Minecraft | 2020-12-27

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hello can you hear me yet is that enough waiting hello folks how are you how is it going mr early i know i'm like 38 minutes early i'm just that wild today believe it or not just this a little bit seem like a vlogger it's just all this trench like oh fine tune it and all that but really i'm just like uh let's just move it around a little bit i'm thinking we're getting a new lens or else trying to figure out a way that my camera can come a bit closer because i'm not getting the best quality because it's so wide angle it's ridiculous um but it looks good for now i think how are you folks i am kind of early i am kind of early it is a little bit a little bit early sorry sorry sorry how are your allergies a little bit better not as bad today thankfully very relieved i don't know if it makes a difference because i know like i'm sure it was my doctor told me to take my prescription once um like an hour before food and i wasn't taking it that long before food but i tried to space it out a bit more today so hopefully it worked because i'd like to take it straight in the morning but then i want my breakfast obviously so i still tried to give it like 40 minutes today as opposed to like 10. so maybe that helps it i i don't know or maybe i'm just having a good day it's hard to nail it down when it's so like uh temperamental like some days it's extremely bad some days it's just fine it's uh frustrating but it is what it is but thank you for asking you know it's nice to complain um did you move the tree it looked better on the floor oh that tree i thought about my minecraft tree it it's gone somewhere oh it's over there one second there now you can effect sake that's not a good spot for it is that good there we go that looks equally depressing hope that helps sean stern uh kyocena kevi b sergeant major penguin homeboy howard podblock thank you very much for the subs there guys potluck even gave in before we even went live thanks so much pop um pattycake thank you for the sub as well welcome everyone just joining in welcome welcome welcome you like it shadow is even more ominous this time it kind of is actually it kind of is it does look a bit scary it's just like depression in a picture isn't it it's just the tiny christmas tree the thing is i've thrown it so many times now the lights are just all over the place poor christmas tree thank you very much for all the support guys jesus uh purge thank you for the bits schonster douseric dottie megan hayley and schoenster again thank you very much guys that's pretty kind of it um the tree is looking great again yes that's all i wanted welcome everyone just joining you should play alien isolation on stream i think i played in a video and i wasn't sure if i was that gone on it i think the problem was i played it for a video and i usually play games for like an hour yeah about an hour like 50 minutes to an hour and 10 minutes is usually the range an hour being the average i'd say um usually it's about an hour anyway and i think that game needs more time to build up because it spends a lot of time building atmosphere which is really cool but it's just not great for videos so i think that's why i took a bit of a meh stance on it um but the atmosphere was building was so good uh what are we doing minecraft today we're trying to um a flower i'm so jealous you can get sucked into a game for three i might my attention span is so so small it's it's hard for me to even play games that i want to play it's really annoying um we're playing some minecraft we're going to try and do the trees uh jesus be sergeant thank you very much for the 10 subs thank you very much for that you're very very kind um knocking for thank you for the bits as well the allergies are better today thankfully uh lg marble nicorite yokai dust bright skies trippy eyes great name thank you very much for the subs attack poodle layer and stuff as well uh be certain thanks so much for that that was way too much uh e for pickles thank you for the bits finally a name i can pronounce that others might be not able to ifa there we go that made me feel good cali and jacob thank you for the sub and the bits there lonnie thank you for the bits as well um i i feel so old is your light pink it kind of is it's kind of pink let me see what other looks i've kind of taken it's it's kind of just like a pale pinky orange i guess uh let me see you can change it around it's really awesome uh come on if it'll load yeah i have products come on load up a hundred madi caddy thank you very much for the subs why are they not it's not loading now i saw it's really cool and now it won't [ __ ] load all right maybe i can't show you how it works that's disappointing what the hell they're gone oh that means i'm gonna have to sync them up again that's so disappointing they were i hate bluetooth stuff sometimes yeah like come on i know the app is just closing and opening repeatedly that's annoying sorry i wanted to show you how they work but you can change them to all different colors because they're rgb but the app is just freaking out that's sad but it is kind of like a pale pinky orange i guess uh it's just kind of i wanted a backlight but i didn't want anything too severe you know where it's because i feel like that's kind of subtle even though and it kind of does the job look at my hair what the hell is it doing i was gonna leave it maria grim awesome donut hey james a flu boss uh is it sky scary is guy carsey mr dan honda thank you very much guys you're very very kind i shawny i'm maria grim thank you guys i feel very old i have my little blanket and everything it's so cold in here i got i got all old people gifts i was like yes socks blanket it's a person with no heating this is just great and uh was the other thing the bird feeder that was exciting i got awesome gifts uh usernames are too stressful thank you for the gifted sub blorp thank you so much for 10 subs that is super kindly thank you very much i'm just going to tweet out that we're live i'm going to try and get in the habit of tweeting um i feel like a lot of nice people coming from twitter and i just i just forget honestly uh blurp thank you so much for those 10 subs that is super generous of you thank you very much where's the green screen it is up there did i ever show you guys this oh my god you can see my hair even more so now it's like alfalfa all right let's get rid of that the green screen is up so we go [Applause] you see it's super handy it's cool oh i thought i said i'd get rid of it but it's still there a little bit yeah i'm stuck this is how you move wheelie chairs right i have one of those like carpet protectors so it gets stuck when i roll back too far [Laughter] are you not wearing pants no why would i i've gotta like it no i'm wearing a nice undies i'm wearing white pajamas well they're actually like more workout things than anything you just thought that's my skin you're like jesus christ he's pale look i'm wearing pants i'll just get banned in a second because they'll be like yeah that kind of matches the skin tone get rid of them oh [ __ ] sake all right let's see uh in-game i'm never pulling on my green screen ever again [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you're pale goddammit monster duck uh aphrodisia psycho pastel my zamala hat mary jax thank you very much guys lord thank you so much for those 10 subs again that is super kind of you i seem to you be sergeant you're very very generous uh pale plus no not safe for work please guys look at me banned my skin tone is actually paler that's how you know it's not me um maria thank you very much for the tip that's very generous of you super kind of you thank you for the 10 bucks and bayfinder thank you for the sub as well green screen is evil i can show you in this screen but not in the other screen apparently um what was i gonna say this is what we were doing yesterday the whole tree house let me go down one second i'll jump to my death um this is what we're doing yesterday if you missed yesterday's stream i i do have legs despite the rumors um why aren't you burning down a village here we did destroy some your twitch admins kevin definitely does have pants on that'll show oh them sake um this is what we're working on we're working on a treehouse kind of settlement here and where all my rooms will be up in trees i'm not sure how we're really going to do it where's my food oh it's there god i'm going through a lot of food we're gonna have to slaughter some of the farm soon um i'm not sure how much we're gonna be able to get up there because even stuff like that like how can i start a farm up there you know uh did you post it on youtube um hey well how's it going um i didn't post on youtube i'm way behind on my clips videos it's hard to keep on top of everything um ah my axe is nearly broken too at least i can make another one okay so this has to come down because it's just a disaster uh i think it needs to be more steady i might try and build this the other way um i like it it doesn't need to be exact or anything but we need something that's a bit more steady going down um uh turndle thank you very much for the two subs that's very nice here thank you very much uh kelly usernames are too stressful lily audrey thank you very much bayfinder thank you as well very generous of you folks thank you i'm gonna buy pants with that just like please don't hit my head off the tree um okay i don't know if this is gonna work what if i go i i don't feel like i'm going to be able to get this right no matter what i do so what i might try and do is just match it at either side and then i could have a middle section i i'm not even ex i'm not making sense am i but like it's making sense in my head i'll just have a middle section that doesn't add up if i do it from each side steadily do you get what i mean does that make sense or do i need to articulate myself better uh get sticks and an axe and now we're started i feel like i wanna go fund me for kevin's pants everyone's bullying me uh adam sanders thank you for the subs as well oh yeah i i don't know if this is gonna work but we're just gonna [ __ ] try it i built out too far hold on wait still too far no okay and then two and two this isn't going to come down fair enough is it my allergies are there's no wonder he was so mean yesterday begging for money it was because he doesn't own pants you see never judge someone until you know their story and my story is that i was i was just being a bit of a dick to be honest uh this is way off like not even not even close and seeing you do this makes less sense than explanation i changed my mind on my explanation i'm just wondering if i uh i'm losing so much wood here but you know what it doesn't matter we'll uh just do my little strip out here so i can get a better idea okay is this good is this working gang this is working a lot worse than i thought it would but you know what it it might it might work out will it because i'm gonna build it straight in here we'd be pretty [ __ ] lucky i probably should have started from this site in hindsight but you know we know that for the next time now this has been a learning experience i hope you learned by the way uh and then we're gonna boss through this wall there's gonna be stairs going up will that well that suffice hmm it'll it'll do will it or should i should i restart from here and just go up it'll work i guess we could um yeah restart i'm not sure because like i can put stairs here and then you just walk straight out or i could connect it from the bridge well i connected from the bridge or the not the bridge they're like i don't know why you call this the lip we'll just call this the lip i guess okay it's just gonna be hard because it's so close to being exactly right if you don't like if i put in varied kind of tears it'll look really weird i think um psycho thank you for the sub be searching time for the bits as well here's my first donation for a fine set of trousers for you thank you very much that's very kind of yeah it's very kind of indeed um i think we'll actually start here because that that'll help my case a little bit there and then we'll go up right i don't know how we can actually build this without just placing and deleting a load of blocks is the only thing but i mean it's not the the worst thing in the world it's just a little bit annoying because i have to place them and get rid of them i don't there's no way of doing that is there collect your wood i don't wanna no don't wanna dirty duke thank you for the sub usernames are too stressful thank you for the bits as well the pine grove maybe the sub uh four or four psychopastel uh eleanor ginger jesus maddie chrissy deadshot and lonnie thank you very much for the tip as well for the pants appreciate it kelly luce thank you for the tips for the pants as well appreciate it chrissy adams xander thank you very much guys appreciate it you make scaffolding oh yeah i forgot about that i forgot you can make scaffolding that is a pretty neat feature all right almost there we're slowly but steadily getting there i hope it actually will look okay from below i don't know if there's any way i can dress it up a little bit hey guys you can just cry if you want me to collect the wood because i'm not doing it sorry it's just it's not going to happen so you'll just have to find a way of dealing with it um i don't know we could i i guess look into therapy for you or something it might be a good idea um if it is bothering you this much right at least now i can do it from this side that doesn't make it easier doesn't it um there we go this might actually kind of line up in the end somehow life found a way that's pretty nice can we donate your pants instead maybe i could set up an amazon wishlist and just have pants on it not a bad idea i need to fix this um oh look at all that wood all right i think that'll look okay i could alternatively put that one step in it might look a bit better from outside if you see it like from down there it might look a bit more symmetrical uh right i think i need to go get some shot eye there it's always so close georgia pi thank you very much for the sub that's so kindly as well thank you very much for the message that's very kindly thank you madster usernames are too stressful an anonymous tip there for some pants thank you very much a dirty duke uh the pine grove josie groovy yeti and molly brick thank you very much guys you like it i think it's looking much better oh there's a skeleton up there because i haven't lit up the place i think it looks pretty good seems like a pretty legit way to get down from the tree house yeah it's it's highly dangerous but it's very fast like think of all the time i've saved nice house nice house tree alright yes nice tree house it's a dead trap with one wrong step i mean that's half the fun isn't it wait i should take off my pants that's a good point okay oh he's on fire that's so nice okay i'm i'm happy enough with that i think i think that looks pretty good you see even my normal house is a dead trap so i'm used to it all right let's head on up there and try and figure out another platform this is going to be the worst part of the treehouse i think i was pretty lucky that one just kind of worked out but i guess i can adjust i guess in hindsight i should have probably built the platforms first and then we could have just gone with whatever lined up um i forgot i could have slept here as well i forgot i had a bed here oh hey jesus don't don't hit me off please oh i wanted to hit him off all right let me drop some torches here just to light up the place a little bit um okay we need to get over there which should be pretty simple surely right i can't mess this one up can i i'll just do it from here perfect happy birthday to whoever's birthday it is unless you're saying it to me this is not my birthday um kelly thank you for the tip and asking me to go collect wood you're making me sob i appreciate the input i am not taking it on board uh as of right now but thank you very much for the donation i appreciate it that's very kind here uh nice i can use the leaves okay and i'm guessing we'll put another platform here now i could make another birch platform or will i just make another or will i make a jungle wood platform because it is just going to be a platform it's not going to be a a room or anything um i might just make it out of jungle wood will this grow back i think that a piece just popped up next to me i was thinking it wouldn't but i could have sworn i saw a piece just grow up next to me i'm out of wood god's sake ah so annoying i don't know where it's all gone uh jay crazy and kinkajou thank you very much for the subs silly panda madster thank you as well sabre smith gorgeous thank you very much guys um right oh let's get some more of this uh in fact let's make this all into these will that do we like you enough probably possibly maybe i don't know happy birthday to everyone but kevin thank you i mean it's not my birthday so i i'm okay with that um maybe just one more line back here and then we'll go straight up um will this make it with two sure that'll make it want it oh [ __ ] hmm that's not bad i could bring it back one should i just i may as well since the others seem to work out pretty good fine diesel just gets strong with every day oh yeah we named the house vine diesel i forgot about that let all that wood just drop down there we go and yeah we'll put it there i don't know should i put in any like ropes or anything like that like with the fences like people have done i don't know um right one more up this almost reminds me of like right yeah that that works a bit better i know the stairs can go in there this reminds me of like old school youtube where you're just playing and just talking about the game it's super chilled out nothing's really going on just feel like that tomato king thank you very much for the five subs that's very kindly a tomato king you are truly a king amongst tomatoes thank you very much all right we've linked that together now um i think that's a pretty good place to stop expanding and just work on each room i guess right can we revive old youtube we can try but i think it might be too late um we might put fences on this section i want to change the wood for the fences um try and remain consistent here yeah it's super dangerous on this treehouse very very dangerous let's make it out of spruce let's get some sticks first and there how many do i need i'll just be super wasteful and just get way more than i need this should do it right right i don't know hello jolly i didn't even see jolly but i see people saying hello to jolly [ __ ] yeah i thought that might happen that's not necessarily a bad thing to be fair i can just raise it up you raise me up to yeah that's not necessarily bad kind of livens it up a little bit anyway i keep running out of wood and i don't know how uh brim thank you very much for the bits it is great to see you haven't been around in months but wanted to say hello to everyone hope all is well all is well here brim thank you very much for popping in appreciate it um oh my god how do i keep running out where is it all going abigail thank you very much for the tip and that reminds me i definitely talked to my therapist about you last week i hope it wasn't about me dropping wood everywhere it's just so [ __ ] annoying he's caused me so many like problems in my life i wake up just screaming about how frustrated i am they're on the ground what's the wood doing down there idiots the wood not you before you think of me super toxic all right i mean i am super toxic let's face reality here there we go i like it the wood grows on the ground chat that's normal ah so you can just find it in the wild i wonder could i like jump to my other house using the vines like that oh that's cool i like how i just tested it on the most dangerous part of the house oh there's no wood down there sorry chad you're wrong uh minecraft amateurs a bit of a pro gamer so i kind of know what i'm talking about when it comes to these things i'm pretty poggers uh right what will the rooms be so and should i link this back around to there no i think that would look a bit weird um right we have the like entrance area is the bed that makes sense um kevin is irish i mean i did just swing from a vine onto another platform whenever you say chat i always hear chad i mean the chat is pretty chad oh excuse me pretty damn chad a chat chat for sure right uh i don't know i don't know what the plan is of a room for hen and ree but it would be hard to get him up here i don't know how i do it jesus gravity freaks thank you very much for the 10 subs that is very kindly thank you so much for that eve thank you for the generous tip as well just want to say your rewind video is awesome i think creepypasta and do you like it was the perfect way to end the video so much love from finland i hope 2021 will treat you well thank you very much that's very kind here uh huh mama thank you for the tip as well and happy birthday to you jesus uh minden thank you for the sub kelly thank you for the bits or for the tip even uh this is an all caps just for effect oh you ran out of wood maybe because you're not picking it up my therapist said to pick it up well i'm not going to because i looked down there and there was nothing there so check and mate all right once again i'm right thanks for the bits again i know gravity thank you very much for those subs and eve as well that's very generous to you big thank you for the sub um right i don't know what to do with the rooms to be honest gang we expanded when we didn't really need to i mean i could put like a storage room and whatnot it might be no harm i could put oh my god tanya thank you very much for the 20 subs jesus christ i just looked over and chat to see what you were saying about me probably making fun of me and i saw them all flooding the screen kenya thank you very much for that i was that was way way too kind here thank you very much wait i think that actually needs to stay jesus tanya thank you very much oh it's stand your bob i love that you actually change your name chest room furnace room yeah i think i think we'll uh we'll make a little room for storage up here i think that's a good plan i just hope it's not annoying to get to is the only thing maybe we should have the storage room in the middle just because we can get to and roll easily and up here could be like an enchanting room or something i think we might do that just so it's a bit more accessible um i'm gonna try not to destroy all this but i kind of do have to destroy a bit of it put in some blocks here so hopefully that stays and we'll build around it oh that's [ __ ] dangerous look at that did i destroy that or was there oh there was a block here above it wasn't there i was just like i don't remember looking at the floor at all uh tanya thank you very much for that and gravity freaks thank you so much eve thank you as well you're very very generous folks you didn't have to do that oh my god beetle thank you very our bead sorry thank you very much for the 10 subs i nearly always say beetle when i read your name and i finally folded i'm sorry beat but thank you very much for that it's just the e after b tricks me every time and kellyanne thank you for the five subs christ almighty thank you very much folks that's very kind of you you did not have to do this but i appreciate um i think this one is just going to be a direct through room there's going to be no lip around this one because we need extra storage space um the sorrow thanks for the sub uh bethany assistant ben this definitely has to be lit up olivia thank you very much tania thank you for the 20b thank you for the 10 and kellyanne thank you for the five good lord that is way way too nice of you you did not have to do that but thank you um more spruce more spruce please and we'll have to put in some windows not bad need to light up the place a bit um will i leave that i could i could leave that just leave one torch i i don't want to mess with it too much and make it look too structured i want it to be a bit wild you know um he's gone through his uh spruce and birch phase and that shows growth as a minecrafter great all right we need one more i'm gonna have to ruin the tree a bit here though it's the only problem for my ceiling it makes it really easy to build up when you can use the leaves as like your backbone it's very handy as i do not have a backbone let's get some rest uh a dog igniter thank you very much for the sub and that's a very worrying name raspberry trade banks the sorrow thank you very much guys oh god this looks a bit topsy-turvy i'm gonna have to get some spruce wood i think i might have to go on a little stroll let's get going did you lose your backbone in the car accident i lost everything in the accident he took everything from me everything i've gone into nam flashbacks uh do i have my axe i do let's go get some spruce oh that felt closer than normally gets me uh hello excited thank you for the sub i think i just need to get over there i think there's some over there even your toes especially my toes why am i trying to cross the water oh a boat i should cross the water i don't remember even using this boat like i remember seeing it parked here yesterday and i don't remember why i don't know why it's here um just join why is kevin not wearing his pants just freedom dude just freedom oh there's my portal i forgot i'm getting all turned around what's the noise oh my god is that rain in ireland no it's just so loud oh god i live in a super old house and my my uh that's why my heating doesn't work um it's very very old but uh and it's also like falling into like a bit of disrepair uh but i just went into the i have like a little side room um on the bottom floor of the house uh that needs to be completely torn down like it's it's awful um but i have my like gym equipment in there so i was going in there earlier to do my bit of a workout and uh there's just water everywhere it must have been [ __ ] lashing down because a bit of water always gets in but the floor was just covered in water so it was just like oh okay i'm just gonna ignore that it always pools like by the door uh it's not great do any of your appliances work um like out of oh jesus look at that all the bamboo um not really no the only appliance that works in the kitchen uh it's weird because they obviously like they must have had a big family whoever lived here because it's got uh um it's got like three ovens uh it's weird there's like one normal oven with a hob the hob doesn't work and then they've got a separate hob an electric one that does work but it's awful and there's like a crack going through it so i'm like i don't know if that's even safe then there's um what else is there there's like an inbuilt grill that doesn't work uh and yeah that's pretty much all that's the only thing that works i think this is why i don't do baking bad anymore because nothing works i'm hoping to get some a bits of these things sorted this year hopefully um i have a man who wants three ovens well you got my jealousy i would like three functional ovens oh that was weird um the spaghetti guy downstream uh h3nt usernames are too stressful uh alexa and [ __ ] thank you for the bits working ovens are only a suggestion kev just like pants thank you very much made me feel included uh three ovens no boiler yeah but i mean if you put on all the ovens you'd probably heat up the house as well it would probably be a fire hazard but at least you'd be warm and then a fire did break out you'd be very warm um but unfortunately none of the ovens work well one of them works one of the ovens works did i mention that i don't know one of the ovens kind of works but uh i don't use it because it's really bad i have an air fryer and that that works um miss holly bear thank you very much for the bids thank you very much for joining in um and it's your birthday as well jesus happy birthday to you hope you had a good day um bailey thank you for the sub as well and emma thank you for the sub um one functional oven there you go because occasionally you like need an oven an airfryer won't work but an airfryer kind of covers you for most things it's healthy too i use no oil in my airfryer just the air itself i love a bit of air sprinkled across my food nothing like chicken and air i'm telling you i think i have enough um what's over here oh what type of wood is that what will this get me what will oh wait is this like the orange planks i don't think i use it but i may as well keep it when i'm here i might use it for something but yeah i'm really looking forward to starting some of these issues especially the heating i'd love a warm house that must be so nice this is like something i would leave but i didn't uh i didn't i was never here before so that wasn't me i mean i'm gonna leave it there now because that's just nature doing its thing uh metal daisy thank you very much for the five subs that's super kind here thank you very much folks jesus christ there's a few actually uh mathew thank you for the five and dance smokes thank you very much for is it dance smoke smile thank you very much for the five subs as well jace christ you're very kind bailey dawn uh minikia lethal positivity uh toasty 113 sub to pick thank you very much guys geez i can't even keep up miss holly berry thank you for the sub as well i cannot even keep up thank you so much for the generosity folks that is very kind here thank you for the kind words as well in there 113 thank you for the sub and the kind words as well very very kind little positivity uh i'm good asking how is everyone in the chat i think everyone seems to be doing quite well have you tried frying wd40 uh no i don't know if that's a good idea all right i think we got enough um what is wait hold on is this loop this isn't um this might be the same jungle i'm in but it's not at the same side right because i came in over that way and then yeah it's not worth going through the jungle look how lush this area is though so you can make scaffolding with these very easy to gather as well because they all fall down all right let me get some of these did i do a lot of mining in this world i think i did because i have full iron armor just thinking do i have a lot of iron back in the house okay that is more than enough i can hear lava um maybe i shouldn't try and interact with that maybe i should just leave how was christmas was it ruined enough i ruined it three times didn't i between hitman among us and the terrible christmas games uh alexia thank you for the bits baking bad with an easy bake off and i mean it's not a bad idea to be fair not a bad idea um do i have any food on me no i might actually dump some stuff here when i won't be back i just don't want this stuff on me and i know i'll just keep picking it up again uh oh potato i will eat this i need to stop by the house um what's wrong with the oven oh it just does not work not at all not at all at all at all all right um i hate dave with the sub a modular end uh alma lexi and dandelio thank you for the subs as well all right my house should be over there yeah there it is okay perfect let's head back ow i'm amazed i only hurt myself once honestly coming down there um you feeling good today i'm feeling pretty good yeah sorry about the allergies yesterday they're so annoying good laura it would not stop even just going and blowing my nose it's like okay that feels a lot better and then a minute later like literally a minute it would just be terrible again oh the treehouse looks really cool from here actually i like the look of it we might be able to get some like glowstone or something from the nether and light it up um just stop having allergies good point i should do that let me feed the cows oh come on no cows it's time for a feeding no come on come on follow me now jesus if you get in the pen you can have all the wheat you want oh it's absolute heaven don't listen to the others now because they've been spoiled they don't know how good they have it so just come on in now distorted roots thank you so much for 10 subs jesus thanks so much for that that was way way too kindly thank you very much just kill the allergies like killing sims yeah come on in there now come in you can have some food don't know if you come on in look come in come in now with you go in there ah there you go it was all a trick rips off fake mustache i've got you now cow i'm pretty sure that was a former prisoner as well all right we definitely need to do like some sort of calling there soon but we'll leave it for now i don't know how you're even making love in there to be honest there's no space for you uh right let me go cook up some some pork oh look at all the doggies looking at the moon rising i even have a holiday home my minecraft guy is living the life i bet his house is heating honestly even just living off the body warmth of my prisoners below the house like heat rises so their body warmth is probably heating my entire home why expand the fence when you can just do it calling now you're getting me what are the dogs names we never actually named them i didn't think they'd all make it so i didn't want to name them yet um we'll come up with some names oh wait how about the three stars of the hit movie airheads uh so we have brendan fraser steve buscemi and adam sandler there we go they're all named that was easy i need name tags though i never cooked the [ __ ] food i should have put it on before i slept that would have been the clever thing to do but i got distracted do you have any coal i might actually not have coal to be fair let me go down and get get a lasher call my inventory is a [ __ ] state oops probably find coal pretty easily i imagine uh great uh gremlin thank you for the sub uh chips thank you for the bits as well uh you played minecraft the first time the other day and immediately fell into water and didn't know how to swim so you drowned sounds like a fun experience to be honest d you never actually said if you had fun or not it sounds like fun burn the prisoners but we need them you just die on the dogs can you do that all right even just this vein should keep me going i don't really use a lot of it to be fair i'm not really doing much crafting with anything that needs furnaces or whatever it's just so that i can keep myself fed i've got enough torches uh it changes the color color ah okay perfect i'll do that then i had no idea you could do that you learned so much about minecraft every stream okay now which was the way up i just gotta i was trying to remember in my head and then i started talking about dogs and i got distracted um this way more coal at least it can't be this way but i'll grab it uh sweetie thank you very much for the sub and thank you for the kind words on the the christmas special that's very nice evie cookie coy anonymous thank you very much there lem lamb dandelion ellie uh elm alexia i hate cod thank you guys distorted thank you so much for those 10 subs again that was very very kind here you're a generous bunch folks very generous bunch night training for the sub as well in the kind words too did you know the villager babies don't have kneecaps i mean i don't think anything in this world has knees so i don't know if anything has kneecaps to be honest with you okay that should keep me going now i came in by the water right pretty sure i did so it's gotta be yes oh it is pretty hidden i gotta improve that at some point i'm not going to but i should oh that's weird i guess i did that so that the monsters can't come up i don't know i don't know what past kevin will be thinking about sometimes to be honest with you how are you doing folks what if oh what was that sheep um you have nothing interesting for me you're mainly so i can farm for emeralds you're the guy i need to talk to but i think the ocean explorer map is not really needed now i could do it expanding down here at some point as well and try and make them have a baby so i can get another one past kevin's in egypt he [ __ ] is isn't he he's a [ __ ] egypt all right i'm i i'm so on board with making merch the [ __ ] egypt merch by the way um so on board with that we just need to come up with a design or something that's cada thank you very much for the sub appreciate it neat you need to build a roller coaster for hen and reed their whole life is a [ __ ] roller coaster but it's only going down at the moment it's been going down a long time i forgot my food in my house i guess i'll go back i can't believe i forgot that i'm distracted i'm just chatting along uh pomelo lime thank you very much for five subs though geez let's all talk about that instead and how nice pomelo lime is instead of me forgetting food pamela lyme you were probably the nicest person in the world let's keep talking about that i never put in the call yeah i forgot i need to actually cook the stuff i got a lot of coal in the end though so at least there's that um i was just gonna say if i had a load of coal in these furnaces i would have been annoyed i have a lot of coal in these furnaces i'm annoyed put that in there and now we wait for my food yummy i do need a calling we need a calling those bastards out there they need to die they think they're better than me i i hear them muttering at night well i hear someone muttering at night might be my inside voice um oh so many books i forgot i destroyed that library no one's allowed learn except me and i can't read so no one's allowed learn we have told them of the undying we've got a few of them now uh oh we've name tags for the doggies i'm gonna name them that's worth all right i gotta remember so wait i'm so sorry brandon forgive me how do i give it to him you need an anvil oh god damn it now i just now i just smacked the dog for no reason oh well it'll show him who that alpha is in the house right guys as well leave my pants in here i'm not wearing it anyway um good lord sarah ellie thank you very much for the five subs jesus pamela lime and sarah ellie thank you very much folks distorted thank you again and kevin harkin thank you for the sub now back to where we were we needed the spruce and luckily i've got quite a lot i'll leave some of it as logs just in case we want that for anything let's head back up did i need any other type of wood i don't think so got some of these i don't think i'll use that for anything but i'm taking it anyway a treehouse is anyway related to irish history um in a way i suppose because jesus you know a tree like tree the number three and house like you know you know what i mean i feel like kevin only speaks in lower case i'm not sure that means but i'm gonna take it as an insult anyway the number three yeah you know what i mean now you know what i mean yeah jesus i thought you weren't getting it there for a minute but you're you're faster than you look alright uh don't worry about that now i'm just i'm just taking the piss a bit there now i don't mean that just talking to any old irish person it's basically that um right i'm thinking we can leave leave the ceiling as is and just put an interior so from the outside it just will look like leaves leave that is comedic genius right there did we not get enough birch i can't believe you guys have done this anytime something goes wrong i just turned to chat like oh my god why did you [ __ ] place that like that oh my god um yeah we might need to go get some birch i did the thing is i remember putting in my head like i should look out for birch but i don't think i saw any i might have to go in that direction i should just hop on the horse and look around for him um but in the meantime i could build another little house should this have an overhang uh i could have this as a small little room if it's gonna be the enchanting room maybe nah i'll put this the same yeah i'll put it the same i just walk backwards without looking kevin that's just great this is this is how you die all the time you know it all starts to make sense sometimes briefly until i forget and up there we go making a solid frame you know i need to get windows as well windows and birch are my most important things that i need i think for the building this is a nice little lookout tower i'm just wondering could we make this into a double story one it might be nice but i know be a bit overpowering actually from outside i think now that i think about it at least we did in fact get enough spruce that's good news i think it will leave a lot of window space there though windows and tree houses yeah of course of course you need to appreciate the view i might just make them different i don't want them all to be the same you know like they're all basically the same shape but if i put the windows different it might just add a bit of variety to it a little bit oh i don't think we need a window there actually no i think about it might leave one there and maybe put ones there or i could put a big one here yeah that might be nice do we have space there we do all right let's uh get some sleep and then hop on the horse and look for some birch and nicola chad thank you very much for the bits i forgot the election my living room was still connecting my phone so i entered the stream to use saying those bastards out there they need to die blasting in full volumes around my house oh no jesus alfb games favorite of the song karina uh dead smoke smile thank you for the bits as well thank you for the kind words as well uh juka danielle thank you for the subs jolly thank you for the bits hey peter i'd like to report doggo abuse thank you for the message there uh peta is not here it's only me it's a dictatorship here um sarah ellie thank you very much for the five subs again that's very kind here you should put some torches in there that's a good point that is a very good point okay let's let's light up our life uh god this one's a bit of a mess probably have to do something with it once there and one out here and then put some there just light up the whole place i think i think it'll look pretty nice by night and let's just put some here just just so that nothing spawns and scares me trios is looking great i'm loving the tree house yay positive feedback that's what i like to hear don't forget to log on to the windows yeah i say [ __ ] you always have the best bad jokes all right let me try to get on that horsey that horse a man i might need to make a new axe i have enough i can do that you know why i have my diamond picked on me it's so unnecessary i literally i'm not mining anymore i am i started playing on a server of one of my friends liam uh you probably you well you may have heard of him um i don't need this why why am i keeping this like i'm a [ __ ] hoarder minecraft but i was like going to start a world where a well started playthrough where i just don't even mind like i get all my stuff through adventuring or like trading with other people and then i was going to make my person like a vegetarian as well to make it even harder so i like have to like grow on all my own food and everything just to make it a bit different um but it was actually kind of fun just doing something different like i have a tiny house um that i actually stole from a villager oops good trick um yeah i stole my house from a villager and i've just added a little expansion on i might try and show you if the server's up at the end i'll uh i'll show you my little house um right i gotta watch out for the ravine over there that's gonna scare me why are we saying so basically did i say it a lot i don't even know i i it's hard for me to concentrate what i'm talking about and also like figure out what i'm doing did i miss something all right let's go up here maybe i said it a lot i don't know i'm out of the loop it was max um ah okay i think i remember this so basically maxwell is telling uh a load of stories i think about how he like met all of us and like met me and met other people and whatnot in the stream but it was just like so basically so basically so basically and it's just it was a big rabbit hole of so basically one thing led to another wait oh there's a lot of fire over there that's kind of neat i should take a lot of these i think uh good range thank you for the sub the only avian thank you for the bits as well sunny boy thank you very much for the sub a tomb huskman um liquor mansur thank you very much uh good thing you didn't build your house in an apple tree it wouldn't be compatible with windows oboshi you got some competition a bad joke off is going down here kevin hurricane thank you very much for the bits nice to see you've spruced the place up a bit oh god oh no what's happening oh no oh no thanks for the support guys i appreciate it along with the bad jokes oh god i can't believe an hour has passed already his streams go so fast um let me see oh jesus you're not my horse you air my horse why are you out on that ledge my friend i think i've got enough [Music] yeah it should be enough i can always come out here it's not very fair thankfully i'm glad i have a horse now though i remember when horses were added in it was like the wildest thing it's crazy but now look on minecraft it has [ __ ] everything how do i jump again okay space you just hold it and charge right yeah there you go um i was going to take a wheat so they follow me but i don't think they'll keep up that dog is hurt yeah i know i hurt it i punched it let that be a warning to him there we go um do i have wheat no i don't i should probably harvest the place but i've got a lot going on right now there's so much happening i really like it it looks cool and i can't i just love the placement of the trees as well the way it's kind of tiered i think it looks good uh the sorrow thank you very much for the five subs thank you so much for that he also mentioned how you ripped your pants i mean that oh sure i mean that explains why you don't wear them anymore i did rip my pants very badly you know i was on holidays with max um right do i just need to go up now i need to get rid of some stuff again oh not that come back come back oh for facts sake god damn it the guy was just like oh no he's angry just hear it off screen all right got it okay can we get back out of here okay good we can my answer's all is just to jump in and figure it out later and right yeah i don't i need to get rid of some of this stuff hold on let me just get rid of this and god i'm holding on to a lot of weird junk i'll just get rid of these even though they're handy to have it's just there's like single blocks and three of them and one not arrows by by rather than just organizing my inventory i'm just getting rid of useful things it seems more reasonable uh right let's get rid of most of these and get back up there in the tree house i'm loving it honestly it's lovely we could build a balcony out of that one it might be cool looking out this way and again it would vary it up a little bit i still have some fences left over um sunny boy thank you very much for the bits okay guys enough with the wood jokes the sorrow thank you very much for the five solves again that is very very kind here a good arrange thank you very much for the sub as well um right let's build a balcony i don't think it even needs to be much of a balcony just one or two blocks out it might even look just better with just one you know like it might be a little bit too much if it goes out anymore what do you think not sure like what if we just built it this might look absolutely ridiculous now but what if we just built like that no i don't really like it how can we do this um oh just showing you my tricks did you like that it's pretty cool if you ask me oh geez i love magic oh jesus all right we go again daddy thank you for the song all right jackson here the bits would you believe all these bonds uh price thank you for the bits as well uh years ago you were the person who introduced me to mc when i was still at alpha watching you play it's just bringing back so much nostalgia i love it thank you very much that is awesome to hear dragon off thank you so much for the tip that is so generous as always thank you so much build a statue of kathleen so your enemies will have a way to attack her instead that's a good idea some sort of like uh false villain that i'd have like a massive statue we could build something cool in there actually and i'm looking at it but maybe not a statue of kathleen because well it would kill me to immortalize her that way yeah i think that looks decent i like it that's good yeah that's nice i could expand it a little bit because um it's not actually on center here i'm not i'm trying not to get too obsessed with things being uncentered because sometimes i think it almost looks too structured if you get me um put that down in there yeah yeah yeah all right get out of my way please ah looking out over my kingdom yeah balcony good idea i love it i like it i love it i like it i i hate it i'm going to destroy it let me get the tnt blow up the whole treehouse you've all watched this and it means nothing now i wonder do planks support leaves the same way the logs do like that they can float around the log a certain amount so many questions all of them stupid there you go yeah yeah i forgot the windows didn't i they don't okay good to know i don't have enough windows but i can put some and there oh that's just the foundations don't worry about that oh that looks wrong what if we put one here or maybe you know what it doesn't really need a window got plenty of windows and one up here i guess one there oh none there actually i prefer that without one i think it looks better i wonder if i could build stairs put them across or just even just for an idea on height actually even just as a different texture it kind of looks kind of nice just have something else you know vary it up yeah why not how about not it looks worse coming up from this angle no i don't want it don't want it at all let's see oh my god it looks so messy here uh let me see i need to put in i don't really want to get rid of one of these oh my god stop falling apart please uh i'll just put an oak and then i can put in some more there as soon as you start placing them by yourself it starts to look ridiculous doesn't it hey max how's it going how are you i'm just going to place some logs to try and keep it keep it like a nice happy fluffy tree you know oops um i don't know if i um no i'll keep it i'll keep it it looks it looks wild i don't know if that's a good or bad thing i might just leave this as three it actually it might just be better off because you don't you don't have to be like look like you're hitting your head or whatnot when you're going through some straight out this is such a unique build for me i don't normally build stuff like this i really like look max i'll show you i'll go sleep and then actually know it look cooler i'll risk dying to impress my friend hold on this is what peer pressure is all about folks um i might put it up here first just to brighten it up so he'll be super impressed uh yep uh dublin d thank you very much for the two subs and uh elorena's thing rouse thank you very much for the sub oh max i'm dying and it's all your fault [Laughter] oh god damn it max why would you do this to me hold on let me get inside look at that max isn't that cool i'm gonna look at it from the safety of my house yeah what do you think now big shot you think you're all that well look at my house max is just like i don't know what you're even talking about it's all conspiracy by big macs to discredit me in my building hey it's not chad's fault for once yeah you got another fall guy here oh fall guys imagine i wouldn't mind playing a bit of fall guys actually hmm it's not a wave but i also want to play minecraft it's it's so hard being a gamer people don't get it you know all right time to leave the dogs off the leash i suppose all right uh all right on brendan on steve and on adam sandler go attack yes good boys i just hit one of them for sure yes this is what it's all about take that max you will never stop me now it's the best build i've ever seen get your sarcasm out of here max i'm not used to people being nice you know wait oh no there's still an uncomfortable amount of cows i thought some of them had died look it's gonna be cool when it's done i think it's looking much nicer already i'm really liking it let's uh sit down brendan adam and steve buscemi uh right i'm not sure if i like the idea of keeping the leaves incorporated with the roof of that or i should at least have the roof sticking out in parts where there aren't leaves i don't know uncomfortable is the perfect number of cows so how long you've been farming how much livestock you got well i've been farming for a few years now i would describe the amount of uh the animals is uh uncomfortable it's the most accurate way i can describe it can we get some sleep now leaf it how it is ah okay you think the leaves look nice gotta keep the leaves okay don't make the leaves leave i don't know if you're just saying this just to make a pun or you're being serious i guess we'll leave it i do like that it just looks so overgrown i think i just got to fix that corner and that corner i could just put in more leaves i guess might be a good idea i got some more windows do we have any sand in there actually a clever chris uh danny alpha the fenris uh double d thank you for those two again you're very kind and dragging off thank you very much for the generous tip earlier you're you're almost far far too supportive you know do you know that surely i've been saying i do have sand in fact let's just make a load of it um oh god my inventory is just uncomfortably full just like my farm uh oh my god i do have a lot of iron this is just this is just awful honestly everything about it is just sad i need to make a bin um but my house is made out of wood i guess i could have one in the basement um we saw lava that way that way it was where the lava was is this ireland farmer simulated yeah why not oh i had glass down here to give to him that's white all the sand i forgot why i had so much wait i have an ocean explorer map i didn't know that i'm going to forget that i was going to say like i need to remember that but no i'm just stating fact i'm going to forget that clever chris thank you for the sub um yeah we could have like a bin here just with a bit of lava in it because i really need to do something and my inventory is just a state and like it's all fun and games but it's it's also like really uh really annoying because i can't put stuff in my inventory all right let's support that up there a load of cobble oh no too much support i don't have a shovel don't be surprised if my house was like collapsing above it now i'm just getting rid of the foundation can you get rid of like if you throw stuff on a campfire would that get rid of it or just fire in general because i have netherrack um like can i make any fire so if i made a campfire oh what a soul campfire what the hell is that oh soil oh that's pretty neat i didn't know you could do that oh my god my inventory is so full it's like it's hard to even make stuff netherrack fireworks maybe i'll just do that then um any fireworks but not campfire okay good to know i love the little campfires in there when i was playing some minecraft on the switch i did a little fireplace with campfires in it and like actually made a chimney and placed another one halfway up so like at the top of the house you can see all the smoke coming out it looks really cool throw the diamond pick away you don't need it good point let's get rid of these for a moment um just give me one of the netherrack i thought i had like 30 of it i don't know um and i need my lighter there surprised they don't have that on me at all times and i can start burning some stuff as i go because it's just way way too much there we go oh yes i see the items burning already fantastic and now just to get rid of a few things immediately uh see i i just have so much stuff that it's just like one item and whatnot and i just don't need it i've got so many leaves wait oh they're different leaves i see you can't place them all i didn't even notice they were different i've probably been placing normal leaves but honestly they look the same to me i don't really see much of a difference um right oh let me take a look burn the diamond it expired what does that even mean you mean the best before date is gone or something um let me see rabbit height i'll keep that i don't know what it's for like even that i'll just get that into planks spider and egg melon seeds like there's just so much crap in my inventory off keep the seeds i guess i don't know what they're used for i should put that in the oven um in you go oh my food is in here i forgot i stored food in the fridge so quirky like that all right let me see did i have any more food in here i could keep the egg in there as well and and the melon seeds to be fair let's keep all the food and flowery stuff in there it just it just makes sense doesn't it loads of bread as well um right at least that's freed up a bit of space ah yes i remember now i remember the entire system now let's get rid of oak leaves uh those those those those might actually need to keep the bread on me to be fair um those those and i've mixed up the food now i i don't know why i have them all in different ones but oh well it looks kind of nice i like those barrels they look pretty cool i'll keep the rest on me because i'm just messing with stuff at the moment with wood so i may as well keep the wood on me we'll take some of that glass is that everything i needed or did i need something else i don't think i needed something else let's go back up jesus almost fell uh emily and boo your baby thank you for the subs very kindly folks thank you very much no i need to start inventories i mean i am in total agreement with you it just got to the point where i couldn't even craft because i had so much stuff on me what a stunning treehouse thank you so much for noticing i've got a box up here as well i got to remember that um right we're going to have to sort out some leaves out here this is going to be dangerous dangerous work i i might remind you so just you know keep me in your thoughts and prayers here now because it's very very dangerous work uh jungle leaves and i'm gonna need to place something there for support come on reach yes try and get up on top and we'll get rid of that place another log and we'll just make that come out a little more just so it's not symmetrical that's pretty symmetrical but we could make this come out a bit and let's put another log around here somewhere yeah we'll cover that it's fine and that comes out a bit more there we go that should look okayish all i can hope for is okayish there that seems random enough oh that place in here too there place that other one by accident but that just makes it even more random i love that you can just climb around the vines and whatnot it makes getting around a lot easier there we go it looks a fairly natural while also not destroyed usernames are too stressful and jeff tahf thank you very much for the subs leah thank you very much for the tip that's very generous of you 20 quid um i wish i could give more but i'm a little tight on money this year has been the worst and yet somehow the best you gave me the courage to share my crappy little songs online when i can't even sing in front of people glad to be alive today thanks leah thank you very much for the tip and the very kind words and sharing that with me but jesus i just hope people aren't given donations and whatnot uh if you're tight on money because i'd much rather you look after yourself like i don't i know i say like oh i have no heating and whatnot but i have money put aside for heating it's like i i am doing fine i don't i don't need the donations and whatnot to live off and while they're super appreciated and super nice i just hope you're not giving them when you need it more than me you know um it's always something that's a bit uh i guess odd to process because i'm just like i'm super thankful but at the same time there's a bit of guilt there because i i don't want you giving me all your money if you need it but i would much rather you look after yourself if you got it like a free twitch prime sub or something that's way we can both win then you don't have to give me your money it's just the the corporation giant giving me the money um i just hope people don't be given stuff when you're you're you know you're cut out yourself because that's not um that's not what we want um but i do i super appreciate it it's very kindly you're very very nice um have you heard about twitch prime yes that was just my way of bringing up twitch prime without seeming like a dick it's just like oh guys you know if it's twitch prime or something i mean that would be nice just my way of getting more more we need to build a roof onto this lovely little house that we have here wow second let me just get up there um did someone say twitch brian um yeah i it always just feels so bad when um uh when people are like actually actively like pressuring people into sub subbing or donating and whatnot um it's it's always there like there's been enough drama about that stuff now i don't need to bring anyone up but you know yourself from seeing clips and stuff some like streamers and being like oh like why are you watching if you can't afford to sub to me and like sub to me and all and just actively begging at that point is just like dude not very nice not very nice at all um the amazing thing is it works which is bizarre you think people would just go well [ __ ] this person ungrateful um but it somehow works i'll never fully understand uh i don't know what to do here not really sure how to go about this what do you think should i just leave it like a straight edge on the side um yeah good point i'll go watch someone else if that's how they feel yeah like if if people are actively saying that um and literally people like i've seen clips of people just like oh why are you here and you're not supporting the stream if you don't sob or donate and all that i'm like jesus christ like i don't know why people are sticking around to be honest why are you here not for the reason you're giving for very different reasons [ __ ] thank you very much for the two subs there as well uh usernames are too stressful thank you for the sub i like how i actually did get some prime subs thanks very much guys uh it worked um usernames are too stressful thank you very much whisper spring thank you for the bits thank you so much for the kind words as well it's very nice here at calallen thank you very much for the five subs that's super nice of me you're always way way too nice emery thank you for the sub tom thank you for the sub as well eternal prey uh cool german thank you for the sub chips thank you for the bits as well you're very kind i like giving back because you brought us together uh quarantine has been so strange this community is so great also don't tell me what to do good point my apologies uh vigilant thank you very much for the sub little positivity thank you for the bits uh crowdcrafter thank you with the sub roderick thank you for the gift itself there as well um jeff the hefn usernames are too stressful thank you so much for the subs and leah thank you again for that 20 to quit earlier i i hope i didn't come across wrong by the way i didn't mean that you shouldn't have given it i just mean you're too kind for your own good it's what i'm worried about and i'm worried that you need the money and you're giving it to to me and just being too generous for your for your own good you know um but uh you're you're you're very generous to give me that thank you very much um but you know what i mean you know uh uh alpha mr manon uh anna kurizu groar the great thank you very much for the subs dr bob thank you for the sub as well uh jesus georgia pie thank you very much for the 15 subs jesus christ thank you very much uh i feel like this was like i uh backwards because i was like telling everyone to not give and then you gave loads thank you very much um this wasn't meant as like a reverse psychology folks uh georgia pi thank you very much for those 15 subs boscia calalloni thank you for the five alpha mr manon uh annika zoo grower the great doctor bomb isaac thanks for the 10 you made this year worth that your videos helped me at my low point merry christmas thank you very much isaac and just surfy thank you for the tip forgive me i forgot to pay my admission fee you need the bacon money oh no we're going back to this uh medler tommy uh madapico thank you for the subs the sorrow thank you for the tip as well consider this some atonement for running ad block and youtube before i finally got premium it's all good trust me like you gave me 10 quid that is way more than i would have gotten from any ads so thank you very much for that uh pop thank you for the bits as well thank you for the kind words as well um b dog thank you so much for 10 subs as well jesus christ fecking hell thank you very much for the sub speed you're very very kind uh as always [ __ ] thank you very much for the bits this was a big brain move to get us all to donate but don't worry about us we can all go live in lonnie's car we're fights imagine no thank you for the kindness guys a very weird uh way of it happening but thank you very much for the outburst of support um you really did not have to do that um i need some glowstone it's what i need i don't know if i have some back of the house let me sleep i'm gonna sleep down the house just because i love i like how it looks at night so i like going down taking a look thank you very much big dog for that again and block to pee thank you so much for the five subs oh stop sprinting right at the end don't come near me don't come near me um annoying thank you for the sub uh [ __ ] thank you for the bits again block to be thank you for the five subs jay marriage x thank you for the bits uncreative lauren thank you for the five subs as well [ __ ] health thanks guys that's enough thank you very much it goes back to what i'm saying i like i super appreciate it but it's too much guys honestly but thank you thank you very much um blocked me thank you again uh let's see oh look at it yes it's working this treehouse has honestly gone way better than i thought it would because i remember building treehouses in the past and they turned out horrible but i think this actually looks kind of cool i think it's definitely not the nicest and it's got some work to be done but it's better than i expected i mean just he's just burning to death and i'm just walking by him like oh yeah it's like it's got some work but my tree house is really cool he's like burning to the head like please i'm already dead i've been through enough uh yeah i think i think i like it i like how they're all different as well like the first one is a two window the second one has no windows in the balcony and the last one has a row windows although i definitely need to do something with the exterior of that one i'm not sure with this one in the middle here i'm not sure um guys thank you for the support uh roxy moxes thank you for the sub block to be um thank you for the bits i'm sorry you couldn't fly home to see your family let's suck this but like hopefully it'll all be over soon you know um all we need now to really seal this blessed day is for someone to activate the turd command what um what is that because i know i added it ages ago like as a secret without telling anyone but i can't even remember what it does saying um let me see what even is it where are my commands custom commands turg oh it just spams it spams turga modes is that all it does go on kev thank you henry thank you very much jesus christ um marriage x thank you so much for the 10 subs on top of the bits that is very kindly you're always way too generous on the stream you're you're very kind thank you very much uh lucas thank you for the bits as well um and thank you for the kind words jesus you're all you're all too [ __ ] nice way too nice um imagine like if my parents didn't believe like when i started uh trying to uh sign up to machinima so that um i could post videos on their channel and like the contract was saying how they pay you x y and z like i don't receive that much i can't remember now it wasn't very much anyway um like they paid you in three months blocks and i think my first paycheck um was like a hundred quid or something um something along those lines but like my parents were convinced it was a scam imagine with streaming it would be even more like difficult to describe to like your parents like oh yeah i stream and people are giving me money because they're nice just be like uh son i know about the internet i think you're getting scammed i'm gonna i'm gonna cancel our subscription it's definitely something needed to be done about this but i don't know what it is it's just a block um i don't know we need to dress it up a bit give it a bit of dimension you know i had to describe to my mom what was happening on my cooking streams that must have been very strange max [Laughter] oh my god uh thank you very much kp1 for the 55 euro donation jesus christ uh marietta thank you for the sub marriage x day for the bits uh loud max thank you for the sub kp1 thank you very much for that uh nz thank you for the sub that blonde guy thank you for the tip jesus christ guys mary jacks thank you again for all the subs um and kb1 that was way way too much again you i just need to not say stuff in the future i like had a very serious like two minute little talk about guys like shouldn't be giving me any of these it's like look after yourself and all this and then you just start giving me more it's very kind here but i genuinely meant what i said you don't have to be doing that but thank you all the same it's very generous of you um i'm not sure what to do about this hmm what do you think oops sorry thank you for the sob ganja gandalf um izzy dave for the bits as well thank you for the kind words too loud max marianna and kp1 thank you so much again um what do you think does anyone have any suggestions because i'm kind of at a loss here i was thinking maybe we could try and use some of these planks but they might be a bit too much um give it a patio i mean i could but i don't want to copy this style uh uh maddie pie don't worry about it at all honestly just watching along and it's just hugely appreciated you don't have to be given anything at all honestly um hanging prison do you mean like a prison that is suspended or like a hanging prison i'm not sure i don't know which is worse to be honest [Music] um hmm what if we made it less of a box like we took the corners away here and made it kind of diagonal on each side we'd lose a lot of space though a waterfall that sounds interesting actually can you put leads on villagers this is like the only channel that someone would ask that in a minecraft stream oh dear make roof out of stairs it could do that that would make it look a good bit different um i think an uh some sort of waterfall would be really cool but i don't know how to go about doing it what do you think how could we do it like have it coming out from the floor or like out from the front here like under the windows you could have like a bit of a waterfall or above above the house and coming down the side and then you could have like that might look cool actually you could have some windows on the side jesus christ gang um this immense thank you very much for the bits uh leonie thank you very much for the tip as well that's super kindly a 10 quid thank you very much uh for you thank you for the sub chappelle's thank you for the tip um i've paid my teeth in a while the usernames are too stressful ally thank you very much for the subs good lord amber thank you for the tip as well you're very kind uh what's your favorite pokemon probably charmander as generic as that is i'm sorry i can't give you a more unique answer uh amanda thanks for the bits as well apparently i am guilty people into giving you money again um jeff thank you for the bits as well uh ganja thank you for the sub again winry thank you for the bits uh oh no i landed enter my keyboard and i accidentally gave you bits you qualified for your injection treatment so now i'm just waiting funding to go through and hopefully soon i'll be out of this constant pain jesus winry i hope it goes well for you anyway but you've been through the wars um i hope it gets much better soon above we're gonna go with above and we're gonna put it down the side of the house but we're gonna have to make a pool underneath i guess for the water to go in and we're gonna have to get a bucket maybe two buckets of water and have it come down the side there i think all right let's let's try a little concept first i need how many buckets of water do i need to make an infinite supply is it two or four like one in each corner or do i need four um all right let me let me figure this out all right i'm just going to leave it like this for now just while i'm just to prevent disaster essentially two okay awesome let me let me go get some i need to get my bucket even though i have so much iron ah i didn't bring any with me oh um he's thank you for the tip can i please get a headphone pop oh wrong trunk thank you for the sub ash fireflake charlize thank you so much for the five subs as well again you're always way way too kind to me way way too nice um usernames are stressful thank you for the sub maddie thank you for the tip and happy birthday to you uh like you did last year's the clock struck 12 i was definitely watching your videos thank you very much happy birthday to you maddie um jd thank you for the five subs again and uh booyah baby thank you for the tip boy four buckets already lucky day um right i need to go get that water and we need to somehow do i have a shovel i don't have a shoulder okay let me let me make a shovel real quick god minecraft is so fun dude um shovel i think we're good to go um tanya thank you for the tip jim pickens will hold me hostage if i don't give you my money good lord uh booyah baby thank you for the tip just found out i've been turning in all my homework apparently it's all g wednesday not thursday oh thanks for cheering me up after having that look at my grades i'm sorry to hear that oh effect's sake um chelsea thank you for the tip thanks so much for watching my content for so long since 2018 how do you put up with me that long uh marriage x thank you for the bits and uh yeah i i said i do call it out full every time it just rolls off the tongue honestly it's a good name couches thank you for the bits as well and uh dandelion ellie thank you very much for the two subs um i just need to run to the bathroom real quick so i will be uh i will be right back i've got my i got my friends caught in my headphones it sounds really dodgy i'm in my friend's blanket my parents got me a friend's blanket even though i don't think i've watched friends this year i don't think i have but to be fair i have watched a lot of friends in the past carolina thank you for the sub all right i'll be right back guys that blender thank you for the sub as well oh you're already talking about soup i'm not even gone yet look guys no pants but it actually looks invisible there because the lighting all right i'll be right back [Music] how did the lights come out on my christmas tree oh my god all right i'm back freaking out what does soup mean for those of you who are new i hate soup and everyone reminds me of soup here not because of their personalities they just keep bringing it up yeah the the christmas tree lights came on somehow when i threw it behind me i just came in and realized they're on but i don't think they were on when i threw it it's a weird bit kevin please put villagers on leads and suspend them that can help dude all right let's do this i'm excited for this idea all right yes all right gaming count thank you for the sub couscoupades that blonde guy thank you very much guys very very kind folks thank you um also becoming night time fecking hill okay where's the other piece just so it doesn't ruin the whole landscape it's that one right okay so it's gotta be here that should be fine right it's just so it doesn't destroy the place that should be good i can expand it later i just i don't want it messy can i climb up here do you reckon i always climb up the same vine oh no i don't know about this oh no oh oh no no never going up there again never going up there again never going up there again oh i thought i was a goner that shocked that absolutely that shook me i nearly killed myself again more tatum is it thank you for the sub uh gloria thank you for the sub as well uh curt turn and chibs thank you very much chibs the ocean is not soup no matter how many times you say it it is just not okay let me get real for you for a second here now stop this [ __ ] propaganda all right let's try this again nope all right is that the way everything's just fine isn't it all right now we need to put this down and boom infinite water supply yes and it's so accessible got it okay and then it'll come down here i think let's just try this that's that's right isn't it yeah that looks lined up um we could make the whole thing a little pool um nice bathtub treehouse soup mods can you turn off the chat just kidding uh right that's made it down there let's just see what that kind of looks like ow what is kevin doing we're trying to just vary up the tree houses make it look all a bit different i like it already uh we need to replace the cobble with something probably should have placed the crate block there first but oh well um not sure what to actually put up there that might look okay um wait is that emote only chat louder is [ __ ] [ __ ] oh they're trying to talk everyone [Laughter] oh god that's funny you're back the treehouse is crying i mean i'm not surprised all right i will i destroy everything if i start replacing this i mean i could just pick it up again to be fair [Laughter] that's what my mind sounds like when i'm panicking uh yeah we can just pick this back up i like it i think i'm happy with it okay we got water sorry i don't know i don't know what that was it was just pure panic in my mind atlas george thank you very much for the tip i know mute for a second because i'm coding and turned volume up to here village just hanging from ropes and i'm so traumatized i forgot what i was writing sorry about that dragon off thank you for the tip there as well your cows don't like their pen it's a moo point i love it it's like a cow's opinion it just doesn't matter it's moo maybe i should have a friend's blanket um i need to eat because if i fall again i'm i will die uh i'm just thinking should i try these planks like just for something different they're not really my thing but i just wanted to look a bit different you know how it is it might look ridiculous i don't know let's just take a look yep i was right it does look ridiculous oh how are we gonna do this logs that might be a good idea oh but then i don't have logs i don't like that idea it means i'd have to do more work what do you think i don't know what i i mean i don't mean what do you think about this i'm pretty sure this can't happen um i just don't know what to put up there like we could no it kind of has to be wood i was gonna say should we use um maybe bert maybe birch it's gonna say smooth stone should we try it but i don't think a tree house should have stone in it stone heavy treehouse life you know sorry to bring out the big iq uh devin thanks for the sub knocking thoughts thank you for the bits usernames are too stressful the sorrow um thank you very much for the support to be clear the hang of prisoner suggestion was a prison room hanging off the tree house give those poor villagers a view it's much more cruel okay uh spooky orchid now you're the sub uh vinnie bag of chips ellis george thank you again uh tw um thank you for the sub there uh more today glorias a cartoon chibs uh gaming gal couscoupades thank you very much folks i appreciate it um you can put water on slabs now wait what um use steps but like if i put slabs won't the water sit above it i don't understand just use lava slanted step roof steps could use steps like birch steps going around um might look nice get all turned around now uh oops wrong way steps could look pretty good to be fair after effects sake okay this is just not working do you have to be turned that way for it to let's just try this just to see how it looks um i don't actually know how to make a water elevator i probably it's probably something i should make or at least a more secure vine or rope because i feel like i was using that as a temporary measure and now it's just become permanent it just looks very tall is the problem just drop water oh i thought you'd put signs in the middle or something um well we'll have this waterfall it definitely looks better but i'm not sure if it looks right i don't know if that layer should be also spruce you know um it definitely looks better though [Music] just be lazy i like that solution i like it it's so [ __ ] dangerous i always have that totem of undying on me so that i just can't die um just take out the one layer yeah i was thinking that too but then the roof would be too low inside it i think even though it doesn't matter if this one was you know like this this one had a lower roof because i'm not even going to be really using it am i it's probably just going to be enchanting um yeah i might just do that at least then it'll look uniform because it just looks wrong i think geez we're going all out on this one leaves as an outside yeah we could add more leaves as well uh enchanting needs three high okay we'll we'll put something else in this room because i've committed now i shouldn't have got rid of that no don't start falling apart there um [Music] so now it'll be like this instead stairs are so annoying to work with uh black water stab thank you very much for the tip thank you so much for the kind words as well kb and crochet thank you for the tip as well ginger blight and spooky orchid thank you for the sub too um all right so now we'll get rid of this and the water will sit on top i mean to be fair we don't have to put it in the whole roof we could just lower this one section no one will know it'll be our little secret you'll keep this secret right wouldn't you ow wait it can be too high yeah what do you mean you can't keep a secret why are you like this i think it actually needs to come out a bit uh the roof the overhang needs to come out a little bit let's take a look okay perfect i don't know we're perfect but we got there ah no no no no no don't ruin my precious vines i need them to almost die all the time yes surprised that actually went on right your panic noises keep getting weirder that's because i'm getting more and more stressed uh we could probably get away with just doing an overhang on this side as well might look a bit different all right we'll go take a look at that just to see how it looks so far rather than taking it all or putting it all up and then taking it all down add some leaves definitely need to add some leaves okay now we're talking it looks bizarre but i think in a good way it just looks it looks unusual you know we might have to put something different behind us like a different strip uh right behind it but she is she's definitely unique anyway that's for sure just trying to do something different you know i i because normally i wouldn't do something like this but it's nice to change things up the house is peeing okay let's see ah god damn okay let's try this again try this one and that one yes uh oh oh no oh i don't know how to fix that i just i don't know how to do this in general to be honest it's very awkward we haven't even looked on the inside it might be [ __ ] awful with that bit dropped down um have the water come out the floor by the trunk oh you mean here or should we like roll it down i'm not sure what you mean it's very pretty and aesthetically pleasing from the outside that's all we want we want it to look cool it does not matter if it's practical or not this should be easier to get up from our vines as well shouldn't it or will it make it harder who knows bye bye woods that i'll never see again okay we definitely need some more steps we need more birch wood in general unfortunately so we might have to leave it the way it is unfortunately but i think i'm pretty happy with the direction it's going it looks very unique let me take a look from below um epic mousey thank you very much for the gifted sub that's very nice here and uh mars but moist af thank you very much for the sub as well is that a treehouse or a swimming pool there's a little bit of column a little bit of column okay let's take a look-see um there we go you see now you got a lot going on between the three of them i like it the other because the one at the back it looked way too plain now it looks pretty cool looks adventurous i like it a lot i'm happy what we did but you see what i mean i think behind the waterfall we could put something else there uh we'll try and figure out what to do like maybe even something a stream like this as extreme as glowstone or something even if it's just two blocks of it um or maybe at the top you could put glowstone i don't know we'll figure something out but i think we're um we're good oh where is my horse you're right what the hell did you guys smother him you've done what the cult have done you've been too kind you've smothered him with love oh my god is he dead can that happen he escaped they can't escape can they i what the hell what happened i'm so confused they cuddled him to death i abandoned him when i no i'm pretty sure i put him back in maybe i didn't but i'm pretty sure i did i'm pretty sure i did and surely the chat would went nuts if i just left him out there somewhere i'm so confused he might show up he might not have gone too far they don't wander that much do they because i've had one or two get out on me before he's a cow now uh was he not down there by the water i didn't see him oh that column actually looks pretty cool the water like if you just focus on the column and not the house like the column of water looks really cool going down through the middle no i don't know where the fecker's gone i have no idea um i'm sure he'll turn up and if not sure what happened i have another saddle i'm sure all right let me um second let me jump out of this for a moment and uh i just wanna i wanna show you the dollar house like i said i would before we finish up oh never mind the server's down okay well maybe next time i'll show you my little house that i've been working on you see the lights came on didn't they i you know i wasn't lying it was uh fable hi caves epic mousey thank you very much for the support guys i guess that's where we'll end it there then i was gonna show you the little server but it is not up i'm afraid um so what what can we do i suppose um let me see here let's uh get a raid ready thank you very much for joining me folks you're you're very very kind um for joining me and spending your time with me and you've been super generous uh today it was way way too nice here um but thank you thank you very much for the i'm starting soon that's a good point everyone's just like i can't wait for the stream um thank you very much though for joining me it means a lot to me uh a video will be going up in about an hour and a half uh exposing my addiction you know and it's not among us uh what was it gonna say um yeah i appreciate your time very kindly uh video will be up in an hour and a half uh video will be up the regular time tomorrow however i do not stream on mondays so i won't be streaming um tomorrow when the next raft stream i'm not sure it's just with the holidays we've all been doing our own thing so um when the holiday situation is over like when we're past new year's i imagine but i'm kind of down whenever the lads are free we'll have to see um we're gonna send a raid on over to anna chess i hope you'll enjoy your time over there learn a thing or two perhaps and uh yeah i hope you enjoy your time over there and i hope to see you again on the stream on tuesday about 6 p.m gmt is when i usually stream on weekdays so have a good time over there folks and thank you again for joining me bye bye bye bye bye bye i'm actually in focus now the camera knows i'm here but if i go like this then it focuses on my hand now it's getting weird all right bye folks i appreciate you bye for now it's so uncomfortable hello
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 53,219
Rating: 4.9602914 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: SOypj4rUG3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 39sec (7299 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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