Phil Ivey 's ROAD TO VICTORY! - 2020 MILLIONS Sochi SHR $50k SD Event #7

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[Music] hey what's up guys this is poker expressed and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over phil Ivy's best hands from the final table of the $50,000 super high roller event from the 2020 Saatchi millions before getting into it I would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis new Korea is finished you are gone gone gone let's jump straight into the action once again to the millions super high roller series here in Sochi Michael soy's are leading the way but look who's just behind him came second in the 50k short take just a couple of days ago now in the mix once again second place once again Phil Ivey three and a half million chips Ivey under the gun gonna complete king/queen does the same with ace-queen how different this game plays last watching last night during the buying period still ten nine seven couple of Spades Grima on the pump that gushes straight row and not spades both Phil and so I check it on over to fits the button way more than the position players you're after and you were hungry fifteen hours ago small sizing 65k Phil I know George the bear King of Spades picks up straight on the turn now checks back bingo on the end makes the nut flush and Phil Phil just a fair reasonable sentence the pair ups not good Sam's going to have some four houses the worst hand you can possibly have definitely some jack eggs and definitely our flushes he does Vegas and the Mirage comes to mind has the nut flush and this will be an all-in ventually with jamming for underpot trying to piece together perhaps Bluffs you might have in the spot he's gonna take a bit of time with lots of hand in the situation hence the use the time bank course he's going to chairman Anse that's your routine mics over here like taking cold showers and whipping himself are they completing King Queen of Hearts in the hijack so I go with ten nine in the cops with the same and Michael it's gonna check the very garbage you looking at ace eight on the button it does have that all-important position King at seven six a couple of clubs toys are with back doors so guy with the nuts but fill the lead top Queen kick and backdoor hearts is Michael soy sir who's gonna snap it this way check to it seems reasonable six seven and the lowest card from the deck suit the man who check back more than the guys who limped in and he has a lot of cards he needs a barrel on bet just 70 K that's been cooled by avian thought about for a moment maybe trying to snap it off Jin card for IV he checked some decision for Sawyer now of course he knows [ __ ] have a cane when he checked cause flop draws the issue is he has an eight so he blocks the jewels weights either back towards the pears and also ahead of those drawers so it does check back now things get interesting third King on the board IV with quads really hard to mention Phil's got a seven or six from the hijack they can can add the case King for sure Sam complete seven eight clubs in the cutoff Ivey with a safe diapers on the button elects to see three cards and they're pretty good three for him pops gutshot drew a nut flush draw Sawyer Queens prepare a blender and of course blockers to the straight green with anyone to miss this board we're gonna be an egg stop is there ever gonna be a next stop so you can work I'd done you don't think with the if Paul can get the testing kids it does make the straight on the turn off the pang pair but not one he wanted to see still has those diamonds to check all the time from two pair plus and that might give me a little bit of trouble he may well think he's just overtaken exactly those kind of hands King Jack waste more time and checking back sees his man was trapping him if you enjoy our videos and would like to see more make sure to check out the links in the description and follow PartyPoker as they are providing us with their content also make sure to comment below what you would like to see next and we will work on your ideas as soon as possible philosopher count news its 960 more to win 1700 Nazi I'm folding this one win course this is one of the worst spots for everything I began to pick a race but up against lead pocket pairs much closer to even can of course be up against how much king queen suited as well fill counting out that cool that's 2 million behind he doesn't win the pot so I will take it 2.6 million chip pop it's a big favor it's a big favor for this game 10 9 7 IV takes the lead so you're needing a runner runners or a queen runners more likely in this game - he's looking for he picks up the flush draw it's like I reduced just for those three outs Phil ends up with tens full for now we get to watch either in action in short he limps the highjack ace king li checks his option 10 9 hearts yeah well flop but gives it a little something to both ivy top there that is a bingo turn for fill top two it gives Li gunshot draw and a straight flush draw of course still that one pair there that holds little value at this stage bill aware of this ball texture that's big four hundred Li anything with his hand brick on the river stands at one point 1 million feel very comfortable about his hand aces raised pretty Kings raised Queens raised pre only how he loses to her as Jack ten perhaps nines big hoping to Bev against weaker to pair unfortunate for him it was the Miss draw he was up against me limps Queens I was gonna find it ace queen of clubs well this is sure to see it all in go raises it up once more way the shortest stack the least to worry about to move this in and he's gonna cheat to double up small pay for it [Music] million dirty you can't do anything but call this one you know the one point six minutes no let's we'll figure it out Phil says cool as you see this one pretty close to flip this been like happen to the Jeff we do toys will tell us the Queen's always gonna win here wow that is a good one for Phil flops probably with the royal flush draw I'll see Lee getting out this one wants an ace for the chop that's all that will do it this stage it's heads up ie vs. Sousa oh wow there it is you lucky Queen Queen Queen soy's oh that's one-third pop figures to have the best of it but what's going on here mr. Ivey getting a little frisky pails with Jack seven turn ace choices trying to make out that he had some sort of pocket pair on the flop but bet for a little value a little protection now is a good time to go into trap mode why they can certainly have called the flop with ace high and given equal with Jack I this is the better one of the best cards he could Bluff with and he's gonna Bluff he really needs to go twice because you'd expect so is it a caller sizing with most pocket pairs still clubs complete by the river feels not going to try we raising getting a couple of callers and IV smashes this one 10a a top boat maybe a spot Lee decides he has to continue he has aces he has Kings he has Queens the others cannot have with that range advantage it's gonna bet 400 of course Phil is just gonna call here question is what happens down the streets IV just doesn't have an eighth here calling that raised preflop Lee can give him credit for a 10 that's about it well hits a queen now this changes things a lot he doesn't want a bluff now thinks he has the best hand checks so waits for Phil he doesn't really have many strong hands that's 800 probably not a bet he was expecting to see it's not good sign really awkward spotting things do you think Phil would bet with a hair like Queen Jack still can have Jack nine calling four hundred preflop just thinks here's the best of it too much and somehow Ivey has about the only hand that's better than ace queen in a set of tens for top boat we know of course with a couple of outs this man has got out of a couple of holes this one didn't be the toughest so far no change on the river IV the new chip leader up to 7.3 million well they're all having a go with this lead let's see what IV does with it IV completes the cutoff King to our diamond sizer with the worst hand in the game on the button checks back but does take the lead on that check 10 my board feel though still a favorite where the second pair got shot back build diamonds checks through the flop checks it's a soy so again on the turn I can see I'm doing both fare our hand is so vulnerable that's 100 K definitely have some answer so there with a pair and a gunshot to the highest rate isn't gonna fold just yet my hump board runs out as straight need apply up too much Queen X here the way that way this one's played though with perhaps slightly more you could have Queen 9 Queen 10 that play this way and that's 300 Lee limb seeing it now here we go fill with chip lead it's gonna put some pressure on him and he does electical take this to a flop and he has less than three times the pop behind tough to navigate post blob with eights in a short deck gets a little easier when the flock comes 10-8 pretty much the same as we saw earlier when Phil had tens on this kind of board Lee doesn't have too much of this having them caught a race that card does change things a little bit he could have I was like King Jack Queen Jack of course would be a straight now change it would be a hand that wants to continue has to feel like Phil can have some hands here as well not many hands have missed this one Phil raised with 250k pet begging for a cool Zachary's and a gap-fill eating his six or Jack for a straight of course will be no good and while he's found at Jack does bring diamonds Lee praying that's what Ivy's found on the end I even Sealy check he doesn't have don't think a whole lot of Queen acts not Jax it's gonna blossom hands well the question is go big that's what you've done 1.2 million little beating around the block it's not paying that off faulty antes a little bit more check 0 McQueen 9 8 9 8 well here's here's 9 but it's IV favorite made that gunshot two of us to the nine seen Phil play quite aggressively in these spots leading out on ace high boards when he's completed from first position to not do this time and now of course has a 7 or Jack for the straight this time so he's a six chips in this Bartlett Lee now at nine needs a little bit protection both players have checked twice and also I guess to have quite a lot of strong hands here any 7s Street he can certainly have one and the way this is played Phil taking that double gutshot turning it into a bluff check raising here and there's no way leak and continue a little suspicious that phil has doesn't have too many sevens completing from the hijacker then film is completing a high percentage your hands so you still can't have some they may be suspicious that Phil would player seven this way but I can't see how he can continue with nine Queen his hand is it's a reasonable car to Heritage blocks Queen ten but Jack ten would be the most obvious blood diamonds he doesn't have one of those they might Bluff here she'd be piecing this together nine he says a little too weak to go with Phil Ivey heads up for yet another title this one the 50k short deck he fell just one place short the other day now trying to go one better he's the first hand heads up and that will be the end of this one queen six not a handful can continue with I say that he's reaching for chips this is a very bad hand but he's gonna see the flop what is just over a 3x and a position 776 an unlikely board pull to hit but he has done just that sois has a little bit more of that haven't been the people at brazier it's a wider range so of course check color in this flop picks up hearts on the turn check once again I think saw it was a one and done situation on this flop size of rivers a king but it's bad news Ivey makes the flush every reason to come over to believe that soy sir has connected with some part of this now he was the preflop raiser he bet the flop he chipped the turn he has honking X he knows you've been some jackets that may I like to check the term Ivy bets big that's the pot 1.2 million unfortunate for him so he has a 9 handsome cool with he does have 9 of hearts so it blocks some of those hands that may have made flushes they go that's why he calls it off yeah just a flush easy game so one hand into heads up an IV has now taken the lead Oh leading into this 1:160 my cool well it looks like a nice hand Queen Anna clubs it clubs on board a couple of kings but I think it's hard to call this one doesn't think it's too hard to raise it though here we go Phil definitely following this one just doesn't want to do it too quickly make it seem too easy to bluff this man wow wow wow wow with their just the back door drawers Phil's gonna stick around this reps a king very well he thinks oiz is bluffing so as it gives up on this turn Phil's gonna steal this one on the river tell me what guys are we're in for a match here two bets and going with these two hands on the flop told us not to get big he doesn't have many Bluffs he bet called this flop remember he just gets to have a lot of kings he was going big not the biggest fan of that sizing I don't think it's necessary but I think in this instance any size is gonna work pretty clear so he's bluffing by the end happens to be opening to take down super high roll up over is underway in the very same room that torment has now started of course and if you want to watch it you can't do so from tomorrow 3 p.m. Sachi time 1 p.m. Central European 250 K bye No Limit Hold'em event three days of high-level action today is day 1 you can tune in for day 2 and of course then the final on day 3 ways a limp teenage king misses but has equity to over as a gutshot backdoor clubs bets maybe of course gonna call with top pair six on my turn not a card it's why I was looking for why the worst he could see really perhaps he's gonna fire again as I see against and he's up again still have decent equity so you can make a jack fold and be a very worthwhile bet okay we're sizing up a little bit 375 and as I say this would make it hard for Phil with a jack of course with a queen anywhere - hand not ideal you'd want Sawyer to have a hand like eight nine or ten nine to make this Bluff well ten on the end does bring diamonds not too concerning toys are with Broadway now has to be pretty sure phil has a hand like at least the Queen so it's gonna size up 1.1 now phil has the nine phil has a diamond again not the worst candidate to run a big bluff although it's not as good as the last one still beans King 10 still beats ten nine eight nine gets that Ace King gets there it's a tough spot for Phil for sure it's a diamond block substrates that's top airbox two pairs Queens up cannot fault him for that call the best one pair I think you can call with to be honest effectively play light blinds and you get heads up in Short deck get the button having all the power the button has all the power in this one Phil flops a straight ten eight seven Michael with a gut shot couple of overs ace Wow this gives Michael some more outs King brings Broadway and 9 gives him that straight to the Queen so now betting 600 into 8 for Michael be sure they got bit heads up it's never reassuring to be drawing to a straight to flush draws on board but if you've got a jack and you block the nuts sometimes you run a bluff he's gone two million does move it in feel sick three point nine and over two to one but just that double gut shot draw seems a little thin especially you're out like the one he does when he germs can't have a knife can you hack nine maybe he thinks this is a good spot to try and gamble against the goat comes the right decision it was a little bit too much Ace King 7e limped in with that 10 a missus yeah IV with second pair backdoor spades no kicker happy to check back my see a king needs far less protection than most hands check through in chin fulfill make strips well Michael goes huge 700,000 doesn't think Phil can have too many kings you're gonna have to call this one Wow I'm very surprised Hill Wow he flops a flush draw when Michael flops bottom two he also has that seven in his hand gives them some straight draws by the back door bets 300 to 480 now this is a way to off Michael house bottom to kind of a Havanese protection you want to raise your strong hands but at the same time this one just doesn't play quite as well some straight to complete it and hands like the ones Phil has a ball of equity so it's gonna check surprised thought that's one of the hands Phil could continue firing with but perhaps right that Michael might have a hand like Jack 10 8 10 9 10 Queen Jack all gonna hang around rather keep that spot small gets the river with this flush draw move it is an ace it's a pretty good card for Michael ace Jack of course a concern but I think that barrels turn still partly sorry guys it's getting it's a long day of course a new 7 now straight Oh rib is the straight I'm back with you now me in the stream both need a little reset that's one eight hundred to one point one at a really bad card for Michael hard to see many hands you be 9 10 Queen 9 miss flush drawers of course is it good job were using position just call with bottom two on the flop play that one down the streets in position got one of the worst run out bingo flop fulfill Jack Niner heart schism a gutshot straight flush draw Michael second pair and a gutshot drew himself on a board that wow he just moved it in pairing a gutshot whoa you're ahead but you're a big underdog Phil Ivey with a myriad of outs 70% to get there in this pot not the hand Michael wanted to see when he was called he'd take his chances against the big pair but not against those 14-ounce [Laughter] halfway there is now a straight flip so close the other day needs this to have a chance to win this title there it is not flush on the end and by far and away the biggest pot of the Toolman 13 million chips [Music] and he's not gonna get action from King seven with 2.3 million chips just thinking about it see you against the hand like he's up against equity and so he does decide to gamble there we go he knows Falcon half jacked in Queen nine hands like this and he says you know what King high let's go Phil Ivey with the slender lead holding a six of hearts avenge his bad fortune from two days ago Wow a huge plot for him King Jack ate two hearts but it is SOI so now who again is in a straight fifty-fifty holding that top pair also there's always spicy he just won a 50-50 a moment ago heading to the river now a two-to-one dog he does pick up some extra outs doesn't need them makes a flush yet again tune up hot flushes for Phil Ivey let's face it a few hands means we crown our final champion [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PokerXpress
Views: 1,132,957
Rating: 4.7038803 out of 5
Keywords: poker, poker 2020, 2020 poker, phil ivey, phil ivey poker, phil ivey 2020, phil ivey poker 2020, phil ivey quads, phil ivey millions, phil ivey sochi, phil ivey highlights 2020, phil ivey best hands 2020, phil ivey final table, millions sochi 2020, millions sochi 2020 final table, phil ivey pokerxpress, phil ivey video, partypoker, poker cash game, poker vlog, phil ivey wins, phil ivey victory
Id: swz4_B8n2Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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