The Big Game S2 ♠️ E29 ♠️ Jennifer Tilly vs Daniel Negreanu BLUFF ♠️ PokerStars

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the following program is sponsored by this week on the big game I'm Owen Tony G busted the brat with a controversial play look the people at home now I haven't looked if you haven't looked guess I'll just move in all right oh you lied what's allied polka Phil can you believe he lied about his hand and then johash of ran into quads not once coaches really but twice Oh Lord you hacks I guess Wow four of a kind again I'm all I have a king of clubs to Tyler and as the season winds down just the ex coq10 ran Kowski stands between the leading loose-cannon Massimiliano Martinez and the ultimate prize he needs to win like another hundred thousand yeah you better get at it Joey will Ken risk his profit and try to apprehend the title find out tonight on the big game don't listen guys L wanna bust you [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the big game the most exclusive game in town alongside Joe Stapleton I'm Scott Huff and tonight there's a staggering 1.2 million dollars in play as finals week continues and we look to crown a new loose cannon champion speaking of crowns the O 5 champ has had quad made against him twice so johash has been renamed the king of quads heavy is the crown down 52,000 Argentinian Pro Jose nacho barbero is an international jetsetter who goes clubbing around the world he's on the list tonight Plus 9200 Tony G gets involved in more pots than Gordon Ramsay he busted the poker brat now he's up almost 120 K nit poker excuse me kid pokers here the newer rockier button full dear Daniel Negreanu is down 11 K and the loose cannon is 51 year old retired cop can rent Kowski the Canadian is up over 68,000 after flopping quads earlier in the session we'll see if he's content walking the profit beat or if he'll take the more dangerous assignment of chasing down that loose cannon title and our final player is Hollywood star and poker player Jennifer Tilly after losing half her stack early Tilly has been steadily climbing back to even she's with Amanda Leatherman Jennifer tell me how much fun you're having here Olympic game I'm having a ball and you know else wanted to play the big game except for it's actually a little too big for me but then I thought you know what I'm just gonna dive in and go and have a good time and it's just great I was having fun when I was losing I'm having more fun now than I'm on my way to getting unstuck well last night you hit quads on johash time have you ever had quads on TV before no I actually don't think I am and I'm very surprised I didn't somehow manage to misplace him all right yeah although Joe did say if I gone all-in on the river he would have called so I don't know I just didn't want to blow him out of the water I was like why I had to have quads a cup I checked him well he bet and then I can raise I thought well he's really smart he might just check behind me so that was fun though good luck hope you get him again already thanks a lot here are the rules for the loose cannon each staged $100,000 to play he keeps all profits above the initial 100k and it's season's end the loose canon who's won the most money earns the North American Poker Tour passport worth $50,000 Ken's got sixty hands left to overtake the leader Massimiliano Martinez max checked out with a hundred and sixty three can profit even though Ken trails he's just one double-up away this is what hell must be like night after night after night of playing poker sounds like heaven I've been living in the handle kind of hellish having Tony G at your table action we'll start on our loose cannon looks down see you the eight seven of Spades alright Ken come & get it it's gonna happen ah cannon folds couple knives for Daniel I'm gonna start straying raises you guys when do you wanna do around a straddle no stress no straddle okay Kelly calls around two rounds Tony G with 75 students calls nacho out deuces for Hashem even if I want to fall back on Paul Joe's right he's getting pretty juicy odds better than five to one makes the call will have four-way action on the first hand of the night flop 4 for 9 full house for Daniel you're gonna need a bigger boat check action checks let's see if Daniel tries to set the hook checks he does so far till he passes Tony G will give everyone a free card could no one bet Paul Rumph turn 10 of diamonds okay Joe checks that 10 would sometimes be a great card for Daniel but no one picked up diamonds and only Jennifer turned a gutshot draw Daniel trying to not look too scary just 4,000 chili out Tony G folds does Hashem want to be a hero jokes put Danny on quad force I feel like doing a Phil hung you annoyed throw it back seriously baby I can't to hook anyone on that one five people in I really peeled one more off the flop quads or sent all full of nines that's uh that's some way more annoying the thing about be don't you think I think so Oh painful that hurts I'll take a boat hurts as Daniel licks his wounds let's take a look at the rules of the big game each table lasts exactly 150 hands the action preflop is pot limit then No Limit after the flop blinds are two and four with a $100 Annie all of which is paid by the player on the button and every player begins with at least 100 K but can rebuy for up to 500 thousand this year cannons cannot return so can the former cop is literally two days from retirement so we better be careful if I was hoping you had a sport suited and then we're gonna get a big check raise in and fire and show some hot eights for Daniel top set full I'm gonna show some heart so you three quads top set Kwanzaa I'll hop cyclop actually Daniels raised what's hot chili with ace Jack nice yeah raises to 4800 Tony G out not show a couple of nights nachos in position and Daniel just showed us how easy it is to flop a boat with two nines natural calls hash him out Ken out totals 48 action back on Daniel Daniel's in rough shape but no chance he folds a pair it's not that hard to flop sets two hands in a row Daniel makes the call and as you can see Daniel's a pretty big dog well I'm gonna check because I can't think of a flop I'd bet here pick check check check yeah that your see now before Jennifer three Beth and Chuck dark hmm flop 754 no over cars but potentially dangerous with all kinds of draws another less than I've seen that the double preflop check another call another thing under checks it around maybe shouldn't have given a free card their turn Queen of Hearts well it looks like Daniels checked long enough fires 9k Jennifer's hands still in the last place and is now out it might be pretty easy for nostril mate Daniel for that Queen apparently he has it makes the call Daniel looking for a six or an eight to improve River it's a ten another potential scare card for both players I think another bet from Daniel might be able to get nacho to fold nope checks two eights and Nacho's nines I'll take it I was gonna check raise you in the flop - good catch yeah that's I mean if I hit the floor my it's kind of like yep excited like how like a meat fair like sixty through ninety two hands nacho barbed arrows big game premier has been a success so far the Argentinian has brought a solid style for the six max cash game he's staying active with a vpip of 38% PFR of 23% and following up post flop of the 1.9 agro factor a couple these stats with his Soulpepper Clough and his suave accent you get why this guy's a winner straddle action I think it's important when you put your straddle down to say straddle really loud in several times then people get the impression you straddle more than you actually do play annoying voice saying straddle all the time he can wear more value out of that tennis for Tony so I'm not that kind of girl that like goes all-in when someone raises my straddle Tony knows bad about mom Tony's raised to 2500 barbero out Asham folds on our cannon King seven out Daniel Jack 10 and he will pitch it tight for Daniel but he'd be out of position - Tony tell you with a suited one gapper Jennifer seems to care not about position and right after she said she wouldn't defend her straddle to death heads up flop between Tony and Tilly jacked ace for bottom pair for Tilly Tony still best Tony was the preflop aggressor Tilley checks and Tony checks might not like the two over cards turn nine of diamonds Jen may think she has the best hand since Tony checked the flop she may fires three thousand Jen just called from the straddle so it may be tough for Tony to give her credit for a huge hand here plus it's Tony G he makes the call Tony may have been playing pock control on the flop so he could get two showdown more cheaply so the river do some clubs two pair for Tilley clubs just got there but in general what a fortuitous river looks like Jen wants to take Tony to Value Village bets 5,000 this might be a tough spot for her to get called Tony does a lot of betting with the worst hand but not a ton of calling Tony bolts too good not bad by Tony either called when he was winning folded when he was losing pretty impressive nice River fertility she had 6700 to her stash Tilley on a rampage so jennifer Tilly continues her long road to recovery will tonight be the night she finally gets even stick around and find out when the big game continues [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Las Vegas home of the big game as we check in on our final loose cannon of the season Ken ran Kowski the ex-copper has got 56 hands left to collar another 96k and steal the passport from the leaving loose cannon max ken is playing with his own money at this point so we'll see if he's willing to risk it I think would be really good in the last episode if you like under your tie and sort of roll up your sleeves and then break your hand so like you're coming and done so what's for water where it's like a beer in front of you like you you're becoming unravel like Mel Gibson and Lethal Weapon and in real life Barbera with A's 9 raises to 1400 ashram volts Queen eight not coming undone Ken's one of those by-the-book cops I guess Negreanu volts Tilly and the small blind let's aquel queen jack for Tony gee guess what nacho you're getting some action Tony calls nachos ace high the slight favorite right now flop ace nine seven top two for nacho Tony's got a flush draw the second nut flush draw checks nachos got top two no heart however in his hand he's got plenty in his chest I assume he's Latin that's 2565 Tony raises to 6500 semi-bluff race can't really fold this to Tony especially since you're not likely to be drawing dead and Tony's quite likely to do exactly what he's doing semi-bluff one heart nacho calls see I told you he's got heart turn King of Hearts Tony gets there not only this Tony make is flushed but since it was the King of Hearts he knows it's now the nut flush Tony checks probably best for nacho to just check behind and maybe improve and he does for the river three of hearts now five hearts on board Tony G with a quick check technically they both have a flush but Tony's got the nut flush and nachos playing the board so Tony's really hoping he can get a check raised in here nacho bites bets 9,000 there's a reason you don't put nuts on nachos or nacho on the nuts how you looking like that you haven't got it Tony that's 35 five Tony's made a huge raise to make it look Bluff II and confusing it's a spot where Tony's trying to make it look like he's bluffing nacho off a chop nacho double-checking still no heart why didn't I check I don't know don't test me out see if I love the guts Oh steak how lucky you guys be sound you did get a little lucky nacho bones my son what'd you say why did you bet I was probably leucine anyway he didn't have much all right it didn't have much there you couldn't afford a call I'm not partying I didn't have any choice I mean I have to race with what I happen so Tony G continues his assault on the table through 95 hands he's won 30% of the pots and next in line behind the G is the Argentinean barbed arrow he's won nearly a quarter of the pots while the loose cannon Ken ranked Kowski is taken down just 6% of the 95 hands we played but when one of your wins includes flopping quads and doubling up 6% is still equal a nice payday action I'll start on the 2005 main event champ Joe Hachem Ace King raises to 1,200 our cannon with Queen six out Daniel 10 Trey throws in rags same hand fertility but suited at hearts this can be a three bet but just calling spine in position and she does ace five for Tony G I really had it coming from the strip I believe I mean I couldn't raise the river if I have I mean yeah I mean I had he didn't have one heart for her he never had one heart either had two or none hmm eyes up top to Tony a nacho in to the flop ace deuce 6 the case ace on the flop and it hits three players Tony G with the worst of it fires 2,000 Tony's dongs hoping to take it down right away not likely nacho out hash him just calls everybody can have a nice oh but they can until he raises to 15,000 good spot for a raise it's a match have raised and ovaries actually Jen might think she can get action from Tony no matter what she doesn't looks like Hashem's giving up to what was it nice fire so where were you going she got johash him to pull the chop so nice hand till he had the hammer in the hot I have to that too hey there big much just couldn't be anything else in this flush draw [Music] I think this loose cannon concept is excellent because I've been watching books on TV put some kind of always thought you know if I could just be at that table those guys I think I could do okay but you know who's got the money to do that this concept has given amateurs like me the opportunity to do that to see what we can really do with our game and this could really jumpstart our career if we do well even though Ken's doing alright on the scoreboard he hasn't really played up to the level of the table so I'll just say if you go broke I wouldn't dip into the pension to stay in the game action starts on Daniel Negreanu a screen it's a raising hands makes it 1,200 Tilly 74 out come on Daniel every hand yes every hand jeez every hand till Saturday Saturday he gets his highlights touched up Tony's chief folds boots is for nacho calls spike Cole do it that's Oh Kenny Asham and Kenny calls we go some of that so Daniels raise gets a lot of respect for away action deuce five deuce quads for nacho johash him steer clear smashing checks 10 checks Daniel continues for 3,000 nacho is flop Hashem dead Negreanu dead ranked Kowski dead Niedermayer and Dean wormer dead a nacho just calls smooth call I don't wanna play with you anymore first time Joseph avoided quads all week poor guy he folds and so does Ken couldn't have a pair of father Ken just know no luckily turn ace of spades a pair for Daniel rot row top hair not just thinking please bet please back please that please that please back please bet but Daniel just checks Daniel checks for a multitude of reasons he could be beat the only flop straw just got there he may not feel he can get to streets of value if he does have the best hand and by checking he does not show the chance to bluff at it which he is not bluffing that's 9200 bottom eight oh well we all know Daniel hates folding about as much as he hates food that had a face nacho might play any baby ace with a wheel draw the same way Daniel makes the call nachos got a live one here another ace would be very bad for Daniel to the river three of hearts this is actually a good card for Daniel because it looks bad as any baby ace is now beating him it might save him some money Daniel checks nachos got to figure out how strong he thinks Daniel's hand is before he can figure out how much value to go for going for the great chips fires hey that card legitimately scares me I thought I had the nuts on the turn to be honest I think I had the nuts in the turn but that one would you bet aces and threes with that let me see how much he bet 20,000 - is he gonna do the commentary thing cool I must split for a hot minute I'm thinking like six or seven sixes and sevens are good for me I had you on ACE for unfortunately on the turn so if you had a score then you just made it straight huh can only beat him turning a parent to a bluff it's the only hand but natural barbero it's very capable god I don't like that River such a good river for you so you put me on Jack's right you figure I have Jax you have to bet that river card now so many levels myself with the pause in the turn you know what I mean on the turn I studied studied and like sort of changed my range in his eyes which forces me to go like that Daniel calls the knots oh that's good - I was gonna say that's what I fink 5 it is our way again please yeah that'll make sense to was like yeah I should always put them on quads because quads in my life quads again huh hard to put them on quiet that's something I have to call in a weird nacho drags apart worth over 70 K stuff too far though I don't know I'm the river card almost cost you money no I mean the the way the land you took stuff to me that's right nacho smooth him over smooth them over like melted cheese just the latest in a string of successes for the Argentinian phenom my name is Jose nacho our borough and I'm on the big game nacho nacho nacho la baro baro baro baro baro baro the named nacho actually comes from the abbreviation of big nacho this is like Italian name so whenever like the immigration arrived to Argentina everybody was telling be nacho ignite your igniter so he did generate to not just so every Ignacio in Argentina they called him nacho so that's why they call me nudge last year I won't file live events that it was fantastic for me when you had such a successful year like people is expecting you to like go ahead and do the same it gives you a little extra pressure but I'm pretty confident with my game I don't go in the middle I don't finish on the middle of the pack I want to win only win nacho barbero is one of the young up-and-coming like superstars in the tournament scene I mean he's a deep thinker he's really wild and crazy and he's fun to play with he said he's a great all-around guy too I'm here to win my first goal is to play good that obviously I want to win and I want to prove that I mean I'm able to play with the biggest star in the game nachos have the majority of his success in the latin-american Poker Tour which if it's anything like Telemundo count me in I was a saying in my head this flipper said once in the show do something oh this is actually better the only thing better than flopping quads is flopping quads against Daniel and then let him turn top hair Daniel couldn't even beat the handy put nacho on and called anyways we might have to rename quad deuces that nacho supreme accidentally with a stray folds Tony g98 offsuit Tony hasn't put money in the pot for a solid two minutes time she's up raises to 1500 ace-king for barbero certainly can three-bath this with Tony's range just calls hash him out Ken folds Daniel with a seven he'll let it go nachos ahead with ace high Tony does have to live cards heads up to the flop 10 Trey for rainbow both missed Tony first to speak her stir and says check nachos got the best hand with ace king high checked it to the turn jack of spades Tony bets 3,500 with his up and down straight row Jose nacho barbero with a gut shot now Jose Barbera calls all right Jenn five hearts on the river Tony misses nacho still best Tony jacks probably goodbye that I check and nacho tables the winner that's good I didn't like it boss man I'm adding 100 he got that boss man got it so Daniel adds a bullet while nacho adds even more toppings to his chimps we're coming right back I didn't make it I can cream my night welcome back to the big game well one of the questions we had coming into the night was how our loose cannon Ken ran Kowski was gonna play the rest of the week after doubling up on hand 58 we look at Ken's vpip for the first fifty eight hands compared to how he's played since the double up it's clear he's going in the lockdown mode Ken started with a vpip of 16% has dialed back his starting range to include just nine percent of his holdings having played just four of the last 46 hands each time while in the blinds I know that Ken straddling 30 it's all laughs but Ken's up more than a year's salary right now so while it's easy to be critical of his tight play this is life-changing money to a lot of folks apparently not to Jen she's straddled so the actions on Tony folds Ken this is a trick that Phil does he's kind of in it he doesn't play a lot of hands but he talks a lot so it looks like he's always in there that's so true so like when you're straddling yeah he's been working that for 10 years yeah he'll lock behind the hoodie hashim raises five six for the cannon out Daniel Queen eight suited Daniel stock and he just reloaded so expect his vpip to go up a few thousand percent what's he doing here three bats take a that must be a race yep or a Miss click Tillie folds kill me out I'm not playing with this guy anymore why I had it I had it I had it yeah Nate I'll be back Joe you don't wanna see the other one yeah I'll believe you I was gonna show you I had a deuce that was my hi Kyle nevermind well that that's good hand that's nacho boy Joe the nacho supreme Joe will still be dealt in but his cars will be mocking hurry up Joe you can still uh you can still make it nachos straddle Joey oh and Hashem's hand is dead action on the loose cannon Ken ran Kowski seven deuce not gonna get the passport with those cards mocks it well I'm in oh we know Daniel raises to 1608 six suitor for Jenn thank you three bets two 3535 I like the thought of three betting Daniel's button pretty why but that's not gonna be enough to get him the full preflop Tony jeez out and not show a little too small Jenn Phil Laak is gonna be upset with you after that raise sighs cuz it's too small cuz like a real you know sizable one puts me to a decision now I don't really have one Joe we look you had aces you know what I'm saying right yeah you probably miss click sorry see if you were to raise like a lot more this game probably doesn't get called now you're out of position I'm in rear is out of position yeah yeah position that's like it's inanity daniels called we'll see a flop 810 four okay no I'm gonna do the dunk bet that's not a dog because you were the preflop raiser oh okay it's not a dunk that it's a continuation bet a continuation bet Jennifer did flop the best hand that's 5,000 with middle pair you know you're in tough spot cuz there's a lot of funky stuff that could happen over they know that's a very textured Lloyd well a lot of bad cards come off then I can just bluff raise the turn or something stupid like that good turn a pair into a bluff I'm really good at that it's one of my big things bill Reynolds taught me flop a pair you think they got a big one just raised bluff him on the turn welcome to the view Daniel makes the call Daniel's got a bad ass high I assume this is a float with an intention of trying to swipe it later turn five of Hearts Tilian Daniel now both with gut shots link to check Kelly checks Daniel's picked up wheel out so my guess is this would be a good time to follow through on that float but nine thousand had some great follow-through bets nine thousand he's testing Jennifer's metal she rises through the challenge makes the call good call from Jen will see a river looks like she knows Daniel might be up to no good seven of Spades till he hits her straight Jennifer just backed herself into a straight that I barely noticed well she needed to make sure looks like she's gonna lead at this now twenty fires twenty thousand well I'm fairly certain Daniel knows he doesn't have the best hand so it's pretty unlikely that I'll call even for Daniel call be ridiculous so it looks like there might be a little devil inside him trying to tell him the raise and take Jennifer off her hand I don't know that Jennifer can be taken off her hand look at this Daniel is all in you probably have the same hand not quite but if she follows her reach she will win ah so sick Jennifer has about 80 K behind I think if it were more like 50 you'd be a snap call you have nine Jack right would that be the same hand as you have cuz if you did have bad you didn't call by now and feel a little bizarre eight nine jack eight nine ten Jack Oh God these decisions are even tougher on TV all kinds of self-leveling going on why would you go all in good question can I call a friend the only person you may call is Daniel what do you have Daniel what do I have yeah I have a straight so you have I'm straight well you say they had the same hand is it a chop is anyone I am we have a six you raised me with a six out of position no it's crazy talk then how do you have a straight just don't look so bad on TV when I fold we only that we only had a six that was a given yeah you didn't know when you shipped it cuz we all know Ken didn't know Ken's not even here anymore he's piss checked out Tilley folds don't you dare not show her yeah I don't want to see you dare not sure I do I see give me my thigh back she doesn't want to see she asked not to see she's not gonna want to see it on TV either James don't worry about those idiots tickets for liver why are you internet idiots yeah yeah they just cost me $20,000 those internet guys is that the height is cooler had a flush draw whoo yeah how could I have a flush draw there I had a flush everything Jack nine of clubs wouldn't it Jennifer folds to satiate the internet kids and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy oh don't blame the forums that was all Daniel jennifer Tilly just got blocked [Music] welcome back to the big game where we just saw Daniel Negreanu put max pressure on Jennifer Tilly a move that's driven her to drink kid poker takes us through his thinking in the hand as we go behind the poker face cocktails well going into this hand you know I was mapping out the table we got in the action up a little bit nacho comes in with a straddle here and I'm on the button with ace deuce off suit so I'm in raised at 1600 jennifer Tilly she makes it 3500 which is a very small rear ace everyone else folds its back to me and I start talking to her about the race side Phil Laak is gonna be upset with you after that race eyes cuz it's too small Jennifer is a watcher she's a study of the game so my thinking is win position there's a lot of boards that I can Bluff her with I'm not calling with ace deuce because I think it's good I'm just calling because I've got position the flop comes 1084 with two clubs and she bets 5,000 rather quickly I know jennifer Tilly is an aggressive player so I'm thinking in my mind she didn't have to have anything so I'm gonna make this call with intention to bluff the turn cards of five and that gives me a little hope I mean now I can catch a three for a straight and she checks so I'm thinking okay if she has ace high or if she has some sort of like king queen type and she's just gonna fold I decide about 9,000 and she calls pretty quickly which gives me some concern the river card comes a seven which makes a four card straight on board any six makes it straight and she bets 20,000 and I'm thinking myself this doesn't make any sense to me shiri raised me before the flop out of position she doesn't have a six she wouldn't do that with a six in hand that's my thought process as far as my hand goes I can easily have a six I can have absolutely anything so she bets 20,000 and in my mind I'm thinking she doesn't want to go all-in here she's having fun but there's a lot of pressure you can put on someone when you put them to the ultimate decision of everything so I thought raising anything less than that didn't make sense if I was gonna make this Bluff so I decided to go all-in and she starts thinking and she goes wow you probably have the same hand I'm like oh my gosh she has a straight I had to tell a little white lie what do I have yeah I have a straight told her I have a straight - I know in her mind I either the the six nine of the Jack nine I think most people watching in TV are gonna think wow you know tough spot if you didn't know what I had what are you gonna think I have it's very rare that never gonna Bluff there she ultimately folds the hand and I don't show her because I don't want to make her feel bad about it we were having so much fun I figured I'd tell her at the end of the show but I don't even think she made a bad lay down and I think if you asked poll of ten pros don't tell them what I had they're gonna say you know what Nick Rhonda had you good fold Daniels little white lie likely just got him taken off the lock Tilly Christmas card list is really too bad because I heard this year they're giving everyone gift certificates the Olive Garden well Daniel definitely just gave Jen all she could eat chili straddles action on Tony a six I think after that hand Jennifer's moved on from white wine to scotch Tony raises I'm writing value nachos out Queen eight for Hashem in position calls on the button action on Ken or loose cannon six five no chance Daniel with King Jack Daniel's not in position but he's probably not folding to a Tony raise and a button call makes the call Jennifer's got some money out there how about this gentleman and lady well he doesn't have to straddle everyone else the straddle from here on out it's getting calls sound good yeah flop tray nine Queen I go with company role yeah everyone wants to straddle straddle but you know you understand that makes it a bigger game I am checking sure action checks around to hash them with top pair both Joe and Jennifer flop top hair Jennifer's out kicked Joe bets 5k Daniel's got a gut shot and one over card to the board and he hates folding and he makes the call chilly out Tony G pitches it Jen folds top hair no kick or two abetting a call I like it to the turn five parts Daniel picks up a flush draw checks everyone flying except one guy calling you out Kenny it is a little boring but it's Ken's right to play how he wants not everyone's a millionaire Joe fires 10k don't let him get to you're playing good Ken sure passion still value betting but Daniel just picked up oh so many outs no way he folds Daniel calls good cool I didn't I didn't call the river yet this is good Cole on the turn oh good call I don't know maybe I sense sarcasm River ten of diamonds Daniel hits his gutter ball very good call in the turn Daniel checks Joe wise enough to check behind Wow King jack yep Queen right I don't see what's that okay really decent mount outs part king ten jack not jack Tarkington Daniel wins Wow and the Aussie continues running awful so Daniel sucks out and ends up showing the best hand he's done that 50% of the time at showdown our leader in this category is nacho Barbara with 78% at the other end jennifer Tilly has only had the best hand at showdown 25% of the time that's only one in four it's a good call like I wasn't sure but it was a decent price that's getting like 3 2 1 joso doesn't care Tony g7 for clubs out was 19 in there it's 3 2 1 yeah I was like an I think yep doesn't care Hashim folds Mankowski with ducks probably close don't talk pods around me puts me on chilled you're just trying to make me feel dumb here he comes go get him Jen found somebody who's blind he could steal I'm gonna call here get the copper I'm gonna get the copper that's a copper siren noise Ken calls Ken's raise 310 jack couple of spades huge flop for Jennifer's see at the river as far as she's concerned and she checks it's a trap ken looking at continuing and does that's 1,500 5000 Tilly instant raises a 5k Jen knows Ken's image is super tight but she's likely to have no problem getting all the money in on this flop right now Ken's kicking himself thinking abort abort real meaning 10 volts eat some chili shows I told me could get it all in grab it on yeah deuce ken would have hit his set okay you didn't need to get this huh Jack was so good drug history Ken checks the flop he might have been able to double up oh it's so brutal first rabbit hunt ever when we come back see if the cannon shakes it off tilts it off on the big game [Music] welcome back to the big game from Las Vegas where we've been joined on set by our leading loose cannon Massimiliano Martinez smacks finished with a profit of over one hundred and sixty three thousand all he can do now is sweat the action and hope his number holds up as our final loose cannon Ken ran Kowski tries to chase him down if Ken's gonna overtake max for the NA PT passport he'll have to add another 105 thousand to his profit in the final 33 hands not an easy task but Ken just needs to double up once to overtake the Italian all right everybody we're gonna put you in Ken's shoes because it's time to play couch cannon that's where we test your mettle by only showing you the loose cannons cards it'll be up to you to make the right read and try to beat the pros bring it on and while you're at it bring it on again - bring it on again er Tony G straddled barbed arrows out hashem bolts so far so good and ken the bass queen I'm noticing a pattern with these couch cannon hands raised he's on the button raisi does - mm Daniels out Tillie bolts a couch cannon walk no Tony's it just to see if I can get it rolling as well you have clubs Tony's range is super wide not too worried I'll make it a big part though yeah I thought he was the protector of the cannons Queen Jack ten top hair for the cannon Tony's first to act that's 5,000 this is a super easy call top pair gut shot backdoor diamonds Tony fires constantly with all kinds of nonsense call call call call call call I know you're scared ken call trust me and Ken calls an attaboy I can put a turn deuce of hearts all right back to our diamonds are out so there goes one piece of the pie Tony G fires 10 K but yes ken has to call again we had too many reasons to call on the flop still plenty left now he does Wow I like your hand I'm not scared till Tony bombs it river 10 of spades there's your bomb 35k if there's one thing I've learned on the big game it's that Daniel loves the call but if I've learned two things the second would be that Tony only bombs when he has it I hope you don't have clubs I guess you know there's no straight flush out there now he's talking on top of it Kenny twofold like the wind like the overnight crew at the Banana Republic it goes all the profits he should fold harder than someone who makes paper mache at a poster board all right now seriously I know this is a big decision for Ken and he's getting two to one but I've honestly never been so sure about one of these couch Canon hands ken is playing with his own money now any call he makes comes out of his profit I'm trying to save Ken money here because I honestly cannot remember a time when Tony G bombed the river and he didn't have a monster they have a good chance of winning the hand if you call he was begging at that point that was begging I wasn't sure and then he begged at the river so Ken folds let's see if he made the right decision Tony G with Queen ten full boat made a good lay down there Ken I had a full house he sure did can you made the right decision sleep easy yeah you begged at the river what he was about to fold so I won't wait wait did you flop this tree too much no yet ice queen Hashim calls it you will be told away are you a bit all the way what did you have done I had a full house so on the last hand of the night the loose cannons prophet takes a major hit but he still ends up over 40 grand he's got just one night left to Bank more than 120 K and overtake max for the loose cannon title Tony G adds to his table leading prophet right on his heels is nacho with over 77 K jennifer Tilly finishes down nearly 63,000 into the night again are these pros starting to get to you yet no I think I'm getting to them but their pressure try to get my money in there but I think I pulled back at the right time yeah are we gonna see you mix it up tomorrow night I just like you know what that that might just be the crack in the door that we needed to get him to just start to get the cobwebs off the chips look at me expect from you tomorrow night I'm covered he to get it in I'm really saying that and I did I just I bet it all against Jennifer Tilly yeah you know you did stuck it in we don't wanna tell her what you had no no all right allamanda Leatherman saying goodbye for now and remember if you've got the cash and the guts there's always a seat open at the big game good night another night of action in the books force tapes this is hops and so long tomorrow night on the big game with just one night left to overtake max and capture the passport the final loose cannon mounts a fourth-quarter comeback like me move mr. policeman and Kent pull off the upset a will the fearless Italian keep his lead and be crowned the next loose cannon champion and just Opie's no aces against Kings please find out tomorrow night on the season 2 finale of the big game I love this game [Music] the preceding program was sponsored by
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 690,254
Rating: 4.7186313 out of 5
Keywords: jennifer tilly poker, jennifer tilly, poker player jennifer tilly, jennifer tilly poker 2020, jennifer tilly poker win, daniel negreanu, tony g, phil hellmuth pker, tony g poker, joe hachem, jose barbero, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live
Id: UUY9Pnfsu7I
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Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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