Sasquatch? Big Foot?? Possibly My First Large Animal Encounter in an Abandoned Mine

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on this episode of abandoned and forgotten places Oh we happy we've got an incline champ tier oh look at this guy's cool [Music] welcome back everybody okay to get things started this weekend I found this really interesting trestle with a small or shoot it carried along the side of this hill above a small cliff now you can see the trestle was made out of wood and it has that Center plank that Center plank there was used for the miners to walk on while they're pushing the ore cart off to the end towards the chute now as we head out inside here this area is filled with a lot of granite rock and what this mine does is it goes in and intersects with some really cool quartz veins okay let's head on inside okay so you can see a look at the stratification going into this mine running from lower left to high right see that but that's not necessarily the vein they're just kind of tunneling through country rock at this point and they're gonna be inner to intersect with a vein or an ore body farther up in here oh here we go now here's a nice here's a really nice limonite pocket look at that that's a beautiful beautiful looking pocket of limonite but no gold values in it otherwise they would have mined that out let's keep on going right through this section it's only about four and a half feet tall so crouched over pretty good here okay we're in our first drift we've got rail going off to the left we'll come back and revisit that but for now let's continue on the main holiday at it all right had our first or shoot let's take a better look at that at one time the ladder did go up there and hit a small man way but it's blocked off now okay let's see what's up in here that's as far as that goes right there okay all right now we're starting to see the vein right through here here's what they're removing from that point to their that section okay I've got a bit of a crumbly Rock here to work our way through yeah that's a nice nice look of the vein structure through there see that down on the floor here that's uh that spool is used to have the blasting fuse wrapped around it okay let's continue on that's just wiggling like a like a snake through here gonna be the end of this drift it looks that way yep that's the end of this one okay I'll meet you back by the other drift see you over there okay we just finished up going down that drift there now we're going to turn to our left let's see where this goes now this is a much bigger area I'm liking this I can stand up it's about 7 feet tall through here and it's wiggling through some really beautiful layers and veining all through this section look at all the quartz Wow there's a there's a chute now whenever you see a chute of course that's going to give you an indication that there's going to be workings higher up so maybe we can find a way to get into those little drift off to the left doesn't go very far and another shoot oK we've seen lots of or shoots at these locations so I'm not going to spend too much time on unless I see some cool writing on on the would help in here we've got a an old 55-gallon drum and the geologists have been in here let me show this to you see how they've been marking and spray-paint these different sections where they're taken samples and they're marking the they're marking the strike zones okay let's continue on Oh which we have a we've got an inclined shaft here actually since it's inside the mine it's called the decline shaft very nice look at that guy's excellent okay we may have to come back and revisit that let's look up here oh yeah you can see where it goes outside see it's gonna have an open stove up there and that's what they were working down into those shoes jeez five gallon drum okay like I said we'll come back to that decline let's finish going this direction more barrels see there's not much water in this situation so in order to use water in your drills you got to bring it up here in a barrel or some other means now last time when we got into your barrels they were setting off the o2 monitor because they were rusting but in this mine we've got lots of airflow so we're not going to be encountering that problem another shoot and there you can see the markings load marks from the carbide lamp and it goes up there into a Stolp okay well before we head up in there let's look up weird yeah see that probably the old mine owner owners marked this off right here see they were testing all those different areas determining their value okay we need to go up into this scope and check it out maybe let's see how do you climb a ladder hold the camera at the same time okay here we go all right let me show you what's where we're going here that's looking into the or shoot and now now we're gonna work our way up into this scope well that's pretty slippery alright guys what I'm gonna have to do here is I'll meet you right up there where we can see daylight try to get to that spot see you up there okay made it up to a place where I could get a foothold here now let's see what's over here nothing off into that section just keep going off air to the outside and heads this direction words now let's see you gotta get here up this board here it's like a big pack rat nest yeah that's as far as it goes there okay that's gonna be it for this little Stolp section let's head back over to that decline see what that's all about okay before we head down into that decline I got mr. Magnifico here we're gonna explain to you how how the Skip car works and these catches up here so it goes to a metal wear band here and kicks out the this kid would come up here and fontina distant past it and up and beyond it and then they could dump out the bottom here is where they dumped they have to dump right here any of your cards yeah and so if the Skip had a pivot point on it and then roll it pivot it and then once think on an empty tin they will hold it back up then it would be up here as it came down this would close down here we go bonk into here and then back on your male guides & downloads ego gotcha okay pretty interesting though with the spring loading the engineering you know all eggs and washers and things interesting is this started to bandit had been hit so many times and that had a hole in it which made it weaker there but it bends back so many times but it started bending I see that yeah it doesn't tendon it doesn't it this is side the other side still straight alright well that's how a skip cart works okay let's head down into this D coin okay that's pretty steep so be real careful I gotta be careful here how I do this because I am holding onto a camera see there we go oh yeah that's a nice ladder oh yeah it helped us but turn the flashlight on on guys there we go yeah it's close to vertical I'd say what 85 90 not quite 90 okay now this I like this ladder but this next one here looks a little sketchy looks like these ladders were rebuilt probably sometime in the 60s oh that one's ready to break thank you next up on that one there we go okay what do we have here looks like is it gonna drift off it might just drift hmm okay I got to work my way kind of just sitting on this rail trying not to get a nail in my butt okay yeah there's a there's a small drift going off this direction let's explore that first oh yeah nice keeps going excellent what the problem is look down there so we'd have an or pass and that's either rail or a ladder down in there I think it's a ladder let's see here it might go up there and around the corner I'm gonna try to get work my way around this without kicking a bunch of dust there we go then we'll just end up reading it later very nice yeah yeah they were drifting off into that vein but they stopped right here you can clearly see all the holes see that okay I'm gonna work my way back to the decline we'll see you over there okay so we worked our way back to the decline you can see mr. em up there topside he's gonna hang out there while we work our way down into this bugger and as I was coming back let me point something out to you right over here see where they marked the vein you can clearly see it from that point to that point okay that's the vein structure vector mining in this decline and it keeps on going for that direction alright let's continue on down nice ladder well so far so good anyways now usually you shouldn't go down a ladder front ways but that's what I'm doing right now so I can get the shot but know we're all out of ladder section hello that was sketchy yep I'm not gonna be able to get around this until with with a cold in the camera so I'll meet you folks down there by that beer bottle see you down there okay that's where we just came from you can see that section there I didn't have any ladders to climb on but indeed we did make it to the bottom of this short decline we have oh there's a bunch of dynamite cardboard dynamite boxes or remnants of it looks like you know these these here that's all bags of ANFO you know nitrate drill okay so if we keep going this way we should work over to where we saw you there that ladder or the rail there's a bunch of tamping sticks down there on the ground tamping in the dynamite Oh looky here oh very cool we got a little winds and it goes up that way okay well I'm gonna have to walk and there's a whole sketchy ladder here let me show you what we're doing let's hope it don't break down in that winds yeah oh great well that's really interesting all right well before we look down there let's look up here [Music] big stoked out area makes you wonder if it goes past that crown up there oh it's pretty darn steep let's see if I can give up there oh look at there see I'm glad I rounded the corner look at this and that's beautiful yeah this is an area where they were working okay I'm gonna have to hold the camera a little different here there we go nice see how they were working this dope the beautiful vein structures through here okay let's see if we can go up any higher no that's as far as it goes right there all right let's head back down to that wins Oh yeah so what it was what they were doing here was think of this as kind of a warpath that's where where we just were it's coming down into this area then they were bringing it up through this little hole so it really doesn't make sense to go down there it's just going to be the bottom of that or pass but my curiosity has got me wondering just like yours is let's let's check it out oh it's dusty let's see what's down here you never know I've been 40 years since anybody's been here well there is a bunch of books ela look at how the the wind is blowing the dust out of his mind see that let's see here Wow we have here oh look at this guy's oh cool Wow super cool I was wrong that was not a nor pass well it was but not for that Stoke that we were just in look at how large this area opened up into let me have here oh there's the outside right there [Music] turns out it was just a big college at it this thing is probably 10 feet across 15 feet tall yeah I know I'm huffing and puffing pretty good cuz we're at about 7,000 feet in elevation here and I'm still still getting adjusted alright well we're gonna work our way back outside and I'm gonna walk back up the mountain and meet up with mr. M at the top of the decline I'll see you over there alright well that was fun see you just don't know until you go down into some of those places I thought that that was just gonna be an ore pass and they were bringing the war out of that little tiny winds with that ladder but it turns out no it went completely down to a more modern or pass that was probably dug out sometime in the 80s and all this material that is around me right here they're dropping into the bottom and they're working it over to that real big or pass and bringing it out there so what I had to do is once I worked out the bottom of the out of the bottom of the mountain I had to run back around back up the hill and in through the main hollow Janet to catch up with mr. M here so he wasn't waiting on me but while he was waiting on me he found something really cool take a look at this well it's an old newspaper no sense and zooming real close on it you'll just have to trust me but it says the it's the it's the Bridgeport news and it's March of 1943 and the reason you know what's up in the 40s is it says right here let's see if I can get a better view for you get nope oops wrong wrong button sorry there we go it says soldiers wounded at the Battle of Iwo Jima right there kind of cool yeah sometimes you get lucky in find something neat like that in these mines okay well we're gonna get on out of here and see what else we can find in this area let's go [Music] let's see what's in this one Wow this adit is just huge it's probably six feet across on the floor eight feet tall so right now we're working our way through a bunch of granite country rock and I'm pretty sure what the reason that they put this at it at this location is there gonna be intersecting with those vein-like or bodies further on up the hill nice big mine this is fantastic okay guys we've got a big critter up in this mine and I think it could be I'm not 100% sure what it is but it's very large so we're going to have to back out cap that could be a mountain lion viii okay we're back out of the mind gonna have to fix my camera say kind of fell over getting out of there okay I'll be right back okay I got things all straightened back out again after tripping and smashing my thumb and my elbow I'm bleeding all over the place no I don't know if I caught it on camera but we just got chased out of this mine by what I think is a mountain lion it was very large whatever it was but let's peek back in here maybe we can see some eyes you see some glowing eyes then that would give me an idea what kind of a critter we're dealing with but whatever it was it was very large yeah I'm not seeing anything right now so you definitely don't want a court corner a mountain lion that wouldn't be good and as much noise as he made up in there stomping around over that rock it's a it's a pretty large animal I'm gonna look down here on the ground real quick and see if I can see any prints see I'm not seeing any prints but the the ground is pretty darn hard through this area so yeah it's hard telling just what that is okay but we're gonna have to stay out of this one for now we're gonna we'll come back and revisit it another time I certainly don't like I said I certainly don't want to come face to face with a mountain lion that wouldn't be good so okay let's work back out of this mine see outside okay guys I thought it would be a good idea to talk about what I just experienced down there well if you can see all the blood all over me I got blood all over my pants blood on my arm cut my finger my thumb up pretty darn good hey I got blood all over my hand it is pretty darn funny because you know now I've been in and out of these mines now for a year and the law of averages states that if you crawl into enough holes eventually you're gonna run into a critter and indeed that's what we have down here but well I don't know what it is but it's large so I could hear the thing run I could hear it take off and go further up into the added and the the stomping noises that it was making what was so large and prevalent I mean it wasn't like a small animal like a mine cat I mean this thing was thumping it was kicking rock you could hear it just go thump down into the at it and the the second that I heard that sound my brains my brain said one of two things are happening either I chased a critter orders there was a collapse and that's why immediately when I heard that when I heard that sound because I know what a collapse sounds like I twisted around my feet fell off from underneath me I hit the dirt and skinned myself up pretty good but I would sure like to know what the hell that critter is it's a big it's a big animal you said you when you came out and you were all dinged you said it sounded like it was on two feet well see that's that's the very strange thing about it because an animal that's that's running through a situation like that with four feet makes kind of a clump Atika lumpa d sound kind of like a horse the noise that that thing makes made sounded like it was it was two footed like as if I was to go into a full-bore run down and add it you know running into it crashing through the rock that's that's the way it sounded but no I I don't believe in Sasquatch and all that foolishness but I do think that what we've got down in here is either it's either a mountain lion or it could be a full-grown wild pig could be a hermit you know well I don't believe in that goofy stuff you got an animal down in there but nevertheless I was pretty darn exciting okay well we're not done with that mine I think what we're gonna do is like I said we're gonna wait we'll revisit it some you know a few days from now when we come back to this area to finish the rest of these mines well we're gonna let that one sit for a while maybe that critter will get out of there and then we'll go back in it wouldn't be any fun coming face to face with a mountain lion d you think this is blood it would be a lot more blood if that happened okay let's get on out of here and see you next weekend take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 332,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: cfXByY66PL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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