$1,000,000 Guaranteed 2018 Fall Poker Open Championship

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good afternoon everyone and welcome to the live stream of the $1,000,000 guaranteed Borgata fall Poker Open million dollar guaranty championship event my name is Katie Stone I'm here with my friend Ricky Guan and for the next few hours we are here to watch and probably learn a lot from this immensely talented and experienced final table of players yeah it's gonna be a pretty star-studded final table here a lot of big-name pros a lot of guys with multiple big championships and we do have some newer faces here so excited to see how this final table plays out yeah it's going to be interesting with the fact that three of the players at the final table are not only very experienced live but also are experienced online and that's very important when it comes to Paige once's you know first place is two hundred and seventy thousand dollars it's a pretty hefty amount to be playing for right now but it's not an amount that they are unused to playing for so yeah absolutely it's gonna be very exciting the players have already gotten started so let's get down to the table and meet our players I'll table he comes in with 1.1 million 40,000 in chips so somewhere in the middle of the pack but this is a very deep final table and he's gonna have plenty of chips to play with here seat to is Michael quick he comes in with just over a million in chips he is our short stack here at the final table seat three is math you want men with about 3.2 million in chips a very experienced live and online cash game and tournament player seat for is Brian Altman also a very experienced cash game and tournament player online at both live very well known for his ultra aggressive style and for never folding he comes in to the day with a little bit over 1.4 million which is good for 5 out of 6 at this final table seat 5 is dat vu he comes into this day with just a little over 1.9 million in chips and we had seat sixes one how yang and he is our chip leader on the day with just over 4.2 million in chips and he is actually you know when how he's also a live tour name players had quite an incredible year just this year really started playing tournaments and has had some pretty impressive results just in 2018 really interesting dynamic final table we have here Ricky with extreme skill in multiple formats we have high-stakes cash game pros who play all the games we have guys who are playing high stakes tournaments live and online all over the world and then we have debt boo yeah so yeah you can just come into this small table with the chip lead I've known him for for about two years now we actually made a deep run here at the Borgata when I made my final table last April he got 10th place and ever since that he's been you know playing tournaments throughout the year and having a lot of success despite playing so smartly so excited to see how he navigates here with the chip lead at this star-studded final table so it looks like we have action on the first hand which is nice to see hopefully it will dictate the day we have an under the gun open from Bucky with a pair of nines and it looks like it was folded around to the button with one house having another pair and this is a very deep final table to start off with our shortest stack at this final table is Michael Glick and he has 37 big blinds so with this amazing structure here plate and this championship event we lost players fairly quickly at the start his final table so now that we're down to our final six everyone is very deep stacked and we should be in for a pretty long final table today there's the three pairs and a hidden hand pipe all Volpe in the small wine so our undergone opener is going to bet the king high flop into three people which will likely be the end of the hand right unless we can see yeah it depends on what Paul has here wine that's a big variable knowing Paul jeez Paul jeez a legendary online crusher from more than ten years ago just somebody who has been crushing for as long as he's been playing pretty much first blood goes to Bucky here at this final table Bucky has been pretty active since they combined for when they got 10 handed did come in as one of these shorter stacks but was able to chip up very nicely throughout the start of ten handed play and comes in today with over a hundred big blinds yeah Bucky actually recently had a win here at Borgata this summer he won a I believe it was a one of the summer open events say hello to everyone in twitch chat hello to all my fans as well who have let's come here and I haven't been streaming too much lately been playing here during the Borgata series after coming back from run at arena so hello to all of my friends in chat so with young having the chip lead at this final table I expect him to be fairly active no players are super short so there aren't going to be too many like jump considerations in the players minds at the very moment I was gonna try and chip up and trying to accumulate as many trips as they possibly can in a lot of these pots so yeah and I'm sure that the players did a little bit of research on their opponents last night as you and I probably would do the same when we're playing for this kind of money so they you know they probably understand that there could be fireworks yeah I definitely expect that would be really fun so interesting flop for two of these players right hmm see I'm starting off here opening the fourth Griese from the hijack definitely one of the weaker hands that he will open he's gonna gather the way with a queen Jack and Bucky here flooding top hair and all T is really examining Bucky here and his body movement and his actions really interesting to see oh just the nuts on the turn for that booth and buggies not gonna expect him to have a hand like four three here opening from from the hijack oh we're getting tricky here on the turn sign to check back with the nuts after view checks back to ace Bucky will expect to have the best hand a lot of the time here with this King Jack going for a value bet here on the river and I hope we see a raise it's gonna be pretty bad if we don't see it right here right you do remember that Queen Jack was folded on the flop I know I'm lucky for being there he's going to raise 125 up to 300 yeah every small raise here by boob within basically the nuts you don't expect Bucky to be floating too many Queen Jack's type of hands unless they have some sort of like you know back flush or maybe clean Jack of Diamonds but for three the the wheel here definitely strong enough for a raise yeah and even if that boo had turned you know like it's a two pair like an ace five suited or something you would still expect him to be betting yeah but if you're both issues you don't expect them to have a hand this strong you did check back to turn after betting flop but uh well it's good fold I think we missed out on a little bit of value in this hand now typically when you make a good hand on the turn especially hand as disguise that's having four three there on that board you do want to be putting in quite an amount of chips well he was able to get a bed out of Bucky there on the river thank you to all you guys for tuning in early for our final table here at Borgata all the players at this final table are guaranteed fifty thousand three hundred thirty seven dollars the next page up in this event for fifth place will be 60,000 404 and all the players are playing for that first-place prize of 270 thousand seven hundred sixty-five dollars the event started with 437 players regarde down to our final six and we started this live stream with about 28 minutes left of level 24 the 30k level and at this final table wireframe blank will go up every 60 minutes until we get down to heads-up light so it looks like we have dot vu limping under the gun with a six of diamonds does that look right okay yeah this is uh let me here with the e six of diamonds definitely a flying Play Doh mix in some limps here especially being one of the middle ink stacks at this final table we're definitely gonna see who makes things up here at solemn table that's for sure yeah that'll be fun especially with the other players also seemed to be having tendencies to mix it up as well with some cash game players at the table as well who decides the bet here on this jacket seven flop and ulti with the flipping gutter here on a pretty coordinated board size just fold and who will take it down so interesting talking about seating position here at this table Ricki so you're Paul Volpe having these players on your immediate left all in a row is probably not the most enticing thing that you want to see right because that potentially can alter your opening ranges do you think or slow you down possibly or change your opening amount does that what kinds of things do you consider when you have you know Glick want men and all T all on your immediate left like this at a final table I personally think volte has a very good seat here at this final table he's on the left of the chip leader he gets us you know the chip leaders typically gonna be the person who's gonna be most aggressive at a final table but having position on him he's able to react to what young does now and hope he's been around long enough where he's not scared to open into anyone's big blind here and he does also have position on you know one of the least experienced players at this final table too so I'm sure he's gonna look to take advantage of that interestingly enough what we came into day three at this event this is day four final table he was day three of this went fairly short he was down to fewer than ten big lines quite a few times throughout day three but he has certainly written it up to get to this point oh Alti has flopped a good hand that is quite a good hand huh the ulti flighting the king tennessee from the small blind versus Bucky's open now respect what do you think about about that some players might 3bet some players might fold some players might call yeah you can definitely mix all three options here [Music] he's certainly aware that Boo is one of the least experienced players at this final table it's gonna try and get involved with him you know quite a bit but pretty poor run out here for for all t he decides to check on the turn and now the board double pairs Queen Jack nine nine Queen not the rent out the Hollis he wanted to see here it's gonna be pretty hard to get value from worse it's mainly targeting some like Jax or some ace highs that we were bucking might had mask bulky want menhir with a pretty interesting decision on the river Alex that just fold the ace high he definitely could've considered : there with the ace high on this board you would expect you know all Teta to be betting turn with with quite a few of his stronger hands some Kleenex as well so hearts they seem have too many full houses on that board when it runs out like that again we see a good fold from Bucky you guys can follow along all the action here at Borgata you can go online to fall poker open the Borgata comm you can also take a look at the twitter account at Borgata Poker generally is pretty up to date on all the announcements and goings-on here at the Borgata and online on Borgata Poker comm any questions for us you guys any comments anything that you would like to us to address and talk about hash tag Borgata Poker lives you can also tweet at us at rated GTO and at Katie Stone poker their fans in chat who do you think will win this fall Poker Open Championship event is it going to be the chip leader coming into this into today yang is gonna be one of our experienced pros in Volpe bucky or all t is it going to be our mixed game specialists hitting clique or is it going to be our and a wild card here at this final table and vu somebody in chat said ultimen has crazy eyes almond definitely focuses a lot on the his opponents movement yeah what they're doing at the table so very intense I think that's a I think intense is a very good description for him he's not not very much gets by him it definitely has some really good table presence and for a lot of recreational players might be pretty scary to play against just because he's always staring you down a little bit and really focusing on each of you very your actions but those are the things those little things is what makes a player like Alti very successful and definitely proven that over the course of his career so another pot for dot Lu he's definitely one the majority of the pots here at this final table so far with 8 deuce which is a very similar hand to the hand that ulti crushed my dreams and soul and WSOP Main Event this 0 45 minutes to go day 4 day 4 still really also run though yes but the 8 3 is not an awesome hand Sifu definitely not shy of playing pots here so far I'd love to see it though in a first big final table a lot of players are usually scared and gonna play fewer hands try not to make too many mistakes but who's getting right in there and gonna be active and trying to accumulate all the chips here he is and I'm sure you know I'm sure he did research on his opponents understanding you know who he's playing against today and you know yesterday as the as people were busting and getting knocked out and we were getting closer and closer to a final table and just the you know so many very good players were still in the field you know I started getting really excited about this final table stream because especially as we start to you know lose a player or two we will hopefully get to see some some fun play all right this is the interaction this is the confrontation that I want to see the most at this Hahnel table the chip leader versus Paul Volpe and what kind of player since you kind of player is he in your opinion is he willing to fire it's he more refined young is just super solid overall like I float with him a few times over the past couple of years and I don't think I've seen him make one mistake over the course of all times you play so he's a very studied interesting because you know he's a student 24 years old he's only been playing poker for about a year or two now he's also putting ball Paul Volpe Olin right now yeah I actually really like this move by him signing till limp and king/queen instead of raising it and typically the chip leader is going to be putting on a lot of pressure versus some of the shorter stacks here by raising a lot but this is a play I definitely like by Inge here with the king queen this is for a lot yeah put the pole it puts hoping in a very tough spot here because East 10 is a super strong hand especially blind versus blind the reason why you raised was because you've tried to get value for your hand I don't think he expected Ying to come out with a limp three but shove this early but definitely put in a tough spot is this a call that you would make after eight of raising the yeas 10 well it looks like I mean how many big blinds effective is he it's about 30 big pointy people dear yeah I mean this is uh I don't think I'd be able to fold I mean yeah they sent super strong I expecting if he's playing a limp three best strategy to be using some weaker aces you know some pears and and then some of these Broadway hands that you're a head of man so it's tough because you know there are patients to worry about I don't think Bobby is the kind of person had this final table to really care too much about the paid jobs especially one that's you know only 10k with 270k up top but and that's that's an interesting point that you bring up to is that a lot of these players are very used to playing for large amounts exactly up and he folded Wow so your chip leader is putting the pressure on I like it I really like the way you can play that hint because if he raises and let's say Volpe shoves then he's put in the tough spot with the king queen on whether or not to call it off yeah but limping here allows Volpe - maybe isolate some you know some weaker hands some of these like middle of stronger hands and Volpe is the one who is forced to fold the better hand in this Flying V blind spot this was a 1 million dollar guarantee championship event we did exceed the guarantee here yep these players are playing right now for a $50,000 cash the pay jump after that is about ten thousand dollars up to sixty then it goes up to seventy six thousand ninety five thousand second place is 156 thousand with first at just over 270 and we have Altman opening the hijack so if Opie has to know that ulti is a fairly aggressive player going to be opening quite a bit here and he's gonna come after him with the east four suited so is this you know going back to like the King 10 hand and the small blind being able to mix in flats three vests folds talk about the ace four suited this is a different position it is hijack it's not button and he is small blind but talk about you know obviously I don't think anybody is folding their hand pre but three betting and calling or certainly options sometimes depending on who's opening right for sure and it really depends on who the preflop aggressor is in this spot he knows all T's gonna be raising a lot here and he's applying pressure immediately has that you know good ace blocker I think we will see a flop here with ulti having a hand as nice as eight seven suited so the raise was 260 initially and a three bet out of position was to 190 ya won't be kind of leveraging his own snack here in a way where he's not gonna expect all teats appeal too much just because there's already 440,000 the pot and both he has less than 2x pot behind so it's a spot where all T's not gonna be peeling too much versus vulpes a three bet so when Volpe is thinking about what all t's flatting range is here he has to think that small pairs are in that range as well possibly sixes fives yeah something interesting um ulti does have to defend a little more it's just because he's opening a slightly wider range but but yeah I expect some pairs in there some suited connectors and even some some traps preflop now he might throw in the Aces or the Kings for head once in a while go check check here on this flop after Volpe flops two pair on the Jack Jack for board I hope you had one of those in between hands on the flop where it's good you want a little bit of protection but some of the time you'll be running into a better hand so just the bluff catcher here for four Volpe at this point so ulti really has to think that you know he probably doesn't have very much showdown value with eight high so what do you think he's thinking right now just like he's done with the hand or is he it's a spot worries gonna wait until the river you know if he was going to blow a pair on the river that's his plan okay yeah got it that's definitely one way to win this pot I think if it had checked down to the river ulti would have decided to put a bluff out there and that's kind of what I was wondering like you know depending on what the river was but now he has a value but sure the best hand here a lot of the time Volpe has a hand that looks like you know ace high a lot of the time here so definitely going to try and go for some value on the river so he is going to bet a little under half pot here on the river by ulti I wouldn't manageable be hashed a call here right yeah to pair hold for him bopi is going to expect all teeth have some bluffs here by the river and after checking down to the river here what we might not have many better hands in his range he's definitely been put in some very tough decisions to start this model table again you guys can follow along the blog updates Borgata Poker has a very comprehensive blog that covers all of the events here at Borgata and you can take a look at all of the chip counts the payouts pictures and more at fall poker open dot the Borgata com do you want to mention that if you do not want any spoilers for this final table stream do not look at the blog the blog is covering in real-time so we are currently on a 30-minute delay so everything that's happened down there at the final table we will find out 30 minutes later see I Volpe doesn't make the call there on the river with his ace for paying off the value bet thereby ulti I want to say hello to some of our friends in chat here hello Chris what's up Dee Mok hello Hebrew hammer Congrats on your run in this main event what's up Jackie Miko asks how did I bust this main event I did Cash's tournament made a three and the hand that really did me in was Jax versus sixes for for most of my chips at the start of day three I was really feeling a run here you know for God is one of my favorite places to play if not my favorite place to fly made quite a few runs at this main event here so far and always feels nice to be deep in a tournament with over a million dollars in the prize pool that's okay I get to join you friends here in the commentary booth and watching this final table with you guys so ulti opens under the gun with nines and it's folded back around to Bucky in the big blind with an off suit ace and he is defending does the fact that ulti only meant does that affect how does that affect your ace rag defending range in the big blind coming from an under the gun opener blinds are 30 K he opened to sixty and also with a hand like nines you know how does that also affect your opening size all these been using a pretty consistent race eyes throughout this tournament you know mainly going with with the men raised here how it affects my big blind defense range definitely gonna need defending a little more just because it is a min raise but have to take into account that he is opening from under the gun here the chip leader is in position to him at this final table so a lot of factors go into it but my defense range in the big blind won't be affected too much versus the center under the gun now if he were to open you know 3x or 4x or 5x Martin to gun then that would change my my defense range quite drastically but the difference from like two big blinds like two point one big blinds that a lot of people use not too much there yeah a lot of Altman fans here in chat definitely one of the more well-known pros here that travel to play live poker yes somehow I didn't know who he was this summer when he sat down at my table on at the end of day four in the main event I and and and nobody believed me that I didn't know who he was I really didn't I'm sure after playing with him for about 15 minutes you find out very quickly yeah and that's absolutely after 15 minutes I knew exactly what type of player was in the big line for LT a former WPT champion a WSOP circuit ring winner definitely very accomplished professional with almost 3 million dollars in live earnings so he just thought does decide to check the river after Bucky continued along in the hand I'm here to chat says are the cameras going to follow that blue to the roulette table if he wins we're gonna have to ask production about that but didn't his bio sheet he did say that was what he's gonna do is he gonna take all of his winnings that's what he said and I'm gonna try my very best to hold him to it do we get to pick like what game he plays or anything or he says roulette and he's gonna put it all on the table roulette and he's gonna put it all on the table Wow put it all on black we've heard stories we've seen some articles we've seen videos of other poker players who have won big tournaments and gone straight to the tables to do that we have it is the admirable aspirations Bowlby has been very active here so far at this final table mainly because he's been getting some pretty good hands looks like he'll just be all in here with his pocket nines for his final 14 to 15 bigs no not really anything else I would want to do with the hand like nines looks like he'll get this one through who says he has been playing poker for over 14 years now mainly in home games we have zero tournament results for vous so this is definitely his biggest model table his biggest live cash but definitely not new to the game of poker at all click is opening the cutoff here with the king 9 suited accusing a 185 care and Bucky calling from the button with a clean jack they will go heads up to a flop six five four here and click flops the king-high flush draw Nicolette himself not too much tournaments perience most of his caches have come from the $50,000 Poker Players Championship he's a very accomplished mixed game professional play some of the highest stakes in the world probably find him in Doyle's room in Vegas playing some 5k 10k mix games yeah I have to wonder you know what a 50k cash means to him right now and with the games that he plays being sometimes sometimes it's you know that's a straddle and you know it's 50k three like you know just to play your hand so it's like it's so does that I wonder if we're guys like this who have such a high you know tolerance for for swings like this does that force them to then make more refined decisions because you can absolutely concentrate 100% and not worry about the money or does it go the other way and they're just like whatever it's just 50k like let's just gamble and try to get it all I think for most professionals because you play poker for for a living you'd have to you definitely want to be able to perform at your very best you want to try and make the best decisions you can so it's nice to see him come over to the No Limit Hold'em tournament realm and have this you know successful run that he's had yeah he's clearly taking it very seriously and [Music] a lot of you know high stakes mixed game players that I know say that playing mixed games makes their No Limit game a lot better absolutely and so this is one reason why a lot of these players can come over and have good success in the tournament world cyclic taking a very interesting line here in this hand so far his high stat check the flop Bucky's put taking a stab with a queen Jack Glick calling and turning top pair here with the King and Bucky fires again here on the turn look has less than pot behind now so but the hand is strong as King 9 of diamonds Mike just put all the money in the middle now yeah I can't there's the merits of doing that you know try and get some value for 9 suited and there's also merit to continue to a bluff catch you know your opponent is going you know might not put you on a hand as strong as a king here by the turn after you you check all the flop like how many kings do you really check and call a bet with anyways right do you think that clicks check on the flop was with the intention to possibly check raise well he decides to check call here you know keeping the pot a little small he knows that Volpe is you know a little shorter than he is at this hollow table he himself doesn't want to put all of his chips at risk right this second exactly and Bucky flooding him from from the from the button here he's gonna have you know some medium strength hands where you know don't necessarily want to get in against and click does go all in here on the turn and takes this pot down what aventurine see if he decide to check halt again what ulti would have done on the river and knowing ulti he's probably gonna go for it questions for commentators about players anything Borgata Poker you can tweet at us at Keystone poker at rated GTO and use the hashtag Borgata Poker Live and join in on our conversation tell us who you want to win the tournament I know who I want to win like I know like I kind of know who I want to win I also know who I kind of don't want to win I hate I hate to say that I you know I am 100% unbiased I'm here to enjoy the poker with you guys here in chat I you know I just have a you know being a online grinder for a very long time I it always makes me really happy when I see you know guys from you know back when I was just starting to play online poker you know 2008 you know like Paul jeez Paul Volpe still coming and just crushing so you want the rich they get richer at the solitaire you know I just I I appreciate the success that that it that he's had and the difficulty that it is to have that kind of success over such a long period of time in a game that has changed quite a bit since 2008 Ricky so somebody who's been able to adapt at every level in every game at every stake on every format we've seen yeah I like I like when when those guys won absolutely you cannot have a conversation about who the elite players in Pokhara without mentioning Paul vulpes name in there what's up Johnny Drama Congrats on your running here at the fall Poker Open Championship event yeah he was my pick to win I really wanted him to win yourself a Joey well I mean you know after we busted obviously but you know I would love for one of one of our gotta Poker calms most loyal online grinders to win a huge tournament of course in our backyard for sure you and Joe have had quite the series and quite the year so far yes my husband and I actually have had a pretty good series he even chopped event number one heads up for just under 130 K and then a couple nights later I took first and chopped $300 150 K for another 20k and so that was I was a kind of a cool 48 hours I would like to really family success at poker yeah I think it's really cool too because we have a three-year-old son and he's been able to come and and see both mom and dad at the poker table in independently and I think that's really cool that he gets to see both mom and dad working and doing the exact same thing I wonder I wonder how I feel like he's gonna be a judge when he gets to be older because he will have such a fundamental objective way of looking at everything you know has he started playing yet is he running the Sims already we're starting chest very soon also the World Chess Championship is going on right now I don't know if you guys are interested in chess but for the first time in a very long time United States has a contender and so that's a really really really cool thing Fabiano Caruana definitely a big crossover between chess and poker I know a lot of poker players who have been you know very skilled in chess and a lot of other games that require you know such abilities sure and chess players make good poker players because they understand how valuable study is and they understand how to study a lot we have two two good hands that are going to Co not only two good hands see all mine opening the hijack here with the pocket tens blinds are now at 20k 40k so he has just about 35 big lines to start this hand vu deciding to just call in the cutoff with the ace Queen suited definitely handle that now it's strong enough to mix in some three bets as well and young here on the button our chip leader waking out with the pocket jacks so if you're him what is your sizing right now probably something around 320 know something versus one player you would typically go you know three times in position or so and you'll tack on an extra big one for the cold caller and this kind of you know it could definitely look like he's the big stack he's trying to push people around put pressure on people it's a good quote unquote spot but you have to absolutely viable hands to go post right now three two or two additional hands that have yet to act yeah with how we final table dynamic works you expect the chip leader to be putting on a lot of pressure and with the hand of strong his pocket tens 4:35 big lines I can't see ulti getting away from this one just one of those cooler spots in poker I'm just really glad I can see the car because I can just imagine like being him and in this spot with tens and we have a flatter and then the chip leader and I'm just like really like not enjoying life right now really I mean like part of you doesn't want to bust this tournament but the part of you would be wrong I don't wanna bust I don't want to you know be whatever and he does go all in with Hannah Strong's pocket tens here versus you know the chip leader who's gonna play fairly aggressive and vu here let's see what is this with the ace Queen suited so he's also ulti is all in for one point just under 1.5 million dat boo has just over two point three which essentially basically would be all of his chips yeah this is one of these strongest hands that Lu's gonna have her in the cutoff and in a lot of times you might be able to call it off here with the ace Queen suited especially if you think the button is aggressive enough in ulti shoving you know some slightly weaker hands and and what do you think like what percentage of time do you think that this hand even is played out like this like you haven't highjack open with tens and then ace Queen flats you know where a lot of times you're going to see a player decide to three bet that this hand probably plays a little bit differently because we probably see a four belt from Jack's right exactly I think who actually played this him really really well it's a spot where Volpe is fairly short you have some other you know middling stacks at the final table that you don't want to bust before so definitely taking a slightly more conservative route and that allows them to get away when a situation like this happens yeah really interesting hand he makes the call and calls it off here an ulti is going to be at risk here versus our chip leader graphics say that he's only 12% to win the hand and that might have been because another player folded a 10 king 9 3 on the flop and all he's gonna need a 10 and only attend to stay alive here after the 8 on the turn 6 on the river and we lose all T Brian Altman in sixth place unfortunate there for him to run into the hand that was one better than his but still another great run in another big live tournament for Brian Allman finishing a sixth place for 50,000 $337 and he will add to his total live earnings which will put him over the 2.8 million mark pretty unfortunate for him there would have loved to see him you know play some D stack poking around yeah I really would have loved to see his cards that's the big part seeing its cards because I yesterday in watching some of the bubble play he was quite active for sure and that's the type of player that you would love to know what he has just just in every hand just from a pure learning yeah all five players now guaranteed sixty thousand four hundred four dollars it's a next page on this to 76,000 830 say all the middle legs tax you're happy to see you know one of their fellow players get knocked out get a pay jump and I'm sure they would uh they're quite pleased to not have to face the aggression of ulti here for the rest of this panel table and just to give you guys some dates of some upcoming tournaments in case you would like to plan the WPT Borgata winter Poker Open dates have been announced recently and they will take place January 15th through February 1st here at Borgata that main event will be a $3,500 buy-in I believe as it usually is during the WPT s and you can actually win your seat online to that $3,500 tournament on Borgata Poker calm in $535 satellites that will run generally a few weeks before the event I did not win my seat Riki for this main event although I valiantly tried I loved satellites did you know that I love satellites I see all of your tweets every single day for satellite than to some people got a tournament III have no shame I'm a big believer in satellites I think that satellites are the heart and soul of online poker and they serve to better create and fund a greater poker population on a more midstate schedule which which i think is is better for everybody amateurs recreational as professionals more of a mid stakes by in range sure and you'll be happy to hear that I did win a satellite online for my seat here as soon as 2700 know that I did know that congratulations keeping in line with the date announcement really fast another date for you guys poor God is having a deep Stax challenge that will run December 26 through the 30th that's a really good week long schedule of events kind of a mid-range buy-in usually about $200 buy-ins but it's guaranteeing over one hundred and sixty thousand dollars in prize pools so definitely a good schedule to check out and that schedule is up on the website at the Borgata com if you're free during your holiday break yeah holidays are good days for poker they're also good for chess too a lot of big chess tournaments are held over holiday so we just saw Matt want men Bucky having to limp fold for three off what are your thoughts Ricky on that kind of hand in this kind of situation you are blind versus blind everybody's folded to you you have a hand like four three off you have the most experienced player at the final table but one who has arguably been one of the most active what are your thoughts on that type of hand yeah I can definitely throw in some limp sir you know some players would like to just open fold just because you do have for highs and offsuit hand gonna be pretty hard to play post flop especially out of position but Bucky very confident in his post flop skills I assume so definitely want to play more pots with an inexperienced player but we keep saying losing experience but he's don't play poker for over 14 years you know well sure can't be unfair to him about I mean 14 years and I mean he yes he indicated 14 years not professionally but in home games very good very good home game that's where I got started as well you know playing some some home games up front he might have just said that like just to be funny though right like maybe he's actually like playing some of the biggest games around and he's the one to tell us that you know so who from Denver Colorado who knows he making planks on 1 K 2 kg exactly out there exactly there's a lot of money out in Colorado so we see want Minh deciding to open the button here with 74 off I I would have liked to see a fold what would you think he's he's kind of thinking when he's opening 7 4 off on the button into these players into the chip leader [ __ ] he's definitely trying to to be active here into Yang's big line though being the chip leader be someone who's playing you know fairly solid and going to defend his big blank correctly I wouldn't have chose a hand as we got 7 4 off to open I agree even even 7 4 suited exactly go away forever and getting punished here now 3 fighting ahead at the big line you know I mean to his credit yes he is attempting to be active but he is actually being quite disciplined in in his additional maneuvers meaning he's really not getting out of line and continuing out of whatever frustration or he is getting through but a decent amount he is having you know he's had to limp fold we've seen he's you know having to fold post after you know being the opening aggressor or so he is he has shown quite good discipline though I would say if the other players at this final table start catching on that he's gonna be playing some of these weaker hands I expect them to adapt in and punish him down the road yeah for sure as we get as we get even more short-handed he might have to adjust that strategy somewhat chan asking is Altman's shove with the tens correct yet perfectly fine show definitely a winning play there for 35 big loins there's a lot of dead money in the middle once boo decides to flat with the ace queen and getting being the chip leader gonna be fairly aggressive gonna be squeezing hands that are even weaker than the pocket tens of Altman so definitely a fine play by him and just very unlucky to run into the jacks of Yang you have to say though Ying has been getting some very good hands from the end of day three all the way to final table of six play here Stephanie's gotten aces a few times he was the one that actually knocked out disenzo Dana's ends up in 7th place here prior to our livestream final table where he got aces versus the ACE 10 to take her the rest of dance chips yeah I was rooting for Dan also obviously we he's friend of ours we play online with him on Borgata Poker Calm quite frequently you and I Ricky and I always definitely read I was another one I was rooting for great great guy been playing a long time it's been winning for a long time another one that would have been nice to see at this final table yeah so for everyone who's out there learning how to become very good at No Limit Hold'em tournaments one of the best strats I can give is get good hands especially at final tables [ __ ] you're gonna see about the Jack ten here this Broadway draw and take it down Paul's not shy of defending his his big blind there with the three deuce adversity 45 says want to see Paul with his chips and we do as well hello adversity 45 another player that we play whist a lot online Ricky who's that adversity 45 only just about every night hope he's gonna be all in here blimey you blind with his King oh good luck Oh [ __ ] eyes of Michael like this is not what I would like to see I would like to I'm rooting for Paul yeah Paul shoving just about just about 11 bigs here with the King for offsuit and here's a king on the bog King 10-5 flop here for Paul Volpe and he pulls away ahead 6 on the turn no help to click what's gonna need a ninety nine only in chat wants him to get chips he's gonna get chips right now hey down the river and Paul Volpe doubles up here here we go back to almost a million in chips now at this final table I'm lucky therefore liked to have Paul hit the the King on the flop and now it looks like he's going to be our shortest stack here at this final table and that's just how poker tournaments go sometimes right yeah sometimes the one he gets in you'd have to run the cards they have the power of shoving a hand like king for wear a lot of times you're just gonna get it through pick up all the dead money in the middle and when you do get called you can just get there so interesting point that you bring up Ricky is you and I both have been deep in tournaments that are now using the big line a knee in structure just most recently last week in the $300 150 K that I final tabled here we were quite short when we were short-handed and you know it definitely adds a little bit of a different dynamic to the game that is changing the game a little bit so when you especially when you're blind versus flying with hands like you know King four off suit you know how does that change ranges in your opinion so in a format where they're using the big line and a full big line Andy even when it gets down to slightly shorter handed there is more than money in the middle compared to if everyone were to ante 5k at this level right normally there would be about 25k and antes now there's 40k so definitely want to be a little more active just because there's more money to win and I personally am a huge fan of it especially for a live poker speed of play has definitely gone absolutely and I'm also a big fan of it I'm a huge fan of it I wonder though if eventually some they might make adjustments especially at the final table what do you think because it does change the game a little bit when you're short-handed and a little shower it does but you know through poker and I guess the history of poker there are always gonna be little things that are tweets here and there and it's up to the players to adapt to certain things you know the best players will you know notice how to adjust to too big my nanny I'm sure there are some tournaments where you know there aren't even auntie's back then or anti only tournaments where everyone has to make these adjustments and and that's a great example and that's how I explained it to other people as well when when they've questioned you know why the change and you know and I've explained that that same thing you know there are tournaments you know any only tournament so even at the World Series they have so this is just another example of not a variant of the game but a variant in in the structure right of how things in order to make the experience better for everybody you know especially 99% of the things that you are going to do in a poker tournament are still gonna be the same whether using a big line and E or a regular ante correct you might have to adjust some ranges here and there but in terms of how the game works and how the game is going to run not really that big of a difference now you recently just had a few final tables out in Reno right for the run it up series correct and were you playing big blind Annie out there we were so all the tournaments at runner-up Reno were big blind Annie and most of them were 8 max something that I really really enjoyed ya know Borgata here has you know some of the kickoff all my determines where it's 10 handed and I personally think that's just too many players at the tables you know and but out in Reno we had 8 max from most of the tournaments and you know a few six max tournaments as well so it definitely sped up pace of play you know you have to be you got to do more things you know you're not folding as much when it's 8 handed and it made for a overall better tournament experience yeah 8 max is amazing I've said that many times I said if every if every poker tournament I ever played for the rest of my life with an 8 max turbo I would be a very happy girl I loved 6 max obviously but 8 max is just such a vast improvement over 9 and 10 handed poker and I think I think everybody would agree with that so you were on this river here in the pot between Yang and Vuh Vuh opened and yang called from the cutoff with the king queen suited flopping top hair on the king 9 3 and Yang's gonna call here on the river versus booze bluff and take down this pot yeah blue trying to fight for this pot here with disease hi might not necessarily be you know a sigh seems a little too strong to be bluffing on the river here it looks like Ginga was able to sniff it out and add to his chip lead back to the point I'm bored out here run some very very big tournaments there's you know sometimes a limited space so I'm sure tab and the rest of the staff have to you know they've heard all the comments about whether or not to bring it down to like 980 handed play and everyone does do their best to make sure the tournaments do go down to nine right-handed as we get into day two day three and day four of these tournaments I think there is currently a deposit code out there you guys for Borgata Poker calm deposit match and a signup bonus if you guys don't have a Borgata Poker dot-com account please go and make one and get the free money why wouldn't you get the free money and join us online every night you'll see me there you'll see Ricky there you'll see Johnny Drama Hebrew hammer you'll see my husband get to play with all of us I had a nice nice gentleman come up to me on the rail the other day when I was playing the main event and he came up to me and said I play with you a lot online and I really enjoy it and I said oh well that's great thank you so much and I was wondering if it's because he just like owns me online this way really enjoys it I'm like well I'm sorry he was probably about 75 years old and really was very enthusiastic about his online poker play and that was really nice to see cuz that's that's awesome yeah it was really nice you don't get too much of the older crowd well my poker anymore nice to see it is really nice and you have to think you know there's got to be all sorts of cognitive benefits as you get older my grandfather was a lifelong chess player and you know passed away when in his late 90s but he was still playing chess every day and was just a staple at his local chess club and I have to think that that assisted him in his longevity so I think this guy is on the right I'm on the right track you know do something that nourishes your mind and you'll live longer so you have Bucky 3-betting the small blind here with the ace five offsuit vs click who opened off of a fairly short stack Bucky putting in almost half of Glick snack here on the three vet definitely a lot of pressure think look laughs - lay down the King 9c there's stakes for everyone to play you know on Borgata Poker anywhere from micro stakes even free rolls up to you know $500 $1,000 tournaments during a series and then a bunch of satellites to live events such as a Borgata fall Poker Open Championship recently played a satellite to WPT 5 diamond out in Bellagio and well I won the 55 into the 535 so which and that's what the great thing is that is that you know you know you can win for a 535 ticket into a 2700 or 3500 but then also a few times a year for got a poker comm runs packages so there's a 535 satellite into a 12 K package which sends you out to the Five Diamond Classic in Bellagio in December so but if you don't want to pay 535 just you can play a fifty five dollar satellite into the 535 and that's what I did exactly I love those 55 dollar satellites and even if you're you know like not playing that many tournaments online fifty-five dollars is a really great way to just kind of get your feet wet and you know really kind of understand what online poker is all about but yeah like you mentioned there's buy-ins from micros there's even micro qualifiers there's three rolls and it's just a really great way to get experience and learn the game and get a lot of hands under your goal which is the absolute most necessary part to improving in poker wouldn't you wouldn't you think so yeah absolutely and how could it be is someone from from playing on Borgata from a 55 dollar satellite went on to win WPT five diamond for two million dollars I'll try I already have my flight booked to Vegas so assuming I'm going to be there what's what's your next big event or key your next big live anything anything coming up for you so I'll be going home back to New York perfect Thanksgiving spend a little time with family then I'll be going out to California for a running up event nice ambassador for for team run it up and we have a miniseries out in stones Casino Perry will be doing that and then a short flight to Vegas for WPT five-diamond at the Bellagio right after I will say I was I was really happy to see your recent signing as an ambassador for run it up I was happy for you but I was also happy for me because that means you are not in my player pool as much online and that means I win more when you're not here so I'm so fish ly happy the last couple of months I've been working with Jason Somerville and team run it up been streaming on Twitch quite a bit and we'll be going back to it right after this Borgata series so I hope to see some of my fans back there cool group of guys fit is there right like all those streamers yeah absolutely a lot of Poker Stars team pros a lot of guys who have been a steeple on Twitter for the last few years got a chance to hang out and meet a lot of them while I was at running about Reno and a lot of big things to come in the near future for poker on Twitch well that's great speaking of star streamers did you know that because I think I saw Jamie staples and Fenton were at the run at up Reno event but we all used to be I mean it's still there nobody's talked in it for years but a Skype chat pre-black Friday online poker back in 2009 2010 when Jamie staples was literally just learning poker and I was grinding $11 tournaments and Tonka you know Tonka he was he was playing 5k sit and go Hyper's and Vinton was grinding empty tees and it was just like 10 of us in this chat and so we go way back we go way back so it's really cool to see those guys blossom and you know as they've gotten older and more experienced in their careers and they blossomed into you know the movers and shakers and the in the online streaming were there any signs of them back then that they were gonna become owned a big change in new new new I'm glad that the Skype chats get erased after certain thoughts I'm because they I mean you know it was a it was um it was early in Jamie's poker career so he was I mean he was like I remember he would he would put these questions in chat like hey guys what do you do with ace jack-off su-25 big lines and then just leave it like right there like very very basic questions like that it was he was just learning how to play so-so but but no it was we never had any inclination that anybody was ever going to go you know go on to become what they've become now but it's nice because they clearly have a talent in the game and they continued and then they saw a need for something a void that they filled and had the ability to fill so it's nice to see the progression and you yourself for filling that void as well you're one of the only streamers here in New Jersey online poker and it's a very very much needed aspect of this and you do a very good job at what you you're you you actually stream on Twitch are we gonna see you in that's what streets anytime soon Katie I don't think so it's it's definitely I've been asked that multiple times and I actually I was in Vegas this past March playing a charity heads-up event that was streamed by Jason Somerville and the crew for Matt Burke II solve it solve for y group out in Vegas and I one of my heads-up opponents was ha fou who is a very like over a million followers on Twitter she's an online gamer and she she told me a little bit about it and and what it all entails and it's quite a lot of work it's a lot of work and I didn't realize how much work it was so kudos to all those streamers because it's a lot of work outside streaming that people don't realize it's pretty hesitant to do it for quite a while and then when I first jumped into it it was pretty overwhelming at first like normally when I play online it's anywhere from like 6 to 15 tables and adding open broadcast software and looking at twitch chat it's like adding another six tables to my daily grind this is the $2,700 fall Poker Open Championship event my name is Ricky rated GTL Guan and in the booth with me is Borgata Poker coms very own Katie Stone we were down to the final five here all players are guaranteed sixty thousand four hundred four dollars they're playing for a first-place prize of two hundred seventy thousand seven hundred sixty-five dollars well Bucky just go ahead and flop the nuts took a strategy won't be catching a piece as well here flopping bottom pair he elects the bet here on this flop unfortunately for him he's kind of run into a very strong yen here by Bucky I like it the trap I like it I like where we're going do you think he knows he has a spade in his hand I think he does you how do you do that do you like when you look at your cards do you memorize right away the speed of each suit yeah and then I double check again before we go to the flop that's exactly what I do that's exactly what I do and I have friends who literally check on every single street really a little annoying but uh hey better to be safe than sorry pretty poor run out here he's he's had some kind of yucky run out mm-hmm start off with the nuts three flush on the turn and now the four strain on the river look he does decide to Tibet the river here and Volpe and me unable to call with the ten nine so Ricky will you be here in January for the WPT I will I have not missed a Borgata series since the start of my poker career that's great I love coming back here to play literally I would have to call my home casino at this point absolutely I even got a place 20 minutes from here just so that I can be here for for all the live all right out the Borgata events throughout the year yeah there's so many great ones and really it's it's just great it's a great place at any level or any stage of your poker playing not career but just enjoyment you can right now there's a final post limb going on I believe is a $200 or $300 you know 30 or 40 K guarantee and you know you don't have to play a $2,700 tournament you can come and play a three hundred dollar tournament with an amazing structure or an amazing staff and and you know get your feet wet and practice and and then you can go online and play a fifty five dollar tournament and all of you guys who do come out here early in the series you know have a very successful start and are able to find a way to either you know win money and some of the prelims or a satellite into a big event like our championship event here so interesting hand Ace King vs. Ace King here won't be opens the cut off from his 20 big wine stack and Bucky in the small blind here I assume will three about the East King suited and we will most likely just be seeing all five all at the same time right it looks like Paul moppy just wants to recheck his stack a little bit I do that too you know like when you know that you're in the 20 big line rings and you open and you're getting three bit you know maybe sometimes a few hands have passed maybe you haven't counted your stack I'm an online player I'm constantly used to having it on a digital screen in front of me so counting chips can be hard and of course he just shoves and gets called and we'll hope for a chop pot because this is never fun to lose you're not hoping to see blood Katie I really am NOT you know how about a sweat how about a diamond on the turn oh my goodness for the fans I mean I'm feel sick well he's gonna have to feed a club here on the river to stay alive and I haven't cheated I don't even know what happens thank you alright chop it up no one likes to get for your holes and that's how I've been yeah it's nice to see them laughing about it though it's only 70 Kay and say who do you guys watching in twitch who do you think is going to win there's five left based on the chips tax tell us who you think is going to win like just prediction like not who you want a women who you think is going to win now with all t gone so we see you here with half the chips in play I've handed 170 big blinds that's a lie oh my goodness that is a very very deep deep final table yeah I like here our shortest snack with 12 big blinds look has been fairly inactive here so far at this final table you saw him getting into an all-in confrontation with Paul Volpe his nines losing total vulpes King for offsuit that led to him being short at this final table now we've seen buckin open hands such as 7-4 off on the button so don't expect him to be folding many buttons going forward ending with another good hand here in the big one with the King Jack off kind of like the the worst hand the worst flop to imagine with King Jack off right here okay justjust you're like why did I even play my hand am I in this pot so now the board for straights on the turn on the 765 eight board Lucky's still with bottom pair in the best hand he's gonna go for a stop here on the turn though and this might get the job done yeah I mean maybe he figures that any nine the bookie had he probably would have bet flop so he can't be completely you know the interesting to see bucky peeled a turn with the ace five we dead and I'm not sure if young will will continue to fire the river here Bucky can still have some straights in his range and have some two pairs then now is a full house and you're not getting those twofold and you really don't expect Bucky to be floating any like ace high and that will fold the river but he figures he could fold Qinghai maybe you will go forward here putting on the pressure Wow I love to see the aggression bucky not folding immediately though this would be quite the hero call i will be so impressed if he makes this call correctly he's thinking what Canyon have definitely it's hard to put Ewing on Qinghai here though you have to only have some eights - right like doesn't even bet the value on but for value on the river with a neat though yeah it's nice to see you recognize the spot hartford bucky to have many straights many full houses at this point because bucky will bet his two pairs and sets on the flop it's probably pretty much exactly what it's thinking right now and moving in motion to your thoughts those are conscience and he makes the call nah he's gonna see the qinghai of yin and yang just kind of nods yeah he's a little shocked that he got called by Hanna's week as he's five here on the river nice call Bucky Wow there's an online player for you nice and really interesting hands are you referencing the fact that all our players don't like to fold maybe very good call good call I love seeing when they you know cuz you know like I would say the majority of tanks result in folds yes you think you know right so it's nice when they a tank justifiably so is a tank and then he is rewarded it's correct it's nice it's part of the beauty in the game I believe for me at least it is maybe a little momentum shift there you know yang was accumulating very well here at this final table and definitely showing that he's willing to go for it especially double-barreling the king - there now might shift to Bucky a little Bucky's already been very active here at this final table and I can only imagine what a little more confidence will do to his opening ranges boo continuing a strategy of playing a lot of cold call here this time with the East five suited versus Bucky's cut off open with the ten nine off and other things flock here for Bucky as an open tender now on this King Jack eat port it's back to our hearts to go with it as well it's gonna like to put in the bet and take this one down and just so you guys know there is an $89 room rate during the month of December for the during the Borgata deeps tax so make sure to take advantage of that $89 room rates you can check the Borgata com for more information in case you're traveling down to visit us in December for some Christmastime poker Johnny dramas doesn't chat as an Internet player I'll have you know I fold with the best of them everyone loves a good hero call they're beautiful hello Bob Brady says we are doing a great job Thanks hey thanks Bob donate here earlier said I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the guy with the 170 big blonde is going to win and is a very educated guess right there donate here I assume it's the same donate here that we play with online very often on Borgata Poker calm as well so hello to you if you are still watching and I'll probably see you online tonight what's up Mele hello friend it's like we have another three bad pot brewing here bulky opening under the gun with the ace jack-off vu continuing his strategy of cold calling here finding the ace 10 and yang coming in hot with the three bet with the king queen off suit it looks like Bucky's going to go for it here the warm for bet with the East Jack offsuit I love the aggression so far at this final table Yin being the chip leader noticing that buck is opening fairly wide and voof lighting a lot of hands in position very good three by candidate with the king queen Bucky the for bet two 840,000 with the ace Jack offsuit it's gonna get the job done taking down the pot preflop got to say I love the way Bucky's been playing so far putting on max pressure yes he's opening a lot of hands you know maybe a little looser than that most people would but overall it's been working out very well for him so far yeah Bucky also recently in August it looks like he won a PLO event down in Florida $2,600 buy-in for just over 70 K so he also is somebody at the table who is skilled at other forms of poker and no doubt that that helps him for sure it's always nice to come off of wins like that first place is really really hard to get first what's up mining mean Earl looks like Bucky during the WPT championship event here at Borgata that's held in January he looks like in 2016 he actually made this final table and finish six for a hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars so that was the final table that Chris the owner right Dan who Chris Lee all oh right right yeah another local preacher john mckean was at that final table as well yeah I won't be opens a button here Bucky shoves all in and this will be the last hand on the level as we will a short 10 to 15 minute break oh hello guys welcome welcome into the booth with us see a pretty exciting final table here so far seen a lot of fireworks seen a lot of aggression from from the players here we did lose Brian ulti Altman in six place and we're down to our final five so yeah short time in a break don't go anywhere see you guys soon [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you welcome back everybody I am here with my friend Ricky Juan my name is Katie stone and we continue we are 5 handed in this immensely talented final table we have two big stacks currently with 150 big lines and 100 big lines and then we have somebody with 43 with lines and we have some kind of short stocks so what kind of things can we expect to see as play continues here after break yeah we've seen Bucky Matt women want menhir be very aggressive so far at this model table and I continue I would want to see him continue to take this trend he now has over a hundred big lines going into five hand to play here and you know he's not been shy of battling with iing who is our current chip leader and Michael clique is our shortest stack you under ten big blinds and vulpes pretty short as well so I love to see more of Union and woman battling it out and we'll bring it back down to the table here very shortly for the action yeah interesting like you and I were talking earlier about the big blind Annie in play specifically for these stacks that are sub 20 big blinds this has with the escalating blinds this is pretty severe implications for their stack and our playability post so what kinds of adjustments do you think that we're going to see if any being that they are kind of in a severely danger range right now yeah I don't think the big one Andy has too much to do with how they should play their ranges they would have to be paying the antes you know if it was normal ante throughout but yeah the short stacks here definitely gonna have to get their chips in everyone else other than that Michael Glick here has to be aware that he is so short and it's gonna try and outlast him for you know quite a significant pay jump here over $10,000 pay jump from fifth place to fourth place yeah fifth right now is at 60 K and fourth is a sixteen thousand thousand dollar pay jump up to 76 and third is 95 second is 156 and first is 270 K and the trophy as we begin play so blinds are 2040 with the 40k Annie and when the blinds come around and this nine big line stack is in the big blind that's you know I as you have been in that situation and it's you know can be not fun yeah you have lines are now up to 225 K 50 K actually so players are going to be pretty aware of Michael's like shortstack how was your break friends did you guys enjoy all the nice food commercials that you saw here at Borgata we were actually eating that food watched on-screen we were literally speed eating our crab cakes and salmon it looks like Ricky got which that's that's a nice thing too about about coming to play a poor God or whatever type of event you're playing you're playing a 200-dollar deep stack like you know it was going on right now that my husband is playing 20 feet from us or you're you know you're playing a $2,700 tournament you're at the main event the final table the main event and you're buying for two hundred and seventy K there are options for everyone there are fast options there are medium options and there are fine dining options and it's nice to have that variety especially when you're staying here for a while yeah definitely good assortment of food spent a lot of time you know down the food court where there are so many choices you get a little ten dollar food voucher for her playing Borgata tournaments when you make the dinner break and then you can you know go buy a steak it Bobby Flay's or contribute to the tip but usually my like treat me here is it yeah after Clement commentating here at the small table you know showed I don't like old homesteaders helping and have a nice steak that's appropriate Oh Michael click all in here in the cutoff with the Queen six suited and that was the nine big line stock yes I think he'll get looked up here by young in the big line with the ACE 10 is that a Jenner in in this given the stack and everything nine big lines cut off five handed yeah look as the shortest stack here Queen six might be still a little too loose to be shoving but you know got to get your chips in sometime but what's 60 K to a guy that plays a 5k 10k pink six gonna need to catch up here with the clean six well he certainly has a hand that can do it no help here on this eight five three board King on the turn is no hope at hi there I think what's gonna need a queen or a six to stay alive five on the river and we will lose Michael Glick in fifth place click will take home sixty thousand four hundred four dollars an impressive No Limit Hold'em tournament run for this mixed game specialist nice enemas pad that hendon resume with another no-limit hold'em cache and yang will add to his chip lead with the with a knockout here now down to four players our final four I did not realize that chess was one of my collects hobbies I might have rooted for him slightly but yeah Michael Glick is our fifth place finisher originally from New Jersey but is a Vegas resident now he will take home just over $60,000 and we hope to see him back here at Borgata for another main event like the one in January during the WPT bro gotta run this a few big mixed game cash games throughout the year as well yeah weekends especially weekends they can get up to like 300 600 mix and over and even like during the series even January Series September Series you know I am NOT personally a 25 50 PLO player however those games tend to run quite a bit during that time as well and Paul hoby is a pretty big regular in those games as well right yeah I definitely see him and there's a few other guys that also come from the the online days definitely a few of those guys that are pretty big regulars here at Borgata playing all those mixed games very familiar faces here dat vu has the first aces that have been dealt on the day for sighting that's true yep all right so Bucky's been playing a lot of hands so far it looks like he's gonna defend the three deuce off suit oh this is not gonna be an easy big line to steal guys no improvement for pucky here with his three hi just so you know Ricky I'm always folding reduce versus you online that's a lot of respect for me there was a few times last week we're talking about the big blind Annie that I had to be all-in with a three in my hand and I really was not happy about it but just was a short sack and it was blind versus blind and you know it's just the trick is not to let yourself line down to those situations that case that is you know listen when when you can say that you never get down to that that stacked up poker might not be for you it might be able to do something a lot better because it's asking what are the winter open buy-ins like so we have anywhere from $200 bunions up to the $3,500 WPT maine during the winter poker open it's usually the the biggest Borgata series out of the five throughout the year the 600 ala kickoff event is usually between a 1.5 million to two million dollar guarantees that's played on the first week of the series during the second week of the series there is usually a four or five hundred dollar almighty stack where you have a 100 pay starting stack and there's about a million or more guaranteed on that event and then the WPT main event is usually a $3500 three million guaranteed and that's gonna be one of the first World Poker Tour events where you will play down to a final table and then getting nice little vacation so to Las Vegas yep for for that final table so we have an open a three bit or no I don't know who open there but Bucky folded ace Jack pre essentially yep and speaking with speaking about the the winter open events I actually went and was chatting with tab on break who is our tournament director here at Borgata and he was telling me that the schedule is currently the the absolute schedule is being finalized and that opening event will be on the juicier end of the guarantees so even though everything is not out in in writing yet we can assure you that it will be a very very fun and high guarantee opening event yes so in that previous hand Bucky opened the ACE Jack offsuit from the small line in Toulouse big blind and we will electing to just three batch of the pocket nines definitely a lot of chips to put in the middle but wow how many big lines how do you jam 440 big one oh wow that is a lot what would you have preferred him to do what do you like to do on that stock depth 40 big lines line versus blind somebody's opening into you have a decent sized pair it's interesting because Paul Volpe is pretty short here and it's a spot where you know nines is going to be the best hand very very often right but do you really want to be you know having your tournament life at risk if you decide to you know 3bet call a hand like pocket nines so definitely an interesting dynamic and final table specifically where you do have to worry a little bit about the page jumps you know you have an opponent who is slightly shorter snack so either play wouldn't it fine versus an aggressive player like Bucky I might have liked it too you know three buttons a slightly smaller size and call it off you know maybe he'll be a little aggressive with some smaller pocket pairs you know something like 85 suited kind of hands where I'll be getting it in very very exactly but perfectly fine I think for him to shove there with a pocket knife for 40 bigs yeah I and it's interesting that you mentioned that because I thought about that too three pinning small is to induce but you know Bucky really hasn't been getting out of line you know so I'm not sure about that Bucky has been the one that's getting most like the opening or whatever but he hasn't been like making these like overbet jams like you know ridiculously getting his money in the middle in bad spots or anything like that and he hasn't been calling like very light he hasn't been making frustration calls or anything so yeah like I even though he's he's might be getting out of line I prefer that he's getting in a line it's like a button open yeah small an aggressor kind of thing but he's not paying off you know that's kind of what I mean is yeah who had that like 30 to 40 big blank snack where you know you will have some you know three bad calls and nine stuff only a hand that kind of fits into that category where you do want to get all the money in either you know with it with an all-in or with a slightly smaller fee but it's like Kings all in here with the nine three suited being on max pressure to Paul hoby's well be with an interesting decision here with the King six suited he is the shortest stack but a lockni in the fall at that time you guys are watching the Borgata fall Poker Open Championship final table a 1 million dollar guaranteed main event with a $2,700 buy-in my name is Katie stone I'm here with Ricky Guan and we're enjoying our time navigating this final table with you guys I always like to think of what I would do in these spots if I was in this spot someday and so I think this is a great learning experience to be able to watch this in real time these players playing for this amount of money and being able to see the whole cards and wow we have three pairs again this is like the first hand of the day they have openings under the gun also known as the cutoff when were four handed with the pocket eights you can flatting with the pocket fours and Volpe pointing out with a very nice hand here pockets hens in the small blind for 10 bigs though we all in decision goes back to vu here and looks like he's grabbing calling chips cause very quickly here and now you can has a pretty interesting decision here on the button getting a fairly good price to to call here and he's gonna lay it down this time avoiding the confrontation with two bigger pairs so Paul Volpe is the player at risk here but a very big favorite with his tens versus the pocket eights of vu six five five flop no help Tabuk let's head back to our hearts and some straight draws Jack of Clubs is not gonna add any additional outs three on the river and Paul Volpe will double up once again here at this final table back over a million chips he's been here a few times before he has no excitement no fist-pump just business as usual another win at the final table another another double up players right now are guaranteed $76,000 with the next page UMP being about 20k 95 thousand and then it goes up to 156 and 270 tea grinder says nice commentary keep it up thanks friend Thank You Ricky and I are actually standing Ricky had this wonderful suggestion that we not sit so we're standing see I threw out all the broadcast I run into Reno we had this really high booth up and Jason did not want to sit for for most of it and you know for myself it was like oh I feel a lot more energetic when I'm standing we'll see what happens eight hours down the road but as for right now I enjoy standing while doing commentary needs to hate me I do too I like it this is the first time I've done it and I don bored when he saw I'm gonna stand tonight I said oh well I think I will too it's better for your back to with as much online poker as we play we sit enough at also a live poker with enough live poker your back can definitely get sore so I I know actually quite a few online players that play standing to I think be Paris pleased with a standing desk a few other notable players I think one of the most exciting streams that I've had so far in the last few months was on my birthday where I was back home in Brooklyn I had my standing desk and I was on like one hour of sleep in the past 48 hours now I was like I need a stand to do this and it was definitely one of the most exciting streams that I've had definitely feel a lot more energetic when I'm standing yeah pure adrenaline so we have a couple of raggedy hands in the blind surprise surprise and it looks like that limped when how raised and that is going to fold jack for off a pretty weekend here to be calling out of the small blind and young immediately putting pressure on what kinds of in this type of scenario you're here when how young you've got the chip illegal kinds of hands do you think he is doing that with is he doing that with range is he doing that with you know anything with a queen his hand or yeah I typically wouldn't use like some of those middling hands like Queen eight you know kind of pretty tough tug to get three bet if you decides to limp three bet against you and you're gonna play pretty well post-flop gonna be able to keep a lot of dominating a dex and queen x in your opponent's range so i personally would not have isolated you know queen eight in a regular chip evey spot but because we're at a final table and we have the chip lead and vu you know is one of those middling to short stacks definitely good to start applying a lot of pressure with an expanded range it's our boy clutch J in chess so now interesting the exact exact same situation swallowing big line where when how actually limps the jack for and Paul Volpe just decides to check the Queen ten back instead of I sewing so interesting choice of a difference in style exactly difference in stock sizes okay I'm a little surprised that Yin is limping into the wall piece big line might be out of a little respect to Volpe that he's gonna be able to defend fairly fairly well Jack for off suits not gonna play particularly well post flop so I personally would have liked to seen him apply pressure by by raising just gonna take down the pot very often by are raising as the chip leader here yeah we haven't really seen any folds blind versus blind how do we like like just open fold small blind open folding we haven't seen that which is interesting definitely has to do with the fact that the big line Andy is in play now we're shorter handed so it is a very big any that's in the middle and everyone's getting a fairly good price to to call one they're in the small blind besides to take a stab on the turn I'll be calling with his queen hi and gutter now improving on the river Queen it is a third heart out on the board now and the river now does three straight so you can known to be fairly deliberate with all these actions throughout the last couple of years that I've played with him but hasn't been taking too much time with his action so far here at this final table he does decide to bluff the river here and won't be in a pretty tough spot with the Queen ton yeah he just I think he just has like one of the best life or instances I've ever seen just he's just always so relaxed and just confident in what he's doing he's put in a very tough spot here though even though he improved on the river no not really liking that the board three flush or three straighted he calls River doesn't if out the bluff from yang nice and this is the second time that we've seen someone make a correct hero call on the river versus yang so hopefully that doesn't stop him from continuing to fly the pressure but he obviously is cognizant of the fact that he has now shown down to River Bluff so and these players won't forget that likely looks like some pretty awesome events are coming up here at Borgata sublime gift the magic dragon bill burr Craig Ferguson looks like some Cagefighting maybe can check out the Borgata calm for all the upcoming events here what's up I got up in nano now new Kings first aces now Kings first cases and then Kings yep that's and that's that's that's probably the first time we've seen Kings to write you know action for this time however you know I just realized this week that I didn't realize until Monday that Thanksgiving was this week that's what happens when you play too much live poker it's tomorrow it's tomorrow exactly I did not thankfully my in-laws are very good at having all those things covered but typically Borgata main events start day one a on Sunday and day one B on Monday with the final table live streams on Thursday or Friday but because of Thanksgiving we actually moved a 1a up to Saturday this time and everybody gets this live final table screen broadcast to you guys Thanksgiving Eve typically the final table stream is also later on in a day - we usually start you know around 6:00 or 7:00 or so and so they moved it up to 2 noon or sometimes it starts at 2:00 mm-hmm I'm gonna last fall I was in the booth for Darren elias's win and we were here very very late and I didn't get home for further my Thanksgiving break until after midnight you know what's funny is I I won the post slam that was taking place here in the signature room at the exact same time so my table was right at the front of the signature room my final table and Darren's table was right behind me and he was winning the WPT and I was winning a fall deep stack tournament like a $300 tournament so I got to watch and the big screen was with the cards was where I could see it so I was able to like watch you know the final table and it was pretty cool and then it was nice to to share the blog you know first and first sounds like katie has that quite a few poor goddess Gauri's you know I've had a few in the pot I didn't even realize it I saw on the blog that I recently became the second the second woman to have three first-place finishes there we go yeah I didn't even know that nobody even told me it was just in the blog which is kind of cool and only in the past 16 months by the way which shout-out to the bloggers here I'd forgot oh yeah bloggers are pretty amazing we have Caitlyn here Chris Murray Tim Kelleher and then obviously al can't hang is usually here too I believe he's in Florida right now though but we have some some amazing bloggers who really love the players and work harder than anybody actually yeah the media team is sometimes here until 6:00 7:00 8:00 a.m. to cover some of the easily longer one-day events easily hardship leader has a big hand you know putting the button King in the small line here versus Vu's button open with the pocket kings do you expect getting to three bet here and it's gonna be very interesting what vu would decide to do versus a three bet off of his about 25 big blind stack here 4p gets out of the way and the action is now back on view with the 87 suited very small three but hereby ying out of position really leveraging vu stack here knowing that he can't peel too many hands off of this stacked up Wow looks like he'll they done the time ensued a pretty tough old there in my opinion with the hand that nice yeah I'm impressed with that he yeah you think he should call or you think it's it's closed yes right such a nice hand and you do expect you to be three betting quite a bit you know leveraging the fact that you know both of all P and vu are both short stacked here so eight seven suited for that price probably not kind of you a fold maybe he maybe he would prefer to have you know like a nine and or ten in his hand in order to with you know to call to continue it's tough yeah high card value definitely matters more you know you're able to make more top pairs when you peel hands like you know some of those Broadway suited connectors compared to eight seven but you know sometimes I can get you in trouble as well where your opponent has a more dominating hand sure you can continue to get good cards here pocket fives now on the button it's not fair sometimes when the chip leader gets good hands well yeah you know what they're really impressed with these players right really especially the players that we don't know very much about you know just really good instincts intuition like you said just very on point and yeah definitely impressed so far with you with these players yeah you looks very relaxed for his first big final table and definitely making some very good decisions out there so far yeah this is very good poker and we kind of knew that coming in you know create star-studded final table or there's definitely going to be some very good play throughout this final table you know adding a gutter to his pocket fives on the six-four do sport doesn't like to see vet and knowing Bucky who's been pretty sticky here so far I do expect them to float with the king queen hi try and peel one off here on the turn to a turn we go 5 on the turn and yang now has a set of fives but we are now four straight on the board never easy is it yeah any three makes a straight eight seven is now the nuts so even though Yang's hand has improved board has definitely gone a little wetter oh look at Bucky coming in with the lead you know do a little bit of this yesterday as well where he's leading on on some turn cards that he thinks might be a little bit better for for the hands he's defending out of the big blind king queen off suit though definitely an interesting choice to do it would almost look like Yin goes about the horse just double-checking see he's not gonna go anywhere here with a set can definitely still have the best hand and if not can definitely improve on on a lot of rivers for Bucky's sake I hope the river is not a king or queen but it wouldn't matter Tucson the river one of the best rivers in the deck for you Aang what is Bucky going to do now he does check basically signaling that he's giving up on the hand yeah but with bucket you never know what is your so in a hand like this what's your sizing now because he obviously wants to get value from his hand so pots just under a million mm-hmm and Bucky's got about 3.2 back so do you size down hoping for some kind of weird call or do you just definitely a mix of sizing is that you can use on this river here you're still gonna have a lot of over pairs that called it that bet the flop and now call the turn and still want to be able to get value on this river versus some of Bucky's you know six X even 5x kind of hands and then you're gonna have hands as strong as pocket fives here where you know can very likely go for a very large bat sure see it on this run now versus versus Bucky here definitely gonna be using a mix up different sizing and I love how you know and how you know you just explained that I love how poker has evolved to accept that you know versus you know of the past there were there were a little bit more stricter mindsets you know as our sizing and you know like you should always you know got a certain size you know always been a X percentage of the pot or whatever and now it's um it's it's a little bit more widely accepted for all options to be on the table for everything as long as there is merit exactly as long as you can justify many my hand history review sessions with my coach where he might disagree with a play but he likes my reasoning so he'll say I don't I wouldn't have done this myself but I I understand your reasoning and I agree with it so this one is okay you know whereas instead of just making a bad play with no thought involved so sounds like you have a pretty nice coach a lot of my coaches say no you're wrong you can't do that well listen my coach said no to me for a solid year this takes there was a lot of nose before there were some okay's you know all the guys that I work with and even that's all my friends that I study with a lot of times when I do something that's you know not quite optimal they're like what are you doing this isn't a thing you're not allowed to do this so stacks have shifted a little bit but I'd like to see Bobe double up to get a little bit more in contention or and somebody mentioned in chat that you know who can afford to play a $2,700 tournament and that's a very very valid point a lot of people can't afford to buy into a 2700 for me I certainly cannot afford to buy into a $2,700 tournament and that's why there's satellites there are abundant numbers of satellites on Borgata Poker calm you can satellite in for even as little as five dollars you can play a five into a 5555 into a 400 or 535 and then the 400 or 535 into the main event and I think last Oh you and I were here during the WPT final half the final table satellite it in that's right if you guys haven't noticed katie loves talking about her satellite especially care for got a poker listen I work very hard on these satellites and we work very hard to make sure ensure the structures and the buy-ins and and the amount of ions and we work very hard to protect the the economics of an online poker community because we realized that not everybody has unlimited bank rolls and so we do our best structure wise and starting stock wise and torn iteration wise and blind levels we're constantly examining these things to better ensure that players are getting the most for their money and that's one of the reasons our our nightly 10k with a 50k starting stack is limited to three buy-ins limited to three because we aren't trying to suck the poker community dry you know we want the players to to be able to play and be able to come back and win and enjoy online poker is it possible for us to see even more satellites on Borgata Poker comm in the next couple of months definitely I think starting in January I think we're going to be offering a lot of satellites and maybe even some additional ones into the main event always always looking at the frequency and what the best time is to run them and when so you know and that that's the other great thing about our new jersey community is we have a really great relationship with the players and pretty much whatever the players want they get you know they they think that something starts to early or some or it's too late or is a really bad you know whatever if something's not playing deep enough at the final table you know you let us know and you guys let us know if you want to see a tournament if you if you think there should be a fifty five dollar turbo at 2:30 in the morning send me a message on Twitter if you can show me that there's interest we'll do it you know we'll put it in there so we're just you know pretty much just here for the players and there's really there's no other there's no other online poker Network that has that relationship on such a you know ground level with the players you know we're directly accessible to all of our players and that's something we take great pride in so if I put in the request for some more high-stakes binds on Borgata Poker you can make it happen I can try I can i I would have to make a case for it because the higher binds are tough I know you love the higher binds because you win them most of the time but the higher binds are a little tough just because it it caters to a smaller subset of the online regular and so that's why an abundant satellite structure is important but like you said more higher Vines means more satellites and you love those I know I do I do but yes I do think we are going to be re-examining our nightly our nightly structure for 2019 and we're you know like I said it's something that we're constantly talking about constantly re-evaluating somebody asked me who my coach is I actually have two coaches my I have one coach Michael gagliano gags thirty who you know shout out the guys well and my other coach is Matt perky perky eleven quite a a gap in personality that is by design works for me and to kind of like polar opposite ends of like the poker spectrum in terms of these days guys very fundamentally sound does a lot with you know theory and the math side of things and yet Berkey on the other end of the spectrum who is really good at exploiting his opponents especially in live play absolutely yeah they definitely have different talents and different strengths gags is probably one of the best out there as far as you know fundamentals and just somebody who's been around for a very long time and he's also a Borgata Poker comm sponsored pro and then map perky you know nosebleed cash game player actually though you know goes back to the online grinder days with Paul Gees Berkey 11 you know he Berkey was one of those was the only reg in high stakes m tts back there who was who was limping this is like back in oh 9 2010 nobody was limping and you know the hundred i'll realize he was limping and he's still limping but now everybody something but but yeah burke you definitely on definitely kind of just like more so like teaches you how to think you know just kind of more on the cerebral realm and yeah i he murky has his solve for y group somebody mentioned on the chat yes all for why is amazing if you guys haven't checked that out they run some academies and they have some great content on youtube and highly recommend you guys check it out it's a great group of guys what's up getting money exclamation point always who here at this final table has always had it so far back down to the action here now young now approaching seven million in chips opening the eight four suta from the bun and volbeat with a very pretty hand in the small blonde with a ninety eight suited well does he know lucky and the big blind is sitting with a monster the Ace King suited Wow both be signing just two fold with the ninety suta from the small blind definitely on the tighter side with that decision sure but I was sensing a little danger from behind here about 30 big blinds effective yes [ __ ] he's gonna proceed with a three-bed here now while we force Sudha you know suited hands look very very nice gonna be pretty hard to try and navigate eight high post flop here Dean does this I like to let it go and Bucky is going to shorten that gap a little between himself and the chip leader Bucky's also known in the poker community for his amazing chip stacking ability definitely see some nice design strength him yeah the past couple of years a little sad that he's going with just the standard tower of chips that he has right now yeah yesterday I saw on ana antimony z-- Instagram and antimony obviously a recent winner of the almighty stack for an impressive 495 K or something yeah she's definitely put up some impressive results over the last couple of years I saw her Instagram where she was also deep in this tournament and Bucky was at her table and she she had some she just had a very funny you know not nice thing to say about the way he was stacking his chips and it was it was it made me laugh out loud quite frankly so we're not the only ones that have observed that his his chip stock was quite obnoxious yesterday though I like it though adds a little flavor that's very true you don't see many people doing anything you know very much anymore look at a very conscious of keeping a stack very neat right now I see the kind of guy that like actually puts his laundry in the hamper and like not on the floor in his room like I wonder I would imagine so I mean based on this yeah that's a keeper then you know guy that puts his laundry in the hamper it's amazing and here he just picks up two queens just two queens and he's been opening a lot of hands so far so anytime Bucky gets a strong hand to work with it's gonna be pretty dangerous it could just look like you know there he's more handed he's opening up you know he's got he's using a stack but he's actually picking up hands to do to put these you know three bets in with no opening hands and then he shows you know because he's showing exactly that he's like look I'm not like boy you collect or whatever or or he's showing because he's like he's like he's showing he's like wow most players who show their good hands are players who are very aggressive and very rarely have good hands so trying to buy a little image here's an oddity and somebody says in chat Buckey 100% does not put his laundry in the hamper well darn you just you know burst my bubble well because millions those you care about I see em here I think when you play tournament as a professional you're still trying to make the very best decisions that you can you know yes it might not be so much about the money but it's it's a professional thing to do to try and make the very best decisions that you can yeah for sure I mean and it's you know the way I look at it is um it's it's all practice right it's all it's all refinement of your craft on a greater scale so anytime you can continue to make these decisions that you're comfortable with and that you stand behind and you feel like you played the hand well even if even if you get unlucky you know Paul won't be somebody who will probably play the 50k you know this summer so he will be in an ICM spot that's much more significant than he's in now and so it's regardless of how good he is it's still always good to have this practice be able to make these decisions consistently for huge amounts of money and life-changing money for most of us for sure and what a summer Paul Volpe did have Donald tabling multiple WSOP World Series events he got third in a 10k bounty he got second in the 10k six max and also winning another bracelet in the 10k Omaha eight or better this illness how far back to his results go just I always like to do that like on a Henin model like I always what's the earliest result of somebody on a Hendon mom paul vulpes hadn't dates back like 2008 where it was in a small circuit event here in Atlantic City nice a little $1,200 cash on the resume just getting started Paul Hopi doesn't even play 1,200 tournaments well he played he probably plays one K's online you know like when you travels you know that's his minimum we recently had a 1k online I'm Borgata Poker calm during our gsss series that I won my seat for and it's not late we need more of those can we get one of those every single day please how long hey yeah I have players who are ready to fire it in there he would deplete the player pool much less the price much less all the money it's definitely nice to see some of those bigger events throughout the year though mm-hmm maybe I'm getting a look for maybe one every Sunday is good one every Sunday there's not even one anywhere else but that's what you got to do you got to set yourself apart from your competitors yeah you can hear rivering a full house just getting there on the river versus bucky here this pod started with iing opening the button and bucky defending the big blind bucky flopping trips while ewing flopped to pair and quite the run out by Ewing here Bucky assigned to check the river now after betting the turn and I expect you to put in a pretty hefty bet here trying to get value with his full house just another full house four-handed at a final table you ain't going with a very small size here on the river we've seen a trend of him betting small with a lot of his Bluffs and now this time balancing it out would put some value here unlucky run out here for for Bucky looks like this round is gonna go to yang puppy has millions because he cares about I see him it's true and also because he's better than most players who enter a tournament Paul Volpe I used to live in Mexico post Black Friday so my 2012 New Year's celebration was just a few of us in actually one of their villas in Rosarito Mexico it was me Paul Volpe three or four other people and that was our we just did our own little New Year's dinner we had some little streamers no online poker believe it or not but that was that was New Year's 2012 in Mexico just a bunch of poker players and I thought about moving to Mexico yeah last year as well yeah I'd like the option of going to Canada Mexico somewhere close to like the United States or I can play regulated online poker but I settled for here in New Jersey it was close to home and that's in New York and I got a chance to play on multiple sites here action was really good and I've been very very happy with my decision so far yeah I I think I think that was a good decision to I think you know Canada has I mean there are enough PartyPoker events in Canada and we we also have as you know a lot of satellites online well not a lot but a few times a year per god of poker.com we'll run satellites into packages for larger bands you know in PartyPoker live has a series actually one my package for the Montreal event last April online and you know you can you can always mix in trips you know take a few weeks instead it's like when your seat and then just go there for like three weeks or something and then you get a taste of you know ro w poker and you know either win a house lose a house and then come back to New Jersey TRO one of those two might do it uh for something like scoop-neck here where I get a chance to stream some something or buy-ins on Twitch have you ever played ro w scoop if not you haven't oh I days oh boy I cannot wait to torch a hundred thousand dollars and I remember the my most vivid memory of of those scoop is T coupe turbo version ah but being in Mexico on the west coast during during the big series they you know they have to stagger the start time so I remember having to set my alarm for 2:30 in the morning sometimes being on the Pacific coast and when regulated poker happened in New Jersey and the start time was seven o'clock at night that was much better sure they've opened opening the sixes here book III reading the King four suited and a little spicy with the King four and won't be just shelves and gets this one through see I've opening that previous part noticing that Bucky has been getting a little out of line lately so the hand you know that might be a little marginal with pocket sixes definitely goes up in value versus a very aggressive opponent easy monies Aston I playing this I did i satellite in my way in online and spun that's $400 seat to a over $5,000 cash in this tournament made a three but unfortunate to the bus stop then the Borgata main hash treated me very well over the last couple of years though a lot of my my results have been from from this series and and from this particular tournament so I cannot wait to be back here again in January to play the WPT version of it during the winter poker open another blind view blind spot where you can decides to limp the small blind with a hand very very strong king queen suited checks on both the floppy in the turn and Volpe takes a stab with the three deuce healthiness knowing that he can't really win that showdown with the three hi here and won't be decides to give up on the river pretty bad card for for hoping to bluff at is when getting calls the turn the 10 is going to improve his range quite a bit you guys are watching B 2018 fall Poker Open Championship event this $2,700 buying event had a total of 437 entrants and we are now down to our final four Brian Altman LT was our sixth-place finisher taking home fifty thousand three hundred thirty-seven dollars Michael click was our fifth place finisher taking home sixty thousand 404 and all four of our final players here are guaranteed seventy six thousand eight hundred thirty dollars the next patient two third will be ninety five thousand three seventy five and our final fours playing for a first-place prize of over two hundred seventy thousand dollars being opening the button here with the a7 offsuit bucky defending i don't think we've seen bucky fold a big blonde yet looks like Ian's gonna take a stab here it's gonna work all smiles for Yin so far ahead this final table continuing to chip up an inch closer and closer to his first-ever Borgata title pretty awesome spot for young early here in his poker career he's a student from China who goes to school in New York and travels down here to Borgata to play some of these bigger events plays cash a lot of time here at the Borgata and over the past year of travel and play tournaments he's had you know quite a bit of success a third in a $5,000 buying event at the Seminole Hard Rock where he was up against some pretty stiff competition for over 60 K there so he's already exceeded his largest ever live cash with his finish here in the Borgata main event what is the language at the table they are speaking English it's like we have in hauling confrontation here Volpe versus that vu here it looks like vu will double up here off of Volpe very short stack to start the hand and under 10 big blinds and his ace 10 is gonna hold up versus Paolo peas 8 7 suited here here we go who all smiles as well already getting a few pay jumps staying alive here in this tournament this is his first ever live cash how awesome is that the first ever Hendon score and it's gonna be for at least 76 thousand dollars that's that's pretty impressive do you know somebody who has a more impressive first time Hendon mob score who would that be that would be the infamous Ben will and offski never scared me oh this very first Hendon mob was an EPT win goodness like over a million dollars or something very very first and obviously he's been playing a lot of poker before that you know never scared be online very legendary online poker player I'm rooting for who to stick around a little longer here yeah I agree I like him I think he's got some talent Brian Dennis ass who's commentating my name is Ricky rated GTO Quan and alongside me in the booth here tonight is Borgata Poker Tom's very own Katie Stone this is our second time in the booth together second time yeah I enjoy I enjoy being in booth with you I hope we can do it every time absolutely yeah we did the WPT Borgata Poker Open final table a couple of months ago with Alex Rocha that was a lot of fun I feel like I've been doing for got a final tables for over a year now yeah you've done like five or six of them now so yeah oh hey there we are guys hello friends looks like we're taking a little break players are going to take a 10 to 15-minute break and when we come back it looks like I guess blinds will be 40 is at 40 80 or 30 60 it's gonna go it's gonna go to 30 60 yeah we're five minutes I'm not see you back here soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hey guys we are back and still four-handed here at the championship event of the Borgata fall Poker Open $2,700 buy an $1,000,000 guaranteed first place is a cool two hundred and seventy thousand dollars and that beautiful Borgata trophy that should have Christmas lights on it I think they should make those beautiful glass trophies and I think they should put Christmas lights around this time of year it's not hard to put neon on anything it could be like a nightlight you know like in your house it's it's very well equipped to display something so I think they should just add like a strip of neon to the to the base I know I'm insane I also have Christmas lights in my house year-round so I think the Borgata staff is going to take that idea into consideration a wonderful you see the players get what they will hunt but we might have to add $10 and rake to every tournament or no more food vouchers and no food right listen I'd be willing I give up the food voucher for the neon trophies what's up Dee sighs hello Stan Mellie's back in Chad awesome to see a bunch of familiar faces from my own chat here on Twitch definitely a different feel to things from streaming poker myself to being in the commentary voice oh yeah so what do you notice I feel like when I'm when I'm doing this it's more about in the other players and like the action that's going on whereas when I'm streaming myself definitely more chat interaction trying to just be you know the entertainer and also being having to focus on playing poker sure because usually I have anywhere from like five to ten thousand dollars of binds on the screen and it's like are I actually have to think about the decisions that I make do you find that though when you stream when you stream whatever table you're streaming because you're having to talk through and explain your decisions do you find that you play better or is it a distraction at this point because I'm so used to it it's not as much of a distraction but in the very beginning I would say you know because there's so much going on I have to interact with chat I have to make sure that my broadcasting software isn't going haywire that definitely a lot to worry about but you know very comfortable with it these days so pokers almost secondary in those beginning stages almost because you can't you have your attention is drawn in a million different areas and well not so thankfully I have an awesome team of mods they're able to help me control chat a little bit and yeah it's it's definitely been been more comfortable these days and because I have so much in volumes on the table definitely still have to focus on those because we are playing for real money yeah I am on strings I definitely enjoyed doing a lot of broadcasting especially here at Borgata this has been kind of my home ever since the very beginning got a chance to do broadcasting out for the runner-up series in Reno and looking forward to being out in California again early next month for the run it up stones event where I'll be in the broadcasting booth again for those see a pot developing here between Volpe and Bucky so as a limped pot pre won't be betting the fought with his middle pair and Bucky floating with these six five hi yeah that is a buck he does pick up the Chaitra on the turn Volpe check calls and what a river here for Bucky floating the good ol six high and rivering the nuts there's no way Volpe can expect his opponent to have a hand of strong a 65-year by the river her yeah does have a very interesting bluff capture however here you would expect Bucky to have a lot of Queen X that calls the flop and now bets twice and there weren't any immediate drawers available on the flop so really going to question what Bucky could possibly be bluffing here with very tough decision here for Volpe he knows that Bucky is the type of player to be floating quite a bit on flops so he Michiel be a little sticky here however he does make the correct fold here in this hand not paying off the value but thereby Bucky what a great feeling that must be well we mean when he sees it on streem later or somebody tucks in the hand is what you mean that he made the right that and also for Bucky to just get there with the 6'5 yeah it's a tough call to make hey producers if you're listening can you give the mod sorta tastes like turtles yeah I spent a little time in California after running up Reno and it was so nice there I almost didn't come back to New Jersey so we'll be visiting again in early December right before WPT five diamonds yeah Tahoe Reno area beautiful beautiful area beautiful place lots of poker players I know really love to go there like post World Series kind of thing you know to kind of just get a little bit away from everything and yeah sure the poker scene is pretty big in Reno like I had a lot of locals in the Renato green and Levin definitely nice to see that we'll be all in here on the button with the King tons and through fairly short out of the big plan with Queen Jack offsuit looks like he'll make a good fold here I feel like we need a little bit more of these events streamed on Twitch it's which has been a great platform for content both in the gaming world and now in the poker room as well where a lot of big events throughout the year such as World Series events WPTZ you know big final tables such as the one we have here at Borgata is being broadcasted on such a nice platform I think a lot of them are streaming now though aren't they like around like aren't the WPTZ are all streamed right some of them yeah the Borgata the five events per year are streamed as well and we also streamed the bar Poker Open last month that i commentated also with a previous bar Poker Open winner we do a lot of streaming I wonder I don't know if everybody does as much I don't know if other places do as much streaming as we do but we have a pretty easy setup here with streaming so yeah there's definitely a few casinos out there who do weekly broadcast games throughout the year if you guys in chat want to see more poker content from Borgata maybe some big live cash game somewhere tournaments throughout the year let us know and chat yeah we have an amazing you know that room in the poker room like that has the the glass walls around it and it's never used it's just completely empty most the time like sometimes they'll have a few final tables there but that would be a good room for like a live cash game for sure you know just if only Borgata would let me bring in my little webcam now stream some poker for you guys here at Borgata said there used to the final table broadcast for some of the prelims here and it's been a little while since we've been able to put that together yeah like the the opening event the opening the almighty the six max in particulars I'm always a really good one just because it's right before the main event and it attracts a lot of the big-name players to it and also that way too you get like a good variety of people commentating too because you know you can't always have the same people but with more events streamed you get to hear from you know different players and different personalities and definitely huge to put a production gather I know when I was in Reno Jason some roll had like literally tons of production equipment come in had a whole team and we were able to stream for 10 days straight in a casino which is very rare to see but would love to see more casinos out there try something like that and it's a great way to interact with the fans with you guys in chat so you know in order to make it happen you guys have to want it what's this flop checked back or did Bucky bet this flop see a Bucky opened the button here you can defend it the big blind and but he did see that the flop and quite the turn Harper Buckey in that spot turning trips yeah if you guys want to see any additional events streamed please tweet us and let us know let us know which events Rikki's Twitter's at rated GTO mine is at Katie Stone poker my name you mean or else we just say to case sitting go with five of the Wizards shoutout to my young wizards and one Twitter troll for COD oh and love it we might make something like that happened in the near future we thought about it in Reno actually because there were quite a few of us out there there is a mic on this table but there hasn't been too much Table Talk by these guys so far payouts are currently four-handed so they're guaranteed about 76k right now the next page um for third place is 95k second is a hundred and fifty six and third and first just 270 with the trophy this event started with 437 players the top 45 players got paid the nice thing about this main event too is that you can you can buy in on day two there is the option to do that on day two which a lot of players take advantage of sometimes like if they bust out on Saturday maybe whatever they re-enter and then you know sometimes they make the decision like my husband to go to sleep come back to the casino the next day in the register again well vulpes going to be all in here blondie blind with the a shack it's gonna get this one through you guys can tweet at us and use the hashtag Borgata Poker Live if you'd like to talk to us or ask us any questions any comments about the stream the players the tournaments anything you'd like to see at Borgata or Borgata Poker com online send us your suggestions please and but you know be nice be nice you have some poker legends down and chat here what's up chance corner is the payout structure always like this yep Barada payouts are typically very first place heavy they pay about 10 percent of the field with a good chunk of it going to first it's usually like I think like 23 to 24 percent or something I think is first yeah this is a slightly smaller Borgata main event field where first place is paying a little over 25 percent fifteen percent of the prize pool will go to second and about nine percent to third place so definitely a lot of the money up top but who doesn't like a nice big score for first place here and that is correct there were about 1% pay jumps from the beginning of this final table all the way until we got to five or four handed plate so pretty flat down there but increases is pretty dramatically near the end of it loud flour my husband's name is Joe Cappuccio aka Joey cap for all you pre-black Friday Oh tears and his online screen names in New Jersey he's not too keen to publicize those but most most everybody knows that he's Rick Grimes on Borgata hey Lisa what's going on Lisa pickle one of our favorite Borgata regs so you can open here in the cutoff and Bucky deciding to go with the slack all in the small blind with the pocket queens very interesting to see [ __ ] take a passive line here with the Queens especially with how aggressive he's been so far at this final table definitely did not like to see that ace on the turn as he's now checked all the way to the river I do expect you to put in a value bet here now thanks Lisa maybe to place small bet here by yang and he has been looked up quite a few times already especially by Bucky now if you turn Bucky shoes like I'm gonna try and trap these Queens and you get to run out like this ten six three all spades no Spade in Bucky's hand and an ace on the turn gotta be pretty upset with what they run out so far yeah it's not the best that's literally what his brain is doing to like why didn't I just three man why did I put myself in this situation oh yeah I'm gonna pay it off here I have to he shows everyone that he flied at the Queen's here and you like oh gosh thanks for letting me get there that look was pretty priceless if someone please clip that in chess I would love to send that to you after you had what are we sure that this is the real chance Cornett by the way in chat it is your hunter presenter chance streams a few times here on twitch for us over the last few months so I'm almost certain this is the real chance Cornett all right cool hey chance just making sure do I always call the river as plate and it's hard to imagine me flatting Queens off of the stock that I have there but as played you could even consider value betting the Queen's on the river compared to check hauling no nice so chances he'll be twitching again starting Saturday during the I guess the party poker series oh yeah the big series is coming up that's that would be fun still be a fun stream to watch I don't think I've ever watched chances stream that's one that I would definitely want to watch good luck during the series I hope you crush definitely a very very good player and his dreams were a lot of fun definitely made a few deep runs as well for the fans I just remember just always just getting kind of owned by him just like all the time and like in everything I was on Full Tilt chances card chances obviously played a lot with Bucky and Paul Gees online like thousands and thousands and thousands of hands I recently during the main actually this during this mean I am I starting table the player I'm Borgata put a three 100 K 350 K I had never met him in person oh and we were playing at our table like for a while for a good amount of time and then he finally asked me it's like what's your name I think he knew what's your name oh poor gun I told him I said it's my name and he said I said and then like a round goes by and then I was I was like do you plan well god he's like he just nods to me he does not then I'm like oh I'm like do we know you we play a lot he said yeah we play together a lot I'm like oh my goodness I went over and gave him a hug oh it's nice to put Oh cuz yeah like I play with we play with some people every single night and that's the cool thing about being in New Jersey do you actually see the people where as you know before it was like you'd be playing with somebody in Romania and you'd never meet them and but then you'd meet them at the World Series and then you have a lifelong friend so but yeah it is nice to finally meet the people that you're playing with every night sri is definitely one of our most loyal grinders for sure it's up sampan Thika another crusher Happy Thanksgiving you guys everybody we haven't even said happy Thanksgiving happy Thanksgiving you guys I totally forgot that it was tomorrow somebody's gonna have a nice Thanksgiving bonus Chuck I think all these players will have a happy Thanksgiving regardless of the result here that's very true another blimey blind spot here for 400 feet under 20 big blinds here with the Queen seven offsuit oh he's open folding it's gonna look - lay it down Wow it definitely has to do with the fact that vou is very short and both the definitely conscious of that and not wanting to put any chips really at risk prior to busting out yeah really it wasn't it he kind of showed his hand too right he did show it so well that's interesting like I wonder why he showed his hand like no I feel like Bobby's comfortable enough with his game where even he gives a little bit of information to his opponents it's not gonna really hurt off well or it's going to come back to help him later because this be showing them that on a 20 big blinds stack that he's folding Queen seven off suit the next time he has a 20 big blind stack and he has any shows he's probably less likely to get called so two short stocks now 16 and 14 big blinds which compared to the 60 and hundred and 20 big line stocks it's tough ya Yin with over half the chips in play here what a dominating situation to be in four handed for $270,000 up top who has just a little over 12 big blinds here expect Bucky to just be all in and he's gonna take this one down therefore vou and yang this is going to be their biggest live score ever in particular his first ever live cash and you know for one how this is I mean already it's a really impressive year he has about one hundred and fifty five thousand in cashes but it's like all this year you know so this is a guy who has you know over fifteen cashes all pretty much you know over like you know between 1k and 8k right and you barely plays tournaments you know when he does have time to play when he's not in school he's usually had Borgata you know playing some cash so his results are literally from one summer in Vegas where he spent a couple of weeks and then a few stops here and there when he's not in school where do we know what he is studying and where he goes to school young goes to NYU and he's studying business they're super smart guy yeah I mean I'm just looking at his Hendon mob and it's just it's for a one year you know tournament player somebody who's been playing to I mean it's been playing a little bit more than that but somebody who really it looks like they've been focusing more on tournaments in one year is just an incredible you know as you know it's can be difficult to cash and touring for sure so this guy seems to be he seems like he's one to watch you know like it's you can say that about a lot of players and we're not just saying it off of this one performance like he's legit it's definitely like a young up-and-coming guy who could just like graduate from NYU and just be like I'm gonna take a few years off yeah he was deep with me when I made my Borgata Poker open run last April and that was his really like first ever a big cash in the live scene and was definitely impressed with him and his play back then it's not Lian Lian at all he does not play on right yeah so I might need to go over and have a talk with him he does he win this for me he doesn't live here in New Jersey so he's not gonna have too much access to to playing online yeah but it's definitely has put in a little bit of work into his game and it's shown in the success that I've had so far for sure he's like the kind of guy that like can do anything you know his whole life in front of them exactly hiring career and multi multiple areas and you know I I come from the chess world you know before poker I'm in the chess world and I always I always thought the smartest people I would ever meet in my life we come from chess I grew up in chess I my oldest friend you know Jennifer toddy we've known each other since were teenagers you know I always thought the smartest people in my life that I knew would come from chest they don't they come from poker you guys they come from poker and it's because of people like that you know that make this transition and have two careers and just such a an amazing variety of personalities and intelligence who's gonna get the shuff through here with the AC searching for bobby fisher' is an amazing movie I am here to chat for sure that's definitely a movie anybody can appreciate it you like poker you'll like that movie I mean you know it's no way that poker players was more than chess was listen I I mean I ten years in each or you know more than ten years but I don't know just no poker players are maybe a little bit more like Street smarty than the majority of chess players also I have known many a chess player in my day who does not know what a dishwasher is I've actually never used the dishwasher in my life before so in Asian household if you have a dishwasher it's actually used as a drying rack because as kids we were taught to hand wash all of our dishes so like what's the reason you never had dishwashers back then Oh so when grandma teaches you to wash the dishes at home it's always an wash she's not used to it yeah exactly so any apartment that I've ever moved into with a dishwasher I've always just used it as a drying rack it's a good habit though because then your dishes never pile up in the sink how do you think so and for a guy that's a really good quality by the way we've had quite the amount of dishes piling up in the young wizards household over the past year Oh I mean I'm shocked I'm shocked how many how many guys live there alright five guys playing poker at full time no shocked that there's an ounce of garbage anywhere in that house literally had to hire an exterminator the other bound what's up solve for y I don't know who that is who's Manning that but thank you for joining us talked about solve for y a little bit earlier in the stream you guys can check out their website have awesome training courses you have an amazing training site definitely worth it to take a look my name you know rules has paper plates and plastic bowls we do use those and then they get left literally everywhere around the house I use them too and I hate to use them because of the waste but with a three-year-old toddler and two full-time online poker players pretty much everything is on paper plates but we do recycle our recycling we literally have five times the amount recycling and we do trash it's weird in our area where like you're only limited to the amount of recycling that can fit in one bin every two weeks that's not good and we literally have like 5x that every time after a pro-rata series yeah of course if three-way action here between Bucky and on the button vu in the small blind and ging in the big blind we have some playable hands even post everyone connected this Jack 7-3 flop here [ __ ] you with the straight flush draw it's gonna continue here and who's not gonna go anywhere just yet with his top hair Pepsi I don't know what you're with me on but I'm with you too boo going with the check-raise and then not peeing out of this pot and we're gonna go heads up to the turn well you think about that five of clubs on the turn well he's I mean he's pretty short oh [ __ ] he's gonna call it off here with his straight flush draw and we was gonna need to touch 12 outs to stay alive five of Spades is not gonna one of them as Bucky makes a flush here on the river with this ten nine of spades and with that we lose that booth in fourth place here in the Borgata fall Poker Open Championship event I'm a little sad I would have liked to do I would like to see him heads up you know I would have liked to seen him take 270k and slam it on black on the roulette table like he was gonna say you better find him to make sure he does that very very impressive run for that vu absolutely first ever live cash seventy six thousand eight hundred thirty dollars very impressive score impressive run my dad boo here really really cool three handed you guys absolutely all three players are now guarantee ninety five thousand three hundred seventy five dollars the next page jump is to that six-figure mark 156 thousand 309 goes to second place in first place will be two hundred seventy thousand seven hundred sixty five dollars now what a final three we have your really cool final three this is this is fun for us like you guys don't know how much fun this is for us because you know like if you're at home and you're watching a stream sometimes it's like hard to stay glued to a stream for eight hours but we actually like have to do it but it's really good because it gets a lot of fun like especially now like they're three-handed you have three amazing players ya Yin was the chip leader coming into this final table he's now increased his stack has over half the chips in play here Bucky who has been very active since the very beginning has also accumulated chips is second with almost 5 million and pavol be the main event the most accomplished player coming into this final table also joins us in this three handed battle look like looks like Bucky will take first pleasure in this three-handed match just let you guys know also there's a high hand promotion going on right now in the Borgata Poker room it's a 75k high hand I believe it's like $200 every 15 minutes something like that I'm not entirely sure about what it is but it's a it's a 75 K holiday hi hand it is yep $250 every 15 minutes plus two random winners receive at $250 or got a gift card it's December 26th through the 31st from noon until 10:00 p.m. every day two hundred and fifty dollars every 15 minutes that's a lot of free money it is a lot it's really a lot here in the poker room the Borgata deep Stax tournament is also going on during that week so you can play some tournaments and if you bust you can go and play some cash and win $200 and 15 minutes possibly there we go who are the commentators we have Katie stone before God of Poker cons very own Katie Stone in the booth and my name is Rikki Guan yes Mele 200 every 15 minutes that's good though right like it's good he were hammer you won the high hand last night what do you mean you won the high hand last night I don't get that oh yeah you did you played cash last night that's good I did want to see you when you or drama I would like to see you guys win WPT s who is Rikki Guan I go by rated GTO on all poker sites and social media moved here to NJ and I should myself stream here on Twitch I play the highest stakes m tts available to me here and I've been a part of this awesome Borgata kind of production team doing broadcasting for them for the past year and a half and NDP says I'm the new J Carver no no no I do work with Jade Carver though I've been a member of Team run it up in an ambassador for them for the last couple of months now so had a a pretty awesome moment for myself happen starting off as a fan of Jason Summerville here on Twitch a few years ago to being in the broadcast booth with him at runnin up Reno that was definitely an amazing moment Vertigo go I don't know what Joe you're asking about are you asking about my job no Joe I didn't know that Bucky was a chef he lists his occupation a chef slash poker player had no idea my wonder what kind of chef yeah SS since 8th grade this has even a poker player since 8th grade nor as we've been the chef since 8th grade Oh Preet yes oh yeah he wasn't yeah yeah no yeah I wonder I wonder what kind there's no pastry chef there's all different kinds chef his favorite poker player is dead man bored 22mm online Leon my poker player yeah pokey was quite the troll on his player info sheet says he was the says he's the biggest NIT at this table yeah okay someone says he's been cooking since before eighth grade well that's cool vulpes all in here and we have a call by Bucky on the button pockets east pocket sixes racing against the East eight hope he's going to needs a hole to stay alive here King ten seven flop is safer Roby four on the turn and a six on the river for the overkill he is the best the many lives of Paul Volpe here in the Borgata fall Poker Open Championship events some people in chat saying that Bucky took a break off took a break from poker and worked for a little while and then came back and yeah sometimes you need that like a lot of players do that in their careers throughout their career saying especially the ones that are in it for you know seven eight nine ten eleven twelve years you know sometimes you take some time off and reassess reevaluate what you're playing how you're playing and he's definitely have has had a lot of success since he's been back in poker yeah definitely just because you take a break it doesn't mean that you're giving up or that you've failed it just means poker has afforded you the ability to take a break and you are taking that time I I took - I had a baby I took two years off stayed home and nursed my baby for two years when poker was the way I was able to do that if I had a different kind of job where I had to go into an opposite I would not have been able to stay home for two years and nurse for two years you know and came back two years later you know great very grateful for poker in that respect won't be all in again here in the small blonde with the ace eight and Bucky folding an ace in the big blind will be dish of for over 20 bigs they're so able to get that through and continuing to chip up now yeah WPT p oh i g FY i don't know who that is but yes exactly just because you take a break does not mean you failed exactly we're just so very true he literally cannot lose at Borgata he literally cannot lose anywhere he goes to play Ebru hammer oh my guess WBT goig FY is salty I didn't know that what's up Salzburg won't be here now with Kings on the button and just to really other attractive hands I do expect Bucky to play the Queen Jack suited here and Yang's most likely going to come along as well with the Queen 9 and diamonds our first three-way pot of three into play I can't say I blame anybody and that's a queen-high flop Wow we can see some fireworks here top pair for both Bucky and yang and Bobby with the pocket kings and if we get to a turn it's gonna be a club nine of clubs is that the biggest action card Hopi continues on the flop here I don't think Bucky's gonna go anywhere just yet with the Queen yeah the only question is is he gonna call or is he gonna raise he elects with a call now young and the big blind really interesting now now Volpe did open off of a you know fairly middle of stack just over 20 big blinds and him betting into two players here on this queen seven three rainbow board he's saying he has a fairly strong hand and with Bucky calling how much do you love your Queen nine now I don't know but I'll up I love his hair did did he did do a little work on his hair this morning I would be shocked if he woke up and that's how it was in continues as well that's fine right like you can call and like see you turns actually eight on the turn almost at night yeah Ewing in a third place here put top hair Chuck how much do we think he's going to bet here hope he has about a pot sized bed behind I do expect him to just be all in here on this Queen 7:38 board there are a couple of drawers that have come into play and Kings does need a small amount of protection versus those hands and you can still get value from those Queen next type of hands that your opponent is going to have has to be a little worried that he got called by both players in this spot but with eating just calling out of the big blind you do expect to be ahead of his hand and hard to imagine Bucky having a better hand than than you here unless it's something like pocket sevens pocket three three which would play the same way Hopi is gonna be all-in for pot here and very tough decision for Bucky now Obie's range has to be so strong here after betting the flop pretty dry flop into two players and just shoving all in on this turn card when Bucky and Ying both call on the flop Volpe has to expect one of them to have at least a queen in their hand however queen Jack is very strong though Bucky makes a good lay down yang makes the girl a hound as well Wow unlucky for Volpe they're not to get more action with his Kings once he sees that once somebody texted him that hand he's just gonna feel a little nauseous I have a comment from Aleta velu who is one of our Borgata wrecks here she plays a lot of tournaments she says awesome job guys making it interesting to watch thank you some Facebook so yes just like you predicted boom and chop all Wolfie has chipped up a little bit definitely in a much safer realm with the just under 40 big blind stack let's say that was a pretty well played hint by all three everybody our players there Bucky and young both correctly assessing had Volpe had a very very strong hand there I did say from the very beginning this was the battle that I wanted to see these two players young with the big stack Volpe in position with all the experience in the world we've already seen young limp three bad shove with king queen against multi very early exactly one of the first hands of this final table and now young comes in with a raise raise to 190,000 Volpe has about 35 big lines to start the hand with the ace eight offsuit moppy does continue what they call here in an ace-high flop as well V now pulls ahead of Yang's jacks gosh anytime you have one of these big pairs in your hand the last thing you want to do is see an ace on the flop seems like it always finds a way to appear he is going to like to continue here unfortunately for him he's been out flop by Volpe Volpe calls in off to a turn we go three of hearts on the turn as the board now pairs King has to be slightly worried now that he does he no longer has the best hand won't be calling preflop in on the flop basically saying he has one of the pair's on the flop you know he's now no longer ahead with jacks against an ace a three there are some draws available out there though with diamonds some gutters hearts available going to be curious to see how yang proceeds with these pocket jacks hope you with a pretty small size here on the turn 275,000 into a patil / 700k and yang makes the correct lay down in this situation very precise good fault so although Volpe has made some pretty good hands to go for a value on turns he hasn't been able to get a call by one of his fellow competitors as they've been able to make some pretty awesome lay downs with slightly worse hands they won't be tripping up now here in this three hand to play getting some very good hands now over 40 big blinds I am very interested to see how VOC how hoping now proceeds with a few more chips in a sack and how an elite player plays post-flop [ __ ] he's gonna limp the small blonde here with the six tree suited pinging him the big with clean six checks his option and off to a flop we will go so queen eight was good enough to raise but queen six seems to be his cutoff it's a it's a little interesting because of how the stack distributions are now compared to when he did I saw the Queen eight off suit back then he was able to put quite a lot of pressure on his opponent because of other shorter stacks at this final table against Bucky and Volpe here who are now you know fairly deep they both have over forty big blinds yes you are still able to put pressure versus your opponent but at the snack that they're just very rarely going to be all in by the river that it's hard to really apply too much so with the hand middling strength kind of hand like Queen six he doesn't like to check it back this time and it might work out for him because he is able to keep some dominated like 6x hands in in Bucky's range no bucky we put in a nice little check raised here lights good he took a stab on the slot with his queen high and his gutter but bucky immediately coming with the check raise and uh yang a lock you electing to just fold his gutter even though he was in position in that pot nice takedown by bucky there with the six hike do you like this Chuck praise or would you prefer to maybe have a nine it's if your opponent is gonna be folding you know gutters themselves such as Han like Queen six then it's definitely going to be a winning check raised in this spot she also has some like backdoor clubs to go along with it as well we know a club was coming on yeah but he has definitely shown a propensity to just get their own rivers if he makes an aggressive play on the flop true swinger the delay is thirty minutes to believe yeah yep thirty minutes away in with the pocket tens now in the small blind another very very strong hand in a blind versus blind confrontation with Paul Volpe now hope you might think his opponent is uh opening a little too wide here as young did bet the flop the last time and check folding the river a line that looks fairly weak in vulpes eyes might be thinking that he's getting a little out of line here but in reality Young has actually had some pretty good hands nice bolt will be electing just to fault the King six this time so we've definitely seen a mix of strategies from being from the small blind incorporating good hands in both of those ranges he was limping hands as strong as king queen suited and king queen off suit earlier in this tournament and now we see him go to more of a race rata G with hands like jacks and tons well he says can I ask you how he Styles his hair all-right if he does end up winning this tournament during his host tournament interview that will be one of the questions that I will ask him all three players locking up almost a six-figure payout here over $95,000 to all of these three players the next page um is to 156,000 there's gonna be a first-place prize of 270 thousand seven hundred sixty-five dollars all three of these players at this point must feel like they have a pretty decent shot had that first-place prize Paul is fairly short all vault was fairly short at this final table until we got down here to three handed play but now has definitely put himself in a situation where it will be fighting for the chip lead in some of these pots coming up bucky kind of been on the other side of that spectrum where he's been second chips to eating the entire time and has been pretty active so far in battling yang and the other players at the table for chips so in this vlog me blind-spot Bucky electing to take a stab with the five high on the East King ten board ying is floating with the queen height broadway gutter and look at that bucky rivers a5 he's gonna yeah everybody's gonna see it yeah lucky for freeing here that uh his opponent river to five as queen height does have quite a bit of showdown look like Bucky was gonna give up for the most part with his five high by the turn so queen high does have a bit of showdown here on the river versus all the other kind of garbage hands that that Bucky took a stab way what's up WSOP boy maybe so peopleö it may cry to run here in this championship event as well came in well makes runs in everything that is true not a new occurrence he's had quite the year so far yes go out to California with Ricky please just leave the state thankfully for you guys here in New Jersey he does not play online poker on the NJ sites and uh he's definitely had quite the year here on the East Coast winning the Borgata monster stack in January for his first ever Borgata title he also chopped the kickoff event here right after Vegas in July for another $140,000 score and he also won the parks main event earlier this year as well so quite the Year WSOP boys see this is why he ruined Hebrew hammers life on day two that's what I don't like to see I feel like Hebrew hammer I said that about quite a few people in you know in chat today listen I got a shout-out to Hebrew hammer because he was on the pure bubble of this main event at the same time he was helping my husband and I deal with an emergency dog chocolate oh wow chocolate ingestion and so he was on a very very intense bubble well it wasn't intense people were laughing but at the same time he was dealing with any emergency for me and my dog so I appreciate that very much multitasking for the one who is WSOP po he is one of these legendary online players of our generation wait what is that quite the resume both live in online and one of the wait what did you say what imaginary legendary online poker players of our generation oh wow quite strong it is you'll definitely see more of him in the live scene in the upcoming year it looks like these players will go on break we will also take a quick 15-minute break as well hey again hey guys hi friends yeah do what you're loving it that's real Borgata anytime in anywhere in New Jersey play online poker slots blackjack real money The Borgata calm now that's a win get twenty dollars to play when you sign up now escape to a world of winning the Borgata online casino a real casino games real cash download today and start winning hello and welcome back to the 2018 fall Poker Open Championship event says a $2,700 buy-in tournament that started with 437 players and we are down to our final three so yeah here we go down to the action we are flipping for the trophy looks like they're gonna do it face down hey Volpe with the pocket nines me got a hand going with the ten five so yeah if young is able to catch up here at the 10-5 he will claim the trophy if Volpe is able to hold here we might get another hand off to a flat we go that is a five on the flop for a yang it's gonna be another ten or five to catch up here King Honda turned and gangs going to need another five now nine on the river for the overkill it looks like Bobby's gonna double up here we're going to lose Bucky and it's now down to Volpe and yang who's gonna flip for for this trophy really impressive final table I really enjoyed the final table with you Ricky and and thanks to you guys for watching on twitch and joining us and following us on Twitter again you can follow me on twitter at Katie Stone poker and you can follow Ricky at Ray's GTO absolutely you can follow me on all social media I do stream here on Twitch as well I'll be live right after this Borgata series I'm gonna go home a little bit for Thanksgiving and then be back on the twitch streets before run it up stones early next month so they're sure to give me the follow-up on here as well I'll be back on the Borgata Poker Calm online streets I will see you there when I get home tonight [Laughter] see the three players did agree to an ICM chop and we are now flipping for the trophy now down to Volpe and yang Yang was the chip leader in this three handed chop deal so he will take home the largest share of the final remaining prize pool one more hand go I think it's only fitting that yang gets the trophy he did have the Chifley when they chopped right so yep Volpe probably already has plenty of trophies in his mantle let's give one a yin here I think I can play favorites at this point I mean the trophy we both you wanted yang I wanted Paul geez so we both win right get what we want and seeing our guys heads up so totally fine in my book all right the king 9 versus the eight-six Ewing's gonna need a catch up again no help on this ten five three board hi hunter Terran Volpe says he runs too good don't jinx yourself just yet boss hate on the river and it looks like King will claim the trophy as well in addition to a large sum of fries money that he has won here in the Borgata fall Poker Open Championship event congratulations everybody very well played congratulations to all of our final table lists here today it's been an awesome stream some amazing poker being played well thank you guys for joining us and thanks for so much Twitter interaction and chat interaction and twitch interaction and hope you guys will join us here in January at the WPT absolutely yeah congratulations to when how young our Fall Poker Open champion here at Borgata and we hope all of you can join us again in January on January 15th for the Borgata Winter Poker Open I'll take place from January 15 to February 1st and we hope to see all of you guys here so for Katie Stone I am Ricky Ray de GTL Guan my friends guys later thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa
Views: 687,241
Rating: 3.7379265 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 28sec (13528 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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