutes all right i'm just gonna go relax for a little bit oh wait i'm stuck at the door there's a little bit of a traffic jam here um how can i get a job let's find a christmas job uh did this oh the the season did work okay let's hope for snow i hope it doesn't break my electronics does it surely not uh business no oceanography as a fish chummer no a gamer career track there's an opening as a noob and the pay is one two three a day they missed an opportunity to make it leap that would have been good it's just a noob getting paid 1 37 dollars a day all right take that job i'm a noob everyone i'm a noob i start tomorrow at 9am i think yes all right you want to obtain a pet well it is christmas how do we how do we get a pet this is just like sensory overload like this whole house there's just way too much going on what is on the desk what release who who put these here was that me it wasn't me was it all right let me buy a desk for this computer that mr humble gave me he is freaking humble um there we go put it down here and just put that chair wait can that work or does it have to be an actual office chair is that working i did i don't know um i don't see any specific office chairs that one looks like one to me uh where's my inventory there's too much going on it's it's dude the wrong way okay um real estate find one place i have my own place maybe she's just lost where is my home and she's sitting inside it i just want to go home order photos yeah sure order some photos i don't know what that is um how do i how do i get it like a dog this is so much how do we get oh wait what is this greetings to you my dear there's so much going on because of the [ __ ] well there's so much going on with the house in general but there's so much going on with all the expansions um she has no photos yeah i know she's just an artist so hello yes i'd like to order some photos okay would you like to send them over no i just want like photos in general all right let's go back to the neighborhood screen and see can we set up um the the neighborhood thing i guess for pets uh pop thank you for the bids thank you very much for the kind words jesus christ i hope you're doing much better now thank you very much pop it's always great to see in the streams um oh wait it's grumps okay gramps jesus thank you very much i was wondering pop i was like i've never heard you bring this up uh but gramps thank you very much for the message i didn't realize potluck was passing it on thank you very much i hope you're doing well ethereal thank you very much for the bits diet cloth thank you for the bits as well margaret larkin um body duo thank you very much for the tip that is very very kind i hope you're doing all right uh let's see okay do we have okay um invited astray buy pets from the store or catalog there's a catalogue all right i'll just go to the [ __ ] store will i is is there a store i don't see a store where is the cat a log you do it from the phone okay let me buy a phone amanda thank you very much for the bits um hey key gun thank you very much for the generous tip there as well frantic stream serotonin thank you very much guys that's very kind here all right let me let me buy a phone okay put it put it there that's grand okay and now a call i guess is it service perhaps all right adoption service or pet adoption service yeah that's probably more accurate okay what do we want um do we want a cat or a dog or a puppy oh he looks a bit terrifying um let's see hmm i'm trying to see is there any like default dog that looks like a default dog even though they're nice uh default cat perhaps i had a dream yesterday that i just found a cat in my house but then i think even my dream realized this is ridiculous because he was just on the corner of the counter and then i like i saw him there i was like whoa that's a cat and then i turned around and i looked back and it was like a fluffy toy i was just like oh yeah it's probably a bit too ridiculous for a dream that'll probably wake me up all right we're going to pick this dog and we're going to call it dog as default would do pets come at a price looks like that's too steep for you well that kind of sucks oh my god they're so expensive all right i'll go with one of those little dogs then um oh god okay look i'll just take the cheapest one you got that's fine and i'll name it dog are you sure you want to adopt dog this is just space it's like a pause and try to figure it out it's like okay they didn't just name it dog um the new puppy is here needs a new name a dog i already said wait why is the police here [Laughter] officer i've done nothing wrong this is my property and i can have as much snowman as i like wait oh wait the police officer gave me the pet why where's the pet oh there it is oh it's so tiny look at it careful now officer jesus christ you almost killed the thing oh look at it it's so small oh that's nice i'm gonna jump rope that is awesome look at that a dog i have like no money by the way this is um this is risky territory okay let's buy a bowl um a dog house no it's gonna live in the house with me um i might actually let it live it's a snow hinge there um and i think that's kind of good i'll i'll give a dog a bone as well there you go should be fine i used to love these things they're just like these massive manners that you can put out i don't have enough money to show you all right what are you laughing at i think she's just gone mad from the music all right she is so happy look at this the mood meter is platinum that's pretty hard to get must be the jump rope uh okay all lights are on already okay that's fine i thought i could change the colors um let's see okay what does she want to do buy a bookcase buy a refrigerator we already have a refrigerator we do not have a refrigerator okay let me buy a refrigerator how did i miss that i could have sworn we had one all right times are tough so i'm buying the one that comes pre-stained there you go you're happy out now aren't you buy a pool oh no this goes swimming okay shall we go explore a little bit i think we should go explore let's uh well let's just save before i go to another neighborhood just in case ali thank you for the bits aims spectral cold affliction uh tabby cat it's cube time greg thank you very much for the tip there as well that's very kind of folks thank you very much um right let me let me see walked a lot community lot let's see what there is um woodland park fashion conscious sim no not me prefer a dunk in the pool to walk in the park community center that might be nice to meet new people i'm gonna wish people a merry christmas right let's get out of here finally away from the music it's just just for a little bit just for a little bit seeing aussies in chat well you must [ __ ] love the fact that it's sunny on christmas then even though it's um winter i'm going for a nice winter swim now maybe it won't take effect until tomorrow maybe the weather resets make the most of the sun in the meantime die now with a sim uh would anyone like to dine out with me do you serve food here no but it looks oh wait what's this what can i buy i'm gonna buy something all i've been doing is spending money and i don't really have a lot to spend unfortunately buy food all right buy 22 dollars worth of food whatever you can get for that oh that's a big shopping basket that's not bad that's good value is this person you know i was gonna say are they wearing a kilt but i can't really judge them i'm still in my swimsuit um just shoo him away he's just playing starts and i just shoo him away and then just go sit down for a while just relax all right maybe we should go elsewhere and try and get some food everyone's in their winter wear but then they're diving into the the pool is this this is the woman from earlier spending his christmas tradition you are correct there to be fair yeah there are kilts in this game all right let's um let's go somewhere where i can get something to eat i am starving anyway didn't i just shoe you away you're not allowed to play darts it's like uh sorry do you even work here no no i don't if i get out of here you troublemaker um let's see food reading entertainment needs that sounds great it has a little bit of everything you stay away from the darts brandon do you ever watch your back she actually had a want to play darts no hunting for frogs and no darts yes exactly aaron thank you very much for the tip and demi thank you very much for the tip as well you're both very kind that's pretty generous excuse me sorry for yawning um ah this isn't even a restaurant are there even any restaurants here oh my god that's cruel putting the checkout outside um let's see maybe i could buy myself a video game i am a noob after all it's work okay uh i don't need any skills or friends to level up from a noob all right what game do we want guys by sims ea sports fifa zero eight spore command and conquer three as sim city four are the sims busting out i think those are some pretty good choices spore spore a lot one spore spore sport busting out spore spore spore i'm gonna go with ea sports fifa 2008 not a single person in chat asked for fifa 2008 that's what i'm gonna buy i like to think that this is actually current day so then she comes into work the next day like look what i got and it's ea sports fifa 2008 for the ps2 didn't they keep making those until like 2011 for the ps2 oh get out of the way folks i'm a noob and i'm going to pinball you under the table i like how they put in actual games that you can buy all right everyone watch everyone will love me once i destroy their high score and berate them for being [ __ ] at video games stop talking to me you're distracting oh i could get a picture here wait no i asked you to take my picture why are you okay you're taken from over here well i want to get the actual photo that you're taking so that would be like this yeah got it okay great that's a lovely photo i'm not even visible in it you're a horrible person i think i actually need to go home to eat there is nowhere to eat here unfortunately oh a little bit of lag there all right shall we go home um walked a lot go home yeah oh you can get cars and everything in this game this game has so much i really oh what the hell was that hold on slow the phone what was that a witch just appeared and there was like a lightning strike wait turn around even default would be curious here underwhelmed but curious uh aim sarcastic lemon phone liberated raphael jay and the lord thank you for the support there guys what is this what is this camera showing me why give give ask what are your skills i'm going to ask the witch on a date i'm so confused what is going on here think for treasure oh yeah i think for treasure after after you're done asking her on a date in fact that will be the date if she agrees to go on a date we're gonna go dig for treasure she's casting stink spells on all the on all the pets flirt prank tell a story gesture all right i'm skipping the formalities and just going straight to the date she got bored of waiting so she doesn't want to chat first okay well i guess i'll just dig for treasure alone then uh maybe just here to be fair it could be possible that someone like keeps change for the phone like right next to it why won't you dig date for treasure please she's not digging for treasure i want to prank this witch wait oh there's cockroaches no ignore the cockroaches i remember how annoying they used to be in the sims 1. this will show you it's freezing winter at night you're probably going to get very sick i've pissed myself i'm now crying goodbye just goes home this guy is spraying the cockroaches for some reason marlene thank you very much for the gifted sub valley dave for the bits as well thank you very much for stopping by uh be honest stories thank you for the result oh god we're back in this hell ellie girl thank you very much for the resub appreciate that why do they all play different songs wait oh no what happens wait time resets when you get home okay so when i'm at community lot it's time resets interesting all right i'm gonna have a tv dinner and head to bed i think bobby thank you so much for five subs thank you so much for that that is very very generous of you pogo dude thank you for the sub as well all right get some sleep in the race car you can sleep faster because it's a race car why did you wake up oh you wanted to go to the bathroom fair enough you didn't think of that last time did you where's the dog by the way where is dog a dog oh he's out here can he even get up the steps he's just enjoying the music um maybe we should bring him inside wait hold on hold on i'm showering i'll be right with you i think he actually can't get in and he has no food or anything all right let me let me bring the dog inside hold on come with me little one okay there you go now put him down there you go and fill the bowl with food it'll be a christmas feast we'll both eat out of the bowl we'll eat together like a happy family there you go oh my god the bed that is so adorable the bed is huge and he has to like jump off on it oh my god dude the sims 2 is actually better than the sims 4. like you can have a tiny puppy in stonehenge in the sims 2. you can't beat it she can't stay asleep because of the [ __ ] music because all of this is one room because i have no doors she just can't get any sleep please sleep it's it's even worse when you speed it up it's just too much it's so much worse i think this is the worst this speed than normal normal is nearly as bad yeah i want one those radios irl surely someone has to make them let's turn that back down again kevin your dog what about him he's fine he's sleeping give love i'm gonna snuggle him i wish i could just sleep though wait there's a fire how is there a fire how did you spontaneously combust run away default run away save yourself oh i should have bought a smoke alarm hold on hold on let me call someone um let's see emergency wait maybe maybe i should send an email hold on can i send an email um hmm order photos uh let's see send email all right we'll send an email to the the fire department hold on okay um that didn't work well i'll try try once more send the email stop panicking stop panicking about the fire you're pretty much standing in the fire as we speak let's send an email to the fire department all right perfect's sake really you're you're unwilling to send an email you know how awkward phone calls are all right emergency let's call for an emergency save the dog he's fine it's me you need to worry about look at him he's [ __ ] himself but he's fine all right let's let's stop panicking and just call the fire department okay let's just try that oh great now the computer's on fire and i appear to be stuck i'm stuck in the building can we can we run out of the building at all this is the [ __ ] worst christmas ever honestly yeah just oh jesus now i'm on fire i think can i get out of the fire please stop panicking i'm on fire second let me just let me just all right [Music] [Music] she got out she got out somehow oh it's on fire again that chair moved let's just quickly check on the dog here um is on fire but uh feels great pretty warm comfortable uh not hungry at all which is great uh this is default's last expression before she died this will make a good thumbnail if i make this into a video you know that's that's a solid thumbnail right there that's the youtuber face that you know it's good it's got good emotion let's just try and just put it here maybe i guess it's yeah yeah this whole thing this this whole thing is just great great thumbnail inspired yeah perfect we got it boys we got it thanks for the bits oh god well tiny thank you for the bits this is very on brand for a 2020 exercise thinking that too as she was burning to death to christmas music uh sometimes cause him uh apollo lonnie i told you to get a smoke alarm but you never listened to all life well look in my defense i was saving money to buy more christmas decorations and i still need that money because well now all my christmas decorations burnt down if we just sent the [ __ ] an email none of this would have happened anyway [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] oh this is a good time for that a home alone clip though all right death oh what can oh he's he's saying my like uh my last words death what can really be said about death well for one he's a tourist he also enjoys long and windy walks on the beach he describes himself as a horse lover prefers a lady on a pale horse to one in an overpriced suv but he notes that any interested parties should be gravely serious about starting new relationships and that brings along three friends for the other members of the apocalypse would be a preferable first state environment not really sure what that means honestly um but is there any chance you'll give me a second chance oh the dog burned to death i think wait oh no is he is he dead there was a little there's a little grave there is is he lying in the ash or is he dead in the end uh i'm not sure i think that might have just been a bad memory he got can i see memories dog's bio i that's going to be hard hitting by autobiography but oh here we go yeah memories default died that's so sad memories default joined the family mess default default died oh god it's been a tough day it's been one day and all this has happened oh my god america saying the bits not the christmas we wanted but probably the one we all deserved what happens now is it just gonna load don't you dare go on my race car bed okay um what happens now you can name the dog ash it's too soon that is too soon default is literally still ash over here the whole place is still smoking wait what happened i just got back it's kind of hard to explain you know just just be careful with your christmas lights folks honestly safety first you know we still do have the music you know before we load let me get to some of the messages becky thank you for the bits i looked away for one moment and now everything is on fire well now it's it's gone out again in good news oh the police are here thank goodness you showed up just in time those poor pets no longer have an owner to take care of them i'm taking them to the neighborhood pet adoption center yeah these poor pets the poor pet he can't even get down off the stairs you gotta lift him you gotta lift him he doesn't know how to get down he's small thank you be picked up okay good i i thought it was still saying defaults like from default's perspective and i thought she was gonna pick up defaults ashes i was like dude don't don't take defaults ashes pick him up to put him back down well at least the dog lived i think he would have been more devastated if the dog died uh let me just catch up here uh cole thank you very much for the bits um i'm sorry of christmas alone but as i was saying earlier hopefully we can make the most of it only one person has died so far so we're we're doing well so far aren't we thank you very much for that a panda thank you for the resub uh streets live uh this is a um boscia altani ridgid rose sometimes cousin apollo uh krusty frantic streams um bender beth don't know zombies uh green ken ames chloe bobby dead thank you very much for the five subs there again earlier pogo dude marlene thank you very much guys uh hypno thank you as well all right are we gonna have to load this mesh katarina you met her before all right let me see neighborhood do you want to save uh no i don't think so i actually think ash is a really cute name for the dog it is a cute name and it suits the dog but given what happened i think it's a little bit insensitive all right it just happened all right guys that was all a dream she imagined it and her insomnia from not being able to sleep okay we only went back a little bit yeah this is just after we met the wish the wish the witch wait erica trimble the atrocious evil witch okay kind of judging a book by its cover she didn't seem that evil all right dinner time i'm gonna buy a smoke alarm think i'm gonna buy you know no it's just a waste of money actually i've only got 400 bucks what are the odds of it happening again honestly what are the odds slim to none one in a trillion i would say feed the dog oh yeah i gotta add the the bowl and the dogs outside so we'll pick up the dog um and bring it all the food got burnt that's sad this is my christmas dinner eating a burnt tv dinner at the computer defaults had a rough day but not as rough as alternate reality defaults you burn to death tragically due to some faulty christmas lights god the thing is just a [ __ ] death trap waiting to happen look at it just standing there menacingly i'm not going to turn it off though that's that's letting the tree win and asserting dominance all right fill it up with food pick up the doggy where's the doggy where's the dog there you are no come on wake up you're not gonna be able to sleep anyway or you pick up and then we'll set it down over here i'm hoping it snows tomorrow that would be so nice really set the tone all right go here wait no pick up the damn dog all right pick up she picked him up and then just put him back down all right go here no stop putting him down good lord okay pick up i know you're tired but you can't go to bed until you bring the dog in and you're really delaying it all right you got the dog will you oh oh my god all right pick up the dog walk here oh my god am i doing something wrong is this me what if i do nothing no she immediately puts it down this is not me okay i'm gonna go sleep and then i'll come back for you i gotta go on without you dog i'll be back for you oh the poor dog he's just sitting out there facing his mount everest and he can't get inside oh it's not me for once it's not me it's default just put another ball outside get out of here with your reasonable solutions we don't do that stuff out here we're going to get some sleep and then we're going to take the dog in later i pissed myself that'll show you all right we're gonna get like five seconds of sleep there we go wait how did you piss yourself and then wait did she piss herself i don't know either way i'm in a much better mood now i know dog is starving i'm trying to take care of him but i don't understand that i need to like bring him inside okay oh yes mission accomplished all right can i sleep here no i can't all right let's try and get some sleep again a few a few seconds there not bad don't hurt me i'm fragile thank you for the bits and merry christmas to your friends laura and jenna as well thank you very much for that i kingston karen kearney yikes smith she crofty and hypno thank you for the support she's getting some good sleep now this is working for once i wonder what was waking her earlier maybe she just grew accustomed oh tree's on fire everyone trees on fire trees on fire crisis crisis crisis all right hold on hold on hold on hold on call emergency we're not even gonna try with the email this time yeah just walk through the fire i am on fire i am on fire all right extinguish extinguish yourself extinguish extinguish extinguish extinguish oh god please just extinguish yourself come on you can do this all right i'm getting a sense of deja vu she's dead again the fire extinguished itself somehow once it killed me the fire started at the christmas tree i caught fire burned to death and the fire put itself out and the christmas tree is fine somehow this honestly seems impossible how's the dog oh the dog's fine don't worry it literally does not care the finale if the point of playing the sims 2 was to kill off all your sims then you would be the world champion you don't know the half of it grim reaper [Music] okay let's try this again exit neighborhood do you want to save uh yes quit out yeah that was that was stream sniping that's what that was targeting me okay default uh how can we how can we do this let's let's pick up the dog right and we're gonna bring the dog in immediately um then we'll set out a way to avoid dying in a fire that's my plan there's got to be a way to avoid this uh pick up all right pick up the dog go here yes thank goodness okay we don't have that struggle now i'm just okay perfect perfect you wait no come back come back all right hold on hold on hold on hold on okay this person likes me all right i've got a plan um turn off your christmas tree lights no that's imagine doing that every night that would drive you nuts fire alarm no that that requires money clearly the reasonable thing to do here is to build some sort of a cage with a human in it with a phone and then if the fire starts they can call the fire brigade while i'm on fire um i'd like to move in with the witch is there a way to cheat the relationships um cheat relationships sims 2. what do you mean no um let's see okay uh okay yeah there there is a cheat for it by the looks of it okay let's let's invite over the witch invite over this is a good it's good plan all right this is a good plan i'm making a baked alaska after effects and that is a lie come on come over please just give me a chance i know i only met you once immediately asked you on a date and then started muttering about digging for treasure but please give me a chance all right invite over i'm if my wanting to see you was on a scale of one to ten i'd still say no that's a bit [ __ ] rude like there's no need for that she's making up excuses all right let's try someone else um let's try tiffany she seemed reasonable tiffany is just i [ __ ] hate tiffany all right let's let's try it again come on tiffany please don't make an excuse all right let's try this again toshigo what about her what about this dude gordon he's not the chat the chess player the dark player why does no one want to come over to me let's try tiffany please she won't come over tiffany's toxic killer i'll [ __ ] kill her in a fire in a second um now my dog is starving i brought it inside but i forgot to fill the bowl okay the bowl is filled you know what's a good plan i'm just gonna move the phone to here we'll drop a save we're ready for a fire now why will no one enter your cursed flammable christmas house i don't know that's what i'm saying i'm being entirely reasonable here and people are just looking to piss me off um what we could do is just try and meet someone at a community a lot and try and get them to like me it might be a good plan let me let me walk to a community lot in my bathrobe stinking at 10 30 at night walked a lot there we go um let's see where would people hang out the park yeah let's go meet people at night in the park this sounds like a good idea the wilder and hawk uh rainman uh hilla kleiner uh ode to otto thank you very much for the bits uh there's no one here as of yet but we can wait that's fine top 10 most wanted uh fishy thank you very much you're moving in with me unless tiffany shows up because i have it out for tiffany all right let's see amanda carlson you're coming with me why does everyone just walk away from me all right yes we'll play chess to get to know each other no my person needs a shower please just just like me hold on just greet them yes okay this should be enough we got him yes okay now um lonnie thank you for the tip a fishy boop excelsior don't hurt me i'm fragile thank you very much guys for the support do we drop thank you as well all right greets him normally open relationship tab open cheat bear [Music] please let me copy and paste this um yes um click on and hold wait did that work um click on and hold the thin green yellow orange bar red and drag it across okay it's it's not really working huh that's weird you have to be live to alter the bears really let me let me see if i have to be live too you have to load to another lot all right you know what maybe i could just get her to like me a little bit in person first by sitting at a different chessboard and just joining the conversation just force your way into this conversation right you know what i'm not going to cheat anymore after this but i'm just going to go max motives once yes okay now please just like me honestly if why are you so distracted by other people all you need is default please like me please there we go just talk to her yeah i think i'm gonna build up a little bit of a relationship like just to get friendly so she'll visit my house and then i'll cheat is that a man in a top hat hold on i think i've found a different victim look at him he's so formal what's his deal unsavory charlatan yes i i want to be friends with him hold on hold on forget you forget you go away go away go away uh wait no i i don't want to visit a lot hold on hold up hold up hold up kevin stay focused yeah i should probably focus a little bit but look the longer i stay out of the house the longer i stay alive is the way i'm thinking about it why can i not wait dump happy log please don't dump your happy log um what's what's happening here be greeted okay are you gonna rob me okay that wasn't bad wait what what are you doing dude it's 1 30 a.m in the park you just robbed me dude how much did he take i know a storm's happening 150 god damn it i should have just bought a smoke alarm why did you guys tell me not to buy it i'm gonna go and engage in fisticuffs with this fecker if you guys just let me buy the smoke alarm we would have been fine but no you were like kevin go capture an innocent npc and put them next to the phone so they can call the fire brigade honestly guys you look ridiculous right now absolutely what do you think was gonna happen i thought we'd be friends all right but luckily the witch showed up so i'm gonna try with the witch again because she wouldn't come over to my house no amanda no [ __ ] off now [ __ ] off i don't want to be a friend anymore you had your shot and you blew it by playing chess with somebody else a sin absolute sin i keep talking keep talking wait where'd she go is that enough i i got i got it to ten that's not bad it's higher than tiffany maybe she'll come out now i'm going home this has been a [ __ ] wild day i respect your name for the bits you're going back to bed uh have fun and please get a smoke alarm even if it's a human special thank you very much for joining happy christmas to you i hope you enjoy your christmas ultra adam thank you for the bits i thank you for the kind words as well uh carrot mofo lono cass tax amanda uh zeon thank you very much for the tip as well uh floating present dewey drop the waldron hawk rainman thank you as well you're very kind folks thank you so much once you're home you can cheat the bears okay so can i do without oh my god oh my god they love me they love me all right now i call them over wait oh yeah i moved the phone i forgot quick we're up against the clock here my tree's gonna burst into flames at any moment we gotta do this quick all right call uh sim i didn't realize i thought i'd have to still invite them over and they'd have to be on the lot with me all right invite over i'd rather play mishuno with a pack of llamas i thought we were friends please come over it's the snowman isn't it the fire's begun people hold on let me try again let me try and get to the phone it's got open flames why are they just constantly going on fire why is this not been recalled this christmas tree it's just honestly guys this is probably in my worst 10 worst 15 christmases it really is i'm gonna call the i'm gonna call an emergency calling an emergency meeting hold on hold on stop being on fire wait am i i can't can i just extinguish it then she literally will not stop panicking i can't even i can't even get her to go on the phone come on please come on you can do it yes now there's just a little bit more fire over there why can i not okay okay the fire the fire deleted itself we've bought ourselves more time save the game kevin why do you have to be this difficult it's not me it's the game that's difficult i'm playing on the highest difficulty of the sims stupid all right call call sim please come over to my house honestly count me out all right you know what everyone everyone is my friend everyone loves me look at this police officer loves me amanda loves me this random straight cat adores me can't get enough of me um i may as well make dog like me as well i mean he has no reason to like me i let him starve on the lawn for a bit too long for my liking all right sim come with me uh let's try tiffany again she's the one i have it out for oh yeah it is 2am sorry hold on i'll ring in the morning if i'm still alive by then hopefully i'll be alive come on come on hold out wait why is one of the oh my god the poor dog is only getting like mono sound here he's only getting the the radio from one side luckily all the ones outside are still on kevin those relationships are how your sim sees them not vice versa all right all right that's fine that's fine we'll well chief all right hold on save the game go to the neighbor bring him in make him like default back to default make default like him and then invite him in and they are the phone phone servant perfect all right let's see she has a newborn but she probably doesn't want it anyway i'll try and get her to like me and to move in with me we won't cheat anymore in quotes listen that was sarcasm when i said that you could clearly tell by the body language all right let's see is this that's an empty lot where oh that's the house sorry i should have known that awful tree the the default household lives here would you would you like to play this lot no i want to visit it what all right how do i give my child away first of all um there's got to be a way to do this well you're a kid too oh god damn um all right well look we'll we'll try and make it work how can i find default should i just oh my god that is a lovely pool that that is awesome can they get in and out of the pool without ladders here um wait wait the school bus is here no hold on don't hold that stop geez that was close he almost went to get an education no he can't get in all right hold on hold on um all right this will get rid of this problem uh okay get in and now oh no no you don't she's trying to kill herself too and not so fast uh perfect perfect speed up time play some pinball um what's the easiest way to get rid of this one he's gained enough fitness enthusiasm to talk about it with other people great that's awesome how long does it take for them to drown she's just waiting [Laughter] what have you see him in that tiny tiny pool only thing that could make this better is some christmas music let's see perfect okay now what an error occurred what okay i she got out of bed but i don't know if she can get into bed reset okay yeah she's she's struggling with the bed hold on let me just get rid of these there we go and now we need to turn off free will perfect now we wait oh the struggles begun [Music] merry christmas everyone what are you doing huh get back in bed [Music] get back in the [ __ ] bed we're relaxing until he's dead will you stop would you jesus she's trying to fit now oh god she does not look happy stop trying to get pity all right just because it's christmas doesn't mean i'm going to save your son from drowning all right how are you hungrier than him i find look i'll get you kids just pass down the floor i don't know how all right i'm gonna eat an entire pizza and then i'm gonna go relax oh wait she's stuck hold on let me clear a path for you all right can we good now can you eat you're asleep standing up okay that's fine too um okay he's he's running out of energy which is great don't starve the pregnant lady no no we're not starving to pregnant lady is she oh she's sick with food poisoning just no pain no gain eat through it come on i didn't realize she was pregnant to be honest but that's not changing the plan we're too far in now we've committed too much crime and in the chat is just like she's pregnant she's pregnant and i'm just like yep you know what i don't discriminate against pregnant people they're just a good uh they're just as good prisoners as anyone brittle bean haley rain referend an anonymous chair thank you for the support even though you probably want to take it back now caramel full alter adam blam jam brittle bean thank you guys appreciate it keep eating that pizza mom eat it up how you doing i think i can make this a little easier for them hold on how much even are these all right they're not much they're good value um okay that'll do okay turn on turn on turn on turn on she's uh she's falling asleep on the floor hold on hold on guys she'll be right with us [Music] he's waving he's in happy christmas everyone that's nice that's nice wait what's this what was that big splash oh it's starting to snow hooray a christmas miracle we've finally seen snow she's still not waking up should i be worried nah should be fine all right ah sorry dude how many people are we going to watch die to christmas music this could be a whole american movie i agree flower i agree 100 blend gem thanks for the sub all right well there'll be a gravestone there'll be a gravestone under the tree this christmas uh let's see shall we i could put out a christmas tree to be fair hold on let me let me sell this bed don't need it anymore he's gone uh let's see here putting the bloody thing outside because it's a [ __ ] hazard to be honest with you all right turn on she's still not woken up oh no she's woken up great is it it's on okay great okay let's get in a good mood and then go out and meet default this this is a long-winded plan but it's saving me a lot of money i left for 20 minutes what the hell happened all right it's a long story but basically uh default died twice in a fire and then the tree kept catching on fire so rather than by a smoke alarm we're going to kidnap this lady who's going to be trapped in a room with a phone and if any danger happens to default she's going to phone the police or the fire brigade whatever whatever is needed at that time um the child yeah we don't need the child he's uh he's a loose end to be honest it would be better if he was taken away uh she just wants puppies dustin is a zombie it's one of her fears i thought that said get a drink out of the toilet merry christmas you filthy animals um we can't even dance to those what can i do for fun around here unfortunately i only see one way to get some fun uh wait what is this all right go up and go for a swim i think all right that should be pretty fun there you go she's having a good time there we go she's feeling much better now have a snack cookies her son is just after dying oh brandy's healthy again well fantastic she's heavily pregnant as well oh the christmas tree is on fire again um maybe if i just send her to bed she won't get killed in the fire i mean there's nothing really important by the the tree so hopefully it'll just burn itself out um who's showing up beau has grown into a child as a toddler boat achieved the aspiration level of rotten rugrat that's terrible well he's not mine anymore anyway so it doesn't really matter this is more dude's freaking out this is quite the christmas scene a random person has ran onto my lot to scream about the fire that's about to destroy my son's graveyard who died yesterday while my other son gets taken away by social services um i got a gift though so that's nice he's giving up on screaming oh no he just forgot for a moment he's gone back um i don't know if that grave can burn or not but we're just gonna let let nature take its course here it the fire's burning into the night a beacon of hope is a light in the back garden then we may find a way to stop the fires inside default house um okay hold on let let's hand down here she's running out of the fire let's try and extinguish this thing okay i think i think we've started the problem we could no it's it's continuing to burn um just keep trying to extinguish it please if you can can you please now the tree is on fire honestly probably a good thing if you could just extinguish it please yes yes there you go there you go the snow should help right it's a christmas miracle right she's stopped extinguishing it to just cry for a while which is it's kind of understandable but look our major want is have a baby and one should pop out at any moment she's almost got all the fire now which is great there you go this is going well see merry christmas after all there you go there you go we're all fine let's take a bath um let's just get in a good mood and we'll go and meet default we're ready now it's been it's been a tough day kevin ruined this lady's life i didn't i'm about to make her a very good friend of default wait hold on she doesn't already know defaulted no okay um cancel that there's a skunk in the back garden this is good story at least it's kind of cool so the tree's gone off but i think the tree is just broken wait what oh she's starved to death um i might just buy a smoke alarm i think um yeah i think i'll uh i think i'll buy a smoke alarm it was a good idea it was a good idea it's just in practice you know you you tr you try and expect the best from people and they just don't put the effort that you're willing to put in in as well so it just just didn't work out but there's nothing wrong with that these things these things happen um let's see smoke alarm there we go i was only 50 bucks in the end i got mugs for three times that when i was uh when i was in the park it's not bad that's like frankly that is good if anything that i think it worked out for the best i think i learned a lot of lessons here life is short and smoke alarms aren't all that expensive anyway it's almost time for my first day as a noob oh my god the music is so loud when you tilt the camera outside turn on free will oh yeah i gotta turn that back on oh my god oh wait it's already on i must not have huh i don't know what i did there i must not have saved it or maybe it's lot specific i don't know what's the lesson we learned um when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time and you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending how about that huh not bad first day of work coming up hopefully it'll be a good day that's the dream i might even see some snow that'd be nice oh here's my ride what a noob car fitting let's go first day is a noob i'm in a great mood despite the news that my neighbors have all died in various different ways just yesterday i'm still feeling great oh a dog grew up oh i wish he stayed a puppy a little bit longer just because he was so adorable but he's still a little cutie that's fine a dog can you get the phone please great useless dog poor dog just waiting for my sim to get home i love the sims 2. this was a good idea you should adopt the neighbor child um maybe how much how much does a child cost let's see please don't take that out of context um a service i guess uh adoption service you don't meet the required financial standards all right there's got to be a loophole here um hmm i'm just gonna save it and check i i'm gonna sell like a lot of my furniture and then see if it's just a cash thing or if it's like a net worth thing uh right get up all right sell this sell that sell that sell this keep the christmas tree and sell one of the counters this and the light as well as this table with the nutcracker and that's still that didn't get as much money as i thought it would i was expecting to look down and have like seven grand but no that got me like 1500 uh right let's try this again i could sell this mannequin but i kind of like it and no way in hell am i selling any of the snowmen um all right i've got an idea why is everything bad start with that sentence okay don't save we're going to go in we're going to use a cheat to get lots of money adopt the child and then i'll just get rid of the money again because i don't want to cheat in that way um it's going to be a good christmas for that kid it's going to be a [ __ ] christmas movie i'm going to sell the script um all right let's see so do i need to put in is it catching in this game yes yes spam i don't know what's the one for more i guess this is probably enough anyway yeah that's fine all right now i forged like i've just photoshopped the bank statement and been like hey i have lots of money want to sell me a kid just send it out to all my contacts not even the adoption agency all right wait no not called sim hold on i i don't think they have any children to sell me okay call service no don't go to bed in your race car the kid's going to show up like oh my god i have a race car bed and she's going to be like no no that's me you share with the dog poor kid yes adopt the child wait i'm just getting a random kid i'll come back tomorrow at 10. oh god damn it now i might get a bad one all right fine i'll wait till tomorrow i wonder if it's predetermined like if i save just beforehand maybe i'll be okay then do we have enough food for the dog if by enough i'm meant none then yes he just had an empty pole all right like come on i know the neighbor kid is is out of the job he needs new parent and i am ready i'm ready to take on the task all right just just go sleep don't don't relax sleep there you go please sleep okay she's getting some sleep god knows how with all that music feed the dog it's fed look it has food all over the place it's just choosing not to eat that's fine might be on an old festive diet for all i know all right it's nearly 7 a.m i gotta watch i i i i hope it's brandy's kid that's the goal yeah we're trying to get brandy's kid um all right let's just stop it there oh wait i'm not gonna be home when they come to drop off the kid let's just see what happens let's just go to work imagine that you're you're dropping off like a kid to the adopting parents and they just miss the meeting they're just like oh i forgot okay um oh what do i want i want a child come on come on did i get him i got him i got the key that i wanted yes nice christmas good christmas i'm not home sorry i'll i'll be back eventually uh i can't even save it now i got him all right can you just stay with him for a few hours i'll be home at 4 p.m what's this learn anger management is whatever i want probably shouldn't disclose that it's not a good idea to leave bo home alone without supervision he'll be grand all right he's been through worse i gotta complete my my day job playing video games hey bo is default available to talk how do you even know who bo is no default is not available oh yes here we go all right default is the newest member of the online puzzle gamers club the fastest growing casual gamer community she is really enjoying a game of destroy blue blocks with more blue blocks when crazy blazer the club stairwoman challenges her challenges the way of the club as guideline number one dictates strength decides leadership is default ready to challenge the best or should she spend more time in practice mode all right what is it folks what are we doing what's the plan i think we're going with the challenge aren't we all right challenge default steadies our hand and enters let's go in the chat channel blue blocks begin filling the screen and default clicks furiously to destroy them with all their blue blocks things aren't looking too good until default completes a super blue combo awarding her the omega blue block default hurls the block a crazy plays with screen which causes an instant game over crazy blazer quickly logs off before she can be teased default is promoted to button masher heck yes what a christmas this is the best christmas ever hey kid i got a promotion fantastic get rid of that notification saying that i should have i should have been supervising the kid um all right let's uh what do we do what do you do with children um encourage no uh he could take a picture of me i guess all right celebrate my to celebrate my job promotion we're gonna get a nice picture default the kid is just waiting outside to shower with the camera jesus christ come on default hurry up it's your it's your time to shine there we go we got it folks get that one printed out and put on the wall luckily we learned this earlier order photos um here we go and this one yeah print that out and order album with just one photo i don't think that's what uh an album is all right um right well it seems to all have worked out because now i can just lock you in the stonehenge room you lost the grade doesn't seem like my problem sounds like a you problem bo uh you can go in snow hinge what are you freaking out about the snowman well sorry he came here first he has a higher space in the hierarchy than you do is that a male fan am i getting mail this is awesome i'm getting mail all right no don't interact with the kid don't get attached hold on go in go in yeah i know you want to grow up you want to move out you want to throw a tantrum you don't like the snowman everything's wrong yo you're kicking the floor yeah that'll show me shut up stop throwing a tantrum get in there and i'm locking you in all right perfect wait why is it a wall too close to sim would you [ __ ] move all right there we go perfect all right now where's the phone all right you know what he'll just be my receptionist in general i won't have a phone other than him okay turn those bad boys on don't stop complaining about stonehenge that was their first okay perfect now i can get a good night's sleep now um i'm not actually that tired yet let me let me have some lunch the ominous blank wall it's like it looks a bit suspicious you come into the house and there's just this blank wall what is this bills i thought i was getting a cool delivery like sake it's been such a back and forth christmas um [ __ ] thank you so much for the five subs that's very kind here baby toyota they even saw beef bombs glide the lad uh vervain sarcastic lemon phone rayleigh blam jam brittle bean thank you very much guys merry christmas thank you very much merry christmas to you all as well second i need to oh i hope you don't hear me twice no should be good okay great um rightio now we're gonna have a good night's sleep in the safety of my own home knowing that there's no possible way anything could go wrong and even if it does go wrong we have wait oh yeah i can sell the smoke alarm now do i get my 50 bucks back 43 that's not bad i basically just rented the thing for seven bucks and now i've got my own smoke alarm should i build a wall like in between here so that default won't freak out you know no it'll be fine i'll be fine it's just wasting money which is the whole point of this exercise to save money um stop freaking out dude oh wait no he's having a good time the hell is wrong with you i keep getting errors do i need to up my skills in anything give him a drive-through window okay that's a good idea actually i can just check in on him make sure he's not sleeping on the job um let's see no i need something slightly bigger oh a nice double one would be good but it's blocked oh it's blocked by the phone all right we're gonna delete a bit of stonehenge that's the part of stonehenge nobody liked anyway okay perfect leave some air in as well he won't be able to get out of there he's too small no ledges or anything and i've got it i've got the walls just greased so you can't actually get any friction and grab onto it you know yeah it's uh there's no way yeah sorry about snow hinge we had to lose a bit ah it's snowing and the door is just wide open and so is his window leaving in a perfect draft of christmas cheer the kid's gonna [ __ ] freeze well it would be a nice change instead of burning to death you'd freeze to death um i need something creative uh put up my creativity uh drums i think all right perfect practice those drums default oops miss bethanies thank you so much for 15 subs that's super kind here thank you very much uh nick thank you for the bits as cece google's bullet writer jd eleroni thank you for the subs uh miss bethany thank you so much you didn't have to give that much cheese you didn't have to give anything thank you so much for the 15 subs all right you enjoying that kid huh this is something so comical about it for some reason i love it why does he keep is he changing the the station i don't think they changed you they literally only play christmas music elegant chimp and yves winter thank you for the subs uh google's thank you for the sub as well goggles even sorry uh elleroni thank you for the 10 subs jesus christ thank you very much for that no that's the thumbnail you see it would make a good thumbnail wouldn't it but it looks too innocent it looks like the kids just like outside or whatever it's not until you get the full picture that you really know what's going on all right we almost have our point of creativity fantastic yes creativity creativity earned sleepy time oh wait i'm not even tired enough all right i guess just play drums all night then i was about to say i'd hate to be the neighbors but the neighbors were dead so i don't think they're really mined helloni thank you very much for the 10 subs again it's very very kind here oh what a lovely christmas let me give it a bit of a save i don't want to miss out on all these um creativity points no sleep only drums it does seem like that's her plan for the night uh hey bo is default available to talk my receptionist says no oh god i can't wait for work oh wait do i even have work tomorrow oh my god her creativity is just flying up i do have work good good good um wait no no no the the child's gonna be taken away hold on uh let me buy him a little fridge or something at least he can get a snack in there perfect oh wait we might have to move this phone now um all right more of snowhenge is being deleted it's for the greater good okay have a snack he'll be fine don't worry he's he's gonna be totally fine just wake up dude please wake up how are you sleeping through those drums like okay there we go he's fed he's well fed now all right i'll head to work oh god the school bus is blocking me all right it'll be fine hold on there we go it all synced up after all oh i need to feed the dog it's not a good idea to leave him home without supervision no no you don't understand he's trapped in a little cell so there's nothing bad that can happen to him who knocked over my trash was it you dog jesus you're acting up you're lovable out hire a nanny but then they might try and free them or like lift them out the window or something he's freaking out oh yes what is this uh default is a bit embarrassed by our new wave indie jam pop collection um yeah just give headphones uh wait they oh they judged my music oh okay well that's a bit sad like all i listen to is royalty free sims christmas music i'm sorry if you hate that wait oh the social worker showed up god damn it she just teleported him out of the cell oh for [ __ ] sake honestly dude honestly be saved from death is her highest want i wonder why her one failed safe is gone now the fire breaks out there's not penguin come live with me pet the penguin can i do anything to it a force error no i don't want to force error no oh he ran away i could have adopted him she's just crying she's having a bit of a breakdown let's get some sleep [ __ ] thank you very much for the bits that's very kind here enjoy your christmas uh pogo mahone uh joe audrey eleroni thank you very much again for that um let me just give my video a quick tweet because it went up just a moment ago um sorry you're probably hearing me twice um okay okay got it um rightio penguins talk to snowman do they did he talk to this one switch middle what what does that mean oh you can put them in the poses oh that's nice ah yeah i like the second yeah this this one's nice that's lovely is the tree broken oh the tree is broken i'm actually safe well then this all kind of worked out in the end didn't it i have my christmas decor i'm excited for santa claus and i'm safe wow this is a miracle honestly this is a magical magical christmas i'm so happy did i feed the dog i did feed the dog okay everyone's safe wow that's nice i'm so excited it's just if this can work out anything can work out i think that's the moral of our story yeah i'm happy with that honestly if defaults christmas can work out despite everything that happened then why can't ours i think we'll end it there that is a nice note to go out on it's a christmas miracle are you winning christmas i i think so i think so that that was so fun and it all worked out in the end i love it a happy ending that's what you like to see did that kid kid get kidnapped by social services yes he did what a lovely christmas yeah it was wasn't it i'm really happy with how that went that was very fun and like it's just nice to see it end happily for once it's what you love to see zeno thank you for the bits can you throw snowballs at the kids through the window you're a little bit lazy but i don't think you can unfortunately um oh god um all right let me uh let me set up a raid here let me set up a raid okay um close stitch thank you for the bits dead bone uh character emily thank you for the sub zeno case and nice uh poplock thank you very much for the bits as well uh all three two nine sherlock holmes boscia uh guys thank you so much for all the support miss bethany's thank you as well mary jacks thank you for the five subs that's very kind here holly winter thank you for the bits as well um super nice candy cane thanks for the sub thanks for the kind message as well holly all right guys i suppose that would be it wouldn't it that would be the end of the stream but uh thank you very much for joining me on this lovely christmas eve we we saw a lot of death today and it just it just brings a little tear to my eye you know when something that bad works out so so well uh i hope you guys enjoyed the stream i know i did this was a very fun one it was long overdue but i'm kind of glad we waited till christmas because it was a good christmas stream i think really set the tone you know um but yeah merry christmas everyone i hope you enjoy your christmas i know this year is a bit of a weird one so i'm sorry if you're not in the ideal situation you would like to be in but i hope you still try and enjoy it uh nonetheless and hey it's it's not the end of the world if it's if it's one year right like next year things will get better we can go back to a bit of normality hopefully soon and this is safe thank you for the result as well um but thank you so much for joining me merry christmas everyone tomorrow we've got the christmas special going up i just posted a video as well where i played some awful christmas games um it was pretty a pretty fun one i think mary jacks thank you very much for the tip there that's very kind to you super appreciate it um yeah we played some bad christmas games i think it came out pretty good so hopefully you'll enjoy that and i'll hopefully see you the day after christmas for the next stream that's the plan anyway um but in the meantime hope you enjoy the videos we're going to rate rt he's also doing a little christmas stream um over an animal crossing so hopefully you'll enjoy your time over there uh i hope you enjoy your christmas folks no matter what you're doing um even if it's just chilling watching some streams watching some videos whatever you're into hope you enjoy it and uh yeah thank you very much for joining me i appreciate your time and your company and i hope to see you next time folks bye for now bye bye bye bye bye bye bye merry christmas this looks somehow creepier with all the snow and banners goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye i like that my face is blurred like that it looks like i'm trying to crush my own face
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 173,441
Rating: 4.9443412 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 3sec (7863 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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