The Shark Cage S2 ♠️ E14 ♠️ Final Table: Phil vs. Daniel ♠️ PokerStars

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here in Monaco the final table is down to four for the bests and this time I am NOT just saying that Daniel Negreanu Antonio Esfandiari Maria Howe and Phil Ivey one of them is gonna ship the silver shock fin trophy plus a barrel load of cash and with no cage action yet that means there's almost a mill ball still in the prize pool nine hundred and sixty six thousand reasons to stick around six began this journey but an early upset for Andre saw him go big on he's caught and go home made a mistake but I'm really really happy about the blame with these guys it's an incredible experience for me gifting Antonio a monster chip lead I decided I'm just gonna run before the cage looks set to lock up its first ever finalists but a mistake from Antonio on scuppered that they're gonna laughing about what I really wanted to see was Phil Ivey being miserable in that cage I would have paid just to see them leaving Phil to get the better of Maria I can I had an opportunity to get Phil out I'm gonna go with they weren't rooting for you to win that hand he's obviously enemy number one come on ko Jennifer I was got a little upset at myself but I'd be he's so good he's really just playing for first a needle Daniel play yeah 10 10 6 I never leave home without a pen who clearly had the poker gods on his side with one hand your life's true no big deal you know I'm Daniel Negreanu now this consummate quartet continue their quest to shut the cage and shift the cash welcome to Monaco and the final installment of season 2 of the shock age as things stand antonio esfandiari is leading the pack but four-handed i have the chip lead i'm feeling pretty confident in my mind it's just smooth sailing so far maria ho hasn't been intimidated by the poker royalty surrounding her at the table and she's sticking to her gameplan obviously me against the toughest best poker players in the world i kind of want to play small ball that's more my specialties daniel negreanu sits 13 ships but that doesn't concern him in fact his confidence is high for or left I'm doing just fine cruising in there ready to throw some jabs Antonio's got the lead for now but I'm ready to strike I fell I be maybe the low man at the table but don't forget he's Phil Ivey I'm not like oh wow Antonio has chips it's not even a thought that comes in my head I've been in situations like this before and I've won before nothing I'll do it again four players one prize I can't believe it's almost over I'm getting emotional over here yeah someone's gonna be emotional when they went nearly a million bucks did you guys basically start playing poker at the same like age he saw her playing before me well I'm older than you by two years right which how old were you when you started 21 no I started when I was like 1767 no I started around 17 years old for play money I'm sure I got all the experience on him years of wisdom if you follow Daniels tweets you'll realize his wisdom is sporadic at best so as we rejoin the action blind to 10,000 and 20,000 with a 5,000 ante it's been folded - Antonia on the button who's got a SFIL the Aces pump-fake good enough friend Tony oh that's a race Maria folds Daniel with jack seven suited calls do you know yep you know this is the kind of thing that keeps women away from the game it's up to the flop which gives Daniel second pair bottom pair for Antonio this is some classic Daniel vs. Antonio Daniel is checked Antonio bets I'm kind of surprised he continued when this board hits Daniels range so hard but make no mistake he'd be much happier with a fold here Daniel calls I do not think Antonia will bet again turn card is a deuce doesn't change anything and the action goes check check we're going to the cage Street the river is a five the Daniels go to look on this and if he bets it'll definitely play the value card if he gets called it'll almost always be by a better hand so he can't afford to risk going to the cage there's the value card followed by the bet as it is it is the best hand and he probably won't get called but because of the cage Antonio does have to think about it it shot clocks running but like a guy coughing into a rag in a zombie movie Daniel's always got it Antonio down to five seconds three two one he falls always always with the value tell our roll we know that's all yeah you know who else knows Antonio tied these up do that look I'll for sure which one that was like E and that makes me love ya cool story bro true Daniel doesn't have to mix him up we know it's always value Daniel doesn't really Bluff rivers which means when he does it gets through I know that logic is circular it's like the chicken and the egg and thinking about that mostly makes me hungry blinds are up to 12 24 with an 8k ante action will be on Antonio Queen 9 offsuit here we go again he raises rear faults Daniel's out fill in the big blind with King 10 Phillip Horatio IV he defends and once again Antonio's opponent flops best fill with top pair Antonio with second pair no matter how good a poker player you are it's hard to win if you can't catch a card actually goes check check turn for free deuce of diamonds Phil picks up a flush draw to go with top pair and he's very likely to start going for value now he leads Antonio's got no choice but to pay this off we go to the river and that means the cage is in play six of clubs Phil should feel pretty confident in betting this again here comes a chunky bat and here comes the value card this time Antonio's got a little bit tougher decision feels gonna be bluffing here more often than Daniel going into the cage at this point would be a bigger disaster than accidentally replying all when you've been bcc'd on an email Francine we love because it's funny we love because it's true Antonio is down to ten seconds five seconds he calls man that China has been running like he's in one of those dreams where your feet don't move phil takes him to value town ant a frown town that's him Thank You Phil now to one and a half million in chips you almost feel bad for Antonia and then you see how many commas on his lifetime earnings and you're like me Antonio does still hold the chip Lee but not by much Phil first to speak and he's got ace king he raises Antonia with Jack eight of clubs on the button he's lost the first two pots and I don't think this one's gonna go his way either oh he's getting frisky try that little re-raise third time lucky raffles Daniel with ace deuce suited he passes its action back home Phil so we know it's virtually impossible that I was gonna fold but will he do more than call whatever he does he'll do it like a boss cuz he's Phil Ivey oh that's Phil Ivey sigh 10-second warning five seconds come on Phil shops hi-yah most of the time this is a fold fold like the wind but Antonio's lost like two hands in a row and it's probably no frustrating they're suited straight flush draw come on now he's you're easy really fall I just like the action Antonio's clock is tickin he folds and Phil takes the chip lead a chitling that Antonio had held exclusively since the start of this final table but right now he's getting pounded like a cheap beer on spring break not the best feeling in the world but we've all seen crazy comebacks before at the end of the day it's still poker and who knows what's gonna happen four players are still in the mix in the shark-cage final and phil ivey is now table boss having taken the chip lead from antonio esfandiari it's pretty brutal because you know it started off so good I was just coasting I felt great I was super confident I made one mistake and now Phil's a big favorite one wasn't done cell count again it's certified badass yeah Senegal is the baddest sorry Phil Ivy's got some old-school hustle he knows the moves he knows how to get the reads you know he's an expert village obviously enemy number one I think at this table so I'm gonna try to stay away from him just a little bit it's actually pretty close between fell Antonio and Maria with Daniel bringing up the rare blind still 1224 action folder - Daniel not gonna play his button fill with Ace King again just calls in the small blind pocket sevens for Antonio get out your spring board in your Mac cuz wheeze about to be flippin Antonio goes for the race well if you ain't flipping then you must be trippin put your hand up on my chips when I flip you flip we flip please stop you put you okay when I flip you flip we flip Phil doesn't know there's a shot clock right think there's boss cares it's down to five seconds and that is a rear ace action back on Antonio you put your hand up on my chips when I flip you flip we flip I told you to stop all he's got to do is get it in 10-second warning oh all in on a call like blondes versus brunettes one of these two hands has the slight mathematical advantage this is the one kind of the one to win good luck sir thank you you too it's a real nail-biter Antonio needs his sevens to hold he's the player at risk here and there's an H on the flop naturally speeds he is a natural a real Wonder Boy Oh Antonio now needs a seven that was fun yeah two outs and he needs to hit on the river there's still hope a five percent chance of survival the river is sent to the local flowers please fans on last time you re Filip gonna finish the shark-cage good luck hoe he held the chip lead for so long why don't you please win only any of us expected him to go in fourth place you know I started off so good I decided I was just gonna run before I was playing pretty aggro because ii doesn't matter you gotta get all the chips or go home so i was just trying to get all the chips get it in and pretty god than an ace doesn't come but it's phil ivey you know for sure it's coming ace for king I mean can't fade that ah that was fun you know I ran good I picked up a lot of hands but when it really counted I did not run so good geez is there an address for people can send their cards and letters well there you go oh yeah a little pep talk I gave you on the break that's right I'm just too good a friend sometimes build you up it's a single big bill tree on the same question yeah you were down in the jobless down it was like oh no man I just made a big mistake I'm finished it's a no Phil you can do this look what I did trading a monster created a monster seasons in a row finals nobody in the cage so all that pretty money sitting out there nobody wanted it so that means first gets the whole enchilada right just dawned on me with three players remaining the cage is out of play two years in a row no cage action in the final it's more chatter to the eventual winner on this hand we're gonna go in the tank with Daniel we'll only see his whole cards which are seven five he's cold Phil who now has a ridiculous chip lead calls out of the small blind interesting limp I us like verbal Kint hopefully we'll get away with it like verbal Kint Maria has checked her option we're going three-way to the flop Queen six for up and down straight draw for Daniel that's about as good a flop as we could hope for plus where Daniel we're gonna get their fill bets out Maria folds I like calling here sometimes Phil will give up and we can steal it sometimes we'll hit our hand Daniel does coal the turn card is a seven second pair for Daniel to go with that straight draw Phil checks I think we should probably just check I think we should probably just bet I meant to say bet title does bat and what's Phil thinking you think it was this guy gat was this guy over here yet was he got me beat Oh Phil's check rised and that's why I was gonna opt for a check there we can't really fold this I don't think the problem is if we can and don't improve when we face Phil's bet in the river we'll be in a real spot time ticking away for Daniel 10 seconds left to make a decision he elects to call like there is ever any doubt what Daniel was gonna do the river card is the seven of hearts trips for Daniel but it does put a potential flush out there well what was I thinking we're Daniel Negreanu we're kid poker documentary coming soon of course we're going to improve prom is that Phil could have been raising us on the turn with a flush draw easily yeah ten seconds five seconds and there's a bat from fell last time we played against Phil I was dead certain we should call and I was dead wrong in this spot I think he's gonna have us beat a lot oh well I got one legged laundry clerk I am leaning toward a fold Daniel is down to ten seconds I need a time he plays a time back chip the one thing we got going for us is that I don't think Phil expects us to have a seven very often he could be trying to bluff us off a worse hand but Phil knows how much Daniel loves the call and Daniel knows Phil knows that just feel like you have full house we got Queen seven this is basically old poisoned wine routine I don't don't get fooled it Daniel calls this Queen Phil claims to have ace queen but he doesn't hahaha he was bluffing with Jack eight I'm he's fallen victim to one of the classic blunders ace Queen uh okay this is IV style uh uh ace queen or eight nine whatever I don't remember five hundred huh Daniel takes a decent chunk of Phil stock and takes the chip lead never get involved in a land war in Asia and never go in against Negreanu and you expect him to fold the river lines now fifteen thousand thirty thousand with a ten thousand ante King nine suited for Phil raising the button Maria with Jack ten in the small blind she's now the shortest stack at the table she calls seventy-five as a total correct Daniel getting a great price but he's way behind King three of diamonds three way to the flop which is seven six six so Phil had the best hand preflop and he has the best hand post flop with King nine hi everyone's checked to the razor he checks behind double paired board now the king highs are chopping this and I don't think anyone can bet it it checks around again Queen on the river so if this goes to showdown Daniel and Phil will chop this pot but it might not go to share down Maria Maria Maria you cheeky little monkey she bets I think Daniel lets this go no think again he raises the rare Negreanu river bluff raise and he gets a fall from the guy he was chopping with though technically he's bluffing with the best hand which means Maria can't even call she can jam a deej a MIDI jamming a jam but it seems unlikely yeah she lets it go huh what's that how's the blow up on the dam are you talking about hello what do you mean Bluff Phil I was a bluff that one was a bluff why what did you tease awesome different it makes me think it's a bluff I just old I got to know I gotta know he spelled out Elizabeth I got a note to tell me what you know well you tuned in and what short cage and you'll find out they need to know go to hide it's a Phil Ivey his read on Daniel there with pretty solid what makes Phil I'm so great billing to read people he knows for the most part when I'm trying to run a big bluff it's rare though book one is I'm talking about a blow and I made my one big bluff he's like you Bluff that wound in yo Mike wouldn't be bluff it was a bluff that one was awful how the heck does he know everything dear Daniel you are not bluffing you had the best hand the entire time dub the internet you don't have that much right I got more than you Daniel Polk and Phil I got more than he does yeah I got the Moe's yeah Daniels like the only guy in the planet that can get away with this her poking blind still fifteen thirty King Jack suited her fill he raises Maria folds Daniel has six five no choice careful that gotta see a flop in the big bun there's the call so it's Daniel versus Phil again and Daniel flop strips top six of Spades six of Hearts check I don't see you Phil falling for this check check a king on the turn now I see I'm falling for it a little daniel leads phil now with top pair even if you think daniel has a six you can't just go folding top hair he calls the river it's a jack Wow Daniel is running better than Prefontaine Daniel value Betts's trips Phil forced to call with top to nope 6550 came Jackson to Daniel trip 66 back good call good call good thing you didn't raise it was smart you know you're doing smart kid this one we couldn't get trips like that I just that's how I play been doing a long time you cheat you I could teach you that trick yeah I won't learn it you do I do okay I'm gonna drink you very very difficult but I think you're capable of understanding the depth of how you hit flops that book would be a best-seller imagine how I would do if I didn't hit flops oh my god I'd never win anything ever this is a shield hold it so obvious you have a six about 350 you ever gonna have what see it happens to everybody even phil ivey so daniel negreanu is good fortune continues well if you want to compete against the best in the game you could join us in monaco next year qualify for the EPT at here at the shark-cage final table daniel macro news master plan is working i'm playing tight huh you notice that it's all part of my big plan you're gonna loosen up at the end when it matters most rate bought with phil nipping at his heels and maria hanging on in there it ain't gonna be a walk in the park can't get change 25 please thank you was it you that told me that story about how still didn't know who Jonathan yeah I'm always after he wanted me to I think he's like hi he's like what's your name Jeff things like Jonathan Emily he won the main event you really Oh congratulations I would have taken any amount of money that still didn't know my name and so like maybe if it's not that's aside I would have actually I think you're right I don't know a few like this summer basically no not unless we go that it when would you like I think my line my line when they rush you you know your name last year there you go and I didn't even have to win a main event he knows your name I don't have a bracelet I made it I made it Phil knew my name last year one time Phil Daniel and I went out and me and Phil carry to pass out Daniel to his hotel room together and the next day he called me Jason cool story Jason blinds 15:30 Maria is the shortstack King nine Oh she shoves Daniel folds filled with a six-course bill calls he has a six against King nine I'm pretty sure both of you did this correctly according to the is the nine of Spades the king of clubs Charlie no Showtime yeah yeah so Maria at risk and behind Phil do you remember that time like three people ago when your tournament life was on the line yeah I guess we feel like kind of a return the favor right deal give you a shot got a return in favors mmm so she said good I get it why cut to his mom I do that's about the first time I know you did I just helping this little sick man up for the people at all with her issues that's why I'm you ever phone are you Daniel yeah aren't you yeah that's fun she will be if she wins this pot I've had fun no matter what but I do want to win this pot like let's not well you know that Mike she wins his hand I get it does it I do want to win this pot but I hang on come o party time shot Phil gives absolutely zero fudges the flop is pretty much all fell the church says lots of turns have Mirage drying dead really good flop for Phil Phil's the only player you are sharp I know sadly figure that out you don't need a chart really looking for a king or a nine seven hots on the turn reduces Maria's outs decide if the King of Spades is coming on the river or the nine yeah you're between those two good point slip those are the two Maria being swept by her boyfriend Luke or glad or no I don't know some boy band name Maria's tournament life on the line the all-important river card is a seven she's out in third does that mean no shots good luck thank you thank you okay son alright hey boss like in poker yeah looks that way done it's little while we ever been heads up and turn know you always get knocked up usually come forth right so this is different you don't know how to deal with me heads up now whole new ball game I'm nervous yeah I can see that so close but how so far I really enjoyed this experience but I wanted to get to the heads-up part where I could really battle it out and test myself against the best in the world I made it well knew my name last year to play with so many elite players if anything I wouldn't say I won nine hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars worth of experience but like I won maybe like fifty thousand dollars worth of experience today from them this is the first time Phil Ivey and I have ever been heads up for any tournament play dang and plenty of time set up just not in the tournament he knows my game back and forth I know his game as well cuz we've been playing together for so many years I know what he likes to do he knows what I like to do so when I take all of it I know I need to make a comeback I'm up against a very tough player I like my situation but I mean it's variety so it's not like I'll be able to cruise to victory I'm gonna have to make some hands can you believe we've got Negreanu versus Ivey heads up pretty sick whatever you need Phil you can have all right give him the button it's okay I have the chip leader it's not a barrel clone itself played solid tight is right and you put Rick you guys were getting in there gambled up whatever I just you know plug along one way from you dump a million to you it was gonna happen you're kids you can't help yourself okay eventually you're gonna do it this is history ladies and gentlemen this is like the De Niro Pacino restaurant scene in heat and Phil Ivey great us blinds are still 15 30 fell raising his button with nine six well Daniels in with ace four clubs town you're starting off for the best of it like we would expect but heads up things can get a little weird real art check Daniels still with the best hand here comes a bat from fell and Daniel check raises and I don't think this is really a bluff I think he knows he's raising with the best hand Phil cools that is a weird float Phil's probably got a trick or two up his sleeve oh maybe this was the plan hit a six on the turn yeah one of those tricks was to peel a six I guess Daniel no checks Phil's gonna be pretty confident he's got the best hand since Daniel would probably never actually raise a queen no bets roughly half pot if Daniel calls here he's probably prepared to call river too he does call the river card is an eight so Phil with the best of it Daniel checks and phil bats this is awesome I don't have that good hand I don't have that good hand bono I felt like he was gonna try to make a goofy move so I might pay him 400 yes trying to say you have a queen sir when do you how do you you're gonna learn my trick how to flop trip okay Daniel calls you like and Phil takes the chip late yeah good I played good kinda except you got there I check race Queen Queen three he calls six nines he thinks he's gonna outplay me that's what this kids doing hold a bit more on us yeah whatever if I don't fold about the pot so and once you're done call Ivan ace bill really knew where he was at in the hand fantastic value bet I had him Queen Queen three chick raised call six nine okay that's the kind of game he's playing yeah I see you like to Pacquiao Mayweather fight right yes what this is that's what it's like um you know I do like Floyd let's move check check check I don't look like Floyd to me haha no can't hit him this is better than the Pacquiao Mayweather fight because I was actually gonna win this and it didn't cost fifty bucks to watch it right now Phil has the advantage and the blinds are up to 20,000 40,000 eight seven for Daniel ninety towers he raises ace Queen suited for Phil oh really now he's reraised so he did and he's got by far the best of it okay Daniel Coles could be a good one the flop sees Daniel pair is eight Daniels back to his old tricks again not even a club out there for Phil Phil continues Daniels Oh Lynn aah hey you don't want to know for you got another 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 58 hi I mean that's your hand sorry point what 1.65 looks like Phil's calling get a sigh yeah yeah yeah Phil calls where's me yeah Daniel a 3 2 1 favorite to double up here Daniel's in the lead with a pair of eights that's correct but he needs to dodge aces and queens good luck sir thank you neither one of these guys got to where they are today by being unlucky that's for sure if Phil hits it's all over the turn card is the 9 Daniel now an 86% favorite fell still looking for an Ace or a queen for the win hmm yeah Oh lean yeah no no a snow queen he went yeah your hair's accent yeah yeah very good oh god I have hair Hey he is no fair a sigh I told him hey sy call anyway I say you a side he said oh no you leave now yeah maybe a sore Queen come here you'll feel better but if you never know but if you give me 1000 then they'll lose that's it you might favor it ok ok you can be bought you could be bought to give up the lead to the end sorry ok never heard of a Russian accepting a bribe the river boom mm-hmm it's a sex he says boom I pull out louse 1.65 million because I got a full house and he's got a sigh over there yeah champion over here okay that's what I'm talking about cars breaking even a little bit Daniel now a monster chip leader I like playing with you it's fun now I've been doing it way more then I wasn't like a little while ago when you're just been raising me all the time okay man nobody makes phil ivey smile like Daniel nobody male at least can't see uh how much she playing about not as much I was oh yeah you don't have that much yeah I don't what are you racist now yes he did with ace three Daniel King deuce he's in well it is suited Dan there's no point three betting he'll likely just get jammed on by better the flop is eight traduce pairs for both players it could all go in here no Phil bets Daniel calls the turn card is another three trips for Phil and Daniel is drawing deed Phil bets again and that Trey ball is a great card from Phil because I don't think Daniels gonna be too scared of it yeah Cole's again go to the river which is another eight counterfeiting Daniels deuces he's checked for a third time he's looked very funny bring it on down a valuable Olin I am Olin Phil shoved that card didn't help me maybe it did are you trying to bluff me know whatever let's go ahead Daniel Falls had the other pair deuces good kicker though you bluffed that one of course not it's true it's true unless you folded an eight he did not Bluff that one maybe that card saved me money yes it did yeah you had an eight Wow you got three yeah lucky me the deck let you escape escape from State Penitentiary IV okay let's take a break probably a good idea Daniel or Phil for the win hashtag-shocking we're making history on the shark-cage for the first time ever daniel negreanu and phil ivey are heads up in a poker tournament I feel like for all the poker fans and for all the poker enthusiasts out there like this is the best outcome possible Daniel is the chip leader right now but you can never discount Philip Horatio IV riding off ivy it would be like trying to write off Botox on your taxes it's a mistake and it's gonna leave you looking a little bit wildered blinds 2040 with a 15k ante Daniel at roughly a five to one chip advantage action fill queen seven to computer hand I'm gonna talk like a computer I'm a computer ok I'm gonna stop talking like a computer cool and a check and top pair for Daniel second pair for Phil not a good hand for a guy who's up against it like Phil hard to get away from a pair like a hot girlfriend who treats you bad Daniel bets Phil calls the turn card is a three Daniel checks phil bats quickly called by Daniel yeah Phil can't love that quick call six on the river two pair for Daniel Joel pair to peg good there you had that no you didn't have to be hmm good you're not that beat did you nope Queen eight nope Wow he shows the Queen News you're no eight what I'll still have that I don't know I don't know what these with what else do you have what do I play absent you play six nine on a Queen Queen three flop for a check raise I rosin I do remember that I was gonna I'll play you well apparently yeah and you and you did you just no problem six on three yeah but all it all felt different to you if if I miss the six it would have felt different I would have made it feel different really made no you had me like it's on a string like this that's the thing you don't know hey I got me like a puppet more I want more it's to her amazing that's the thing I don't know okay Daniel with the IV hand 99 six I think the IV hand is six nine James and Phil has Queen seven again I'm not gonna talk like a computer and fill flops top at Daniel with a gut shot straight draw bets film I finally get some back here door Daniel can continue running like Secretariat he's got all kinds of tricks he does that see what I do with my eyes he's not gonna stop looking oh no you know I had garbage you win he does this you stole that move from Scottie win he used to do that all the time half like this voodoo it's one way to keep getting from sucking out on him no nice run there Jerome thanks kid poker yeah he's good he'll have your check raise your mom before when you guys play poker night in dirty check raging mother that's the thing sounds like an insult careful lines are now twenty five thousand and fifty thousand with a fifteen thousand ante those got eight nine he raises Daniel with a pair of sevens that's a rear ace I like the three bet Daniel doesn't mind get it in with two sevens here but I don't see Phil folding nine hi either he's way too likely to be live he Cole's in position the flop is king eight seven a pair for Phil but a set for Daniel Daniel checks huh Phil checks behind both planets low but Daniel's playing it slow here the turn card is a five giving Phil a straight draw and now that Phil's got a legit draw it makes it even less likely that he's gonna fold Daniel bets come on no shelves I call I'm Daniel Coulson that's good this could be it oh I went oh no you need a six never mind yeah I didn't see that part but I'm in good shape right now I'm ahead best shape of his life you never know yeah Phil needs a six don't do it to us I got some drinking to do four cards IV can hit something tells me team IVs not exactly worried where their next meals coming from it's okay he'll be fine he's in good hands doesn't look like their first rodeo you don't wanna win like that anyway catching the six you want huh you don't care right just what happens ha ha ha I'll be dirty he won't he doesn't wanna win that way kids throw it back the six comes he just throw it that sure would he'd be like you know what no I don't want it I can't I can't win like that that's my reputation Gillian that's bad for Phil's reputation is how much smiling he's been doing isn't that right you little cutie pie the river card is a 10 Daniel takes it down want to know whoa hey Phil the bad news is you got to sweep that up look at it read the fine print brother yay that's that know I know sober I'm gonna mm-hmm thank you it was fun we had fun ah thanks thank you boom whoo you don't mean it I do aah only a little bit became second that's pretty good that's almost as good as first good for $0 it's right up there yeah yeah exactly guess what Daniel the taxes out a million dollars are outrageous congratulations to Daniel commiserations to failed yeah we're the party at now seriously where is it I feel good it was a lot of fun shark cage is exactly what Pope you're supposed to be competition fun and some high-level poker as well win it pretty awesome I feel okay and I have chance to win a million dollars it didn't work out this time but as always the next one it was really fun playing heads up with Phil Ivey from a historic perspective to have a matchup myself versus him is what we've done in the game for the last 20 years it's pretty epic it was fun and exciting to play Daniel heads up he's one of my good friends and other than when he's playing me I'm always rooting for my intention was to win and that's exactly what I did you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 6,538,081
Rating: 4.7828808 out of 5
Keywords: poker, pokerstars, online poker, Poker 2015, 2015 Poker, final table, shark cage, main event, Daniel Negreanu (TV Personality), Phil Ivey (Film Actor), Maria Ho (TV Actor), Antonio Esfandiari (TV Actor), final table pokerstars, phil vs daniel, phil vs daniel final table, phil vs daniel pokerstars, phil vs daniel the match
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2015
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