Phil Ivey Runs Like A GOD And Wins $2,205,000!

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and I kind of like I do remember the first time that I met Phil and I played a games at the World Series in o-5 when I actually won and I will be perfectly honest that was very daunting had a huge chip stack and he he had this presence about him but you know ten years on and play playing with him several times it's just another opponent really at the end of the day you know what he's capable of you know he's a high-level thinking player so you just play accordingly you know the best way is to treat him like he's just anyone else right hard to do that's the beautiful thing about poker though when you sit at the poker table you know it levels everybody up whether you're rich whether you're poor with you've won whether you haven't won everyone's the same is it the chips actually do the talking Phil Ivey has pocket kings here and he's raised it up to 45,000 that's the problem of guys like Phil Ivey as they get good hands to right they're allowed to folds around to Dan Smith and he announces all-in so I can't imagine Phil Ivey is gonna fold a quick call Dan Smith our short stack he's got pocket fours so well he's walked into a bit of a situation here and he's on the verge of elimination this young man Dan Smith just recently won the global poker index poker player of the year for 2014 well he's gonna need a lot of help he wants to see a four on this flop and he take chips off Phil Ivey the flop a nine seven seven flop great flop fulfill the table's gone very quiet now the pot just a little under six hundred thousand to turn a Queen of Hearts so now only two cards in the deck can save Dan Smith these two aren't the most animated of character but you just know that their minds are gone at a million miles an hour don't you the river and eight of clubs so we will lose Dan Smith and Phil Ivey will take his chips but I've got to hand it to them they they know how to play the nosebleeds like you say folds around - Doug poker chip leader he lets it go round - Eric Seidel we've spoken time and time again about how this man continues to play at such a high level Richard young one of the biggest characters we've seen in a long time still want to get a home game at his place but I don't want to pony up the money to buy in and there is Phil Ivey in the small blind eliminated Dan Smith a little earlier makes the call with ace five of clubs and Scott Seiver in the big blind will check but this calling out of the small blind with an ace has become more and more common these days and it's partly pop control partly trapping and you know being elusive with the strength of your hand Scott Seaver with an inside straight draw Ivey checks as does Scott the turn a seven of clubs now so Seaver pairs his seven ivory checks again this time Scott severs going to fire well severs got middle pair here he feels confident I've he's checked twice show no strength at all at the moment this for life he's gonna look him up well Ivey has an eight or a four to make it straight unfortunately eight won't doing me good the rivers are five of spades so IV pairs is five Scott Seiver though in control with a pair of sevens I think severs thinking now if Ivey has an eight to make the straight or a four he'll betting to me if he checks I'm going I'm gonna bet if he bets I'm gonna call and I think I think Scott will call here phil ivey bets 80,000 him to Scott Seiver this is Phil Ivey at his best figuring out what his opponent has and betting into him Scott Seiver though he's no spring chicken either Ivey the way I'd he called the flop so it looks like he may have been on a draw to a straight he may get Scott to fold here and he did so here you go we talked time and time again about how he plays at this high level but he's made his opponent for his hand and he's taken advantage of it great play to him it's just no coincidence and that inherently so Doug doesn't want to bloat the pot unnecessarily Scott Seiver folds around to the button once again Doug pulk it's been rather active lately four players remain one of them is gonna take 2.2 million but only one of them has won this title twice already including last year and that is Phil Ivey Hulk raises it up with ace four offsuit there he is in shot and he makes the call so they'll go at it again this time IV with a 10 and a 9 offsuit here comes the flop there is a 10 there well at an interesting flop to a 10 3 do so poke with a straight draw and IV with top here IV checks quickly now Doug can bet here all you can elect to take a free card for his gut shot straight checks behind IV the turn at 2 of hearts action on fill 75,000 just a little over half of the pot Doug can quite comfortably call here with his ace high he's gonna be ahead most not most the time but a lot of times gonna be ahead and he's also drawing to an ace or a 5 makes the call in position the river is a six of clubs so IVs pair of tens of best action is on Phil can he get Doug Polk to call here with a sign depending on the amount he could yeah it depends what you know how weak Doug sees IVs been and what the size of this bed is can't really bit too much we spent the pot that's almost the pot so IVs taking the line that I want to represent a bluff basically to get called by ace high this is the sort of thinking that these guys are doing like he's put Doug pork on a sky IV said I've got top pair I want to get a call I'm gonna bet the maximum to make it look like I'm actually trying to steal the pot and Doug pork hasn't moved so Phil live his instincts once again no surprise clearly making Doug Polk think about a call you can almost hear a pin drop in the room dug pop really considering this call you're right Joe wow this is a surprise he's made a raise here so he's turned his hands into a bluff basically Phil Ivey Lee hasn't moved but look at those eyes now it's actually very simple for ivy there's no use raising he's only gonna get called by a better hand okay he believes he's in front if he does believe he's in front he can just call and see what happens right if you believe he's behind he can raise now to try and get his opponent to fold but I think Ivy would just call my Ivy was caught by surprise there [Music] I've he's speaking out loud a little bit you don't get that very often from Phil he just gave up a lot of information there but I wonder whether that was deliberate to try and get a reaction from pop you can never tell right he said just to be clear that he said that I meant a bit hundred and seventy-five thousand trying to elicit a reaction from Doug Doug Paul perhaps to tell of some I think was pretty futile attempt but maybe just being honest their life is just asking clarifying a few tournament rules as we mentioned earlier Joe when they travel those rules change so you gotta clarify occasionally yeah but now that was definitely he's searching from information they okay he that was he knows that this is now playing poker right this is playing with people's minds right so you were right the first time don't trust them yeah exactly don't trust poker players he knows not at the table anyway confused frustrated the tug of war is back and even phil ivey gets it that's great can he do it can he convince himself to call he wants to he doesn't want to do I don't I every poker player in the world faces this even Phil Ivey oh there it is he makes the court so he will win a big party he almost looked a bit surprised he was resigned to the fact that he's actually lost the hand to be honest so he was surprised that he won and was it because he couldn't figure out what Doug Pope exactly he thought he dug his will be on Doug Pope he has the button he began our feature table and our final table as the chip leader he's done very well to come this far featured last year and the Aussie Millions also raises it up with 8 9 offsuit facing a very scary phil ivey in the big blind that is some big blind to go after phil will defend again especially when he has that chip stack sitting as well well IV has 6 for offsuit the flop a queen 5 3 flop with two hearts so Ivey with an up-and-down straight draw Hulk well poke pokes got 9 high but he's still ahead I would have liked to see I have you been into this flop to be honest it's so deceptive footing to this flop and hitting the turn your opponent's ever gonna put you on it Ivey checks pop bets 110,000 Ivy's never folding here with an open-ended straight draw now is it just a call or is it a raise or you know what are the options here either option is valid depending on what you put your phone on you know he's out of position doesn't to bloat the pot just yet makes the call the turn a 7 of clubs so Ivy turns a straight the action is on Phil now now the interesting thing about that card is it still gives pulk a straight rule a six will give him the nut straight on the river I like to see Phil check here I think he has checked yep good check there now pulk fired at the flop he backs down and checks now the river it is a nine of Hearts so well duck poke pears is nine but Ivy's got a straight so it also completes the flush draw take us through from here Joe the nine is not a good card for Polke Ivey should bet here and pop will probably call now that he's got middle pair he feels obliged to call but you know he could be strong enough to fold well he asks the question so you're right Joe the bet has made Doug poke curious and it looks like the vet is around 300,000 and he's counting it out almost as though he's resigned to call he has his calling immediately with his paranoids and Phil Ivey takes a very very nice pot off Doug Polk turning the straight life would have been much easier for pulk had the river bricked about to come nothing he could have just easily folded his hand well Phil Ivey takes a very nice pot off Doug poke that that would be but in front of him is Mike McDonald no stranger to like Joe says the nosebleed section I sit next to the world champion from 2005 in his hometown Joe Hachem well you grew up in the crown poker room did you ever think there was going to be a $250,000 bond that's a regular event on the calendar my god Paul I remember 15 years ago you know sitting around thinking why aren't more people playing this game and now you just look at the sea of people that are playing it's it's really good it's really nice to be part of this we've come a long way i pot brewing here between Mike McDonald who raises it up with King four and there is a king in the door and Phil Ivey called with King 10 flops two pair Mike's got a big piece of this too this is not a good flop for Mike like you know us knowing the cards he's basically drawing dead here it's very hard for you to win this pot he doesn't know that well he checks perhaps for pot control the turn is a three of diamonds I'd imagine there's some betting going Lou this Phil checks again hoping Mike takes a stab well Mike's got something surely he's going to bet now he should he should be betting now I really like his check on the flop like it that must be just pure instinct to check that flop or he was maybe trapping Phil you know like thinking wanna check back my top pair Phil take a step on the turn doesn't know that Phil's flop the nuts basically with king 10 Mike's gonna bet now the dynamics if this is incredibly interesting Paul because now Mike Bettes hoping to induce Phil to raise him on a bluff but Phil doesn't have a bluff he actually hasn't it's gotten to be fair so we could see a lot more chips going the middle here 125,000 is the bet action on Ivy who makes a much bigger raise 350,000 now back on Mike McDonald with that glare Mike is in a world of pain right now okay he has top pair no kicker like if I'm in his spot I'm going how can I fall top pair in this spot he must be making a move on me you know I have to at least call McDonald calls so we will see a river and phil ivey in very good shape this pot brewing to almost a million now Phil Ivey has him against the ropes the river is a queen of diamonds now in the context of the hand does that change anything that river kind it does because king queen is one of the hands that feel complete mic on so may change the dynamics but he still has Kings antennas I mean he's not going anywhere he would be saying to himself geez I'm really unlucky here if he actually does have King Queen because I've gone from winning the pot to losing the pot actions on IV now he pulls out a pile of chips the deal is going to count them out 600,000 ken Mike fold here it's a tough fold he can fold but I B's bit the perfect amount to get him to call so hard to fold with top here and he does call so Wow Phil Ivey with a super flop look he was ahead before the flop he had flopped Mike McGee and unfortunately for Mike McDonald he he flopped top pair played it very creatively in the end you write a super bet on the river and that really does make it hard for Mike McDonald now I mean how do you stop this man in this situation this is now he's got a commanding Shipley challenging for this and now he's going to need to do it again against Phil Ivey we believe he can but what an opponent he has Mike McDonald raises the button with ace-queen offsuit action on Phil now and he announces all ni Shirley it's a call yes it is very quickly so waiting for Ivy's hand he's got king queen of clubs Mike McDonald's got him dominated and he's in very good shape to double up yeah those two hands play each other heads up king queen ace queen there's no way the chips aren't going in the middle well Phil Ivey is gonna need to get lucky to knock him out but if he does it'll be three titles at the Aussie millions at the 250,000 dollar tournament that would be astonishing I mean he's - is astonishing but three is almost ridiculous yeah you took the words out of my mouth it's definitely unprecedented special well it's still a lot in between him on wow what a flop look at this King 10:10 flop Phil Ivey has out flopped Mike McDonald but Mike McDonald still has outs well now he's picked up the jacks as out as well so he's got seven outs total he grabs the lead and two cards away Mike McDonald's can barely believe that Ivey caught the lead there will return be of any help an ace or a jack is what we're looking for for Mike McDonald to survive a turn is an eight of Hearts if this river is not an ace or a jack Phil Ivey will be a three-time champion of the LK Boutique 250,000 dollar challenge look for an Ace or a jack or Phil will be the champion again can Mike kill the river the river is a nine of hearts and that will do it Phil Ivey amazing three-time champion of the elk a boutique 250,000 dollar buying event at the Aussie Millions Joe it's just not there I'm almost speechless incredible even it even feels a bit impressed with himself
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 4,440,532
Rating: 4.6700826 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker final table, aussie millions final table, poker phil ivey, poker hands, phil ivey vs mike mcdonald, mike mcdonald, big poker win, phil ivey, best poker hands, best poker tournament, poker tournament, final table win, 250k aussie millions, super high roller poker, super high roller final table, phil ivey vs smith
Id: GvSFls_LtkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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