PokerStars Championship Cash Challenge ♠️ Episode 3 ♠️ Featuring Kevin Hart ♠️ PokerStars

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[Music] [Music] previously on the Pakistan Championship cash challenge Charlie Carroll made bad read of the battery [Music] [Music] Kevin Hart draft livery in true Kevin Hart style challenge Amelie Monroe also got in on the bluffing burry business [Music] [Music] so to rejoin the action Milla is up over 7,000 euros Daniel and Ferraz are the big winners with Charlie Carol the biggest loser he is down more than 25 grand so far we have played 53 of 150 hands the action preflop is pot limit its No Limit after the flop blinds 2550 with a 10 euro ante I'm James Hartigan he's Joe Stapleton hello my babies and this is hand 54 the Challenger Mila Monroe is under the gun and false 50 Daniel's cold livers cold Kevin Cole's Charlie is in his fur I was gonna be cool he's got eyesight not cool that's a race how much do you want I don't totally figure out what I have plenty good I was willing to say the same thing you gonna buy peace I got a car and if we're talking about gonna be stupid if I didn't guys first of all let's get this out my hand is not good story checks out so Feroz raised it up huh I think he's talking to you for as did race three players cold so we are four way to the flop pretty good for Daniel okay he's got second pair and a straight draw 65% equity for ours has got ace high in a gutshot checks it's my turn so I don't know 150 sure changing it up 1 155 oh here comes a real hand oh okay oh okay give him some action hilarious blockbuster action like central intelligence except Kevin's probably gonna lose money on this one yeah I guess he's turned bottom pair into a bluff Oh deuce on the turn check to my friend good old buddy Dan you're still a big favorite hey pal it's up to you check checking is probably the best option Daniel's not folding does anyone have a surrender flag they can bring to Kevin just over 2,300 euros in the pot as we go heads up to the river which is a three oh that seems like a good spot for me to check Daniels pair of tens it's good jack or another Tim smart as I was not going anywhere like you know what's important you got to know when to quit Daniel now up over 15k the beneficiary of Kevin miss reading his hand mr. Hart is still in profit though just hopefully doesn't miss read his scripts what have we been missing Oh straddle who knew Daniel was a pinot grigio monster so Daniels posted a straddle it's an extra blind they'll have the option of raising when the action comes back to him lives fold it nothing good that straddles yeah yes sir Daniels yes sir they're gonna raise these are called I didn't I didn't commit to anything it's usually a safe bet Daniel doesn't get out of line too much what whoa a challenge is getting frisky with six deuce off yeah she is Daniel's out what is it you know what I'm gonna come out and say it Kevin's right he doesn't even know it going heads up to the flop Milas six deuce against Kevin's King three both miss Bluff Mila Bluff like the wind it's a six Queen 9 6 Queen 9 1 how much 100 I got I'm sick of it I'm sick of it wish she had been a little more careful I have good cards I don't I said be careful she's clearly running a bluff another barrel could get the job done she did say it was stuff the day it was her ambition to Bluff Kevin Hart turn card Oh Kevin now has a straight draw time for Mila to pull the trigger she keeps firing that was kind of small and Kevin was willing to pay it off to chase a jack obviously King high is currently the best hand the river is a 10 powering the board 1,200 1,200 I don't like the last card wait why would Kevin say doesn't like the last card is he just goofing around I don't like Kevin bluffing with the best hand that actually makes sense like it king high is not often gonna be the winner look you don't have to call I think about to race but I don't know how much that's a bad guy okay can I get one seconds yeah take your time I'm not gonna let us take a Thomas Bull get a foreman over here always take your time jack tell you what if Mila pulls the trigger it will walk I like where her heads at we should have like a Kevin silence for 30sec I lose my advantage y'all think that it was just gonna be the beginning die off no only that's what I heard I mean it's art I mean could've been another german word but it sounded like all in yeah you got like close to 20 yeah Tony Mila has Bluff shops with just six high Kevin has the best hand with King high but he has default why is he asking for account I don't know well this move takes absolute brass in the closest way you know what mama give to anybody I will wanted to be you so I'm the problem no I got a straight no I don't have to show my cards if you have I thought Kevin you're so stupid oh not again love you but it didn't work I lost all my money I wins yeah I don't feel comfortable with that yeah what just happened I know I honestly misread my hands but I had a good time last well I think I'm gonna be sick sir Kevin thought he had a straight which is why he called Mila made a phenomenal bluff that should have worked but instead she's been felted and Kevin Hart has knocked her out of the game the play would have worked if you were to look at it right that's polka right it was a really good play he just didn't even look at his freakin cars unfortunately I don't know what to say I'm mating I'm I'm making a Kickstarter I be honest with you I feel bad I feel very bad and I don't want you to leave so because of you anybody else I don't do this anybody else I'll tell them to kiss me want to give you hair does give you 15k I remember that comes from me Daniel had nothing to borrow me there's no bar was just giving it to you I'm giving it to you okay so when I get money you were getting back okay when you get money you'll get it back no I'm giving it back to you so I can take it one more time okay so let's have some fun right what another mistake in high school thank you I think people are gonna freak out I'm so confusing Kevin is so stupid I was like flabbergasted as I could even happen in the world do you expel is just is so weird on so many different levels [Music] err on the PokerStars championship cash challenge we've just witnessed one of the most epic hands in poker history challenger Mila Munroe is planning an audacious Bluff against Kevin Hart it would have worked had Kevin done one simple thing checked his cards neeli we're all in shock over what we just saw so I can only imagine how you're feeling to me please talk me through your my mind goes crazy so Oh what's happened Kevin caught me with King high what know what I'm gonna come out to say it I can be a hundred percent honest with you tell you it was literally just a genuine brain fart pinched my cards so I can squeeze and I see the King fingers fade and I pinch the other one I saw that loop oh wait a minute so I need look I just put him in a box as the flop comes out I'm open-ended I'm just gonna call I'm sick of it I call eight hits I got so much I never checked my cards again right I'm locked in to what I have right King J honey she just said all in sir so here you are thinking you had a straight you didn't think it was good but you're like alright I'm just gonna call a call like oh I'm giving it to you and I turn on the cards and I see King through yes sir oh my god Kevin you're so stupid I misread my hand okay hi yes k hi yeah when I would like to love you but it didn't work can't Bluff the dumbest guy so I lost all my money I win yeah I don't feel comfortable with that but then I felt bad so I said I'm gonna give her some money back so she can stay in the game hey let's give you 15k what heaven is giving you 15,000 to get you back in the game how crazy is that Kevin give me 15 feet you just said it's yours you borrow me I there's no ball we just giving it to you I'm giving it to you I wish you better luck this time Kevin double checks his cards before he calls yeah I hope that too but it's okay so yeah Kevin hottest no friend of me so that's awesome what a stand-up move from Kevin Hart everybody needs to go out and get tickets for right along three right now you will never forget that end right I'll get you honestly the craziest hand I've ever been a part of 100% so if there anybody asked me do you know Kevin Hart I say yeah I saw him once but he remember me yeah I will be dining out on this story for years I'm 62 of the cash challenge actions on live she faults Kevin with ace eight of clubs how come how come you know you don't have King Jack right Charlie with five four off raises to 200 throws passes Mila has King Jack nice oh the irony Kevin calls us well 3-way to the flop top perfect Evan I check check 350 charlie betting with a gut shot straight draw Kevin's actually got a hand for once Oh sis we're stacking me it comes in maybe maybe not rats I know what you have a Dean who says rats king on the time Jack's 600 Milken Charlie's well on his way to giving up the full 50 gallons what is he doing 2,600 in the pot the river is a queen jack give it up Charlie please this is painful we love you who hurt you and he decides to bluff the river 3000 why what a city boy I got it no he sure doesn't it so silly do the milking Thank You charlie somebody go get Charlie another 5,000 somebody needs to put Charlie out to pasture he's still the biggest loser in this game well Mila lost her initial staking money but Kevin gave her five thousand out of his stack and an additional ten thousand 15k in total and anything she still has at the end of this 150 hand session she will get to take home touching action don't lose them I'm sorry I'm not so live is straddled I'll bet I'm winning the hook played most hand set I'm not saying putting the most money bad I'm saying Z represents out supporting this litter well the stats don't lie Charlie has played slightly more hands than Daniel he's also lost more a lot more would have been a fun hand to raise with but she's not in great position we've got five way action air and Kevin it's flopped top pair again with top pair that 15k gift might have earned him some karma okay Kevin's still ahead and he's picked up a club drawer on the turn Daniels caught the tiniest piece heck live bets with second path Kevin raises to 600 out of step in the booty Duty now right you got a good thing Kevin and live in the booty Duty Kevin is a nine to one favorite here live probably know she's behind but come on it's a cash game seriously I mean even if Kevin isn't bluffing there's a chance he's missed reading his hand burn the bullet bricks out the live I'll like we just happen I needed the for it and I saw it I don't know what just happened [Music] [Laughter] I mean honestly seriously really honestly like literally like honestly seriously honestly really you guys I'm not gonna lie I heart Kevin Hart he's now up nearly 20 K give me some tract sneakers cuz right now I'm running all over them well first of all I've been playing poker when I first started torn don't stand up comedy my people what you find is that poker is a great way to to engage and have some of the most amazing conversations is in every single pot talking to lie in the middle of hands now you got a talker what am i boy he's got game he's got all kinds of moves clearly a funny guy honestly seriously really he just brings such a fun atmosphere to the table no more nice guy nice guys gone okay I lost bad boys it's it's impossible to have at that time these guys don't know to do with me oh I feel like I fit right in [Music] anybody else getting hand cramps from cow chips nobody else I'm the only one getting hand cramps I'm out to race to my bag cause I was getting pretty I love that Charlie keeps pulling shows up there they're not in a little pocket in the compartment he goes in the biggest part of the bag she's only in the some people have loose mints in their bags some people have 5k chips Charlie's back in the action raising with 97 suited why are you raising maestro why are you raising it all go home right because it's your using a difficult thing you know I've got a thing surprising everyone at the table 117 is okay boy listen I'm I'm not against it as long as the money keeps shifting this way I'm okay with it both mr. flop that's like their 5-under for this one we're gonna play a big vote is there five out there hey Jax Thank You bets I'm thinking about what the thing is I want to do give me a second to figure out why does anything got to be so fast with you guys everybody so systematic yeah I was trying to figure it out man I find 500 I'm gonna do you confuse me that I don't know what to do and now I got to go through the Charlie ritual now that ritual usually ends with the ceremonial stacking of Charlie's former chips well he's cold Kevin's bat the turn card is the king of clubs and still no one has anything huge chance take chop if there's a showdown then there will be singing Kevin bets again and Charlie rises I don't but you do I mean actually the only hands I've seen you turn over there that's cuz the vets get through you know Oh charlie unless Kevin mysteries his hand that his ship be a fault yep honey go on three if you Bluff every hand eventually therefore what I tell you you can have the little which one's am I gonna take Congrats charlie now you're really down twenty four thousand nine hundred seventy-five [Music] we've reached the halfway point of the PokerStars championship cash challenge and it's Hollywood megastar Kevin Hart who's showing the biggest profit we've seen him Bluff Kevin Bing Bluffs was bad enough I then have to hear about it non-stop for the next six hours we've seen him needle another 5,000 and we've seen him win after miss reading his hand Kevin you're so stupid this guy's got some game he's coming to win he's a very competitive guy can Kevin stay on top the game is suddenly getting good I wonder why Charlie come on what are you doing you haven't Bluffton nothing in the why I've been trying I just got a reason take it this is no idea what's good were to go down no I'm gonna pull it this is a move that I read in the book I'm gonna raise blind yeah it was a book I read called what not to do what you don't do ever in poker one of the first things I read from Mike Carroll he said sit down the table take a hundred-dollar bill and light it on fire yeah and just sit there and play tight like that meal is in would work for me pretty much did that yeah yeah look yes no what's the difference 5yt to the flop eight seven five two diamonds cool flaw Pramila oh I haven't even seen my car I would think no I really think what do you think is the right bed size for this spot it's probably somewhere between 40 49 and 51 good he's finally figuring it out he's just out the genius to this madness look I got a feeling before I even look that I've nailed this spot remember I said it nailed it all right I'm trying to figure out put the two of them out there sure you know I'm starting to figure out Charlie there is some stuff to this 50 I mean I bet it's and I can't describe why I thought I've got some good ideas not only that it like it lets them know you're in the hands and you're gonna play cuz you got something for way to the turn and that's a good card for Daniel now he's really got something stupid and if you do it to me when I'm in a hand all right I'm gonna make you act at the idea yeah where's my hand sanitizer for us is betting with nothing you called 700 you guys put me in a spot Daniel could be thinking raise she's like no too many drawers out there gotta make him pay makes it 3,700 with cheap at all right what are you gonna do now it's difficult to cuz I put the 15 that I don't know you got flush draw Nicole not with a fluster I don't think the heavy last one straight oh yeah then maybe open-ended maybe gut shot no I called alright she called yeah I don't use that money I guess from Kevin Hart you know yeah it's gonna win it's from keV yeah nearly ten grand in the middle Mila looking for a nine or a diamond on the river it's the queen of clubs okay that 1000 I go away boolie hey Neil has already lost nearly six of the 15k that Kevin gave her Kevin still the big winner at the table up over 18k Daniel not that far behind charlie is still the biggest loser he is down nearly 24 and a half thousand euros in 450 so there's only one app with you and Germany spot Kevin Hart prank and where somebody you can put the number number on and then Kevin off costume yes I actually call them I don't know what's happening I show you I got to see it yeah I put my thumb on it so you see so that's that so you have to put the number in it mm-hmm and then you can say time and then Kevin Hart culture hey you didn't know about that and I just say like something funny when I call like I don't know try it I just put like has any snippets it's probably snippets from yeah yeah why don't you try our lives number get the cameras ready all right all right get the game out of the muck let's get it out of monk want to make it seven let's get the game out of the muck out of the muck out of the muck out of the muck yeah get out of the monks just listening to orders there we go so I'm looking at what are you trying to tell me what you want to know so I need to tell you there are no tells tell me what you want it's the three players in this pop the flop gives Kevin the best hand but fur ass has the most equity here's not flop terrible you know it's okay 13 time to hit him with some of the old for razzle-dazzle 3939 live is folded it's almost as if that conversation about the app has reminded Kevin of how much money he's got are you saying this coal would be loose yes this one time be careful oh is that okay be careful I do like feroz's raise the turn card is another three trips for Kevin and just like that he's a four to one favorite I really hate it for us as raise what is that you said be careful they make up your mind love to see a bet here from Kevin six thousand well done you doing what are you doing man I just keep stacking chips up is there anything I'm just trying to I mean at this point I'm starting to feel bad I'm lazy I mean well I just don't want you guys thinking I'm here whatever it's for you I love you thank you and that's why you and I are leaving here as friends I did not see this coming okay so when I go home I can't say can or not as a friend of mine you cannot only say I'm from yours but you can also say that you and I had a moment that can be talked about for a long your moment is historic oh yes really we have a moment I'm gonna call it already officially the most viral poker hand of all time I don't think so I'll bet on it okay we bet it's gonna be up there I'll bet he gets in terms of like number of views and viral on the whole deal yeah it's like I thought the Miss Finland thing would beat that but no no no any more not even close we're nick is not like three million them you know Kevin Hart people know who he is he's big time is Kevin Hart doing ridiculous okay we don't have I don't think it was that ridiculous okay now Charlie really needs to go well kevin is raised I'm happy call Daniel is sick I just I'd like to see the flops man it's fun that's what I play this game for play this game to see flops hey you never know what you can take Daniel down to the most chips to the table could get spicy the flop is check eight four two pair for Daniel talking poker when I get this flop check to you sir don't don't always give me a check like I'm up I'm up all right you don't want the polite check is that our plan that's how we don't want to play right you want me to take you the next level right on the side that what we're doing I don't know it's cool no don't move how much you put don't move don't move how much is that no no that's not what it is anymore no no no no no I ain't calling no 700 Daniel we don't have I'm sorry but we don't have a chance Kevin I don't know why you do that you declared it yeah but I'm like you don't matter you don't have to get like that I'm trying to tell you not anymore now you got me like sitting here thinking like cuz I can't I'm not I'd say but I'm not gonna do call I'm not just Costas he's gonna do some guy stuff like you try it against her with the news 5 I'm a different different breed here are you a little bit I mean I don't Bluff is what I'm saying don't touch me different breed I don't blow yeah there you go see this mom you could pick either one I want to see notice II was I don't need to see it alright I don't need to see it for what it doesn't a career can can we get our way it's not gonna figure out how I put my hands see that's your problem y'all think about one thing and try to apply it to the other thing these things are separate things you play your hand how you play your hand yeah wow you can take on your poker heroes at the cash tables at [Music] comedian Kevin Hart is crushing the PokerStars championship cash challenge anybody else getting hand cramps from counting chips he's taking on everyone at the table including poker legends Daniel Negreanu time to take Daniel down you don't want the play right let me take you the next level that what we're doing I didn't know Dan you play poker until I got here oh my name is Dan you all wanna pull the box I thought Daniel was the guy at the hotel because he had a bunch of bags I gave him my bag actually move it and then that's what do you see and they told me play poker I was like all right cool I seen him playing they haven't seen things special you know sit at the table like everybody else Batman number numbers bad bad those memos what do you think is the right bedside for the spot it's probably somewhere between 49 and 51 he's just check out the genius to this madness the aquatic equation four pi times 39 times 57 but the square root of ample with you didn't get it right it's a billion and six yeah you're stupid did he say aquatic equation it's next-level stuff Joe and 86 I'm a fall dead I don't like this right here this heavy aim to come up in my team what did he do 104 Daniel raising with King Jack suited to formidable hands or as calls heads up to the flop alright I'm gonna give you three in the dark Daniel betting before he knows what the flop actually is that's crazy nine deuce a top pair for Daniel Thor as with an open-ended straight draw remember Daniels already bet for us raises to 1100 and Daniel cannot and will not fold top hair in you called it the jacks always scare me cuz jacket Jack is in the pot what's uncut it's the ace of hearts 50 for us now has a flush draw 50 bucks but you see this move this is like so high level yeah I'll call the raise bet 50 look the river is the seven of hearts for us is made it's flush five that's gonna get raised back his way right into it 4200 what is he doing to me right now mm-hmm talking all that I know I know yeas not playing games this is not a joke so you might have eight ten that would be a straight I can't beat that you may have which what hearts what kind of heart flush because you have you want to show me one card I'll pay fifty bucks for it fifty bucks for one card yeah heart right here huh so you won no but I mean I'll pay you 100 bucks to see one card hey 4200 acebos yeah that seems like a good deal 100 bucks $300 for the man nice trying to ground you oh man oh man oh man what are you doing there Feroz the tricky one this one tricky tricky do you think I don't know if he's I think he might be screwing around he's known he's well known to do that 42 I bet five forty-two come in with the heat huh Faraz is kind out on the maniac rep for years but we haven't seen that at this table he also has a reputation for making flushes heads his online nickname the toilet man if I had a pair though this will be so much easier Daniels rarely gonna be up against a better pair or two pair it's gonna be straights and flushes or an airball I don't know phone-a-friend what do you think oh you can't say you think he's bluffing no trust her I'll trust her he knows better than me Mao's reaction and he looks like he's part of the plan okay he's a master at oh you guys work together on that one well you know it's a cash game so it's a lot of fun I asked Mila for some advice and then she gave me advice and said fold and I was like okay I'll trust you when Danielle asked before twice it was such a great plan I was a little bit nervous because he's one of the biggest player in the world but I trusted her she seemed to have a read on him and I'm thankful that uh she sent me down to the right path it was also for me because Dania said to me it's a great job I went [Music] good hand my friend behind number 87 and Kevin is straddled a lot of disappointment you're gonna walk away saying I tell you what he can act Feroz has deuces he races getting aggressive down there mm-hmm wouldn't take $100 showcar I should ask you after the hands over to I've never walked away I would have been willing to go she ate after that yeah I ain't waiting room like in a in a fight somebody gets crazy aggressive I'm like all right that's how you want to take it and that's what we're gonna do right now feel like you're being aggressive I'm not gonna walk away that's all right I guess we got a fight maybe Kevin's running so hot because he's friends with Usain Bolt's look it up these two going heads out to the flop Kevin takes the lead with second pair I'm wondering oh you just keep getting these same boring flops every time I using my head every time though and then we just keep doing this we just keep doing this not smell it again nicknamed toilet booth players check we're heading to the turn which is a deuce for as turns a set sorry check oh man oh man oh man and Kevin has a diamond drill you're right that was a bullet wound check the this is great it's so fully Jesus Christ Jesus Christmas the river gives kevin the flush run better Kevin time you check to pay check I want you to think art in you I told you that Kevin that's a thousand feroz's flipped over his cards let me show you one go come on you said you're honest men I am best I said you want you to tell me what I said you want me to him I was trying to get hands in I just said you want live wants to see in so do I he flipped over the seven for us falls nickel what a shame check check check or bet various object you should have been here stop trying to get information you should have been her life that's another popular second up in my set Carrie give for us some credit he nailed at King of Diamonds with roughly sixty hands still to play Kevin is the big winner at the table Daniel and Feroz also in profits Amina is now free rolling she'll keep whatever she's left with at the end of the session charlie is still stuck the better part of twenty five grand next time on the cast challenge Charlie's gonna do something crazy very good and we have it all in for the toys [Music] sign him up he's got the way good advice hey what's going on what's going to wait then slow down like this [Music] you
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 3,587,089
Rating: 4.8002262 out of 5
Keywords: Pokerstars championship cash challenge, kevin hart poker, pokerstars kevin hart, poker kevin hart, kevin hart pokerstars, kevin hart poker funny moments, kevin hart poker game, Celebrity poker, daniel negreanu, poker 2018, Liv boeree, charlie carrel, faraz jaka poker, Liv boeree poker, charlie carrel poker, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live
Id: 33MP9qtlya8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 37sec (2917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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