Premier League Poker S4 EP17 | Full Episode | Tournament Poker | partypoker

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight the final league match continues and there are no second chances for the poker elite their next move could be their last incredible I mean this is just unbelievable that's what they have to do every year in the league I'll be everyone in this whole party poker don't matter if I don't do in your eye David when you mean you arrogant guy [ __ ] you think you can angle me you just got so pwned it's a joke we're on a break and I've managed to catch up with David I just wanted to ask you about the hand that happened between you and Luke and and Luke's kind of outburst at the table and your impressions of that and of him today why he's been he's been very lucky today obviously he sat down only a few hands and pick up good hands and good spots well he read me well that hand I was kind of it's not a very big deal for me at all to try to push him over the hand I could I would have done the same if I had to hand so I just did it then worst case he was gonna do that and I would still have like half my chips left a little more so he did it good for him in terms of his reaction though and I mean a very big reaction do you think that's a little over the top is there a place for that at the poker table it's a poker show so you got to make the show and he's making the show he probably was not very confident in doing that you know they could have a good and ended up being I mean very short in ships and have a chance to not qualify so he had a lot of pressure there I don't know if it was because of the pressure or if it was just you know making the show I think it was a little bit of both actually okay thanks for the insight thank you very much everyone this is how the league stands at the moment lock business score any points but save it then you mean win tonight he will be chip leader at the final table Luke Schwartz strong and needs fifth or better to guarantee his final table seat the wolf still looking over his shoulder at the relegation zone hoping those players get knocked out they're all still in it here's how the chip stand Luke Schwartz on nearly 700 K helmets going well but not much between the others eyes are gonna be on that relegation zone and roll in the wolf how long can tea Hank you sure he doesn't go just like computing the possibility one in 5000 Rowland knows he needs to get moving Rose stepped out of his box and too many chips to go all-in he's playing a pot I mean this is fraught with danger I checked yeah but I think that's the situation oh wow okay the situation we were talking about where he knows he needs to accumulate some chips to stick around can't just sit around holding so when he raised he had to think that if he got a flop like this he's gonna stack off and risk out of the Premier League apparently oh yeah he will get it in here got aces full I guess I have to call cool no jack even though roll the dwarf is a massive favorite in this spot his Premier League if he gets not absolutely Tony be honest mr. howlman going bad again yeah I played the sound really bad Tommy you got it in bad ace for the chip hell has been bailed out doesn't help happy about that ace until they saw the Queen - you run really bad though you're good on the turn I just get helmet putting his money in so bad what a horrible play that I didn't erase before the flop it would have been an option for helmet certainly would have been an option for huh I mean that's absolutely the final for me it gets worse rolling every time you raise my mind I move on so I get him in so bad scary ones yeah you played them like a genius role although it's okay buddy one of these Premier League's I'm going to be lucky one it's at two final two oh that mone really works you know when you get up oh my god it's not gonna come he's never lasted more than one consecutive hand has a he was there for a couple it was the first one to play it I think I wonder who's giving Luke advice on this strategy there must be somebody he's he's relying on to tell them that this is the right thing to do I don't think he came up with this on his own did he I don't see why not yeah maybe he is just that maybe actually it is something he can only come up with on his own I'll go in every forehead is a lap at the table look at the hand and sort of a cooler flop in the scheme of things Wow gets way pretty cheap maybe Phil is so dead maybe Phil is zoned the last 15 or so minutes of this Premier League last match have not gone well for Vanessa Rousso Rowland with a chance to go out Daniel with a chance to go out both of them are caught Vanessa in the pack she's got to be a little worried game has gotten so wide right now it feels like Luke Schwartz sitting there yeah but you're not busy about it filters picks these spots for seemingly no reason to get aggressive it they've mostly been getting him let him get away with it you know he's so big on these physical towels I don't know if that's part of what's going on and yeah getting stuff right yep yeah we're all and I could have finished you off there but I had a feeling I was gonna beat you that man good ace Queen blinds up to five and ten thousand yeah we're just sort of thinking about Vanessa Rousso here Isaac and it does look a little weird right now it it all depends on how many of the players behind her finish in the top three I think that's so and how Rolen does and if we're having trouble out of staring at the paper I mean what's going through her head right now just keep folding until there's some kind of inflection point that seems to be more or less the approach she's taking which we could blend this 225 I think she needs to know too I don't know if she necessarily needs to accumulate chips to accomplish this but she needs to move up a couple spots there's Luke in the background now Negreanu thought about re raising from the big blind he's definitely ahead of homeless range but helmets got the better hand not now really right rear A's are jammed probably Jam there's not a whole lot left to play or maybe make a small raise to hope Hellmuth sticks it in with something much worse so you get helm used to go with worst clubs or 6 7 or 8 3 something like that that's pretty big win what about the idea that helmets so often it checks the turn if you just call here cheeps you get there cheap or is that not a big deal with the chance to win this whole pot often you think you're bluffing out other ends by shipping it 20 he's gone for the call comes in 19 and right now it looks like a reasonable decision they hit the nuts been pretty dead on playing the chrono today it has gone for the check and kind of looks pretty likely that the ground had hit his hand that gets no value from it does look that way everyone's cue of course you do open up the possibility of the river bluffs shove and giving Hellmuth Ithaca T there's always gotta be some value in giving them with that opportunity right now yeah open filly had a big one I was gonna play it on the flop or playing on the turn I mean I just had the nuts no no not the nuts for me the board paired yeah I was ready to play with you all on before the flop mind you don't know I did night eight nine of clubs I never fail you still got a big stack everybody sort of remarkably still in this you know the wolf should feel great and you know surprising story anybody but Ben you mean and Ben you mean you're not surprised still we kind of hand of course just taking a price and hoping some good spots come up after the flop some at the time such as this one there's a real good shot he fires ahead here wins it you should really not be playing benjamine online I'm telling you this is a guy you need to avoid Isaac I'm stuck more than a little bit Tony G has called here because he was so sure that then you met Nate on the turn all right yeah so it just was that sick good or was that Wow weird I just need to just make Tony's you look at him Tony G is pretty hot right now he feels like he really just got owned yeah he did I mean it's not quite like seeing David just turn off the Queen 10 or something there but still pretty frustrating remember when he carved you up with the 3/8 of space I'm not afraid to play with you that's close to me I'm not afraid to raise those knocking yeah I have an investment for that hand I have a bank called check my bank check tech yeah this was a limp in from benjamine check out of the big blind from Phil H and bottom pair I have an investment - how big is it / it in there hey Jack we know those juices are always call 20 i'm een you gotta have like what can you bet 20 with anything better than a deuce [Laughter] Darth Vader now see I am your father that looks pretty good still Oh still got the chip lead maybe Isaac a testament to how much play there is in this tournament yeah blinds haven't eat them up no not really what's what's going on with Roland here obviously when you when you just call with the ace Jack you may have to stack off kind of light and I'm like this this is oh well this is not to light he's [ __ ] pretty huge here but yeah but it's your Premier League I mean it's his Premier League top pair top kicker I can't tell me it's open for 20 big blinds I think Roland is just thinking about the way to get help put most money possible at the spot he really likes and troy board you just call and then if it comes over cards make another decision or do you Jam and I think called by the drawers and really risk going out oh I mean you gotta get the chip somehow so got it and one thing that Roland is doing different in this Premier League last match the previous Trevor legs is I don't know I think he's taken a few more chances I think he's playing some poem yeah nope he's lasting chips and he needs to move up a few spots I think he has to I know but he's such a folding machine 30 days Luke wandering around he's got those I don't think those are tornament ships I'm guessing those are casino chips I'll bet I mean you could make a wager do you think that we've been playing this game for 3 4 or 5 hours do you think at any point he has actually stayed in the same place for more than four minutes in a row I don't think so maybe maybe if you call the entire room surrounding this poker table one place then he has a shop stayed in the high-rollers lab for more than four minutes now I paced the table switch the switch games said so sick that's what I'm talking about actually you know those kids it's like the day after Halloween when they finally open their bag up and just eat like these 194 bars of chocolate that's what he's like welcome back at season 4 of the Party Poker Premier League poker and the pressure is on tonight we find out who will fall into the relegation zone and who will keep their dreams of a Premier League title alive what's been happening in the pots where it's Luke's big blind people been going after it and then any sort of weird dynamics because of that free money I mean everybody certainly been aware of it but I don't think there's been any one player who's attacking it more than any other it'll become you know certainly the next level I mean there becomes a level at which if he doesn't show back then you got to go after this money it's gonna be a lot yeah and as we said that it is Luke's big blind right here and Hellmuth with the re-raise of Benjamin yeah but not many mean takes the flop this time it has been you mminton setting Hellmuth up has he been letting him rob him for a spot like this how big this pot is now or is the math just too against making a play with the Queen Jack it's tricky I wonder what the play would be if he wants to do something other than feel better sighs nothing it's pretty big yeah I actually like that size yeah leaves two streets worth of betting after this which is good for Phil because he's in position it puts enough pressure on David that he has to fold hands like that I like the way help me like that and that is yes that's what he's talking about yeah he's the best player in the world if you are the greatest post poker player in the world clean baby and you say you the greatest poker player in the world Isaac does it man [Laughter] if I know only has 20 big blinds he's an ugly spot official about three I think Phil is very likely to show there'd be a lot of sense in it it's not his style that's the only thing that yeah it doesn't make sense of it nah he'd just gone you know the last time helmuth's stuck in 20 big blinds I mean yeah that's true he's been threatening to but that's probably just to make it look weaker for when he finally does it with a big hand and the door open great card Oh God did you doing this oh it's not a minute bet again by very small about it's not a big bet less than hard yeah I suppose Daniel will probably just call here right so he's between calling and raise it and they say that Hellmuth gets it through so full flush now watching from the rail he doesn't know what to do with himself he hasn't been there more than a minute on your watch he'll be somewhere else by the time this hand is over and so he doesn't trust himself to sit at the table and look at cards must be in [Laughter] there is a scenario where he actually is gonna have to come back here and play some poker and a lot of it has to do with what Vanessa Rousso oh yeah yeah role in the wolf yeah couple others well he actually will have to fight for his top horse Montoya which Tony's found a good spot here take 34 and give me account place that's a good look look read that Phil what do you think where's the body language say of Kermit the Frog I'd hate to have your dominated harem lay this down it's just not my style to call it now I guess that's what it came down just not mil Hellmuth could be one day I'm not afraid of anything today I don't care [Laughter] [Music] Rousseau and the wolf you know I shadow each other 15 big blinds and he's committed Hellmuth against a wolf but what about against the chief that's what's so weird about this race I mean he's not committed industry this is turning chips you present Tony with the lay up you ready to play people tell me how do I play me open for 6,800 Tony G on a bit of a roll he relishes the role of table captain comes Phil little raised into the teeth of the dragon Tony calls them instantly somebody's not completely stupid things Hellmuth actually Mike Fincke Tony's just feeling good and take it whops what a momentum shift you're right if there's ever going to press the momentum it's g7n now you're just such a good guy you find me up I just want to produce something I want to go out blazing I don't want to go out like you're dribbling away I need to finish first or second you think I'm here to a knee off I'm only telling you China you're ready to die I want to see I'm here I mean yeah I'm here to win it all I'm here to take it all not like you are you I'm gonna be all that was blind either are you still coming okay anymore she's gonna be holding in her hand okay I'll pass one out of six oh I missed that bingo in this last six hands Phil's gonna try and put Tony in his place I mean this is money to see how that works out well and maybe the metagame that Tony's playing here Wow for the amount of hands that Lucas is played today he is picking up some big hands yeah well there's one play let's pick I'll be your best bet yeah talking just follow this vote just trust me just pose I'll show you my ID when you fold I know but this just doesn't play well my [Laughter] been very honest I want the one blind 5662 425 I just see the flaw that Scott Phillips the fact is is that he is the only stack of the table that can really punish Luke is that what you're saying I didn't say that toner you want to play this tape to the public and explain to them it's bad for everybody why not an action flop why couldn't it come by Jack I mean with two dives you know gotcha I needed a jack that would have been six are you freaking serious how do you play eight hands total and have faces Jax Jax that's incredible gentlemen that's the biggest hi let's go on the next one even though I had the right off Jack would have been sick for you okay I'm use you go away we know the rules here what is this kindergarten a chair like you do and watch the game from the screen no no masks no abuse I don't know what's left that's why Tony D wants to leave I was so confident that Phil seems like he's about to overplay doesn't he definitely get that feeling from him yeah now decision yes no do it just pull I make he's got a call you got a call I was thinking I've got a fold you've got me so far I know I have you I'll be for sure you have me if there's no risk there's no rush just take it how much of you let me just line it up give it to you and you just take it okay you have to you know what if you've got the best hand you just take it how about that won't even have to gamble you gotta fight oh wow he agrees with you Isaac yeah I mean Ben you mean going out doesn't do you any good over here two points but so does everyone else in the field enroll and tested maintain his lead over a bunch of England like to see Sam and I and so this is it this is Dwarfs Premier Li yeah yeah he loses this he's done this is for Rawlins Premier League it's not good for a lot of these hands here to the all-tournament gutsy call it was a really gutsy call just having one [ __ ] hand I mean what the [ __ ] is going on baby shut up regard to commies blown up I come down in slow-motion you like doing through your head he's opening the door to get needled by films Phil should tell him that well you're 200 not even it's like I'm drawing dead everything he do Wow tempers are flaring so much and don't wolf call for sure I think he's got it it was hotter than a firecracker how is Elvin letting this opportunity go by open hunting season on G right now he turned on a dime he has turned on a dime Johnny's got on his bucket lines are going up Isaac ten and twenty thousand I mean what about the the number surprised you the most Schwartz his performance so far obviously is pretty bizarre he's barely been at the table is Scott in giant hands and Negreanu and Benjamin both played so strangely against him to to give him all those chips little bike ride to clear his thoughts and get some fresh air and I'm gonna focus mainly on what everyone else needs I know that Rowland only needs a few points Vanessa as well so I'm gonna exploit the fact that they have to be patient and wait for the good hand in first spot I was in Premier League 3 and Premier League to the final heats all gonna be down to me waiting for people to bust and I hope it's more like Premier League 3 where and then I'd made it busted himself and a couple of other players rather than Premier League to where I folded for 82 hands and 11 times the all in player one I really don't care if I come out lost it's not a big deal to be I wouldn t lian's of dollars on like this so much why let me see I'm so calm I don't even care about this I would love to send phil hellmuth on this bike start with then I'd like to send Daniel Negreanu on your bike then I like to send Vanessa Leu so and then rolling the wolf that'll be the order of the day and then I'm very happy I have a good feeling about today it's all I'm gonna say welcome back to season four of the PartyPoker Premier League poker where the game's elite are battling it out for part of a one and a half million dollar prize for the final league matches in action let's get back to the table well the stakes are going up and that's not the only thing Isaac tempers are flaring and just feel like Oh Tony jeez he as hot as a firecracker the amazing that he started this round players back for a break without help let's do it all in Oh Len the heck you've got nothing nothing how much do you I've got 276 I think a spot for Negreanu oh you can eat baby 200 280 yes really everybody oh you can eat no of course you can't call it's a really big hand I have no no he wants to do something to change the momentum good luck from space give him a name one time I served it I mean this feels this feels weird Isaac how was here the whole time anyway oh that's a good flat for me to say the least be good and furna grano this is I mean this just changed everything look at Roland de wolf he's like how can this dunk give magrunner all these chips an ace from space just I just put the grotto back in the Premier League absolutely and it's more than anybody and Vanessa Rousso Hellmuth have been there for that firsthand on wouldn't have been 210 would've been h3 so when we get down to 4 you can just break me and there we were just talking about sort of accounts and stuff like that coming back from this break because of we're been you mean wasn't because of where Luke was it's so looked like Negreanu was gonna have to be getting second or better or not third or better he looked like he was under so much pressure so desperate and then the gift horse in the mouth I almost limped in here right threes and how much more 60,000 total this is interesting pressure what is homeless plan I really don't know he's 300 back is he's just gonna make a read on the grind on the flop that must be the plan well read this fell could bet out 15 here though might if he were in the ground in his spot he can bet like 60 and have a good chance of getting the fold from an under pair I wonder if I mean what is Negreanu put helmets range on here this is it doesn't really look like two-threes does it Phil please so weird it doesn't look like anything if it's from anybody else but Phil could have two threes as he does he could have king-queen that could have pieces it's so hard to put fell on and the way he's been playing lately has Daniel already dogged this is he just no he's got two more streets he can Bluff at it on here it comes nice to try she trying to tilt you she's trying to tilt you three don't see stuff like that make up stories and four I just overall how often Phil gonna win that pot I would guess not very I hate that I mean is he gonna win it more than 20% of the time I mean I just though even against the Queen inning with the limp under the gun the whole hands pretty strange has what is what are these people been doing on the break obviously Negreanu eating the Wheaties but I mean Tony jeez put on a bit of wine but usually that gives them power it might have been corked it must have been cork for that wine oh and just something we were talking about earlier Isaac is that Negreanu when the wolf raises if the grounders got position I was thinking maybe he would take off flops because busting the wolf is massive for Negreanu yeah if the grotto bust the wolf he probably only has to get 1/3 if he doesn't he may need to get second in fact that's actually for sure and the Hellmuth could have I mean just easily if shoved here well yeah shoving preflop is I think very clearly the best play in film yet see what was the idea about the wolf's range I mean it doesn't even have to be that wide pocket is a pretty huge in for 15 big ones I just have this scary feeling that Negreanu is gonna find a way to win this with the worst hand and leave filled with like 8,000 in chips or something you can see Phil thinning like 184 on the river leaving himself with 16,000 and getting bluffed off oh it's scary cool just don't put up like a king or an ace because it's just gonna go all horrible forty-thousand oh well he got there with that small bet sighs eventually Phil Hellmuth I mean you know why have you play against it you just are you happy to play against it or you are shipping on wrong yeah I mean it just gives you so many choices it doesn't put that much pressure on you to fold so you take one off with your draws hands and he almost never has a good hand when he does it so you really can raise for him how you could hide in a portrait really three hands since the break and I couldn't get clean you know the wolf has gone the little bit into trouble I almost got a few chips back geez as good as out and he's open shoves cool with the eight ten into one out Tony G only had like four big ones yeah actually it's quite standard yeah yeah okay Tony gene has really been given Phil Hellmuth's stick through the Premier League this is his chance to take him out six cars to send G walk in are you gonna hear him scream now under bike Tony so that's what it's like to win a race in the premier 11 points nearly guaranteed to be bottom and rolling third and me second is we've just lost Tony G from the table and we could see a lot of frustration in you and you came back from the break and as well before the call with the ACE 3 talked me through that I mean I had to bust Daniel out I mean I thought I got to beat him home so I played and didn't work out I mean I haven't won one hand where I've been all in so that's that's 12 in a row now so that's good that's the way it goes and that's a good lesson those six players left now how things change as far as the what you need to do getting Tony out of there is a good thing for DeWolfe and Russo and everybody else who's pretty close particularly those do them if if it's finished like that with Negreanu taken 11 points and Hellmuth taking 8 points it would not be enough for Phil Hellmuth that's right Phil Hellmuth second are back olan Hellmuth has called this and Roland's moved all in behind what the Kings what's Phil got Pat out now is this math wise it's a trip call or just like 200 more but it's three-way action no this is far from over helm if it's been folded I have the check mine I have the jackknife and Benjamin all in this is great for the wolf and went out yeah yeah many moons been mr. Botsford all paid 10 good jobs the first 3 out the door this last match 38 points and guaranteed to be the final table just lost David but with enough points really that your final table space is assured so that's very nice it's been a volatile table though give me your impressions of the match all has been interesting today lots of good hands all over I didn't have many of those but I tried whatever I could I've made a move earlier that didn't turn out to be the right one at the right time but I was already quite a fight for the final it was not very important today for me we can't wait to see in the final so thank you and good luck there thank you if you would have studied like a minute you might have got medical Luke Schwartz now guaranteed four points the only people that can knock him out of the top four would be Vanessa Rousso by winning out so you're in the playoffs uh not necessarily know if Hellmuth wins I'm Daniel second and I'm Jeff maybe I don't know Jax I think this might be really bad this might have been tactically really bad for Schwartz if you've got more chips you knock him out as fine disaster no I mean obvious for Negreanu who needs to gamble this this could be a complete brain squelching smack the dealer if no oyster King comes to the other side Schwartz has still got a hundred forty-three thousand back this is massive Wow Daniels on the Kircher wowie he's at least done is on the verge I don't have him yet you can still catch an extra king my friend 14% 40% all right a new Branagh with a huge double of I honestly don't know Isaac I mean maybe there was there was merit to that play in the overall scheme of things but has that rattled Luke Schwartz the grande who now Louis the Brawn do now lowing through his vein like the way like just little things of one in your favor I might win upon it I hope so you know the a screening is taste king in Saigon and today yeah second pass yeah me and Tony the Roland he's go get that Kermit worry about you all right and that's that could be tough if glucose out here you could be in rough shape just win guess win baby yeah just win is easy yeah you're right I agree with you can see the pad there you are my friend Nessa Russo is right a pad paper gentlemanly player no but I got chips really under pressure here's your here's your update here you've got 27 sir phrase 26 27 right there can't you read are you dense it's just figuring out what kind of bad move that was with the 8th was it was it I mean was it a bad mood no one can play with Mike it's really hard to say how much value there is in it from pure chip perspective friends and the equity of getting safe team boys which is $32,000 straight 100 plus the chance of the Premier League the chips and stuff like that 600 and the ground has got to be making these plays and I'm sorry Hellmuth has to be making these plays on the ground who knows it yeah Negreanu has seen it's good aunt him home you do that time and time again I don't require a much stronger hand than he had to go with it I would think Hellmuth cannot let the ground get too far away from him because a Negreanu first and Hellmuth second could still leave fill out the door if the wolf or Russo get third right now that sounds strange but all the sudden such a real possibility because of Luke Schwartz's disappearance here is not looking like one of the top three spots in fact JC Tran can just kiss his Premier League goodbye thanks to Luke Schwartz I mean that's hasn't happened yet but it's so like yeah yeah that could definitely be Wow could he do it again he's thinking about it he's thinking I say what Rowling says I'll show you when you fold go no it could have worked very well might've like this is a good strategy by Hellmuth early pots in position with the grano do you like it sense of a sensible call I think so my little start here with the big one huh Negreanu has not been playing okay those King Jack not a weekend all relative to what Lou Brown is coming in with okay it's maybe sort of a standard line for Negreanu it's a really odd check with three hearts on board trying to get value on the river or is it just just some kind of weird deception I checked check yeah I mean it's on I don't see how it's possible that you have me beat so I have to call you yeah he'll I wonder if Phil was just trying to be weird there Isaac there's some value in being weird we've seen that from Ben you mean a lot the Premier League and all the players really showing up with a stronger hand than people expect you to I was I was hoping another box so wrong you're still not in huh no they find new ways of torturing me I mean probably but like I could like go ugly for me with like the one good combination of [ __ ] well Negreanu rice 40,000 in the booth and he's aware that boat that Hellmuth is just shadowing him here he's always out of position 500 well what should the grinders shouldn't be tightening up hard to say I mean an opportunity to beat Hellmuth in a big Pothier is great for Narada he just kind of feels like he's gonna keep playing these small pots and he's gonna catch filled I think so yeah and nobody else is standing up to him so even with a lot of resistance from Phil he's still probably or anything's possible steals however this is the second time Hellmuth has sort of checked behind with a pretty good hand he's trying to trap Daniel Daniel's not falling for it Hornet 40,000 now a slightly trickier line here then then whoa last hand and Phil's gonna bet most rivers for value I think so check this is the kind of river that most of the young guys would always bet for value right you can't really be scared of the jack here you have to bet it may be tricky decision 83,000 you're not I don't know I'm a little scared of the jack yeah the pot big enough then what are you trying to get paid off by is that what your son I guess is what you're trying to get paid off by there's also no particular reason Daniel can't half gang of 10 or even kick queen all right it's a bit of an ambitious bet on the other hand Daniels been paying Phil off a lot I mean maybe it's ace Queen of Hearts hey Stan yeah good day yeah and Daniel you made three jacks on the river I feel like feel home you've had and then he usually says but I'll pay off anyway doesn't he yes he does yeah I'm trying that so I'm just trying to yes Queen and the jack good I could be dead wrong and I'll give him credit for Queen cold yeah you lay one I cannot beat Queen Jack so I must throw it away go on Daniel a fold clean good enough for me show them the eight still hung all those divas you did we'll be back for more from Vegas at the brotherly table from the end Rizal [Music] welcome back to the Party Poker Premier League poker season 4 there are five left in this final league match and tonight we find out who goes straight through to the final table who gets a second chance in the heads-up matches and who is going home there's no reason for Vanessa to toe ante yourself offered she seemed a little indent on doing it anyhow though just has to outlast Vanessa he's on her left he has more chips and even if Vanessa comes fourth right now it doesn't look like that's gonna be enough 18 points I mean what is she waiting for I don't know she has so many reasons to move her so much stuff that plays into this man such an obviously I think everybody needs a points coach so sick it was so obvious to raise this oh isn't it I mean that's nuts and money and that's what I needed and this would be a horrible show from up in it yeah we a terrible show exactly like what are you gonna do now oh then how much I mean is it worth sixty thousand baby now that he's gotten to this point yeah that seems like brought with danger I had a nice Isaac there's they're sort of every evidence that Luke is just he's just decided play because he just can't be bothered and as he says he's the best types of player in the world you know maybe he's just gonna make himself I need to win you need more problems by trying out she's gonna move what is she I'm almost told into a lot of a lot of people would have stuff with that I actually think it was a good yeah yeah she's getting cold so often Negreanu and homie both call so easily they both have tons of chips oh yeah she's not gang enough old this is such a great spot for hell Midland check it check all right let's go chef Daniel coos oh the kickboard fight save well I go over with you maybe maybe I hit my cart what a card on the turn if Phil pays this off he's gonna hit the moon is it is it a king or Nothing king or better or nothing or is it better than a king or nothing see Jessie this is it right here buddy this is where the this is where the rubber meets the road kid this is where I was rooting for him to just move in before the flop so I could snap call and now some weird 9 comes off that's why you're the best Phil that's a good solid pals great already I had pocket queens I had pocket planes so again 7/8 a pot size batted in position my pot size vetted in position knowing that Daniel thinks I have nothing every hand so yeah well I've had some hands but you got a lot of ships I don't blame you and I'm playing a lot of hands I don't blame you I'm not saying you did anything wrong I was just excited for the situation big fold Russo she's got 20,000 in 74,000 back you know legitimately what she has to call I think so it's the best she hasn't found any good situations I guess she's been caught pretty cards although she did fall the lace some big aces at some point she's been kind of hem locked in the entire game if she mostly hasn't had a lot of good spots and yet if she finishes fourth right now she's I was just five left fourth would get her to 18 points that is so almost never that is I think that is almost never going through yeah yeah advancing one spot Roland would have to go out next Luke would have to come back and win why would you show that much in to have to have at least better ace or are there neither situation is different I mean I just don't think they said oh I think we don't they have all kinds of things that are well one of that what is the math say about actually I think calling from behind because there's twenty thirty thousand in there such a big percentage of stack yeah but you can be an ace three I did have a three beat actually yes she would have played a pot for about two hundred someone has got to send the money in to tell Luke exactly how to play this slide if he ends up shoving into Daniel or something he is gonna it's gonna be crazy there that's maybe that's what she was waiting on oh wow oh wow well he covers her how much more do I have to pool its 74th total she's 72 Otomo I mean Isaac does the right play actually to fold here because Daniel can take her out check the dog because if Vanessa wins this pot Luke is in horrible shape and this is huge if the ace comes Luke is gonna is gonna is gonna hit the wall isn't he Rousseau all in it's gone check check and she needs an ace she needs lady Vanessa and Luke's taken around and out of the Premier League the final table would be at the expense of Giovanni's four left that al exciting is this game on between Daniel Negreanu and Hellmuth the grana needs a third or better Hellmuth needs second but he has to beat Daniel there's not much left to say really Vanessa except that it's been a very frustrating Premier League I can tell for you not a lot of great spots there not a lot of great cards give us your overall impression of of your own play here I mean I think I made the best of a pretty crappy situation happy with how I played it pretty much nothing or any of my favors not much else to say give me your idea but who do you think is the strongest player in this field and who may be able to take this down I mean that's a really hard question to answer I mean you guys have have I mean the world's top players all fighting this out so I mean there's a lot of world-class players still left to duke it out for the title um at this point I mean I'd say I like Phil and David's chances given that how many chips they're gonna go into the final table with if Daniel squeezes out of winning this one though he could give them a run for their money thank you very much we appreciate you taking the time thanks look guaranteed 29 points now it's basically Safina makes the final table and let's roll into wolf wins none of the other results matter rollin now guaranteed 20 where does rolling out standard tiebreaks with JC it's gonna come down to the head rolling the wolf goes out forth on their heads they're gonna have identical rank over the second against him all right that JC will be done hybrid find that out they should tell you that yeah my big party I'm putting you on for five suited a limp and check Ronnie were leading with his nine that was a good card to preserve it 80 straight three streets of value and how much been getting away from pots on the river or he did the last one against a grande barring a pretty strong river card it'll be hard for Phil to get away from top pair here I think are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me all [ __ ] League I've had a deal with this [ __ ] and you deal this guys seven eight and then me Queens and now you've swapped me top pair and make us hand again I mean are you freaking kidding me he's gonna lay this one down to just right Opie pretty good bolt is it is it is it a game flow fold is it 9 plays - he's actually he's making some good folds now maybe that's what Phil Hellmuth does just make good fold it could be a little bit yeah Gary that's what that's what they have to do every year in the Premier League they I lose every [ __ ] race they beat Queens with seven eight like it's just like it's nothing like when I'm hot braising it I'm still gonna bust them beats I still gonna take you down today Danny Boy actually I'm not even gonna try play great see what happens that's that's exactly right that's where Negreanu has realized his mission is very clear just that for anybody except for Luke goes out he is in as far as Phil is concerned he can never get in with third and can only get in with second if Medrano goes out next I'm a DJ see though right that's the casing you wouldn't okay I'm gonna raise a hundred yeah I think Phil no thirty phil has to put pressure on the Granat oh it's a good spot to if I bust you myself that'd be really good to me to play the poor fight if I double through the nine three Isaac how does he win from here just gotta go maniac right I mean there's a little over a pot sighs bet left to go he has to go animal he has to go animal he can't let the grano do with JC did too right sixty sixty thousand really that's kind of weird hang on let me think I just don't even remember what I have Wow so what am I gotta get you out of three hundred and twenty more all right let's figure out how I can do that there's got to be a way I can get him in a Sam this has to be something I can do I got to figure this out who's going always call somebody in figured okay I'm gonna call the guy see what happens okay now I'm gonna ask for the seven of hearts and then you're just screwed maybe or not hello 100 right you played this hand too good then let's not flop better mistake or does it just look like one now yeah a great job it's hard to say that was a really small flop but the fact that he called a hundred on the turn uh-huh looks like he's gonna be facing a shove here I'd be a little hard to get away for four to one this is Phil's primary good moment this is it it's a really awkward pot you know Hellmuth could roll this all back and that pot was really awkward from start to finish for Phil Hellmuth I I think Isaac I mean overall if you're gonna make that rear as the 93 if you're gonna get called you're gonna have to go animal on it aren't you I think so you can't put Daniel on a rage anyways he just got a gamble really yeah yeah when he just limps and calls I mean he so rarely has a pair and he so hard from call the flop oh no he's in trouble the open shove all-in I wonder if he could have found that earlier when there was that big pot but he needs to win he knows he needs to win that's a king I have won one coin flip in the Fermi League this whole season and like maybe won the whole last season okay great you say what you want to say wrong but five makes it interesting that would be a sick river if it comes like off three keep still alive and well limit we didn't think we'd be very happy to see that things are here doubt you need to take shape for the only possible way for all of us to make it I know my feeling good finally yes that's what it feels like feed him feed the troll and this is the wolf's big blind call little light here King something not the door card good spot for the wolf deuce fall Wow anyth rollin gets this than a kid he's gonna have a heck of a chance to win this well he could still make the final table finger yeah he could knock something out just avoid it one time to seven somewhere in the deck we must now look at the bone cards there is an ace from space I might still be in I don't think you are Roland Oh wolf he has big big doublet Roland somewhere between lucky and genius that's his Premier League yeah and Phil Hellmuth he gets through with a second unless McGraw new comes first Phil Conway's he need you someone need you in they need you in I mean I can't play that game anymore sadly and actually it's starting to set up for Negreanu not for him coming in third not being enough that goes out next is not enough wow I guess I had you beat I had Queen eight I was thinking about shipping Queen eight that would have been good for me oh you know well I mean him finishing this is that for Schwartz fine he can smile learning hearts running hearts could do it gonna flop for you I guess so I'm gonna get the one that'll do and Luke Schwartz will be final which means roland has locked up a spot in the plan that's true what a turnaround it's been four de logroño from 120,000 in chips he's now guaranteed a seat in the playoffs helmets done well but has to go one better he needs to finish higher than Daniel Negreanu in this heat - not JC Tran out of the Premier League and take the defending champions play-off place so Luke is out of this last league match but he's in the final here in the top four so it must feel pretty good yeah I was relieving I should have been in the top for like about this time yesterday or even earlier yesterday a phrase hadn't come first coming up three remaining players fight to the finish and a scramble to keep their Premier League dreams alive welcome back to season four of the PartyPoker Premier League where the game's elite are battling it out for a one and a half million dollar prize pool the final league matches in action so let's get back to the table there's this new dimension going on where even though Nick Ronda wanted to knock out Hellmuth before sure it's actually not as important right now right just he actually is into the folding to second right which is interesting he's the champion here right but homeless story right so you can actually start putting a lot of pressure on three betting now as well on yeah Negreanu has to be rather conservative here and the wolf can just wolf can just take a real gamble if you priced her right the wolf doesn't care if he gets second or third he just needs to try to win after so much so much wolf yeah he's got about a quarter of the chips he's a perfectly good spot to do it bet from Negreanu Hellmuth with the call this pot over 200k and a lot of reasons for Negreanu to shut down here what do you think yeah yeah I agree so does he interesting see how phil tries to get a little value out of this I don't think it's gonna work no matter what he tries but the ground is on 1.1 million it just okay yeah he's giving up two pair is good massive oh my gosh could help us come back we could heat I don't think you can bad wasn't the most likely scenario is calling Phil I was gonna say the same line it's okay boys it's nothing to be scared of or Phil calling Daniel but see Daniels Duty exactly Daniel shouldn't be shipping light should it right he doesn't have a whole lot to gain from it Phil what do you have 600 yeah I'm only : and all in Rowland making a little bit of a loose Jam here you know if king queen do you you just ship it with king plane in this spot I guess maybe it would I mean he needs to be doing it with some hands a lot worse than being Queen her to work out well on the ballots fulfilled a call here it's not just that it's that Phil calls he wins it's not bill motto right so it's like you know he's got a wheel $60 and then that was good we're gonna find spot for him to open gym I think but it also might have been a fine spot for him to call Negreanu and a different than the same sort of sprite right if somehow that spot plays out the same only it's Negreanu in that seat he could definitely call her blinds up now to twenty forty thousand and Roland's announced all in I am going to let me think oh my gosh gonna do something there's not much difference between call and raise right because he he is in Knoxville so this is big for the ground I do yeah Ace King supposed to be a head of random all in button you know maybe I should was supposed to call there I was thinking about whether or not I wish I had been jack I probably was supposed to call them it's big for the wolf I mean yeah this thing is blown wide open hey okay for Negreanu two more cards dodged to the money georgeanna five seven obviously an 800 K what could be choppy choppy yeah I think Hellmuth wouldn't mind the chop chop that good for you bad I kind of want one this pot or head because you need to you need me all right all right with 22 points I take those and Giovanni Safina is now a knock I mean the situation is really interesting now because Hellmuth obviously has to win to get into the playoffs but Ron who's in if he loses he'll play JC Tran and if he wins to play in Fraser so Roland is third-year for the final league match that means you go through to the heads of stages it is still the dream is still alive for you you must be ecstatic well I'm kind of really pleased to make it through such a battle and I had so many coolers like just all along like the cards were trying to screw me like kings into aces against Tony Jian like blind on blindness ridiculous I didn't go back there and then had a huge Prague ance Hellmuth who I hadn't joined dead to three hours having said all that managed to like find a couple of good spots and get myself into the heads out which I've been in the last two years so again it's this time two out of three times I've done it just found a site with 15 big blinds and find a minute I just shoved in Daniel found ace king which is very annoying because I really really wanted to win that pot and be like in a great shape to make the final but I'm confident in my heads-up game and I'm looking forward to it so I'll be back for the heads up and we'd live to fight on last place we've reached the heads up stage for our final league match for Daniel Negreanu he's a sure to place in the playoff spot for Phil Hellmuth nothing but a win will do so let's get the cards in the air he's really showed up and giving it Negreanu what an up-and-down day he had they'll be talking about that hand go up against Luke Schwartz forever absolutely the situation really interesting now because Hellmuth obviously has to wait to get into playoffs Negreanu xin and it it looks like if he loses he'll play JC Tran and if he wins he'll play in Fraser but there's the prize money there's chips in the final table at stake Jay 40000 how much limped here Hanako and the grime is peeling off with a straight draw check 40,000 it's a really funny situation but yeah Helmuth three to one disadvantage and the thing you can't throw out of the whole thing is that cool Hellmuth is just wants this bad I love how bad he wants it and he could reship here so easily yeah I mean right in a cash game these two hands get dealt 15 big blinds deep heads up they're all integral every time so this is big this is so big and maybe the grinder doesn't know who he's rooting for but Hellmuth needs this hand to fold just count out your money right here in case you win where's the ACE that's pain or paint I think I might hit a checker King but he might hit a mite you might you might it might happen turn onto ace and end this race that's what I say turn an ace in this race yo that's not good all right and Fraser there because he knows the permutations he knows he's playing the grano if Phil Hellmuth wins this plate played a lot of pots really well today cool what are you overall I think of my grande whose ride in this this last match it's been volatile yeah it's been nuts but I mean he needed second or better he needed to gamble I think he played real well he gave himself so many opportunities to win pots with a small balling preflop and very few people would do that with their Haiti Helmuth has to sort of not celebrate and seal the deal you don't want to celebrate too early yeah he only has a small eat of 200 200 thousand it's interesting race it beats all Bluffs could knock out a three here yeah it's got a shot but it it's a weird line I I wouldn't be at all surprised when the router doesn't give them any credit here and a weird line with King high cuz the showdown value right Co weird line with King high because of the showdown value weird line with anything to check the flop and raise the turn here really that has switched the tables turned the turkey but there's not that much in it there's no Popo for a million or John or no yeah they are just as close to dead you could expect them to get here I limped with a big king to trap you you hit your man lines deep I wonder which of these guys is one of more experienced about heads up I mean underground it without net although Hellmouth did have some good runs of the NBC heads-up point of it yeah Negreanu plays a big heads-up tournaments online his plate heads-up cash online I I've played a little with him he's a tough heads-up player 240 can you small ball up heads up absolutely and that's exactly what Negreanu does heads up in my experiences he's very good at playing a lot of small pots in position and winning more than his share of them and should Hellmuth have rethought his raise sighs I mean I seems alright to me it's a little on the big side but it's a big pot it's gonna be happy hit that ace 150 I like the sizing here for sure very quick decision I mean think about that three live hands to where he counted down the stacks for about an agonizing 11 minutes before he bet he just made a weak bet maybe should read anything into that it fills a pro it's funny how well these guys know each other I mean there's this there's this antagonism with them online in the interviews at the table and it's almost like siblings in a sense I think because they both want to distance themselves from the other and yet like there's a lot of people who would kind of lump them together you know they come for the same era yeah the only difference is that the grond who is so big on sort of modernizing his games learning from the young guys really holds on yeah they may have come from the same era but you know you cover up the face behind the cards and Negreanu doesn't look like he's playing played for 10 years sometimes feel really that was your shot I guarantee a homeless never been in a spot like this I mean in the old days the only guy he used to regularly get in these kind of spots was Eskimo Clark you know [Laughter] some guy recently oversell himself and wind EPT wasn't there a big scandal if there was a lot of rumors I I'm not it was yeah a Dutch fella there was a got out in the press and all this and and I don't think the truth ever really came out there were certainly people talking about that yeah nice fold by Hellmuth there to the double barrel or was that yeah just easy I mean it shouldn't be folding the pair heads-up is never easy I think all those strategic considerations aside their history I means there's a certain pleasure for Negreanu to be able to bust Hellmuth out of the premier oh yeah there might even be some side bets and play yeah I'm just trying to work out exactly what price you could put on that you know Negreanu I mean how much what certainly two certainly more than could be six figures talking about guy who went for teary buys deep in the 1k rebuy at the World Series one submerge because he wanted to win yeah he was the happiest man alive they cut out the Reebok save and helmets peeled off this flop for a min raise but it's big I mean he has missed an opportunity to take a fall for five two off yet today so third maybe the fourth time we've seen Phil oh that's right having balls barely put chips in there's Tony G back in the building but out of the Premier League and just trying to find out what he can't believe that Hellmuth has a chance to get out of relegation oh no oh no Hellmuth may have trapped yes help me with all in and in trouble how far ahead was King 9 after grind his wage they're pretty solid JC is the happiest man in the bill toady's there JC and he heard role in Fraser the whole Premier League's come down to this I feel like I'm gonna win this hand running diamonds his best chance yeah he nighter a cake to even be life go to the river JC Tran just missed by one point in your in my face so much negativity it's not right that's not fun that's a little brutal you know I'm final league standings great Premier League for Locke Benjamin Schwartz and Safina they will be at the final table their points converted to chips at the rate of 10 K for points in the playoffs own two seats of that final table Negreanu taken on trend and Fraser taking on the wolf and head up matches to determine their fate we'll say goodbye to the four players in the relegation zone Hellmuth missing out in the end by only one point Daniel Negreanu takes down the last league match knocking out Phil Hellmuth in the process and going into the heads-up stages feelings about the game today oh man I it was such a rocky ride for me you know the weird really weird situation with Luke who's not even there he shows up he has to have aces I have an ace it's impossible he has it really so now sudden I was on the nub you know quickly bounced back and and then I thought a third would get me in I was concerned I was certain of that except a few scenarios and it happened where it was that scenario so now I realize I had to come second and then I have the weird thought of my head of okay you know if I lose to Phil who do I play and not to say that Ian's not accomplished player but I know that JC Tran is a you know has a lot more experience probably heads up so there's that in the back of my mind there's 50,000 more do I want this so it was a sort of a movie one of those after an incredibly tense and hard-fought battle Phil Hellmuth came second here today which is just not enough to put you into the final even into the heads up but we saw such a different side of your game today it was amazing watching some of those moves talk to me about your situation there at the table yeah yeah you know I mean look I feel really good I really do I mean I love the pressure on the heap and it was fun and I knew coming in that I had to finish second to make the carry League and then all of a sudden Roland who was a short stack he made a huge comeback and then I knew that Rowland couldn't finish third if Daniel was first and Roland was was third and I was second that I wouldn't make it so I mean it was you know so I mean look I just feel good I mean I came in here I played great poker I felt like I deserve better at least in two of these heats today at least I won a couple of coin flips and look I've been incredibly positive and normally after missing you know the primary league by one spot I'd be list really extraordinarily bummed out and upset but I just feel like I'm I'm on the block I'm walking on the path of like achieving great things right now and I was off that path but now I'm on the path of achieving great things and I feel like it's gonna be a great year for me and too bad I came up short but oh well here's to a great year for Phil Hellmuth thank you very much you're a good man at the end of the day or a good man that's the key let's truth fine all right we need you they it's good it's good it's good for it's good for the game they did everybody Daniel Negreanu wins the last league match in our final table lineup is nearly complete join us next time for the heads up playoffs when Daniel Negreanu JC Tran Rowland a wolf and Ian Frazer battle it out for the last two spots in the final of the PartyPoker Premier League for up decision got lucky there come on a razor
Channel: partypokerTV
Views: 757,945
Rating: 4.6315389 out of 5
Keywords: premier league poker, poker premier league, partypoker premier league, poker on tv, tv poker, nlh, texas holdem, texas holdem poker, tournament poker, poker tournaments, poker tournament, poker 2020, partypoker, party poker, poker party, poker, party poker live, season 4, episode 17, season 4 episode 17, Luke Schwartz, Vanessa Rousso, Roland De Wolfe, Daniel Negreanu, David Benyamine, Phil Hellmuth, Tony G, jesse may, isaac haxton, kara scott
Id: iS8ymowYmNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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