Among Us (with Max) | 2020-09-06

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channel switched hello how are we doing folks uh second i'm just texting max okay there we go we're gonna be playing some among us me and max volume how is everyone doing i'm doing good tom axes said hi you can tell him yourself shortly he'll be here soon howdy confused irish are you talking to me i don't know i'm confused um yeah we're gonna be playing some among us um which i played a little bit earlier to get a bit of a grasp on it and uh i hope i have an okay understanding that you can enjoy it i'll explain it a bit dear when we get in it doesn't seem that complicated i'm not sure how the impostor roll works too much because i only got one go on it and we literally wanted two minutes and i didn't do anything so i guess i guess we'll see how it goes um i'm not sure how it'll even work with them the randoms but i'm sure it'll be fine uh b hat thank you very much for the sub appreciate it is it va or b huh ah i don't know but thank you either way uh shadow warfare thank you for the sub and deeply and thank you for the sub as well um welcome everyone who's just joining in i appreciate you joining i'm doing good i'm doing good um thank you for joining in yeah we we don't i i like the people saying don't be backseat gamers i like that um yeah we don't need any backseat gaming but if you want to give me just hidden some tips that's totally fine just understand that i'm new i i won't be very good but uh we're just doing it to mess around anyway i don't think me or max really care if we win uh and elia thank you for the resub uh kalina thank you for the sub as well dizzy melody's thank you for the sub um you've been busy but uh i'm glad i'm glad you you enjoy what you do get to watch okay thank you for the sub lady craft thank you for the sub helly bean thank you for the tip need some laughs and serotonin well hopefully you can get it here thank you for joining and you're the murderer i mean hopefully i want to try and be the imposter a little bit because i've only got to do it once and i didn't get to do anything all right grandma 94 thank you for the resub bionic cheese thank you for the sub and not a worthy birdie thank you for the sub and uh i'm sorry that your boyfriend hates me miss smith thank you for the sub the ghost of eden thank you for the two gift subs and baka boom boy amanda uh necromantech and dec thank you for the subs nikki knox thank you for the sub as well and nom nom thank you for the resub uh oh secret gif look at that and it's the one where you're saying your boyfriend hates me great or had just hates hearing the name kevin okay well then he doesn't hate me that's okay he doesn't have to call me kevin despite my online name um yeah we'll be starting in about 10-ish minutes with max before then we'll just we'll have a bit of a chat and we'll ramp up i need like a starting zoom screen even if i just change stuff around let me just zoom up a little bit there there we go that's that's a little better framed it looked a bit ridiculous um here's a tip don't lose new wind thank you very much you look very small do i i'm a little kept today kevin's gonna eat it off the ship like he eated that baby i mean probably i played it earlier and i was not being helpful at all but i made loads of friends somehow i hit friends with a guy called big chunkis and he was great he wouldn't vote for me no matter what happened uh scold washer thank you for the sub poison kisses and cara uh corinthian luke thank you for the subs when are you thinking about the bits i am good uh i'm sorry you've had a bit of a down day but hopefully myself and max will win many games and that'll cheer you up you'll kevin this is just excuse to practice murder isn't it i mean like it's i guess it's a group effort like the murder yeah i suppose yeah yes yes but uh yeah we're going to be just playing with uh random people it's kind of like town of salem in a way with the voting system yeah um you'll see what it's like i'll give a brief explanation because i have to explain it to max anyway so it'll uh it'll all make sense uh no i'm not playing with dan i'm just gonna be playing with max today me and max haven't streamed in a long time now so we were saying when i was last speaking to him that we might try sunday because he's back in his uh office now so he doesn't get to um stream as much so we we we designated sunday as the hangout day and knocking third thank you for the bids uh and happy birthday tomorrow i'm sorry i'll miss you um i'm glad i cut the stream today because i plan to be too drunk to follow a stream this time tomorrow well i won't be streaming anyway so we're all winners um dan has an office no no max uh max works in an office but obviously he was working from home but now he's going back to work in the office so you can't stream as much um so yeah it'll just be a more uh it'll just be myself and max today orange tic-tac-toe you're the resub will you finish wolf among us and beyond two souls i thought i finished wolf among us didn't i guess i didn't or maybe i just played once actually i don't think it did all that well i don't think many people were interested in it and the same would be on two souls but i might stream it i don't know i don't know what to do with that because i kind of i do want to finish it i just don't know where uh mannix ogre thief the resub matt w uh chair bear and echo kind bear mode thank you for the subs a pronounceable username thank you for the sub as well great name saturdays are for dads and sundays are for max i like that uh finfet fan thank you for the bits you're amazing kevin have a fun stream thank you very much and honda thank you for the bits as well keep up the great content appreciate that necklace thank you for the bits too hope you're doing well well i've walked the length and bread of cork and i love it absolutely beautiful city and everyone is so friendly a cork is a lovely city i really like it and nicole navy the tip how'd you get the name kevin are you named after someone or did your parents just like the name i don't actually know i think they just like the name i don't think i'm named after anything uh ginger phoenix and excellent thank you for the subs live thank you for the bits i've been able to catch a stream forever so i hope we're still friends of course uh of course we are uh oh um kai dashing thank you for joining the stream your first stream uh it hopefully will be a decent one i this game looks really fun so hopefully we'll have a good time yeah i s why do the things you do we always talked about playing kahoot before i just i need to look at it and then play it because so many people have asked for it i'd say be really fun and i i hopefully will have a good time on this one anyway it looks very fun um ginger phoenix thank you for the sub again um poison kisses thank you for the bits and happy birthday to you on thursday will i be streaming then well i i shouldn't just presume you'll be coming by this stream enjoy thursday okay i was just gonna say will i be streaming them while i talk to you but i was like you might have other stuff you want to do with your birthday it's not all just about me um i'm glad you you like among us so hopefully it'll be good fun uh bella mac attack thank you for the sub call me crazy thanks for the generous bits does this game like push the button on jack box actually kind of yeah yeah it's similar to that leah lupa think of the bits uh you mentioned a few times you got lasik and since i didn't know anyone else who did i was wondering how that worked out for you would you recommend it um because lasik might be the only thing fixed my [ __ ] up eyes i it was like money well spent for me i thought it was well worth the money it was really good results the only thing i've noticed is i get like little halos around lights like from distance now when i used to get that before and my vision is definitely like it was better than 2020 when i got it and it's definitely just under 20 20 now i'd say i need to get an eye test but i've i had very good results from it um and i think i can actually go back to them and get them to do it again to fix them again but i'm like my vision is like really good it's not perfect but it's really good it's like do i really want to go in again because i'm super nervous getting it i i literally um organized the whole thing about two weeks i was like because once i got the money together i went in to actually get the assessment they're like yeah you can do it and they were like um okay when you want to schedule in i said this just as soon as possible like literally if you can do it tomorrow do it tomorrow because i i don't want that big waist because i want to be freaking out over like months but i got it done in like two weeks after seeing them um and it was like super smooth it was it was just better to not have a big wait up period i think the recovery was a bit annoying already just like a while where they were very red and i had to keep using drops every day and like you couldn't get water in them so even the shower you to wear like sunglasses but it was uh it was very it was very much worth the money for me anyway katie never the bits i need your good knee elbow and floaty jawbone for mine and bush is totally legal pre-stream business i think i'll pass but thank you for the offer gem jim thank you for the sub four months as well thank you very much for that and thank you for the kind words for fox sake thank you for the result char bear thank you so much for five gift subs that's so kind thank you very much hello liam welcome welcome to the chat please say something positive and happy for everyone uh thunder weaver dj sorrow i guess lizzy um oh that's so james thank you for the subs scan sick thank you for the sub as well razzle dazzle dj sorrow they gave the gifted subs uh barbarian bell they were the bits um i think i might do some new vegas yeah pinky stink eye they gave you the bits thank you for introducing us to musicians on twitch loved doing the raid last night yeah musicians on twitch are amazing uh marry me fro 58 your game or dad picked for the subs knocking for a danger for five gifted subs super generous of you thank you very much that's very kind to you what did liam say what did he say i missed it oh no all right yeah we didn't need that liam you can go now are you going to hide the code i'm not sure what do i need to do can someone fill me in on what i need to do to uh to like actually just play i i just want myself and max to play um so i i i don't know i need to hide the code okay how can i do that bottom middle hide it okay i might bring it up and see um what i need to hide it with um i'm not lam uh i'm not our lama not llama thank you very much for the bits can't stay along today give you all uh can you give all us aussies in the chat a bedtime story i'm kidding have a good stream imagine if bedtime story was beans there you go that's your bedtime story image on top don't string the screen when setting up okay i need to start up the game and we'll take a look um let's see there's a four letter number code at the bottom you need to hide or else random people can join okay um it's not a two-player game one imposter and one crewmate you already lose i mean we know that we're gonna be playing with random people it wouldn't be very fun if we were playing game where you have to figure out the imposter and there's two of us [Laughter] it wouldn't be very fun i don't think all right let me try and figure out how to block this and i'll try and turn down the volume as well it's a little bit loud for me um all right so okay so i could host my own game and then let randoms join in is it um i'm gonna take a look sorry you can hear it a bit i'm just trying to figure this out um it's zoning save for the result [ __ ] john stay with the bits katie's message was not a request please hand over your limbs it's wait you want my limbs she wanted my bones a second ago what do you actually want uh why don't you play with rt i just want to play with max today uh because we've not got to play in a long time um and plus we're just learning so it wouldn't really uh we wouldn't be much help in an actual game okay i'm trying to find out what the code situation is i don't see any code i'm gonna join a random lobby and see all right ah the code down the bottom when i join i see okay um trying to guess where it'll be i guess i mean i can stream you the what if i get okay we'll get a little thing here okay great okay now we can get this image to block the um but i'll just i might show you the screen wispy pixie thank you so much for the five gifted subs i appreciate it that's very kind here should i just cover it with my webcam i could it might look a bit weird since i'm looking on like which would be better if i covered it with my cam or if i just put this up there like i could block the the code with just this in the middle i think that'll do it i think that'll work what do you think let me get the the game capture up and there we go oh no i'm going into a game now goddammit i didn't want to go into a game okay well now i don't get to even see but i think it was about there i think that'll do is that good oh my god what is this emergency meeting okay use the cam and i think that's good let me let me try i'm just going to leave the lobby sorry i hope that doesn't ruin the game but oh well um oh yeah i guess i want to die now why would you say that about benson it's so unnecessary nicole dave with the gifted sub captain bean thank you for the sub uh noodle soup thank you for the sub as well um let me catch up with some of these alerts and then i'll unmute and talk to max and then i'm gonna try and keep on top of the alert so i should be able to i'll just mute every now and again uh jog hanson david the bits you should be playing the app game nirvana i don't know what that is but i might look it up little positivity thing with the result uh freshers thank you for the sub kitty monkey favorite bits i'm not giving you body packs a slightly dangerous unicorn uh missile patron thank you for the subs brim thank you for the bits i think it's crucial for you to know that chicago has a giant bean downtown imagine if chicago was beans lord saw it mitzi and lord sod thank you for the subs why did lord saad came up twice there that's strange um switch to mouse keyboard controlling the setting i i don't really mind the the settings that are on it but let me take a look maybe it would be better if you're telling me it's better i trust you perfect uh big yikes my dude thank you for the bits i literally had to google out to donate because i'm the oldest 25 year old lady ever don't worry i'm i'm having to do that more and more recently i'm really booming recently i find okay shall we talk to max i don't know how we're going to figure out how to play together but we'll we'll figure that out i don't know sound microphone activated hi [Music] microphone chassis thank you for this microphone activated okay okay okay kevin what's your favorite primary color okay kevin you didn't answer my question uh seven i'd say which one of these looks like a seven [Laughter] no problem thanks for helping we're trying to decide what lights what color to make by lights and we've tried every color it just makes me look sick make it bimpson pink that's my favorite color i don't know if you can make pink if i made it white and added red now that wouldn't work um while you're figuring that out i'm going to invite you to a squad stream i'm going to bring it back to blue what about bims and pink i don't have pink i'll have to like split three color or pink colors i don't have one all right i'm sitting here oh wait how do i oh yeah i'm sending you an invite all right i'm going to sit here and wait for this invite sent i want to figure out how to join the same game here oh is that hard to see a code comes up so obviously no one streams snipers yeah don't don't be stream sniping us now right when i clicked it it opened another stream manager dart squad stream oh there we go invites except waiting for squad leader starting gang if you want to watch a squad stream you go on ahead you got to block the card i've got a sensor i think i still have my sensor thank you for the 200 bits that's what i said i'm just kidding i was just saying do you have a sensor that will stop the um oh yeah i have like a ripped bimson in the middle of my screen ah he's expecting that jack dude he's got a 19 pack mine is really good this one's mine oh it's not in the right position why is it so small i must have been covering some other things up it's basically a big picture of you and then some kermits as well what the hell well we had to so i was playing the wolf among us right and then they go into a strip club so i had to cover it up to keep it pg-13 right right and um this was the first thing that i had in my downloads oh i see that's how that worked out you know and it was good yeah that's what i like to hear thank you yeah all right i think i'm going to host the game i'll do a public lobby and then i can give you the code on teamspeak so if you can keep it okay you're on the monitor yeah yeah yeah yeah that will work um where is this game among us thank you for the sub microphone oh wait i forgot to radioactive rosette thank you for gifting that sub as well i didn't see who it went to but thank you how is kevin i'm grand you know i i can't complain now oh oh my my ears hold on i can't hear you because the game is just i'll just shout louder i'm grand oh my god why was that so loud what necessity is there oh jesus okay do they have an option so i can turn all these noises down okay now i can hear you you were saying you were grant oh yeah jesus sure you know yourself oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but you uh you get your table into your living room yeah oh no not yet no we've got to to vanish it up now it's not too bad though it's not fair after it'll be this week this week oh nice nice sweet yeah yeah yeah nice very good um let me try and capture my game yeah you might have to try and join uh random games so you can see where the code comes up and make sure you're blocking it um during a random game you mean uh yeah just join the public lobby i just don't click on line yeah find a game enter a name find a game microphone katie thank you for the gift itself because it actually shows you where that would be down the bottom in the middle when you're in the lobby ah all right because my sensor covers pretty much the entire screen okay you're perfect good just put this on and no one can okay wait i mean how do i get out of this game if you just don't show the game then you should be yeah yeah i'll put this so well i've moved the whole thing oh no then if i turn the half of them up i will show you the finished table i'll probably show you an uh instagram i'll show you on the amsterdam thank you for that who was that thank you radioactive roses for gifting that sub appreciate you you let me know when you're ready and i i'm ready to rock and roll okay oh big one um right okay i'm going to give you the code over here and watch what yeah okay so use that to connect in okay microphone drivers and i will read it out loud microphone activated okay all right welcome wait you just put your name as someone how am i supposed to know who you are that's the trick because then someone will go oh it was someone and i'll go yeah but who and they'll go someone and i'll go yeah i know it's someone but we gotta figure it out ah right they'll just say oh it's max and then i'll say yes damn it i need to change my name i think i can show people the game now should i can i uncensor the code uh no you got to keep it censored the entire okay well you can enjoy that upset kermit at the foot of my screen everyone excellent excellent i think about yourself nobody oh that's perfect hold on i need to change my name i'll be back no okay there we go there we go exactly now we'll never know who did it okay you need to explain the game to me all right so oh my god look at all these people um what happens is that uh i i hope people don't join if you're in the chat no offense but it'll just kind of ruin it because i can be stream sniped as well as max um what was it gonna say yeah so there's two imposters there's eight regular crewmates and you'll get like missions up the top left that you have to do and uh yeah we've got to do those missions while avoiding dying to the imposter and then there's like uh a vote every now and again to see if we want to vote someone off and you can also get one chance to do an emergency meeting and that forces a vote okay so it's kind of like that one that we played that one time on a yep called modern exactly exactly exactly like that yeah so it's it's easy enough to understand once again husband pat is in our game oh my god it's him eat him off the ship keep the cat oh that guy's got a horrible name hold on i need to walk away from him can we kick him uh i don't know oh okay yeah i'll kick them if i can figure out how dark get him off my screen hold on i need to bring my big sensor back degenerates in the lobby um what was it going to say oh yeah i'll just mute one second there max i just want to thank a few people be right back sound uh laura thank you for the resub swipe alex thank you for the resub wizard corporate thank you for the resub and nickname thank you for the resub sasha thank you for the bits as well and uh rum drunk for the subs thank you for all the kind words as well sorry about the [ __ ] egypt there and the thing well if anyone comes in like that i'll try and ban them but obviously like i can't control the other people i think i'm gonna start max you ready let's go so is it just a little hat what is it that guy's got a banana how do i get a banana no like my hat not his oh my god imposters all right well this should be interesting since we don't know how to play as imposter okay um come with me what are the [ __ ] odds i played this all morning and i got one go as the imposter um all right so wait emergency meeting okay this what the hell okay so we just just like wait they're chatting right yeah there's a chat button up there so he's gonna try and like get someone voted off or something can you guys see the chat okay they can see the chat timothy should we just go along with it i mean this is a free kill yeah but will we give ourselves away let's just vote for him okay uh who was it timothy timothy why did we get voted what the hell no that's uh that just means all that and then it'll show at the end why is the voting period so long or is it just everyone has to i think everyone has to chip in i see poor timothy that's like instantly going down it's like town in salem the first night and you just get hanged for no reason they all just start falling in i tried that king but i i was very confused all right so now we get to see timothy and surprise surprise he was not an imposter all right follow me let's uh let's get this yellow someone else just left the game wait where are you i'm here let's go this way what did the vent do don't go in that because only the imposters can go in okay um so we got sabotage oh look we can we can kill so that's like charging up but okay now we can sabotage down the bottom right so i'm going to sabotage the reactor we'll say i'm just kind of messing around now because i don't really know what i'm doing but uh that sabotaged the reactor and they've got to stop the meltdown they've got to go over and fix it okay um i guess it's just good for getting people in one place i'm not really sure i don't i don't know much about the strategies involved in the game is there stuff that we can do to pretend like we're helping yeah like we should be going around but the problem is we don't really know what we should be doing but you get um oh there's fake tasks up the top left actually so fixed wiring in electrical which is where we are where's the wiring um there's little boxes you can use but you probably have different missions do you uh i've got here admin fix wireless okay well that's one guy down so my kill thing is recharging you know let's try and find another person on his own do i have to just click it or is there a button hey you just kill uh you just click yeah okay what about another guy i think he's on his own is it yeah kill him yeah he's right he dead run wait oh that was the other dead body that's fine okay there's a lot of people dead yeah this is good okay so usually what i've noticed is people like uh you used to say like where the body is and then you'd kind of say who was around there and stuff like that can we can we like gang up on someone yeah human being human being yeah okay someone wait oh we won we won okay okay someone must have left i i'm so confused you guys shouldn't be sticking together well the victory screen says otherwise [Laughter] no we're still learning so we'll definitely be doing some really stupid [ __ ] so just ignore our strategies um like max has never played it and i only played it this morning for the first time i just alone so i didn't get any tips yeah i can still safely say i have no idea what's happening yeah i it's i i want to be the imposter but it would be better if we got a few rounds of just being the crew just so i can uh run you through what i know and we can learn a bit more yeah can we just click play again off of this morning um yeah yeah i'm just waiting for a few more to join oh laptop can i use the laptop i'm just going to mute a moment there as well nickname thank you for the sub the ocean vampires phantom thank you so much for five gift subs super appreciate it thank you very much uh rom chunk thank you for the serie sub sasha thank you for the bits um you're very kind with that message thank you nickname uh wizard cobra and swepalex and call laura thank you for the subs and just a fantasy thank you for the sub as well oceans thank you very much for those five subs this is super kindly thank you sound egghead ah egg we ready max yes i'm just trying hats on oh very nice i made my guy look like me does he look like you just super pale with a cowboy hat oh okay so obviously we don't know what each other are um and my job is to just so you should like either way if you're an imposter or a crew member you have tasks up the top left well you know what i'm going to take this time to learn the ship you know yeah there's a map room um it's called admin oh oh someone is dead there's a map room um that you can take a look at or that'll show you the outline of the ship because like your task will be electrical fixed wiring so you have to go to electrical and fix the wiring in that room uh me perp did lights me perfected lights what what does that mean i was emptying the trash it was just saying it was me someone is the killer here this is not making you sound any less suspicious what thank you for the five gifted songs i'll get to the alerts at the end of every round but uh thank you very much amanda it was you quick kevin tell them no it was someone no it was someone this is what i was doing all morning i was just being really confusing i was with someone no you weren't yes this is so confusing well no one was with me that's sad but liam is saying i realize why that name is genius [Laughter] i i'm gonna have to put my camera a little bit smaller or something because i'm in the way or will i put it over here and flip it that'd be great better confusing someone's confused oh hi optimus i'm going to skip my vault i'm not going to yeah i don't know i fulfill when we get kicked off kill him covering the buttons now which buttons am i covering wait does the the lobby name remain throughout the game it does you said did it um wait who got eated off i don't know that's blocking my face oh we skipped it very good wow i feel so tall up here now oh wait no you can't i can get rid of my sensor i think i just had kermit on my screen forever yeah you just got to make sure to put them back up when you refresh that i'm just leaving my little dim suit up honestly i might just move my camera yeah i might just i'm gonna put my camera oh wow you like that i'm gonna put my camera over the code i'll just be in the middle of the screen what an emergency meeting what does that mean oh we lost a human being um no one wanted that did someone actually die i don't know tiny am i i am bimson oh i think this was a mistake meeting i'm just going to skip my vote i need to turn down the voting thing can i do that since i'm the host can i change it he deserves that i'm pushing a button like i don't know i'm gonna skip it i don't think this is pointless yeah i need to put the voting down to like 30 seconds and change the rules when i make the game oh okay so do i have to make a whole new lobby uh what if you change the voting system yeah i wonder can i do it like at the end of each round or i mean i don't know this is my second game uh will be grand on the laptop in the lobby okay great i'll do it then after this round you imposters still remain apparently all right i gotta get to electrical and fix this wiring well someone eventually is gonna come to the reactor where i keep going they're just gonna murder me someone is not going there someone is going to electrical next oh but people keep dying and electrical no one has died electrical no one might die but no one will die oh no someone's dead is it an electrical i'm not dead i am someone and i'm fine if only this game at voice chat no someone is in electrical why is green is just like who are you killer as if the killer's gonna be like oh you got me sorry it's uh where's the best place for my camera bottom bottom i put mine in the middle because it seems to be blocking something everywhere and if you put it in the middle it's blocking the code it's a bit odd but people were recommending it and it kind of works uh make this a bit smaller okay i'm just going to skip my boat again i definitely need to fix this sorry the timer is so long folks i didn't i didn't know what i was doing i was an admin with viper i suggest we just kick someone lucky dip close your eyes pick someone ah cat zoo there we go someone said please get someone else to join you with the name anyone it could have been anyone but it could have been anyone but someone wasn't there no one is the real villain here i'm out of my frame you're right hold on i need to get back into my frame and move my frame these electrical wires this guy's chasing me no he's not all right i'm just going to leave the reactor to other people because i want to fix these wires but i just got the reactor started though oh yes kevin messing with electricity what could go wrong oh there's a dj cow behind me oh god there's so many people i don't like this wait i need a map get to admin admin your mom is here is she yeah there's three people with me kevin this is dodge be very careful now someone's dead electrical oh god it was just in electrical oh no but it wasn't me i swear it doesn't sound like what an innocent person would say and if anything my years of experience of playing games with kevin has told me is never trust kevin no you can trust me it's fine ah damn so i'm guessing if we complete all the tasks we win i i've not gotten to that point oh we found a dead body wait max is dead oh my god no one is dead oh great oh no one is dead everything is fine um right it's not even in electrical it's in storage no one is dead uh well the thing is like i could tell kevin who killed me but i don't think that would be fair we won't do that i don't tend to do that like we we've played a couple of these kind of games before and we have a rule if you die you stay quiet we used to play um deceit with just like our friends and uh there's a rule if you die suddenly you just shut up and then people after a while go liam are you still alive you have to go you have to be quiet oh god yeah but that body in electrical someone already reported that one surely i think that was like your mom it's definitely them they're suspicious your mama's so fat people are so big oh no someone did it oh no oh kevin i have some bad news for you someone's being eated eat no he's not an imposter damn it two imposters still i had a feeling it was your mom because he started voting for people for no reason earlier but then i was like i don't know i could see myself doing that too so maybe not okay let me fix this timer um game okay yeah people can't see the code my big fat head is blocking it okay so there's emergency coolness 15 discussion time 15 and volley 10 15. that's better that's fine it doesn't give you much time but i'd rather it be yeah yeah a hasty decision um all right starting up again i'm just going to mute for a moment there as well sound muted uh amanda thank you very much for those five gift subs uh wednesday mood uh meme asset thank you for the subs uh it's me baino or bino is it uh sam simpson test subject thank you for the subs big mick giblets thank you for the um something after thank you for the bits as well appreciate it diamond cutter and lilo thank you for the subs very kind thank you uh so like resume obviously like you can't say who you're with to other people in the game or are you meant to like constantly be typing and telling people what you're doing i don't know um yeah i guess like i don't think you're actually oh wait i have my card oh interesting um i think even talking ways like you and i shouldn't be giving anyone like we shouldn't be knowing information even when we're alive i think to keep it totally legit but obviously we're pretty new so we're not even really doing anything well wow seems okay he's fixed he's pretending like he's fixing the shield hmm suspicious wow's with me so if i suddenly die that's the thing is like okay there isn't a chat box oh someone's dead oh he's in the cafeteria oh there's two people dead hmm i didn't see anything i have nothing really to add it's gotta be someone no no not this [Laughter] again yeah i i i didn't give much time probably need a bit more time than this this is this dj cow voted for some person oh yeah this might be a bit too fast yeah definitely how many votes did they get i'm pretty sure that was like one phone majority rules he's gone uh he deserved it after the last i'm gonna stick oh god wait it's wait kevin was that you no it was someone with the last one there there's someone else how do we get there's someone not me kevin you were just in that room no i wasn't that's it i'm reporting you to the authorities report me to the chat actually you would have killed me by now or would i did is that fixed okay luckily all the little mini games to fix things are pretty um are pretty self-explanatory there's something else in electrical okay i got to get to o2 i don't know where that is uh next to weapons can you not do tasks while something else is broken oh human being it was human being oh it was human being it was human being called them out in the chat yeah it was red hmm what is oh he's also saying it was red well you've got my vote you have a map at the top right oh so i do thank you for pointing that out sorry i thought it was just an admin like that was red i think it might have been red what do you guys think it's like literally in front of our eyes yeah a blue song as well all right oh do we have to go uh oh that's that map is so handy thank you for letting me know folks yeah ah which one's the react this one get rid of those leaves i need a second user i'm sure someone will start it out with you ah i'm just cleaning the trash what is this one that map makes it so much easier jesus i see your mom we've got we've gotten a lot of tasks done yeah i've just been rushing them yeah i need to get faster at them but this map has helped a lot now because i thought i had to keep going back to admin and it was making me do them really slowly wow i was watching my back too because we've already like deemed him worthy understandable yeah he did hand in the other dude so he must be innocent where's my buddy where's my walking buddy walk with me for a while alone and susp i'm pretty sure wait oh okay i see oh okay this is bad there's dead people and kevin died someone is dead okay it's not well i'm you gotta figure this out max i think it's your mom wait is there two imposters left or one there's definitely one oh yeah one one got eaten so if purple brown burn one he said who's gonna go bro we got two votes is that enough i hope so no type of oh oh no emergency meeting emergency meeting you gotta wait 15 seconds to call an emergency meeting you might be in trouble he can only kill one of us it's definitely because he's running after me [Laughter] call an emergency meeting [Music] okay okay why didn't he kill you i don't know maybe he had a cool down it's definitely not wow why i was with me the entire time if it's well he's been playing this so well i think he was if it's well i'm gonna be so upset he bamboozled it was his cool wait he just gave it away you can do tasks while dead oh okay wait you can do test call then all right i think we won that guy killed me the purpose you guys literally showed up a second after he murdered me just walked around the corner like oh the dead body but i had just been decapitated nice nice good job all right let me change this timer i need to open a little bit that is way what was it on the first time it was huge it was like 120 seconds now i've got it at like 45 seconds total like 30 seconds discussion 15 seconds voting uh me and wow we're a nice team we sort of just watch each other back i'll give it i'll try that i'll up it slowly oh the chef's hat yes you're right i need to customize my character no you don't starting games where is the chef's hat oh there it is [Laughter] all right let's try this out right speed run all right let's go done i like yeah like because i'm at weapons i think i can't remember yeah so like because obviously you can't like talk to your crewmates so they have to see it happen pretty much um i mean you can just go off what they say in the chat but obviously they oh oh oh oh oh i wasn't i was already i was at weapons uh electric um big pp to everyone very good i didn't see anyone going down there i didn't oh wait i saw no one as in nobody was there and timothy i don't think we need to vote this do we no i'm just skipping vault god really okay is that majority do i get heated wait we gotta use it i think i get eaten for that no one wants to check it out it's like why would you eject me no no one was ejected no one all right i gotta get to the lower engine um what am i even doing a little engine i don't know ah electrical okay yeah what the hell is this ah okay is that it yay oh i don't trust this bio i'm all on my own this is scary you will be alright don't you worry this is how people die in there oh god someone's behind me oh this is this is how it goes oh wait he didn't see me i'm just hiding from people because i just don't trust anyone yeah it makes me uneasy when people follow me around no you caramel thank you so much for the 500 minutes jesus christ thank you i hope you're having a good sunday okay easy i'm with human being if he kills me it was him you're too jumpy max i'm just scared of everyone leroy's doing a task sir wait is he doing a task or is he being bad oh i bet he's being bad i bet he's being bad your mom is headed my way on timothy there okay it's just like changing electrical everyone who goes in the electrical dies no it's true someone is fine well i'm getting through lots of tasks and with your moms if i die we know who it was that's the thing is like if there was a chat i would literally probably be telling people like who i'm with and what's going on yeah i guess that'd make it too easy anyway it's all red coming from there now i've done all my tasks i'm just kind of like i'm i'm keeping an eye on people yeah but i'm afraid they're gonna turn off oh god there's a lot of oh jazz i'm going into electrical if i die remember me i won't i hardly remember who you are now i have amnesia what is this i think i'm going to die oh oh oh oh i've got the inside scoop yeah yeah well dj khan was a nice guy it was green it was your mom you're welcome green someone saw you okay okay all right i'm voting for green which green the dark green lieutenant leroy what did i thought you said it was your mom no no no it was green okay i'm confused but i'm going with this that was everyone else yes look at that unanimous derek green voted for the other green i hope i'm right oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] did i see the wrong green no it was your mom run oh wait it was the wrong green one it was the other one oh god oxygen depleting they're stopping my emergency meeting this is how we do it no you got to stop it i'll wait by the emergency meeting i'm fixing electrical wires kevin i can't possibly ah we're having an emergency while dying so wrong green but it was green all right someone is imposters someone saw green me yes you your mom sounds like i'm just a kid on xbox now it was with bread no no one died just now so it could still be green killed all right kevin you realize if we eat green and i know i look like the most guilty person ever but it has to be them okay i'll go along with this for now but if you're wrong oh no oh no we've had a tie no one goes do they or do they both go no one oh [ __ ] oh jesus we're in trouble was about to be the boy who called wolf kevin about to die i'm 100 gonna die i gotta get out of here someone's gotta get out of here fix the lights no way i'm gonna go hide i'm a dead man walking i've got an x on my back yep oh no he just ran past me he's oh god human being is with everyone is fixing the [ __ ] lights are they fixed oh can you like watch cameras oh wait can you i'm going to security now i bet he's there waiting for me well i've completed all my tasks so what happens now do we just have to keep wait oh we've got like an inch left of people completing tasks where are you in security wait can i change the cameras or is it just these cameras oh my god there he is the menace himself he's something i'm with wow as well as here oh thank god it's you yeah it what what did you else i see you gotta be green and red together who took out the lights kevin i don't know no someone dead and electrical it's definitely they reported and read what was that max and kevin get murdered because they wanted to play a stupid claim of who's on first in space is hanging with him and it's green i'm just putting my reputation on the line here even i'm beginning to doubt myself but i saw him coming from where the body was and it's like it can't be anyone else okay okay we're about to find out if you're right kevin i i'm so i'm so screwed if it's not right oh thank god that was a close one i was really doubting myself so what we think the other one's red maybe i think so but he voted for red but maybe that was just to throw us off it could be okay we got rid of one i'm gonna go fix the lights and hope that i don't die in the process why did we win though i don't know that the other guy doesn't complete all the tasks oh maybe we did yeah maybe that was it i can't believe i killed that other green guy when it wasn't even him he must have been so confused just started attacking him for nowhere he just apologized to him now yeah i i owe him an apology uh i'm gonna up the voting time a little bit even though it seemed okay did it yeah that was fine it gave us [Laughter] thanksgiving who is colorblind who was the other imposter i think it was red yeah i think it was but i'm not exactly sure chef hat no chef hat they're stuck with a banana i'm afraid not the chat's so confusing there's someone going no one says someone is colorblind excellent okay i'm just gonna i think like rushing my tasks is yeah making this game fun for me i don't know um i'm just going to uh thank a few people on my channel i'll be right back sound muted um oh wait why is this not working bad read what oh too fast too slow i have done that so many times and i i've just gotten it the first time at your free time oh someone is dead not me a different person um sam simpson test subject thank you for the subs autumn ferry thank you for the sub as well kitty monkey thank you for the bits um and good night if you're still here um there it was not me okay they're saying that it was sharky pie a human faceplate thank you for the sub uh nicole thank you very much for the sub as well and thank you for the kind message uh jade thank you for the sub and big mick jublets thank you for the bits and just saying today drinking sound results but i only talking so muffin media thank you for this resub as well appreciate it sound resumed you're getting a bit of the blame here max i was just fixing things oh black got a lot of the slack and he voted for me if he goes out that's a good thing he's gone oh he wasn't busted oh no everyone ganged up in him but i wasn't sure if it was just horde mentality here who knows he must have done it right in front of them why do the lights keep going out they keep sabotaging them but how do they get there so fast uh you don't even need to you can sabotage from anywhere on the map when you're the imposter it's just a little button and then you click where you want to sabotage oh i didn't know that yeah so if someone's in the room it doesn't necessarily mean wait that it was them what do i do i'll spam my button easy oh no just hold it well i should have seen that coming yep oh someone is dead oh i thought green and red were close i don't know which one he saw me vent reinvented okay if he vented thank you for gifting a software to share them oh i need to vote i need to vote did you get it in yeah i got it yeah he ran after me i was like oh he wanted the revenge that was the guy i got voted out last time he was innocent it wasn't even safe to kill me but he just killed me and ran to the vent he was just like out for a revenge there i think the thing is i think there's plenty of time for you to take your time as the killer yeah like unless people are really competent at getting their tasks is there any chance uh like a keyboard there is a coupon you didn't let me get my chef's hat again you're not getting it god damn it i keep trying guys but he won't let me it says keyboard and mouse any idea what the keyboard shortcuts would be for the map because that's the one i keep having to move my goddamn mouse metallic thank you why doesn't it work i'm tabbing as fast as i can i don't know right i just have that do you ever get that weird feeling that you're about to die oh god i thought i did die there oh wait did you end up feeling all the all i wanted to do was find out how to do can i change no no it's like this mouse and keyboard but they must be like this joke is getting so old now he's just keeping me doing confusing statements with no one or someone just gonna skip my vote i don't really know anything here i get the joke not like blue oh god i think it might have been him i think it was him how do they know that someone how did he i mean i was in the main room like afk and he stepped me in the back oh okay well that could be his problem there oh yeah i didn't rise you can still do tasks while you're dead it's kind of cool yeah i'm not sure what the deal is i mean i guess you still win even if you're dead and the crewmates win so yeah i get to do stuff as well i can just do this oh wait or two i need to empty the chute i like the tusks they're very minimalistic yeah it's you can kind of kind of pilot they're kind of comfy oh no go away oh no not him no no no it's the greens again is he coming back for you oh just run oh there's a diamond in the shoot oh there it goes yeah i guess because i will upload anything oh someone else died oh no it's wow i like the card swipe one ah too slow yeah i didn't know you could do it wrong until just a while ago i was just doing at the right speed the whole time by accident yeah what is that you can pass through walls as a ghost oh my god i didn't know wait what is that oh reactor meltdown someone's got to fix it i'll come with my invisible hand oh wait uh you know what i better go actually better go fix the bloody thing i don't want to just assume someone else is going to fix it oh they're coming did anyone touch the bottom one waiting for second user no one is doing it human beings still waiting oh my god there was two to three seconds left all the doors are shut off wait i'm locked i'm stuck where's kevin oh oh god everyone kevin you're stuck you're free that was scary how did they do that oh emergency meeting i wonder what they think hello everyone missed yah i just can't even vote it off for no reason and the imposter ghost tamper with things i don't know actually i doubt it oh you have to do the task as a ghost as well no i didn't why red he was standing at the reactor and not doing that i think he actually is telling the truth he might be because i saw him as well even though i'm not allowed to have a vote in this it's biased i'm going to vote along because i was i was there and i i was wondering why someone wasn't doing it and it was human being i think so sure look we'll give it a go anyway and see how it works out yeah why are you going to bring the pregnancy test back nobody god damn it i can't even remember who accused them i love to check the log if they can even do that hmm that's suspicious well is someone closing doors on me i don't understand uh i don't know how it works maybe you're just like maybe you're dead and you don't know it and the goals aren't working for you i think i'm being chased go to security find out who i thought green tried to lock me in or something but i'm not sure exactly well kazoo i'm willing to just blame green again we have a history okay they fixed it i'm gonna figure this one out the zoom looks like they're doing tasks oh [ __ ] oh no oh no what's happening i'm locked in a room again they keep messing with the doors no because you know oh they're coming for you oh no no no no it's him it's gotta be him i gotta call an emergency meeting no no no no no oh no he's called the reactor meltdown no no no no no do you think it's him it's definitely him dude he tried to lock me in a while ago but they're going to kill me as soon as i try to stop the reactor oh no they fixed it viper and kazoo fixed it okay he's walking away now do you reckon that makes it trustworthy no why did i go this way oh no how are they even doing this i don't know it must be a sabotage that they can do he locks it up open open ah it's gotta be him he was just running away from everyone now okay all right let's throw up my baseless accusations all right let's was that that was you it's green no you said you missed me what [Laughter] i did i wanted that to never happen again what thank you so much catherine i'm voting for green he scared me he was chasing me i love you so much flower in my chat just so i said well green said no i believe don't kill your lover oh my god wait kevin if it's not them it's probably sharky pie because like the other two oh no why was he chasing me i think you're paranoid the parents want to see my new chainsaw swimming around i think it might be sharky part because viper and kazoo were in the reactor fixing it last year yeah i saw that as well so i'm sorry i was kind of thinking but i mean i thought it was green too so i don't know if i should be throwing any one of those anymore i don't think you have i don't think you can anymore it's it's dodgy everyone is sticking together now oh except you you keep running away they're gonna this is gonna look suspicious who's got tasks left i wonder because you've almost finished i've got one i think left oh you should do it i'm trying they're gonna start messing with things do it as fast as you can okay because i think it might be oh no someone else has one more task i have one more wait because go kevin go it's just you let them fix the reactor just don't get lost alone with sharky pie okay rocky fire's just waiting for his moment i'm pretty sure at this point but they're together kazoo and viper so they should be good yes oh awesome take that greens yes son of a [ __ ] they're like stop calling us out we're never the wrong people okay quick to the laptop yay i'm afraid of calling anyone out now because i genuinely thought it was green actually losing to a task victory i think it was sharky i think it was as well but i don't know they didn't they didn't mess up yeah this is a really funny game it is fun i like it i i cause obviously i've played like 10 oh tab is working now for my god damn it wow didn't stab me straight away this time it is always an improvement i like not dying immediately there's a lot of people in electrical that's freaking me out i'm doing a task all on my own so if i die it was you remember me oh it's well well good well bad yeah i don't know if it's well don't kill me again come on i'm getting so many tasks done dude so many okay well it didn't kill me i think we've we're getting our relationship is back together zip and is uppity all right the crumble just went by oh reactor melt down it's happening keeps happening oh my god green looked at me i think it might be him just blame green again what is it with you in green max and owen wilson what because it goes wow wow i get it because me and y'all keep hanging out together yes wow oh what oh where was it it was green no i i don't know yeah bye right side i don't know right of admin now the only person i saw headed that way oh good brain power i not sure good point someone passed but me forgetty it was that dj guy i think i saw him go past it might have been dj crumble i thought it was dj crumble as well but it's green and i don't want to say it's green for like the fourth game in a row oh darby just said why do you hate the color green so much i'd hate to see what happens when you get to a traffic light when driving it's very good i'm pretty sure it was him that's the thing because i saw him coming up against me but i don't want to oh he's chasing it's him he's chasing me it's like he was the last person that i saw i'm not having an emergency meeting it's him it's gotta be him he chased after me oh god resolve the crisis resolve the crisis okay okay you're gonna have to plead your case it's green it's like again [Laughter] it was green [Laughter] you make it hard to love you oh god i gotta vote my own oh [ __ ] you i also saw him go that way so you've got my [ __ ] because i swear if it's not him [Laughter] oh nice oh fourth time lucky am i right oh it's green oh i've got my reputation back everyone respects me now well see i saw him go by and when you said he was on the right side of the ship he was the last person that i saw yeah no i i saw someone passing me but i couldn't remember but then as i tried to jog my memory i remember passing him and going oh i there's my friend again like in my head oh he's well not me and wow hanging out again oh god someone's just in electrical human being is an electrical does anyone know how to um open the doors or is it just a waiting game i think it's a waiting oh god oxygen is depleting in 15. i gotta catch oh someone's dead it was blue it was blue call them out plead your case wait was it wow he was on my screen oh where no what why okay he's immediately suspicious when someone said where and he replied no that's got my vote i just walk in baby please i love you i'm you love me oh it must have been him he was the only one there come on yes yes good job uh i'm just gonna mute a moment and catch up yeah go for it sound music um let me catch up thank you very much for all the support guys i apologize i've not been able to catch up too much because it's just been nuts um gray wolf thank you for the sub uh cactus aaron thank you for the bits i love how your voice goes up a pitch when thank you i also apologize to green i mean we're kind of over it now even though i killed him again a conscientious leon a hilarious name happy pills that one guy a couple crows track uh big d yuko konagi uh gerstnart smith yoshi and chrislyn thank you very much for the subs i'll try and get them every time we finish a round it's true and i betrayed him i am staying the hell away from green getting away from green kevin what if i make my character green please don't uh you know what he started without me what he started without where are you uh what do you mean i started without you yeah it started i left the lobby no i'll click play again and it's like you can't go you can't join did you already go oh yeah it sounds already started i started the lobby yeah i died that's all right i'm sorry about that i don't i still don't really understand that's what happened i'll uh i'll get up and move around and have a stretch while you finish that game if you're the killer just murder people quickly and then don't start the next one um yeah i'll meet for a bit and get some water and catch up on stuff and i'll be back okay more importantly where's my lover he said i'm not even going to say kidding i'm just i'm just going to leave it it might have been green i was with green he cleared you are all so green is a tragic club story i'm going to vote for green anyway i don't think i'm going to be suspicious because i've been calling green out the entire time wait does he get voted out now with two votes or is that not enough no one was ejected okay kevin you brad look i am a killer okay it's my job i'm gonna leave green in it to try and um like watching them okay what what are my tasks add a swipe card i need to swipe card i'm gonna do some fake tasks okay this is do i not actually do anything it's handy that gives you fake tasks that's pretty cool i gotta stay out of sight at everyone i want to try and get another kill well the human being is here why can't i oh wait he's with me he's like why can i not kill him all right i started uh the oxygen depletion oh there's the human being if i can get someone coming up this way okay sorted are we done oh wait why are they not doing it oh they got it okay that took a while i have a feeling i might be suspicious here does kevin know about cameras i know of them i'm not really sure what the strategy is i'm just i'm just trying my best to oh dead body report it's green i just gotta blame green it was green all the green just start blaming green no matter what green in weapons they're definitely gonna be uh they're gonna be suspicious if they actually boot him you came from weapons ignore someone just don't let it be me the thing is it doesn't even seem suspicious because i kept doing i kept calling people oh god i think i'm gone just no matter what it's green [Laughter] i was just trying to keep up my um my persona you know that's me dead dexter's plays games thank you for the song bread spoon thank you for the sub as well mark thank you for the sub uh chaos thank you for the sub re i really thank you for the bits you play this game the way i play town to salem and i'm proud uh tiny might and alpha omega thank you for the subs oh look it's my ghost pal all right um to monetize content thank you for the song we are good friends already uh i'm gonna be right back i'm just gonna run to the bathroom oh damn green i knew it was green ah couldn't win without me huh i knew it would have been green all along microphone activated now where's max i don't know where he's where he is yeah we lost very quickly without my expertise didn't we sorry green it was green all right we gotta wait on um they're giving out to me um i think i gotta wait on max i don't know if he's uh is he gone he's gone from the stream he probably didn't expect that to be uh i miss no one's names no one is coming makes it very confusing call me crazy thank you for the two gifted subs toaster waffle and mcnuggets maybe the subs as well i'm just gonna wait for him um it's fully can't join yeah i'm gonna have to kick someone unfortunately i'll just kick someone who joined in new i'd rather not but i i kind of got it don't i i kind of gotta do it uh you gotta kick somebody yeah i'll kick someone um hello oh join back max yes yeah same code as earlier how can you kick someone kick whoever was the last person to join yeah uh um all right i don't recognize this name okay join it just not well me and wale have a special something yeah someone said he missed you as it not me someone else said they missed you all right starting look they're happy you're back [Laughter] all right let's get started did you win the okay someone needs to write a book about his love story okay i'm skipping this vlog i'm pretty sure this is [Laughter] he got three votes they thought it was enough oh my god i actually would have legit felt bad that time because that was just joking oh that's funny i bet he i bet it actually is him now a hundred percent oh dear the lights have gone what is this the lights go down you never ah this is a long one which one's that uh one second using all my one brain cell right kevin keep trying to kill you when y'all became friends too poor green no okay she's following me everywhere i'm gonna find a body i you ever get a feeling that you're just gonna find a body yeah i'm in electrical with a whole bunch of oh i'm there too maybe people get the same vibes from someone then wait what is this i don't i think we should turn the lights back on oh i see okay oh god there's so many oh jesus oh my god oh my days there's a lot of people yeah i think it actually is green but he's just following me i think now so he might just be trolling me i hope someone's actually going to that god damn it uh well i'm not i didn't do this we thought we should go yeah we should probably go check that out because green isn't going either okay we're good if someone went and cried thankfully i like that one that one's just flipping a switch nice and easy ah it's nice isn't it okay i can see why so many people are playing this especially if you're the group oh i see well okay task complete successfully task failed successfully time to call an emergency meeting oh he loved me but he's my love is dead no one dies wait oh it was you oh you died yeah i died sugar how could this happen to me i made my mistakes yeah he stabbed me in the back the [ __ ] no one died why oh who's gonna get it this guy no one deserves equality a lot of skipped votes there yeah i don't think anyone had any hard evidence oh i don't think so either having gone over your death pretty fast i'm fine with it ah you know as elton john said the circle of life he did say that it did say that as well on the lion king yes oh elton john is my favorite lion king have you actually seen rocket man no i've not we watched that in lockdown it was very good was it it got very overlooked yeah i think because um bohemian rhapsody was it yeah oh god adam thank you so much anna cw for those five gifted subs thank you thank you very much that to make up for my relationship with the the person who killed me my heart thank you so much they appreciate it i have a suspicion and i'm listening oh well did you die yes you did yeah i had my suspicion yeah we're both dead now that it was wow so i was following him around because green is following me around so i was thinking he'd eventually have to kill me and then green would you know be my backup can we have more time to make more calls it was blue it's wow some people know yeah some people aren't getting it yeah i think i think he's done double kill you brain dead jesus why are you friends with this dude i don't know i love calling people i just okay he's getting eaten oh okay yeah he's he's gone did anyone not vote oh brown didn't vote for him but everyone else voted for him to be kicked off so saying it was well kevin will know oh he died so well so it's fine yeah i'm sad did you finish all your tasks i did i have another one now just to fix light can i do that i don't think you can do that one no we can't it has to be them yeah i finished them all before i died stupid investigating where's brown at timothy is on the cameras i haven't seen much of timothy he was the traitor the first round and then he just kind of uh fell off the radar yeah hmm there's green how do the security cameras won't they just cover an area yeah it seems like they're just on a fixed system and you can't move them hmm i'm very suspicious of brown but i cannot find him hmm i don't know what he is oh good what did they suspect it's white i'm dead microphone broccoli and super thank you for the subs mark the king thank you for the two gift subs again jenny ambrose thank you for the sub mcnugget i'm now just talking to wow about what he thinks katy perry means when she says swish swish [ __ ] another one in the basket and if it's a metaphor are they uh they voting someone out i think so nope they're not that one just voted for brown but that was it he's he's trouble i'm telling you flirting with me microphone katy perry lyrics what does this other computer do is it just the map the which one the do you know when you're in the admin room there's two consoles oh this left one what does this do oh yeah just to shut doors and stuff oh it tells you how many people are in a room ah okay i think i see the one about the thing that sounds good honestly he's not doing much the the brown guy maybe he is innocent he just seemed really suspicious i had to get the eyes up here red dress out for your date with well everyone was just a task victory i think we had a task victory oh how did we win so quickly kevin i confused don't know we were literally both of us together running around murdering people and no one dumped us yeah that was strange it was too timid as a killer i think it was blue thanks for the bits and follow bird thanks for the sub bye free glad you found me through turg back to where i could wean out some baby mice that sounds like fun all right let me get started i gotta fix some wiring go on then high voltage oh real what's this one i haven't done this one oh you have to put the leaves in the thing the green sticks to me like glue i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing who was it so running from the body you know i'm telling the truth it's all caps purple bad oh wait i can't vote yet people bad it's going to repeat it to double down make sure people are aware uh oh yeah purple i was like i hope it was purple i think it was i'm like 80 sure the purple voted for you yeah i don't blame them all right kevin if you're wrong i oh god please oh thank god and yes i do think it's a metaphor when katie says that she feels like a plastic bag oh yes definitely i too get caught in an updraft and taken away i think i've wrote that song you can't prove that he might be katy perry's lyricist do you think katy perry writes her own songs uh yes okay i think she writes every song on the planet yes everything the rolling stones that was her yes right with viper in the electrical room he's probably going to murder my ass don't worry the heroes have showed up you okay yeah it's like a lock picking mini game or something all right i was always bad at them um the more more tasks to be done i like the easy ones where it's just like click once oh the lights are gone again i got this okay there we go i'll stay with wait wait did i fix it wait there's someone dead oh no wait who died right with us i i don't know i think it's brown they're the last one in it's either that can we have 30 seconds to vote fix timer yes oh the green thing is brown i can go for brown all right i'm voting brown off there you go i think it was then and if it's not microsoft that's fine too eldonius thank you for the resub microphone activated my realistic buttercream eddie perry actually wrote fireworks oh everything else he did actually write it oh [ __ ] well this doesn't look good on your resume kevin i didn't know that so it turns out katy perry did write fireworks and she wrote beethoven's symphonies as well god she's so talented she also wrote the entire musical of cats dude wow i mean everything else did she also write the uh the screen adaptation as well oh yes she did and she insisted that those casting choices and those uh artistic choices be made she really pushed for that weird cgi fur i'm locked in oh i'm also locked in hello i'm on the other side stay there you it could be you for all i know the only person i trust all right blue was heading this way uh to the left side of the ship so if you find a body over there it's probably blue unless blue is dead in which case um wait how do i fix this i don't know this is very suspicious now to be honest with you oh there we go i think i did it okay no green this way you got to be my backup cream just on you oh all the time he never leaves my side best of friends with our first round we got both traders and then it hasn't happened since yeah oh react to meltdown hmm time to run should figure out very confused about this game well think town asylum but with a few extra steps think modern warfare too with a few extra steps no one what you up to huh i'm fixing the electricals you might want to hurry up oh you conveniently locked the door behind you huh why would i do that all right i'm done with all my tasks me is blue still alive i'm i'm sticking to them like glue and dj crumbles sticking to me like blue i'm on the cameras but no one's on the cameras i'll go fix those lights i'm the first one dead oh there's someone dead here it's red um green i don't think it was blue either but maybe where was blue it's no one wait but where was blue he was with me but where did he come from i don't know do we kill pink or blue lover white oh max i really think it's you i mean you insist oh the boat is split equally nothing happens i should have just kicked blue that was my hunch but i forgot to vote i guess i'm freaking bibson yet katy perry the finest lyrics is that the light's still out all right well if you're who are you with you with green yes all right you stay with green but keep your eye on blue if blue runs away but blue is hearing electrical oh i don't know if they were fixing it all right i'll stay with you guys i think blue might be doing tasks oh no oh good luck kevin we'll see you on the other side we just stare through the locked door oh it could be blue i don't know i'm all doubting myself now it's either you were blue like we call an emergency meeting the lights are out again all right let's move let's huddle together we'll move in like some diamond formation come on let's go huddle our way down he's going to be there waiting and hoping that one of us goes first suspicious he keeps running off on his own how does this minigame work i got it no no no no no no beauty before age here's something i just want a purple one now i mean that's it can you find me a purple one is he dead where did this is really unlike green i'm scared where's he got emergency meeting by green oh okay what what's his hunch is blue still alive i think so blue yeah blue die now i'm okay with this he chased me all right he's got my phone i think [ __ ] skip book i have one task left kevin what do you think i think it's blue i think it's blue i don't know dude i really don't know bloom's been suspicious we've been stuck with green it's not him but what if it's you i i reported the body when it came in why would it be me i have one task i think it's blue it's green you think it's green ah we tied okay we all need to stick together it's blue look he's he doesn't want to become a unit reactor meltdown okay we gotta get to it that guy says he only has one task left but we need to go to the reactor yes oh okay who was it i think it was green because he i think he was trying to stop him from doing the task by doing the reactor but blue just was like nope i am doing my task ah maybe it was green it was green okay people sang it who it was it was green he followed me the entire game and didn't kill me i'm gonna up the voting time oh my god i've killed anyone and i was trusted blue at the end because he did look like he was doing tasks so i was like i'll give him a shot at doing that one task the one time you didn't say it was green ah well look at that oh the dream team is back together oh green is gonna follow me for sure and i have wow [Laughter] can i can i move around the vents kevin do you know i think you can but be very careful how do i do it do you know um because i'm in a vent i i don't know actually i think you just click on it well they don't know that whale's dead oh they do now holy crap we work fast [Laughter] this is gonna be it we obviously skip our vote unless someone they're not gonna they're not gonna vote it i'm agreed yeah this is suspicious he really just said i'm shy wait who did you click the arrows oh thank you sloany people i didn't know cause green loves white and pink gloves wow oh my god they're putting it together oh [ __ ] okay yeah i was thinking that too but then i was like green's going to follow me around the whole game anyway i won't be able to do anything unless i kill the fecker so i kind of had to it's a perfect love story yes all right let's not run off together all right what can i do to where's my tasks they're all in electrical remember to sabotage as well like i don't fully understand it but how do i do my task hmm oh oh that's me kevin jesus christ run kevin i just walked in and you decapitated it dude wait can i just stay here in the vent until they find someone the human beings found the body did you get someone as well yeah i got someone oh we work fast i don't know what that says who was that nami thank you for gifting us up to dizzy i'll fun so just distract him by singing you can't say rubbish you can't just swear like that on my stream max what the hell i'm sorry kevin trash more like it yeah i like how they were fully convinced it was awesome then they just forget one of the person that accused us is now dead and the other is uh is is questioning us i don't know like no votes oh jesus we're gonna have to work fast here yep yep yep i like how you can just sit in a vent need to accuse someone next time or they'll vote for you well but we didn't come to anything we had like no concrete evidence of anything like i think if people don't come to a consensus then yeah i kind of get what they mean though it might be good to um to accuse someone and just stir it apart a bit oh yeah true if you shut the door if there's only one person electrical can you sabotage the door i don't know how the doors work it's the little panel on the left i think they already did it though then they fixed it well well well run look at just split up and look recluse i love being the imposter all right if i check myself in the lower engine then no one will think it was me because where was i i was trapped in the lower engine you know oh someone's trapped in security oh it's timothy [Laughter] i got the last one oh that was fun oh we did good there oh someone i did kill someone i killed my love wow that um the human being like walked up to me in the cafeteria well it was walking towards me and i was like i think they wanted to force and they uh they just took off running yeah i want a divorce i'm just going to say no thanks oh this game's good i like it i really like it all right i think i can do one or two more you want to play yeah yeah yeah sure i'm i'm enjoying these this is i i like these more than town assailant though doesn't get me as hooked on them i'm just going to mute a moment sound uh bear more thank you very much for those bits again aldonas thank you for the result jim art thank you for the gifted sub and lemon thank you for the resub as well appreciate it sound resumed china had claimed your goods all right chief let's do it yep oh the reactor is going off already oh god run run get to the meltdown too fast there we go i need to judge that right if the reactor melts down do we just die it's just death here okay green is obsessed he won't leave my side even though i just there's nothing there's another green who's just watching cameras oh oh god bad idea to be fair but the problem is would people even believe you if you were like oh i was on camera as i saw him and with wow the love story begins does this mean wait okay i'm flying through my tasks here oh someone left green isn't doing any tasks which is a major issue like he's just following me oh dead body um oh my god three people are dead no makora left and someone else i think viper it must be yellow i destroy an accusation i want to get some people kicked off add me i need to love you more with later what i have to leave and pick up the star star i don't know what else i need to love you more later but more secretly quickly what does that i even know there's just loads of stairs okay but where was the death why is something star star it's just like no real proof just a hunch i don't know what to do with this one i'm just going to skip it i literally said i have no reason i have no proof if he goes out oh he didn't get objected or ejected he definitely objected um i was with kazoo and wow so i don't think it's them and you and green have become best buddies i think this is a forced friendship on me i mean you know it's not me the other way around oh there's a lot of people in here oh i'm with viper this is this is susp this is susp yellow yours get away from me okay i'm running no i can do it i think i might know who it is now but i think we're going to die either way i don't think we can make it to the oh reactor we did damn it i'm going to try and figure out who the other person is we were playing ring around for rosie in the admin room and i tried to make a run for it but i didn't realize you didn't have to be right next to them best buddies i think you mean lovers true um uh while you figure that out i'm gonna go run to the toilet real quick okay how's it going all right then emergency meeting i decree don't even know what the steam is but i don't really add people on my steam because it's just a bad idea i start to get lots of messages and then uh i'm like a recording and i start to get messages so i generally just don't add people on my stream why didn't give me his phone number it's one that's good enough uh steve the turtle baby the sub area one two nine three of the three sub will you play sub games today uh i don't know what sub games are is that like this game with subs or like sub games like random games that subs can play because this will be the only game we're playing today and i think this might even be my last one because it's been about two hours now um and this game is so fun though steve because i gotta go he's obsessed all right i'm trying to figure out who else it might be uh you need to play with a group of people on discord next time yeah i might play with a group next time i'm not sure i just wanted to get an understanding of the game and now i actually understand how it's played it's way better hmm how's it going i'm suspicious of purple oh okay i don't know i need to catch up on these dipsticks with china oh who got you it was green ah no it goes no it's the perfect it's the perfect cover story oh it was the uh light green dude elf report we know what they are now light it was light green and dark green it was the greens kevin oh light green and uh yellow isn't it viper yeah viper killed me yeah well it's it's gonna be a close one to be honest if they vote this one wrong dj crumble said probably killed himself skip question you're supposed to be my bodyguard did they eject him oh yeah they did okay he deserved it well i'll have to take another color then navi i don't know what well they got one that's good they just need to be careful with viper they're almost completed their tasks one more after this match yeah that sounds good that sounds good to me that's what it is it's almost eight o'clock this has been a blast i didn't think i was going to enjoy this game that much yeah i i've really enjoyed it to be fair it's very fun game i'm not too sure about the security cameras and how useful they actually are and yeah i mean if you get lucky i guess i don't know if we got in with a really good lobby as well because i i was playing it earlier and i didn't get in with people that were this fun so okay maybe we emergency meeting called by wow i trust wow he's trustworthy so far i mean wow killed me and i had to kill well to get back at them no behangles green ones once the whole story progressed today we really did crumble please follow my twitch oh wait he's saying oh he's still alive he's still alive are you going to put out wings of redemption i know you too well green is on to him and i miss my wife i thought you said wife for a second too so vote me wait why would he not just vote for yellow if they know it's him i don't know thank you amanda for those bitties and yeah i could get a red one come on let's see it oh no does that work or is that going to be a i think no too little is it i don't know welcome to dead oh victory we did it all right you can vote for yourself okay did he vote for himself i don't know maybe all right where is he is he back last one then is it yeah how do you get pets is that something you pay for i'm gonna sue ps yeah you gotta pay for him all right start i need to make money somehow get green bangles in honor of this game do that all right all right let's get to work speed run my tasks i'm going straight to electrical if it's electrical or small pp left the game oh um what's it gonna say i'm gonna go to electrical just to get this task over with because electrical is just a hotbed of death it yeah because people always have to go there by some sort of force i'm with wow but i don't know if i can trust them you can trust me i trust you and well no just me let's meet at the back of electrical whales not doing any tasks this is weird viper's doing tasks wow ain't doing [ __ ] they're just following me around i feel like i'm going to die kevin this is really enough green isn't following me i don't know if he just lost me or what but we seem to stay with that don't we oh god does anyone oh no we're not there oh god do it yeah uh there need to be two of you a moment we're running okay someone's dead oh no this is bad i can't make it to all two now can i i think it stops if they okay someone finds the body who reported well anyone who reported the body it was top right oh weapons i think that's top right we're in the electrical yeah it wasn't us in maybe you were by oxygen did you not see him i didn't see anyone life is that they were an admin is it do you think it's green kevin i think it could be green ah sure it would be green ah sure what harm i'm just muting the moment there yeah go for sound candy eagle they even sub random gamer thank you for the bits as well sander and uh steve the turtle thank you for the subs sound results oh yeah the o2 thing stops thankfully oops yeah i think it does stop all right i'm still with no one and green oh god there's a lot of people i just ca yeah you can definitely get them to kevin he loves green there we go i'm still with wow they're not doing any tasks but they're not killing me either you never know you really don't know what this game is it's true it could be either way it could just be waiting oh they just got into security now oh bastard timothy's dead i haven't even seen timothy wait did i oh yeah yeah okay thank you very much up there to dj crumble it's green you think it's green no i killed white now kill me okay maybe it is then i wasn't going to give him away but if he wants to do that it must be him and they're just like okey-dokey okay then drive a fast well he got all the votes every single vote including his own vote to kill himself he's not an imposter he did actually kill me okay fair enough uh well i don't think it's well viper was also with me let me continue oh geez we've come a long way from just accusing green constantly somehow became friends maybe it was the right thing to do all along oh god wait i think so we gotta go oh god there's oxygen and oh no oh you're in trouble max i guess this is how we split up the gang oh i see i see who it is uh oh oh oh oh five four oh oh three two oh oh oh no did you get it cry someone did i i have a feeling i know who it is oh yeah now yeah nice i saw them do dastardly deeds but i am a ghost and i cannot speak this is just where as well okay whales here wow wow wow there is a friendship in numbers this is how i trust well he hasn't killed me this far in so you never know when the twist might happen you know the perfect love story is when we do die oh well i know well i think red's okay i'm kind of feeling viper at this point i'm gonna go follow you wherever you are yeah we're in shields there's green bean this whole time oh yeah oh my god you're in a massive group yeah we're all just looking at each other someone's gonna send it thanks for the song i think that's actually there yeah i think it's them yeah he's just afk and games so i'm guessing it is in fact him [Laughter] diva thanks for the sub as well well here we are a lot documents thank you for the sub as well someone's missing it's yellow do we call emergency meeting what are we doing in a situation actually up to you max i just don't know what do we where's where's who has tasks to do that's not doing them yeah i think it's like one person okay is how we go following wow i think it's viper i think my money's on viper at this point going in the med bay but no one else is in the reactor oh oh this is bad this is how i die oh wait viper and leroy stopped it i'm so confused who is it who still has tasks and isn't doing it really could where's red they weren't even here it's sleazy thank you for gifting us up there to peach tea oh no it's peach tree not peach tea well come back oh i see lieutenant leroy hmm i think well's doing a task okay well's doing tasks so he could also wow as the last person i see i think whales fine yeah but why was the last person to do the tasks is it he is i don't want to separate because there's a green next to us not a dive well yeah you know they are the bad ones human being is just afk hmm who could it be huh okay um well someone has a task left uh while still doing this so i'm gonna assume it's them it does look like it i think he has to do that does he have to do this one yeah yeah it was his task it was green it was the dastardly green team was it green yeah it was green i saw him going through the vents earlier as it goes i saw it all go down yep that's how it happened good caves you guys good fun yeah uh yeah that that was fun i think we got a good a good game a good long yeah these are really good hi kev nice to meet you oh that's really fun i really like this game yeah it's very good and it's only like four quid or something yeah it's so dirty like dirty cheap yeah it's very worth it i think you need wow well needs to join to find them hold them down hunt them down uh all right i'm going to split max what's your plan are you finishing up your stream the time it's eight o'clock i'll probably go on for like half an hour maybe just chill the chat i could man but you you pass your life over to some musical person okay don't bring them my way because i'm not going to be doing anything for much longer okay i always appreciate the raids but but you don't actually but i do but i'm saying that what you're saying you gave me one this week so pass them along to someone else because you don't like them okay got it listen here i'm going to take myself green oh no all right max thank you for the games it's oh thank you thank you for the recommendation as well this is really fun all right i'll talk to you soon ladies all right for now bye bye bye bye microphone sounded muted all right that's max gone geez that was uh that was great fun i gotta say green shout out to you if you're still in the chat that was very fun i i hope you guys enjoyed that amanda david the bits this is the power where you eat max even though you're dead oh trust me i would have if i could have i don't think either of us actually killed each other like it was actually the point where we were just kind of assuming the other person wasn't guilty until we got to that one game where it was actually green following me around and they were the evil one and i was like oh jesus who is it i didn't know who it was it could have been anyone um let me see what uh what have we got but uh jeez thank you guys so much for joining me i think we've a lot more viewers than normally which is nuts yeah jesus christ with 5 000 people she's that is uh a hell of a lot more than i usually have so thank you very much for joining me i i do appreciate it um green's been following since june really that's a coincidence um i abdul thank you for the resub i appreciate that as well guys thank you all for joining me i had no idea we had um um that that many people watching to be honest i don't actually watch the uh the viewer count most of the time because i i find if anything it can be off-putting sometimes you're just like oh there's you know half the usual viewers or whatever um so you get kind of you get kind of thrown off you know um all right so now we gotta we gotta send a raid out to someone but this is a way bigger than normal raid so it's like it feels like it's a bit overwhelming for the people i normally raid because i usually rate um people with like under 100 viewers and it feels like no matter who i raid they're going to be um they're going to be pretty overwhelmed by the whole thing so i know i don't really know what to do um max said not to raid him i've got a few here that i'd like to to um raid i just don't know if it's a good idea or not um you know what let's uh all right let's just do it anyway no no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna write them all in a normal stream i was gonna i was gonna do a bit of a a funny one but i'm not gonna do that um i don't know who to raid will i rate one of the normal ones i yeah you know what i bob ross i could do another among us streamer let me see who's uh who's playing it uh oh there's a guy called call me kevin playing that might be good oh no actually he looks it looks kind of lame uh i don't know who to raid i'm thinking i might actually rate bob ross are you going to rate bob ross can i rate myself [Laughter] very selfish uh question there uh melatenio thank you for the the sub uh i appreciate the kind words as well thank you very much and grower the great thank you for the resub and i do will thank you for that sub again bob ross okay people are hyped for bob ross that that really helps me out i'm gonna raid bob ross oh my god we're gonna over double their viewers yeah i have a few people like ready to raid but i just i think it might be a bit too much too many people to actually rate so we're going to rate bob ross um i'm getting uh my video is going up as we speak it it should be up now um i played some sims online if you want to check that out you can click on the youtube banner below my my stream um so if you'd like to go ahead and check that out i make a little cult in the sims they gave me a lot of money and i abused it a lot so yeah i think it's a fun little video if you want to check that out but thank you very much for joining me thank you for all the bit subs um just hanging out with me i appreciate it it is uh way more viewers than i'm used to that's pretty crazy i guess i guess that's what you get for playing relevant games instead of harry potter and the chamber of secrets but yeah hope you guys enjoyed the stream and uh i won't be streaming tomorrow but um did it not raid why is it not you can i can't you cannot raid bob ross what the hell the system is rigged against him why would they do that what [ __ ] how could they do this i'm so i'm so angry all right you know what we're gonna do this one then i was gonna i have a few music streamers that i want to raid um but uh i i don't want to put them under pressure so i feel more comfortable putting this person under pressure but uh yeah guys thank you for watching i don't stream monday so i'll be streaming tomorrow but i'll be streaming on tuesday um so yeah we're gonna raid a buddy of mine gonna be super overwhelmed so be nice uh he's he's gonna be he's gonna be overwhelmed so i have a fun time over there with wilco 0103 i'm looking forward to seeing his reaction when this many people arrayed because he is he usually streams to about 20 or 40 people ish so um yeah have fun over there be really nice and uh if you got any channel points make him hydrate because he can make him drink a lot and that's what i usually do but yeah enjoy and thank you very much for joining me bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 62,822
Rating: 4.9629316 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 32sec (8192 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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